Are there any tree games?
Are there any tree games?
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>5G developed in Israel
>5G banned in Israel
Is this true?
of course not
holy shit is this actually a thing or are people overreacting to possible coincidence
its just schizos, probably racists too
so why does it kill trees but not shrubs or grass?
>butcher a tree just to make a conspiracy video
because the transmitter on the lamp post uses collimated (focused) beams. they dont aim them at the ground
so why is the bark missing on the tree all the way to the base?
That's it I'm going innawoods.
>these people are for real
jesus christ
because the tree is extremely stressed and damaged from the microwaves going to ground through the tree. electromagnetic radiation causes currents and other danaging intra-cellular phenomena when it travels through biological organisms to ground
so why didnt the leaves on the other side of the tree fall off then?
>through the tree
>lets just destroy half of it and leave the rest
they will eventually as the tree dies from stress, obviously the side that absorbs most of the microwaves will be worse affected- think sunburn
see above shill
>butcher a tree
Nice conspiracy theory.
You can quickly confirm your nutcaery by installing a 5g transmitter next to a tree yourself, or find similar cases.
Go do it and report back
Please stop spamming your shit thread on every board.
the guy that made the video in OP has about 5 more videos showing the same thing around his place of residence where they are testing 5G
children are waking up in pools of blood from nosebleeds caused by the transmitters
>white people
jones was right
You realise these trees "shed" their bark every year? They did this before this technology even existed.
I have a rational question
why the fuck do we need 5G when we can keep shit wired and tell anyone using wireless to go fuck themseves
because then our friends wont be able to silently and invisibly lobotomize and sterilize us
>ignore my comment
yikes indeed
>doesnt understand Yea Forums
So how am I supposed to use it if it's not aimed at my phone?
the tree is suffering because the transmitter beams where the phones are
if you stood under the transmitter it would beam to the floor
keep in mind these beams can go through your head or heart
stroke/heart attack city
> the transmitter beams where the phones are
No it doesnt, you ABSOLUTE brainlet
most brain tumors and decay caused by phone radiation start at the age of 60.
there hasnt been enough time to prove this until recently.
When asked about this, companies disproved this with data showing that there has been no spike in tumors caused by this radiation.
The bracket they used was from 1-59.
yes it does, look up beamforming and microwave collimation
now >>>/reddit/
▲ ▲
Explain why these plants arent damaged but the tree(which is further away even) is.
>New piece of tech comes out
>OH it does this and that and causes cancer!
>Vast majority of the time it ends up being a load of shit
Do we have to have this fucking song and dance every time?
why do you keep ignoring my posts explaining how the transmitter functions? there are obviously more people served at an angle that will hit and damage the tree than those bushes below
The end of days comes every month.
It's a cry for significance I think.
becuase even a stopped clock is right twice a day
microwaves have always been harmful and the people pointing this out have always been right
I hope you know that this is said every single time as well so you really cannot blame anyones skepticism.
No shit. But it's no apocalypse.
Do you want a list of shit you do and are exposed to everyday that will kill you? Do you think you'll be able to go outside afterwards?
a good website to read about the dangers of microwaves:
p-pure coincidence!
>Tree is toast
>grass, hedges are fine
This is obviously the work of jewish reptiles
Tree Kingdoms Total War releases in a few days.
>it's no apocalypse
4G has massacred insect populations wherever masts are erected. when the insects die, we will have no crops, as insects serve vital functions in the plant ecosystem. no crops, no food. no food, no life.
you are in a death cult.
>4G has massacred insect populations
you mean Monsanto did
your 'point' about the grass and hedges has been refuted many times throughout the thread, try reading
nope, it's 4G doing the bulk of the damage
Driverless cars business demands it.
nigger, life is a death cult, you are here to die
did you think you were gonna live forever if it wasn't for this?
monsanto shill
Why have I seen this thread on 6 different boards today
Why do we need to keep everything hooked up to a wire?
>just lay down and die goy
glyphosate is very harmful, but 4G is in reality much worse. ideally they'd both be banned.
so that we dont harm the environment and give ourselves cancer and sterilize our children
Correlation != causation
If you're trying to prove something beyond a shadow of a doubt, the accepted method is the tried-and-true scientific method(accept no substitutes).
What we have here is getting to the hypothesis step, stopping there, and calling it a day.
Let's see some proof 5g is killing the trees.
Some britbong recording a tree in his back yard is not proof.
Please show me how low this board has fallen by squealing "r*ddit* or whatever discourse-ending buzzword is hottest at the moment.
so we should hold back progress because of your mental illness, got it
you sound like a tranny
Reminder that these "muh 5g towers are killing trees" faggots are useful idiots used to distract from the actual problems with letting the Chinese build communications infrastructure in your country. They're here to make you think that any legitimate issue with these towers is your typical conspiracy theory bullshit, because they drown out the conversation with their blatant and unfounded horseshit.
It's like how the US started alien conspiracy theories to hide that they were testing new planes in deserted areas. They're the people who'll see something in the sky, drop their bottle of jenkem on the floor and start crying about ayy lmaos into their ham radio.
>dude just do le epic science
whenever anyone in the phone industry does a study into the harms of microwave radiation, they are fired, blackballed, blackmailed and sued
>we need progress at any cost
this is the essence of the tranny, tranny
...that's a streetlamp?
with a dielectric lens antenna on top of it that focuses beams of microwave radiation through the tree
>beams of microwave radiation through the tree
yes absolutely, that little black rod on top of the lamp can put out an enormous amount of power
some are directly outside children's bedrooms, guess what happens:
I'm not telling you to lay down and die. I'm saying you WILL lay down and die.
Nobody here but us trees!
Should we be scared of 5G? IS it going to fry our brains?
you'll die first
>see image of british house or street
>immediately get anxious
fucking shit hellhole
>schizoids trying to explain schizoid theories on a taiwanese street dumpling forum
sloppy job mossad
how do they know the nosebleeds were from the microwave radiation. and have they measured the radiation?
You realise that almost all the patents and infrastructure for 5g is owned by huawei right?
>Authorities including the World Health Organization ('WHO') agree there is no evidence that convinces experts that exposure to radio frequency fields from mobile devices and base stations operated within guideline limits has any adverse health effects.
What did they mean by this??
Woah, it's a good thing """RFSAFE""" is looking out for us, look;
they have their very own brand of "RF-Safe"™ to allow you to safely use those dangerous radiation-emitting devices. FCC be damned! RFSAFE has your backs.
Chinese patents are only as valid as the USA considers them to be.
As if that matters at all. Will you feel better if you outlive some random idiot by a few years?
A guy called Mark Steele did a presentation on this whole topic, he went into a lady's house with a 5G lamp post outside of her window and did some measurements
haha rfsafe sure stands to lose trillions of dollars if we ban harmful microwave radiation from phones
oh wait thats the wireless electrosmog industry
the national toxicology program has 3 studies so far showing conclusively that exposure to high-power
Woah, for only $69.99 you too can live radiation-free, why haven't you bought yours yet, Yea Forums?
Don't tell me WANT cancer???
damn these rfsafe industry shills sure are pervasive on Yea Forums nowadays my fellow tranny
they're looking out for our children's health and everything, how can we stop them
I honestly didn't think there were this many unmedicated nutters on Yea Forums
I know so many redditors ignoring the science behind microwaves killing them, oh well more dead redditors I guess
Maybe go back to your preferred site if the community here isn't for you.
Try millions. faggot.
Wow, this is actually a hell of a lot more than I thought it'd be.
This is just further proof Yea Forums has some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet.
wow, with those funds they must control the world!
It's not that there's a global conspiracy to fuck up your health, it's that government and business are playing fast and loose with these technologies so as not to interrupt the economy. And for every sensible person who is wondering what the effects of long-term exposure to microwave radiation might be, there are fifty conspiritards who post illiterate infographics and embarrass said sensible people, and five hundred skeptics who believe radio waves are entirely biologically inert.
Because operators and other network owners soon won't even bother to maintain wired networks for non-business customers, since its much cheaper to install and maintain wireless ones that are objectively worse.
Be sure to boycott all forms of high speed wireless internet access, and even spread misinformation to decrease interest.
That's obviously not a 5G station antenna. Why would they have it so close to the ground? So close to buildings? And it's too small. Probably an antenna for simple signals sent to the LED street lamp to control it, wifi maybe.
they're almost overtaking the phone industry at this point, who can stop the RFSAFE astroturfing shills on Yea Forums my fellow 5G discord tranny