No playstation at e3

>no playstation at e3
oh well, e3 cancelled this year then

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>Sonytards think Sony won E3 last year

imagine they announced ps5 during Microsoft's conference

thank god, sony has been the shittiest conference for a while now, the fucking horrible dyke trailer last year was disgusting

Don't need E3 when you rule all the headlines.

Nobody cares about Sony.

Playstation E3 always sucks.
This is coming from an Idort.

>all the third parties and multiplats attend the xbone show and xbone finally wins

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why would I give a shit about Snoy lmao

It was Sony Playbox all along!


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and nothing of value was lost.

I'm sure you'd love to see 2025 games over and over.

>Sony's E3 was so bad last year they decided to just quit E3 altogether


oh no, no woman doing throat noises while banging a gong. What will we do.

Microsoft has been winning the last couple years because they show off all the original IP multiplats that people actually care, not that anyone cares for Xbox but at least they care about videogames. Xbox conference has essentially become what the PC gaming show was suppose to be. EXCLUSIVE REVEAL GET IT FIRST ON XBOX ONE.

>worst conference from last year is outright skipping this year

oh man oh no... let me pretend to care

imagine believing this

>noooo muh last of onions 2!
>muh wifes son!
sony can get fucked.

>2016 winner
>2017 winner
>2018 winner


you sound mad, consider seeing it for what it is rather than from your warped stand point

spoken like a nintenigger, kys

yes, and it shows!

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Netflix will be at e3 though to show off some games based on their shows and I am actually kind of excited for that.



>"VGChartz is trustworthy, guys!"
I'm not saying the other consoles are outselling the PS4 but it's completely retarded to use them as source given how many times it was proven that they just put bullshit numbers for everything and then correct the record if the publisher ever releases official ones.

I really should brace myself for disappointment but the potential is so great.

>says the others won
>yet ps4 is selling the most by far
would losing e3 every year not reflect in sales you dolt?
losing e3 years ago destroyed xbox, yet now they "win" according to you yet are still floundering. can't believe i share a board with braindead idiots like you.

>would losing e3 every year not reflect in sales you dolt?
otherwise sony would be at negative sales now given how pathetic their e3s were, always showing the same games year after year

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They got to show the winner and current GOTY so, yes i guess?

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oh shit, should be interesting at least

Sony had last years best show, it's not hard to understand
>beth had failout 76
>nintendo had smash and fortnite
>microsoft had multiplats and a battletoads announcement
>pc game show was pc game show
>ubisoft had just flat trash
>ea had sports and whatever the else they had
Sony smashed it out of the park last year
>the last of us 2
>nioh 2
>ghosts of tsushima
>death stranding
Nothing compared to Sony's 2018 E3 showcase.

Those Switch sales are legitimately pathetic.

>Sony had last years best show, it's not hard to understand
Their show was fucking garbage, and probably unironically their worst show ever in the history of E3.

No sales for sony then.

That may be your take but it was head and shoulders above the competition.

>giving a shit about E3 shitfest
When was the last game when everyone didn't just blatantly lie and falsely advertise through their teeth at E3?

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Last year at the Nintendo show.


>Sony isn't going to be taking up an E3 slot with Banjo playing and FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Oh wow, so this E3 was actually worth visiting?

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Picture losing so hard that you give the entire stage to Microsoft
It's like you may as well not even have a new console at all.

doesn't anyone even care about e3 anymore? normies never cared and goymers always knew it was a bunch of shit

too bad they have sabotaged their console where no one wants to buy it.
If they release a good console with none of the retarded "DUDE YOU CAN CONNECT IT TO PC and then not buy our console" bullshit, then they would be on top again

>starts with a prolonged banjo performance
>shows the tlou2 trailer that lacks real gameplay and mostly focused on the gay shit instead
>cuts to a fucking extended intermission with the hosts stalling for time
>half an hour since the start of the show, still nothing but the shitty tlou2 trailer
>the fucking flute man goes up on stage for another long musical performance
>assassin's creed style, bamham ghost of tsuhima trailer
>the resident evil 2 remake followed by vr shit
>a worse version of the same kingdom hearts trailer that we had already seen numerous times at the previous shows
>death "no gameplay shown" stranding again with no substantial information, again
>to close off the show, here is a scripted sequence meant to represent gameplay, for spider-man that already has live genuine gameplay from other sources
>goodnight and goodbye

I stayed up until 4AM to watch this crap since they opt for the absolute worst time slot for European time zones, and yet I did it because it was Sony and I was expecting it to be good. But I swear I was struggling hard to not fall asleep in between the intermission and the flute performance.
The show barely had any videogames. No reveals we didn't already know about beforehand. Poor trailers. And a severe lack of gameplay.
Padded out tons and tons of shit that took up a bigger portion of the show's time than the games themselves. Fucking vomit dot jpeg.
Truly one of the worst E3 shows of all time.

>e3 is significant and important, and sony always wins it baybeh!
>w-well e3 doesn't matter and has n-never been important!


sony's show was absolute junk through and through

dmc and cyberpunk alone made micro win last year

having no games must suck.

also the skating game

Sony hasn't won an E3 in a long time
>always the same games
>show the same spiderman, tlou, death stranding etc. for years
>extremely drawn out, cringe performances

Not really when you get all the games.

>move to Commiefornia
>start making retarded anti-consumerist decisions and bucking decades long traditions