Someone please save them. I need my Disgaea.
NIS is dying
are they really
Look on the bright side. At least you'll always have Neptunia.
Neptunia is shit
Your face is shit.
Yunyun is shit stop posting her you faggot.
*hot glues you*
I could buy it, how much does it cost? 10$?
What the fuck were they thinking?!
>super niche mobage gachashit that would never take off or pay off even if it didn't have all sorts of technical problems
>some shitty post-apoc survival VN harem dating sim nobody asked for
I hope they can at least release Galleria before they die.
Imagine not wanting to tit fuck that bitch.
If NIS dies, will the Disgaea ports stay on steam?
I really wanted to pick them up during the summer sale.
They should've been making an action series for Disgaea at least 10 years ago. They're long too late for it now though and if it was a bit better than your average action game it'd have probably saved them. Also assuming it sold well enough.
Disgaea will never die.
Disgaea is shite, bloated, grindy, shite. They'd be better off making short form anime.
Disega is shit, it's only worth is in Etna and maybe Flo or whatever her name is. I didn't get far enough into that trash to be sure what her name is.
don't leave me
At least will get that sequel.
>wanting to fuck a loser
>there will never be another soul nomad game
>disgaea 5 never had gig in it as dlc
>disgaea 6 probably won't exist, and won't likely have him if it does exist anyways
Oh no no no
Is that last one supposed to be Zanki Zero? That was published by NISA in the US. Japan studio didnt make it.
I'm assuming he means pic related which NIS is publishing for Acquire next month, but he missed the memo that it's yuri and not a harem dating sim.
Maybe NIS paid their shills too much
Nintendo will buy them and all of their catalog will become Nintendo exclusive.
As it should have been since the very beginning.
Seriously, how do you fuck up a mobile game?
How long until NISA buys NIS?
Fuck Disgaea I just want Labyrinth of Galleria to come out before they go under.
let them burn
This will be the best outcome
A loser with huge tits
but only if they bring the NIS team in to develop in-house
why five girls
one is single and lonely?
NISA bought XSEED right? Do all of their series disappear too if NIS goes under? I only fuck with Disgaea out of their catalogue so I'm clueless about the distinction between NIS and NISA.