Yea Forums thinks Yea Forums is their ally

>Yea Forums thinks Yea Forums is their ally

Attached: tenor.gif (360x346, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread:

/l/ is our true ally

Attached: 1558264231274.jpg (2077x1814, 1.26M)

>Yea Forums thinks they have good music taste

Attached: 1528996832823.jpg (572x621, 104K)

Literally who cares about Yea Forums?
>le king crimson
>le kanye
>le my shit is less known than your shit
>le rap isn't all trash

fuck off back to your clown board

>implying Yea Forums isn't just Yea Forums-lite

Attached: 1510159424802.jpg (1500x1030, 261K)

Only the weak need allies

>smug offtopic faggot facebookfrogposter
Jump off a bridge you waste of oxygen

>Yea Forums thinks Yea Forums is their ally
Yea Forums doesn't think about Yea Forums at all

>Yea Forums
>thought of
Faggot-chan I...

Which board has the shitiest taste of their respective hobby?