Everything american that features stuff like this should be banned

everything american that features stuff like this should be banned

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Good, that’s one victory against cultural marxism.

There was a gay marriage episode?

>being threatened by gay depiction

masculinity so fragile

nice blog retard

define 'cultural marxism'


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was it actually banned or did the tv station just decide not to air it?


Good. I’m sick of sexual shit getting forced into kids’ media in hopes of making them gay or trans.

>everything american should be banned
Fixed it for you bro
Literally nothing of value would be lost

Based.All gays should hang

>being threatened by straight people
just kill yourself, tranny

The latter.

Homosexuals are created via external stimuli. Nature didn't create them that way

everything american that features stuff like this should be banned period

>last in education
>banned abortion
>now engaging in censorship

Can we nuke Alabama already?

>one victory against cultural marxism

excellent cherrypicking.

America is the biggest mistake in the history of mankind

>fixes abortion
>bans faggotry
I'm from Poland, but Alabama starts to look pretty nice too

America did something right for once lmao.

Of course something evil and wrong is threatening.faggotry is cancer

“Cultural Marxism” is a clumsy attempt by the right to make “not being a bigoted taintbag” sound sinister.

It was originally called “cultural Bolshevism,” a term coined by the actual motherfucking Nazis. Anyone using it unironically is either a literal Nazi or someone too stupid to realize they’re repeating things from literal Nazis.

i guess arthur has 2 confirmed gay characters now

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>Can we nuke California already

>the blackest, poorest and most incestuous state bans gay episode


based but for the wrong reason.
being gay is ok, but making long-time characters suddenly gay to push an agenda is wrong.

Why pretend you give a shit about kids when your education is shit?

>Banning an episode of a kids show

wew lad, it's like the 90's again. If they're doing this for the sake of the children they sure are going about the wrong fucking way since the internet is so widespread these days. They might as well just implement their own state wide internet filter there.

Is 'based' code for evil?

My grandson keeps using it to describe monstrous historical figures.

>last in education
Pretty sure that's Mississippi.

America is just way too islamaphobic. I love Europe because it's actually accepting of migrants and guns are outlawed. Way better to have muslims running people over in trucks!

Greece started with the gay shit First soo nope

I like that bunch of gamers who at one point had hobby threaten by these same busy bodies are now defending with their lives.

Is this "nature" some sort of deity?
Do you worship it?

Nature didn't intend us to travel faster than we can run or wear clothes either, fuckin tuber.

Isn't teaching gay shit to preschoolers and younger kids really inappropriate to begin with?

t. unironic cultural marxist

Nazis drank water too, you should literally stop drinking water if you don’t want to be one

>it's Cultural Marxism cause I don't like it
Wouldn't that mean they are constantly winning cause Steven Universe is still airing


I'm moving to alabama

you should include europe there as well since it's open season cultural enrichment going on there like literally
I'm not even white but it fucking upsets me how people from their homeland getting treated miserably by muslim/nigger filth each passing day
and nobody stands up for it

t. unironic national socialist

Sexuality in general is not something cartoons should be exposing to kids. Kids are very impressionable, and they imitate practically everything they see.
>b-but man and woman marriages are shown in cartoons all the time
Maybe that's because it's just as natural as shit comes, humans literally cannot reproduce without a man and woman parring.

It's fine to be gay, but it's not okay to expose kids to ideas like being gay because they're fucking retarded and will think they could be gay when they really have no concept of sexuality at all at a young age

Dude thats an entire grade worth of kids.

Yea Forums needs flags so we can see who these faggots are

While you're busy 404ing this thread, there's some gay ERP still up.

I'm sorry but I dont lean left

I'm a Confederate, you vermin infested troglodyte.

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Problem with the abortion bill is that's its very likely to be overturned. The entire bill was just a political statement. Meanwhile, New York has made it legal to kill actual infants in the womb and no court has overturned it yet


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literal nazis kys drumpkin

No, Wyoming is.

Sure. Are you a (((fellow white person))) too?


Nearly every mammalian species shows small amounts of homosexual or bisexual population.

My grandpa remembers when homosexuality was still a mental illness
Imagine if that mentality persisted, we could have a cure for the gay by now but NOOOO

>high concept traction of blacks in Alabama

>last in education


They aren't reading this thread, they're posting int the erp thread, genius.

Totally Spies isn't sexual in the slightest but it can still have one hell of an impact on the sexual development of a child. It's gonna happen no matter what, that's just how developing minds work. You can sit your kid infront of the most child friendly shit immaginable and they can still end up with an inflation fetish or some bullshit down the track. That's why it's a VASTLY better idea to improve sex education, at least that way you can actually help developing children understand their emotions and view towards sex and sexuality.

Nah SU its ok Because the core audiece are faggy manchildren and is a good way to know who we should ignore/mock

from one school

No, my post was videogame related, unlike this thead, mouth breathing shit stain.

Poland seems like Alabama but actually white. Just stay there, don't subject yourself to one of the least white states in the country

>impact on the sexual development of a child

Let's not beat around the bush here, anime has literally turned grown 30+ year old established men into "women"

It's not just children.

>phone poster

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The parasites you acquired from eating your boyfriends ass have started to rot your brain.


You literally can't stop cartoons making kids gay without removing hot guys entirely and good luck with that because literally every type of male body is an accepted and appreciated by us.

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The struggle of the proletariat applied to other aspects besides economic class

Rent free

You're fucked in the head

Whoooo the fuck caaaaares

I thought we were over the gay thing. Unless Muslims take over the whole world gays are now accepted.

I'm so sick of hearing people rreee

yes, and they're still defective animals

Oh, hell yeah!

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The cure of gayness is a bullet in the head but nooo its too cruel...

Yes. Mr. Ratburn and his husband

video games?

And all the white kids there will grow up to be tribally racist and feel oppressed.

Unsightly beast

how about I split your throat?
bonus part I'm not white and I don't support degenerate filth like you spreading across the globe
people like you will be hanged first when the day of the rope comes

Not an argument.


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They still had a lesbian marriage last season and it seems like Cultural Marxism is now showing gay marriage in children's cartoon

Mississippian here, it's not. Alabama is worse than this place in every way.

New Yea Forums would unironically be big fans of those retards who thought video games make you kill people

Yeah, sorry for having a job and being productive

Over 60% of abortions in Alabama was done to black mothers, so no.

I highly doubt that anime alone can do such a thing, same with entertainment media in general. Life events and circumstance can help change somebodies sexualit and all that shit too. But really all you're describing are lonely horny weebs, that isn't anything out of the ordinary considering their circumstances. It's like being prison gay.

Kill yourself niggerfaggot


Thank you

Thesw kind of topics about sexuality, sex education, people with different preferences, etc are all themes that media needs to stay the fuck away when it comes to children
Sooner or later Parents need to talk with their kids about sexuality

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Fuck Muslims.

>Trump is a Nazi
I'm sorry if all socialists, aka leftists, are all fucked in the head from commies to nazis. Not my fault your side is an absolute trainwreck


Alot of people are saying kids are choosing to become trans or gay, but honestly i think its the over saturation of bullshit media telling them its okay to be gay or trans even better to be trans and make it seem so accepting. Kids are so impressionable, when you promote certain behavior in kids, chances are theyll continue to do it or followup on that behavior in bigger scales. Weve seen such a jump in kids identifying as gay or trans because of media telling them that they should feel a certain way and come out with their feelings. We have 5 year plds dressing in legit drag doing make up tutorials and giving advice on how to accept their trans and gaybess when they dont even know what being a kid or a human ks really about let alot knowing their sexual orientation. I feel like were rambling but holy fuck i feel like were doomed

>"It's wrong and gross that people have sex with the same gender"
>Meanwhile they're fucking their own cousins and sisters
What did they mean by this?

>literal Nazi
Bingo. Kill more Jews desu

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Isn't Arthur co-funded by the Canadian Government?
Also, Ratburn went gay for the wedding cake.

Wasted trips.
Go away and take your outrage with you.

>bonus part I'm not white
Not a single /pol/tard is white, Pedro

Alabama is based. California is cancer and Californians spread to other states and ruin them as well. We just need to nuke California

>white person tries to stand up for their culture
"wow its crazy what ypipo do to minorities!"
>black person does something literally racist
"uh well its a given, with systematic oppression at hand!"

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that's already happening, pedos are mad about their pedo games being banned so now they hate violence and think it should go because they got their content removed.

fuck off, shill your blog somewhere else lardass

they're going to take over the world, better get used to them.

Japan does it, Japan also makes anime, anime influences LGBT women and Trans people.

Your point?

Pic related?

Top Monkey-Sucker

God dammit

>fed steps on the rights of states

>states then split off to remain free

Sounds based to me

Guess you gotta let me suck you off now. Tough breaks.


>it’s another liberals hate disenfranchised whites while pretending to champion the working class episode

>british people

You’re too late, we’ve already won.

That just goes to show that kids don't need more exposure to ideas like being gay, at least not from cartoons.
>improve sex education
This all depends on what is actually covered, and there has to be a shitload of screening done to be sure the teacher isn't pushing the kids into being something they aren't.
For example, being trans is something kids should not be exposed to at all. It's not natural, it's not healthy, and it's something that affects less than a percent of the population. Just the sentence of "you could be a girl if you wanted to" would fuck up a kids mentality, and they'd start getting dumb ideas of how they wanna be a girl because then they'd have more girl friends or some dumb reasoning.

you will burn in hell for eternity fag
the grim ripper will drag your soul down if it comes to that

>stops teaching LGBT lessons
>Yea Forums gays not only caring constantly sucking dick
What's the point of this again?

The Jewish people will quite literally NEVER let that happen.

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It takes a special kind of retard to say "those other people are acting retarded, so it's alright if I act like a retard too".


this paul joseph watson character sure has some insightful ideas

If you ever watched an episode of arthur, it was obvious the rat was gay

Alright, Jim crow...

>Dank Scrotum Lover

I can't even be mad.

Reminder shit like this used to be norm, shit constantly got censored because there was not enough family values or jesus in the show, or one too many swear words like damn and hell. So whenever a right wing faggot speaks about the left being being about censorship, remind them which side was doing the censoring for the majority of modern history.

One statement is fact. The other is your own hyperbole. Learn how to make an argument

ok, nigger

America is fucking ban-happy which is stupid considering that we have protections in our constitution to prevent this kind of shit from happening.

You go east and it's Teh gays and you go west and it's Teh tits.
This episode would have been banned in California if one of them had a pair of tits.
Fucking retarded.

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And that's a good thing!

Not surprising. The south also banned an episode of Star Trek because of an interracial kiss and banned season 1 of sesame street because there were too many nonwhites in it.

The fact that they're fucking their own cousins and sisters?

Created by democrats

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news user, but yes, that is a "hot guy".

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Based parents. It's funny how so little parents know that if they really want to protest something the school is teaching their kids, the best way to get a quick change is to not send your kid, and not call in either. The school loses money on every student that is a no call no show, and the school is very quick to do a 180 on how their morals once money gets involved

>200% Spaghetti Crunch
I... What?

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>One statement is fact
Yes you're right, people in Alabama do engage in incest, that is a fact. Homosexuality being wrong is an opinion. Thanks for helping my argument user!

Kill yourself, tranny.


Sounds good

Remember when they created the KKK too?


Definition of traitors. Most countries shit on their traitors, why does america celebrate theirs.

Yeah but not when theyre fucking 5 years old

>christians should control the law
>the bible should usurp the constitutional right to free speach, press and religion because I cant handle two men in love

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>muh “””pedo””” games

Fuck off, back to ReshitEra

ALL moral policing is bad.

we'll see friendo.

I didnt even see this post i pretty much mirrored it further down. I agree on all points and said nearly the same thing.
Kids are too impressionable
They shouldnt get their sex education from tv
Theyll pratice what they see on tv
They shouldnt be taught about sexual orientation when they dont even know what being a human is even basically about

Cope harder and don't forget your parents are most certainly disappointed they raised a faggot.


Need a truck to move those goalposts, chief?

It is, but tell the retards who are spearheading LGBT shit that.

Tropical Scrotum Weeaboo

Did they also create the night of the hunt?
Truly we all seek paleblood

If america hated traitors all the religious groups trying to seize the government would be considered enemies of the state. Instead since we are 50% christian they get away with and celebrated.

imagine being this cucked

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that's the funny thing
even us non white people got tired of you human degenerate trash spreading your filth and the damage that does to our kids

remember kids
free speech is only good when it fits your narrative

Wow that's pretty gross.
It'd be a real shame if you posted more of these "hot guys" of yours.

As does the right, no party actually cares about the working class.

ooga booga me agree

Explain why you're meeting stronger resistance now then?

Completely conjecture on your part whereas there's actual statistical evidence showing that homosexuals engage in behavior that results in the high rates in the spread of disease, not to mention their tendency to molest children

>Now please let me censor this anime game because I'll never have tits like the actual females inside of it no matter how much estrogen I take.

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kids should only consume sake if it's been cooked long enough to boil the alcohol off.

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I''m surprised Buster hasn't come out yet.

Based, but not Yea Forums.


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>shitposting on Yea Forums
kill yourself

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>Incredible Coconut Massacre
I dig it.

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Yankees get the rope before niggers

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>highest rate of HIV infection
>higher suicide rates
>higher mental illness rates

Whereas the Alabama cousin fucking claim is purely stereotyping with no statistical evidence. Thanks for playing

'Bama wins again.

>Be /pol/
>Gay character is banned from some rural state
>"Holy based! SJWs btfo! hahaha
>Shakily clad woman is censored in some video game
>"Guys we need to have a discussion about free speech this is ridiculous devs should be able to portray whatever they want so long as it abides by the law"
Do they understand how stupid they are?

A cornered rat may attack, but it is still hopeless.

>mostly niggers

>Can leave at any time without repercussion
lol. wrong
>Sovereignty protected by law
for now. Guy Verhofstadt is trying very hard for that to stop being true

>being productive

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Our constitution makes it every citizens duty to resist the government when it becomes tyranny. Go away bootlicker

That's what you will do when you can't leech money from your parents :^)

Ahh I see where this is going.

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I don't think teaching anything is inappropriate, even kids need to know about things like homosexuality and genocide. No reason to keep it from them.
Glorifying it is another issue completely. Kids need to know how the world works, not who's right and who's wrong. Political and social stances don't belong in educational environments.

Cringe beyond comprehension.

>t. pedo

the only one ITT who sees through my words, bama is a shithole with abortion being banned a bunch of little nigger babies will be running around.

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They're traitors by definition I don't care what you post. They lost like bitches and should have been stamped out like most traitors are. Letting them have pride was a mistake.
Seperation of church and state. Religion doesn't matter in any worthwhile nation.
You'll never win anything. 0 - 1.
The majority disagree with you, so you got put down like fucking dogs. Shame they didn't just finish the job and populate the south with people with higher iq.

>meanwhile Political Correctness as a concept was developed by Leon Trotsky

Reminder that if you're against gay and trans people you're as bad as the Muslims
Everyone got the fuck over this in the 90s.

Yes please

Is this video games?

>That episode where he gets vored by the stegosaurus

The second part is Yea Forums. /pol/ liked the restrictions because it btfo loser faggots obsessed with drawn tits who were sitting alone in their basements instead of fighting degeneracy

>lol. wrong
sorry britcuck, if you don't want to be a member you are not entitled to benefits
learn what "repercussion" actually means

user you claimed that "one was a fact" and the other was hyperbole. You were implying that homosexuality being wrong was a fact. It isn't. I remember having a class in like, second grade where we learned the difference between fact and opinion. Did you skip that class?

Humans are the biggest mistake in the history of the planet

Any animal that can reproduce sexually has one purpose in life. To reproduce. Homosexual animals won't reproduce thus making them defective. What dont you understand?

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Where is the fucking VIDEO GAMES, OP?

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link me

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Backwoods inbreedingmoonshiners aren’t based.

They’re just another type of backwards thinking moralfag. Same cancer different name.

>the 2000s were 30 years ago
What a zoomer lol

anglo leftists really have no clue about the world outside the west. ive thought they think immigrants are like their pets. so this absolute farces happening. they believe they can educate/brainwash/control all the immigrants like they once colonized non western countries.

its however really impossible. they cant be pets. they are human beings and cant throw away their own beliefs.

I think what Trump's America has shown us, is that "free speech" is a fucking lie. Nobody wants absolute free speech except for a minority of libertarians. Both left and right wingers are more than happy to censor their enemies and their ideas.

>calling "screeching, chest-pounding inbreds censoring a fictional character for being depicted as gay without even describing sex" what it is
>just being threatened by straight people
I wish in ten years you'd look back and realize how retarded you used to be but your type is always too scared to look at their own beliefs for too long. Plus you've already lost interest, wandered off and forgot this thread ever happened. Such is a day in the life of a fucking inbred

>/pol/ thread from the beginning that has absolutely nothing to do with video games
>Shitting up the board as usual
>b-b-b-but /pol/ isn't the problem its those damn SJWs!
Your board is officially worse than /mlp/, at least they can contain themselves

>/pol/ liked the restrictions because it btfo loser faggots obsessed with drawn tits who were sitting alone in their basements instead of fighting degeneracy
You're implying the keyboard warriors at /pol/ don't spend much of their time sitting in front of a computer finding things to be angry about. I wish /pol/ and the normals who love them would go away.

my point was that letting alabama ban episodes because of muh gay is theocratic and a symptom of the christian controlled government defying our laws. If you didnt understand that user you seem as dumb as the people you are arguing with..

>Titanic Cock Smasher
Sounds good to me

centrism is the only sane option left and I don't give a shit what all those nut jobs say

I'm not from britain you moron. They dont want benefits. They dont want literally anything to do with the EU but their parliament is so cucked and so up their own asses that they are doing everything to try and stop them from leaving. Do you even have any idea wtf is going on in britain?

Shoot your enemy once so he cannot fight anymore that day. Shoot traitors twice to ensure their deserved death.

>Arthur has a gay marriage episode
Whew. There goes my childhood.
Why are we deliberately trying to pervert children? You want to put this garbage in all your shitty "adult gritty realism" television shows and movies, whatever. But stop perverting children. Society is fucked up enough, you don't even have to make it worse because it's going to become that way naturally anyways...