This board is the 9gag of Yea Forums, prove me wrong

This board is the 9gag of Yea Forums, prove me wrong

Attached: 0ky5s1p491f21.jpg (576x768, 79K)


Nothing here is real, dude. It's a disgusting marketer's pit now. All information is controlled and moderated to prioritize advertising.

No thats Yea Forums or /pol/

woah I really can't........................................

it can't be because it's already the reddit shitposting containment board (not that it helps redditfags any, they're still retarded)

Yeah, but can 9gag do THIS?!

Attached: The secret technique.png (509x171, 11K)

terrace house thread? martha best girl confirmed

Attached: 1love.jpg (640x360, 70K)

Pretty much this.

>comparing the least moderated boards to a heavily moderated website for normalfags and literal children
Never go full retard.


There's no need. You're on the right track. Let's discuss everything but videogames on Yea Forums.

It's the equivalent to watermarking.

Who the fuck is Martha?

>he doesn't watch terrace house


I do, that's why I'm wondering

oh right, she was from boys and girls in the city. Dated arman towards the end

[Spoiler] [/spoiler]

[Spoiler] test [/spoiler]

Nothing will beat Opening new doors

I don't even know what Yea Forums is like nowadays. But /pol/ is only like 9gag in that it uses the same rehashed meme variants indefinitely and think theyre still the funniest shit in the world. Other than that it's nothing alike

Is 9gag even still relevant?


yeah it was kino, i cried during some tsubasa scenes

boys in the city had nicer girls though & meat incident it peak

Wake me up when s󠀀oy-loving newfags can evade wordfilters.