World of Warcraft: Classic+ servers (OSRS-style)

It's 2021 and OSRS-style Classic servers have been released. You have a level 60 on Classic so you're allowed to vote in the first poll for new content. Which zone do you vote to add into the game first?

Attached: ClassicOSRS.png (1181x781, 127K)

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Emerald Dream

Quel'Thalas, Karazhan & 2.4 Vanilla quest chain continuations added first, that's the best TBC content

No Blood Elves on Horde


When enough time passes the ocean is added full of islands and people realize it was merely an illusion all along.

Hyjal so the continent is actually finished.

I won't vote for anything.
Because unlike you deluded fags, I won't be playing Activision-Blizzard shlock.

for me it's Hellfire Peninsula

The map was finished in 2003, they just need to go back & fill it in, it will make a perfect 50-60 zone, there wasn't enough quests at those levels

Oh and are you suggesting the elves go with the racist conceited shits that are the humans? It was humans that razed quel'thalas and corrupted the very soil, and humans again who abandoned them in their time of need.

Go replay warcraft 3 you wow baby. They need to bring back kael without murdering his character to have a loot treadmill

Holy fucking based!

yeah! Dab on them! *dab*

I agree bring back Kael'Thas as Belf faction leader, no Belfs on Horde though, it damaged the faction

Scourge =/= humans

Arthas was a human, and it was arthas doing the scourging. It wasn't some orc and troll that turned a windrunner into a banshee.

Yeah, kind of. That is a good point. I'd still like to have the race but take out the paladin shit. Fuck. That. Give mage knights if you have to have a plate caster.


Scourge does what the Lich King commands, Arthas literally had no other motivations than to serve his master
Sounds to me like you've actually not played WC3

>Now I know the evil human king just marched his undead army through our civilization but trust me, he was possessed by some orc warlock ghost buried in the north pole

If that logic works out then the humans should welcome thrall and his orcs with open arms, after all they dindu nuthin wrong, it was that damn demon blood, but we good now, we cleaned up but could use money for these programs, keep orc kids off the street and off demon blood.

You gotta remember the average quelthalas citizen doesnt know shit bout nerzhul. They do know bout arthas though

pandaria is not cannon, nuke that shit

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Did you actually not play Frozen Throne?
I'm not arguing for belfs joining humans, they have good reasons not to that have nothing to do with Arthas
As for humans and orcs, do you know fucking nothing about the events of WC2 and 3? This is embarrassing

>It wasn't some orc and troll that turned a windrunner into a banshee
sure 'bout that?

Attached: Ner'zhul.png (275x367, 157K)

This. Return Kael'thas as BE prince and fuck Alliance (who sentenced him to death for finding the only way to not being killed by overwhelming forces and save his people).
Glory to the Sin'dorei!

>but its some stupid easter egg made as a joke!

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>average quelthalas citizen doesnt know shit bout nerzhul
OMG someone who can think

Outland, but with a mix of Iron Horde and Legion story. Instead of Naga and Illidan being the big bad, Illidan reopens the Dark Portal to escape the Legions onslaught but the Legion follows him thru invading like the Iron Horde did. The Legion then use Outland as a hub to mass its forces and use the Dark Portal as an invasion point while its agents on Azeroth take over areas to construct new portals. Blood Elves join the Alliance, The Broken join the Horde via Outland refugees.

>these races join these factions for literally no reason other than we need to sort everybody into these factions lol

Reminder that unless you're a huge social Chad / Stacy or can suck up to nerds on the internet through Discord you'll never make raid progression.

Punkrat is based.

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Really refresh my memory here. Who knew about the ghost warlock? Cause only one I can think of is illidan. Maybe.

if we get a OSRS style re-do of Wow then they should re-do azjol-nerub, uldum, hyjal, and all of the other content that it took them four expansions to go back on and when they did they had to retcon everything that connected them to what you remembered and liked

the biggest disappointment out of WOTLK was that azjol-nerub was just a fucking dungeon instead of a leveling zone. warhammer online had an underground zone.

Good ideas, personally i would keep it mostly the same, TBC was very sandboxy with no overall plot, you were just exploring outland & it's cultures

illdan doesn't need to be a bad guy, Black Temple could just be a city with illidan as it's ruler, chaotic neutral fits him best

Uldum was a fucking joke in Cata, half of it was an Indiana jones reference
Fuck you Blizzard

If anything, the first thing Classic+ ought to do is work on making the entirety of the original continents part of the game, with Karazhan and probably something in Hyjal to serve as raids during the updates, then we can move into WC3-esque Outlands and Northrend.

>Alliance sends Kael'thas and his people to death
>Kael saves his guys by uniting with based Mia's
>"oh no, monster girls bad, u now sentenced to death"
>meantime fuckface human "paladin" flies a plane into their capital and sunwell
>"No, its all an evil ghost orc did, I swear, Alliance is good!"

Oh yeah, I forgot sneks.

I dont fucking know how, maybe PTSD from what happened to vashj in tbc.

But yeah that's about how I remember it