Rabi Ribi

Just started playing this, but it's pretty fun so far. Might try other games like this. Also, I want to fuck the poorfag cat. What did you guys think of the game? Which character do you want to fuck?

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I love Raisen!

whe she got only1 sok on

have sex

My favorite title of the entire current decade, what a wonderful surprise this game turned out to be.
Oh and, it's gonna be Rumi for me.

How do I see the item/skill exp? I need to know when my fucking hammer or carrots are going to level up I can't just use them willy nilly

I might be wrong but I don't think you can. Regardless, you will max the exp skill after like 5-10 minutes of regular gameplay so don't worry about it. I don't even know why that's in the game.

That's because bunny girls have great fashion sense!

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The game is shockingly good in the most important areas and mediocre in others. All in all it's excellent.
The controls, the bosses, the music, the difficulty options and scaling, has a lot of content
Characters and writing aren't particularly good or memorable, and the visual design of (most) of the game's locations are uninteresting/generic. The "world" of Rabi-Rabi Island is boring and not really fleshed out well.
But again, the background lore is the least important facet of the game, so who really gives a shit? Game was fun and has good replay value.

I'm curious since this is my first time playing these kinds of games. Which games do you think surpass this game in terms of the bosses? I felt frustrated every time I lost, but fucking hell, I loved figuring out how to dodge all the shit they lob at you.

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Unironically 2hu.

Cicini is my sex-waif

uninstall this shit and play hollow knight instead

Why not play both? Rabi Ribi is an amazing game and so is Hollow Knight really.

Iunno, I don't play a LOT of these kinds of games, but Rabi-Ribi I think has my favorite set of bosses from a gameplay perspective, but that might just be because I love the mix of platforming with bullet hell shit. Feels very unique, but I haven't played enough of the genre to know if that's true or not
Ikaruga had some pretty good bosses, always felt fucking stressful making the most of the color-swapping mechanics
And yeah, as said, 2hu has genuinely good bosses

Nice try falseflaggger.

I like both games.

Kinda wanna hold out for this on Switch because I love platformers on mobile consoles.
Is there anything the PC version gets that you won't have on consoles that makes up for not having any decent controllers?

Mods I guess. Although I would argue that PC has the best controller options because you can use whatever controller you want. I'm very fond of playing 2D platformers on an arcade stick.

>d-do i fit in yet
Take your eggshell ego and fuck off.

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I'm stuck in the To Do pop up screen that tells you about the diary and map right after you find your master.
No matter what I press I cant get out that screen, is it an anti piracy thingy?

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For me, it's Cicini

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I doubt it, it's the first time I hear about something like that even though I know a whole bunch of people pirate this game here.

Cicini needs some more cute art

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no-pants policy should be a mandatory industry standard

Wh... What kinda mods does the game have?

you know, stuff like new maps or nude rabbits

rabi ribi used pretty obscure anti-piracy methods so I won't rule it out

there is one check that checks if you own a fake dlc you can't buy. if you use a crack that unlocks all DLC without care, after beating first stage it will crash the game then try to crash your desktop opening your browser thousands of times

Really fun game. Got my ass handed to me several times on hard.
Which character I want to fuck? I want to fuck everyone.

Wow, I just finished the main story yesterday, working on post-game now. Didn't expect to see a thread about it.
The Vita version is missing the latest dlc but I can forgive that, playing bunny game on the go is fun
And uhh, probably the bears. They cute.

are they on loverslab?

What platforms is this game available on? Is the steam version DRM/handshake free?
Are there microtransactions?

Just go away, cunt. You aren't on Yea Forums to find games to play, you are here to fuck around with your "MUH DRM, MUH SNOY, MUH CENSORSHIP" nonsense.

I'll play it after.

I sometimes find myself going back to it for fun because the bossfights and music are super enjoyable. A lot of endgame bossfights have a level of hype that you cant really find anywhere else, like the music speeding up for Irisu's fight or Last 100 Seconds. It's stuff like that.
Pretty solid game 8.5/10. Keep playing it OP. Ignore everything relating to cutscenes in the game because the story is BEYOND fucked.

And yet here we are, with me looking for a game to play and you screeching about some meme.

Then why don't you just inform yourself? It's plenty faster to open wikipedia than asking anons to wires shark a game for you to make sure your inadequately sandboxed game system doesn't phone home. Nobody here could even answer such questions without being a linux fag anyway.

There are paid DLC and no micro transactions. Bah you made me say it, fag.

Thanks user!
There actually isn't a wikipedia article on Rabi-Ribi, I checked. I can only find info of the game being on steam, but if I could get it straight from the developer website I'd rather do that, gets them more money and gets me a copy of the game that doesn't need to be tied to an account.

Glad to hear about there not being any MTX cancer, just good old fashioned DLC. This also plays into why I don't want a DRM copy of the game, this is the kinda game I wanna be able to pick up and just play any time I want. Metroidvanias tend to be great for replay value if you ask me, especially when RPG elements are involved.

It's also on vita/ps4 (not censored), and coming to switch soon (probably some time in the summer).

I could always wait for the switch release, but it'd be nice to get it on PC since it looks like a game I'd come back to constantly.

After the switch release comes out the dev is going to finish the final DLC for the game, which is a playable Cocoa mode complete with her own attacks and abilities/upgrades and like 8 more achievements.

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Do any of you use the sliding attack? The game put a cooldown on it so it should be powerful, but I haven't used it in any combos.

It's a pretty strong way to close the gap, and it ticks like 5 to 6 times because of the falling frames. Otherwise, some attack require sliding without the attack to dodge. Its worth using when its off cooldown.

where are you people getting all the Cocoa mode footage? Is it out?

>final dlc
>final dlc
>final dlc
What about Irisu's picknic with Erina, that starts the dlc?! Please tell me the dev won't just abandon this subplot, dammit.

Jesus, I didn't even know that you take into account the frames for this game. I've got a lot to learn.

I usually use it and mash left and right while mid-air to stay on the boss while the attack is active for as long as possible.

>I felt frustrated every time I lost, but fucking hell, I loved figuring out how to dodge all the shit they lob at you.
Sounds like Ys would be just the thing for you.

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Ah so it's a gap closer then? Wouldn't you run out of SP though? Or is running out of SP only a problem in the early game?

Theres only the few cocoa clips on the dev's twitter.
If you scroll through it he also has a dev log for his next game (love bunny)

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>beat Noah on Hard
>doesn't unlock themain game clear achievement for Normal and Easy as well
why do games do this?

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Its burst damage, but a full hammer combo is better I think (with reverse hammer strikes and erina badge). Also running out of SP isnt that bad when you have fire orb because it deals decent damage. Also using amulet restores a good chunk of SP and removes the cooldowns for bunny strike and super carrot. It's possible to stun lock some bosses from full hp to 0 if you chain hammer combos together with amulets.
Bunny strike tends to be mainly used for platforming though. You can jump higher and further if you slide > jump > bunny strike in the air.

I jeed games were i can be a cute bunnygirl

This game doesnt do that.

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But I was done with Hollow Knight after 80 hours, while Rabi-Ribi still has content after 200 hours

Lmao that's a thing?


fapping to the sprites is not content

Nice try nigga. You'll get befriended as well.

I ain't falling for bait.

but it makes me content


Rabi-Ribi is one of the most influential games of this generation, you can not refute this.
>tight gameplay
>cute girls
>amazing story
go fuck yourself undertale furries/trannies and hollow knight pedos

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based and bunnypilled

>hollow knight pedos
god I wish hk had fuckable bug kids ;_;

I'm not refuting that the game is great, but how is it influential exactly? This is the only place I ever see people talk about the game and even then it's relatively rare. Never heard a single developer in the genre mention Rabi-Ribi at all, and most people I mention the game to have never heard of it and show no interest in it once they look into it.

ohh i see i actually pirated it once and wondered why the fuck it opened the game like a million times, thats pretty cool desu, needless to say i bought it after that because it is a great game

Look I've really wanted to play a new Metroidvania and I beat Timespinners recently. Is this worth $25? If so I'll buy it for Vita right now

No-pants policy, you say?
>pixelated graphics
O-oh, doesn't matter outside of cutscenes, I see. Well, people praise the gameplay, so I am still interested. Would wait for the switch version, though. Any recent news on that?

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Is Touhou Double Focus any good, speaking of Metroidvanias?

You're asking this in a thread praising this game for being great, having 200+ hours of gameplay, good music and boss fights, plus a story where nobody wears pants and you're asking if it's worth it?

Might be able to work that one out for yourself chief.

I'd pay that much to play it again and I already beat it once.

So, no. Figured it was just overhyped, thanks

>tfw still haven't beat Irisu
fuck, even Miriam had me stuck for a while
this is only on normal difficulty, too

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Best Metroidvania I ever played

Any idea or they will make a sequel?

There is, it's called Love Bunny. GemaYue has development screenshots and videos like this on his Twitter:


I don't think there's any kind of release date, and he's still working on the Cocoa DLC for Rabi Ribi, so it'll probably be a good while before it's out.

I'm right there RIGHT NOW user
Come on, we can both do this

>mfw 100% the game
There's gonna be more achievements soon though. A bunny lover's duty never ends.

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