Good tier: motion blur,
bloom, film grain, lens flare.
Bad tier:AA,depth of field, Chromatic aberration,
Good tier: motion blur,
bloom, film grain, lens flare.
Bad tier:AA,depth of field, Chromatic aberration,
all of that is bad except for good AA.
film grain gets a pass for stuff like alien.
Why are you dumb Yunyun?
Chromatic abortion is pretty good aa in moderation
I think remake 2 has it and it looks good
on the other hand, resident evil 7 goes overboard with it and it looks like shit
Motion blur is the ugliest fucking shit.
>lens flare
>Any of that
Nice bait thread
>paying thousands of dollars for a pc a console do with some simple hacks
>Good tier: motion blur, bloom, film grain, lens flar
>Bad tier: AA
God you're so fucking dumb.
God you're so fucking stupid, I should really beat your ass.
Pls no
God tier: Hud based enviroments (foggy screen, misty eyes when walking through steam, etc)
great tier: Smoke particles when enemies die, heavy realistic rain particles mixed with leaves to sell windy atmosphere
Good tier: screen shake
bad tier: blood splatters when enemies get hit
Shit tier: Vignettes that obfuscate the fuck out of your vision when your health is low
Bonus points unrelated to graphics:
Eldar god tier: gun shots get slightly higher pitched when your ammo is low
NEVER make another shitty thread. So help me god you will get it if you do.
Reminder that every effects are good and absolutely needed as long it's used in moderation. Well except chromatic aberration.
That's including motionblur which is absolutely vital AND NO, YOUR EYES DON'T AUTOMATICALLY DOES IT IN FRONT OF A SCREEN.
DOF is also important but only as a cinematic tool, it simply can't work during gameplay
I know my tastes are shocking.
How is film grain needed?
>gun shots get slightly higher pitched when your ammo is low
It's an abstract kind of satisfaction but I love it nonetheless.
Maybe in consoles, why would you need motion blur with good framerate?
I can't play garrrys mod without the motion blur.
flash back sequences?
Also adds noise to the screen, theres a lot of ways that could be useful.
Yunyun you idiotic cunt, this is why Megumin is and always will be superior.
Not if you are a frogposter
shit list OP
okay: moderate DoF
bad: motion blur, temporal AA, FXAA lens flare, bloom, CA, color grading, SSR, SSAO
>Shit tier: DoF, Motion blur, Adaptive exposure
>Game ruining tier: Lens flare, TAA sharpening, Bloom, Glare, Color Correction
Prove me wrong
>motion blur
I bet you're a snoy
everything is garbage tier except high quality aa
Color correction is gorgeous when used correctly.
Aa is shit
Too much performance lost for nothing SMAA can't handle. TAA isn't bad either.
It's a form of SSAO as well, it only, you can't put HBAO in good tier and SSAO in bad tier that makes no sense. You mean bad SSAO implementation from bad games I guess, but some games have better SSAO implementation than Nvidia's HBAO, too.
>motion blur
It's one of the most important effect a game can have. You need MB if you want realistic movement. You see blur when you wave your hand in front of you or when you look on the sides of your car when driving. You see blur when watching movies. You DON'T see blur at all if you play an old game with no motionblur or if you turn it off completely. How is that a good thing?
>lens flare, bloom
Absolutely vital to have a more natural image at all, especially bloom and hdr simulation. You can just say that a vital part of real life and how light realistically behave is "bad". How games decide to actually implement it is irrelevant.
>color grading
What's next, colors themselves are bad?
It's not perfect but it's the only way to have a lot of reflective surfaces right now
Didnt read lol
Not gonna mock you from being blind.
God tier: Yunyun, Megumin, Aqua
Shit tier: Darkness
x8 MSAA on Mankind literally cripples my 1080ti.
Most games use post processing, unless they're from the 16-bit era. Even some PS1 games have a form of post-processing.
Even the games that you believe are "clean" use color corrections and hdr tonemapping.
God tier: Yunyun, Wiz, Chris, Darkness
Shit tier: Megumin and Aqua
MOTION BLUR is only good if you play on locked 30fps or can't get seamless 60fps. I'm not fully sure if it's ever intended to be an artistic choice, mainly i see it being used together with descriptions like ''to be used in higher amounts when the performance is not favorable'' because it basically just makes your gameplay seem smoother on a lower frame rate.
shut the fuck up
God I love titanfall
I think you need to count your chromosomes...
No Luna?
zoom zoom