Is he right?

Is he right?

Attached: classic mode.png (787x429, 605K)

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Based Segata, cope Smash fags while he won't get in, Sakruai has talked about Segeta more than your fanfics

Segata-Sama is always right

Yep, it not mattering if your dudes die completely changes how the game is played
I just wish they would put in a fucking restart mission button already

>Can't transform into Kamen Rider
Shit tier.

>Classic mode is the only REAL way to play
>*Resets after every death*

This is just as bad. You people are fucking retarded. You're supposed to accept the death and move forward not reset. Literally what's the point in playing the mode to begin with you idiots.

>Doing a map over and over again until you do it isn't punishment
>Learning the ins and outs of a map won't male you better

If you come up with a consistent strategy that doesn't rely on low% hits and crits, there's literally nothing wrong with resetting.

That being said, No Reset runs are fun as fuck and everyone should try one at least once

Depends on the game.
Awakening and Fates actively punish you for losing units by locking you out of maps and new units, so of course you're going to reset.

Attached: Vergil doesn't trust Segata Sanshiro.jpg (1920x1080, 125K)

Dante vouches for him though.

Post the webm where he Henshins while some kamen riders are on his back.

No Webm, but have video.

Post more cool PxZ convos

Vergil the Virgin is intimidated by his boundless strength.

Attached: segata.gif (480x360, 999K)

Dann he really is the eternal hero

Attached: 1558024044597.webm (600x450, 2.77M)

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Sometimes a totally different dialogue to the original can be better.

This dialogue was changed in a patch to say "His chin looks like a burger"

Attached: RiuakgX.jpg (1920x1046, 271K)

Attached: barry.jpg (3264x2448, 2.29M)

Not really what I was talking about, but seriously? I only did one playthrough so never noticed it.

Just joking, eat your hamburgers user

>when you give your characters to a different writer and they actually give them a personality.

Attached: b9a.png (1136x640, 937K)

Why is chrom even in the game

How X-COM does permadeath:
>soldiers are not truly unique, the player is the one that gains an attachment to them after many hours of gameplay
>a soldier dying can be tragic but they can be replaced, you're not locked out of content

How Final Fantasy Tactics does permadeath with unique characters:
>character is knocked out at 0 HP
>after a countdown, the character dies permanently

How Fire Emblem goes full retard:
>hurr character instantly dies from 0 HP
>in a game with crits
>hope you enjoy either losing out on content or restarting over and over!

For the record there's plenty of non-Nintendo "classic" franchises that are also fundamentally poorly designed and have never truly hit their mark because of it. e.g. Sonic

Attached: only trash here.jpg (499x497, 171K)

Because why not?

To be bullied.

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Not that, it happened in a crossover special.

Popularity in Japan, and similar SRPG structure. The Nintendo picks were abit weird, or maybe just lacking because there should have been more. Having Fiora all by herself while Metal Face being a reoccuring villain was just odd without Shulk being present, but it was fan service they wanted to give to Xenofans by pairing her up with KOSMOS.

Because every game needs to be Chrom'd

the retard who made that localization eww thread will get mad at PxZ since the whole game has so many obscure japanese pop culture references. Also the original dialogue was about the zombie game where he tries to judo drop zombies like in his commercial.

as much as I think Awakening is bland, he did that in that game too. like did you think him trying to fit in was something PxZ invented?

Also sugitabux

Based Segata



also Zeronos is Kyo

He already did that in awakening, pxz only used it more. Same with lucina "weird tastes".

Oh man I can almost hear the "TOH!"

that's a smashfag you're talking to, he thinks whatever is in smash is the same as in the games

he does a rider kick in the opening


Japan will become a dark, DARK place once people like Hiroshi Fujioka die.

At least we'll still have guys like Tetsuo Kurata.

the dude is a chef

>Implying death and despair can stop justice

Attached: 20110318_kamenrider.jpg (628x627, 90K)

>play FE Awakening for the first time
>decidet to check classic mode first
>Get archer in my team
>He died
>"Oh well, I guess game give me another one after"
>Ch 25
> Found out that Virion is ONLY one archer in the entire game.

Attached: (YELLING AAYLMAO).png (194x248, 138K)

He still comes back when he's asked to.

Yeah but as long as they don't clash with his cooking

>who is Noire
>who is any character who can promote to Bow Knight/Assassin
>who is anyone who can second seal to archer

>mfw I can't say the same for Jackie Chan because he's not the same anymore

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>who is Noire
I have zero idea that she even exists, because I played only main chapters and few side chapters. Also, by some weird fucking reason I don't even encounter Morgan, even after S ranking MU.
>who is anyone who can second seal to archer
True, but I promote my units back then, only by it starting class.
(Knights\Generals;Kavalears\Palandins etc.)

he did say his injuries from stunt is coming back

Strange you couldn't encounter Morgan, some paralogues are 'story-locked' by needing you to unlock the story chapters near them but that should be all done by c18
Noire is Tharja's daughter, but even then, the seals give you the option to reallocate roles in your army so if youre really needing that archer, you could trade an archer or merc for one

Its a moot point because Awakening archers are shit.

same user, I understand how you feel

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The way you play the game, whether you reset or not, is fundamentally the same. You play with no unit losses in mind. Maybe you're more careful if you're going iron man, but you're still playing trying to keep people alive. Casual mode opens up a lot more options and changes how you can play the game for the worse.

daily reminder he most likely fucked Sakurai

>Hiroshi is 73 and will probably die soon

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what happened to jackie?

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Aw man, that made my fay.

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He doesn't do movies like he used to and he got rather political in the last decade or so (not Yea Forums political, but you know). And he also did something that made Hong Kong hate him from what someone else said. I don't remember what that was about.

>73 and a head full of hair
How is that possible? Im fucking 27 and balding

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He's a cyborg

>he wants to see some gay looking costume instead of a man's man
You're shit.

genetic lottery
not caring about it certainly helps

Started blathering pro-China propaganda (Necessity to not get gulag'd but it's still a huge shame), started hyping himself up as a "gangster" including illegally buying guns and grenades (One of which went off in a restaurant full of people), abandoned and disowned his son for being a drug addict saying he disavows that kind of behavior while literally letting his daughter get away with the same shit (if not worse), and worst of all: He has multiple stunt doubles now.

>Talking shit about one of Japan's biggest icons
>Actually preferring a Sega shill mascot
Fuck right off.

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He's right. Next question....and as an aside, I liked the fact that he reprised his role as Segata Sanshiro

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Kamen Rider and Hiroshi Fujioka are inseparable images, one merely denotes the other

Attached: KR-Original.png (463x1258, 653K)

fucking awesome

I'd prefer to look at Hiroshi Fujioka's masculine face instead of a gay ass rubber costume.

Fuck off, faggot.

Attached: Sega tells Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony to keep up the good fight without him as he retires from the (852x480, 2.31M)

You mean this one? That's not Segata, his actor is literally Kamen Rider (THE Kamen Rider).

Attached: Segata gets Serious.webm (640x362, 1.78M)

You first furry.

I know his actor is kamen rider 1 and that is not the scene I was looking for, but is good.

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>Kamen Rider
What the fuck are you on? He's a cyborg.

Wanting to look at a rubber suit instead of the person inside is the same thing furries do, furry.

One thing I disliked about this game was that they used Dead Souls versions of Kiryu and Majima

I don't particularly like Ichimonji Hayato.

Enjoy your autism.

So says the furry.

this would make sense if there was no RNG. just take what fire emblem hero has and apply it to the main games. its not that hard nintendo!

This. I usually do my first hard playthrough with resets, then another with none.

For me, a death in Fire Emblem is a game over, doesn't matter if it was a shitter. Even in Echoes I never used Milla's Turnwheel and that game was nothing but crit and dodge abuse. I find enjoyement in that and I'm not going to critizise people who play in Casual or don't care if they lose units.

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Im just scrolling past the first page and i'm not participating in this thread ,however, i have to point out how stupid you are.
This is among the dumbest shit i ever heard in the 7 years i have been browsing this site.

I ain't accepting shit
Suck a cock

Shut up samefag.

He's confusing intimidation with mistrust

There is literally no person on Earth who doesn't restart immediately after a death in Classic mode.
Literally not an argument.

>2015 or so
>hear Phoenix Wright is in some weird tbs fighting game
>"oh shit i should play it"
>he's in the 2nd game, so I play the 1st instead
>eventually buy it when they're both cheap in 2017
>play the first game for around 2 hours, don't really like isometric tbs games and barely know/care for the characters
>pick it up again in late 2018
>starting to get into it again
>spend 50+ hours completing PXZ1, completed it this month
>game was alright for the most part, introduced me to game series I had never heard of before
>finally get to PXZ2 this month
>Phoenix Wright FINALLY appears in Chapter 2 along with fucking Kazuma Kiryu
>Instantly better than the 1st game
>Can't play as him, but that's alright he'll be a playable character soon
>Chapter 3 rolls round and Morrigan infuses Maya's Magatama with special powers
>he's a fucking solo unit
>a JOINT fucking SOLO unit
>honestly wonder if there's any point in completing it anymore

Finding out he was a solo unit was a real bummer, it'd be like him being confirmed for smash as an assist trophy. Regardless, I'm on Chapter 10 now and the game still suffers from a lot of dumb bullshit, cross hits now break which means that you'll miss around 30% of all your moves and you can still fucking launch people high up in the fucking air which really annoys the hell out of me, but the game is still pretty simple that it doesn't really bother me too much.

I'm just happy they removed the bosses that take 50 turns to kill.

it's much, much better now because it's phased based, also cross hits are easier to do what do you mean?

Also them being solo means they can banter with every character.

>Bitching about pheonix being a solo unit.
I will never get people like you, is because he is a solo that we can get this.

I can't seem to get cross hits to work half the time and I really don't know why.

In the original, a cross hit would occur whenever both the unit you're playing as and either the support or solo unit would hit them and you could usually time the hits so that you could get the perfect position for all the units to hit the enemy unit perfect with maybe one or two misses from a jump attack the support/solo unit would attempt to do. Since after a fuck ton of playing, you should know what moves your units pull of, whether they launch them in the air, or launch them backwards and such so it became second nature to abuse the cross hit to your advantage.

In two though, it seems as if the cross hit occurs whenever it wants. I've had moments where the player unit, the solo unit and support unit were hitting the enemy unit and thrashing him around the place and not a single cross hit occurred, and now for some fucking reason whenever I'm lucky enough to GET a cross hit, if they're hit too much they break out of it and are launched to the left of the screen which usually leads to a ton of misses.

Maybe I haven't played it long enough to get the perfect cross hits down.

I just wanted to go around as Phoenix and Maya fighting people, it would've been cool to see all the different move sets they would've had instead of the single one they got. The banter is great so it's not a total loss, but I would've loved to just be an actual unit in the game.

Also, it's not as if they wouldn't get unique battle dialogue if they were an actual unit teamed up with another solo unit.

Attached: Phoenix.jpg (660x800, 241K)

It's all the same for the old Hong Kong stars. The mainland market is where the big money is at, and stars trying to break into that market starts spewing pro-communist party propaganda like brainwashed people. The shit some of these stars say is quite laughable. Fuck China.

Yeah, you just need to know when to do the cross hits, when you find the proper timing then you can deal massive damage, it's all a matter of experimenting.

Cross Hits are there for Cross Breaks now. Less about keeping an enemy stunlocked and more about dealing a ton of damage.

>Segata saying related to shame
>when he is on life-support on a Nintendo console
Answer me that Segata, is this shame any better than death?

Resetting after unit death means you play until you can clear the map with no deaths. It forces you to get better at the game, and comes with the conventional punishment of restarting from your last save upon failure. Playing on a mode that makes it so units don't actually die when defeated is not the same thing. You can steamroll through maps with no regard for unit safety, let as many of your units die to succeed as necessary, and get through having played like shit with no punishment at all. The end result, which is having all of your units still available for the next map, is the same. What you have to do to achieve that end result is completely different.

>This is just as bad
Fuck no, it isn't. It forces you to think of a new strategy and slog your way through it again, if you want to keep your character. Ressurection gives you that shit without demanding any effort from your side.