Rain World

Comfy Rain World thread

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Game is on sale 2,99 on ps store, and steam as well, go grab it because it's a fucking steal

post good webms

do you do anything in this besides run away from glow-in-the-darks? i played it for an hour and it was boring

Reminder that lizards don't always kill you if they bite you, despite the game over text

Attached: Dumb White Lizard.webm (1920x1080, 2.35M)

I know. I found that out when a lizard caught me but another lizard came and they began to fight. I was blown away

>in the subterranean
>go to sleep while a spider, green lizard and several scavs are nearby
>big centipedes block my only way to progress
>wake back up
>theyre all still there

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>tfw you discover they can enter you shelter making it unusable

There's a LOT of fucking shit in this game, but it's not for the impatient.

There's really no powerups in the game. EVERYTHING is down to you learning shit about how the other animals behave, and about your own movement.

You should at least get far enough to see the scavs. They're fucking awesome.

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Speaking of that and about lizards, the color of their heads means the abilities they have, right? Like the green ones can't climb but the pink ones do. How many colors and what specific lizards should I avoid/fight? Like I've seen blue and white ones, I saw a white one dissappear but I don't know what does the blue lizard do.

Yes. Greens are fat but strong. Blue are agile but weak. Whites can go fuck themselves. Yellows move in packs. Cyans are on nitro. Reds mean death.

Neat. There's also recolors of other critters or just lizards?

Without spoiling too much, lizards have the most diversity. Mild gameplay spoiler/hint: if you swim faster you're also drowning faster.


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Where are the water areas located, mainly in drainage? Drainage was the first area I opened, but I backtracked and continued to industrial area, and now I'm in chimney something, did I do good? I want to complete it first just to familiarize with the controls and environments and use a second playthrough to fully explore the areas. Is there like an endgame after the credits or something like that where I can continue or it just ends?

>five pebbles
Am I allowed to cry now?

if it's your first time playing chimney is not the way you want to go, you should go back to industrial and take one of the other paths.

Cycle bump

OK will do, is the path to chimney going to still be opened or do I have to check my karma everytime I want to cross to a new area?

Why haven't you ascended yet?

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on monk it stays open, with regular white slugcat you'll need the karma again. if you just follow the story you won't have to go back into chimney from industrial, just possibly leave from chimney again which should require less karma than entering.

The story makes you enter all areas or you can miss some? And thanks

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If you just casually follow the story you'll go to every area except drainage and maybe skip garbage, but depending on what path you take or if you know where you're going you can skip a couple other areas too.

What if the void water is just piss

Is The paperclip going to be there all the way through?

What does that make the void worms? Urethral parasites?

Theyre just slugcat dying and going insane from the toxins
Actually, scrap the piss
Void water is oil that the ancients were mining and animals are attracted to because it gives them a peaceful death
The ending is just slugcat going to heaven

recommend other indie games


But that's just a theory!

Risk of Rain 2
Assault Spy

Tower Climb if you're not afraid of pixelshit graphics, permadeath, and insane difficulty. It's kind of like Spelunky, except upwards and for incredibly autistic hardcore faggots. Beating the game once on the easiest settings took me 60 hours and beating the ultimate ending took me 180 hours.

Die in a fire you fuckimg disgusting furfags

Attached: my karma is not important, what is important is what I'm about to do.webm (364x278, 243K)

What the flying fuck, is that a mod or there's guns in this game??? >slugcat

Should've reached him by climbing the Wall instead.

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This is what happens when furry shitposters invade your threads. People thing the game has anything to do with furfaggotry

>2,99 on ps store, and steam as well
Am I just a dumbass that I don't see this?
29AUD for me on steam rn, and even g2a only has it for 8.