If respawn released titanfall 3 this year...

If respawn released titanfall 3 this year, would you buy it to keep the titanfall universe alive and viable for future titanfall games?

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>giving money to ea

i dont play multiplayer fps anymore, boring

only if it's more like Titanfall 1

Titanfall is the ONE and ONLY title I will preorder. Its FPS combat is really unmatched imo.

If it doesn't come about because of Apex trash I would be supremely sad

No futuristic fps shooters suck and titanfall makers are fucking the biggest loser tools i have ever heard talk in my entire life

It's Titanfall. I'd expect some serious quality - I can even deal with "It's Titanfall 2 but better"

Yeah I'd buy it, but I would expect not to get burned.

Fuck yes, gib more titanfall. I'm sick of apex and just want more pilot + titan action.

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I'd buy it twice. Once for myself and another to give to my friend because i want to support the franchise

More single player, would be cool to have co-op like halo does
go back to titanfall 1 map design quality
no origin

i bought both games and the bp for apex , i would buy anything with their gameplay

This, they need to be rewarded for making enjoyable games

Wasn't Titanfall 1 multiplayer only? Why the fuck would you want that? It needs to do the exact opposite and just focus entirely on the singleplayer because it was great.

if it's a better TF2 campaign, sure
needs more mech parts. we had our sad mech story, I want a spunky mech now.

I really liked tf2 singleplayer, so yeah.
>mfw you can change your titan's voice to female in the tf3 campaign

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Your loss.

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yeah we get it, you post on Yea Forums you belong here. you can have an individual opinion here you know

Butthurt npc

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Has anyone here tried get to the orange door?

Attached: Get to the Orange Door.webm (792x446, 2.94M)

No. "Franchises" suck ass. Make a new game.

What is this?

It will be Origin exclusive so no.


How can it be origin exclusive if its on xbox and PlayStation?

Incel tier

Let's see, do I want another Steve Fukuda developed single player campaign? Fuck yes I do!

respawn makes good games but absolutely blows at keeping them alive. look at thier new game apex is dead as shit

this, but at least they aren't fatshark

At least the games are actually good which is more than what be said about most modern games

no I would wait until it is $20 again after it inevitably flops

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Depends, have respawn learnt how to balance their games since tf2

Hopefully the campaign will have a grapple segment next time. I liked it a lot but the lack of a single grapple hook level was some dumb shit.


I can understand wanting to avoid ea but origin itself really isn't that bad.

I buy nothing from EA.


I dunno user I don't think this is Titanfall, Titanfall doesn't have any doom eternal style dash bullshit god I hope the dash doesn't ruin eternal, it seems like some dumb shit to me