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>日本語 exam tomorrow
>havent studied the whole year
>barely N5 level
>the exam is somewhere between N3 and N4

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Play games you enjoy in Japanese a d you'll have fun learning Japanese.

stop making these threads

thanks doc

As soon as everyone learns Japanese, he won't have to.

domo gozaimasu watashi no tomodachi-san

keep making these threads

How do I start learning japanese?


you can't

Throughout the the history of mankind, nobody has ever learned Japanese.

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Start with the alphabet

Start with hiragana but also some kanji. Kanji is the reason you are (more than likely) going to eventually give up so the longer you postpone that shit, the likelier it will be that it will feel insurmountable. Look up some stuff you like and look at their kanji, draw them, think about them and so on. One per day. The "alphabet(s)" and the basic grammar is as simple as memorisation but learning kanji is more of a lifestyle (that you will never get into so you might as well not bother).


Not really, rather than playing anything you just end up looking up grammar over and over again because you have no idea how any of it makes any sense in the context of the sentence you just read.

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Katakana will give you the most bang for your buck. Mostly used to sound out foreign words. Otherwise go with this

Do it

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I tried this. Looking up kanji i never seen before is time consuming and figuring out what an NPC means because of the grammar used is PAINFUL. Its okay for conversations but when the game is giving you instructions getting the 'gist' doesnt cut it.

what is the jlpt test like anyway
I'm finally good enough to follow along with some japanese let's players but I still can't write even just the kanas for shit

this is the image that got into anal play and occasionally watching gay and bi porn. based Yea Forums

Get a japanese learning app, get the raw basics under your belt, then start getting lessons. You won't learn with only an app. Better yet, go live there for a year or two (and promptly get disillusioned at how japanese citizens are about as soulless as the chinese like I have. Fuck Nagano).

The excuses you fuckers will make not to learn Japanese, I swear

My progress has slowed down considerably but I refuse to give up and let Dekinai-chan win. I will learn the kanji if it's the last thing I do.

it will be literally be the last thing you do.

That is bug

I dunno what's the problem with starting to learn kanji early.

Right after you are done learning katakana you should be starting to learn kanji though vocabulary, let's say around 50 kanjies, after that you should start learning grammar and making simple sentences e.g 箱は机の上です.

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Learn Kansas as you learn vocab

Worked for me and many other people

Made this ages but nobody uses it.

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> 2. grammar and read
But how will they read when they don't know any vocabulary?

with a dictionary, constantly looking up everything.

Dr Moku phone app. it's retarded and cringy but the pnemonics they give you to learn are so fucking easy to memorize a child could get it down. learnt hiragana and katakana in 3 weeks as long as i pass english grammar i'm going to do my year abroad too motherfuckers

thanks doc


Maybe it's because Remembering the Kanji is a meme. Literally what is the point of learning approximate english translations of every chingchong symbol when you have to study jap vocabulary and readings anyway


because it's not helpful.

1. spend a day a two on kana will not retain for
anyone who is just starting willl struggle like hell wondering what some kana like めのぬわれねはほま really means because they look so similar to them

2. grammar+reading.
should be starting with vocab. your way will fuck people up hardcore because no beginner is going to front load all this shit reading+grammar+anki+heiseig. like who the fuck is going to retain all this shit while reading. they will be looking shit up and burn out real quick

tl;dr your guide is shit

Learning kanji is such a fucking pain in the ass. So many of them look so similar and they can be really difficult to remember and they've got a shitload of different readings

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What's the best way to go after learning the kana? I've made a bit of a mess and am currently doing three different anki decks (2k core, vncore, RTK) whilst reading Tae Kim and RTK, I know I need to cut some of this stuff out before it gets out of hand but I'm not sure which.

Drop RTK

How well do you know Japanese user?

>a day or two for Hiragana and Katakana
No wonder no one uses this.

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I don’t speak weeb but kanji seems actually fucking retarded. It just shittier pictographs.

it's actually pretty fun to learn if you're autistic
shit like the kanji for "like" being composed of the symbols that represent "woman" and "child" is quaint but fun and sticks to memory. if you're good at making dumb stories to interpret kanji it can be like forming puzzle blocks

>spend a day a two on kana will not retain
I said learning, not mastering, you learn as you go. Sure spend a week or a month remembering kana if you want, but it's a waste of time. You learn as you go.
>should be starting with vocab
I mentioned this again in 2.5 that it should be used with 2. You learn vocab with grammar and reading. This is what me and people on djt did years ago.

Did you read anything before it. You're learning not mastering it. You want to start reading and learning grammar asap.


Go to the JLPT website and take their practice exams

me on the left

日语是一种垂死的语言。 你应该学习中文。

I'm by no means fluent, but i can pick up almost any video game and play it with relative ease.
Something that me and many others did to learn japanese is to play games and things you enjoy but in japanese.
You'll be slow at the start but if it's a game you played before like pokemon or ace attourney you should know what happens and that should help you understand what the japanese text is saying quicker than you would a new unfamiliar text.

I highly recommend it.

In terms of vocabulary your options are using the core 2k+6k deck for anki or you can just use a dictionary. The theory behind core is to learn frequent words and to lessen the burden when beginning to read, but in practice this is only effective for like the first ~800 words and you'll still be using a dictionary constantly anyway. Thats why the real way to learn vocab is to create your own anki deck with words YOU come across.

why is the stroke order for this so fucking retarded

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Why must you autists keep posting the same exact shit every single day

I don't understand. What does it say?

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Should've mentioned it in the guide then, or maybe I just missed it.

I agree with the other guy though, they'll burn out with all this front loading.
Personally I skipped kanas, only did some grammar, and started by reading hooked RPGM shit with all the text romanized with dictionary lookups. Even then I frequently needed to skip stuff to avoid burning out.
Later when I had strong grammar and vocabulary built up from a mountain of RPGM porn, I started doing it with hiras and furigana instead. Again, I kept burning out constantly, until I just switched to doujinshi with less text instead.

While learning the runes later was painful, its hard to recommend doing what I did with kanas from the beginning, since you'll spend a minute reading a sentence and then have no fucking idea what it just said.
I do know some people did it that way, but you need to be really motivated and have something suitable that you really want to read to practise on.

fucking kek

I don't care about reading, nigga. I'm just want to speak it.


that's chinese

Do both you lazy cuck, if you can read you can make money off of translations

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you bitch

read the /djt/ pastebin

nigger faggot

Anyone else /doing it/?

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>he fell for the RTK meme
Never going to make it


>make money off of translations
You know that translation work pays terribly, right? Only fucking retards do translations.

I can understand some stuff with my basic Japanese

Japanese is ....... language of death...... you..... learn chinese.

Correction. *Only fucking retards do translations full-time
Do it on the side, easy