How the fuck do I make money by playing or doing something vidya related?

How the fuck do I make money by playing or doing something vidya related?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>some dude bro or titty monster makes more in one hour playing vidya than the average American makes in an entire year

And yet you retards won't admit that the current capitalist system is broken as fuck

>current capitalist system

Pffft yeah, nah, I don’t buy that. Maybe that happened one time, but I don’t buy that a male game streamer makes 50k an hour.

Ninja confirmed he was paid (I think $500k) to play Apex for a few days exclusively

They wouldn't make nearly as much if kids didnt waste their parents money on these people. It's pretty sick that its even legal. I expect there to be some changes to this model in the near future

Maybe that happened at the peak of his popularity but my point is that’s not a regular thing like the article makes it seem

>be a cop
>struggle with life and death situations
>still don't and never will get paid as much as this

fuck this gay earth

Put on a wig, glasses and stream on twitch?

>Tfw played apex exclusively for free when it launched because I had fun
I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self to get into streaming before it became too saturated.

They make more in a month than he will in a year.
Some sportsmen make more in one year than people in a lifetime or two.
That's how it rolls user.

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I hate this generation so much
Give us World War 3 please

>wish to stream to show games for buddies
>shit Internet

You need to get an audience, and in order to do that, you need attention.
Take a guess why streamers are generally doing fucking stupid shit.
For streamers there actually is no such thing as bad publicity.

Further proof that the good guys lost

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Streamers are a blight on all that is good. Fuck streamers!

Charisma and most importantly perseverance
Never start streaming just to make money
If things don't work out for you at first, don't give up

t. streamer that makes $10k a month

>And yet you retards won't admit that the current capitalist system is broken as fuck

It is broken. Learn to exploit it.

>donating money to a streamer
>that probably makes more than you by orders of magnitude
If lootboxes are exploiting young kids how aren't these fucks guilty of the same thing?

I'm seriously starting to question the fabric of the reality
like the whole system is rigged
oh well at Ieats i get to beat up fags breaking the law

Kids deserve to be exploited

Jake Paul has done plenty to tank his career and still has 20m subs
Literally have to be rapist tier to actually tank on Youtube

Get good, or get funny. Or buy views.
I viewbotted scaling up to 100 viewers concurrently, and exploded after that since I played destiny. I was top streamer in d1 for a while, then I moved on to fortnite when it came out cause epic gave me a key and like 3 to give away. I didn't really care for it but they told me to stick around for battle royale, I did, and now I average 500~ viewers. Jumped up to 1k a couple times, but mostly sitting around 500.
I have about 800 sub points (HURRDURR MORE SUBS THAN VIEWERS I stream more than once a month, faggots. Different people watch me at different times.)
Nowadays I don't viewbot anymore because I don't need to. But starting out it's the best option. Some people do giveaways but your viewcount gets superinflated and then deflates as soon as it's over, and twitch will write off all those viewers. They have to stick around for 45 minutes to an hour to be considered "legitimate" viewers for partnership applications. The automated system will say you have 75 viewers on average but twitch will look and say "nah they don't actually watch you". That's why so few cs:go streamers get partner anymore. They all do giveaways but no one's actually watching for more than 10 minutes at a time. Anyway that's just the getting started part.
Making money is all about shilling yourself. Playing your character well, and lying about your circumstances. Always make sure 'donations' are "always appreciated never required" because retards feel better about being appreciated but not like they're paying someone's bills or something like a handout.
Other than that you have to appeal to your target demo. Kids, be loud and expressive. Weebs, make sure to play lots of anime shit and have anime notifications on follow/sub/dono. You can go for "serious" people with a minimalistic look but they're the least willing to open their wallets so it's harder to get paid by them outside of subs.

Speaking of, subs are like 95% emotes. Get good emotes.

There are 2 reasons why streamers can be successful.
1) they are skilled at the game they play
2) they are endearing characters that know how to stay funny and interesting for hours on end daily
None of you faggots are either of those things and youre lying to yourself if you think otherwise.

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1. Be Handsome and Charismatic
2. Get a big audience
3. ???
4. Profit

Yea Forums: ree only big titty women can be streamers fuck roasties i'm such a misogynist and i derive my entire personality from bigoted Yea Forums memes!!
reality: all the top streamers are white gamer dudes

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>Maybe that happened at the peak of his popularity

What difference does it make? 500k is a whole lot of money, even if it is a one-time thing.

>nasa employees literally put men on the moon and satellites deep in orbit to help advance mankind
>paid far less than some jackoff that pretends to be excitable for an online group of zoomers while playing video games
could you imagine dropping tens of thousands of hours to achieve your degree, only to make less money than some asshole that dropped out of high school to sit at home playing vidya?

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come on at least all of us have a decent job with decent pay right?


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And you guys get mad when I tell you that college is a Jewish trick and that you should do something, anything else.

I've never understood this shit. And it's common knowledge that Ninja is fucking rich from streaming and will never have to work a day in his life outside of streaming, which he could quit anytime he wants. And yet people still donate money to him so they can see their name on screen or "support" him

>larping in space
>advancing mankind
Lol. There's a reason no one bothers to even go back to the moon: there's nothing there.

You're just mad you're not the one exploiting it.

You're right. Streaming platforms should diversify their streamers right away less they get called nazis.

You get lucky or be female and camwhore with your clothes on while playing games.

Screaming like a retard and making stupid faces doesn't make you funny or endearing. Neither does using twitch emotes as verbs or nouns.

Well, for sportsmen it makes sense, since their careers generally only last a few years.
They need to earn their lifetime income in a short period of time.

If the pay for soccer players wasn't this ridiculous, probably not as many people would attempt to become one,

it's 95% luck unless you manipulate the system.

Blame the masses m8. Video game streaming is the modern version of Ancient Rome Circus were people went to forget about their troubles giving fame and glory to Gladiators who were nothing more than barbarian slaves who killed for a living.

>some future disaster threatens earth
>"oh man, I wish I didn't make fun of those guys larping in space. it's gonna suck when earth is destroyed and all because I donated $10 to see my name on a twitch channel"

I might be too old for this shit, but I never understood why so many people like streamers/youtubers. They are not comedians, or particulary funny, skilled, most of the most famous ones are just average kids acting average. Maybe that's it? To act like a regular "online friend" for a ton of lonely teens?

Just go back, tell your younger self to invest heavily in Bitcoin at the start and tell him the date when it was worth the most.

Stupid rich without really doing anything

no you don't

It' s not the system, mate. It' s the people.

>thank god we can float around in a tin-can drinking our own piss even if earth is gone and it's all over
Humies are the earth. We're not going anywhere and when earth's over so are we. Deal.

You should really look at the shitty fucking curve though, if the have over around 2k viewers it is mostly male, but between 2k to about 30 viewers it is around 80% females

none of the top streamers are either of those things

>blaming the streamers
It's not their fault people waste their money. It's the people.

You dont blame the gladiators for violence, you blame the mob who demands it.

Unfortunately, the average twitch viewer 14 year old retard likes exactly that.
Same with youtube.

There is a reason Pewdiepie got big. Or Markiplier. Or Forsen. Or any of the other "HRU RHudUR I'M A RETARD ARGHHHH" people.

>defeatist attitude
I can tell you're not white

The difference is that all those top streamers are either charismatic or good at the game they're streaming. The titty streamers make bank off donations purely because of the fact that they're women.

It's gift, of begging.

Even if that were the case, that's just what a lot of people find funny, so shut up fag and be funny.
Also, thats such a generalization of what they're doing. They're not just screaming for 2+ hours everyday, there's a reason they're popular.

>nazi thinks he's going to mars
That is absolutely fucking adorable.

>life and death situations
>shooting dogs on another person property because it barked
fucking pigs

True skill is make people to shoot up mosques with cool ost.

if you have to ask - you wont
you need to find a niche and your audience, you need to be an entertainer and for that you need to understand the audience and what appeals to them

PROTIP: You don't. This is just a clever way of laundering money.

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If you crunch the numbers you could find out paying one "famous" e-celeb shill to play your video game on his youtubes channel is undoubtedly more effective than paying an office full of suits in marketing to make insipid and ineffective ad campaigns.

it's much easier to be a successful streamer as a woman
yes the biggest streamers are men
but women have much easier time getting to the mid level
and women get much more money per viewer
a woman with 100 average viewers most likely makes more than enough money to live on
a guy with 100 viewers wont make nearly enough money to live on

They should probably release their game to the people that actually give them money instead of holding it back a couple weeks to let people play it who's audience largely watches them play instead of playing games themselves.
They should have learned by now that getting these people to play their game doesn't lead to long term success yet, these people chase fads, not make them.

Besides the whole networking and advertising aspect, is a cam mandatory when starting out ? Supposing you don't get a lucky break by a vid/clip/whatever exploding on the internet.

And how much money have you made, and how much time do you put in?


This is why I approve of socialism
>get to neet it up all day
>get paid to do it too
>free healthcare for my condition

fuck capitalism/democracy

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the guy doesn't have to deal with one of his viewers becoming obsessed and becoming and IRL stalker or worse

All they do is overreact to shit, read whatever retarded message lil'zoom attached to his $10 donation and overuse twitch gibberish.

as long as you don't act like a suspect respect the law
you won't be getting my boots shoved up your ass :)

What would happens if all people who have computer and access to stream channels start streaming?

The problem is that for every streamer that makes it there are probably hundreds or thousands who don't.

Just go to any game like LoL, Hearthstone, Dota, Fortnite etc. and look at the amount of streams that is at 10 viewers or under. It never ends. It's infinite.

Came here to post this.
I just record gameplay and upload it to a private youtube playlist. It still takes forever, but it feels good that my friends are watching :)

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>tfw friends roomate was making bank for a while his fans thought he was a girl
>gets a mic
>suddenly fans plummet

what a retard. Should've just kept up the fascade

If everybody gets paid to do nothing then where's the incentive to do and discover new great things?

Simple. You dont

You can only "neet it up" because the country is so rich. If it wasn't you would be tilling fields the moment anyone realized you are able-bodied.

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Just begin to walkthrough The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess with basedboy voice and you get the audience lol.

You don't it's YouTube 2.0 everyone and their dog is streaming low quality shit and the avg steamer makes nothing and has like 10 viewers

Why do you need that money? If you like you're job and you can pay bills, food, and your personal expenses then you're fine. Don't need thousands of surplus cash.

>continue to work and break your body for shitty wages goyim! Capitalism is the best system! Fuck communism!


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You need to realize its not the "video games" that's important, its the streamers. You need personality, charismatic, funny and interesting to gain viewers.

>everyone decides to neet it up
>suddenly country collapses because no one wants to do actual work since there's no incentive to do it

>people shouldn't be allowed to love entertainment and willingly pay for it

freedom-hating totalitarians strike again, and you dont even support the poor or the working class, you are just bitter envious of the success

and under socialism you'd be forced to work for a bowl of rice
being unemployed was illegal in USSR

>there's nothing there.
Except the Nazi base on the far side, obviously.

>hey that guy is getting paid same as me but he does nothing
>then ill do nothing as well, I dont get anything from breaking my body over this important research!


Multiple Tour Runs (Without Power/With Powers and a Boss Rush of Spark the Electric Jester 2
I am thinking of doing CrossCode tomarrow.

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Are you implying that the top earning streamers have any of the qualities that you listed?

Historically, smart people who invented shit were bored aristocrats.

>break your body

What do you think most modern jobs are exactly?

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you are fucking retarded
what makes you think you would be allowed to laze about in a communist society
you would be put to work in factory and if you refused, you would go to prison and get your organs harvested for the rich people at the top

I think if you are doing this to make money then you are already fucked. But if you just start streaming games you actually enjoy you will be able to grow an audience with time. I personally enjoy Fortnite for example and would not mind streaming it but I would never play CoD because it's not my kind of game. Hell I gotta be honest the reason I liked Fortnite was because of it's cartoony look, same thing why I enjoy TF2 for example. I suck at them shooters cause they aint my forte but I enjoy either cartoony or sci-fi shooters.

>he doesn't work for free

You realize that we're heading for a future where basic income is basically the only option, right?

More and more jobs become automated or made easier so much by machines and tools that much fewer people can do it.

100 years from now there simply will not be enough jobs for all the people. There will HAVE to be a universal base income.

I don't really
people just don't appreciate for what we do
oh well

I get money for doing this

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You think money is the only way to show appreciation?

UBI will create an endless inflation. If you give everyone 1000 dollars a month, everything will eventually become 1000 dollars more expensive because the value of money drops. It's basic economics.

no a little thank you would be nice for once

You're not denying that it has to happen, though.
What will all the people work as?

>be game journalist
>harassed,bullied and by angry manchildren for trying to bring the latest gaming news and maybe teach them something new outside their microscopic worldview to help them grow as individuals
>whilst all the time the same Yea Forumsermin were being shilled at by youtube personalities with no skills,no education,no morals or work ethics and they're not only ok with it but actively seek it out
I won't ask you to apologise because you've shown time and again your complete lack of self-awareness and deepest levels of hypocrisy you maintain without a moments self-reflection in between,but in this moment i am euphoric.

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

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Yes, not to you but obviously the world doesn't revolves around you.

Why don't you grow a healthy attitude or a pair of huge tits to exploit autistic zoomers and their pseudosocialization? You could sleep on pile of money like them. Don't blame the system, blame yourself.

>there's no incentive to do it
Aren't capitalists talking all the time about how work was a mean for individual fulfillment?
"I work, so I am."

>50k a fucking hour
>piss on a game for 2 hours and call it day with 100k in the bank
Fucking hell

You don't. And neither do they with out sponsors.

>Good luck getting any sponsors with out a hooked nose and a natural inclination to wring your hands.

>Aren't capitalists talking all the time about how work was a mean for individual fulfillment?
>"I work, so I am."

jesus christ. Communism can't come soon enough.

*car breaks down
*breaks leg
*gets laid off
Heh nothing personel kid

There are magnitudes more people that find the popular streamer unfunny loud retards.

Not work without compensation dipshit.

If it was so easy India would have top streamers.

money doesnt make you happy

t. untermensch

>doesn't have car insurance
>doesn't have health insurance
>doesn't have money in the bank

nobody to blame but yourself

Why wait? go to Venezuela

>You realize that we're heading for a future where basic income is basically the only option, right?

This already exists. A lot of office jobs aren't necessary and have no clear role. There's plenty of people only around because they've been around, or someone likes them. They are "pretend jobs" to people often attribute to communism but, in truth, have existed in every society. Pretending to work and have purpose and getting paid for it is far preferable to neetbux.

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Cam is a great boon and absolutely necessary now.
>buh lirik!
started when cams were shit quality and slideshows. You need one. Even a webcam one will do. People look AT you for how they should feel. People are stupid. You can start without one, but I'd recommend doing it on a secondary channel to get the hang of dealing with streaming, and not fuck your statistics (which are how twitch determined if you're eligible for partner. If you've been streaming for years to reach eligibility, you won't get it. They want people with explosive growth, not stability), then when you're ready to stream with a cam, make your main account with all your shit set up, properly prepared, and go for it.
>how much have you made
In total? Over three years, give or take, about $100,000 USD, donations, cheers, subs, all combined.
>how much time do you put in
It's not my full time job, explicitly speaking, I work IT during the day, but I work an 8 hour shift, come home, and stream 4-5 hours, every day but sunday. I've missed only a handful of days throughout the years, mostly when I was particularly sick. The wonderful thing about streaming is even if you're debilitated and unable to play particularly well, people will still watch and laugh at your debilitation. Works for me, I still get money.

Also speaking of, advertisement = nearly 0 money anymore. You missed the gravy train on it by far. It'd take 20,000 people watching your stream to have any ad revenue beyond pennies pop up every stream, and that's just on the hope that enough people out of that 20k have adblockers off. Most people have them on now though, because of amazon removing the no-ad part of twitch prime.

Per your post no one needs thousands in surplus cash.

They're actually gonna send a woman there.

I cant say. I feel UBI will become the bread of our society. Our current welfare system has become expensive and it's pretty complicated and while UBI could be a fix for that it's not a magic pill that will fix all the problems of automation. UBI could be a fix for welfare benefits but not for everything.

The problem is zoomers.

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Video games do and the only thing preventing me from doing that is it is negative income

its easier to be happy when you dont need to constantly think about basic nessetities

>Communism can't come soon enough.
Move to China, Venezuela, Cuba or Best Korea. The choice is yours. Don't let evil capitalist streamers keep out of communist paradise.

Like I said, they have their audience, you are obviously not one of them. Why is it so hard to comprehend? Plenty of peoples hates Justin Bieber, he still popular, have millions of fans and rich as fuck.

have decent streaming software
be good at a popular game
be charismatic, don't be afraid to show emotion as a lot of people enjoy coming to fuck with people (some will even pay actual money to have a text to speech bot say something they think the streamer won't like)
don't be socially repressed

Honestly if you're decent at a popular game you could probably make at least a little money streaming it

On money you can buy things that makes you happy? But after it makes you sad and sick.

>"You mindless sheep only live to work"
>*entrusts his entire living standard to the federal government*

Never take a UBI drone seriously.

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>hours of "wacky and fun" video edits, noises and over the top reactions to seemingly nothing
No thanks, I'll keep being a poorfag

no one is stopping you from abusing said system. no one is created equal

>no one is created equal
and this is why america is failing.

>loses by 3 million votes
>still get's elected president
>y-your vote matters!


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pretty easy if you're a decently attractive chick the beta bux are real

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Step 1. Be a girl
There's no step 2 because you're not a girl. You already failed step 1.

DSP have nothing yet still popular.
>shit at games
>doesn't know how to use screen capture
>everything is recorded with shitty camera
>unlikable asshole
Why are you not copying avgn?

>go to a country that's getting strategically destroyed by the US

Nah. I will keep singing the song praising the Gods of capitalism in order to avoid getting drowned.
I can survive in this world. Mostly sucks for the people that cannot.


UBI in theory takes the goverment away from welfare. Our current welfare system let's the goverment pick and choose who receives the tax payer money distributing the money to the poor and elderly with a massive overhead of bureaucrats administrating it. UBI could eliminate that Overhead and give the money to everyone which will benefit most of the population except welfare whores and the ederly.

You forgot to remind them to like,comment,subscribe,donate to your patreon, like on facebook, tweet your hastag and follow your instagram

This is why I can't be a streamers. How do pretend you are talking with someone? I tried to do a game review once and it felt really awkward talking to a camera like it's your friend

>socialism means free shit
wtf i love socialism now

i never streamed but once classic is out i'm going to go for the neetbux

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DSP would have faded into irrelevance years ago if not for the "epic trolls" at kiwifarms who literally give dsp money to get him to talk about his life, so they can write it down and talk about him and how unlikable and bad a person he is.
I still don't understand those homos.

Jesus with that money you could get a 10/10 escort and blow.

seething commie

>He think sanctions mean shit
a lot of country being sanctions by the US, none of them are as bad as Venezuela

AHAHAHAHA. No one will watch you, blizzard already established the streamerbase for classic, no one will care about you at all, ever. Everyone who's going to be popular when streaming classic was already streaming it.

Streamers make money because lonely men want paid friends, or daddies, or mommies.

It really boggles the mind that these jackassess think that by throwing cash at these twitch whores they'd become their boyfriends. I can at least respect actual camwhores from chaturbate and shit, at least those chicks actually somewhat have to work for their tips.

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theres few hundred thousand people before you on the line trying their luck

>be a cop
>struggle with life and death situations
>still don't and never will get paid as much as this

The way things are going, doesn't that mean that streaming will continue to grow then ? I can only see the number of lonely people increasing (both in proprotion and in absolute numbers).

humankind doesnt deserve to exist

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Hey I respect the hustle this twitch and camwhores do to get beta cucks to be their pay pigs. The fucking cucks giving this whores money should be fucking ashamed. If you have that much money to blow on some whore online then you have money to find a IRL whore to fuck at a hotel.

What about that cunt with the braces that makes 6 figures on patreon?

You are given the tools but you just can't utilize them, Admit you are retarded.

>california and new york now dictates who's elected
Thank fuck dumb shits like you aren't in charge.

there won't be more money retard

but that doesnt mean it will be easier to become a successful streamer if you're a guy
the more streamers there are, the harder it is to be noticed, and most people just watch the big established streamers

twitch thots not so much they literally do nothing but waste oxygen, actual camwhores at least show the goods

Keep whining. you lost already, it's been 2 or 3 years? You should have ran with the right people to begin with.

There are less streamers that get paid this well than there are lottery winners. So, I guess that puts that into perspective. 1 out of 1 billion.

You're an absolute fool, It's actually funny

cops earn good money though and the job's not that risky. only like 1 or 2 cops die a year nationally.
maybe you just have shit country syndrome?

Why don't one of you fags exploit the Yea Forums user base? Just shit on every movie game, yet play them all. Then you can talk about how you've played and loved every popular weeb game but never show proof you've ever played them. Most of all, make extremely passive and general references to this site. Niggers would eat it up

>UBI in theory takes the goverment away from welfare

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I donate over $500 a month to streamers ama

yup 200k per fucking month without showing ANYTHING

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While being a streamer. I tend to do 3 Hour to 8 Hour Videos. Sometimes even longer if I don't have obligations of driving someone to point a to b, I only use a Mic during Multiplayer games like Overwatch, League and Sonic All Star Racing Transformed. For Single Player I mostly focus on the gameplay and listen to the music in it without my voice going over it. Which allows me to play better.

That being said. I am by no means successful because I don't use a mic often because by my focus I tend to aim on completing Single Player games as Multiplayer games are purely just to interact with others and try to have fun.

I only get about 1 to 3 viewers in a stream. But you know what? I'm ok with that.

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unless your gameplay/chat interaction is top tier a cam helps a lot.

I played the demo of that gay game life is strange, I quit once i seen "kek" in a text message.

Yea Forums is for losers. Who want to watch on losers?

>I donate over $500 a month to streamers ama
literally for what purpose?

my friend can probably do that, he's androgynous as hell and probably can do cosplays for us

>still mad after 3 fucking years
TRUMP 2020

I fucking hope no one here does this, fucking hire a hooker if you're that starved for human contact

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I like who I watch so I give them some money

still your president tranny

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I'm fairly convinced that half of that income is her own money she donates to herself through false accounts to motivate beta orbiters to compete and donate. Still an impressive sum.

why is it all for beanwatch?

How old are you?

not mine that's for sure

Why not? $5-10 is nothing to me and I'd rather play with a cute girl than some random faggots. Plus it's probably nice for the girls too to get to play with me than the average creep who'd purchase their services.

Do you know what is professional begging?

>$154,000 per month
>a fraction of the literally $12,000,000 the top 'streamers' make in a month


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500 a month? which streamer? if it's a twitch thot you should get dragged behind a shed and shot

losers donate money, user.

Those things have their own inherent value and true ubermensch pursue these regardless of promises of wealth. Let the retards sit at home and collect funko pops

Isn't that basically what that Sseth guy does ? Play every cult classic games and do a whole video of nothing but memes on it ?

Hmmm... on Yea Forums losers?

Streamers typically "work" a lot more than Patreon people.

there are others that's just for the overwatch one

Overwatch players are dumb enough to play shitty Actiblizz games, have disposable income they waste on lootboxes and have attachment issues which keeps them playing. It's a perfect combination for leeches.

>Plus it's probably nice for the girls too to get to play with me than the average creep who'd purchase their services.
geezus fucking christ, neck yourself niceguy

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Im 100% confident that you are a morbidly obese weeb

almost all of the top streamers are guys though, girls may have an easier time starting out if theyre appealing to the "parents blocked pornhub" audience but thats not all of them

Its multiple streamers but mostly men

I don't know I've never seen that guy. Does he stream or make videos on youtube?


And to its logical extreme the general populace start to starve and have to revolt. It’s not that simple

>12m a month
who the fuck told you that? 12 mil a month is the number ninja shat out, but we knew that was a lie because averaging the amount of subs and donations he got per stream throughout a month was about $173,000. Anything else was extracurricular and not from streaming.

shame she has a hairy bush

I have fuckall idea of how streaming works, but assuming you stream daily, I'd rather sit on my ass for 6 days of the week then lazily take a couple of closeups of my dick for 155000 bucks on the seventh, instead of streaming daily for at least an hour. For however much millions.

>People decide what they want to throw their money into
Twitch is merely a vehicle for people to dump money, they're not making people pay to watch you fucking retard


Go in nearest subway then, there are alot of irl streamers.

You’re lucky cops are allowed to live at all and aren’t systematically gunned down like they should be. Fascist fucking pigs.

this must be trolling
don't you realize YOU are one of the creeps who purchase their services? there would be no services at all if it wasn't for creeps like you

>get to neet it up all day
>get paid to do it too
>free healthcare for my condition
what fucking happens when the government runs out of money when everyone just becomes leeches since working isn't worth it?

Attached: typical communist.jpg (2662x2464, 1.88M)

All you need is for children to like you. That's basically 99% of streamer audience. You're doing it wrong if you think you have to please adults. You most likely have the right personality to exploit children.

In socialism they usually let you slave away underpaid somewhere.

I'd play with akiresregdor

she's cute

Youtuber. Has a Patreon of people paying him to make videos and calls them the "merchants' guild".

>make retarded porn meme face
>rake in the big bucks
What's even more concerning is that the average donation amount on that image is over $60

user, That's worse than being young, I'm only 22 and i have more sense. I hope your millennial ass doesn't complain about capitalism while doing dumb shit like that

That quarterpounder guy beat me to it.

It's true I'm one of his VIPs

You don't. You need charisma and to keep people entertained which I promise that you, user, don't have and can't do.

wow what a retard


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You are not kidding when Emotes are part of a Subscriber hook but I think its being pals with someone online through thick and thin is what counts (even though money is somewhat the issue)

Attached: Its a start.jpg (625x628, 53K)

Nah, I just do it for fun. But many of them have told me that there's a lot of creeps and they prefer playing with me so it's a win/win.

you never even seen socialism

I donate around $500 to my favorite female streamers every month, what's wrong with that?

By sucking a lot of corporate dicks.

>there are betas out there that literally think giving 60 bux a month to some random twitch thot will somehow end up with them becoming her boyfriend
there are faggots out there spending thousands, what makes these morons think that these whores would give them the time of day

Attached: betas wasting money.png (934x1010, 218K)

False flag

For every one of these streamers there's thousands of streamers who make no money.

"being pals" see that's only one way of doing it, and it only works when you're under 100 viewers. After that, the chat starts getting too flooded to reasonably communicate with anyone unless you start picking and choosing.


I just hope all the faggots defending streamers here are doing it for replies and not because they actually believe what they're saying.


You could have used something important, like the fact that finance poach a ton of physics graduates so they can calculate derivatives instead of do something that helps people instead of actively being as harmful as they possibly can be.

But you picked the petty shit.

Ask yourself that again in 20 years.

Not to get, of escort services.

they could just save money and hire escorts, I literally don't get it

Attached: escort.png (746x533, 351K)

Back to discord with you, and no you’re not to a girl and will never be one

Isn't this supposed to be faked? Please say it's fake.

Excessive donation to streamers is findom. Of course fetishes you're not into won't make sense to you.

Is this the biggest fuck you to all of humanity? People died for this.

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Fuck the police, all you are good for is shooting the unarmed civilians
Die pig

>on all tweets the statistics icon is visible

Which means that the creator aka you is the owner of those tweets and those two accounts are also linked aka puppet accounts.



I need to go back to Amsterdam, But the place is kind of a shit hole, Probably even worse now with muslims

it is broken. the trick is to provide some digital service that can be easily replicated with no effort (so you only have to do it once) and then grow your audience so you can sell it to thousands

Do escorts also involve fucking or not ? I always wondered. If yes then aren't they just whores on delivery ?

Hmm... come to think of it, it makes sense.

It's human pack instinct leading to illogical choices. People watch the few top streamers only because other people are watching them.

Hence becoming a top stream is more like winning the lottery than having any sort of talent. Doesn't matter if their are thousands of people better than you, people wont even look at them with out a following.

>and this is why america is failing.
Nah, America is failing due to its established political system.
I liked Obama, but Bush was no better than Trump. Way worse, and he didn't face the fire Trump faces these days until he started the shit in the Middle East.

It's also fucking ridiculous what is happening in the context of Iran at the moment. When he said that he didn't want to go to war with Iran, the media was slamming him for not defending US values. Then he states once that he will go to war, if Iran misbehaves, and then they slam him for being a warmonger. It's essentially "Whatever Trump does, is by definition wrong, and we will report on it like that."
Yes, Trump is a faggot, but that doesn't make everything he does wrong by default.

Honestly. I do it because I'm alone and it feels good after a hard days work to come home, turn on my favorite girl streamer and donate and talk about what game she is playing.

You guys just wouldn't understand, you're normalfags and have girlfriends, being alone sucks.

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No it doesn't. Findom is about as retarded as scat or vore.

An escort is a hooker that pretends to be high class, as they are typically advertised as merely a pretty girl who will accompany you. But in reality they do also fuck you. You just overpay for the optics.

I've seen this argument multiple times and I think that's just trying to rationalize people being lonely and starved for affection. Would you say people donating 20$ to some male streamer just so he can read your message because his chat is too flooded also findom ?

Officially not, but in most cases yes.
Depends on the "whore". You mostly have to pay her extra in cash though.

>the job's not that risky

sure thing bud
tell that to those druggies trying to pull a stunt every time
actually there's a long list but thats gonna take helluva time to explain
and it was never about the money tho
I joined because i wanted to

Faggot, I'm a literal sperg i don't crave attention like you, You sure you're not the "normalfag"

Pretty sure there are more twitch channels than viewers nowadays.

Depends on the escort. They are usually hired to escort you to dinner parties with no sex involved, but that can be part of a package deal later.

Think about someone like RadBrad though. He's a good guy and does helpful walkthroughs of entire games. He meticulously organizes every chapter. For everyone that can't afford the game, it's a resource available for free. He has a likeable genuine personality but it's not necessarily all about that.

>Making money is all about shilling yourself. Playing your character well, and lying about your circumstances.
I think I'd rather just work.

>Do escorts also involve fucking or not?
>If yes then aren't they just whores on delivery?
pretty much, but at least it's guaranteed that you're gonna get laid instead of blowing thousands on twitch streamers hoping to become their boyfriends

Should I stick to one game and try to perfect it or should I be more varied and try to complete Campaigns of multiple different games within a week?

Attached: Kat dance.gif (1060x1072, 443K)

is that a threat buddy?

>to help advance mankind
what is this "advancement" you're talking about? and who asked the us gov to spend trillions of tax money to send a couple of dudes on some empty gay space rock?

>have to make up things that didnt happen and never will happen to prove his retarded point
nice "argument"

There is no equality and there is no justice, all lies, play dirty while you can

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Tfw made my first 6 figures sitting on my ass

God bless USA

Hoping I become a millionaire so I can live off dividends THEN get in the twitch game when I already made it

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Being a buck, at least not dangerous

Pewdiepie got famous for throwing barrels around in Amnesia the Dark Descent. It's crazy to think that his spontaneous reactions to the horror of that game changed his life.

careful there internet tough guy that or you might hurt yourself with that edge

It's kind of sad really, That's somebody's son.

She's cuter than a man at least.

what is it with gamers and blowing things out of proportion

>twitch streamers make money
capitalism broken

capitalism broken

>EA makes shitty game for the millionth time
greedy capitalist pigs ruin the dev

Seriously, can't you hear how retarded you sound when you use a vidya article headline to comment on the health of an economy, regardless if you are right or wrong.

Answer is in your picture.
Become a "top Live-Streamer".

Or, become an even slightly more productive member of society and earn much less, but more than you would chasing the dream of becoming a "top Live-Streamer."

"she" is a man

Fuck 'outta here, Fag

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here's a tip
if you refuse to corporate and don't no obey as instructed as you have been told repeatedly you will get shot and tazed
that's how it works

>be a traffic cop
>sit on the side of the road all day pulling over people doing reasonable speeds on flat straight roads
wow what a challenging profession

I get your position but she also is.

Yeah bros, fuck rules and laws! Gangweed 4 lyfe niggas. I don't even use roads.

>stick to one game or be varied
well if you stick to one game, you get a group of people who watch you play that game, and when you play anything else you probably keep almost no one. Or if you play a bunch of games, you get no one watching you play total garbage that they don't care about, except maybe 1 or 2 who pass through.
I and everyone I know grew through playing one or maybe two games then eventually moved on to v ariety (if they have, anyway). Playing multiple games is hard to do without at least 5-6 people watching you cause you'll never pop up on anyone's radar without a small established viewership.
>weird fursona thing
>AND no camera
you could at least set up a live2D facerig. You'll never grow anyway otherwise, especially with some obtrusive gigantic block for your chat (no one cares about seeing chat on stream, they can watch vod and get a replay of it anyway and a picture of your fursona.

Guess I'm thinking more about the people who really commit to being "top ds" and stuff. I don't know exactly where the cutoff is but I certainly don't think people who donate to get their "funny" message on screen are fetishists.

The amount of technology that is used daily that was invented for the moon landings is (hue) astronomical.

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you get to shoot niggers I think it's a fair trade

No one would care if you ended up on the side of death in one of these situations. ACAB

/x/ here, the answer is simple really. Just make a deal.

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okay, what's your point? is that a good thing? they made back any money with it?


Less than 1% of streamers make this kind of money. Half the streamers in general can't even make enough to do it as a full time venture.

>tfw I just stream visual novels for myself and a couple friends for a comfy night weeb book club sort of feel

I don't even want more people showing up because I assume everyone in the chat I don't recognize is gonna spoil something then leave

Attached: 777.jpg (291x339, 21K)

>wow what a challenging profession

not when most of those people are on the influence almost always and In possession of drugs and all kinds of stuff while trying to pull a fast one

>you get paid pennies to "live"
So why are you bragging about it? You're basically a slave to your government living in a shitty one room apartment and only get enough to cover bills so then you have to eat beans and rice all day because you can't afford anything else.

No different from professional athletes, people working with movies or music.

>I assume everyone in the chat I don't recognize is gonna spoil something then leave

Nagisa dies!
Saber disappears!
Witches are "real"!

are you ready to admit that the communist system is broken as fuck

>be a cop
>because of a few corrupt cops, you're seen as a bad guy by the majority of civilization

>be a firefighter
>women line up their pussies on side walks just so they have the chance of it being under your boot

Cops have it hard, especially in America. Keep it up CopAnon, I apperciate your work

Its not a Fursona if it doesn't have fur. Its supposed to be a alien/Robo Knight like Toonami's Tom

You are one person that said that and it was a few viewers that said before that I should have an overlay with a chat in video. I don't find it great to put myself on camera when the whole thing is about Gameplay. Not my personal life. People don't need to know that.

Attached: TOM_Evolution.png (650x300, 170K)

>whole thing is about gameplay
it's not though. If people wanted gameplay they'd be watching a youtube video. They watch twitch because of the person, the gameplay is just a backdrop.
>trusting people who are going to random streams for streaming advice instead of copying the successful pattern big streamers have
suit yourself, it's your own waste of time.
>it's not a fursona
ah so you're delusional AND stupid.

That’s why I grow weed on the side. Fuck getting taxed. Cold hard cash is the best.

It’s your fault your ugly and can’t hold a convo.

How do I actually find the courage to follow my passion and make money through that instead of wasting away my time toiling away on shitty video games?

Attached: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.gif (320x320, 240K)

honestly you get used to it after a while
It's been almost four years as time just flew by

>streamer makes millions
>has to pay nearly a million in taxes every year
>has to pay hundreds of thousands in bills if they live high-class
I don't see a problem in that.

Attached: 1517434954157.png (280x295, 90K)


Be born with right personality.
Streamers are extrovert, they love attention and whoring themselves out while the typical virgin is introvert.

Is hiring an escort illegal? Can you get an STD from an escort and if so, can you do anything about it? Asking for a video game developer friend haha.

drink more onions

>rich start finding creative ways to avoid paying taxes only after taxes were raised

Attached: Doubt.png (492x280, 85K)

stay away from escorts as far as you can

There is also a lot of "right place right time" going on. That's the whole reason Total Biscuit got famous. He was the only person making videos for WoW Cataclysm when people were starving for literally any information at all about it... and people ate it up. He went from basically a nobody running WoW Radio to a superstar overnight.

But then he died of ass cancer so I guess it all evens out in the end.

Depends where you live. Of course you can get an STD but condoms exist and work for the most part.

it was 1 million user

how strong should your pc be to maintain like what 4 monitors?

Report her to the IRS. There's no way she's reporting all of her income.

my sides .and these people want to be taken serious .

How is it broken?

>He pays $500 per month to thots who won't even show the goods
For fuck's sake, man, you could get laid with those $500 if you're feeling that lonely
Or if you're that much of a celibate, you could buy a onahole with /jp/'s help

The original one didn't have the statistics icon in it

Attached: poki squaaaaaad updated.png (602x597, 61K)

Yeah! that makes sense! Making good games is hard!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第22話「きみたか、行かないで!!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 178K)

Exactly. They should be removed.

Depends on what your passion is.

That image makes me angry but in a good way.

I'd gladly pay millions in taxes if I could make tens of millions. Because tens of millions is still tens of millions in the end.

says the guy who sits inside on his computer all day. You probably have no clue how the real world works faggot

Sell your soul to the internet basically, forfeit your privacy.

I hate wageslaving.
I'm just gonna kill myself in two years if I have to keep doing this shit.

Attached: wagie.jpg (1125x633, 68K)

What kind of cop are you?

Me too user life is not good

>Is hiring an escort illegal?
depends on country/location
>Can you get an STD from an escort
of course same goes for sleeping around with women. though the high-class expensive ones will usually be somewhat cleaner than some random crackwhore you found

I used Live3D

This what happened. Am I fucked bros?

Attached: heh.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Oh fuck, that's nightmare fuel. He should sue Live3D.

>Nah man let's just move all the tax money from the streamers to my-i mean the government's pockets.

Because he can't win it. It's always the excuse of every leftist out there to shame those that are better and earn money. Even if it's pathetic shit like this.

Now everyone knows you're not a dog and just an average white boy


Even if Yea Forums likes to complain about them and they still make more money than they deserve for just being boring bitches with cleavage, none of them titty monsters make even nearly as much money than your dude bro ASSFAGGOTS and Battleroyal streamers.

>lose a marriage and daughter in the process of keeping a self-made company afloat
>barely making bank
>all while teenagers are playing video games and buying mansions for fun

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It's so fucking stupid. We have to spend our lives doing shit we hate for people we hate while some faggot ass woman or dudebro makes 10 million by playing video games, all because we weren't at the right place at the right time or born with the right stuff to make it in this world. When you try to talk to other people about how unfair it all is, they're so fucking stupid they think that they're all gonna be the next millionaire instead of just admitting things should be better.
What's the fucking point of any of this shit?

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If men are that desperate to be thirsty for a female they should just pay for a sex doll. 2k one time only and it lasts 5 years.

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That job are you wageslaving? I fucking work at a Walmart as a cashier and it sucks.

Work for about a year, get yourself fired, go on unemployment for ~8 months, repeat. Unless you live in some shitty place in America where you'll get nothing.

>Top 'Actors' Get $1,000,000 an Hour to Pretend They're Someone Else
>Producers and studios pay to have celebritylike 'actors' play their new scripts on camera to shoot films, make money; 'It really sold me seeing him in the movie'

>being American

why not just get a normal job and keep the family? seems like a bad move.

Walgreens call center. 13.50 an hour. I have a bachelor's degree and the GM Financial call center wouldn't even take me. Not that that job was any good, but it was 17.50 an hour.

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>Unless you live in some shitty place in America where you'll get nothing.
Not if you have Neetbucks.

The answer is simple really

>people spend money on what they want
>broken as fuck
You live on the same planet as billions of other brain dead ham sacks, and you want to give up the freedom to choose your own priorities?

so, are we defending the status quo because being ironically contrarian is an easy way to get Yous or is it media and corporate brainwashing?

how can this be the fault of CAPITALism when they don't have any CAPITAL? The concerns raised by socialists and communists weren't because some people earned more than others, but because property rights which let people who owned machines, lands and resources to become very wealthy despite requiring laborers to work on those things for disproportionately little reward. This is just a guy in front of a camera.

Fuck man. I know the feeling. Call center I did once I barely made it 2 months in. But the pay seems fully worth it. If I were you I would follow except go back to work every 7 to 8 months. It's not like your jobs will say no.

socialist and communist societies HATED NEETS, they were nothing more than the same kind of leeches as landlords, only smaller

* Work for 6-8 months and take 5 to 6 months off.

>Mass Reply, LMAO!
kys twice.

Subtle irony makes for better bait, try dialing it back next time.

You only need to keep people happy if they can keep you from being alive. If all the jobs are done by super-efficient robots owned by the wealthy, that will include the military.

>when they don't have any CAPITAL

>dont have any CAPITAL
>shower titty or dudebro streamer with money
dunno what what you're trying to refute when it all goes back to people with too much money on their hands. it surely wasnt fault of some 3rd poorfag piratefag brazillian if whales started buying DLCs, microtransactions, season passes etc. and now they shove it on every game.

accountants and lawyers cost money user

The answer is to turn your brain off. It's not just an ironic phrase. Thinking creates doubt, and doubt holds you back. If you just turn your brain off, then you can move moves.

Less money than avoidable taxes

seizing the means of production means to take all the factories, land, housing and so on and removing a parasitical force from them so you get more factories, land and housing for regular people. Streamers are just given free money by retards for doing neither any thing productive nor obstructive. To make a food analogy: there's a really fat guy walking around and beating people up unless they give him half their cake, the fat guy is the capitalist class. Streamers are like people with entire cakes giving half their cakes to an animal because they think it's cute or funny.

have a personality
>durr why do one in a million athletes get paid millions while I have to wageslave

>current capitalist system
This is the same god damn system cavemen trading sea shells we're using. There is nothing current about it.

is your brain made of cheese?

yep, besides being a girl the only things are personality, skill, and luck. ppl with 20 average viewers have over 100 subs so it's not too bad

under communism everyone had to work, but in turn everyone got their fair share

Should I choose TSR knowing everyone is streaming it or should I go something else?

Attached: Its go time.jpg (1825x977, 318K)

>returning to vanilla corporate cuck instead of chocolate
WOOOOOW, go invade iran already mutt

>the brain of the operation is considered a parasitical force

And as tale goes some shares were fairer than others

Considered, yes

Go with what you want. I'm streaming Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World tomorrow evening and I don't give a fuck who watches or not. Just enjoy yourself.

>he doesnt know that most of the wealth the rich own isnt taxed at all
what is a shell company for 200 alex

legit stream for fun and do what you normally do. if someone donates/subs good on you

Cheers. Have a great time playing my Yea Forums bros.

Attached: Got myself a Paper Clip.gif (540x720, 686K)

people are very lonely and horney

You get to shoot niggers though.

>everyone has a full belly and a roof over their head
>a lucky few are far richer

>everyone is hungry and living in shacks
>a lucky few are far richer

You don't even need to play games.

Here's soda earning 20k for 2 hours of sitting there and watching youtube clips people send him:

(for 1 second of video play you pay a dollar).

That's it, I'm going to buy a Yeti microphone from Blue and becoming a Streamer full time.

>only like 1 or 2 cops die a year nationally.
Yeah, maybe if you live in some Nordic country with a minuscule population. Try working as a beat cop in East New York or Bed-Stuy in New York City. Or better yet, the Bronx. You better believe it's nothing but "cultural enrichment" there.

for streamers, it's literally just a luck of the draw what zoomers will adopt as their favorite person to donate daddy's credit card money too. I guess just have a decent microphone and act overly enthusiastic about everything, also yell, yell a lot.

if you're dealing with ghetto ppl i understand. the problem is when that overlaps to law abiding citizens and seeing everyone as a threat

I wish I could make a living by playing games all day as well, sadly I have neither a personality nor boobs

1m and it was 10+ streamers at the same time, for Apex opening

Be charismatic/extremely good/dedicated at playing game/s, and "sell out" as much as possible without completely alienating your audience.

>healthy attitude

>actor makes millions
>singer makes millions
>CEO makes millions
everyone is okay with that

>games makes millions
everyone starts to freak

really says a lot about our society

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>Half the streamers in general can't even make enough to do it as a full time venture.
If you think 50% of the streamers on Twitch or Youtube make enough money to do it full-time you're out of your
goddamn mind.
The vast majorty of streamers can't get more than 8 viewers. And those are probably Discord friends, two random yuros and a chink.

Though it is always funny when you see some dude who has obviously spent thousands on a stream setup, has all the fancy graphics, cartoon portraits, subscriber benefits, a patreon, his own Discord channel, his own "brand" ready, sitting there doing his best normalfag streamer impression...and he's streaming for 3 people. Talk about putting the cart before the horse.

Except virtually every great advancement in our history wasn't for the betterment of mankind, but for the benjamins.

go die in gulag you fucking envious incel commie.

>tfw kinda want to make videos like Mandalore Gaming, Ross, Civvie 11, about games that are a bit older or more niche, try to get people interested in playing them again

I want to but I don't think I can provide a good enough/interesting analysis of games I liked a lot.

What the fuck even was the gang weed shit?
Was it a previous attempt to stop anons from saying "stop throwing political crap into my videogames?"
Was it purely just shitposting?

What the fuck are you talking about?

>Mandalore Gaming, Ross, Civvie 11

lets be honest they need to make that much money because their careers only last a dozen years max and they have no other marketable skills, which means they will never be able to get a good job once they fuck up and say NIGGER on stream

>inherent value

Attached: 1536958718058.jpg (474x367, 24K)

>I have neither a personality nor boobs
this can be fixed

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>the system doesn't work because people earn money doing what they do best

okay commie

Is this why faggots have TTV/Twitch/TV in their names and always want "good vibes" and "positivity" in their streams and shit? Imagine having multiple personality disorders lol.

if you're making 10 million per year, you dont exactly need to work for long to retire

that is only required for female streamers, most male streamers look very avarage.

source? your ass? I dont get how this fucking womanhaters can not be happy with one of few things in which we actualy have advantage. You are being total N, yhinking you are victim even when you are not to mask that you are pice of shit

that actually proves males have advantage is females bell curve top is lover. what do you want, all woman earning zero, so that men can be dominant at all ranges?

just like in about everthing? What is your point?


I really wonder how things turn out in 30 years or so.
This is the first generation of internet personalities, we've never seen what happens once they get to 70, or die of old age. Will most of them retire before 40? Will they keep doing this stuff all their lives?
When we think of old people we think of WWII and being hopeless with technology, in 30 years time how different will that have become?

>most male streamers look very avarage.
so do most female streamers
this is one of the biggest female streamers
does she look above average to you

Attached: pokimane2.png (1156x632, 1M)

so naive. you're rare

>source? your ass?
go watch some streams
female streamers get a lot more donations per viewer

The only good economic system is voluntary extinction.


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Total butterface.

officer, I have one question for you: WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOOOOSE

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You're a retard. States are not entities. People are entities. The "state" system of America is archaic as fuck. "State Rights" should've been abolished after the civil war.

That might be "average" within the category of reasonably attractive women, but she's way above the average average.

Yea Forums defends the blind corporate wasteland that is the US because they fell for the delusion that they can someday be the man in charge,if they spend long enough flipping burgers. No matter how disadvantaged they are, they must defend the sacred cow even as it sells out pieces if itself to foreign laborers and prefers illegal immigrants take over them (for a capitalistic society naturally prefers cheaper labor that won't ask questions such as "when do I get a raise?")

>but she's way above the average average.
where the fuck do you live where that's "way above average"

>states are not entities
They literally are, retard. The only reasons the federal governments exists are to use the military to protect members of the union against foreign threats and to enforce the constitution.

Must be the US.

You watch too much porn and don't go out much if you forgot that most humans are disgusting.

I was thinking about whole streaming and YouTube deal and came to conclusion. Fuck it.
Maybe it would be fun for a month or two, but after that nah. I would rather work on a comfy job with decent salary than stream every single day to retards.

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if i went back in past, i'd give myself the 1950-2000 sports almanac and make a fortune betting on matches

That's like calling a corporation an entity, you brainwashed retard.

>that feeling when you are poor and other people are rich

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I like these news articles because it makes actual baby boomers mad as fuck.

you must not go out much if you think she is above average
just try going out sometime and stop giving your money to a twitch whore

What game are you supposed to stream to get twitchbux?

>you should be ashamed for noticing the institutionalised unfairness and exploitation of the common man
Fuck off, bootlicker.

Sign of a vibrant and healthy society. Meanwhile a nurse makes less than that in a year

The latest fad.

you are supposed to be the best in the world at a popular game.

Youtube isn't built for people that want to genuinely entertain others. They don't give you enough breathing room to write scripts or practice a serious craft, which is why every channel eventually resorts to low-effort vlogs of some sort. Take fucking Arlo, for example. Started off as a puppet doing vlogs, but even that was too difficult because he had to get his takes right, so now it's just vlogs without the puppet most of the time.

The free market itself isn't broken it's just no one accounted for how stupid people are

So they're taking advantage of the inherent privilege that being an attractive woman gives them. What are you doing to capitalise on your inherent male privilege?

Most streamers/gaming youtubers don't have the social skills or looks to do anything else, that's the point. If female streamers were 10/10, intelligent, charming and skilled, they wouldn't be streaming for a living.

no, that's not how it works. inflation only happens when supply is lower than demand. with automation, supply keeps increasing, but without UBI, demand cannot due to people being poor and shit. the economy will unavoidably go into a recession without UBI because no one will be able to buy all the extra shit created by automation.

americans mostly dislike UBI because they don't like people getting shit for free, especially if there's even the slightest notion that it is "their" money.

what other job would they be doing where they make 10k+ per day doing nothing?

>Hey twitch streamer my mom just passed away I'm sad as fuck, anyway here is 20 dollars

>defending the status quo is contrarian
You don’t even know how to apply your shitty buzzwords correctly

HR in any company

what company pays 3 million per year to HR employees

Well fuck I am still in college and only make around 50k a year.
This really makes me feel poor as hell that someone makes what I make in a year in just one hour...

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Sorry, user. It's the gulag for work shy degenerates like you.

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Holy shit she looks like a soccer mom.

Now look at them zoomers that's the way you do it You play the vidya on the twitch tv That ain't workin' that's the way you do it Money for nothing and your games for free

>hey streamer you missed my last donation can you read it please, here it my last 5 dollars.

Real question, do these people ever end up depressed having the "obligation" to play games?

But seriously guys, is there a way to make money with vidya besides streaming?

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she is 6/10 but men can be goblin and still have success streaming, look on greekgodx for example.

Yes. All the fucking time. You hear about burnout constantly. Some of these streamers pull fourteen hour work shifts, and most of it isn't even intellectually stimulating for them. It's a real drudge.

>50k a year

You say that like it was nothing. That's big money.
Also still in college. Covering everything using about 6k a year.
Probably wouldn't work out in the US, so I'm glad to be from "Old Europe".

I was thinking the same thing when I watched one guy on youtube recently. he does walkthroughs for almost every big game that comes out. it almost feels like a boring job especially when you don't have time to play old stuff or something you really care about that's not mainstream or zoomer friendly.

>cop shoots dog
>cops are bad we dont need them

you really are not this stupid are you?

they get lot more donations per viewer because they have less normal nonpaying viewers.

if you have 100 paying user and 100 nonpaying ofc your per user avarage is gonna be more then when you have 200 paying user and 500 nonpaying. but you still earn less

Just like make vidya game

Make vidya, review vidya, shill vidya. It all depends on whether you can garner an audience. Audiences are pre requisite to monetization

Well I live in California where even the most ghetto piece of shit house will sell for around 300k.

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you can't

get a real skill

looks like it's working as intended.

>only skill is writing
>have to live at home with parents while writing Visual Novel sex scenes for money
>barely making end's meet
>only way I'll make it big is by getting lucky and publishing a book

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So not only are their "work hours" ridiculous but they don't even get to chose the game they play..... daym I love vidya but not like that, that shit sucks

just publish novels on amazon

>It's basic economics
I always hate how retards talk about "basic economics" or "economics 101" without having ever had an economics class. Usually this argument gets applied to wages.

They say shit like, "If employees earned $10 more every day, the worth of goods would go up $10!"

But there's a whole chain of costs that lead to the production and sale of a product. The guy behind the counter is just a small fraction of those costs, and while raising wages does increase the cost of goods, it does so with respect to real math and real economics.

I don't know what UBI would do to the economy, long term, but if everyone got $1,000 per month if they were unemployed, it sure as fuck wouldn't cause all goods to become $1,000 more expensive.

Then $50k/a is indeed not much.
Godspeed, user. Let's show the world!

literally both. we're fucked dude :( just try to look out for your family and close friends before it all comes tumbling down. good luck

We don’t need cops, if everyone had access to guns, we wouldn’t need cops. Cops are a bunch of wealth fare queens.

Seems you didn't need no education neither. Lmao, libertardians.

Yes let’s give everyone $50,000 an hour. Hope you don’t mind paying $5000 for a loaf bread though.

Nah, it's more like
"if people were honest and weren't so stupid, greedy and willing to backstab eachother for some meager wealth gain, we wouldn't need cops"

Just some dumbass meme that reddit forced for a week or two.

>Corporations make 1.4 billion in profits therefore they can pay for it
>Not taking into account health insurance, taxes, costs of operations, and loss of profits due to fraud and loss of product shipments etc.
>We spend too much on the military guys!!!!
>Looks at Discretionary spending vs Federal spending
>Federal Spending accounts for 56% of Welfare while Military is at 18%
>Discretionary is at 54% for military.

you don't
you may as well buy a lottery ticket

Shut the fuck up, Biff.

NOt a libtard. I’m a republican.

Become Mr. Wizard/Joey Cuellar


Considering minimum wage is like $7 per hour and bread costs like $4, the scenario you're proposing is amusingly way fucking better than what we have now.

In your post-apocalyptic wage world, minimum wage is $7 and bread costs $0.70. I think you mean to whine that if minimum wage is $7, then bread would illogically cost $70 just to spite wage earners.

Think of it as being like a Hollywood actor or pop star. They get insane amounts of money for doing considerably less work than the average wagie. However, only a privileged few get to be in that position.

I just don't want to work at all but I need food in order to survive which is bullshit.

>Entire job is running into death to save you/your dog/your house with a hose and an axe
>Most of the time your job is harassing people, profession is known for corruption and kneejerking their tasers and guns out
I mean is it really surprising. I still think cops get a bad rap but it's pretty unarguable that firemen are the most selfless heroes there are

based as fuck

But you get to stay in a cool house and fuck your bros.

fuck off nigger

I don't think it's capitalism, it's how streaming sides work. Why do you even get money for just posting videos of yourself? No one pays directly for it.

Both. The alt-right, literally incels and NEETs, have been tricked into voting against their own interests. A decade ago, you might have seen blue collar workers LARPing as temporarily embarrassed millionaires, but today, even those who have never worked a single hour in their lives also pretend to be a part of that group because "fuck tryone and stacy for perma-cucking me". It's almost as hilarious as it is sad.


you want me to post more dickgirls?

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Give it a year or 3. Government is going to put a regulation on that too.

>play video games
>people find it entertaining
>people voluntarily give their money
How is that bad?

you both sound like faggots that dabbled in reacharounds

It's like asking how to make it in hollywood or get a hit single. It's just that it's video games and u guys can relate to it. Move on with your life and get a regular job. It's like top 1% making this amount of money the rest is making mcdonalds money if even that.

People whine about military spending because it's a large portion of the discretionary budget, which can be changed during new budget proposals.

Mandatory spending, such as what they spend on medicare, is mandatory, as the name implies. They can't choose not to pay for it. They can reduce mandatory spending in one of two ways:
1. The Republican way, which is to cut mandatory programs for people on the lowest social strata while cutting taxes for the rich at an even faster rate so as to cause a worse deficit.
2. Fix the underlying systemic flaws that lead to high costs, such as the US's healthcare system.

Then there's the Democrat approach, which is to blame Republicans and bail out failing businesses with tax dollars, or create a scheme wherein everyone is required to buy health insurance because they think it's what the Republicans would want.

doesn't negate the fact we still need them from fucks like yourself for instance

Nah, just dudes with tits


These guys who stream are the best of the best. You get that good at gaming of course you can write your own ticket, and that ticket pays well dude.

I hope you're being ironic, user.

American detected



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>popular streamers get paid to stream new games

WOAWW!!! Good fucking god, I remember arguing with some literal imbeciles about that. They legit didn't want to believe that a streamer who never even played any FPS games (mostly played Dota) would play PUBG because he gets paid for that.

Same with any other streamers who play games before the release (journalist's version) or right after the release to promote it and boost sales.

Twitch is a television for gaymers and popular streamers are literally show runners.

>be a cop
>still don't and never will get paid as much as this

Well maybe start racketing business, get your share in defending prostitution / drugs like any successful cop does. Shoot an occasional nigger to lift up your stress.

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>don't waste your time playing video games, study and work hard at school

has any group of people been more wrong than boomers?

>Majority of cops
>Being able to handle their job accordingly and not throw a shitfit at some random faggot on the street


Yeah, you clearly are not bragging.
Doubt that (you) actually make anything, most likely just a fucking kid with rich parents who give you 50k / year.

>There's no step 2 because you're not a girl. You already failed step 1.
>almost all of the top streamers are guys though, girls may have an easier time starting out if theyre appealing to the "parents blocked pornhub" audience but thats not all of them

Twitch sluts don't need a lot of subs or extreme popularity, but they often get insane donations and are open for prostitution aka "dating their sponsor daddies". That's literally how it works.

Certain individuals used their MMO skills to sell in-game items and currency for IRL monies.
However, with the rise of chinese farmers, it is probably extremely unprofitable now unless you can manipulate in-game markets or become leader of a large guild.

Why get mad over this, there are plenty of occupations just as overpaid like normal celebrities, camwhores, and Instagram thots. At least youtubers and livestreamers kinda represent the average joe (depends on the person in question, but for video games, it's usually just a random dude who got popular).

Until the system crashes and burns (like the European social democracies are which is what most people think socialism is although it really isn't), but fuck it the current system is already plunging itself into debt because there are too many safety nets. Just try and shake as much as you can out of your society as you can and be watchful for the right time to leave. Also, 100% agree that democracy is gay, the citizenry are too feebleminded and apathetic to rule.

Is there any way to make real-life money in Elite Dangerous?

Democracy is gay.
However, it is the only system where the government gives the slightest of fucks about common folk.
Benevolent dictatorship is a myth. See - Stalin.
The only people ruthless enough to rise to the top are not likely to give a fuck about others.
Hereditary monarchy is slightly better in theory, but in practice you get "baffled christendom.jpg"
And oligarchy - when corporate greedy fucks no longer need even try to hide their jewery.

Oh really, so why do scientists get paid?