George R.R Martin to make a game with fromsoftware

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Hidetaka Miyazaki, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Dark Souls had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Miyazaki can say that Gwyn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Miyazaki doesn’t ask the question: What was Gwyn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these men? By the end of the war, the dagons are gone but all of the men aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Gwyn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby men, in their little men cradles? The war that Miyazaki wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of gods, and that’s become the template. I’m not sure that it’s a good template, though. The Miyazaki model led generations of fantasy writers to produce these endless series of dark lords and their evil minions who are all very ugly and wear black clothes. But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.
What did he mean by this? Are we hype?

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This guy sounds like he doesn't know a thing about Dark Souls lore.

Fake and gay

This guy sounds like he doesn't know a thing about Yea Forums shitposting

>symbolic story bad realims good
why is this fat cuck so popular

I know a bit about Yea Forums shitposting but I don't watch GoT, so this is a copy-pasta edit?

Because nobody else does realism as well as him in today's pop culture devastated by post modernism

There is no post modernism in fantasy fiction

Yeah he's talking about J.R.R Tolkein and the Lord of the Rings

>But the vast majority of wars throughout history are not like that.
Ah yes. Surely George, a person who dodged the Vietnam draft, knows more about war than Tolkien. Who fought in World War 1. Never mind the fact that Tolkien was a successful Historian, Professor and soldier.

Thank's user you're a real human bean *nods respectfully at you in "Yea Forums meme" lingo*

>criticising a traditional Hero's Journey because you want feudal management autism in your literature
>missing the point this badly
just read a different fucking book you fat gimp

That is just bullshit. There is nothing unique or special about his brand of violence, rape, and odd fixation on castration. Literally every popular franchise has this, but mostly television. Maybe he's unique because he's (perceived to be) the only writer who puts that garbage pleb entertainment in writing?

I hate Americans so much. GRRM's existence is an indication of a dying society.

games of throne is postmodern you mong

oh my god stop making threads about it


>odd fixation on castration
theres like on eunuch

>American literature and culture is bad
Wow no shit. Why do you think people hate you?

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>make a game
>hasn't finished his fucking book

hes finished loads of books

not the one that mattered.
not the one that cost GoT credibility