People are excited for the new total war but I'm still here playing my map painters.
People are excited for the new total war but I'm still here playing my map painters
The new map painters are trash too, so what's the difference?
only imperator and hoi4 though
Eu4 and CK2 aren't particularly worth it either.
V2 is some good shit though.
i don't really know why you think the type of player this image is making fun of is so prevalent that it needs to be spammed in every fucking thread about grand strategy. i have 800 hours in victoria 2 and i think i've played germany a grand total of 1 time.
someone made a new submod for HFM that adds a ton of new events. i love that the support victoria gets from the community is better than the paid expansions paradox puts out.
But OP is playing Peru in a game where Prussia hasn't even formed the German Empire in 1911.
You're right, Institutions are still such a fantastic feature in EU4 that really enrich the experience.
Is this showing the whole "can't meme" thing?
The pic is basically bait to filter plebs who don't really play gsg.
It clears up the thread for proper discussion
just play an older version of the game
Are mods required for best V2 experience or is vanilla good?
>only the Left can have escapism
absolutely SEETHING
Is there any definite mod for V2?
Last time i checked it seemed like there were several 'big' mods floating around in various stages of non-development.
if you haven't played at all, i would play a few games of vanilla first (with both expansions of course), and then play with mods. they almost exclusively make the game better.
HPM or HFM are good.
I'd really love a well crafted and executed combination of these.
litearally impossible
imagine steamrolling the ai in those
Man the guns added nothing worthwile
Oil is pretty significant. You could argue that should have been there from the beginning, but it also is included with the free patch. I enjoyed configuring my navy, there's a decent amount of depth there if you take the time to really specialize everything.