Will you be playing WoW classic?
Will you be playing WoW classic?
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Please dont use his face, it triggers too many people and makes everything e-celeb related
>Please dont use his face, it triggers too many people and makes everything e-celeb related
Thats exactly why he does it user.
No. Played it near release, it has nothing to offer me except a waste of time.
Yes, and I will be avoiding whatever server this faggot, or any other streaming cunt, plays on like the plague.
is that ghostcrawler is he coming back too play
Threadly reminder this subhuman let his teeth rot out because he doesnt understand basic hygiene. He would wake up and pluck the clotted blood from his rotting gums and just wipe it on the wall. The fucking wall
>mfw Venruki and Sonydigital, actual vanilla legends, destroy his anus
Yeah, I'm going for BiS and Rank 14.
If you're wondering how I have the time, I work from home.
neither of them played vanilla though
No, I was already an addict for 6 years. And besides I've played a ton of games since, I am now fully aware WoW was never a good game, I was just desperate for socialization with other nerds in my small bumfuck town and found it ingame since I couldn't in RL at the time.
yea but thankfuly since im from EU as far as poss away from shitheads like Asmon.
I don't know. I don't like vanilla that much, but my chief is trying to convince me to play it almost every day.
yes but i have no friends to play it with and the general on /vg/ looks like cancer already so i'll probably end up quitting soon after
>gets btfo by based venruki
>gets absolutely asshurt and goes offline
>had to get carried for his WW axe offstream
how utterly embarrassing, is truly the face of the wow community?
Asmon is still buttdevastated
how does dual wielding work
you want a fast main hander and a slow big dick offhander, right?
>had to take a day off after the buttblasting
is that Tom Fulp
no, the opposite
e-celeb board when?
Quick rundown on how he as supposedly ruined Classic WoW?
what are the actual mechanics behind dual wielding?
your ability damage is based off of your main hander or something?
why do you want a fast offhand?
t. boomer brain who hasn't played since vanilla
fuck off shill
Give me a rundown
make sure to report for "automated spambot", this works the best
Reminder that Druid is a meme class that only hipster contrarian special snowflake faggots will roll.
If a druid wishes to be invited to your group, be sure to whisper them back and tell them that you are SPECIFICALLY not recruiting them because they are playing a trash class. Plus they will roll on all the loot and steal it from real classes.
They can't even heal properly. No rez = corpse run any time something goes wrong.
In conclusion, do not fall for the druid autism. Keep all parties clear of druids. Do not recruit druids. Do not socialize with druids. If a druid joins your party, leave.
>your ability damage is based off of your main hander
yes, that's why you get as much damage per hit on it as you can
fast offhand for proccing poisons
This fuckers face is always in the catalogue now
horde = Chad
alliance = streamer / zoomer
>he doesn't have innervate and mark of the wild in his raids
there unironically needs to be a youtube and twitch board
too much e-celeb bullshit on every fucking board now, zoomers are scum
if you were going to be a digusting nolife wreck, wouldn't you at least go all the way? he's living the neet dream. he gets paid to play his favourite videogame, never cleans him room, never cleans himself, shits all over eveyone and everything and has masses of drones all slavering to hear his opinions and get some validation from him.
and despire the fact he lives with his mother, and he's a balding, dyel, ugly lookin, rotten toothed manchild who showers once a month, wears the same clothes everyday, spends his days surrounded by trash/old food that has been sitting around rotting for months, and literally plays World of Warcraft - the game only rivalled by DnD for a negative social stigma - for a fucking LIVING, he still has a girlfriend that isnt actually too bad looking.
he's the perfect example of someone who is so far gone, the type of guy that would poosock and probably jack off into a 4 year old dr pepper can if he wasnt a streamer, but it's somehow still worked out for him. i really am envious. all he's ever done is whole life, is live in the present, and not give a shit about his future. and his future has still managed to be better than 95% of people.
to find the best clarification go read comments for a Distracting dagger from DM W. youll find everything in those comments mate.
i actually had warrior in mind.
i guess you'd pick one with a proc effect built in?
>he needs heals
>he needs rez
>he doesn't want motw
absolute trash player
Holy based
You're shitting me
No, I'm not a zoomer or a tranny, which is why I don't consume Actiblizz products.
will there be a way to find out before launch what server streamers are all playing on so i can avoid it
Yes you do need rez for dungeons because if one person screws up badly enough the entire party wipes regardless of how good you as an individual are playing. Of course if you weren't an e-celeb twitch zoomer you would know that.
you're a weeb though of course you're a tranny
The only thing that matters for your offhand is dps since all you're getting out of it are autoattacks, IIRC warrior's Whirlwind is the only attack in vanilla that actually uses your offhand weapon.
However, because dual wielding carries a 24% miss chance, it's techically better to have a fast weapon in OH so your misses won't hurt as much.
>all but three streamers play horde
>all chats are super horde favored including the big alliance streamer ones
we already beat the fucking alliance kids
Already am lol
[B] soon [/B]
>click on interesting thread
>but this shit stays up
nice going jannies
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
Ahh...Layer 6...Shard 3...home...
The e-celeb rule only applies certain e-celebs and not all of them.
What the fuck is wrong with KFC
not true. can be done with only one cr and ss. done it multiple times on high end speed run dungeons like strat etc.
Monkeynews will poop on him
reminder that Yea Forums voted for extra content in Classic
It's greasy garbage that tastes like shit.
literally why would you not want this
What do you do after Naxx?
And fuck off with your TBC shit
Sorry kiddo.....but I fucking enjoy Dunkeys content.
Homosexuals, women, trannys and weebs
Streamers, tryhards and boomers
Tough choice, but I'll go with horde
So you want a new raid, new tier sets, new zones and new quests?
dunkey makes genuinely funnier content than the angry video game nerd, even his older stuff before the matei gang ruined it
Yeah, why not? If it's actual good content that fits Vanilla. What kind of retard would just want Vanilla with the exact same content for ever?
If this faggot even touches it I will never play it.
I fucking hate Assmongol so fucking much
naxx gear is already broken as fuck if they add in gear even better than naxx shit it would absolutely break the game not to mention that if they did add in content after naxx they would just add in a bunch of stupid catchup garbage which would negate everything except naxxramas and it wouldn't be anywhere near the same level of quality that the rest of vanilla is
do you really trust 2019/2020 blizzard to do something as good as 2006 blizzard?
i'll bite, who is this faggot?
Keep saying it
how can you possibly be so enraged over his existence that you won't touch the game because he plays it? lmaoing at your life
Imagine being such a seething retard...
Imagine getting so mad at a person you have no interaction with he limits your enjoyment of things...
So sad
just avoid any server with a meme streamer on it and you're golden
I just hate him too much.
I'll join you laughing.
i'd be okay with this if:
everything had to be voted for ala osrs
it didn't affect endgame power levels
shit out a new early/mid-game dungeon or something, why not
just make sure it's in the spirit of classic and not some single hallway garbage
This is seriously pathetic. Grow up faggot
but bros you told me not to like internet people that i will never have an interaction with
you told me im not supposed to enjoy things if person i don't like enjoys them
Protip: They could add new content to the game without adding better gear than Naxx. They could add 5-mans, BG:s, new quests and stuff like the STV arena or Darkmoon faire.