This is still the scariest thing in video games

This is still the scariest thing in video games.

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Yeah, probably.

It's not spbp

An AI going "La le lu li lo" and "I need scissors!" is scary?

zoomer alert


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>free will bad
>internet bad
>censorship good
He's right still pretty haunting. music really adds to it

the entire game is based on William Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse, and the manipulation that the game pulls over the player is the Silent Weapon outlined in the book's first chapter. the discussions between Rose and Raiden go over the social, political, and economic machinery that were used to manipulate Raiden to be part of the S3 program. the colonel and rose misdirect the player based on your expectations of what you're going to be doing in the game and that misdirection makes the conspiracy even more powerful when you realize they fooled you, the player, even though you knew the game was lying to you.

the long and drawn out sociopolitical discussions the game gets into are the exact thing that William Cooper was talking about in 1991 when he wrote the book. except kojima took it a step further and made the point that economics are less important that information, which is why GW doesn't control money like Cooper said, it just controls information directly

silent weapons for quiet wars

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Woah that's deep and totally true... wtf i love tinfoil hats now

>the discussions between Rose and Raiden go over the social, political, and economic machinery that were used to manipulate Raiden to be part of the S3 program

and yet it's drowned out by stupid relationship drama

It's about providing context!!!!


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It's scary because it's real.

you probably didn't realize that Rose was the key to how raiden's personal identity was manipulated by an external entity to fit into a specific role for a flase flag event, because emotions and your perception of reality is how they manipulate people .

the game attempts to give an example of the tools the Powers That Be use to manipulate the population, to manipulate the player. because it's really effective. its so effective most people didn't realize that was what the game was doing from the very beginning with the Tanker level, by setting up their expectations for the rest of the game so that your expectation could be used to manipulate you

was mgs2 a vr mission?

>you probably didn't realize that Rose was the key to how raiden's personal identity was manipulated by an external entity to fit into a specific role for a flase flag event, because emotions and your perception of reality is how they manipulate people .

Nope because after like 2-3 codecs of her nagging bullshit, I started to skip what she was saying.

>was mgs2 a vr mission?

oh, okay. thanks

Liking MGS2 post-Emma's death is a meme. MGS2 is a game about attempting postmodern commentary in a game where you can repeatedly molest a hostage and a recurring character's little sister just for your own kicks and so Emma would shut the fuck up for once.

Naw, not really.

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The government already spies on you and directly controls what you see, hear, think, read and vote. You really think gun rights are gonna save you from shit?

Americans are dumb as hell.

Actually, this is.
Hence why it's being banned

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>tfw the AI is telling the truth and it's happening right now.

an ending of siren 1 was similar to that.

>Hence why it's being banned
Does this mean Winnie the Pooh is the scariest thing in China?

Als je thuis komt ga ik eerst effe lekker met je tieten spelen lekker wijfie van me

What is it?

>Liking MGS2 post-Emma's death is a meme.

I am not one of those people. I fucking hated MGS2 after Emma's death.

They just took the story they were building up and just threw it away for nonsense and needed MGS4 to fucking explain what was going on.


based retard

it was an augmented reality mission. the reality of the situation was manipulated in a very specfic way

you know how you fight vamp in that pool of water and he walks on it, like a vampire, with a bullet hole in his head, like a vampire? it was elaborate showmanship. technology was used to make something happen that was impossible, and because what it was and how it happened, it might as well have been magic. people don't understand what they were trying to go for with that and just get pissed off that that vamp was supernatural. he wasn't supernatural, he made you think he was supernatural because he was augmented with nanomachines and advanced technology by the patriots that they didn't explain so it would seem magical to you.

it was the exact same thing that they did with Fortune to manipulate her into working for them.

you can tell when people are given information that they are not capable of handling when they flip out and start insulting you

are you gonna be this guy or are you gonna try and learn the truth?

>The Silver Case
>Ace Combat 3
Why is late 90s/early 00s cyberpunk so good?

Not him, but the CIA has documentation of experimenting with DMT in the 80s to essentially astral project into the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions. Check out Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process, 9 June 1983. I still have a sense of skepticism, but my mind is also a lot more open to all sorts of possibilities about reality that may be kept suppressed.

because they probably used todays politics and spiced it a bit with conspiracy theories.

Old X Files series was also fucking great.

Today everything is cheap and produced fast so there is no quality behind it.

It’s sad that it’s 100% true. Social media and the internet is destroying the world slowly


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i don't know what to make of that astral projection experiment the CIA did where they gave a sealed envelope with 'mars 1 million BC' written on it and the guy was able to give accurate descriptions and was confused as to what he was seeing

i'm still skeptical because the guy could have figured out they were trying to trick him and just fed them what they wanted to hear, or it could have just been a fabrication based on wishful thinking, but its just too weird to just ignore

You need to go back to plebbit.

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Good video on it.



>linking a video when no one asked for it
go back

>Do you remember what day it is Jack?
>The restaurant we went to
>L O B S T E R S
The absolute betrayal from this bitch.
Fuck Rose

Can't remember the specific details, but weren't Fatman, Fortune, Vamp from some paramilitary group that specialized in testing 3 letter agencies on their ability to respond to crisis situations?
Raiden is told they went 'fringe', but did they really? What if the whole Tanker incident was the test?

>Liking MGS2 post-Emma's death is a meme.
I don't see the issue with it. It's where the story actually congeals into something comprehensible, prior to that it just seemed like not much more than a self-parodying take on Metal Gear tropes.

>Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds leaking whatever 'truth' suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.
>The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.
>Not even natural selection can take place here.

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>mfw playing MG1 after playing through MGS1-3 and finding out Big Boss pulled the same stunt in a game years before MGS2

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>It' the embodiment of the approved european articles.