8.2 will save WoW

8.2 will save WoW
vanillafags on suicide watch

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>10 people lil zoomers can kill queen azshara

more like seal it's fate

They better do justice to our queen or I will break both of Ion's legs.

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imagine if they kill Azshara Mythic in 1 day

>still giving blizzard money
How could you be such a massive cuck

>two things can't be good at the same time
>actual symptom of autism
Good ol' retailfags.

Why does she have a Sentinel's tatoo?

give me vulpera or give me death

thank fuck ill never have to play retail again once classic drops

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Because the artist knows fuck all about Warcraft lore and just googles "warcraft night elf" and used the first image

Alternatively, he knows EXACTLY what's going on and that tattoo is the mark that sentinels use for their futa cock slaves

Yiff in hell.

Retail is dead little bro.

>Vulpera pretty much confirmed
>still no Ethereals


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N'Zoth you lucky bastard.

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You know you don't have to play WoW at all, right?

Fuck 8.2
Call me when it's 8.2.5

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>absorb effects will now no longer block dazed

buy my girdles faggot

this, imagine not having any hobby and playing WoW all fucking day long

You've been saying that for every patch

At the very least 500 pulls

yiff in hell

Haha yeah fucking losers

Is Thrall gonna cheat again?

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>playing a Blizzarf product

Whether it's retail or classic, you're the same mold of cuckold.

Reminder that if Saurfang took over as Warchief back at the end of WOTLK, we'd still have Garrosh and Sylvanas at their best instead of what we have now

Yes OP. I'm sure their 300th attempt to save modern WoW will finally be the one!

Old blizzard was absolutely based. Fuck off Zoomer.

>implying that Throne of Thunder wasn't great
>implying that Legion wasn't good

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>X.X will save WoW
>vanillafags on suicide watch
Where have I heard that before?

it's all been downhill since TBC/WoTLK

IT'S 2019.


wrong Cataclysm was great before dungeon nerfs

lmao look at CoS
blizz will deliberately overtune bosses to milk maximum world first race hype

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I knew at least 4 people that quit over those nerfs, and another 3 when they nerfed the raids in preperation for Firelands.

>tfw no azshara giantess porn
where the fuck is it

it was fucking stupid, Blizzard caving in to LFD babies

I never played during cata, what were the nerfs and why were they so bad?


it killed gameplay to pander to Looking for Dungeon fags
Grim Batol was a hard dungeon that required use of mechanics by everyone, also Cataclysm nerfed aggro on tanks, after nerfs it was lame