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Other urls found in this thread:



I never understood geeks who moaned about getting ganked in STV.
I mean, can you imagine such a bitch that you play on a PvP server and complain about PvP?

>it ain't me starts playing

Who's ready to kill some commie hordes?

Attached: 1527866911496.jpg (803x737, 56K)

It's because they join their friends on pvp servers and they dont like to pvp.


*sees nessingwary camp being camped by horde*
*invites guildie and layers to an alliance controlled nessingwary camp*
ahh yep now classic that was a real tough game you kids wouldn't understand t.4 years old when vanilla came out

>literally zero alliance streamers on twitch

Attached: 1543973420090.png (450x489, 168K)

Great post, friend

That's their fucking problem.

I don't mind getting ganked, it's just when caplevels hang out near opposing faction towns and quest areas and gank people of level who actually belong in the zone and then corpse camp.
that is an unparalleled level of faggotry and it should be highly punishable.

> it should be highly punishable.
Yes by calling for members of your faction to come and corpse camp him right back.
If you think blizzard should punish players for playing the game then you can fuck off back to retail.

>paying for and playing a Blizzard product in the modern day.

Textbook example of a cuckold.

>played Vanilla on release when I was 10-11
>maximum after school comfy fun, didn't know shit and barely hit max level
>Dad wraps car around a tree and dies, find out
>end up sinking all my days off into WoW, begin to associate it with him
>see all these people enjoying Classic, while I sit here wishing I could muster up the hype for it
Feels bad, man. Wish I could want to play.

>I said fuck off Zoomer

Yeah that's why I hated playing on PvP servers. While leveling I had maybe 20 encounters with people my level until plaguelands. The rest were high level ganking faggots, if you do that make no mistake that you're a faggot. I'd like it if level skulls we're unable to kill other players, it would just be fair.

asmongold ? esfand ? are you pretending to be retarded ?

3 people vs 20+


>only zoomers dislike ActiBlizz


Fuck ally kids

Learn to /wave at the enemy faction.




Best zone in the game.
>giving a shit about streamers

>still pushing this shit

Horde doesn't even get Paladins.

Fuck outta here.

Vanilla predates actiblizz by 2 expansions

palas are boring as fuck

You PAY for it TODAY, giving money to ACTIVISION-BLIZZARD.

And that's why I am going alliance.

>this shield

da fuk

Attached: tauren alliance.jpg (1500x859, 129K)

How the fuck does alliance have ONE streamer lmao!!!

Who fucking cares?
Yes I'm paying the company that owns the rights to the best mmo ever made, and decided to put time into re-releasing it. It's just the subscription fee.

Hey, It was incredibly fun wrecking your little noob bitch ass asses for long periods of time. Really corpse camping low levels until they log off was the highlight of my time on wow. Glad you got so pissy at a game, little faggot. I cant wait to fuck you again.

Nobody gives a shit about your eceleb crush.

Spoils of war, dumbass

>getting corpse camped
>change layer
lol btfo

seething irrelevant allyfag

Streamers play what the kids watching them like.

>Yes I'm paying Activision-Blizzard, despite my earlier arguments.
Say it outright, cuckold. Don't wait to get called out.

He's level 25, fag.

He obviously killed some ally slut and took her shield as a trophy
whats the problem

Im sure if acti owned the rights to futa porn you'd be all over it

What class should I choose If I'm a noob?

I am sure that you are both making shit up, and projecting, and seething, and a cuckold to ActiBlizz while hating it.

>responding to the mentally ill
he's shitting up multiple threads to suck off streamers

Exactly. This is why Alliance lost the Arathi Highlands.

Horde out numbered the Alliance by 2 to 1. The horde had 2 and a half raid groups. Alliance had 1 full and 1 half a raid.



>be rogue
>gank lowbies for lulz
>get angry whispers about how bad I am
>Raging main arrives
>kill him and camp his corpse
>more rogues show up and we kill everyone in the zone regardless of level or skill
>dead bodies everywhere
>hate mail and rage whispers galore
>faggots like you still SEETHE on imageboards long after the rape

Damn, it feels good to be a ganksta

I still have no idea why someone would play Alliance.
>worst zones
>worst lore
>worst spec

>that era of WoW music videos

Attached: l0l.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Sorry bro

>>worst lore


PVE for plebs.

getting ganked is the player regulated break time
just go talk a walk and get some food


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can't wait to kill some pussy ass goodie alliance.

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Based and gankpilled

I never played WoW before.
I kinda wanna check out Classic. I did play GW+2 and a little bit of FFXIV. So i am not new to mmos. Somehow this seems really appealing to me. But it's also daunting since most of the people who play will be veterans of classic and private servers. Don't want to feel out of place. Picture not related

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>not nu-metal
No real vanillaman.

Who cares? Just play it and have fun. It's not a fighting game, It's an mmo.

>frostbolt gets resisted
>it ain't me starts playing

>Get ganked over and over again by a rogue
>Go get my main character to counter gank
>He's now ganking my main over and over again

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You won't feel out of place, user
Most people whos gonna play classic has never played it before trust me

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Gotta get your warrior friend to help you out.

I'm never playing WoW ever again, I haven't since 2007. But Strangelthorn was one fucking hell of an experience.

there's a general btw

Discuss how to make sub-par classes better

Moonglow talent in balance combined with strict healpower and mana cost reduction, combined with a very strict gear list consisting of mostly +heal and int, you can achieve insane mana efficiency using rank 2-4 in raids. Everyone talks about druid mana usage being bad, well, I went AQ on Light ringer with this build, having been took in by Nidvardir, the third best overall guild on the server, according to realmplayers back then. Absolute must to try. Will build and link talent tree if anyone is interested.

Knockdown warrior
During the first phase of AV, The Unstoppable Force will have a high procrate knockdown effect.
Once it is nerfed, the effect is iirc only acquirable from a mace from Magmadar in MC (The core hound boss). Knockdown is different to a same length stun in the way that it will never have any diminishing returns, so you can truly lock people in place with this effect.
Retaliation against rogues/warriors/paladins/shamans, watch them fall on their ass over and over until they collapse and die.
It's even more effective when used with a sweeping strikes / cleave build, capable of reducing an entire group of hordes to nothing in less than half a minute.

Night elf priests are viable:
As a nelf priest, you will probably find raid slots few and far in between, and starshards will probably suck as much dick as a Thai whore. So here is my tip: go to Felwood, and find the horde flight master, and shadowmelded near it. Whenever someone lands, immediately mind control them, and run/jump them off the nearby cliff. This presents them with 3 options:
Take ress sickness and Dura damage
Run to corpse and find out you can't get back up, then deciding to take ress sickness after dying, or taking several deaths in order to get to darkshore.
Finally: run to corpse, ress, get warlock summon.

In any case, you will be eating buffs all day. Horde tends to come there in order to get songflower buff.

>be 60
>helping some random 30 level
>30 rogue comes up and starts fucking with him
>gank the rogue over and over
>challenge random 30 to a duel
>let him win for shits and giggles
>30 rogue immediately comes up and kills my 60 in one hit

I literally dreamed that I was accepted in the beta tonight

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> vg
i don't want to talk to trannies

yeah because everyone wants to heal right?

Tauren or Night Elf druid?

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I thought he quit

>Whispers and mails on vanilla pvp servers

Attached: weird.png (300x300, 120K)

mage its so fun and easy and very usefull and everyone likes a mage

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Fuck off back to trannytown

Too bad MMO gameplay is trash

I remember dreaming of getting into TBC beta. I came home from school and there it was, that glorious beta invite. Everyone in my guild was jelly, I let the guild leader borrow my account for a day.
Now I don't give a shit, I'm never playing WoW again no matter what, I've been MMO-free for ten years. But good luck friend.

Night elf

Give it a rest will ya? Ask your boss for a personal day

I didn't hear you.

Why Night Elf?

Attached: 1558379439820.png (500x500, 178K)

Because tauren players are awful and furries, the less of them on my faction the better.

Also nelf is the coolest alliance race.

Wow user, good thing I specified what version of the game I was playing. Also,

>acting like some people don't have multiple accounts

>good thing I specified what version of the game I was playing
You didn't though

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





everyone apparently because alliance have one person streaming ally on classic

Max level kills a low level repeatedly
Other players of that faction arrive to fight them
Max level calls in his allies
Big running battle erupts

Blizzard fucked up balance yet again and a max level retardedly broken Feral druid camps a main levelling route away from capitals.
Mains arrive and get 1v3'd because Blizzard are retards.
When enough people arrive to finally threaten the druid they bear form, spam regen to full then cat and vanish from the fight.
Reinforcements wait around for a while then log/go elsewhere.
Feral druid proceeds to resume oneshotting lowbies when they're gone.

"Player """""vs""""" player"

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Because its Yuropoor time.

yeah as if ganking cats and rogues ever participated in large scale combat.
why would they? you roll those classes only to meme on low level characters.

by the time people log over they're long gone.

That's the point you muppet

It's always Undead Rogues acting like cunts

Undead Rogue is peak edge. No wonder.

there are 3 alliance streamers total retard
like 20+ horde ones

>Classic WoW coming out
>New Tool album coming out the same time
>Somehow losing weight
>Plantar wart on my foot fell off today after 5 years
What's happening?!?! What's next.. a loving gf?

Many people will be happy having fresh blood like you around, it will remind them being new to this game as well at some point

Bad irony doesn't really translate on the internet

reality: pvp will be dead because no one will play alliance

isn't the alliance playerbase bigger than the horde? why are you pointint out streamers as a source for that

You get a decent job and social life and you kinda grow bored of games and come to Yea Forums only to shitpost every so often until you turn into a full on normie

no? it hasnt been bigger on retail for like 10 years
horde just appeals to gamers and classic servers will be like 70% horde

I have a job, I do however need a social life.

Pretty much this.

warcraftrealms says otherwise, when I played on nostalrius btw, allaince was the biggest faction by a small margin

What if classic is my only social life?

>Getting a wage cage job at Amazon
>Will have 4 days off a week getting like ~30 hours
>Will be able to play WoW to my heart's content

We all been there, eventually you'll find some fun people from work or whatever to go bowling, fishing or whatever instead of sitting in your room to 4 in the morning and see the sun come up and then get to bed and repeat that miserable existence by booting up the computer and promisng yourself that "tomorrow you'll try to better yourself"

Literally false in every way. Almost all the big steamers are alliance, and Asmo had 3 alliance raid groups vs 2 horde ones and horde still won.

I only played human so correct me if I'm wrong here.
But human seems like the objectively best story experience in vanilla.

You start of as some mook in Northshire Abbey, a nobody. Soldier shows up, he's got no troops but work that needs done so he pays you to become and adventurer. You're slowly shuttled towards Westfall, nothing major happens before then. Once you arrive you begin to learn about the Defias Brotherhood and a plot to destroy Stormwind. Culminates in the first dungeon run, a grand climax where you defeat Van Cleef and become a hero (you weren't until now). Everything wraps up, right? Wrong! You just think it did. You go about your business, adventuring across the map for a while, eventually you come to Theramore Isle and you're let in on a secret, the Defias were involved in a greater plot abducting some "diplomat" (It's the king by the way). This starts you on a fucking huge quest chain, going into Blackrock Depths to rescue some marshal who learned too much and was captured. You uncover a grand conspiracy where the leadership of Stormwind is being undermined by a fucking dragon and then you go and kick her shit in at her lair.
It's a perfect blend of open world exploration but also seamlessly leading into the first raid.
I'm so fucking pissed at the shitshow of Cata questing that sucks literally all of this out of quest progression and just turns Westfall into a literal meme zone.

Does the horde story work as well?

without blood elves I'm pretty sure alliance will be slightly bigger

you only look for 120 players since they actually play the game and arent alts, as you can see on any relevant website factions used to be even but not anymore

sure but blood elf players arent going to play alliance after YEARS of playing horde now

I'm 30 and work from home, the only people I talk to are my parents.

Classic dev team is literally the original team that made vanilla

>>without blood elves I'm pretty sure alliance will be slightly bigger

>Implying I won't model swap my Orc into a Blood Elf Female

Attached: AHEM.jpg (250x250, 8K)

im not ever going to watch a streamer but that's either bad luck or ignorance. did none of these wow streamers play vanilla or nost?

>i've played the horde quests and zones for YEARS
>so lets play more of the same instead of seeing the rest lol :D

Wear shoes

*sips soilent while dilating*

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Wait, really?
Human warlock it is

Dwarfs are literally the only based race on classic on alliance side, the rest are just cancer

this is a game about war and killing alliance not exploration

Sucks for you man. I kind of had a similar situation, just with abuse. And I also felt like you about certain games, not willing to play them because of the bad memories. Then I realized those games helped me escape the bad shit and actually gave me some good memories. And as soon as I realized that, I played them again and it felt like home.

Don't let a shit memory or whatever ruin an amazing game for you user. It's not worth it if you're passionate about that stuff.

Enjoy getting a rape train of twitch followers camping you, you're better off playing on a EU realm

enjoy not having enough people to raid or pvp

imagine thinking the horde won't be massive on eu too
alliance is perma fucked both on retail and classic

People will gladly help you learn the game because it benefits a whole guild if you become good and geared

Can't wait to come crashing down on horde scum trying to take out my brothers and smite them with the power I've been given by God himself while blasting youtube.com/watch?v=_FdnA4SyYzE

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Alliance are VC in that case, you don't even arrive in aircraft


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you cant beat numbers with a dead faction

dude survival lmao
(proceeds to kill everyone who's face he slightly dislikes)

What are you on about, "once or gets nerfed". The game will stay in patch 1.12

>alliance are the good soldiers and horde are the ones who lost to farmers even though they had a massive advantage


Literally the hardest class to play.

Alliance are literally based out of the Rebel Camp.

more like reality: pvp will be dead because nobody will play horde because alliance are broken and streamerfags are all on easymode alliance

Where will your farming spot be?

It's the SFK shield. Duh.

Right there with you dude, just got a job that is piss easy. 25 hours a week 5 days at night for mongo cash and perfect days off for raiding

Imagine thinking that there will be not enough Alliance players on PVP servers
Hate to break it to you but there will be more than enough you just can't see it because Alliance players are not social rejects who have to beat their chest about what faction they play on an anonymous image board

now go back to your mud huts savage niggers

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How does this relate to my post?

redpill me on shadow priest

Yes, horde undead actually have the best story by far. You start as one of the villagers massacred by Arthas and turned undead. And your entire quest line is going on a journey of revenge against the Scourge

horde = stronk
alliance = free kill

Attached: horde girls spot alliance male.webm (1024x640, 954K)

>>worst zones
>muh arid canyon
LMAO great zones, hordie

It's the Horde story apparently

And how does it tie in to the raids?
Also, like, why are you trying to kill Kel Thuzad when he's a cool guy?

No it isn't its one of the easier ones

Join a casual guild, user. Have fun.

What are you even talking about? It's the best shield for his level.

>most spells
>have to know how to micro
>manage SS
>Deal with being focused in Wpvp and BGs
>Cloth wearer
Nigga, you're just one of those bad warlocks who rolled it because someone said they were OP.
Protip: They are only OP if you know how to play them, which you do not.

>Complains about furries when talking about druids
>nelf is the coolest alliance race

Attached: 1507758292498.png (780x768, 557K)

main idea through most of horde's questchains

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Help me decide between playing a warlock and a warrior.

I enjoy tanking, but I fear that warrior will be over-saturated as a class, on top of it being infamously unfun to level. I really like warlocks, and their ability to summon and all that is really useful in Classic. Still warlocks are just another DPS in the pile and as such I'd probably have some trouble getting groups, and dungeons/ raids are my favorite content so that matters to me.

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Shadow Priest

>one faction has a horde of screaming retards dragging down anyone who slips the net
>one faction has a smaller base that can get shit done
I’m good thanks.

>+Has Tauren
>+Has Trolls
>+Easier leveling
>+Easier AB
>-Has Undeads
>-Orgrimmar is an ugly city
>-No other city is viable to be in

>+Blessing of Freedom
>-Boring races
>-Vs. Will of The Forsaken
>-Harder leveling
>-Harder AB

Attached: 1439190018260.jpg (455x699, 61K)

alliance has easymode endgame

Not many warriors will make it past level 30 let alone get to 60

seething tranny projecting his mental illness onto others

I was really thinking nobody would be playing warrior first because of how gear/resource dependent they are compared to everyone else. That said I imagine you're guaranteed a lot of groups for dungeons since there's going to be a lot of demand for tanks regardless of what happens, and if that's what you enjoy and want to commit too I imagine it would be better to get ahead of the curve early. I'm probably gonna level mage because I want my first class to be someone that can farm gold easily so I can fund my alt obsession.

>worst lore

You summed it up really well
I want to play warlock so I'm leaning towards horde. I don't think I could stand playing gnome or human for more than an hour.

I mean I love KT as well but he's only really a bro in regards to Arthas. Remember he did create the original plague that killed most undead PCs and sold out his people to the legion for power

My first ever wow character a Tauren Warrior made it to Feralas before I switched over to DruCHAD (that was in TBC tho where Druids weren't crap at end game) when I saw how much better they were. I had no idea what I was doing leveling that warrior, I specced arms but used 1h + shield

>-Harder leveling

I have feeling this time Warrior & Warlock will share top place with Mage and Rogue not far behind them in popularity. This is 1.12 we are going with and all content creators shill for warriors and warlocks night and day, even if half the warriors dont make it to sixty it will still be super popular.

The problem is, that 95% of all privat servers are always pvp servers. That's why I left them a while ago and just wait for classic, where they offer pve servers.

You forgot
>- shoes

>nothing but shitty deserts and discount duskwood for 20 levels
>alliance has a forest, plains, snowy mountain, massive dam, a ridge, a spooky forest, a giant tree and a giant beach

do they really though?
Horde has better racials for PvE and PvP.
Most top guilds were horde back then as well if I remember correctly.

>horde has better racials for pve
are you serious

If you're playing a paladin with the intention of just healing in raids you should've been a priest. Raids are just a means of snagging decent gear to pvp with.

you're a bitch ass nigga

Corpse camping has always been a punishable action, but okay noob.

>Corpse camping has always been a punishable action
No it hasn't

> watch a couple vanilla videos on youtube
>this is now your entire homepage

Attached: Screenshot_20190521_095716.png (807x511, 492K)

More like almost 30 levels. You get a small trip into Ashenvale but besides that you'll also end up in Thousand Needles which is even more desert.

Is rogue the most "fun" class? They seem the most complete. High dps, ganking potential

You're watching the wrong vanilla videos

+++BBC mandiGODs at pvp

—-Xiv transfreaks And casuals and carebears

I've been clicking not interested on all of them and I still get asmongold vids. His idiot fans are gaming the algorithms so there's nothing much you can do. Youtube fucking sucks. Wish you could just remove all recommendations.

>all the same exact mouthbreathing face

Then have fun with your grey screen simulator, if you happen to roll on a server with unbalanced factions and people leaving because they are tired of not being able to quest.

there are literally people who make all their characters blood elves, not all of them want to play an orc or undead

fuck me lads ill never get to max level because im gonna spend so much time ganking lowlevels

I think they are really boring to play.
The only interesting part of playing a rogue is the poisons.

Druid is better for ganking if you need stealth, since they have more tools to unfuck themselves and are far harder to kill.

For ganking and DPS a Warlock is far better, but you need the gear for it. Rogues are good because they scale well without gear, whereas Warlock is entirely gear dependent (basically the caster equivalent of Warriors).

theres an addon for both chrome and firefox that lets you filter youtube videos by word

I know people who ONLY play belf.
“Other races look ugly!!! Ewwww xc”

Blood elves exist for the sole purpose of getting korean who don't like monsters to play horde. They will all roll night elf.

>can't decide between priest and rogue
I'm most likely going to go Alliance for that sweet PvE, and I usually like Rogue-like classes in other mmos I have played. (never played vanilla) But I also want to change things up and maybe play a healer, which looks really fun, plus useful to groups and either spec to shadow when I want, or do PvP on an alt.

That's probably the biggest issue with Horde though. The males of the races have really ugly backs. I think their overall concepts are fine, but none of them can stand straight. Females are good though. Especially Tauren and possibly Troll. Haven't played Orc

What's considered the best race for an Alliance prot warrior? Night elves have bonus dodge chance and nature resist, humans have sword and mace proficiency, dwarves have Stoneform as a minor (yet useful) tanking cooldown/ debuff removal. They all sound good.

Attached: 5421524.jpg (500x332, 26K)

>no self stustain
>not able to clean debuffs so he can re-stealth
>any single AoE
Its a class only for those who wanto to believe they´re good cause of bad design enabling. oneshooting people (ambush).
Funny yet far from complete.

Yes. Rogues can choose their battles in a way that is not comparable to any other class. They also have a fast regenerating resource, which means that you can fight indefinitely as long as you are alive and reset your aggro every now and then. Rogue is also a single target oriented damage class in a game where mass AOE is really a thing.

You are probably better off playing a feral druid. Leveling one is really easy, since you regen mana during the fight, heal full and then go back to cat. Getting a spot and being useful as rogue is really difficult, while druide are the least played class. And you got the only combat ress in the game.

Sorry you don’t have big cock energy.

Are you secretly a rogue trying to shill Druids?

>alliance have been btfo left and right during beta
It's going to be ghost towns come release. pserver autists need to do something quick before every normie flocks to horde

Play only priest if you have people to play with as often as you do and know a good money making strategy.

The human weapon mastery racial is the best. Tank races are valued by their dps / threat generation and that happens to be the best one, but play whatever you want, you can clear naxx with whatever race you like.

>huge AP steroid
>25% stun resistance
>up to 30% haste
>5% bonus hp
>sword/mace skill (arguably the best alliance racial lmao)
>5% spirit
>5% int
>snare cleanse
>poison immunity
>1% dodge

hmm I wonder why all the top guilds were horde back then and will be horde again

Asmongold fans are mouthbreathing retards without jobs that endlessly watch video over video from him. There are a significant amount of mouthbreathers that sit there watching 12 hours of asmongold react a day on youtube, and the bots see that if they spawn it to everyone they'll get a few more mouth breathing retards that spend all day watching him.

His demographic is exactly what the youtube bots want, people that spend ALL DAY watching videos. Asmongold fans are the exact equivalent of alt-right retards, the reason why alt-right and ANTI-SJW shit was pushed so hard on youtube is because there were a ton of retards that would sit there watching 12 hours of anti-sjw alt right shit every day.
Asmongold has no political motive though, so his youtube recommendations are only going to continue to escalate. Youtube has consistently pushed videos of him more and more.

The bots on youtube think that getting one or two idiots to watch 12 hours of asmongold all day is more beneficial to them than getting 20 people to watch another video because they won't stick around all day.

It's a run to the bottom. You also see this with other sections on youtube. Fortnite (and Minecraft) became so popular because Kids watch videos all day long. On Japanese youtube right now people endlessly make these "morning/evening routine" videos for the same reason.

Im going to exclusively gank lowbies all day on my rogue with my second account on the opposite faction to watch the chat. Its gonna be great.

No, but I know the reality of classic rogues being one of the most played classes and if you don't have connections for a guild, it's very difficult to do anything.

Alliance has leveling advantage as long as you not playing nelf.

>fear ward
>paladin blessings (especially the threat one)
>capital city close to molten core and bwl for ease of access to control the mountain
hmm yeah gee this is a toughie its almost like people didnt know how broken alliance was in 2006

>that face
Does assmongol have actual, non-meme brain damage? He looks like it

>t. Angwe

all of these are QoL crutches for bad players

>want to play Classic
>comes out just before my birthday
>just got a new job as graphic designer / production manager
>been studying skillshare courses to keep improving
>also planning trip to Europe for October
>flying out to visit gf on west coast in July

Guess I need to look into what subscriptions I can cancel.

>the reason why alt-right and ANTI-SJW shit was pushed so hard on youtube
youtube does not push the same things on different people, dumbass. if you see constant right wing stuff its because the pervasive google tendrils that look at everything you do have determined that's what you're likely to watch. browsing this site alone probably causes a dozen right leaning tags to be applied to your algorithm profile.

So damn torn, I was 100% sure of what I was gonna play. Now not only is that up in the air but I'm feeling both factions and I'm not sure what to pick

>tfw going Human priest for that 5% spirit and rolling smite spec

Horde is massively overplayed on retail so it's going to carry over. It'll probably take a while for people to start realizing that alliance is just completely and objectively better than Horde in classic.

Like give it one good raiding guild that actually knows their shit and gets all the first kills, and the normie horde will convert to alliance.

>Worst zones

I'm horde and that's just wrong

yeah we dont give a fuck what your job is
maybe reddit is more your speed?

*laughs in pve server*

Sounds like a good year, user


>i'm going to pay blizzard for 2 subs just to be le epic trole
a sucker is born every minute

Getting raid spot for drood is far more difficult, lul. 1 spot per raid, has to be 100% attendance and never allowed miss a motw buff on 40ppl.

You are perfectly fine as rogue as long as you are not total shitter. Farming consumes is ultra aids tho, but same applies to all melees.

>Not going Human for 10% more rep

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I used to have tons of fun drowning lowbies with rank 1 entangling roots in Redridge and this time I'm gonna have fun MC'ing allybabs into the lava

Test what your considering on Northdale so you don't waste prime launch time.

>flying out to visit gf on west coast in July

I'm so sorry bro that you don't know

Its really him lmao

> in a way that is not comparable to any other class

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Unfortunately my internet provider makes playing on Northdale/Lights Hope ass with 700ms. Little too authentic for my taste which is lame because that was my plan

Everyman for Himself is a great racial for PvP too

No idea what you are talking about, no raid is only playing with a single druid and rogue is just like warrior inflating the classic servers.

Yes I'm glad they're porting the wotlk racials to vanilla.


imagine replying to this and bragging about how you killed low levels when they provide literally zero challenge

hilarious that pvp only players shit on pve for being "too easy" and then this is what they do

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That 1 spot is more valuable when the overall pop is probably gonna be 2-3% Druids again, just like in vanilla. Most raid guilds on my servers struggled to field even a single decent druid while they all benched 10-20 rogues. It doesn't matter if you take in more rogues when the overwhelming majority of players will be rogues.

You havent seen good raids then

So the Horde are the guerillas chasing you out of the jungle? I love dumb frogposters.

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This was also fun to me back in the day, when I was 16. You can do that, I just pointed out that we will never meet, because I don't feel like playing on a pvp server.

100% human for the weapon skill, you need to push out threat if you want to be a notable tank, your survival is mostly on the healers.

>paladin blessings (especially the threat one)
That's for pussies, real CHADS roll with windfury

guys, you think we can a make a guild to workship our god asmongold and esfand?, I mean we own them so much thanks to them we have wow classic again, we could do a guild to be their personal army and ensure they dont get bothered by any of those guys who just hate and envy them right?

>paying nublizzard each month to play a "raid or quit!" ruined game

>worst zones

Not really, what alliance really has is worse travel. Like the only remotely annoying zones for Horde to travel to are Badlands and Swamp of Sorrows. Meanwhile alliance can't fucking get anywhere in the world without having to sneak through congested horde zones and zones 20 levels higher than the places they're trying to get to.

Yeah, well sort of.
The youtube bots think
"maybe this person is a complete loser who will watch 12 hours of alt-right" because alt-right losers also watch xyz and searched for xyz on google also.

if you get recommended asmongold videos youtube thinks there's a good chance you're a jobless loser that will watch 12 hours of him

However, there are certain subjects the bot will seed out to large groups of people because it has seen trends that a small percentage of them will click on them, and watch them endlessly, even though they had no connection otherwise. Alt-Right videos weren't just seeded to Yea Forums, there's a reason why (((journalists))) were freaking out so hard about youtube. The bots saw that if they mass seeded alt-right videos that they would consistently "convert" a small percentage of people to endlessly watch alti-SJW videos.

Same thing is happening with asmongold.


why is 40-50 so fucking boring god fucking damn

because the zones are all shit

There is no need to min/max this hard in vanilla

Alliance have an easier time getting to Blackrock though

>horde has MULTIPLE zones with multiple flightmasters, conveniently placed town hubs and a fucking network of zeppelins that go everywhere convenient
>like half of alliance towns are on the edges of zones out of the way of everything, some of which don't even have flightmasters, only like four boats for travel, one of them only exists to unlock a flightpoint and the other is literally slower than swimming

This, also it's almost always Undead/ NElves that do this shit

55-60 is the worst

>Burning Steppes

have maybe 30 quests between them combined and except winterspring all are ugly

>Why was i mostly ganked by the most played races

at least you can start doing dungeons and gearing up at this point

who the fuck wants to play alliance
literal disneyland faggots eating White Castle in their designated faggot White Castle huts in the middle of every zone (complete with some vendors, less quests then horde and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a boat or free transport thrown in) while running away from anything that moves alone only despite rolling for pve racials but actually always 1vNPCing to use them
then porting into their literal disneyland faggot White Castle city called "stormwind" more like fartwind lol blizzard literally took some german shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic faggot feel to the faction of le non monster races br0 check out these SHOES so mundane better name myself something lame like johnny to fit in btw get owned kid totally bubble hearthed out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:

- literal tree shithole with aids and bear feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded mine thing where you fall off into lava and die
- literal faggot White Castle german city





But they're all great grinding spots, a lot of mob density

I loved 55-60 on healer. I just did dungeons and got half the gear i needed before even hitting 60.

you DIDN'T swim to Menethil, Southshore and Ratchet? Heh kid, just heh.

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video blocker

Why has race become so meaningful? Isn't it all minor benefits like "Oh I have this so this is now more useful for me" not "LMAO YOU THINK WE'RE TAKING A DRUID? HOLY SHIT KYS KID". How much time does having the weapon proficiency of a human save in the long run (and you aren't getting server firsts, be real)

>Dustwallow Marsh

If you plan to roll UD rogue or NE hunter you might as well save everyone the embarassment and ram a soldering iron up your nose right now

the bottom part of stv fucking sucks
dustwallow marsh is pointless until they redid it in tbc
hinterlands is only good if you're horde

Those zones always felt underdeveloped

female human priest or pala for me. Not decided which one yet.

only cucks play rogue
imagine hiding in a bush for 2 hours lol so you can maybe kill a guy with a low hp after your 30 minute CDs come up oops missed sap corpse run

55-60 sucks because that's basically end game, don't don't have to level anymore to do everything, it's time for dungeons. You can even enter MC at 55.

Just blame asshole groups asking for 60s only for L/UBRS and BRD.

I will make a rogue and i will gank each and everyone for hours at exact this spot.

t. fem night priest replaced by a dwarf priest

sounds like someone's upset after getting rogue'd, do you complain about ganking on pvp servers too?

Best part of the game where alliance takes over the Nesignwary Camp and hordebros make a counter raid to take it back and push them back to their camp.

but what if I want to spend 15 years kitting out my 35 fury warriors that all want the same exact gear


more like
>UGH the horde has taken nessingwary camp i cant talk in general chat because i have anxiety i guess ill just get one of my discord friends to invite me and phase me to his layer

Hinterlands is full of quests

Let me borrow your stuff for it once you are finished for today.

Dustwallow is legitimately unfinished, which is why 2.0 added so many quests there.

Hinterlands and STV are fucking loaded with quests, assuming you aren't alliance

>he doesn't like using the gener with the best looking armor in the game
>he doesn't want to make his toon his waifu

Not for alliancebabs

Send all of them grinding r14 for gear and tell them to shut the fuck up

>worst lore

Playing Horde turns a 10/10 game into 6/10.

Maybe if you're boring

or you could take your pills and stop being such a sperg

Only thing alliance lore has going for it is all of stormwind's territory being a shithole because a literal dragon infiltrated the castle and controls the region.

no u

How was SP back then, bros?

God-tier PVP
Okay raid DPS, the shadow damage buff is pretty valuable but raids don't need more than one so if you aren't the token Spriest then you're going to be healing.

objective truth

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Yes there is. No meme specs and race class combis allowed in my raids. Gnome Warrior is useless, Human Mage/Lock is shit compared to Gnome. Pick the best racials, or else why play at all?

put MoP in B and Cata in D

>cata in C
>pandaland and legion below fucking cata
stop it

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how bad is the layering going to be lads
honestly i've been hype for this for years but the late release and layering has seriously knocked my confidence in it
i dont care about streamer shit because im eu but stuff like paid server transfers, sharding and the like feels awful


cant wait to lay waste on alliance scum

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BfA is worse than WoD. Both suffer from similar problems but at least WoD had fucking master looter.

>MoP in A*

>TBC in S
Flying mounts, blood elves and welfare epics would like a word with you

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>rogue player

Probably the best one i´ve seen to date.
CAT reworked the whole world and most classes (same for hunter losing mana tho). Included RBG aswell, transmogs and had the first PVP balanced seassons ever. Got to hell in Dragon Soul tho.

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>cata reworked the world
not for the better though. most of the alliance zones are absolute trash filled with outdated memes instead of good story telling

Cataclysm is the worst thing that ever happened to WoW.


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>only allow maxers into your raid
>cancel raid night again because only 7 people showed up and you have to pug 30 meme specs and unoptimal race/class combos


>Epic welfare
Maybe after 2.3 but i think youre being a bit delusional

swap TBC and wotlk, put pandaland on the legion tier

Cata was rock solid on launch and died on the nerf patch.

Also 1-60 was changed for the worse forever.

Not bad at all if you took 2 seconds to research it. Layering is like a bucket. Every continent is a bucket. If that bucket goes full, you will be put in another bucket. But it's still the same server. You wont see people phasing in and out of existence constantly or see people from other servers. And it will just be for a short while.

>tfw fucked girl in my car like 2 blocks away from pic related

perfection of everything wrong with vanilla, amazing aesthetics, and some of the best raids ever would like a word with YOU

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I'm sure you will find a raid to play with other min/maxers and bully people that made choices you disagree with, but the rest of the playerbase plays the game like normal people with more than one druid in the raid and has a good time.


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>sci-fi bullshit
>glowing crystals everywhere
>barbie dolls flouncing around orgrimmar
Don't get me started on how they turned dungeons into loot corridors

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TBC dungeons aren't so bad user
Vanilla dungeons being sprawling is a meme anyway.

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S: Vanilla, TBC
A: -
B: WotlK
C: Cataclysm, MoP, Legion
D: -
E: -
F: WoD, BfA

shorta agree and disagree.
Lvling 1-60 had became REALLY tedious and CATA revived the world since everyone wanted to see how it had swifted.
In the other hand, top tier areas as Westfall or Loch Modan (home) became trash. Also memelore became huge for first time in CAT, ye.
Idk, CAT got some things wrong by becoming the first nu-wow expansion, yet all which followed took it´s downsides and made´em even bigger, so i don´t think its fair to consider CAT worse than MoP, BFA or WoD. On pair with Legion, bellow BC/LK/Vanilla but that´s it.
Also k2 to pre-nerf Grim Batol.

tbc babies don't realize most of what went wrong in wotlk started in tbc

Launch Cata heroics were the most fun 5 man content they ever put in the game

The biggest problem with TBC was that it forced everyone to a continent the 1/3 of the size of Azeroth while giving them flying mounts which made it feel even smaller.

Welfare implies doing nothing, the tbc grinds were massive and took a lot of effort and decent players to grind heroics with on a regular basis.
Compared to classic, tbc was much more grindy.

Have fun having a good time in MC LOL. Where you will always be LOL.

everything after TBC was dogshit.

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>heroics so challenging that people decked out in ICC gear were wiping because they forgot how to play properly in wrath
>no more poverty epics
>heroics so challenging that shitters wept for months on mmo-champ until blizz reduced the amount of trash for the poor children
>tier 11 had multiple unique raids that had tough fights and amazing art style
>tier 12, while bland aesthetically, had fun & challenging fights
>tier 13 was dogshit
better than wod sorry

literally me

dumb frogposter, everything after classic was dogshit

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TBC was objectively worse than wrath.

Everything after 1-60 is garbage

>private server tards think mobs in the beta are dealing too little damage because instances are too easy
>in reality the damage is 100% correct

Enjoy your easy mode game.

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guys sodapoppin is so happy right now =D

I agree. Never did the vanilla questzones after cataclysm, because I liked dungeons more and the cata leveling experience and the dungeon/raids until they released dragonsoul were excellent.
The wrathbabbies that just aoe bomb and ICC pug just woke up that the game was not always like this though.

begone lil zoom

>it's not even the first clear on the beta

I'm confused. WoW was always seen as a easy version of MMOs. The only difficult part about it was the time it took. I mean look at at terrible most people was at the game, yet they still did most of the non raid content with ease.

>Welcome to the jungle: Server 3, Layer 6

>Kronos was the most blizzlike private server afterall

lmao'ing at chink cucks

This threads are dumb. There's so much misinformation spread around, it's hard to tell what is truthful and what isn't.

>Low level instances are easy

It seems to be an actual shocker for a ton of people, as they're complaining about the instances being too easy and saying they're bugged. Except tips who thinks verdan hits too hard.

People are looking into old videos and showing mob damage being too low. I saw a guy tanking the infamous gnomergan pull using a 2hander and he didn't even get low.

Grizzly hills quest music is not making up for in what utterly broken state they released DKs at the time.

> the infamous gnomergan pull

it's just zoomers pretending to be based oldfags perpetuating memes passed down over the years. the true oldfags who knew WoW was a casual mmo have all died or stopped posting. now it's all 20-somethings who remember vanilla being hard because they were 12 and didn't have good computers/internet connections.
nostalrius team even admitted that they buffed mobs because that's how hard people "remembered" it being.

Has anyone even done Gnomer yet or too pussy to get exposed?

I actually debunked one redditurd doing that already. He tried to use a DM video as proof, but he fucked up his math completely by including the ability the boss uses in his damage stats (which deals half the damage of a normal hit), calculating damage reduction wrong and not accounting for demo roar. Unsurprisingly, when I fixed all those, the damage matched up 100%.

Classic will flop hard. Why? All the incredibly stupid changes that Nu-Blizzard made, and tha changes they will no doubt make in the future as well.

No good guilds currently are going into Classic which sucks as well.

Flop of the century this game.

If you disagree you're objectively wrong

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Daily reminder:

Horde > Alliance

Shaman > Paladin

Fury is the best tank spec

Deep resto for shamans is extremely bad

The problem with WoW expansion in general is that they take everything prior and obsolete it.
Look at FFXIV which keeps literally every content in the game relevant and has been designed with that in mind from the start.

based activision-hater

I dunno, I think you could argue some of the expansions after cata belong in an even lower rating.

MoP is literally S tier boomer faggot

Hope they do eventually bring out BC and Wrath Servers.
Pre patch 3.3.0 (cross realm dungeon finder), wrath was when wow was at it's peak, imo, as it had all the best parts of the vanilla and tbc gameplay experience but had ironed out nearly all of the kinks, while introducing more class depth.
They could set it at the patch just prior to cata - the one that added the ruby sanctum - and just omit the cross realm dungeon finder and no one would complain.

/sit enrage macro doesn't work in classic so please get educated. tanking as fury isn't anywhere near as good anymore for TPS.

It's your fault for not having friends with higher levels to back you up. Get popular you loser.

>human lore is great and involves multiple 3rd party factions
>dwarf lore is nice
>nelf lore is great like all elf lore ever
>only gnomes are a joke
Meanwhile horde had their spotlight in WC3 and do nothing in WoW.

Die in a fire furfag

>"No good guilds"
oh you mean the best daily grinders and the best 'content' clearers? the experts who do the raids designed to be completed by 100% of the playerbase? :^)

came here to post this, thank you

the fact you know any streamer at all is retarded in itself

Showing how utterly clueless you are is no good way to argue. Sit enrage was at best a bonus afforded at very few bosses, it does not have any impact. Fury is still by far the best spec for tanking.

Played horde mainly, im unaware or some certain "infamous" pull. Theres a fucking innumerable amount of large aoe pulls you could do in almost any area of that 3 hour long slogfest.

Undead have a bunch of lore, that's about it

Legion was unironically good and the most fun I'd had since wrath after the patch that introduced kara as a dungeon and fixed the legendary and artificat system. It atleast deserves a B

>The problem with WoW expansion in general is that they take everything prior and obsolete it
bro. people were shocked and bootyblasted about this when TBC came out in 2007. you have had 12 years and 4 months to get over it. have you seriously been upset for 12 years and 4 months?


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I mean the fact that there are no good competent guilds so far that have said they will play Classic.

People don't complain about PvP/ganking from players in roughly the same level range. They complain about lvl 60s running around one shotting everyone.

>smite spec

Pls explain/show

How did final fantasy avoid this? With the whole concept of endgame raid items and itemlevels, it has to get a reset. You can't expect a lvl60 to grind t1 and t2 to do the first quest in outlands for similar green gear. There is a huge difference in power and item level between a fresh 60 and a fully raid geared one.

Unironically based and big brain

>have you seriously been upset for 12 years and 4 months?
Resignation and acceptance are not the same thing.
It's also a problem that gets worse and worse over time.
In retail there's two (2) raids worth running out of like what? 40 raids total?

4(FOUR) stupid wow threads up.
You faggots complain so much about fucking smash threads and now you idiots act just like them.
Fucking queers delete your threads and go back to /vg/.

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sounds great

At what point did I say that fury tanking still isn't the best for Warrior you absolute retard? All I said is that it's nowhere near as good anymore. Bears literally do more TPS now.

WoW threads have always been like this, but with classic it's especially bad

>no nature's grasp

i bet you grew up on final fantasy 7 you queer

Because my class is better than your class mentality is cancer.

Higher DPS than shadow spec, but lower DPM.

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b-b-but Yea Forums told me that alliance was the streamer tranny faction
wtf bros

Looks like a decent pvp or farm hybrid spec. Or do you want to play bear/healer in dungeons? If you want to play cat, I would put 2 points into improved shred for lower energy cost.

yes it is

Fascinating. I imagine this would be excellent if playing alongside a paladin that buffs holy damage

Blood self rap is for fags

>nowhere near as good
It's just as good. Having enrage sit proc was a luxury at best on a few select bosses where you could afford it, it didn't change much. Fury still has by far the highest TPS in the game, and no bear druids come nowhere close to a fury tank.


Imagine you can gear up with badges like you used to in Wrath and also imagine you can get them by queueing for raids or dungeons and also timewalking isn't a monthly event but instead always active 100% of the time and includes 100% of the games content. There are several different kinds of roulette you can queue for to earn tokens are progress your endgame gear (raid/big raid/endgame dungeon/leveling dungeon/old endgame dungeons (50/60) ) etc etc etc so you queue for what you want and you can end up in a level 50 dungeon even if you're level 70. You participate like normal after being temporarily scaled down.
Means that as a max level player you have potentially any content in the game in your random dungeon pools and also as a lower level player you have short queues because if you queue for the deadmines equivalent the game can pull in high level players for you.

>fear ward
What is tremor totem

>paladin blessings
Garbage compared to totems

>close to MC and BWL
HS Kargath just as close

Horde > Alliance

That's a problem worth mentioning and it has been around for several years now. I'm personally totally okay with resets after an expansion that is out for over a year and a half, but resets after every major contentpatch is an absolute joke, just for the possibility that someone feels left out when coming back to the game, when this was never an issue.

Is the reduced mana cost on instant casts really worth taking? I don't remember using instant cast skills that often.

you sound like a butthurt faggot. Nice blog.

they have done a lot to try to make old raids relevant again. could they do better? of course. but they've been slowly experimenting with timewalking dungeons and now raids. there might eventually be a way to go back to those old raids and get current stats from them. not that I give a fuck about retail any more...

What magic do Hunters use mostly? Arcane?

Pretty huge while soloing since it affects renew, pws and swp.

Assmad asmonbald fan. He's 100% right dumb zoomer

Totems better than blessings? Okay you must be fucking crazy because salvation alone beats any totem in the fucking game with how much more DPS it allows your raid to output.

ironically you would only know this if you've watched asmongold vids. good job outing yourself retard.

>25% extra damage on demand and 12% hp regen over 6sec is just a luxury and doesn't affect how good a spec was
I am having a laff at you m8


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>best dungeons in the game dedicated to alliance race lore (gnome, Dire Maul, BRD)
>only interesting race are undead and thats only because they used to be humans
>trolls on suicide watch until ZG
>orcs may as well not exist till Burning Crusade
>Tauren's only relevance in 15 years has been that they were gaslighted into joining a faction whose sole purpose was to prevent it's negroid members from getting wiped out by the shoe wearing races
Epic faction lore

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>HS kargath
Now your HS is completely useless except for one purpose.

>World first
>It's been cleared 14 years ago

But does the alliance get swanky ass mudhuts to chill in? Didn't think so fucko


Sounds like an okay system. I just don't think the entire progression feeling works with a world that scales around you, that's the downside of it. It does work in the sense of keeping the overall content relevant, but what's the point of improving your character when the old dungeons basicaly level with you?
For leveling this is great, so you can go where ever you want, that also works in bethesda games. Content being obsolete is not a bad thing, especially in world of endless dailyquests and infinite paragon leveling.

I, for one, look forward to meeting and playing with noobs (who care to learn)

It doesn't. The content is static. You scale down in low level dungeons.
You have the option to enter unsynced if you want to (going for transmog etc) but you need to manually form a party to do this, the automated group finder will always sync you.
Improving your character is still a thing.

The purpose of returning to your home location swiftly? WoW yeah, so useless....

>Paying for a product you like
Yeah lol cuck who buys stuff they like

Arcane show does arcane damage, viper stings all count as poison. 90% of the damage is physical though.

This. Cata release had god tier heroics.


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I don't think that even counts with how short we could enjoy them, fuck nuwow players

Windfury totem alone beats every single Paladin blessing combined, sorry to disappoint you.

Hearthstone is 1 hour cooldown regardless, it's not used often. If you want to go somewhere you utilize mages and warlocks.

>Tauren's only relevance in 15 years has been that they were gaslighted into joining a faction whose sole purpose was to prevent it's negroid members from getting wiped out by the shoe wearing races

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You can't always sit enrage because you miss out on gcds which in turn lowers your TPS. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>Windfury totem alone beats every single Paladin blessing combined, sorry to disappoint you.
So you didn't play? Gotcha. Just try using that in raids, and then compare your raid DPS to alliance raid DPS.

I will legit be playing whatever faction the streamers are not playing.

Dest > Demo

The only good thing about cata was the molten front and the firelands

imagine thinking a global is more important than the effect you get from a crit hit. please just stop talking.

user there are streamers on both sides.


I did play, and I currently play Vanilla. Unlike you who have zero knowledge of the game which clearly shows in your posts in this thread.

You can compare raid dps right now if you want there are plenty of logs, horde comes out on top every single time due to Windfury.

Imp Succ, what a bad player

Attached: ricky_laugh.gif (250x230, 927K)

Most of them and their drones are on Horde right now though

>what is an enemy swing timer
oof m8

Yes, your first few globals essentially decides the boss fight. Your lack of knowledge shines through. Stop posting as to not further embarrass yourself.

Are you going to delay your bloodthirst by 1.5-2s on Vael because you want to sit enrage? Good luck keeping up with threat you absolute mong.

t. wiped on morchok and cried on forums to nerf trash

>it's another "totems are better than blessings/fear ward!" poster

don't, I'm a huge shamanfag and even I say paladins are better.

Ah, so you play some buggy ass private server where not even threat works correctly? Gotcha.

I prefer this, at least WoD didn't have azerite. Also WoTLK added dungeon finder.

Attached: WoW Expansion Tier List.jpg (345x512, 110K)

>what are boss abilities
oof m8

No you are just plain bad and lack knowledge if you think Paladins can compete with what Shamans have to offer. Perhaps by Classic you will have learned.

Delusional people are always funny. Shamans are still good but damn

You gonna get improved imp with MC?

>ability pruned, sharded, zero community, 4 multiple difficulty setting, clown lore, m+ simulator
Yeah nah. Legion belongs in the dumpster with WOD and BFA.

paladins shit on shamemes in every aspect
>b-but muh windfury totem

Here you DD wannabe

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Threat works correctly, your knowledge is lacking. Please stop posting.

This is pretty good, though I'm not sure if you should swap legion and WoD. Legion started this cancer RNG gear only shit and artifact power crap, WoD was a bad expansion but atleast we still had plenty of abilities to press and shit, also actual PvP gear actually existed and not everything was just lootboxes

(You) are a butthurt faggot who's mad. Stop pretending to be someone else, retard.

Paladins shit on shamans in every way except for the fact that 1v1 shamans destroy paladins

They really don't though. Looking at it objectively Paladins are extremely lackluster in every regard in comparison.

No worries one day you will realize you lack knowledge, hopefully. It's been 15 years and you still don't know anything so maybe not.

>WoTLK added dungeon finder.
wrath dungeon finder was good. it was still limited to your server (or maybe it was your battlegroup, but it was still guilds and servers you were familiar with). it wasn't until cataclysm that they made it match with every server that it went to shit.
wrath - matched with people
cata - matched with brazilian subhumans.

Okay mr slavic developer, I'll believe you. But totems still blow dick, just like you.

You have made a little mistake, my casual friend. You see, there is one little difference between min/maxing guild and ordinary mc struggling guild. This difference represented in ability of min/maxing guild to achieve top world status, completely own it server, kills all world bosses and run 2 to 3 additional alt/social raids to funnel gear into mains. Now, having such huge advantage gives min/maxing guild unlimited recruits, some even willing to transfer from other servers or level characters needed in alt raids just for the chance to get into main one.

I hope thanks to this knowledge you will never make same mistake again.

One totem alone is better than a whole Paladins arsenal.

succ is bad in general for sl
sl is a noob spec which should only be for leveling

>tfw only "people" born after 2000 will play this

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If you min max you play Horde.

>muh MC speedclear times
fuck off private server virgin

well yeah that's who its made for
i played on a private server and at least 50% of the people i met who weren't chinks were like 18 at the most

I mained both a paladin and shaman at different times in vanilla, shamans are a little more fun but paladins are better.
There was enough of an imbalance in raiding that they made the classes non faction specific when BC released.

The only reason I have Legion there is because it's hard to place for me, I agree in that Legion started this infinite grind aids and RNG shit and showed a shift in WoW's gear progression.

I do think however that the class design in Legion was mostly pretty good minus a few, if they had put the development into the classes instead of the artifcat weapon it would've been far better.

I can think of like three of the top of my head. Fuck gnomeregan.

92' here. Been playing since 2007.

I'm born in the 80's

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just change layers idiot?

More like BWL/AQ40 speedruns since MC is extremely boring and offer no challenge what so ever.

If you don't think speedrunning will be the PvE meta in Classic you are even more clueless than I previously thought.

>in vanilla
Yes, 15 years ago you played the game and your information from 15 years ago is today insignificant because it's outdated. It's 2019 grandpa, get with the times.

Shamans are 10 times better than Paladins.

all streamers gonna roll pvp server looks like im forced to go pve

Why would anyone think this? It's going to be the exact opposite, zoomers aren't going to touch this with a 10 foot pole. Their ADHD riddled mind can't handle a slow paced MMO.

>muh meta
No one gives a fuck about your speedclears. The rest of the server will laugh at you NEET losers.

Can't wait for gold to be valuable again. 1000 Classic gold will probably be millions of gold on retail.

We're talking about vanilla/classic not retail.

Ice trap, aimed shot, while mashing..... Shit i forgot... Arcane shot or Multishot? Can't remember

Yeah, it's a hard pick for me too. I think your list is objectively correct, even though WoD had better gearing. I mean shit, I still wish we were still playing legion now. The biggest problem with WoW is that it reinvites the wheel each expansion and adds new concepts and shit only to abandon them completely next expansion. It's why I like the way XIV handles old content.

30 year old boomer here. fuck off m8.

Many people seem to care. Bad players like you may not, I don't really care what the likes of you think or do.

Your knowledge is lacking. Stop posting anytime.

My GF was born in 1999.

>he thinks gold is valuable in vanilla
It's extremely easy to amass tens of thousands of gold.

Your boyfriend will never be a girl

ive never played mage, is this shit good for leveling? i would go full frost first

You want 2 in improved Blizzard to AoE farm.






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That's not how layering works Shitposter-kun. God, i hate uneducated morons like you.

imagine not thinking more dmg = more tps which is literally what we originally started talking about you dingus

>go to hemmet's spot
>accept quest
>finish quest
>go afk
>return and see your character death
>die again
Bros, it isnt fair :(

A Woman literally prostituted herself for 5000 gold in TBC lol.

Except it literally is. If someone from another layer invites you into a group, what do you think is gonna happen?

For epic flying. There's not that many gold sinks in vanilla, just afford your raiding consumables and you're fine.

just skip stv the entire first month rather grind mobs or do dungeons than go to that shithole


thank me later

nice for running dungeons I guess

>implying your faction’s level 60s have nothing better to do than travel to a level 20 zone to fight a rogue that will probably just hide when he gets there



Just roll on a PvE server.

what the actual fuck is that?


Rate my mage spec


Most of that Demo tree is just wasted talent points.

>takes you to ghetto-shattrath
>throw a mage a dime to go anywhere in the world

>bunch of shitter streamer on alliance

>bunch of old school pvpers on horde


ur right i should have put 3 to improved voidwalker for the better sacrifice

god i want to fuck her mouth

Seems okay.

Which do I choose for pvp?

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>leveling frost mage that's not going for aoe

friendly reminder.

SL Lock and S.Priest completely destroy a Warrior in 1v1. You will die to a S.Priest and they will have full HP because their shields make it so you don't gain any rage. SL lock (this is a certain spec) is just way too fucking beefy for you to win against and their fear spam will destroy you/make you rage. These 2 classes are in the un-winnable tier for warriors.

Frost mage is also up there but not completely un-winnable like the previous two are. As long as you have grenades ready and other tricks up your sleeve (the cloth lvl 31 spider belt, nifty watch, viking helm ). These are necessary or don't bother. Even with all these gadgets if the mage is also just as prepared and skilled they will win. A druid will also almost always win against you unless they're just extremely awful. Entangling roots into starfire, faire fire, moon fire, swarm all that ticking damage while getting kited as they shift out of your hamstring constantly is what kills warriors 100% of the time. I've dueled a lot of Druids who know what they are doing and it's scary. Only reason I don't put them in un-winnable tier is because I feel like most players won't be good with this class. Prob highest skill ceiling in PvP. Rogue is kinda tough if they are skilled but honestly I've won way more of these than lost, they aren't that bad.

That leaves you against Ret and Warriors. These classes in 1v1 are a win if your skill level is above theirs. Shaman is one of those classes that are either very good or very bad against you. I haven't fought against enough of these to have a solid opinion on them.

This is all coming from someone who has played on RetroWoW and Henhouse for 6+ months. I've dueled all of them, these guys are sweaty and they know the ins and outs of their classes. I am not kidding you in this list.. This is all 1v1 of course which is THE way everyone will be flexing their dicks at high level. Because it's fun.

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Wpvp IS higher level players killing lower ones who cant fight back. Its literally content made for people who were known to be assholes, and loners. Gossip spreaded like wildfire and nobody wanted these people in raid environment, in fact nobody wanted these people in their game at all, its very questionable to trust a person who ganks low lvls, while he had a fuckton of other things to do.