>play rogue
Play rogue
heh greetings
>play warrior
>win most of the time
Mistakes were made
>watch your back
>I always do
Only for a few more days, friend.
>play hearthstone
Why do they refuse to make their game good?
>Don't play trash online card games
>get good draws
>nerf Prep, a card that's incredibly fundamental to Rogue's powerlevel since they can print overcosted spells knowing they can just prep them out
>don't touch Dr. Boom, Omega Devestator, Etherium Rover, or fucking anything asside from an admittedly decent nerf to Elysiana
>Pay to Randomly Win: The Game
Even the "pros" of this game don't deny that this trash is pure RNG.
Welcome to card games.
>look through thread to find good opinions and see if anyone plays above rank 5
>no post found
>people still think rogue wins
>people still think warrior wins
Anyone that plays competitive knows the new nerfs are a horrible idea. The meta has shifted to mages and hunters a the moment.
Warrior and rogues is only played in low tier garbage. I don't think I even seen 1 warrior player in legend.
>being such a brainlette you think bomb warrior is still an issue
>playing a Blizzard game
I see your problem, hombre.
It’s fun though
>prep raiding party now cost 2
Prep is getting nerfed?
>NERF jainas tits
>valeera still talks like a slut and is half naked showing her tits
So blizzard confirmed that elfs are only made for breeding?
>omega devastator
Don’t get controlled faggot
>being such a brainlet you think I was talking about Bomb Warrior and not Control Warrior
Prep now reduces your spells by 2 mana instead of 3.
Raiding Party is 4 mana as well, and Evil Miscreant is a 1/4 now.
Use assassinate
you're pretty based but honestly i wouldn't mind omega devastator if it wasn't for how easily it is generated
while i'm a filthy fucking warrior main at heart and i love dr boom, he needs to be nerfed somehow. either remove certain cards from the discover a mech pool, make it a random mech with no choice, or remove it altogether.
In current high ranked meta mage is dominant and almost unchallenged except for rogues and hunters. This NERF to rogues will make mages broken as hell and dominate majority of games. With them only having a bad match against hunters out of all classes. And even then the mage can win against hunter a good majority of the time. And the win rate isn't as serious as thr low 35% win rate warrior has against mech hunter.
The meta is going to be hunter and mage stone now. Rogue has not been a problem in a while. The NERF to archivist doesn't even matter as maybe only less than 2% of my warrior games even utilize her as they are only useful in mirror matches which could be decided well before she is played.
boom is a slight issue but omega devastator is not
it's incredibly easy to overwhelm warrior with greedy lategame decks they cannot possibly have enough removal to handle. The problem is that those decks used to get farmed by rogue.
With the nerfs to prep (fuck that card) and raiding party, it might actually be possible to not be at 15 life on turn 4 against that fucking class, and then we can play real cards that make warrior scared.
the dumpster legend tier you play at is less competitive than rank 5
Boom isn't an issue due to his hero power being inconsistent and unreliable at times.
Who says I'm legend Baddie? After hitting legend 1 time there is no reason to go legend again. The best competitive meta is rank 1 to 5.
> I don't think I even seen 1 warrior player in legend.
your next line will be "I was only pretending to be retarded"
I play it and I Watch it. High legend has zero to no warriors in it.
>Source : My ass
So how's the state of HS right now
I quit after warsong commander got the nerf hammer
Hearthstone was saved by Death Knights rotating, and then subsequently ruined by printing another DK for Warrior
Tempo Rogue, Midrange Hunter, Hand Mage, Control Warrior, Control Shaman, Token Druid, and Zoolock are all viable decks right now
Priest is dead as usual
Paladin would be really strong if they actually had any way to reliably draw cards, and some people are still playing Shirvallah OTK
>Make a homebrew deck to just have fun with the huge collection of cards I've paid hundreds of dollars and/or played hundreds of hours of arena and ladder to earn.
>lose because it's not flavor of the patch designated tier 1 deck
Worst fucking game, glad I kicked the habit of buying packs for it. Embarrassed to have fallen for it to begin with.
>Hurr I play all my cards super fast, ramp up and empty my deck and win with Mecha C'thun
>Hurr I throw my cards on the floor like an autistic child and I win because daddy Blizzard said so
The game design equivalent of an adult male willfully getting a circumcision and then fucking his wife in her ass instead of the vagina while blindfolded and listening to ASMR cuckold porn.
I'm not even mad because I fell for it, I don't give a shit about money. I'm mad because it is so close to being a fun game. So fucking close. Just nerf cards in tier 1 decks every week. It's that simple. But then they might not make the big jew bucks. They're afraid of that. Rat bastard cunts.
The state of HS is "Mtg Arena exists".
woah... it's almost as though some decks are strong and others are less strong and you can't just randomly select a bunch of trash and expect to beat someone with an actual deck...