I’m interested in which game people generally prefer
Xenogears vs Xenoblade chronicles 1
You have to be some kind of retarded zoomer to not say Xenogears
Xenogears was and always will be an ugly unplayable piece of shit game with a fanfic tier story.
You have to be some kind of retarded boomer to not say Xenoblade
Gears remains the best in the franchise.
Gears has the better story, Blade has the better everything else
Thank you, but somehow whenever I bring it up when people are talking about how xenoblade is the greatest game in existence they look at me like I’m crazy. They literally don’t know a better version of “the greatest game in existence” already exists.
One of the best jrpg in history.
>Xenocringe Chronicle
A kusoge.
Xenogears is a great unfinished game.
Xenoblade is a great rushed game.
Gears but X is best xeno game
Xenoblade 2 is basically the best of both worlds.
Not really. It's probably my favorite of the Blade series, but it's seriously lacking the kind of polish that made XB1 appealing to so many people, and like the other Blade games, doesn't even come close to Gears's story.
It also feels really rushed in spots and has a bunch of really dumb mechanics (like the gacha bullshit).
xenogears is still my favorite jrpg
Xenogears by a fucking landslide.
I just can't deal with shit pacing.
So why was Xenogears so great despite the VN style 2nd disk
Honestly it was actually Xenosaga
I always hear about XG disc2. What is wrong with it?
It's a PowerPoint presentation
Youre on crack, Xenosaga's gameplay may as well be non existant since it provides no challenge and is not fun.
Why did the fucking PAL region only release Xenosaga part 2 but not 1 or 3. How could someone even think of doing something so retarded. That's like only making The Two Towers but not the Fellowship or Return of the king. It actually makes no sense
they ran out of budget and turned it into a visual novel with a couple boss battles instead of finishing the actual game.
>Why did the fucking PAL region [...] How could someone even think of doing something so retarded.
answered your own question
Any pre-Blade Xeno is an unfinished mess.
gears is better zoomer.
Gears is more ambitious, but also considerably more pretentious, and obviously unfinished. I wouldn't say Xenoblade completely sticks its landing, but it's a competent game all the way through.
Chronicles was not that good, to be honest.
Gaur Plain was an excellent music piece, and the mecha girl was cute as fuck, but other than that, there's nothing particularly good in that game.