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>mfw swarming archer fags with rams.
thonk thonk
Will IV be any good? Or will we get Sim Cityed again?
>not having billion archers that can twoshot rams
Fuck that is stressful
>it's a "everyone on HD just wants to play black forest" episode
Odd response, seeing how that is the best map.
Either that or archipelago. You do like fighting for chokepoints, fellow kang?
Yes, best.
For me, it was turtling against one AI on easy when I was ten years old.
Nothing better than watching an easy AI waste hordes of men at arms rushing your autistically detailed death fort.
Eichenwalde is great because it's black forest but with less trees.
Teutons master race
>tfw you find the concept of the Black Forest cool but it turns out it's the scrub map in AoE
>tfw you are constantly having things like this happen, ie. liking rapiers but them being a widely hated crutch in Mordhau, or liking flamethrowers and fire-based classes but Pyro being considered a shitter class in TF2
>builds a single huskarl
>t. I'm too much of a baby to play an open aggressive map
Teutons are bad. A defensive civilization with shitty archers does not compute.
>think I'm starting to get the hang of the game
>turn difficulty up one
>get absolutely fucking destroyed
Teutonic knights can be okay if supported by cavalry
Ok at what? Getting slaughtered by archers? Well I guess it's alright so long as Teutons have good swift cav- oh wait, they have slow as shit cavalry and are limited only to gold intensive paladins. Well uh... at least they have good skir-. Oh wait they have no bracer so shitty range.
The problem with Teutons is their ENTIRE TECH TREE is weak to archers.
>Ok at what? Getting slaughtered by archers?
You stack them in a siege tower. It goes really fucking fast.
Was thinking more in the sense of being supported by allies in multiplayer, but in any case, yes, teutons would need babysitting only to do something any other civ can do, only slower
>play against 3 moderate ais in a random map (my typical go to game)
>trying to break the habit of pausing, getting used to shortcuts and the like
>putting early pressure on neighbour with towers and some MAA
>while attacking his buildings another AI's ram appears on the edge of my fog
>'oh one of the other ais is attacking too'
>suddenly the rest of his army comes into view
>it's monks
>he's built nothing but monks and rams
>there's scores of monks
>this is still early castle age what the fuck
>ride my scout over
>has insane amount of villagers on gold
>like 7 monasteries pumping the gas
>eventually get overwhelmed when it attacks me
>ai monks have perfect micro, individually target units
I got fucking monk rushed by the HD AI.
>scores of monks