WoW should be permanent death only

This will make it the best game ever. People will finally learn to read, or at least those who become max level and will bother doing their best. It will finally turn into a game where you actually appreciate the world around you and its just not another zone or if you don't you will learn to express yourself properly why you think so. Games lose their meaning when you can just respawn ad infinitum.

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You've never played WoW, huh

Yeah, other than for a decade and even now.

>Play game.
>Invest fuckton of time into character
>Get ganked by some group of 5 shitwats
>Lose all fucking progress

>Play game
>Invest fuckton of time into character
>Go to raid
>Some shitfuck decides to wipe on purpose.
>Lose all fucking progress.

Sry but this thing won't pass in game where you can die because of someone else decision.

You can always be careful, be max buffed(through food elixirs, scrolls), use a group of friends in dangerous zones and in general use your brain. Though its better to just autopilot, don't even know what you're doing and miss the game completely and then complain why it is boring and easy.

Yeah, I believe you

>lol dude just be prepared for other people to do things out of your control and lose all your progress
So by your logic if I'm doing a dungeon an the healer goes afk and I die and lose my character it was somehow my fault? Perma death only works when your the only one who can be blamed.

You don't fucking know how creative assholes are, don't you?
Group of friends? Well the group of gankers is alot bigger.

And how food elixirs and scrolls will help of for example some player in raid decides to use some of boss mechanics to fuck up rest of team?

Imagine nobody going to BG because well, someone must die there.

Hardcore raiding will be dead because actually progressing hard bosses is like success after fuckton of wipes.

People will stop playing because of frustration caused by losing characters over and over and over.

Not the style St least but the game realm of the mad God is a permanent death mmo. It's quite a bit of fun and frustration from a character dying but there is over all progress still in the form of a vault for items and pets that can buff.

What kind of buffs can protect you from dungeon boss?

>increase your hp by 3% or take a potion that will heal 8% of your life, it can totally save you from mechanics made to kill you
you've never played the genre, it's painfully obvious, please restrain from talking from now on, it's embarassing

You don't engage when the healer is afk and if someone does you have some kind of ability to make the enemies flee and use your hearthstone.
Quality over quantity, though I understand low IQ people are shallow and don't understand even simple sentences. These things are not even problems.
Movement speed, free action, health potions.
>muh low% means I'm right
I'm sure you're the one who has never played it to know there are so few potions. The state of brainlets on this board, LMAO.

Okay, I'm a roguelike enthusiast. I also play play-by-e-mail games with time investment of months going for each match. I'm hardly a stranger to permadeath or high-commitment games.

However, permadeath isn't a magic bullet that suddenly makes any game better. It ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES the rest of the design to take it into consideration. For example, roguelikes tend to feature very high degree of randomization and early game plays essentially by the same rules as later stages of the game, and consequently each start is sufficiently unique and interesting that you don't mind starting over. World of Warcraft has absolutely nothing of that, you just end up playing the same static early content repeatedly.

And how repeatedly would you have to start over? Well, actually you really don't, at least if we ignore PvP and connectivity issues: provided you have some basic grasp of the game like knowing not to wander to Eastern Plaguelands as a fresh undead character or to enter a raid with group that doesn't consist of trusted peers who you KNOW will not deliberately grief you by letting you down, it's not at all difficult to play hyper-conservatively to make absolutely certain there isn't the slightest risk of dying (pulling -5 level mobs individually, that sort of thing). The thing is, this kind of playstyle is torturously dull, but given the sizable time investment you stand to lose with an advanced character, it's also a good idea even for experienced players whose chances of messing up something bad are remote. Leveling goes for granted and even the toughest raiding content isn't that bad for elite players. However, that's again BOOORING! In my eyes progression raiding - doing the content when success or failure is at a knife's edge and when you're expected to fail a bunch of times - is the only worthwhile endgame, and if you only ever try encounters when your chance of success is 1, then that's farm content (==boring content) starting from that first attempt.

Holy fuck. You don't understand. You think game mechanics will even allwo group of 30 lvls win fight against one 80 lvl ganker? Or you believe that game mechanics will allow group of 4 max level characters survive assault of over 20 max level characters?

I'm not sure if you are baiting or you are really THAT stupid and ignorant.

Ah so its bait, fair enough

>He thinks a 80s will risk his life to kill some 30s
Yep, you're a bottomless hole.

Ah so its a brainlet, fair enough

>He thinks a 80s will risk his life to protect some 30s from other 80s.

WoW players don't actually want fun
That explains so much.

Perm death would only work for leveling purposes and even then it wouldn't matter since it's impossible to die below 120. They'd have to make several changes if they wanted the whole game to be based around that philosophy. It isn't like Diablo where you get max level in 15 mins.

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>then it wouldn't matter since it's impossible to die below 120
raiding would be impossible

They will and like I said, people would be more cautious so things like that will rarely happen.
Indeed, every game should be a journalist photography mode. Its what they deem as fun so it should be fun for everyone else, yay for common mediocrity.
The game is already pretty much balanced in that regard. Its just that people are so used to rush instantly anything that they forget most of the other stuff around the game.

Now this is what I call competition.

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>They will

>everyone is as stupid as me

Permadeath only works in single player games. I like the idea of it though.

>They will
For what purpose?

For gaming purposes, oh wait that is too gamey and foreign to you.

>risking your leveled and geared char for literally 0 profit

>gaming purposes

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>live in constant fear of roving rogue deathsquads that only leave stealth when vanish is off CD

So much this, people never played for glory. Its all about the profit.
>Wtf, he plays and talks about games on the video game board and even dares to use the word gaming

You should try Realm of the Mad God.

Profit != money or goods, you dipshit.
'Glory' we're isekai protag nao falls under definition of proift too.

>Profit != money or goods, you dipshit.
In your sentence it means exactly that you fucking mongoloid. You should learn to write if you don't to get called a retard. Once again you didn't prove me wrong.

High-end guilds do many of even the hardest artificial difficulty setting bosses with no more than few attempts (looking at Battle of Dazar'Alor statistics for Method, they had 0 wipes for 2 bosses and less than 10 for all but final three). How much room is there to advance your character utilizing gear from easier difficulties? I don't play neo-WoW but I'd wager it's something along the lines of 20-30% (in actuality more because decreased fight duration -> increased cooldown uptime)? With that kind of boost you don't need to spend attempts finding the most optimal tactic or the tiniest optimizations to edge out an advantage, a reasonable tactic with reasonable execution is enough.

If you go with WotLK pictured in OP or some other expansion with known content, you definitely don't need to spend attempts figuring out tactics and there's a point of time when you KNOW you can do the content. But it would still be fucking stupid in the extreme. For example, I'm certain guilds I've played with could beat Blizzlike pre-nerf Yogg+0 on the first week (with 3.1 or 3.3.3 talents, doesn't matter) because we've beaten very much boosted versions with only a few resets worth of gear, too. But first attempt? Eh. All the while ALSO having done the Keepers with zero deaths? Nope. And it's definitely not worth the risk of losing your characters unless you've leveled and geared up 10 duplicate characters in some mega-splitruns. So you farm trivial normal modes until you are not 50% sure, 75% sure or maybe even >90% sure but can definitely beat the boss with few to no deaths. And that's BORING SHIT.

But you could technically raid. Known content? In a sense "easily". And even new content might kinda sorta be doable. I could imagine a guild like Method being tryhard enough to level 10 backups and beating mythic end bosses with 10 attempts once they have pre-mythic BiS. But oh so stupid.

This, its only fun when you can just play over and over LMAO. Games should also accept hacks and cheat codes, why should they even bother with difficulty, like just let us oneshot him and be with it, we will kill him sooner or later anyway.

>The worst part of WoW is other people's incompetence screwing you over

>Let's make the consequences of that EVEN WORSE.

While we're at it, let's take all the lootbox games and turn all the shit rewards into Crowbar Mike, a real-life hitman who comes to your house and beats you with a crowbar every time you get him in the lootbox.

Play EVE Online. The chances of the WoW hugbox ever implementing anything like this is less than zero.

this is the most retarded thread in ages, worse than the gay sissy healer thread earlier

are you 14? this is the kind of dumb shit kids say.

You're a retard. This would basically require you to study raid boss guides because you can't learn the boss anymore. Absolutely nobody would do Arena/BGs anymore except maybe twinks. Nobody would take any risks in the open world anymore. Perma death in an MMO is retarded sure add stiffer penalties like older MMOs with item loss or xp loss but you shouldn't have to worry about losing a character you spent thousands of hours on

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who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





I think you missed the point. Through its progression systems WoW offers you a way to circumvent the difficulty: gearing up (or, in leveling context, single pulling green mobs or whatever) until you can brute force the content with no chance of failure.

The thing is, it's not difficult content anymore at that point. If you impose an extreme cost to failure, content may still be doable "in principle", but then it requires EXTREME degree of tryharding, and NO ONE, not even the world first guild, does content when it's difficult for their skill level. They would only ever attempt it when they know for sure they can beat it (=the content is easy for them).

In actuality too harsh punishments for failure force a playstyle where no one is challenged, at least supposing a game that isn't designed around the concept (like Roguelikes are for example). Indeed, it's the opposite in WoW: it has specifically been designed around the assumption that people might spend hundreds of attempts wiping against content that is at the very edge of their ability to beat.

no perma death but lose xp and even levels on death. bring back that sweet eq feature of having to fucking go back to grind so you can try raids again.

this would only be fun if xp rates were like x100

If WoW was perma death, literally everyone would play Druid or Rogue.
PvP would die because everyone not a rogue would die and then get spawnkilled by rogues.

I agree there should be more consequence for death, but character deletion is not a good solution for a multiplayer game where something as simple as a flicker in internet connection can cause you to lose hundreds of hours of progress, some of which is you simply grinding.

They should make Hardcore servers for Classic, see which streamer has the balls to roll on a PVP Hardcore server

No, that's not going to work. If you want to see something like this in WoW then you shourl rebalance the whole game around permanent death. Even if you take vanilla wow this shit wouldn't make any sense because whole game based on your own progress. If you can lost everything that you obtained from dungeon\raid then no one even would go there, everyone probably would just farm high level mobs in groups and that would be basically all endgame content that player can see.

>Go into Arthas HC
>Nigger decides to sit in the defile
>Go to Opulence
>Nonce decides to pop the orb in melee
>Go to mekkatorque
>Someone stomps on the tiny boys
>Go to you
>Tank faces yog
>Go to any dragon boss
>Tank cleaves the raid

>Be massively addicted to the game
>Decide it's time to rip the band aid off
>Wipe 40-man raid on purpose
>Character gone
>Can never come back, at the cost of fucking over 39 other people

Agreed, though I wish all MMOs would implement permadeath anyway so less people would play them.

You're literally retarded.