What do you think about emulation?

What do you think about emulation?

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Its alright, game preservation and all but the user base act like they are followers of god for using it.

Yeah. Emulation should be seen more as game preservation rather than UGH PC GAMERS always PIRATING games that AREN'T THEIRS.
Retards who try to make it a legal issue need to read page 11 of this document.

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Sony literally has their PS3 firmware for free download from their official website, and honestly in my case I mainly emulate old games and only in the case when I can't buy them on PC.

Gib spoonfeed

I think it’s fine for game preservation and playing games that are just not available anymore. I’m currently modding my snes classic and dumping it full of roms of games I missed growing or and haven’t had a chance to play. Ideally I’d love to fill it with every nes/snes/gba/gbc game ever and turn it into a library of sorts. I want to do the same with a wii u and a ps3 but fill it wii/gc/64 and ps1-3 games respectively.

Take an entire consoles library and fit it in a usb flash drive or external hard drive

What’s not to love about that??

It's cool
>only the games I own
these fags are insufferable though

It's pretty nice, I don't have to deal with shit loading screens all the time on Persona 5.

Only casual faggot redditor she emulate

could you repeat that in english?

When you have no other way to play the game, it's great. Fuck moralfags for refusing to dump ROMs though.

its the only way to ensure that the original hardware i have lasts for another 20+ years.

They dont make them anymore you know....

So what's this dude's problem? If he has a cartridge of which no dump exists, and the hardware to make one, why is he not releasing it? Just to be a faggot?

its a typical case of an elitist seclusive fag who desires attention and people sucking his dick for something.

Yes, just to be a raging faggot, given enough pressure he would just smash the cartridge to spite people who actually give a fuck about a rom nobody ever heard of nor cares about.

You stupid?

People with such character flaws usually have an absolutely terrible life which is why they have to cling on such meaningless amounts of power, let's not blame them. Well, okay, let's blame them a little.

>The Register has concluded that to the extent that libraries and archives wish to make preservation copies of published software and videogames that were distributed in formats that are (either because the physical medium on which they were distributed is no longer in use or because the use of an obsolete operating system is required), such activity is a noninfringing use covered by section 108(c) of the Copyright Act.

Are you a library or an archive? No. You're not.

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Okay ESL nigger let me break it down for you
>only casual faggots
This means that someone who doesn't take games seriously
This means you're some dumb homo feminist
This means you play N64 games on your computer
>play on original hardware
This means you should play the game as intended by the devs on the hardware they released for the game
>and get the authentic experience
This means you get the best experience possible
>and stop using filters
That means you're ruining the visual authenticity of the game
>and save states
This means you're a casual who can't play the game fairly

I'm sorry I didn't quite get it, can you repeat that in Shakespeare's tongue ?

i tend to blame them and bully them the hardest way that will hurt them the most.

by ignoring them and their faggotry.

Well enow esl nigg'r alloweth me breaketh t down f'r thee
>only casual faggots
this means yond someone who is't doesn't taketh games s'riously
this means thou art some dumb homo feminist
this means thee playeth n64 games on thy comput'r
>play on 'riginal hardware
this means thee shouldst playeth the game as intend'd by the devs on the hardware those gents releas'd f'r the game
>and receiveth the authentic exp'rience
this means thee receiveth the most wondrous exp'rience possible
>and stand ho using filt'rs
yond means thou art ruining the visual authenticity of the game
>and saveth states
this means thou art a casual who is't can't playeth the game fairly

That makes it even more retarded. If "preservation" was what he cared about, he'd distribute those ROMs as widely as possible.

>say you're interested in game preservation
>take money to support game preservation
>don't share never been dumped ROM file

But why Yea Forums what's the point?

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Not perfect but based nonetheless.

Byuu's created the hardware/software to properly dump SNES games. He's released that. As an added freebie he's also dumping every game in existence and sharing the hashes, so actual dumpers can share this all anonymously

So if I break into his house and steal that little thing from him I could make serious cash?

>someone has something I don't have
>why doesn't he let everyone have it?
>I should steal it from him and make money
Jealous faggots

Good idea
By the way, do want to be sued for 10 trillion dollars?

I don't care about video games or pirating. I'm a burglar probably black too

I'm a component of an ad hoc distributed archive.
Also I literally do scan/deDRM books to upload them to the Internet Archive and if you think that's bad, collectorfag, you can lick my balls

So what's the difference between a hash and a ROM?
They sound pretty similar but they obviously must be different if he's bragging about never releasing the ROM.

This guy give a reason or is it just straight
>Cant have people play this 20 year old game that is almost impossible to play otherwise cause illigal.

Do you work with the Dominion Archives?
You and your basement dwellers who play on Steam all day and download emulators because you're too young to have owned an N64 or PS1 when it came out doesn't count

The hash is a key that will validate the genuinity of the file

No. The game is worthless. The game will be released shortly cause a few dumpers will buy random cheap copies and check if they found it. Literally nobody else would buy this game

>literally collects money on patreon ostensibly to preserve games
Fuck off moron.

Hashes are valuable in themselves. That way when byuu's alt someone dumps it again they can verify it against his and be sure it's the same game.

Hash allows you to check if the thing is for real, an identification number.
The rom is the thing that you can play.

Shut the hell up you bootlicking cretin, holy fuck what kind of faggot would make a post like this

>So what's the difference between a hash and a ROM?
How do you not know what a filehash is?

No, I just told you who I work with, boomer. The Internet Archive, other, less reputable torrent trackers and data troves, and my own RAID array. Sorry you own a bunch of worthless plastic and want to inflate its price, but the future is now. Fuck copyright, fuck kikes, fuck collectors, fuck niggers and fuck you.

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emulation is anti-preservation and the scene itself is full of trannies and weirdos. The only way to preserve these things is learn how to maintain real hardware. You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs, but how to maintain and preserve them. Emulation is preservation is a placebo statement. Emulation was never about preservation, it's about enjoying games conveniently and for free. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. You'll do preservation efforts a lot better writing down capacitor lists for each sega genesis revision and service them yourself than you'd ever by contributing code to an emulator.

The video game equivalent of the automatic printer. The only people who have a moral issue with emulation are people who are scared their authentic possessions are going to drop in value.
Kinda reminds me of how the guy who invented the printer got the shit kicked out of him because people were afraid the technological progress would upset the status quo.

>reeeeee buy my plastic

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>emulation is anti-preservation

Emulaters are so easy to upset. Truth hurts, doesn't it?

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Yeah whatever lamo stay on Reddit with your serious internet preservation job you do out of your moms basement KEK
Yeah whatever
I don't care

Emulators can output to CRT, you know?
I love my Wii.

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Emulation is still inferior to the real hardware, you know?

So it's completely worthless when the only people who actually have the ability to dump the files won't do it because they're massive attention whores.

So it's just a "Fuck you, this game exists but you aren't going to be able to play it unless somebody else finds a copy."
It's not like I want to play it that bad but that sounds like a pretty shit job of game preservation. Imagine someone finding a book and they tell everyone the title and author but refuse to document what's actually inside it.

it's cool that companies are realizing that emulation is the best way to make old games relevant again and releasing them...maybe one day we can go back to the wiishop era of wide availability but on pc instead, where the hardware won't become obsolete

absolutely fucking seething

By a defunct chink company for an I.P. never registered outside chinkland?

This, in every other hobby you have people who preserve the software and hardware, with games you have idiots who slap stickers all over their cartridges because "DUR I NEED END LABELS", who throw out their cases and put their discs in binders to "save space", who can't treat any of their hardware properly they're full of dirt, dust, bugs and shit because their rooms are fucking disgusting and look like a swamp.

Emulation community preserved the SNES CD ROM better than any collector faggots did. They made its capabilities work on real hardware too

No, it's a "I have this game that nobody has ever dumped and I'm about to dump it but I'm not leaking it myself this person over here across the room from me who is totally not me is going to dump it at some unspecified time in the future : )"

IIRC this guy actually lives in Japan and they take software piracy for 20 year old shit a lot more seriously than you'd think.

>I haven't used mesen, higan or blastem

Emulation is one of the best and most important things to have happened to video games.

Only if you fetishize mass-market plastic and care more about authenticity nostalgia than playing a good game or fixing the logic of old consoles in software for all time.

I'm a zoomer and I'm going to continue enjoying my collection of good video games made before I was born while you seethe about capacitors or something.

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that's trannyulation for you.

you got that backwards

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Not if you're an end-user.

I'm currently playing through a bunch of old games I never did before.
Emulation is good.

dumping would be the pro-emulation choice, physical collectors are the ones who hoard rare undumped games.

>who throw out their cases and put their discs in binders to "save space"

What possesses people to do this?

>Are you a library or an archive? No. You're not.
I actually do own a private library of more than 20 thousand books.

Not caring.

Did you ever see a collectors room? I don't understand why gamers can't keep their shit clean its fucking disgusting.
It takes work to take care of your shit, I have plastic protectors on all my boxes, constantly cleaning shit, my game cases are starting to show natural age and dirt that inevitably accumulates I have to go through hundreds and hundreds of games and one by one clean each case. Every single day I'm dusting shit.
It takes work, you can't just shove it on your shelf and never look at it again

Especially if you're an end user. Popping in an HDD, loading up OPL on a PS2, looking up what modes you need to enable is far superior for the end-user than having new versions of the emulater break everything, degrade performance, require additional adjustment and tweaks on a per-game level.

Emukeks will never understand, while they seethe over some feminine faggots collecting cartridge they'll forever be choked by the godly original hardware back up loader. How's original xbox emulation treating you? Still trying to pass of that jsrf emulation video as good despite it missing half the effects and running at half the framerate?

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Being retarded

Emulators are pretty cool, I enjoyed playing some translated ROMs on emus, it can open up possibilities that you don't have on region locked hardware.

I hope you scan the rare ones user

So you're saying the subtext of the image renders this whole thread pointless?
It will be dumped he's just acting tsundere on the surface for attention.

Yeah, sounds like your average thread on Yea Forums. Least I learned something new about emulation so there was something of value.

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You can tell your cellmates how you were totally working to preserve history in federal prison, scum

Sue me.
As if. No one cares about copyright anymore.

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Which is why an emutranny is hoarding undumped games. Oh but it's even worse, he dumped them and is now refusing to release them. That's the funniest thing yet. When Kevtris and Analogue released the NT Mini, SuperNT users were allowed to dump their own games for back ups right on to the microSD. Byuu the emutranny spends thousands of dollars and Kevtris incidental feature ended up more undumped games getting put out there. That's the amazing thing, that faggot dedicated his life to it and was outdone by some weirdo baldy who cares more about preserving the original hardware than Byuu does.

space is more important than "conservation', boxes are completely worthless for everyone that doesn't have OCD

>all emulation is bad because xbox emulation sucks
that's like saying all races are awful just because niggers exist

> new versions of the emulater break everything, degrade performance, require additional adjustment and tweaks on a per-game level
Doesn't happen, troll.

you: shitty old games need to be preserved for posterity!
me, an intellectual: no

Or all retrofags are faggots because collectorfags exist, for a metaphor that's closer to home

I wish the actual creators did a better job of preserving their games officially. What the fuck is up with that shit, emulation is treated as though its modern piracy.

Still inferior and not accurate
Goalposts will move again in 3, 2, 1...

>Oh but it's even worse, he dumped them and is now refusing to release them.
Anyone who believes he's actually pro-emulation is retarded. He contributes absolutely nothing of value, it doesn't matter if he makes perfect dumps of rare games if he's the only person in the world with access to them. He's a typical snobby collector who claims to care about preservation just as long as it doesn't devalue his rare physical copies.



pirate games on real hardware
collectorkeks be damned

Yeah i fucking hate those fake hacks.
We know you used ZSnes when you were a kid and own like, two of the games on your roms list, so stop fucking around and admit you don't actually own these games. It's not like the Nintendo ninjas are gonna come to your home and kill you.

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you: i'm not a faggot
me,a genious: yes you are

To be fair he's probably going to wait at least a month or two to dump it. But it's a fucking Pachinko video game anyway, who gives a shit.

As long as you realize and accept that you're a cretin and an idiot, that's fine.

some people don't have literal autism that requires them to possess everything related to their video game


It's worse for a hundred other reasons but if that's what really upsets you, imagine not being able to emulate 20 year old hardware. Truly pathetic.

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the box looks pretty on a shelf but they only exist in limited quantities and are susceptible to environmental damage, eventually all of them will be destroyed. a dumped rom will last forever unless the entire internet dies somehow.

>not accurate
Wrong, the player can't distinguish the two.

Exactly. Honestly the dude sounds pretty cool now that I've got the full picture.

That's cool, there's nothing wrong with being a casual if you just wanna sell your PS4 when the PS5 comes out and just buy the newest blockbuster go ahead.

I love emulation!
Here's what I'm currently playing.

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No, it's still unreleased after 2 years.

casual poorfags cope.

>physical GOOD
>digital BAD

games are already rotting away

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>n-no I'm better! I'm authentic!

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The only emulation has taught them is that morons will keep paying to buy games they've already bought over and over again.
It's why we will never get true backwards compatibility again because they can just do full price re-releases and sell digital copies (that won't work on the next console and will need to be bought again) and fucking idiots will lap it up

So hes just trying create plausible deniability is that it? So when some "random 3rd party" does drop it he cant be charged? I guess thats where im confused here. If he is holding the only known copy how will he be able to leak it AND deny being the leaker?

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I've got boxes that are nearly 40 years old, I take care of my shit everything is in protectors, away from direct light, away from any heat source, and that's why they look the way they do, and they'll probably look just as good for another 40 years

Not wide enough

I need to get a good controller for my retropie. Any recommendations? I've got NES, SNES, GBA, and PlayStation on it currently.

If it's a publicly released game it's probably not the only known copy to actually exist. It's just that he's the only person who actually dumped his own cart to find out it was slightly different than the publicly available rom.

So just two emulators out of all the active ones? Quit making sweeping generalizations.

He's saying he won't dump it because he's a real person with a giant target on his back. He makes a lot of money creating tools that enable piracy, if he were to make a single fuckup, nintendo would be all over it and use the police to punish him to the fullest extent of copyright law.

In reality, he says he won't share the dump so that he has plausible deniability, then a week or so later he uploads it to a private tracker or throws it in a mega and shares it on a twitter or forum alt.

Literally never saw disc rot before outside of shitposts on Yea Forums posted by underage emuniggers

its true user, my sega cd copies have spots too and ive kept them in a dry place for 30 years

I don't know what you want, a third party controller? Just use the original NES, SNES and PlayStation controllers, they're better than any third party shit.

Most of my playstation 1 collection is unreadable now. I can't even sell it.

post your latest paystub

I mean the post was from 2017. So did he ever dump it?

It is absolutely a real thing
I have old floppy disc and cd rom games that no longer read, and they were all kept in ideal conditions and treated very well. Carts will take longer but discs, especially early ones are going to start dying off before their owners do.

Accurate doesn't mean "correctly represents the logic of the console" in the mouth of a collectorfag, it means "give me money for my old shit."

Nope. That particular revision is still undumped.

grrrr buy my plastic

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Needs more rom dumps

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I have my childhood snes, gameboy and a good amount of games (I was lucky since my dad owned an electronics store so he could buy them at factory price)...I've always kept just because I didn't have anything to do with it but recently knowing that there are people who buy it, and at a high price I'm getting over the emotional value...do you guys think it's good to sell now or it will increase in value?

Well don't live in Australia where it's too hot and humid and this won't be a problem. Or put an AC in your house
>selling your games

8-bit games hit the peak in 2016, now their prices are slowly going down


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Your a gamer you nigger.

I live in Brasilia, dude. It's relatively cold (15 to 25 C) and dry.

i play on original hardware on a crt only I boost the tint all the way to green and tweaked the tube geometry into an hourgalss shape. does this please the dev ancestor spirits?

Hidamari Summoner is mighty fine game

We're getting closer to optimal.

Step aside, peasants.

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Yeah, anti pirates get annoying, especially when it comes to roms. They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.

Unless you have rare games like 奇々怪界, they're not gonna go up in value anymore. In fact, I'm actually seeing the bubble burst and CIB games are getting cheap. Games I used to see for $90-100 are around $40-50 CAD!
I thought that gamecube would be next to be way overpriced but for some reason I've actually seen the games get cheaper too.
LOL that's not fucking cold that's summer in Canada

You are a faggot...but a based one atleast.

This, dump your own roms and sell the cart after. You have the thrill of the find with the easiness of emulation

Of course he shouldn't release the ROM. That would be copyright infringement.

Original system + rom loader = best if both worlds

we can agree on not using filters

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
You aren't entitled to play all the games that exist. Sometimes, you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience.

Emulation is preservation, claiming it's strictly to play games for free is inaccurate when emulation is also used for legitimate retail releases.

Sure, it varies, but as long as you're using an accurate emulator (especially cycle-accurate emulators) you still have what's basically a program from 30 or so years ago (for example) running on modern hardware in the same way a virtual machine would.

Hardware preservation is important as well, I agree, especially as someone who collects both arcade boards and consoles, and the unfortunate reality is that a lot of systems have already hit their expiration dates.
Sega consoles need their shit capacitors replaced, disc-based systems everywhere have dead or failing lasers and disc trays, the pin connector on your average secondhand NES is so fucked up it takes 20 years just to load a game, etc.

Thankfully replacement parts are in production for a lot of systems, and to respond to your "capacitor lists for the genesis revisions" comment- sites like Console5 sell cap kits for the different Genesis models, and forums like Sega-16 are a trove of information about the Genesis hardware.

On the topic of emulation tho, hoarding undumped roms and acting self-righteous about it is a level of cocksuckery unlike any other and is defacto anti-preservation.
Just because it exists on *somebody's* hard drive somewhere doesn't mean it's fucking preserved, at the very least uploading it to the internet allows for indefinite copies to be made.

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>computer crashes and you lose all your files
I've had more computers break on me then games, literally only one game of mine ever broke and because I lent it to some Asian kid back in the day and he scratched my disc

Will programmable hardware help close the gap for n64 emulation?

Makes me angry when I remember all those older games whose dev resources and source code got lost in time becausenobody had the foresight to back that shit up somewhere.
FF8 comes to mind, for example.

Based and zoompilled. Old hardware fetishists can go suck a dick.

If you're bothering to back anything up in the first place, don't put it in just one location. You don't need a fucking Raid6 array, but throw that shit onto an external or fuck, burn a dvd or two.

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>you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience.
Or I could just pirate, since I'm not beholden to some online autist's idea of "entitlement". Thanks for proving user's point though.

No I don't have any important files, just my hentai

Even my e-books I keep 2 or 3 copies because I can't trust Amazon, why wouldn't I do that with my games?

Oh man LOL

I may still buy new games occasionally, but at this point emulation is just less hassle. I don't know if i'll ever be able to emulate the bigger stuff, PCSX2 gives me shit for basically anything I do, but I only eat up older games that either have bullshit digital resale values or basically can't be found anywhere but on import sites or ebay nowadays anyway.

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Nobody cares, virgin. A box is not a game. Period. You don't actually care about games, you only care about physical stuff you can hoard, probably in a futile attempt to make your pathetic and empty life a little more meaningful. You should consider killing yourself.

>what are digital backups

Are collectorfags just retarded?

What's the point of dumping your own roms anyway? They're not magically any different from the ones on the internet

PCSX2 is a beast on its own. PS2 is a pain to emulate and the emulator is filled with hacks to go around decade old code for old PCs.

If you really want to play PCSX2, use the software renderer. It's actually pretty damn good. You can also find progressive scan patches on the forums for some games so you can get rid of interlacing artifacts and deinterlacing ghosting


Sometimes you may find ones online that are bad dumps or fucked with something. Doesn't happen often depending on where you look, but in the rare circumstance that it does, providing your own (hopefully competent) dump can get around the issue obviously. Otherwise doing your own dumps is basically just "feel good on the conscience" stuff for those scared by digital piracy.

I'm playing games more than I'm on this shithole
You emufags are delusional
lmaooo let me get a time machine and tell 6 year old me not to keep my game boxes because some faggot in the future will tell me it means I don't play games.
No, we don't play on emulators

I was using software mode, but either due to loading speeds from an old external or the emulator, it ran something like Ratchet Deadlocked at a pretty cumbersome and slow FPS. Might be my rig though. Klonoa 2 meanwhile ran fine for the most part but required constant swapping sound and clamp shit on start up to get around graphical and audio issues.

So you're just retarded, got it.

That's kind of my point. There aren't tradeoffs between dumps. There's one objectively best dump and everything else is worse.

>caring about other pachinko games when there has been Pachinko Sexy Reaction ROM for years

That's not what he said you cretin.

playing on a crt is better than any of that shit. pcsx2 is trash, OPL is the future.

You aren't entitled to watch all the films that exist. Sometimes, you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience.

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>No, we don't play on emulators
enjoy your Gradius III at nigh unplayable speeds, fag

You aren't entitled to read all the books that exist. Sometimes, you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience.

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Nigga if it wasnt for emulation many games would be lost to time. When the actual games dont work anymore emulation will still be there to play the games.

How am I a retard I don't play on an emulator
Yes you did

Thanks for confirming you are retarded.

This, I have the 8 hours version of "Greed" by Erich von Stroheim, but I'm suck a dick that I burn a photogram reel each new year's day to fuck the whole world up:
Depending on who you ask, the original cut ran for 8 or 9 hours (some quote an even longer run time) and ran over 42 film reels, but was cut down to about 4 hours (24 reels) by Von Stroheim himself (partly against his will), after which time he insisted that he could not (or would not) cut another single frame of footage from the film.

The film was then given to Von Stroheim's colleagues film director Rex Ingram and editor Grant Whytock, who cut it down to an even shorter 140 minutes (18 reels), before Ingram sent it back to Von Stroheim, who stated "if you cut one more frame I shall never speak to you again". The 140 minute cut was screened to the public, and became the definitive cut of the film, although in 1999, a 4-hour cut was released, with the aim of being closer to the director's original vision, although since by that time the additional scenes had been lost, still photographs were used in their place.

Only 12 people have seen the full 8 hour cut at a special screening in January 1924, many of them proclaiming that they had just witnessed the greatest film of all time and that it was unlikely a better film would ever be created. It's not entirely clear how the additional scenes became lost (allegedly, the footage was destroyed by a janitor), although many rumors of existing copies have been spread and some later disproved. Von Stroheim himself has confirmed that Benito Mussolini was once in possession of a copy of the original cut, but the fate of this copy (as well as the other rumored copies) is entirely unknown, and none of the lost scenes have been publicly discovered to this day. The original 8 hour cut has been dubbed by some as the "holy grail" of film archivists.

>we didn't preserve these things in the past, so we shouldn't preserve things now.

Shit happens and things are lost to time, but if we can make and keep copies to preserve what we've created, we should strive to do so. To say or do otherwise is quite defeatist.

>This, in every other hobby you have people who preserve the software and hardware,
Video games are no different you collossal faggot. Imagine going to /g/ and telling people that emulation isn't real software preservation and the only legitimate use of software is on original hardware. You morons are an embarrassment.

why do you think there are hashes? to identify the good dumps from the bad

Or it's just realistic. You're not entitled to experience other people's works. You'll just have to accept you were too late and live with doing without.

>there are people on vi who this roms are bad

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If the game isn't being physically printed anymore its perfectly fine to emulate that game.

Someone find this passive-aggressive faggot and fucking beat the shit out of him. Always dumb retards with anime profile pictures that are just annoying little fucking niggers.

jesus christ I read the fucking book Greed was based on in under 8 hours

>a bloo bloo bloo it's not real preservation

Your tears are delicious. Go pound sand.

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As i told in the first post i do this for the thrill of the find, talking to people, making friends, going places, haggling...not because we don't already have great roms around

I don't really think anyone really has thinkings like that.

oh my sweet summer child...

In "Satantango" film there is a scene of people dancing in a tabern during 17 minutes non stop.
You can hack in images more than in words.

If it's a game worth playing, it's a game worth buying, I feel. I only ever emulate if it's too much of a hassle to play on original hardware.

Again, nobody seems to "accept" this fact at all. From NES to PS2, virtually every single game is a google search away, and most people seem to enjoy that and don't find it morally reprehensible or even a waste of time.

The emulation cat is well out of the bag at this point, and even if in the future they really crack down and it's relegated to just illegal torrents and dedicated weirdos doing it alone, it'll keep rolling for a long while.

Attached: samus 2.gif (293x179, 1.16M)

byuu is famous on the scene for being one crazy passive-aggressive faggot

It is illegal. The creators of the emulator do not have the legal right to reproduce and disseminate bootleg games in either a physical medium or an electronic one. It hurts the companies who make video games. People who would otherwise buy the system and games will download the emulator and pirate the games. The people who worked hard to develop the system and make games are screwed out of money. Even if you weren't going to buy the system and game, you are still stealing their stuff if you emulate. The industry won't be as lucrative and quality will suffer as a result. Look at the type of music that came out once Napster was popular in the late 90s. It was all boy band crap and crappy Nu-metal. The same thing is happening now with video games. The industry is focusing on free to play, iphone, and android games because the majority of the people won't pirate those games. The majority of those people also want quick, shallow, single serving games, so that's what the industry is becoming. Pirates act like you're stupid for having morals and supporting the industry and blatantly admit to stealing without any remorse. Games are reasonably priced. Even brand new games are $60. After a short while they are $20-30. I can't even think of any hobby that is cheaper and offers lasting enjoyment like video games. he only way to preserve these things is learn how to maintain real hardware. You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs, but how to maintain and preserve them. Emulation is preservation is a placebo statement. Emulation was never about preservation, it's about enjoying games conveniently and for free illegally. Anyone who says otherwise is delusional.

No, he's actually never going to dump it, that picture is old as fuck. People give him money to buy himself games and suck his dick, and in turn he does literally nothing that could be called game preservation. He's a furry to boot, which I normally wouldn't give two shits about if he weren't an autistic faggot, but this way, all I can offer is an "it figures."

Where do these people live that keeping game cases is "too much space"? I live in a 600 sq ft house. I am able to keep 300 games WITH CASES by buying two shelves.

Ok, I laughed, good one dude

Your bitching does not change reality. People will dump roms, make emulators and continue to not give a shit. You have to work with that, not this fantasy world where it's impossible to emulate games. And it would have to be, otherwise people will do it
Oh, and F2P cancer is a thing because the profit margins are insane, especially relative to the development time. That's why it's being forced into normal games now

You're not gonna convince anyone here with your paragraphs, bub.

You're an idiot. Bootleg games, at least in the modern sense, are not only on commercially dead platforms, but legally abandoned, too. Nintendo and Sega both let their licenses lapse for their 8bit and 16bit hardware years ago, that's why you see GameStop selling Retrons you massive fucking retard.

Without cases you would need only a folder and wouldn't have a eyesore in your living room

I hope someone doxxes him so a hero does what's right.

If it only was a more well knwon game I would understand him not dumping for fear of copyright infringiment. But it's a fucking revision of a obscure shitty pachinko game.

People love my collection.

Can I emulate PS3 games yet?
I have one but I don't like to hear the bluray spinning all the time, such a foreign, ancient sound

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If I buy a nes and a copy of faxanadu on ebay, which is the only way (to my knowledge) of playing it, Nintendo, the owners of the IP (now Konami iirc), nor any of the devs see a single cent. I'm not hurting them.

If the NES Classic had literally every single game on it, that'd be one thing. But no legal owner of the IP nor its creators currently has a means of buying the game directly from them, which makes the "hurting the companies and devs" argument specious.

Whatever though, these are turning into dissertations. Imma keep my backlog of games that I enjoy and not lose a wink over it. Write me off as a bastard or whatever if you must.

He's byuu, he made bsnes which is cool but he himself is a huge faggot.
Somebody sent him a bunch of PAL games but fucked up on the packaging so the labels got torn off, and instead byuu threw a huge stink at USPS (who didn't even lose the package, DHL did) and when he go his package on-time he didn't even apologize for his wrongful blaming.
When the Super NT came out he got all mad and shit and made a really long blog post about how it's fucking shit while shilling his own patreon so he can "continue preserving games" despite never releasing anything he """""preserves""""" such as label scans and romdumps.

some games are emulated perfectly like persona 5.


imagine actually caring if something violates copyright law. What are you the CEO of a big coporation? Copyright laws are inherently unjust and as such should be disobeyed. The only relevant question is if you'll get caught. The legality of whatever emulation or ROM sharing is irrelevant since the laws themselves represent the unholy union of corporations and government that is literally destroying our society as we speak.

>not accurate
retard those are cycle accurate emulators

I would buy the first Nier if it weren't so elusive and expensive. What's up with that?

Did you see games as "services" or "products"?

If games are products then somebody who owns the game owns the value of that product. And if you would like one you need to pay them.

anyone else here galaxy-brained emulation on a 980ti with analog input to a CRT monitor? I got an old PS3 for emulation to a Sony Trinitron

This, people think it's sick when they see a shelf full of games especially CIB retro games

So in the end it's about scalpers getting mad they can't compete with free emulators, and that the products they bought aren't as valuable as they "should" be

>Playing a retro game without emulation
>have to buy 100-1000 USD console
>have to buy and find game in perfect condition just to get it working which will always be 90+ USD
>have to buy cable and cords
>have to buy memory cards(if console requires it)
>half the time it'll take 10 hours just to hook up because most old console cables don't support modern TVs
>There are still people against emulation on PC

a question For the boomers that don't emulate and still try to do it normally, how does it feel?

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>And if you would like one you need to pay them.
Counterpoint: No I don't.

What a corporate boot licker.
>It damages the company!
No it does not, if anything the company gets free money with zero effort by remastering the game or just straight up selling you an emulator.

How will your master get any of anyone money when anyone buying old stuff is 100% getting them from second hands on eBay as the company does not produce that product anymore?
They literally get no money whether you emulate or don't you stupid faggot

On the topic of emulation tho, hoarding undumped roms and acting self-righteous about it is a level of cocksuckery unlike any other and is defacto anti-preservation.
Just because it exists on *somebody's* hard drive somewhere doesn't mean it's fucking preserved, at the very least uploading it to the internet allows for indefinite copies to be made.
couldn't agree more. Byuu has the right idea about scanning all the stuff in good quality (even the PCBs) but having it all in one or two places, out of anyone's reach doesn't mean it's preserved. (Yeah I know he uploads the scans, which is good)

Based user, my gratitude
Complete faggots

>okami comes out
>want to play okami real bad but have no PS2
>game keeps getting rereleased for consoles I don't own
>it is now 2017
>realize I can emulate
>play it on PCSX2
>have the time of my life
>game finally comes out for PC
It was for the best anyway

he lives in japan, and he makes emulation shit already
telling him to dump it is pretty much telling him to go get his ass raped in jail over some stupid shit like 5 people care about

ROM: The game itself
Hash: A bunch of numbers and letters that don't fucking matter in this day and age
He's bragging about the fact that dumbasses give him money and free video games for the privilege to go to a completely different website that isn't his to look up a bunch of numbers and letters that may or may not even have been uploaded by him. As far as preservationists go he's not even important nor involved, he only holds any clout as the creator of a bsnes (which isn't even updated anymore, bizhawk has a far superior fork that's even more accurate and works with Super Mario Kart).

You know that all og Xboxs are ticking fucking time bombs cause Microsoft a shit, right?

Emulation isn't preservation my ass, there's only so much that can be done for some of the original hardware. Everyone that gives a shit about preservation that isn't an idiot does both if they can, anyways.Also quit avatarfagging, tapdancing christ.

first time I've fucked up quoting this badly


Fuck off faggot.

If there are infinite copies of a product, restricting the availability of these copies to increase their value is called a cartel and generally regarded as morally reprehensible. There's also no risk of tragedy of the commons since there's no adverse byproduct of overconsumption like pollution.

The hash is important because it ensures that if someone uploads their own copy/raids his house for his copy everyone will know it's legit

So you view games as a service.


>9 AM at Nintendo of America headquarters
>emulation haters come out of the woodwork spouting all the same arguments nintendo had on their piracy site
I wonder if there's a connection?

>It's not like the Nintendo ninjas are gonna come to your home and kill you.

Nintendo doesn't need to. They just have to call their ISP and file a complaint with them, too many complaints and Comcast will add a premium to their bill or hand over their info to Nintendo so they can take the person to court.

They have done it before and will do it again. Pirates are technically criminals in the west.

Flash carts and hard drives.
Playing on original hardware doesnt mean you buy games

>It hurts the companies who make video games

>NooOoO! stop doing whatever you want with what I sold you! you are not allowed to use it as you want!

>$100 to $1,000
That's just wrong
>$90 plus
You can find a game like Tekken for ¥100 that's literally a loonie
>have to buy a cable and cords
All comes included with the console, unless you're looking for S video or component cables
>have to buy memory cards
You had to buy a hard drive for your workstation as well
>take 10 hours to hook up
I've got a modern LCD Samsung I bought about 10 years ago, it's got AV, S video, Component and HDMI


It's 12:33 I don't live in Cuckouver

absolutely disgusting, clearly his ass wasn't beat enough as a child, he needs a fucking reality check. Perhaps some groids break into his mom's basement where he resides and breaks all his little dollies and gamey-waymies.

that's why flashcarts exist

But what if the games you want to play are so old that the batteries for their save functions are dead.

I can't fix them myself, that would be reverse engineering and unlawful tampering of copywritten hardware.

Man you're a faggot, just switch the fucking batteries you think Nintendo put a censor in your Famicom carts?

it is their intellectual property, they hold copyright, and are still actively making money with Super Mario Bros. through the Switch, Wii U, and 3DS shops, so legally it makes sense why they would.

Fuck people who feel like they can break the law just because of nostalgia or because they feel like they're doing the world a fucking service by stealing intellectual property or actual ROMs and shit.

>"Uwu, but when companies or artists create media, it belongs to the world now."

Fuck off. I say they sue the bastards for every copy downloaded in addition to any other moneys to be collected. Hell, Commodore Products (the company that currently exists since CBM went bankrupt) should sue for developing for the C64 without a license.

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>That's just wrong!!
Fire emblem: gc
Mother 2
Any and all N64 games with their boxes and manuals
>They come with the cords!!;
Do you really play on AV? Iugh, component is a must and no retro console include it
>I have an useless lcd that means everyone has one
Also would like to add that most of the times you gonna need a framemaister or oscc to play this games like they are supposed to be played and those cuz from 400 to 300 burgers and maybe even more!!

>I can't fix them myself, that would be reverse engineering and unlawful tampering of copywritten hardware.
Not anymore. Right to repair is a thing now

>doesn't know about suicide batteries

Woah I didn't know fire Emblem and mother 2 are consoles!
Wrong, N64 games CIB are typically $50 to $100 CAD
since you're a retard you must be Europeans so that about €40 euro to €90
My TV is useless because it has all the plugs I need? Woah

for most it's just a way to play old games for free. if you can you should pay for them, but it's easy to emulate and you're not gonna get caught so who gives a shit

It's good. I wish there were more DRM-free ROMs available for sale. Luckily, Atari (Atari: 80 Classic Games in One) and SNK have lots of them for sale.

Gonna start working on Sega consoles later

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I've yet to see a single reason why I should pay for games that the devs aren't selling anymore.

Is there a reason?

it's just a revision of an obscure pachinko game.

>IIRC this guy actually lives in Japan
Byuu does not live in Japan, he's American but loves being the ironic weeb who pretends they're a citizen of Japan. On that point the vast majority of "dumps" that he does aren't even undiscovered, even the one in the OP pic was actually dumped and hash verified by another person who actually does game preservation as a just cause rather than a faggot who likes to act like one.

Doesn't archive.org have freely downloadable ROMS for every Nintendo game up to the N64?

No, they do not. Absolutely, definitely not. Nope, never seen them there. Certainly not the no-intro sets. Nope, not there

archive.org has a lot of old dos classic games too.


Attached: Screenshot_20190521-125616.png (1440x2560, 752K)

yeah, so does sega

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>user has a Kindle

archive.org has cd images. it has everything.

>nearly twice the cost of an everdrive 64 3.0
collectorfags are truly retarded, nobody would buy this shit

LOOOOL why are you on fucking ebay?
Go to your local retro, they always have better prices and you so get scammed with some fake shit

Attached: Screenshot_20190521-125835.png (1440x2560, 1.3M)

Products and services must be paid for in order for a consumer to use them. That is how our system works. Emufags take those products and services and use them without paying for them, which is taking from the producer without monetary compensation.
>work for free because I don't value your labor
Pirates are cowards.

This so much , vidia is by definition code that can and SHOULD be copied transmitted and preserved like any piece of literature, everything else is materialism and peoples trying to scam other peoples out of money for their outdated worn put pieces of shit that are just tools to run the code itself when today we make muh better computers that can run then literally in the palm of your hand.

Half the cost, double the autism
Again go to your local retro, the game is overpriced but I've seen it for around $80 CAD, that's what $50 US?

I'll never understand this cognitive dissonance. Just admit you like to steal things. In the end, you'll feel better about yourself and won't need to live a lie.

Wrong the hash is there to verify the dumped ROM is a clean replication of the physical copy's data, and needing to actually verify a ROM hasn't been a necessity since around 2004 when the scene got better tools/methods and rom sites began to all collaborate with one another on making sure they have the proper dumps (which may or may not just be everyone downloading from the same source). Even if you somehow don't have a proper dump it's most likely just one with a header or intro in which case you can just load up a hex editor and remove it yourself.

What a scam, I'd sell you the game and manual for 30 bucks easy, i got 3 of them.

oh no he called my flashcart autistic whatever will I do

>double the autism
How? Flashcarts are the perfect middle ground between original hardware and not spending a ridiculous amount of money collecting

>anything that hurts the market value of my authentic collection is autistic

>here's a game it costs X
>user, did you steal that thing?

how silly of you.

I love how you lash out at the people who use emulators instead of the people who make the emulators

this. you're getting something for free that you should be paying for. you don't have to feel guilty about it but at least stop trying to justify it

I've yet to see a single reason why I should pay for games that the devs aren't selling anymore.

Where does he live, got some niggas to run up on him

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That's bullshit though. Emulating an old game whose developer isn't selling it anymore (or maybe even the dev itself doesn't exist anymore lmao) isn't hurting financially anyone. Well, maybe it hurts the hoarders that want to sell their old stuff at insane prices :^)

Because other people who bought the products are selling the products.

No, Nintendo is keeping an eye on them.
>"On the whole, game companies have been communicative and understanding about the nature of a library that offers games," Emularity manager Jason Scott told Ars. "Most game companies have an understanding that their titles are part of the fabric of culture, and it's a sign they've played an important part in people's lives."
>There's at least one major exception to that "understanding," though. The exception becomes quickly apparent when you notice no Nintendo hardware or software is available in Emularity's listings.

just get a cheap console off ebay, perhaps a hdmi/rgb out modchip, and an everdrive.
Emulation is fine for casuals, but if you prefer the real hardware, you can set up an entire library's worth of games for ~$200.

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No they don’t, sir. They do not. Even if there was an illegal download, I wouldn’t download it. Especially with Nintendo games. Emulation is bad. Nothing to see here Nintendo.

mid-grade bait.
downloading music and roms is the equivalent of jay walking and has been since 1997.

Information isn't a physical good faggot, just because the state is sucking Disney off and saying otherwise doesn't mean I will not enjoy games and franchise that aren't sold anymore and never will be, Nintendo won't release OoT or Starfox games on Switch, they aren't selling so in my book they abandoned it to the public and all of it is up for grabs, stay mad "collector" fag.
I own a switch and I owned a Wii and a DS, doesn't mean I throw a fit when popes emulate those DEAD systems that are decaying and getting unplayable with age, stop being a greedy fuck and let peoples enjoy things.

That's not a reason for why I should pay for those products. Especially when the product exists in infinite quantities.

retro game market is a scalping scheme for manchildren obsessed with shelf decor. You aren't supporting a dev for buying 4 figure chinkshit saturn games off fleabay.
Anyone with half a brain plays roms these days, there's even hardware solutions for it.

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I want PSIO really fucking bad. They sell the systems pre configured are they worth it?

So we should abolish the sale of... anything not directly from a corporation?

Within the next decade the best emulators will be 100% accurate. Only autistic manchildren will pay for overpriced cartridges.

also that game in the op is some generic shitty garbage title that nobody cares about

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it's sorta crap from what I hear.
get a ps2 and chuck an SSD in it.

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Imagine living in a first world country where you live day by day scared by piracy

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I still wonder why Microsoft never asked for a release of classic Nintendo ROMs in Microsoft Store, given that they cuck themselves to them so much.

But they exist in limited quantities, hence the high price for some of them.

How the fuck did you get that from his post? Are you retarded?

Are the fats full hardware back compat?

for collectors, yes.
digital roms and official emulation rereleases plebs use are worthless.

But they don't, at least not the "product" in question (the game itself). _Physical_ copies exist in limited quantities, but the game itself isn't limited to physical releases nor should they be.

No precisely. There are lots of stuff still being sold by a corporation. SNK, Sega, Atari, Namco Bandai, et al. Nintendo is holding the majority of their own catalog and refuses to even sell in PC any of that, so I don't care about making them lose money.

Did you know information can be copied?

early fats are prone to laser failure.
get a 90001

>also that game in the op is some generic shitty garbage title that nobody cares about
this, who honestly cares about archiving every piece of shovelware. I've made short shitty experimental games in gamemaker and thrown them away plenty of times because they will never be of any importance

>SNK, Sega, Atari, Namco Bandai, et al.
I forgot IREM.

Are they full back compat? I would be using my disk drive approximately 0 times

yes, all PS2s are IIRC.

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I love it. Allows me to scratch the nostalgia itch without buying a bunch of old consoles that would take up space in my house. Might not make the purist fags happy but as none of them are willing to pay my electric bill or give me old consoles and the games I want to play, I don't care what they think

Every PS2 can play PS1 games.

>You should pay for a thing because people are selling it
That's asinine logic, especially when the people selling are not the original authors/publishers of the work.

i emulate because im a pirate

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all ps2 (even the thin ones) have ps1 hardware embedded.

So you cant sell your car? You sure as hell arent the originator of that.

For 90001 models how would you be connecting a hard drive? Is it through USB in that case?

fucking based

you're doing god's work, user.

a car is a wholly physical object, dumbass.
I don't pay for music or movies either, yet both industries are doing better than ever.
Physical collections have the enthusiast's premium.
I don't give a shit about boxart or guidebooks, nor do I want to post it across the internet.

so based he’s a god amongst men

>car analogy
Nobody is saying you shouldn't be allowed to sell the things you own.

No, the physical support for the code is in limited supply, the 1 and 0s that are the actual game are in information, which is not a good, consoles and cartridges are a MEAN to the END which is running the game, just like CD and Vignils are tools to play music, and I have yet to see buthurt peoples when you see music that isn't sold anymore being digitalized.

>but muh copyright
Then give me a proper, legal way of accessing that content, Deezer and Spotify, not to mention YouTube make music cheap to access, meanwhile Shittendo refuses to release any of its classics in any way shape of form.

I don't think you can connect a slim ps2 to a hard drive. And the usb ports of the ps2 are terrible. Also you can't play ps1 games through the usb port.

>you wouldn't emulate a car

So fuck the slim then

there's soldering required I think. Get a 3900x, I guess.
They're all bulletproof except the early ones.

yeah. if you want to hack your ps2 you should go with a fat one for sure.

If people were able to create infinite replicas of a car, at little to no cost to anyone but themselves, then why should they be forced to buy your car?

you can use the network cable to connect the slim ps2 to your computer.

>Emulation should be seen more as game preservation rather than UGH PC GAMERS always PIRATING games that AREN'T THEIRS
It would help if we didn't have console warring retards using it to shitpost or emulator developers begging for money.

>being such a fucking spineless coward that you think you'll actually go to prison for archiving vidya and other digital media

This is some next level beta shit right here.

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Video games are too. At least the ones without digital releases.

literally never happens. No cops will ever show up to search your drives unless you show up on their cp or drug radar.

>old games
uh, yikes?

Attached: pirates BTFO.png (684x458, 104K)

It's the only way I play new games these days desu
Well, not new but new to me. I haven't bought a new game in almost 4 years, though Baba is You is likely going to break that soonish

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use a vpn


rom dumps are a thing. People share the files embedded amongst each other on their own accord.
There were studies which prove that piracy barely even makes a dent on sales.
Studios don't care about their product lile you or I would out of nostalgia, they just want your money, and proof of that is countless hackjob ports or 4k films which looled worse than youtube fan edits.
It's a self perpetuating cycle, and I can't afford to pay such exorbitant prices for what is effectively a children's toy, if I'm being honest.
Studios and publishers should up their game and make better security for the crap they peddle if they don't want people giving it to others.

Why would I? I won't go to jail :^)

This is why you don't liberally torrent whatever without a VPN or some shit. But torrents put your IP out for anyone to see, and the government does track most major piracy sites to see what goes where. If you're pirating via torrents and don't have something to save your ass, it's your own damn fault you got caught.

our cops have better things to do like chasing drug dealers and thieves.

No they're not. They might be released physically but video games are still digital code.


>new versions of the emulater break everything, degrade performance, require additional adjustment and tweaks on a per-game level.

thanks good for it instead owning every console i just need PC

>very soon

Emulatorfags are obnoxious and most aren't actually into in the preservation aspect but collectorfags are the literal scum of the Earth and are less interested in their collection than they are the ego and potential money it brings them. Lesser of two evils wins out.

>paying for the privilege of not being worried
you don't even need that.

>aren't actually into in the preservation aspect

keeping these roms free and open to everyone are the best form of preservation there is

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Piracy is a lazy and unsure crime done out of wanting something without paying, and you do it because its easy, low risk, and personally rewarding. An old reposted study about piracy making a dent in sales doesnt elevate that.
Id be more convinced if someone just called it anti-corporate freedom fighting, but no one has. They just feel i have been rude by saying mist of this game piracy is lazy easy shit you do at your computer when you want something you wont pay for

In other words preservasionistfags are obnoxious and the literal scum of the Earth less interested in preservation than they are the ego and potential money it brings them.

Checks out. Video games are just childrens toys and don't deserve to be preserved. It's just pure hoarding autism.

yes, because video games are expensive toys, and I barely ever play them.
Media is expendable.

No :3

how do i get MyOldBoy! to run GB games in grayscale? i dont want color in my pokemon red

>Video games are just childrens toys
That line of thought enables soccer moms to censor them.

Why are remasters so bad? Why cant we just have the same game again?

buy a gameboy and mod it.
hardware is cool

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>Piracy is a lazy and unsure crime done out of wanting something without paying, and you do it because its easy, low risk, and personally rewarding. An old reposted study about piracy making a dent in sales doesnt elevate that.
Not only that but the supposed "not making a dent in sales" is derived from interviewing pirates and asking them "do you buy the game you download afterwards if you like it?"

It's fucking junk science.

Because gamers hate old graphics, fullscreen and low amount of FPS. And people will pay less for the same game. A lazy "remaster" allows publishers to charge more.

Lol try living in the first world, I have been Torrenting shit non stop for 10 years and got like 1 email telling me not to torrent the documentary series on the cultural revolution that was airing at the time.

>muh cenorship
Boo hoo you're losing your anime tiddies. Give me a break.

I'm aware, but a lot of Emulatorfags don't bother attempting to contribute to such efforts and are more interested in the free games aspect. My post was also more about the attitude of both parties, and people who sing the praises of emulation tend to be hard to put up with. But any words collectors spew out will make one's fucking blood boil and make the annoyance seem tame by comparison.

The police raid was in Finland.

Attached: 1513348310559.png (678x411, 20K)

>Boo hoo you're losing your anime tiddies.
Games are not art in Germany and for that reason, any of them featuring swastikas get censored.

often sub-par modeling, texturework, sound design, and art direction.
Sometimes the originals use proprietary engines of which the license has expired, so hastily built shoddy replacements need to be made.
FFX HD is a good example of both cases being the cause of the game looking off, it's unironically best looking when emulated.

Attached: Final.Fantasy.X.full.1151394.jpg (1440x1080, 938K)


Thats a guide for australians. they're the king of shitposters. everyone knows that

Attached: e42.png (404x238, 47K)

You fuckers are so oblivious it's unbelievable. Not even for a moment you stop to consider that emulation may be harmful in any way. Any sane individual would understand, dumb autists.

Dunno, when I heard about private companies being contracted to essentially blackmail poeples or else, I thought only the US could allow that kind of shit.

Kill yourself.

that looks unironically horrible. like a GBA done by Chinese.

>censorship is good because the content in question doesn't align with my personal beliefs

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How and why is it harmful?

how about you go fuck yourself sweetie?

There are museums dedicated to old children's toys though.

the shell on the previous pic is chinkshit, yes.
PCB and backlit screen are OEM, though.
You get what you pay for.

Attached: slRwUAm.jpg (800x600, 86K)

Sounds autistic desu

Just because your computer is trash doesn't mean everyone's is. Also VGA CRTs exist and are objectively better than your shit TV.

Attached: pcsx2crt.jpg (3125x2673, 1.37M)

>let's just destroy the past lol
people find old things interesting

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Why did they change the faces though? The originals look fine in high resolution?

So you admit the preservationist excuse for emulation is just a farce. Pirating is just some egotistical random shit people do when theyre lazy because its convenient, its just a way to circumvent a sale so you can play a toy for free. Im not so severe about it, but its such a lazy thoughtless activity that its usually disingenuous to turn around and defend yourself as a second sales-booster pirate just because you saw it posted years ago. Its just something unimpprtant you do in the laziest moment of your day without any regards to the consequences

The only thing I agree with.

Too bad. You aren't entitled to play all the children's toys that exist. Sometimes, you were just too late and missed the boat and will have to live with missing out on that experience.
>muh past

nigger what?
cds will not last forever no matter how well you preserve them.

Based to the point of divinity.

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the engine used to animate the cutscenes was under license, old, hard to work with and expensive, which is why the cutscenes look stiffer.
Also chink art direction.

>pirate game
>never buy game because you already got it for free
>developer loses profit
The correlation is obvious.

my local retro shop doesn't even have them. Scalper Jews are snapping up all worthwhile games and flipping them for double or triple the cost.

>nips don't know the concept of emulation because all their released games can be found for a price of a burger
>meanwhile as a yuropoor if you're luck you can get a game for less than 100 euro

i don't care

europeans have much more draconian internet laws, dude. usa is a paradise compared to europe in terms of pirating shit.

When has that ever stopped anyone?

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You cared enough to keep replying
Keep seething emuautist

why is Yea Forums so full of bootlickers?
every other board doesn't care about piracy and it's also been proven to not affect sales. so why are they defending big corps so hard, even emulation is now getting shit because It's stealing!!

I barely have any games on my drive dude, I'm a normalfag. Preservationists are okay in my book they're doing the right thing.
Last thing I played was Witcher 3 which I pirated and deleted after.
get your head checked you brainwashed turbo capitalist. I can't afford to have le youtubey gamey rooms xD, the things are merely a 2 hour distraction after work for me.


lmao dude. It's mandatory now in England to present identification just to watch porn

Wait for a while, because when all gaijin buy all the retro games, they will know about emulation.

The thinking man's choice. DP to VGA converters exist but using anything newer on a CRT is like driving a Bugatti in weekend downtown streets.


Doesn't say anything about blu ray discs.
My ps3 games are stuck for 2 years in a cellar because no space in new crib.

Have sex.

good. Porn is degenerate.

Until that happens, I've emulated all those.

nope, you're the one causing cringe, faggot.

>You don't see video enthusiasts obsessing over how to emulate CRTs
Oh you sweet summer child, CRT filters have been getting so good all we need are high-DPI monitors and you won't be able to tell the difference unless you take a magnifying glass to your screen. You can even add distortion to recreate the look of your grandparents' 1970s TV.

>no u

it's just a different kind of film, it'll rot.
Everything rots with time, it's called entropy.

>every other board doesn't care about piracy
Last time I checked every other board doesn't have people being obnoxious about their piracy
24/7 starts to get on people's nerves

Because Yea Forums is filled with unironic hoarders and scalpers who get emotional at the thought of their plastic trash losing value due to piracy. Nobody else would care about unauthorized distribution of shit that went out of stock decades ago other than idiots who bought 10+ copies of some bargain bin game hoping to make a quick buck 20 years later.

it's always funny to see a retarded corporatelicker paying thousands of dollars every month to play retarded games while I just pirate everything and have a nice dinner with my girlfriend instead of paying 60 bucks that night. I guess I'm special ;)

Yea Forums and Yea Forums along with Yea Forums Yea Forums and every other interest board doesn't give a shit about piracy because it's the fucking norm on those boards. Yea Forums is the only board on Yea Forums that gets it's panties in a twist over piracy and has regular cry threads about how it's killing the industry, don't scapegoat pirates for anti-pirates acting like autistic children

You're getting on everyone else's nerves right now, when are you going to do everyone a favor and eat a bullet?



if you take out the cap, WHICH A LOT OF VIDS WILL TELL YOU TO DO, then its not a "ticking time bomb".

on yours maybe. what he says is the absolute truth


Does it really matter if it's right or wrong if you can't stop me from doing it?

Attached: dailydose01.gif (329x302, 71K)

My Wii discs survived the shutdown of the store though.

There's retards everywhere constantly spewing the same shit over and over again, very often bringing whatever it is into completely different discussions for what appears to be no good reason. Eventually, should you stay here long enough, you either shrug it off and recognize that they're REEEEing for no good reason and ignore them or you turn into a retard yourself and immediately begin spouting off the contrary to whatever they keep going on about, only to eventually find yourself bringing up whatever you believe constantly into different discussions, for what appears to be no good reason.

Then YOU are the demons.

Uhh doc I'm not feeling too good, I think this is the wrong prescription.

Emulation is fucking amazing. And the people who say "I want to play the game in its original shitty resolution through a shitty composite cable" are literally fucking morons.

Example: I still have my original N64 with Ocarina of Time. But I play it emulated on my laptop. The resolution is VASTLY superior, so it looks WAY better. Plus I can move saved games around, if needed. Plus I can fast forward through all the unskippable cutscenes, which VASTLY improves the gameplay experience.

I fired up my N64 with Ocarina the other day but it was just shit. Shit resolution, blurry as fuck, and I couldn't skip the unskippable cutscenes. Yes it was great in its day, but why would I choose a worse experience now when I can get an objectively better one?

Emulation, once competent, is always better than the original hardware. Because you can play the game on a much more powerful machine, resulting in higher resolution and higher frame rates.

Pic related is Breath of the Wild running on Cemu (a Wii U emulator), at 120 fps, and probably some crazy high resolution too.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-05-21 at 19.17.00.jpg (2560x1600, 431K)

but user

he "borrowed" it from his internet friend!
therefore, you are wrong, he is right.

i mean, when you borrow games....you aren't paying the devs, right? hm, faggot?

what about used games at gamestop?
devs aren't seeing a cent, same with buying off craigslist or ebay!


Reminds me of that one guy who owns the original RE2 prototype but refused to share it.
What's wrong with these people? My guess is that they want to feel needed.

What he said is absolutely retarded. And he's definitely getting on multiple people's nerves.

>reservationists are okay in my book they're doing the right thing.
>Media is expendable.
So which is it?
It's common leftist commie behavior to be anti-business. Stealing from a business isn't capitalism. You're a thief, You can't spin it any other way.

And the .wads will survive your Wii discs. Hope you backed them up.

its fucking different with cars, asshole
if everyone could just MAKE cars from nothing, we wouldn't need the car industry, ever.

the amount of pirates, outside of fucking BR huehue shitholes IE 3rd world countries, is so fucking SMALL compared to everyone that buys on PC or Consoles.

For some reason, I think this is a /leftypol/ LARPer.

Was this post meant for ? Cause I'm not the one who made the car analogy.

I'm not dumb enough to buy digital so I dont have any.

I mean, yeah. If your argument is that you shouldn't emulate because corporations lose potential profit, all of those situations do apply. And if it's not yoyr argument, then what harm has emulation done?

Blargg's NTSC filter is a straight up improvement, though, since it brings you closer to how it was on an old TV. I assume you guys are referring to Eagle2x or whatever the fuck they're called that make the pixel art look horrific.

because you can't believe any /pol/itician can be that retarded? They're always crying about communists.

>Americans vote for politicians that support copyright enforcement
>My personal opinion trumps the consent of the governed.
You're an entitled, leeching brat. law

What controller do you use?

Its hell finding a decent N64 controller.

um no, he helped kevtris with the super nt, he only made a stink when analogue tried to throw shade at emulators claiming their $240 piece of plastic was more authentic or some shit and byuu rightly pointed out that their product was still emulation and less accurate than higan at the time

If you are using software and you aren’t paying for it then the developer is not getting payed for their work and that hurts them.

okay, I'm a thief.
It's not illegal in my country so eat my dick lmao.

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Provided users with an inferior experience while flaunting extraneous features like filters so they can pretend it's better instead of doing any research and pretending alternatives just don't exist because they are stuck in their close minded ways.

good for preservation and not paying $570 for some old game.

>paid for one cartridge/disc that can only be played one machine at a time
>paid for a single download that has been copied a billion times that can work on all machines

It's not hard to figure out unless you're fucking retard, or a commie. or both.

This board is completely infested by sub 100 IQ normalfags that lack critical thinking skills and don't know anything about any of the processes involved behind financing game development. They call the act of copyright infringement of digital media "stealing" or "pirating", like it's actually tantamount to robbing or sinking a ship on the high seas and go on ridiculous mental leaps to justify their position that is faulty since the very beginning because it's based on an erroneous premise.

lol hoarders get bent, have fun with your plastic you’ll never play.

No, because implies "Capitalism = BAD" and so they will search for an alternative, a.k.a. communism.

I got some dirty boots, how much you charge to lickem clean?

>How do you not know what a filehash is?
Why WOULD you?

I just use my Xbox 360 wired controller, which isn't ideal, but it's perfectly fine for me. I've got the C-buttons mapped to the d-pad because I found that mapping them to the right thumbstick was problematic. Since obviously an analog joystick is not designed to make only four separate digital inputs, so it never worked how I wanted it to.

This does mean I have to reach over to the d-pad with my right thumb in order to access C-items, but it's really not that bad. I usually assign the most important C-item to C-right so it's less of a stretch.

Oh yes you're right, I'm sorry, playing an N64 game in 320x240, through a shitty component cable, using a shitty analog stick on the original N64 controller, is obviously way better than playing the game in a MUCH higher and superior resolution, with whatever controller you want, and with the ability to fast forward through unskippable cutscenes.

If you're an absolute fucking moron that denies objective reality, that is.

Attached: xbox 360 controller.jpg (500x380, 24K)

>they are stuck in their close minded ways
Oh the irony.

Piss off commie

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I didn't know it was possible to have a thread full of faggots

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Enjoying your first day here?

Its good because i get to play more games

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Yea, I'm thinking he's based.

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Yup, as usual the commie can't define need or ability because they're an even more abstract immaterial concept than assigning wealth to capital and property

Based Mike making all the worthless unskilled NEETs bitter with rage and jealousy. I'm sure browsing Yea Forums all day will improve your life lmao

it's fine. I prefer to pirate for original hardware but emulation is much more accessible and has its benefits so I understand wanting to do that instead.


Like provided users with an inferior experience while flaunting extraneous features like filters so they can pretend it's better instead of doing any research and pretending alternatives just don't exist because they are stuck in their close minded ways.

this but ironically

the irony is dripping off the second half of this post

Just like the autism dripping off of yours

some points are ok here like the debt but holy shit you have to be an idiot to say shit like the security one, if youre doing a dangerous job mistakes (they might not even be yours a coworker or poor maintenance job can harm you too) are always possible and youre not a pussy for asking your employer a safety net in case your health is affected

YOU MEAN I CAN PLAY N64 GAMES ON MY PUTER.....how do i do this magical thing

I wonder what kind of shitty upbringing you have to have lived to develop such a spiteful mentality.

Attached: paul latza.png (2000x2046, 3.56M)

Mainstream music has almost always been shit you giant faggot. Music piracy is still a thing but it's easier than ever for smaller, more niche artists to make a living due to the net and the proliferation of files.

>he isn't a library
>he isn't an archive
Look at this fucking gamer everybody. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be having sex in my office before itemizing for the audit.

This is Yea Forums you fucking pussy, get a grip and accept you're not entitled to things for free just because you missed out on them, you mongrel leech.

*smacks lips*
ayo holup hemi aint quite finna, might could you resay dats in nigglish?

But it hasn't, its completely fucked the noise to signal ratio and made it so that the only people who really make money are the large corporations who can weather this by blowing millions marketing to mister and misses Boring from Bumtiddly Idaho. More niche appeal groups survive on the hardcore fans but they never grow outside of a small following because people are never exposed to their content as its just a drop in an ocean. Word of mouth is all well and good but its useless unless someone you know hears it first to pass it on to you because people can't spend all their time with their ears to the ground listening out for the new hot thing in every medium.

>I got to enjoy it so you can't
Nah you're just a mentally stunted manchild.

You're just a loser faggot who can't afford anything

I got to enjoy it because I PAID for it, you didn't yet you feel entitled to it because you're a mentally sutnted manchild. Just because you wouldn't pay for it anyway doesn't mean you are suddenly entitled to have it for free. Either you pay for it or you don't play it at all. Those are the only legal, and morally correct, choices.

good thing emulation can change all that

>buying some fucking mint condition overpriced cart just to play a game
>buying an everdrive when you can play games on an emulator with a vastly better image - higher resolution and no shitty composite output

Attached: shig.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>falling for the morality spook
If I can get away with it its not wrong

PC wins again, baybee

Or you could just emulate them instead of buying an expensive console. And you'll get a vastly superior image since you'll get higher resolution and you won't be viewing it through analog video.

If you literally choose to spend money on an original console which offers an objectively WORSE experience, when emulators are available for FREE, then you are a special sort of autist.

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
Name me 10 games you can't buy

bro~ just put them on the shoulder buttons that aren't the Z button and X Y. emulationlets everyone.

Pirates confirmed for nigger edgelord cucks

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why should I

>emulationlets everyone.
This probably sounded very witty and clever in your head.

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
That's why

Second hand does not count, faggot

#1 reason to own a PC. In fact since I've collected ROMS and ISOS of almost every game I'm interested in I'm thinking of selling off the vast majority of my physical collection.

If I did it slowly over the course of a year or so I could probably buy an entirely new PC at the end of it.

>This probably sounded very witty and clever in your head.
retortlets when will they learn

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
Where in that quote does it say second hand games don't count
why don't they count user-kun?

Witnessing such basedness on Yea Forums in the year of our lord 2019

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>And you'll get a vastly superior image since you'll get higher resolution and you won't be viewing it through analog video.
This is wrong for one simple reason.

What do you think devs were designing these games for? Because it wasn't high end LCD or OLED panels. These games were made for CRTs. Modern screens offer an objectively inferior experience with incorrect pixel layouts, failed dithering, they're just not comparable experiences.

Even handhelds aren't safe. I'd much rather play gameboy stuff on my backlit GBA over any other option. Because it's the only system where the pixel spacing looks right, because it's the screen the games were made for. Hell, some early games even require mods to look decent on the backlit screen, because they came out on the lower contrast OG screens.

That's a fact though, not why I should list anything for you.

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
List me games you can no longer purchase user

why should I?

to prove there are games out there you can no longer purchase

do you believe every game in existence is still being sold?

Yeah most of them
i'm sure one or two are harder to come by but they're out there


>hurr durr I am a faggot
>look what I have
>no dumps, only hash heeheh
>please give me attention tho
holy shit I don't even know that guy and I already hate him

so you're saying you can't name 10?
it's ok user we know it's because you're a poorfag and not because the games are no longer being sold no one actually cares about piracy aswell as you admit you're just a poorfag

I swear only the gaming community has these weird piracy moralfags.

You'd never find this shit with movies or music.


Most stuff that's older than 5 years, realistically.

I know what you're going to say, theoretically you can buy these games off some dude on eBay or YJA once every few years, but you aren't really buying the game when you fund reseller scum. Even things like GoG are usually just collections of faggots who bought rights from studios going out of business, it's not like you can buy enough copies of these games to get the band back together for a sequel.

Even when it's a company that still exists, buying a billion copies of a Super Mario ROM isn't going to lead to a new Super Mario being made. You'll get garbage like the 2D Wii game, or the shitty 3D ones where the only thing in common is that the main character is called Mario and he wears overalls. Because the programmers behind the originals have long since left, or completely changed their opinions on things because it's been 30 fucking years.

difference being the people who start these arguments are piratefags themselves not moralfags and only the gayman community has pirates who enjoy arguing over every little thing

The original Lemmings series.
The Neverhood.
Grand Theft Auto II.
Scarface: The World is Yours.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Taito Legends series.
Arabian Nights.
Duke Nukem series.
Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Adventure.
Death Gate.
Bonus: Grand Theft Auto (excluding PlayStation Classic).

Because a dozen or so copies circulating amongst collectorfags isn't the same as being able to buy these games normally. Of course you already knew that, you're just a pedantic autist screeching about piracy and feebly trying to win an internet argument.

king kong

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
you can still purchase them user

GTA games with their full OST


Not all of them

just checked most of that shit is on ebay my man

Speaking of GTA, I have a retail copy for PC, Steam-less of course. Will I still get the patch that removes songs?

funny coming from mike considering he was handed everything

Why buy when I can just download them?

Attached: 899.png (419x394, 166K)

>They dont care that you cant even buy a lot of these games.
>a lot

>Act like a cool elite hacker
>Have patreon
>Can't upload anything anonymously

>difference being the people who start these arguments are piratefags themselves not moralfags

Piratefags weren't the ones who claimed piracy was killing the industry or that it's stealing and causing lost sales. But keep telling yourself that.

Attached: 1536100189186.png (650x650, 302K)

no reason to buy them my man if you want to pirate them pirate them i don't give a flying heck i just have a disdain for people who act as if it's the only way to play these games

But not all of them.

Panzer Dragoon Saga
Burning Rangers
Mother 3
Fighters Megamix
Popful Mail
Knuckles Chaotix
Daytona USA 2
Skies of Arcadia
Rent a Hero No.1

You can't.
>b-but muh pedantic autism

silence! the needs of the employer trumps all!

i own a copy of panzer dragoon saga burning rangers and skies of arcadia which i purchased all off ebay
all of those games once again can be purchased

I can't pay for it if it's no longer being legally so you delusional faggot. I'm not not going to enjoy something that's been uploaded just because you have some misguided sense of morality.

My first console was the PS1, so emulation got me into older games. I mainly remember emulating stuff around the late 2000's and early 2010's.

Show me a single ebay listing for Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game

it's not my fault i'm right and you're wrong

Meant to say legally sold.

It's your fault for thinking you're right when you're wrong and retarded.

i said Most user keep up
also i'm sure someone is willing to sell there psn/xbla account to you which has a copy of scott pilgrim vs the world: the game on it

lmao. have fun being a retarded moralfag and paying hundreds of dollars for games. I'll just say that your moral scruples are laughable and you didn't give move me one inch.

You think this guy is bad well look at this

OP is a lover scorned that posts this same thread every week. That ROM got released a few weeks after Byuu dumped it, as has every other new cart he found. Anyone who cares can connect the dots that he's just covering his own ass on Twitter. Here's the No-Intro entry, the hidden dumper is Byuu, SNES Preservation is Byuu.

Attached: troll.png (444x403, 60K)

I wish there were more physical budget compilation releases of indie and small games, specially for PC. A Tomorrow Corporation or Amanita Design DRM-free compilation would be nice.

it's not my fault you can't refute anything i've said other then ad homos

but my guy you told me you can't buy them when you clearly can nothing about being a moralfag just showing you actually can purchase them

>b-b-b-buh I said most
>also i'm sure someone is willing to sell there psn/xbla account to you which has a copy of scott pilgrim vs the world: the game on it

Attached: 1518212963009.jpg (213x237, 10K)

correct thanks for quoting my entire post but including a picture of me in the response

Attached: 1550736054053.jpg (501x373, 133K)

I assumed you were talking about from the company and not buying from some collectorfag on Ebay. When a game is only available secondhand, what's the harm of pirating? The only person to lose out on any money is the collectorfag, the company isnt selling the product anymore.

>it's not my fault you can't refute anything i've said other then ad homos
>it's ok user we know it's because you're a poorfag and not because the games are no longer being sold no one actually cares about piracy aswell as you admit you're just a poorfag
There's nothing to refute when you have no argument.