Other urls found in this thread:
Bees are cool
Wasps and Hornets are real scum
All of them are equal in importance.
Man, I wish Battle Network would come to the Switch.
Man, this series is an absolute goldmine.
Sometimes I forget just how much retarded witty dialogue were in these games.
Bullshit, do you think there wouldn't be another animal to eat shit if there weren't wasps?
I always enjoyed the shenanigans that Lan and his shitty dead brother would get up to in these games between the Internet stuff
The best stuff isn't even dialogue.
>Throwing your fucking computer at a terrorist.
Hornetman.exe's gonna BEE pissed.
It's a shame they shit games out so fast. If the overworlds were bigger, there was more dialogue, and just more events in general, these games would be far better. There's an empty feeling whenever you hit post-game or an area is "done" until the final part of the plot when the world dialogue changes for the last time.
post your cutest battleboypics
>It's a shame they shit games out so fast.
The story of Megaman in a nutshell
Except Zero, ZX, Legends and Star Force.
It was more of an 80s/90s Mega Man problem.
That was always my gripe with these games when I was younger. The towns and overall over worlds just feel so.. small and lifeless. I like how the NPC dialogue changes as the story progresses, but overall the areas felt too contained. If BN were remade with a proper 3D over world to explore, random net battle events to take part in, and hidden areas to jack into, it would be great.
I always hated how prior areas felt empty after you pass that area in the story. Like for example, Castillo in BN4. You revisit it on a couple of occasions, but overall after you're done with that section of the story, it's an afterthought. It's a shame since I loved that place, a lot.
Well I should rephrase
Shit out so many games as a franchise, not all in one sub-series
I tried my hand at designing Yea Forums.EXE. What do you think?
>Net Navis will never be real
The size of the maps is perfectly fine, it's more that there's not enough sub-areas for each map (it's way too common to go to a city area where only one map even has a sub-area like a store you can enter) and there's nowhere near enough flavor text, and even then the text so sparsely updates and characters so rarely move around. It's too utilitarian for its own good.
That's actually not bad.
I would give it more of a robotic face but still pissed off. Pretty good anyway.
Castillo actually got reused for multiple tourney arcs. The problem is they were all shit. FUCK the cooking one.
It's crazy that we have the technology to do it now, and no one wants to. What the fuck. Imagine how cool it would be as a kid to visit say mcdonalds(or whatever fast food joint your prefer), and you open up your avatar on your phone, and jack them into the place's wifi. Which instantly downloads the store's level, and you can play the specialized McDonald's zone while you eat.
Maybe your happy meal toy unlocks a new chip. So you can test it out while you're there.
Makes me want a Battlenetwork game with character customization, it would be neat to create your own Navi, then fight against others on multiplayer.
Either that, or a Yea Forums themed battle network clone.
haven't started this series yet, but this is nice to know. always have more fun with smaller locales.
How do you mess up drawing feelsguy that badly tho?
Did Kids WB abruptly end the show in the middle of the Protoman going AWOL arc?
I'm asking because it's been 14 years since I saw the show and my memory is getting hazy
I see what you're saying, but honestly it's a mix of both. If there were two or three more sectors to an area, alongside there being more places to access in said areas instead of the buildings simply sitting around to fill up the map, it would have been better overall.
Who is the sexiest navi?
cross him with rage.exe
Now that Shanghai.exe is cancelled, what other MMBN related stuff do we have to look forward to?
Yeah because they needed another slot for whatever shitty YTV show got better ratings
Have fun with BN1's internet, it's intentionally huge and confusing.
Alright I'm still goddamn pissed about that.
People would be bitching that the Neutral element was OP because nothing inflicts double damage against it.
my game
That's more a quantity thing than a size thing. I think most maps are the correct size (some are pretty cramped though), it's just that there's not enough places to go and most spots are so extremely contextual that the game struggles for reasons to reuse maps.
Aside from the pollen-carrying wasps, they're a dead end species.
At least you got like 10 episodes in, unlike the FZero anime which got canned way before then
Den Town.. Home..
Which area had the biggest overworld? I want to say it's pic related, but I'm not sure.
There's like two other MMBN inspired games on Steam Early Access right now
Parasitic wasps are good for pest control.
Shanghai was virtually done, anywho. The creator said he'd put the content that was cut out of the endgame into another project. It's crazy how we could have been discussing the full game though if he hadn't tried to make money off of the game. Fate is cruel.
Japs use the same word for bees and wasps so they might be wasps/hornets.
For whats it worth, Starforce ditched the "separated cyberworld" and just incorporated both world into 1. It made the hubs quite huge, esp SF3, and it was quite interesting too
A shame that the setting didnt really allow the random jack-in spot. those thing was fun smashing R while running around
The vast majority of that is reused tiles and stuff you can't even walk on, I'm not sure it should even count. I was always partial to 3's DenCity, but felt like there should be at least two more screens.
I'm not going to lie, the Wave World was kind of boring. More specifically the Sky Road in 2 & 3.
One is One Step From Eden.
One Step from Eden and EndCycle
looks cool
It was a bad idea in several ways. It meant that they couldn't be creative with the separate world, the alien spin meant other characters couldn't easily have an equivalent form, etc.
I don't know if the game is always this fast, or if it's simply the .gif being sped up, but damn. Looks fun though.
Look cool, but the cool part of MMBN is also the reimagined robot masters and the weird, comfy, over the top story, not just the combat
seriously, Shanghai is the only one that can kinda fill the niche
>He didn't enjoy the Mr. Hertz
Shame on you user. I agree with you though. It's a shame that Navi's didn't stick in the SF series. Wizards were truthfully, soulless.
figured i'd start with two and then three (blue i guess, although ground style seems more interesting).
Mr. Prog is the GOAT.
True, the dungeon are kinda uninspired
at least the hubs are quite nice and lively
I'd suggest starting with 2, as it introduces the concept of styles and such and gets you acclimated as to how they play. Blue has better chips than White, tho, for 3.
You really should play 1. It's a good game, and not terribly long.
What would it even be like, anyway?
It's definitely got the part down, if we're going with the board-tans as navis route. But, what about the operators? What'll the plot be about? Heck, will Yotsuba show up?
If you want to play 1, try the BNxSF crossover, operation shooting star iirc
its basically 1 remastered, with QoL and more side content
It would be better if you are familiar with starforce tho, so you can just skip it, play BN 2-6, SF1, then back to operation shooting star, then SF2-3 if you want
This. Don't skip any parts.
Is pic related his operator?
As someone who's never played a Battle Network game where should I start? Just go chronologically from 1 or is there a better jumping in point?
Pfft who'd want some shit like that
Yotsuba will be Serenade clone, up til the part she jobs to a Bass clone. i dunno, edgy-Yea Forums?
Read a summary of one and start with 2
1 is the epitome of first game syndrome and it shows
Pollinate Flowers by sucking their Nectar and sticking pollen to their bodies. Is responsible for a mayority of plant pollinationg
Eat Dead carcasses and fruit depening on their species. A zillion of species all for different reasons. Many species involve incest and inpregnating larvaes
Super pissed off superbug that kills anything that messes with their hive. Are responsible for killing bees too. Eat anything it wants because it is fucking pissed!
Hornets should be killed off. Wasp should be allowed to live if they are important for the ecosystem. Bees have always been cool
>The dungeons are kind of uninspired
The dungeons were absolutely fine in Starforce. I'd say the puzzles were equally as good, or better than the ones in some of the BN titles for the most part.
Punished Yea Forums, operated by Vivian.
The tans should be the operators and the navi's would be some amalgamation of that boards theme and culture.
>/tg/ and Diceman
>/vp/ and Pokéman
>Yea Forums and Baneman
Maybe im just spoiled by BN6, but BN6's themed dungeons are top tier
the other entries' map are mostly recolored. simple tiles
>/pol/ and Boogeyman
About bringing Yea Forums back from the hands of failed normalfags and fighting each board's NetNavis (like ) instead of viruses. Bosses include Yotsuba, Moot, W.T. Snacks, etc.
as an vg station beekeeper this picture deply disturbs me!
Starforce 3 has pretty fucking good music for its dungeons
What the hell happened to Shanghai?
I really liked the Dealer HQ dungeon theme.
Dev tried to monetize it, got that inevitable C&D.
SF3 was clearly a Stella Glow case
The IP just doesnt sell well and dying, so they pour everything in the last game
the game has that unfinished feel to it, but boy it has so much soul. And having almost every bosses ever as cross-souls was GREAT
He should be.
Should I finish playing the Battle Networks (on 5 now) or would I be able to play Starforce?
5 is a slog, but you really should play 6 (with the content recovery patch)
It really ended the series on a high note
I really expected it to be an anti joke with Mega replying something like "Enter"
How did it feel unfinished? I thought SF3 tied up everything nicely, and the overall game felt complete. I just wish there were more.
Starforce and BN are completely unrelated in terms of story, outside of a few references. You could play it right now and not miss out on anything honestly.
>the Black Hole Server theme
You don't need to play BN to play SF. Nonetheless, you should complete BN5 and BN6 first. There's no reason to skip games.
didn't know that about oss, thanks.
well i'm already sold on the series, so i guess it couldn't hurt to give the first one a shot. if i'm not feeling it then i'll watch its cutscenes and move on to two.
To be fair, This text is Unlocked with the "Humor" NaviCustom,
This is why I wish for a mobile game, especially Gacha with chips. Imagine a set rotation of viruses every month with past areas being accesable depending on the value of the time.
>Black Hole Server
Fuck Apollo, and fuck Sirius.
Fuck, I only played 15 minutes of it hoping to come back when it's done. Guess I'll have to settle for whatever's out
Guys, I´m playing BNT 2 right now and I´m at the part with the ice on the net and it´s giving me an aneurysm.
The amount of backtracking, commuting and just plain walking back and forth is killing me.
>get that stuff from the undernet
>but first find that one guy in yumland
>then find his pal on the camping ground
>back to the undernet
>back to Kotobuki
>back to the undernet
>fuck you forgot something, back to yumland
>now back to the undernet
The only problem is the battle system.
>MMBN with touchsreen
That is the low point of 2 for me. Luckily it is the last time you have to heavy backtrack
this might be my fav track in the entire game and i've never even appreciated it until i gave the soundtrack a listen outside of the game
I think everyone hated the Freezeman section of BN2.
>The backtracking across the entire fucking net, all the way to the Undernet
>The Kotobuki Square shit that comes afterwards
It was honestly unnecessary.
>literally first stage
>the theme is fucking awesome
>its capcoms turn
>a small child dressed in an orange vest, black shorts And a blue headband goes on stage
>crowd loses their shit for a few minutes
>after the crowd calms down, the child raises a blue device above its head And takes a deep breath
>the stage lights up with blue light, And the massive screen shows the mmbn3 jack in animation
>its fucking real
>navis are now officially being sold, with technology to help You in Your Day to Day life
>You can customize them however You wish
Can anyone tell me on how to get Battlechips via Zenmarket? I keep hearing rave reviews on this board but I have scant results.
>this starts playing youtube.com
You know in reality, Capcom would do that to announce a gacha mobile game instead.
And then announce its shut down afew months later.
This timeline sucks.
One thing I like about Starforce is that it does sad or melancholic moments well when it needs to.
I knew what it was going to be before i even clicked it
Bruh moment
Well they absolutely needed to
The first game is all about Geo opening up to people after Kelvin got lost in space
Yep, I very much prefer the story in SF. Geo got a lot of development especially compared to Lan.
I feel ya, bro, I feel ya.
Was replying to
Which game is this from?
What does it do?
What about Mosquitoes?
BN4 was my first BN and I could never find all the ingredients.
>MegaMan.EXE in Smash would be 100% unique from Mega Man
>Could have a moveset based on various battle chips
>The only character I'm 100% OK with getting another version of an existing character, in fact I would be thrilled
>That god tier OST getting remixed for Smash
A guy can dream, right?
>motherfucking NETFRICA is just a one room area
BN5. It's part of a conversation from the Humor program
Necessary to keep vampires in check.
the symbol being the angry eyebrows is a good touch
The net was so underwhelming in BN4. Then again everything about BN4 is, in general besides the addition of Souls.
The only great thing about BN4 was the OST. Seriously some of the best tracks in the series, but stuck in a mediocre game.
>eyebrows form a v shape
cancer shit underage
BN4 honestly feels like a different company took over and started making the games. They took 3 steps forward and 2 steps back it feels like, honestly.
Well, 4 was a cashed in since they planned to end with 3, even tied up the story nicely. At least 6 ended everything on a high note
why didnt they do the same to starforce. I really want more
no harpnote card, theres only like 1 mention of pat (at least gemini noise and card are still there). a TON of missing features (granted, only in the us version). but other than that the game feels pretty complete and very well polished to me (except the balance in pvp but i heard the japanese don't care too much about that, and it's way more fun that 2's pvp even with its flaws)
Is there online PVP for Starforce and is it still active?
not active enough that you will randomly find a person, but there are communities that still play every couple days or so, sometimes more often. just gotta find them *wink wink*
OOoooooh, okay, because I've bought Starforce Leo for the DS (I buy all the DS games I can since I enjoy the hardware and can get good games for cheap usually) and was wondering if it'd serve that purpose as well.
oh no sorry it's only for sf2 and sf3
Still cool, I was planning on getting 2 and 3 for the DS as well. Good to know!
>didnt get SF3 back in the day because SF2 was kind of shit
>find out later it was actually fucking amazing
>check amazon to buy it
>$150 US Dollars for a new copy
>$90 US Dollars for a used copy
At least you had the chance of buying it in the US, here in the EU it wasn't even fucking released, they stopped after 2.
People like you contribute to the downfall of the series, serve you right
seriously, why cant megaman get a big enough following like pokemon fans who just eat everything gamefreak shit out for the off-chance of getting a great game? Its a great series to boot
Who is your soul mate?
GutsSoul is godmode when you've got a turbo button.
It's a tie between SearchSoul and ShadowSoul for me.
I only got 3 souls on my first playthrough what gives?
Which game was this from?
>Mfw lost original Megaman Battle Network cartridge and to this day, I still don't know where it went
I think 4.
It's using the new artwork that was in 4-6
>You missed the online fuctions
>You missed doing the online wars
>You missed getting into brotherhoods
>Now you're stuck with the fucking lone wolf if you played it today
But no, really, you missed out HARD.
I thought ZUN was okay with people using the Touhou license
It was Crapcum.
>Red Sun: Search
>Team Colonel: Shadow/Knight
>Falzar: Tomahawk/Junk
After some video viewing, I didn't realize how busted Guts soul can be in BN4 when paired with multi-hit normal chips (Bass.exe included).
Capcom hit them.
>Allowed to make fan games and fan stuff
>Can't make money off from it though unless you're just selling artwork
So there is actually two of us
>/trash/ is a secret boss that has a hunger game as its event
Alright. I know I'm not the only autist that made their own OC netnavi as a kid. Post'em.
>Glassman - Designed to help super harden glass in the blowing process by precisely controlling the folding and temperature. His specialty chip is a cone of glass shards that explode into sharp caltrop like spikes on command.
The best moment in the entire series.
Battle Network 4 was a train wreck in every way imaginable and is what caused the series to die.
>and is what caused the series to die.
>having a series' story brought to a conclusion = dying now
Honestly looks more like a Robot Master than a NetNavi.
which game had the indian navi and you could combine megaman with other navis you beat or some shit?
Look at the sales for 3 and 4, then look at 5 and 6. The series would have kept going if 4 hadn't caused people to abandon the series.
Nice. Not sure about the color palette but nice job.
That's exactly what it is, he doesn't even have an emblem. Still cool though.
Isn't it a little early in the day to be having a Battle Network thread?
You're thinking of TomahawkMan. He was in BN5 Colonel and BN6 Falzar.
4, 5, and 6 all had mechanics to combine with other Navis. 4 and 5 had the Double Soul system and 6 had the Cross system.
I fucking would, thank you very much
Human beings are all about efficiency, and the concept of a CyberWorld that is navigated like the real world is too inefficient of a system to use for anything other than a game.
Capcom said it wasn't 4, but the fact the series was made for the GBA while the DS was coming out. Hence, they made Star Force. The series by no means was killed off, but naturally concluded in the way the devs intended.
I just googled Glass man user. I couldn't draw that well to save my life
Only one of you guys have been at it for 4 years
Hey, at least that leaves room for a revision for BN visuals. Robot Masters often come first. I would suggest getting rid of the bulky shoulders and shin guards for glass boots and gloves, give him a nice belt, Navi Crest centered on his torso with something to do with glass, while the rest is given a more humanoid armor detail.
Now that the series is completely dead, what did we think of it?
He doesn't know
Not necessarily regarding interactivity,VR, and how it can be fixed with how links work. There's more potential underneath the perceived drawbacks I would say. Navis would probably search out links and other areas of the Internet passively based upon command versus or remembering passwords for you.
>gacha or mobile
X, zero, or axl
You are giving me a good dream user
You know this is going to be a legit thing.
cringe and bluepilled, exactly what I expect from a dumb frogposter
Very good for an OC
What are some top tier moments?
Vanilla is unimaginably based, and BCC is underrated for having Mayl's campaign centered around chasing Lan. It was too cute for days.
absolutely not, go back to your outgroup
That's why a mobile customizable battle network game is needed.
Wait I had SF3 in it's prime but I never had online wars nor brotherhoods, I was just a lone wolf even then. Fugg
Jesus christ how bad is it when you see the words vanilla and bcc and think its its something else
Because BBC and BCC are too close as acronyms. Get your head out of the gutter user.
Easily the moment in Starforce 2.
>Luna turns into Queen Ophiuca and fights Geo
>Geo about to be overcome by the OOPart
>He loses control of himself according to Hyde's script
>She tells him that he's not alone, and unironically with the power of friendship he overcomes the tribe's influence
Awakens his new form
It was based.
I cant even get money from atms anymore
Hey, at least Battle Chip Challenge is only from 5-15 dollars depending on condition.
Thats...thats not what i mean
Zero was released almost the same time every year for four years. Alongside Battle Network, which was also releasing yearly.
ZX picked up exactly where Zero left off, releasing the very next year after Zero 4, and Advent releasing a year after that.
Likewise, Star Force started immediately after Battle Network ended, one year later, and continued to release yearly until it ended.
All told, for most of the 00s, there were two Mega Man games releasing every single year, plus spinoffs like Network Transmission and Battle Chip Challenge.
Legends is the only series that didn't fall prey to this.
People who care about animals and pets are weak humans and you should take advantage of them.
>t. Beastman's operator
Battle Chip Challenge? More like RNG challenge 2
Should've had Harp Note and Gemini Spark as bosses.
Doesn't mean it's not fun as a budget title. It feels more akin to being a NetOp, but I supposed 4.5 did this better.
How do you guys feel about Lan's three main friends? I wish they were more developed as characters and got to do more than be in danger or show up for the obligatory friend moment at the end. GutsMan trains his ass off in the original trilogy and then becomes shittier than ever in 4. Roll starts getting combat ready in 4 and then never does anything else. Glyde never does ANYTHING.
Hell, they went out of their way to basically write the friends out of the plot in 4 - 6. Oh, they're not in this tournament scenario. Oh, Regal kidnapped them for no reason. Oh, you leave ACDC for most of the game.
There's no reason GutsMan and Roll couldn't have been late game Link Navis.
But Wily murdered Inukai.
You know, this is the really questionable thing about BCC. Characters that were implied killed like Inukai and Arashi turn up perfectly fine and are somehow not serving decades in prison. Instead they're completely participating in a tournament.
Is the Star Force series a "Play in release order" one, or should one skip any game?
I wish we had gotten to fight Glyde, flashy moves with little strategy could've made for an interesting moveset.
In general, the friends don't feel like they get much work for how much they actually appear in those plots. It's a Megaman game, but still, some nicer character writing would've been nice.
Regarding the story, *maybe* skip two but overall due to the length of the series and how the story flows it's probably not recommended.
no it'd be perfect, listen
>IT IS THE YEAR 20XX(or whatever)
>the general public doesn't give a shit about navis anymore
>but collectors and weirdos still like to trade and battle with copies of old navis
>whatever in-universe evil mega-corp sees this and capitalizes on it
>pandering to nostalgia, they release gacha-shit variants of existing navis, new navis, chips, etc
>"wow cool!" but also viruses happen because EVIL
parallels realworld goings-ons and can lead into whatever storyline they want to do for the next "new" game, if things go well.
Imagine a megaman battle network game with the NPCs and world building quality of a Trails game
You gotta wonder why the sprites only added a shield and none of those other details.
What I don't get is that for the MMO and XOver they used X as a template despite BN perfectly fitting the bill. Was it just memory holed by Capcom then?
I don't mind Glyde not really doing much, I think it's better for the world building to show that Navis take on a variety of roles, some more passive than others. Roll and GutsMan not getting much attention sucks though, especially GutsMan for the reasons you mentioned.
BCC should be considered non-canon, I think. No one survives Wily.
Spin-offs generally aren't canon, user.
>having to ride an ostrich to get to an airport
God, I loved the alternate countries in Battle Network. But the last time they show up is in shitty BN4, which barely uses them.
Battle Network is a spin-off.
post best songs
did you ever try this
and Battle Network isn't canon to the original timeline. Correct.
Battle Network is an alternate timeline canon in itself. I admire it's lighthearted approach compared to the original while having an even a great premise to build itself around.
SF3 referenced the method during the beach story arc. Turns out it was that good 200 years later.
>2020 release
if capcom decided to make battle network 7, would you rather the undernet was like modern Yea Forums or how outsiders view it
>no overworld
that's like the funnest part of the fucken game. Going around talking to npcs, challenging other people or trying to jack into the weirdest shit
All they need to do is copy how Shanghai did it.
It's surprisingly accurate.
Fuck, I played BN6 years ago, but never finished. I remember enjoying it, and when I read this threads, they always make me want to play these games. I should pick the DS remake of the first game and make my way through all of them. They just scream comfy.
Quite a few BN threads recently. I guess I should stop slacking.
You can only choose one option and banish the rest. Choose wisely..
>The Battle Network series returns, but it's a reboot with the same main cast going on different adventures
>The Battle Network series continues with Lan's child, Patch as the MC, as you experience Electopia years later in the future
>Battle Network returns, but instead of the former two, you create your own custom character and Navi to explore the BN universe with
>Battle Network returns, but it's a proper crossover series with Starforce like OSS where you control both protagonists, and experience both timelines
Ignore 1, even the remake. Start with 2.
The only ones that make legitimate sense are two and three. Option one would only ruin the series while option four has limited application beyond the initial events of OSS. The Patrician's choice is three.
I'm gonna start BN3 soon. I'm sad it's gonna be downhill for the two games afterwards.
Getting chips in OSS blows. What kind of folder did you use? I still need to do the postgame.
>he doesn't know
I guess the third one, but self-insert create a character games heavily depends on the execution. The original story and characters are better left as they were, so even if the third option turns out to be shit at least it doesn't trample on as many things I like.
Die redditor. Then die again.
>having your net navi deleted would be worse than losing your dog
I'm not ready for this
just make backups bro
Literally just back it up. Dex restores GutsMan from being deleted in NumberMan's scenario and he was in 5th grade.
Is there a reason adults listened to 10 year olds? I mean could he just overpower him?
Only Netopians beat up children.
Is it so bad?
I haven't started yet. That's just a screenshot from the translated version.
Why are you positing this in response to a gif of an adult being knocked out cold in real life
Maybe he could overpower one ten year old, but he was totally outnumbered.
What I really want to know is how he didn't see Lan entering the room. He's basically facing the doorway.
Yeah, I should've read your post first.
Also this is a personal favorite of mine
Are you telling me you can't beat up 2 ten year olds? You don't even have to be in shape.
1 isn't terrible, but it suffers from that awkwardness a new game has when it's doing something completely different. OSS does a lot to bring it up to par with later titles but some of it is still there.
I'd say give it a test run, until at least the first boss.
It's not THAT bad. Mind you, I haven't played the OSS version, but some of the changes I've read about seem like they'd make the more frustrating parts of BN1 easier to tolerate. I would absolutely recommend at least trying the first game out, and just know that the series improves a fair bit as it goes.
>this scene
>Burnerman gets mad that Rock's girlfriend shows up
>he starts reeing about tfw no gf before attacking him
How outsiders view it but with subtle references to how it really is that only we will understand
Ten year olds are fucking vicious, dude. I mean, we already see what Lan does for an opening move, and Chaud's an experienced Net Agent, he probably has a few tricks up his sleeve for dealing with personal attacks.
The real reason bees are going extinct
>Net Agent
He's an Official, user. You've been playing too much Shanghai.
"How outsiders view it" is peak Battle Network approach to interpreting internet subcultures.
3 but make it an optional MMO
>he thinks he can survive Lan's special move
What did he mean by this?
>modern Yea Forums
It's just reddit but without a voting system.
Golden Age Yea Forums is what the undernet should be modeled after.
There need to be a hint of realism in there, so you can get shit like >greentexting on the BBSes.
Did they add a humor program to OSS or something
Wouldn't option two have a higher chance to ruin the series original lore than the first one, as it's simply a reboot that has no effect on the universe of the original 6 BN games?
you don't like your pop chilled, user?
ShadowSoul, mainly so i can abuse the FUCK out of Chaos Unison with Dark Invis
Wait a minute, that fucking rug. Look at the tail, the brown stripes.
They did. One includes a conversation about Geo's ancestor.
so what, you want a visonburst version of the undernet? which undernet would you choose then from the first 6 games
third worlds*
It's OK. It happens.
I see. Thanks for the info. I'll give a shot.
Oh no. Yai, what the fuck
No, Yea Forums when it began is not a fusion of anything, it was its own thing. Today it's just a bastardization because of newfags refusing to lurk and reddit.
Also 2.
Undernet: BN3 Secret Area > BN2 > BN3 > BN4 > BN6 > BN5 > BN1
>Be me, playing Double Team DS
>Learn how broken the AI for Shadow Chaos is when looking up folder builds for MMBN5
>Make the S folder with Life Sword, Wild Bird, Noise Crush, and Bass as an extra
>Spend a good hour spamming the PA's
>Finally get around to activating Shadow Chaos on a boss (Thunderman Omega) to test it
>He gets utterly demolished by the PA abuse
It's not even funny how broken this Soul is.
What? Really? Shit.
My autism demands that I compile that shit like I did the rest of 'em.
I really like lan's frustration at the really bad jokes
Even in BN Earth, Germans exist.
Of course they do. Netopia is like, a culmination of foreign countries.
That's not even half of it. According to the official timeline they even had the legit Roman Empire too.
I choose to believe Carlos from the Magic School Bus is the creator of the Humor program.
How do I get a large amount of Zenny easily, in BN4? I decided to torture myself with a playthrough, but I want to buy all the HP Memory items from the shops as quickly as I can. I'm playing Red Sun, by the way.
Reminds me of this skin from Fortnite
Just use Game Shark. BN4 doesn't deserve respect.
I guess I could post the rest while I'm here.
Then I gotta go looking for an OSS ROM
Anyone got the OP copypasta for Battle Network threads?
I've been thinking of restructuring these so they're more vertical oriented.
Figure it might make them easier to read.
>are you enjoying yourself, megaman
BAM! Bad guy falls.
Piece'a cake.
ha I bought battle network on a flea market for like 4€ its the only gba game I own
I am now 30 years old, and I still don't get the Adult Joke the Marine Director tells.
What girl did he mean?
What's the joke?
A million years in pngedit.exe
>getting the last of the standard chips in 3
>multiple ones where you have to be custom style
I see the future. It's the LevBus.
Does anyone have /jp/'s final build of Shanghai.EXE?
They did some last minor translations in a thread about a month back but I don't think I was fast enough to get to it and download the version.
Would someone be kind enough to post it?
Just force everyone to pick an element by not letting anyone pick neutral. Don't even have neutral as an option. but do add in sword, cursor, break, etc
It's all yours my friend
I would like this too
Please, I need more battle network in my life, even if it is unfinished
The joke is that I forgot to attach the image.
Gimme a second
would buy a switch just foor that and mario maekr
And this is why I need to refresh the thread before posting
I'm doing that shit right now, bless collect for netting me icewave 3 with an 8 rating
Aren’t there certain chip codes that are only available through custom style?
>The sound of gunfire my lullaby
Somebody draw him as a GI in Vietnam.
Posting for prosperity!
>Battle Network and Starforce
>.cia file versions
https: //mega.nz/#F!ILZ3iBwJ!C98nQG-BawMIUy6BaPkk6A
>Star Force .nds
>Rockman.EXE 15th Anniversary Sound Arrange Best Tracks
>The original Boktai trilogy patched and shit (fuck Lunar Knights)
>The manga version of the Crossover Battle. Django vs Rockman!
>Megaman Art Books
>Gregar patched
>Megaman NT Warrior Anime
I think it's in here somewhere
With SearchSoul
Sonia Strumm is a cute! CUTE!
I want to suffer
How close to completion was the game, and how much content is in this demo?
Oh, user beat me. Good show, user.
It's pretty much finished. I mean, it goes right up to the pen-ultimate boss.
On that note, I've been working on compiling Shanghai's Humor AddOn.
Hey, is Operation Shooting Star in this?
Is there seriously no link to a mega with all ROMs?
What's that a part of? Manga? If so then I don't think so.
Don't think so. Do it yourself!
Also since MEGA has a download limit now, this bodes a bit better.
Y'know, while this does hurt a bit, the fact that there are modders for this game means that, at some point, we will get a full ending from fans.
Hurts just a bit less.
Is Whiskey Guy the best NPC in the series?
Didn't realize it's the first link. Woops!
OSS is the DS port/remake of BN1 with a Star Force scenario
2001 was a different time. It was right before 9/11 when terrorism on planes was just a funny joke!
there is a battle network anime??!
>Gauss pulls a 9/11 in the same year as 9/11
BN games have some of the best text box dialogs.
And a manga
Yes. MegaMan and Roll even have a baby in it.
Also, Jason Voorhees and Freddy Krueger fight Lan and Mayl.
its just a random baby they find
And in the manga Lan almost fucking dies
user, please, I was having fun.
Doesn't Megaman.exe go fucking berserk after this happens?
>shanghai doesn't recognize my dpad so forced to use analog stick
>>>he doesn't know
how old?
Oh fuck yeah
It fucking gets me so hype everytime he says "Let's do it, Lan!"
What was the best version of Bass? Anime, Manga, or Game?
The correct answer is manga.
The game is looking a bit blurry for me. Anybody have any potential fixes?
I literally grew up and got introduced to Mega Man on the anime. It was too based for TV they had to yank it halfway through the Dark Protoman arc.
This show had some of the best faces.
I just use WASD and set some other keys on my keyboard.
oh fuck yeah
This never came to the states.
I only bothered playing the first two BNs. How much did I miss out on? Capcom sure milked that series for sequels which usually isn't a good sign.
... Can I ask you something?
battle network 3 is literally the best in the series. They did milk it but 5 and 6 were great games as well
Is that the one with the Trojan Horse or Cache?
You may be fucked.
IIRC it has to do with the graphics card.
This entire fight is Kino (Sorry for skipping around so much)
Trojan Horse, the one with the Atlampians. To think both references in BN and SF were obscure references expanded upon in future games...
Hubstyle Bass is Bassed as fuck.
I wish they would explore on the actual world more, but the only countries with Well Developed Concepts are Electopia,Netopia and Yumland. I would love to learn about The place where Kingman comes from (Forgot the name).
I thought it was fucking hilarious how the Under-Net's BBS board was literally just 2chan.
It was even mostly shitposting, too.
I like how there's two UnderSquares, one representing 2chan, one representing Yea Forums.
How bad do the later games get? I remember playing a lot of 1-3 and don't know if I ever touched 4. Are they still worth playing through?
never seen such a finer example of SOULLESS
Playing through 1 right now. Digging it but there’s problems. Might skip to 3 since that’s considered the best.
How does shanghai compare to the actual BN games? Bit of a touhoufag so I’m curious about it, but I’d feel weird going to it before playing more of the actual MMBN games.
4 is not as great compared to 2 and 3, I'd say it's on par with 1, playing through 5 now and it seems okay, dunno about 6.
Shanghai is up there with BN2, 3 and 6. It certainly feels like a massive love letter to BN.
I heard somebody say in one of these threads before that MegaMan isn't Hub/there never was a Hub in the anime and manga. Can anybody who's watched/read them confirm? Why cut something like that? I think there's a hub style in the manga, so how does that work?
3 > 6 > 2 >>> 5 > 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
It's gotta be AquaMan for me.
I remember this episode having an English dub on TV once, but it seems to have vanished off the face of the earth.
4 isn't great, but 5 is quite good and 6 is excellent, in the running for best in the series.
MegaMan in the anime and manga continuity is just a really strong Navi. Hub Style is in the manga, but it's just a super mode obtained from PharaohMan. Even Bass can use it.
For a minute, I thought you said Knightmare. Him and his operator come from Creamland.
what is the absolute best mega man network game? i only want to play the best one.
Why is it called Hub style then? Or Saito style, I guess. Lan and MegaMan being brothers was always the heart of the series to me, seems weird to remove it.
What makes 4 so shitty? Might just skip it.
It ran on KidsWB for a good while before getting canned during Axess for arbitrary reasons. The circulation of the English dub is rather limited.
Because they didn't bother thinking about it, they just included it.
Is using the buster and chips in Shanghai suppose to feel slow?
Entire game is a tournament arc. While the other games ramp up over the course of the game, introducing strong viruses and chips as you progress, BN4 works on a new game + system where you have to play through the game three times to see everything, with viruses and chips improving on each cycle. Who you face in the tournament, and as such, which soul forms you get and what episodic scenarios you deal with changes on new cycles, but the overarching story is the same every time, making it a very weirdly paced, repetitive game. The translation is also pretty suspect.
>Shanghai is the only one that can kinda fill the niche
Unironically this. Nobody cares about the 2hu shit in Shanghai. they mostly love it because it nails nearly everything about what made BN games great.
Even the music is is comfy and kino as fuck and fits perfectly with any other BN game.
Just to name a few.
The plot of the game is than an asteroid is about to collide with Earth.
95% of the game has nothing to do with this and is just three filler tournaments of RNG scenarios.
>This is why I wish for a mobile game, especially Gacha
Absolute fucking faggot
>we'll never get to finish the game with the best battle theme
I only really played 2 back in the day, but I kinda hear the only ones worth playing are just 1-3, would it be worth it give 4-6 a shot?
Do you have display scaling enabled in Windows? If so, right click the game's exe > properties > compatibility > change DPI settings > override as application
Let me know if that works (or was your issue at all)
i skipped 4, played 5 didnt seem too bad
I recently did a playthrough, and the story felt like a very nice amalgamation of the first three battle network games, with very familiar but still unique scenarios, and the battle system feeling like an amalgamation of 3 and 6. The game is just fucking great.
>mfw Shanghai used Shining Browser Crasher
You can almost consider BN 1-3 and BN 4-6 to be two separate but mirrored trilogies. 4 is basically the BN1 of that second trilogy, rough around the edges with strange design decisions. 5 and 6 are worth your time just as much as 2 and 3.
Oh, no wonder the guide I was using didn't make any fucking sense and I only got 3 souls...
was the ending even coded?
5 depends on your opinion on liberation missions
6 is absolutely worth playing
>This is why I wish for a mobile game, especially Gacha with chips
You're fucking killing me
If you went from 3 to 6, the only thing you'd miss are the introductions of three characters, and two are version exclusive.
That said, I'd recommend playing everything.
May have made it worse
That's actually a really good way of putting that. I've never thought of it that way.
They took this infuriating puzzle shit straight from BN2. Wasn't there a very similar BN2 section where you had to dodge programs or clouds?
4 is a soft reboot, yeah. It still brings back characters from the original trilogy, though.
Airmans stage, yes
I'm not entirely sure
You can reach up to the final but I don't remember if you can actually fight it
This is BN2 Final Boss tier worthy, a theme so hype it stands out amongst 5 other games.
>touhoufags invade and ruin yet another comfy battle network thread
jesus christ why won't you fags fuck off? your game is fucking dead.
That's by design. It's supposed to feel similar to Battle Network, to the point that a couple of scenarios have the same puzzles. The first incident is straight up copy-pasted from BN1 except with a fridge instead of an oven.
Things start getting more original as you go through the game, but the incidents will all feel familiar.
>Tamako and MetalMan are in 4
>MetalMan and PlantMan are in 4.5
>no other characters from 3 ever show up in the second trilogy
But why?
Dead game, dead series, dead franchise
Dude, calm down. Most of the "touhoufags" here are just people who are starving for another Battle Network game, and this Touhou fan game is the best thing to satisfy our hunger. Plus Chrono X is taking a while to update, and we're more likely to get a hack for an ending of Shanghai.exe rather than a new update anytime soon.
Fuck off, retards.
I mean yeah. though I never played BN1 but I played 2 and 3.
Incidents - funnily enough fitting for a 2hu based fangame - in BN games are just a thing happens with technology and many people are put in danger and you have to fix it.
IE Yai's bath in BN2 in BN2, the Bubblewash in BN3.
Though desu the incidents in BN2 are more like hardcore acts of terrorism that don't seem like they ever return in later games. Likely because of what happened the year that game came out.
>blowing up a bridge with Dynamite
>highjacking and planning to crash a plane
Ignore them. They come here complaining about nothing every BN thread.
This is a Battle Network thread, not a touhou thread. Fuck off with your off-topic shit.
If I brought back LC-kun, would you like that?
But the Touhou shit is also Battle Network shit
An equilibrium, where it is both on and off topic at the same time.
Schrodinger's topic, if you will
>One person brings it up.
>Rest of the thread is now filled with people complaining and counter complaining about how it always brought up and the thread reaches its bump limit.
Dont be a fucking idiot and ignore him.
any images from the Yea Forums one?
Time to pay a visit to Lan
Is that a penguin or a pelican
everyone shut the fuck up and post my boy
Yandere Mayl when
When she finds out about Netopia.
Wind soul was crazy fun.
That's how it works, unfortunately, you get two more for new game + and then the last one in newgame ++ so you can't do postgame undernet until you've finished the game 3 times over. There's plenty of reason why BN4 gets shit.
does undershirt or life aura negate the security systems instant kill in 3?
Do you have to start a new game in the others to 100% them? If so, do you keep anything from your first playthrough in any of them?
>Dub stopped after Axess
>Stream has incomplete subs
>Dont want to touch Beast/Beast+ until I've seen this
Why is it both this and Duel Masters got such crap luck with translations?
None of the other games even have new game+, you just make one save file and do everything in that. BN4 is the only game where you start over a bunch of times.
It's incredibly poorly made. Engrish out the ass, glitches that can brick your cartridge, most of the game is just disconnected filler between a retarded ancient evil plot, shit soundtrack except for the boss themes, encounters are fucking cancer, permanent missables in a fucking BN game, have to play replay the game if you want more than shitty level 1 chips
Wait, seriously? I thought you had to start a new game in order to get all stars?
I've a feeling the translator is a lurker. I also secretly believe that translator is the one who did the JP translation recently.
You keep all your chips and collected Double Souls, it will give you the option to do new run right after you beat the game.
Bonzibuddy still exists.
Or MS Office's paperclip too.
Jokes aside we just don't have enough advanced AI yet that would fit the role of a navi.
Someone redpill me on ChronoX
It's made by some guy named giver who does MegaMan LPs on Something Awful.
>series gets regular 500 post threats and unconditional love
>fans are begging for similar games
>Capcom refuses to do anything
Hmm. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Totally new to this shanghai business, but is this game actually complete? I thought I heard /jp/ were working on finishing the ending or something? Is it still worth playing if it's incomplete?
It's 98% complete.
It was C&D'd because the guy was allegedly doing crowdfunding for it.
The entire game is done up to the final boss - which is not properly implemented - and the entire postgame which was not even completed.
This game makes me sad because the final area theme is pretty hype and Duo's redesign is great
I believe giver is the main dev. He helped continue the MMBN3 let's play on SA. He's an expert on the mechanics of BN.
The leaked build goes upto the penultimate boss, although the english translation is buggy. I don't know how much /jp/s builds have changed things though. It's still worth playing though.
Is this fucking Kingdom Hearts?
So basically just no post game? That sounds fairly alright, it's still totally enjoyable otherwise then?
We should be amazed that capcom is as successful as it is with some of the boneheaded move they have made.
He did OSS recently. Now he's doing Star Force.
Maybe Star Force 3 will be archived this time. SSNeoman did a LP of it but never finished the Omega Bosses and the LP wasn't saved.
The JP translation is a polished machine translation.
It's "functionally" complete. The entire main campaign is playable right up until the boss before the final boss. Comparing to BN2, it would be like being forced to stop playing just before fighting Bass. The final boss is fully programmed but not implemented, and the post-game is non-existant.
For a while, only half the game was available in english, but a random user in /jp/ decompiled the game and translated the script through a machine translator and then went and polished it manually. That spurred a loose coalition of /jp/ anons to work on finishing the game using developer streams as a base. The only thing they're waiting for right now is an user to finish making a map/event editor.
You can't fight the penultimate boss Druidman
It's idiotic because Battle Network's themes are far more relevant today than they were in 2001. The internet is this huge thing that affects our daily lives, and you can do a lot of meaningful commentary about it. A MMBN game released today would probably do a lot better than almost 20 years ago, and it's one of the reasons Star Force missed the point.
I still remember the chills I got watching the trailer all those years ago on Gamespot.
>Finding out in MMBN3 that Mamoru was the admin of the undernet server.
>Mamoru, a crippled weak kid bound to a wheelchair with a heart of compassion and hope.
>Undernet, the ultimate anonymous shithole where criminals, psychos and assholes hang out.
>Its literally 8-chan in every way possible.
I could not believe my eyes when the reveal came. This game predicted 8-chan.
because every game is technically a "Soft reboot" that continues the timeline but only keeps specific important events in its memory if that makes any sense. so all the little details and extra characters are shelved to keep the story fresh and not bloated to hell. like megaman not recognizing bass in postgame content in every game past 3 for some reason. its always the "first time" in every postgame after his initial appearance(at least from what i remember).
>getting home, lying on a couch and just blazing through MMBN6 just after it came out
Those were the days.
Absolutely. It does a lot of it's own things while staying true to the Battle Network formula. Style changes are expanded upon, and there's some cool shit to be done with the add-on system.
they could easily do a boss where an evil streamer is hypnotizing his viewers like flashman does in 3
If I'm playing on emulator, is there any way to get Blue Moon bosses to show up in my Red Sun file?
They remember Bass. He just doesn't remember them.
jesus christ user spoiler that shit this is a blue board
yeah sorry its been more than a decade since ive played the games.
why doesnt serenade show up again? dude was pretty cool.
Thanks for the answers anons, I'll give it a try then.
Well, I'm not surprised. MMBN was more designed to be a kids series and once that well dried up they moved on. i can understand them being uninterested in making a new one for a predominantly Doomers audience.
Calm down Mayl.
Yandere already partially showing. See above post.
It's been teased they have something planned for this year via twitter.
One last thing: the game speeds up quickly. In Battle Network, the games have slow easy viruses for the first few scenarios. Shanghai almost immediately jumps into what could be considered BN's midgame. And you have access to some even harder optional content soon out of the gate.
Have fun! Try not to get shanked by Carrie.
I think I played Battle Network 2? when I was a kid and I really liked it. What's the best Battle Network game?
should I restart shanghai or keep going with my old save from the last officially released build, don't really remember much of the story
Why are there no games anymore with the writing and tone of 2000s young adult games? The GBA was fucking magical.
I tried getting into BN, but i was really annoyed with slow battle system and amount of random encounters and dropped it after a hour of playing. Does it get better?
Download OSS with an english translation for QoL fixes.
2, 3, or 6 depending on who you ask.
the battles get much better in the later series with the combination of new ways to fight enemies and new chips. You also get access to items like repel sprays that stops random battles or programs that reduce random battles from occurring
New writers, I think.
Are there similar games to bn? The game design is awesome, havent seen a game with similar gameplay.
>in 6's restored postgame
>can't even make gigacannon 2 PA
>If I'm playing on emulator, is there any way to get Blue Moon bosses to show up in my Red Sun file?
I'm assuming this is a no?
Everything similar has been mentioned here. Not much, basically. Only incomplete fangames and indies and such.
Best we can hope for is a compilation that also includes the more obscure titles such as 4.5 and the Mobile games.
>6's restored postgame
Explain pls? It's the only one I have yet to play.
>ywn install the housewife chip onto megaman and have a pocket waifu
why live
Battles aren't slow if you git gud
And you can just run anyway
I also love these threads.
the full postgame was removed from the us and europe versions of the game, so translated jap version has the true postgame
where can i get this?
Oh, so that's the patch for Gregar mentioned here ?
Thanks for the improvement.
>missed a comfy BN/SF thread
Damn, none for Falzar?
post wholesomes
Sonia=Luna>the rest>Iris (X)