Do people who claim to be female in online games still get given free shit?

Do people who claim to be female in online games still get given free shit?

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How do we stop dick pic culture?

We send vag pics or lactation vids picks in response.

Sending nudes is cringe as fuck, only sluttiest of people do that shit.

more dick pics

>snapchat is brainwashing people to chop off their dicks now
clown world

Have sex.

How long until I can buy glasses that turn everyone into a cute girl in real time

Dude they even have preschool teachers doing it to kids.

yeah, free shit and attention boys are dumb motherfuckers

How the fuck

video games ?

imagine actually sending your kids to formal education in the current year. Literal abuse.

chop off the dicks

Why do all Indians type like that?

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learn to read retard

Yeah its what I hate about my job and country.

>all Indians
nigger jump off a cliff
the reason for thirsty indian dudes is because of the culture there most guys are virgins until they are married

Because they’re terrible at English. That other dipshit posting some novels in response wasted their time.

So long as their are thirsty stupid boys that want girls but have no real genetic qualities to obtain them so they spend money thinking it’s a good compensator(it isn’t)

.t Incel

That indian guy is a massive chad compared to that fucking pussy larping being an intellectuel

You mean like "you sonofabitch punk!" "you motherfucker gay!"? Reminds me of Mr. Farkas:

Shut the fuck up poo in loo indian nigger lmao

>muh culture
Kill yourself you fucking pajeet

the chad indian vs the virgin brit

I don't know which commenter is worse.
Atleast the indian is trying to get off, which is his right.

Fuck off Pajeet.

not the people who claim to be, but people who are very secretive about their gender and shy in general do get pampered
not because people want to sex their vageen show tits but because it's cute

It might unironically be retardation, probably from blood infections involving waste.

Also, they clearly don't speak English, why are they looking for tang on an English platform? This might also be retardation.

keep your mouth shut beach

Shitting in the Ganges isn't a culture

Being a virgins is Indian culture confirmed!

>t. Seething pajeet

>people who are very secretive about their gender and shy in general do get pampered
sounds like a girl who just wants to play vidya
a man has no need to keep his gender secret

I like how that white knight orbiter thinks he'll be getting any more action with her than that poo

How is it that despite no outward way of knowing, I just know that person texting is Indian?

>HARUMPH My good sir! Are you not aware we are expected the orbit the good lady with restraint. Remove thyself post-haste, ruffian!
>I have dealt with the villain, time to donate my money and my seed

>scene thot
Based pajeet knowing whats good

>If I send u friend request then what
Fucking destroyed

> why are they looking for tang on an English platform?

Indian and Pakistani men have this weird idea in their head that they're going to be able to successfully charm a middle-class white women on the internet, who'll be their ticket out of there.

Bastard bitch!

Have a better dick and be in good shape. I've got girls on my snapchat who love getting dick pics from me.

Nobody likes getting random dick pics

Is this finally gonna be the end of the Indian menace?

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Now if chad wrote that it would be a different story.

>lactation vids

impossible mode: you first


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They ask, so it's not random. Or I offer and they accept.

that's how they talk in real life

>m'lady, would you like a snappy of my epic cock?? ;)

>Oh yes please mr user
please stop it dude... you're being cringe

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pajeet pls go, your shift at 7/11 is about to start.

I can tell you don't have tinder.

They have the internet on their phone and I bet they can easily find hundreds of professionally photographed dick pics from guys who look far better than you with far bigger dicks.

Dicks are just tubes of flesh, there's nothing aesthetically pleasing about them.

people who aren't bottom feeders don't

They don't enjoy seeing your dick. They just want to confirm that you don't have a tiny one so that they're not wasting their time.

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Ahaha. Everyone does these days.

Who Dat scene Thot ¿

Add a few faggots and racial slurs and is a personification of Yea Forums.

strange way to cope but ok

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I bet you also have facebook you dumb normalfag

NPCs maybe. Don't you have more GoT amd Avengers to mindlessly talk consume and regurgitate like a good little consumer?

Don't bother arguing with these incels, they already know they'll never get laid off Tinder so they're just lashing out.

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>doesn't block
classic two-faced females

ah yes I'm literally shaking rn bruh what will my wife and kid do now that I can't get laid via tinder

stop women from enabling it

>You look like Ghost

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sanjay deserved better than this bros.......

First off, I'm in great shape. Secondly nudes from someone you know are always hotter, that's literally why snapchat exists.
Then why would they ask for more after the first time?
I meant everyone worth a damn.
Of course, I have since 2007, same year I came to Yea Forums actually.
I'm sure they'll meet a nice girl at church someday.

t. sanjay shrivastava

Why block with all the attention she can get from sharing this online

>virign whiteknight vs. chad bobs and vagana pajeet

>nobody has made a video yet that consists of reading Indian comments

>Of course, I have since 2007
good, now go back

It's really not that hard to get laid off Tinder. Just take some normie pictures outside smiling and a couple with a dog.

okay tough guy

Indian men have the most undeserved confidence I have ever seen.

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I have a tab of both open obviously. And insta and tinder on my phone. Oh and snap and whatsapp.

they are just fucking stupid

I think you meant unfounded. Who the hell 'deserves' confidence?

>They have the internet on their phone and I bet they can easily find hundreds of professionally photographed tit pics from girls who look far better than you with far bigger breasts.

>Boobs are just lumps of flesh, there's nothing aesthetically pleasing about them.

And yet we enjoy getting nudes nonetheless

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>better then
That nigger is just as retarded as the Indian

90% of people who put nudes in circulation have sex
clearly it is not the solution

Snapchat now has genderbending "lenses". They're decent, though the feminizing one doesn't do beards well.

So does she have to actually expose her chest to use it?

>OK have a nice day
>bye bye

that would actually solve it

You seem a bit confused.
There are 2 filters.
1 that makes men look like women and 1 that makes women look like men. If you use it on same gender the results are meh.

It genderbends the face, not the body. It's really a dude in the picture.

That's a guy in OP's pic with genderbender filter applied

The woman to man one makes me look completely different even though I'm a guy

Freedom of expression is not a crime here in America

I don't understand

It just makes my chin wider and my face a bit more chad.

I'm retarded. For some reason I was under the impression they were swapping bodies. I should just go to sleep. Though I can't see how any good would come from this. It's just a weapon for catfish.

It's fun. Made my gf mad once but I don't see other uses for it.

if women want to stop dick pics, they need to stop putting themselves in environments conducive towards seeking attention (dating apps, giving your number to strange men, etc.), and publicly shame men who send out of context dick pics in environments not conducive to the female seeking attention (linkedin, unsolicited face book messages, etc)

if I were a chick and some dude randomly sent me a dick pic I wasn't "asking for" I'd make sure his entire family and all his friends saw it. I get the feeling women know deep down that they really are "asking for it" so they don't do this kind of thing.

>lactation vids
Fool. That is my fetish.

>How do we stop dick pic culture?
Impossible. You'd have to make the overwhelming majority of adult males NOT interested in or attracted to penis. That's damn near impossible given that more than half of them have an immense insatiable cocklust.
Look at all the faggots in denial who are into traps and sissies. So long as they exist, you won't stop the spread of dick pics.

>if you there in mumbai

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the insurance company where I work started hiring pajeets years ago, and has had a mandatory hygiene class for almost as long that they're all required to take because the fuckers stink like shit and never bathed or brushed their teeth or anything and the company got constant complaints about it. and these were the "college educated skilled worker" pajeets coming in on H-1Bs.

stop asking for them and stop being mad when guys don't want to send them

I fucking hate these white knight fucks, they probably donate money to Twitch/patreon whores, stop putting pussy on a pedestal

>just go on the internet and look at porn lol
what kind of sexless retard even has this opinion? people want nudes of people they actually know and like in real life.