This is a PC game

This is a PC game
Holy fucking shit

Attached: FC5 render.jpg (1920x1080, 679K)

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what game? is any of it even interactive

It's just a render

Still real-time, though

Yes, you can tell by the archaic resolution.

what ps2 game?

u funny guy

>Those wood textures
Looks like shit


there's nothing too graphically impressive about this, but what makes it work so well is the mise en scene, the set pieces are all realistic and diverse

this is how games like the last of us got so much praise when they weren't even that groundbreaking in any regard to gameplay or storytelling, it created very detailed environments like the one in the op that make the setting more believable

>muh graphics

Yeah how about the game?


So its automatically garbage?

This is how every PS5 game will look like

If it was exclusively on PS4 Pro, it would look 10x better

I don't really find it impressive. Does it look pretty? Yeah, but I've seen so much real life -inspired art in video games that unless I see something that's head and shoulders above the competition (which at this point is impossible anyway), I simply stop paying attention to it. It's not interesting. Since I know what real life looks like, there's no reason for me to look around. I don't spend time looking around in real life either.

It doesn't matter how much detail there is and it doesn't matter how many hours you spent making it. It's just an uninteresting backdrop. Though I have to say that if I saw that pic five years ago, it would've been amazing.

Attached: 1549113673889.jpg (233x280, 21K)

nah, it looks like it would be PERFECT for the switch

It's an environment created for the pre-rendered trailer.

it somehow remind me of those creepy 3d porn

>I don't really find it impressive

Attached: FC6 chair render.jpg (1920x1920, 961K)

No it's not, It's pre-rendered CGI for a cinematic trailer.

>it's a render, no actual part of a game

Attached: this-willbe-graphics-in-2013-bruh-43827577.png (500x857, 184K)

looks like shit. only underaged cocksuckers love realism trash

>Devs keep wasting an insane amount of money on making things look photorealistic
>All the best looking games take a stylistic approach
Really makes you think.

Attached: 1556343226489.jpg (911x1024, 80K)

>1 fps

Who a pre rendered screenshot of a shitty looking bar!!! Totally amazeballs epic

>Being too autistic to appreciate both realism and stylized

It does look impressive but I agree that realism is garbage

It looks off and I cannot explain why. Idk if its too clean or not "gamey" enough? like its almost there but it isn't.

Ubisoft has a history of frauding/overhyping the graphics. See the Watch Dogs fiasco.

go outside and have sex with a tree you MUH REALISM dick sucking zoomer

So much gameplay
Holy fucking shit

>insane amount of money
It doens't take a lot of effort to create realistic materials.

Yea Forums actually know embarrassingly little about video game development but they still love to talk a lot of shit as though they do.

This is why real time path-tracing needs to become a reality. Too much money and manpower is used to bodge rasterization into looking good.

>This is a PC game
no it isn't, this is not a game, it's not interactive, it isn't even real-time, but an environment created for prerendering for a trailer
an impressive one but it isn't a game, it's just a shame it's all wasted on a bland, boring environment rather than something cool

All I can see is a clunky to move in environment with extremely limited interaction. No fun game would have this area as part of any important gameplay.

if this is a CGI render, these fags suck. The glass material on the ceiling fan globes is trash. In fact, all the glass looks terrible. The metal material on the duct work looks trash. The wood material on the bar is too plastic looking. The casing of the speaker looks really bad. Things are not scaled properly. And on top of all that, this bar looks very unused. Everything is in pristine condition, which kills their realism flex.