Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?

Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?

You work reporting with games and their development. Games are software and software development has evolved in SaaS in almost every aspect.

This is clearly a found issue they will address. It sucks for sure but it is stupid to consider they wouldn’t.

So why the headline, the hate? Why the lack of understanding of how this stuff works. It feelsnas if you a feeding into these recent trend of just hating on them. Even read articles making the sale into a negative when they will eat the cost.

I just don't see the hate and why it is being continued for stupid reasons.

Attached: also why is plunkett nude in his pic.jpg (821x602, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Many such cases of Valve drones in our daily lives

they shilled the egs for months, also chinks please get out

can't you guys just pirate like everyone else?
why is buying vidya a thing now despite them becoming gradually shit


>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?
nani. They fucking love shilling for EGS and shitting on Steam. The only reason they're being critical of Epic is because their sale was THAT big of a monumental fuck up.

>every single game on the store is on sale for amazing discounts that Steam has never done
>people are so desperate to hate Epic that they spin this as a fuck up













Engrish bery difficurtu in China

>provide correct information
>end consumer doesnt like information
>calls bloody murder
It's like you are complaining that 2+2=4 and you simply can't live with that so you pull out the pitchfork.

Attached: 1556171069992.jpg (1024x588, 28K)

>lets get this started
>8 months for a shopping cart

Attached: exclusively not on Epic Games Store.jpg (1000x1000, 174K)

The news is literally the headline
>This is bad news

>>every single game on the store is on sale for amazing
the discounts where in fact so amazing even the Publishers where surprised by it and pulled their games

So you admit that the deals are great.

This is a paid thread by an advertiser / market influencer, who correctly identifies that Yea Forums doesn't like game journalism, but don't realise that Yea Forums opposes the Epic Games Store for much of the same reasons, and "the enemy of my enemy" does not apply when they're both shite.

Anyway, since the bot posting this thread clearly doesn't know, I'll spell it out.
Epic does not allow users to communicate with eachother, to band together, and to organise review bombs or widespread dissent to the customers getting screwed over.
A lack of accountability leads to abuse of power, and publishers are lacking in accountability.
Furthermore they don't have Loli. No Loli No Buy.

They had to remove shopping carts because they were rendered irrelevant by quadcrashers.

In before predictable response that addresses NONE of the points I made, and instead tries to attack my popularity or my mental stability.

>Furthermore they don't have Loli. No Loli No Buy.
Why are you pedophiles allowed to post on Yea Forums?

>but they'll fix it
Doesn't change the fact that they fucked up.
>but the store will eventually get essential features
Doesn't change the fact that the store is currently worse than every other storefront.
Steam just released a beta of steam in which you can use remote streaming anywhere with an internet connection. What''s Epics next promised feature? A fucking SHOPPING CART.

great for making Epic look like major amatuers

Because Yea Forums is not a communist shithole that bans you for liking things. Begone.

>please corporations, charge me MORE for games!

Yea Forums is not a capitalist shithole that bans people for disagreeing with you, so there is nothing you can do to make me leave.


>please epic, don't sell the games i want!

Looks like neither of us win this round.

>ahahahaha, I'm sure announcing a sale without asking the company whether we can mark down the price will not piss them off

>EGS is great for the developers and publishers, they deserve more money than they got on steam
stick to a script shill

Everyone gets the same result so this is actually a resounding success for socialism.

They're being critical of epic because they pissed off the AAA overlords, who are the only reason they shilled it and shat on steam in the first place.

I like how when EGS is getting flak it's now a narrative where journalist are in the wrong when they've been getting paid to shill for that store and shit on steam for god knows how long.


They report on anything that is trendy, to get clicks.
Hating on EGS is popular right now, so they cash in on it.

>EGS bans you for buying too much
That's simply not true. Name me one incident, where someone got banned and not unbanned after they reviews this persons case.

There are always some automated systems to try to prevent scam, but if you are buying a product with a real and working payment method, I can guarantee you that you will either never get banned or instantly unbanned if some automated system is in place.

But there are exceptions like Blizzard. In Blizzard games you can get banned if enough people falsely reported you. Why is there no outcry? Oh right, Steamcucks know Blizz games will never be on Steam so they just ignore them.

I hate all those shitty click bait. Just watch anti EGS videos and you realize they are just jumping on the easy money maker.

Even this fat communist youtuber who bitches always against capitalism has literally said that the EGS is bad because they want to sell you games for cheaper than the publisher want... I can't even describe how 180 degree even communist cucks go just so they can make a negative video against the EGS and call this "journalism". The EGS could literally kill Trump, give everyone the $15+++ minimum wage and rob the rich for the poor and sjw would still insult the EGS as bad because this gives more views than simply saying "The EGS is good and now we even get games much cheaper before they are even out". The EGS isn't the savior of mankind, but Steam isn't good either and if something is wrong with you Steam account, you literally need Jesus to get this problem solved.

>chinkoids are at it again
Oi jannies, we need a desinsection here.

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You know what's even funnier is that the source that this article uses? It's Twitter. That's all games journalists do these days. Just report on stuff that happened on twitter.

Whoa... so this is the brain power of the white race.

>samefagging your own shit
hey Chang do you know how you could have prevented this outrage?
check the spoiler

Attached: AdPh6Nmcvc0TwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==.png (225x225, 2K)

A twitter source where an actual epic employee replies to confirm that the problem exists.

Reminder that EGS threads are all made by one person.

until now ive encountered 3 types of EGS shills
>one who cant type normal english
>one who constantly shills some dead indie game and brings up the Switch out of nowhere
>one who ignores arguments and just posts the same anti Steam memes while samefagging ''based'' to himself

What dead indie game is it?

Reddit spacing

Oh buddy there's a lot more than that.

I'm so fucking mad that a random dude got ban for buying too many games too quickly.

Shoo shoo Shill

some Megaman clone that sold like 300 copies on steam
the shill also always ignore the fact that the developer got noticed for it and is working at Capcom now

T. Valve shill

why is there no shopping cart to avoid this?

sorry lad i also have GoG and Uplay next to my Steam
i only avoid shit services like Epic and Origin

Well I will say, it was understandable at first that they were lacking basic features because they just launched and wanted to sell games before they had any real infrastructure down, but the Epic Store has been a thing for like 5 months now? And they still are missing a ton of basic things like a shopping cart. So they no longer have the "we're new at this" excuse. There is no way it takes five fucking months to code basic features. "We're new at this" was always a bullshit excuse anyway because just because YOUR store is new doesn't mean you can't look at what other people are doing and do that too. It's an argument that pretends your thing is the only thing that exists and it's just fucking dishonest. But then again this is the company that has the most popular game of all time and has not figured out a way to add text chat to it after an entire year, despite the other mode of their game ACTUALLY HAVING TEXT CHAT, which they had to remove because it was so flooded by bots and they couldn't figure out how to deal with it, so actually it really wouldn't surprise me if they couldn't figure out how to code some basic fucking things. It's depressing when stupid people have a lot of money.

There so much more to it I'll die before I finish posting links to the archives of infinite spam that's been going since December 2018.
It's not just your 3 points.

Oh I think I know what game you mean, although I've literally never heard anyone talk about it. Why does the shill keep bringing it up though?

>the shill also always ignore the fact that the developer got noticed for it and is working at Capcom now
he twists it into a fucking bad thing because muh indie

I don't know and I don't care

There's a screenshot of him saying "thanks for 100 sales" or some such and the shill tries to spin it as "hey look games don't even sell on steam HAHAHA please ignore the fact that this fuck didn't advertise his shitty game maker Megaman clone but somehow got hired by Capcom anyway."

>and has not figured out a way to add text chat to it after an entire year,
i dont play Fagnite but this cant be real nigga, UT had a fucking text chat is the entire Fortnite team made up of interns?

It's real, the only way you can communicate is via voice chat. I think the real reason they do it is because it gives them less work to do banning people, people barely talk on voice chat.

so you dont want to acknowledge the main problem here

Sup Cheng.

Here's a protip: Tiananmen Square 1989 June 4

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>one who constantly shills some dead indie game and brings up the Switch out of nowhere
>one who ignores arguments and just posts the same anti Steam memes while samefagging ''based'' to himself
Both of those are the same guy.

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Which is? I simply don't use shopping cart even on steam, how retarted a person need to be to buy games in bulk?

Sounds pretty based.

>trannies cry steam is anti-tranny, since it doesn't advertise their shitty tranny simulators
>trannies can't afford tranny pills
>trannies start shilling epic because anything anti-steam/valve is good
>epic block tranny indie turds
>trannies have mental breakdown since no one wants them
>run to itch.io tranny bunker

>i dont use it wich means no one else does
fun fact
shopping carts have been a feature on every front of E-commerce since 1999

Attached: amazon.gif (540x340, 57K)


Uplay is awful as a service and so are ubisofts multiple shops
You cant expect people to take your word when you post such retarded shit.



Uplay atleast has a shopping cart and search function

Its a crime

Never said that, I don't use them. Why would I care about what others use? Should I also care about lack of Linux support in epic even tho I dont use linux? Should I care about forums even tho I don't use them? What in it for me

>Should I care about forums even tho I don't use them?
Bro you are literally on a forum right now.

>neutral headline literally just stating in the most neutral way possible what happens

Should be pretty obvious I'm talking about lack of forums in epic

It's not hate, it's a public advisory. Apparently if you try to buy 5 games from EGS in rapid succession it will block your account. According to Epic it's because that triggers their fraud detection systems.

So again, it's not hate. It's matter-of-factly stating what happens.

you are free not to care
just dont act surprised when most of the world isnt happy with lacking basic features

More often than not steam forums are the only place obscure indie titles have actual topics regarding bug reports/troubleshooting. Smaller devs also use them a lot to reply to their playerbase especially when they don't use either discord or leddit.

These forums also serve as a pool of troubleshooting shit. If you have a problem chances are someone's already asked it one steam and the solution is already there for you to use. And again, this is especially true really obscure games.

last time i replayd GTA 3 i needed compatibility mods and one of the top threads of the steam forums was a compatibility mod compilation
how people say steam forums are a bad thing perplexes me

>how people say steam forums are a bad thing perplexes me


While this is a fair point we have yet to see any actual obscure indie titles released on the Epic Games store. Every game is by some prominent dev that has a Discord or Subreddit or something where you can easily contact them.

>how people say steam forums are a bad thing perplexes me
Timmy boi said steam forums are bad because "THERE IS ALREADY MUH SELECTION OF FORUMS THAT WE DON'T NEED ONE". And it works for him, especially whenever there's a giveaway on epic botnet store all people come to steam forums for all the help with game's problems.
Just shows a way he can save some money to not break his glorified and "totally sustainable" 12% cut.

I find it funny how Tim thinks reddit is a more pro-developer alternative to Steam forums when there were incidents where developers got booted off their own subreddits, like Phoenix Point.

It's going to be interesting to see how things play out. I think people are seriously underestimating just how many people there are in the world throwing money at video games. All these storefronts that "surely should have died by now" are still going. These big companies make way more money than people are imagining and it's very difficult for any of them to truly fail. The only people who struggle are indie devs that rely on purchases. Corporations are practically invincible.

>This thread is not full of retards screaming at each other
America is asleep i assume?

The #1 reason I use steam forums is for fixes, mods, and possible issues. Its never failed me once and its quick and easy to search.

Well yes, it's 3-6 AM in America, but there were some retards earlier so probably some insomniac Americans around.

>when there were incidents where developers got booted off their own subreddits
It's worse than that. The way my higher up explained the situation to me, we're not "allowed" to have an official subreddit, as in our company cannot start one up and moderate it with our own people. We can however, have a fan reddit and be moderators on it, thereby making it "official".

Please think before posting

More like you need to be a drone at this point to keep overlooking how awful and incompetent EGS is ran.

It's actually against the reddit tos to get paid to moderate a reddit, you have to do it for free. Which was a problem in the case of pheonix point when one of the mods revealed he was getting paid, in the middle of accusations of being a community manager who treats the community like shit no less.

Attached: Hello Maaseru.jpg (1229x780, 230K)

MMMMMmm almost heaaaaaven, EPIC GAAAAMES STORE, no stooooore baaaasket, china spyware's pleantyyyyy, store is old here older than 2003, features missing, 6 months stiiIiill waitiiiing!TIM SWEEEENY, TAKE US HOOOME, TO THE STORE WE BELOOOONG, EPIC GAME STORE! STORE EXCLUSIIIIIIVES! TAKE US HOME TIIIIIM SWEEEENEEEEEY!

Attached: 1550979026171.png (683x751, 136K)

>Epic can't even afford fluent English speaking shills for English language sites

Now this is fucking tragic.

Wow, that fucker stole my post.

Serious question: is Epic Games Store some kind of out of season April Fools joke?

Op exposed

All capitalist governments are shit and have failed.

He didn't say you should be banned, he only told you to fuck off.
You however asked why lolicons are allowed on the site meaning you would want it to be against the rules.
How the fuck do you bugmen fail at normal logical reasoning?

Chinks have no soul

Attached: 937.gif (500x281, 278K)

Capitalism will never work.

>pull out the pitchfork
more like "pull out a pitchford" which essentially stands for "playing the victim"

>every single game on the store is on sale for amazing discounts that Steam has never done
>people are so desperate to hate Epic that they spin this as a fuck up
Nigger do you not know how de-valuing games works? Steam has spent years studying sales and have their own recommended guidelines as to how best to do sales.

>what is money
>what is clickbait

>it's always the same faggot
Which site is this? I'll know what to blacklist.

>Steam has spent years studying sales how to exploit consumers

ftfy drone

How have you been on this site since 2016 and you have no idea who Plunkett works for?

user that's literally how sales and marketing work. Hell that's how business works, why the fuck do you think there are regulations in place on the marketing of alcohol and cigarettes? Good advertising campaigns could turn a whole country into drunk smokers in a week, which is why it's not allowed.

valve tries to instill in users an emotional dependence on steam, hence all the profile, level, trading card etc. shit that serves to chain the addicts to the platform. So when something, anything, comes to challenge this and suggest that maybe centralization isn't such a good idea since not having that is kind of the point of PC as a platform, the slaves naturally screech and rattle their cages. Too bad the challengers are just another hopefuls trying to become the supreme overlords of the PC platform, instead of trying to make people realize that everyone loses with DRM and digital marketplaces being tied to the actual games in any way.

the way Epic Games manages its programmers reminds me of a noob playing an RTS. Instead of learning how to micromanage, Tim Swiney will just select his whole army (programmers) and right click on Fortnite, with very few people left working on improving the EGS to be more competitive

>Giving people a lot of features for your service is instilling emotional addiction

Fuck epic shill, steam is awesome. tiaman square

>tfw I'm a brainlet that plays RTS games like this

idk why are you defending a platform that is objectively worse than steam

lmao everything is emotional dependence at this point

This is probably true. Say what you will about Fortnite's quality as a game but it is one of the best optimized games I've ever seen. Bugs are rare and whenever they pop up they're fixed incredibly quickly, often within a couple hours. Meanwhile the EGS is a disaster.

Tim Sweeney deserves your neetbux
He is saving vidya as we SPEAK.

fortnite is incredibly buggy what are you fucking smoking

It’s called Taval or something like that, it’s a MegaMan clone that barely sold.

user you need mental help

someone make an image of a chinese dude standing in the street as a battalion of shopping carts approach him

So you buy everything you need one at a time? Even at the convinience store?

When it comes to games yes, i'm not a retard who is collecting bad games for the sake of it.

Epic Shills detected.

that doesn't change the fact that the epic store is less than a year old

>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?
What is it with Epic games doing everything they can to justify that hate? Are you really this starved for attention?

>hate towards the EGS?

why would anyone want a company that sucks up IPs and only offers gated sales for games?

They're a leach and they're killing PC games. I'm fine with competition like GoG, but Epic games is unironic cancer.

Attached: leglock_by_justanotherravenfan_dctxx6a.png (1747x1600, 989K)

Ya jewsteeney saving my vidya

And has lets features than store's from the 90s

Name one bug.

I'll just leave this here...

Attached: 1547853279515.jpg (597x600, 60K)

What now steam drones?

Meh, they give away free games. Good ones, too. I wouldn't mind using it if I gave a shit about anything new they put out.

all of them

>Gets called out in the first few posts

Well they very clearly factored in console sales since there was no mention of Epic.

Oh that wasn't the game I was thinking of at all then. This looks... okay I guess, I'm not surprised it didn't sell much. I am very surprised however that Capcom hired this guy. How the fuck?

EGS drones are the worst shills on the planet.


Yea, because it's also available on consoles, you fucking retards.

>Phoenix Point
what happened

At least learn to spell the name. This isn't going to disconnect my internet at all.

Yea Forums

Why do shills not even pretend anymore?

Pretending takes effort.

>waahhh stop telling the truth about EGS you’re just perpetuating hate

So you can't think of any then. Guess it's bug free.

I wish I could be paid for this shit.

Keanu Reeves?

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>every single game on the store is on sale for amazing discounts that Steam has never done

You know the drill, sage. Etc etc insect men go away

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It's another one of those

>right after autismo spammer was btfo by anons in one thread he quickly retreats to another thread
Every fucking time lmao

You will never be this much of a dedicated shill Yea Forums.

Fucking multi-thread shilling.

Wow, that guy earlier wasn't kidding. He is dedicated and always stays on message.

I know it's stupid to ask this question but is there really any point in astroturfing Yea Forums of all places?

fuck off shill

Do you think any of the Chinese shills have been disappeared due to witnessing too much shitposting?

This board was long known for being a nest for shills. I clearly remember how borderlands 1 was shilled here.

Why They Capitalize All Worlds On The Title, It Looks Retarded

Isn't it important that developers get more money? I thought epic was based for helping out the little guy?

Attached: tenor.gif (220x293, 47K)

They're paid in social score, not any real form of money

The most disgusting shilling here is for ubisoft games
>10 daily outrage threads with nearly identical OPs and replies leading up to release
>game finally releases

The only people who like Epic game store are Chinese, in china, in the chinese government.

Which game in particular was there outrage about?

Only burgers hate epic, the rest of the world love it. You may not realize it yet, but steam is as good as dead.

saying the truth is "hate" you mindless chinkdrones

>You may not realize it yet, but steam is as good as dead.
And America with it.

Why do you Ebin shills think constantly plugging your garbage product on a video game board will do anything change the perception of it?

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It's almost as if it's not actually shilling but is instead people who are interested in having a discussion.

Everywhere else hate epic.
Fuck them for charging me more for games.

>reeeee you suck use my thing now
>no u

>no shopping cart so you can only buy one game at a time
>buy too many in a short span of time flags you for fraud

Didn't even read the rest of your post. Come back when you're ready to speak like a human.

those were forums with downloads

why are we having a thread about someones comment on the article???

>interested in having a discussion
>which is why you scream bloody murder at anyone who disagrees with you, even calling people steam drones regardless of if they even use steam?

as opposed to be called shills

The southern Far Cry or whatever the fuck it was got pretty bad, there were like 10 or 12 threads up at any given time.

When you can't take criticism of your storefront and scream at everyone, then yes you are a shill.

Nice deflection, as if I even use steam, let alone defend its various retarded decisions. But you need a strawman to attack, so you label me as such.

UK here, fuck Epic.
Epic tried hard to appeal to Amerilards and got fucked over by those tariffs.

because you are actually shills, you dismis anything bad from the store that people point out and you can only brag about stupid exclusivity deals
hell i dare you to find even one (1, uno) epic thread that doesnt mention steam in the first few posts

>Chink shill seething

go seethe more you fucking chink shill bitch

Oh. Well considering the subject matter it's easy to believe that was genuine outrage from people who had no intention of playing the game and thus went silent when the game was out and they would be expected to discuss the game.

Epic fucked up so hard, that journalists are actually criticizing their communist overlords.
Jesus Christ, how will the Epic Shills ever recover?

>this much reassurance
Okay, but we're the ones who are seething. Uh huh. Cute.

>valve drones scream every time they see egs thread
>find me one thread that does not mention steam in the first few posts
Yeah, who's fault is that lol

But it was a fuck up you retard

>no cart
>no benefit to the user
>another client eating up your ram
I don't constantly shit on the EGS but I don't know why virgins are lining up to defend it either.

>epic does anything
this very thread mentioned ''steamdrones'' on the second post
rent free

trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

there's nothing stopping you or me from pretending to support ebin games store.

>>another client eating up your ram
How the fuck so? Just close it when you're done with it. I don't keep any clients open if I'm not using them. That would be idiotic. The only thing I have open right now is Chrome.

>literally copy and pasting arguments
how the fuck are the mods okay with this?

Attached: oops.png (975x897, 80K)

Why would i pretend to support better option? It's not a secret that valve drones are paid in steam cards to shill everywhere, this is the only reason anyone support steam at this point

>open client to play game
>wait an hour for the client and game to update before you can play

I think I know the answer to this one but does Epic have a player tracker?

Much like Steam, I think it's pretty important to know how many players are in-game especially for multiplayer titles.

I keep up with when my games receive updates and patch the client and games ahead of time. I'm not an idiot.

I will admit something about the Epic client though that I've never seen anyone say because nobody else actually uses it. Which is that it patches really fucking slowly for some reason. I have Fortnite on both my Switch and my PC and I've consistently noticed that a patch that takes 5-10 minutes on the Switch will take 20-30 minutes on PC.

you are lucky if Epic releases actual sales numbers
they are very hush hush about the numbers in general

>I have Fortnite on both my Switch and my PC

Attached: 1555070710965.png (584x510, 202K)

>player trackers
>when they don't want people to know just how successful their exclusives actually are


You guys are gonna be really embarrassed when they put in player trackers and then you'll be like "Th-the numbers are fake somehow!"

They're too ashamed to even mention Exodus' real numbers.

are they gonna include around the same time as the wishlists, search function and shopping cart

No steam account no Epic account,

Life is sweet and relaxed.

Currently downloading Mordau at 85%

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What is that?


Didn't the steamspy dude say that wishlists are predatory or something?

user, after boasting "we have 4.5 million free downloads of Subnautica", they are scared to reveal Metro Exodus' sales. And considering they boasted about WWZ selling 250k, Exodus is probably less. On top of that, they said it sold 2.5 times of Last Light, which sold 25k-50k which means Exodus at a minimum of 62k and a maximum of 125k.

Subnautica shilling is hilarious too because the devs whine about "evil white slavery" but defend China.

He is a massive shitposter and shouldn't be listened to.

After so many threads related to EGS going the way they do any normal person would fuck off to reddit already where you can find a subreddit about sucking egs off and have discussions about discussions.

Why on earth do you know what the Subnautica devs think of slavery? Do you voraciously follow their Twitter or what?

>block your account
temporarily block you from making purchases while they ensure you aren't committing fucking fraud. Of all the fucking things to complain about, why would they complain about this? It doesn't stop you from playing games.

So did you retards not read why the devs pulled their games off the Epic store? You can't slash the price of unreleased games, it devalues the product and conditions people not to buy your products unless they are on heavy discount from day 1, which really hurts the devs because day 1 sales are usually where the majority happen. So even if Epic pays off the loss on the first one, people will start asking for cheap AAA games in the future if they keep doing it and the AAA devs obviously don't want that.

Sorry but this board isn't a capitalist shithole so we will discuss what we want where we want and you cannot stop us.

>buying too many games can be considered fraud
gee if only there was a way to buy multiple games in one single purchase
i wonder what such a futuristic doo hicky is called?

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I'm a long time Subnautica early access supporter (2014 I think) and they started going incredibly political last year.

>this board isn't a capitalist shithole
you are on a American website

I see. Well, everyone has a boiling point and for most sane people children in cages should be that point.

America is a social democracy.

you sure are one fucking stupid chinkoid

You sure are one fucking stupid American.

Does it matter? America is dead, China is already superior in every way

Indeed. Notice how we don't even have to use a racial slur against Americans. Because the word "American" is bad enough already.

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publishers, user. devs have literally nothing to do with anything.

Wait. If Last Light only sold 25k, and that was enough to justify a sequel... then that's actually pretty damn good that it sold 2.5 times as much. The number doesn't sound impressive next to World War Z's numbers but by the Metro series standards that's pretty solid.

user, it got a sequel due to Redux sales.

First time i see chinks admitting to being insects.

how's this 12% going for you, Epicfags?

And Redux wouldn't have existed if it didn't sell well enough in the first place, so point proven.

>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?
epic is using amazon tier hyper capitalistic methods and all game journalists are leftist commies
it's only natural that they hate EGS it stands for everything they hate about the world

Redux exists because the original publishers of the game fucking died

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Funny because all this time you people were saying journalists were shilling the Epic Games store and now that there's an article that's anti-EGS suddenly they're commies that always hated it and capitalism is the real hero.

Anything to hate games journalism, apparently. Logic be damned.

>So why the headline, the hate? Why the lack of understanding of how this stuff works
Somehow every other store in the universe figured out how carts work before launching but the guys who are sitting on unlimited piles of money from UE and Fortnite somehow can't spare the budget for basic store features. This certainly deserves a certain amount of ridicule and disdain.

fuck those commie shills
nuke all journalism

We'll own those journalists by destroying logic and thus our credibility! That will show them!

>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?
They don't, they shill and suck EGS dick 24/7. Article in pic related is the most easy and chill headline they could have made, they are literally hinting it's somehow the players fault and not epic. if this level of catastrophe happened on steam the title was
>steam abuse players- start a sale and ban anyone buying in it!
Or something worse.

that's the spirit!

Getting publishers angry and pulling out and lots of accounts mistakenly banned is a sure sign of success.

they deserve it

Is this a Plan 9 reference?

>40 countries that make more money than China
>none of them communist
Get back to making my sneakers chinky.

Attached: Median Wealth per adult USD.png (779x3757, 306K)

fragmentation = piracy
even the normies are talking about it with the proliferation of streaming services
i bitched and moaned about 'yet another client' 14 years ago when I installed steam, I'll be fucked in the ass before I run 7 different stores on my PC
games on other clients don't exist to me

The average is driven up by the ultra rich. Dishonest chart.

Here is the median then. It ignores the super rich completely. Now there is 41 countries with more median wealth than China.

Attached: Median Wealth per adult in USD.png (764x5178, 410K)

I don't trust any platform that doesn't have a player tracker for multiplayer games.

Bahrain would be at the top of this was case

That's because in China the wealth is distributed evenly amongst the people as it should be.


>That's because in China the wealth is distributed evenly amongst the people as it should be.

Attached: 1634637534.png (400x300, 260K)

They've shilled EGS for months now. And, the games media has hated Valve for over a year ever since they stated that they wouldn't be policing content on their store (only removing and banning objectively illegal content).
So please tell us again how games journalists are pro Valve and anti EGS.

This is basically an instance of required reporting, that if ignored, they'd lose clicks.

truth sounds like hate , to those who hate truth

Attached: notchpilled.jpg (1200x793, 72K)

well at least in China the workers aren't exploited

Attached: Socialist countries never dehumanize their workers.jpg (1125x1608, 764K)

Hey it worked for steam, back then


It's just like that Jim fatlard video, who first was throwing shit to steam and praising egs, and a couple weeks later, he was throwing shit to egs

Not really. There are 99 countries that have a more evenly distributed wealth than China. Even Japan has a much more evenly distributed wealth.

Attached: Countries with lowest wealth disparity.png (752x5168, 397K)

>That's because in China the wealth is distributed evenly amongst the people as it should be.

Attached: haah waaw.png (560x434, 289K)

So how much ching chong currency did they give you, and how much did they offer to boost up your citizen rating?

Attached: winnie.png (220x308, 61K)

>In china, wealth is distributed evenly
Not wrong. The amount of wealth the average chink has is ZERO. Everybody in that nation is fucking broke.
Communism will always collapse into a country with a totalitarian govt that overloads its broke af citizens with propoganda because they have all the money and resources, so dissenters cant afford to voice their opinions. Just because all chinks and North koreans say communism is great (probably because big brother told them to say so if they wanted to keep their internal organs) doesnt mean they're right

Redux sold plenty. I think if their numbers for exodus are accurate to last light sales, exodus had a90% drop in sales from its last installment.

Which is embarrassing.

They should do this for EA too

>capitalism evenly distributes wealth
>socialism puts all wealth in the hands of one Great Leader who then redistributes it to his friends and family
almost like that was the plan all along

>Pcbros vs. Epicdrones over game launchers
>GPU and CPU companies have strings on both anyway as well as PCdrones
>Us consolebros having fun without worrying about all of that

LMAO I love it. Karma is a bitch. You wanted "Freedom" and an "Open platform"and this is the result.

Or, here's a more realistic thought: They meant the sales were 2.5x as much as Redux's sales.

Well why didn't they mention it then? Epic loves flaunting numbers.

If something as low as 250k for WWZ got a shout out why did Metro get a vague estimation?

>Not wrong. The amount of wealth the average chink has is ZERO.
That's not what I've heard. Latest reports I've seen is that China is in middle of ridiculous housing bubble, with thousands of empty sky-scrapers being built with nobody living in them.
Why are these huge houses being built if nobody lives in them, you ask? Because people still keep buying the apartments, since they have heard that value of apartments has to go up. This got so bad that Chinese government passed a law stating that single family can only own certain amount of apartments. The Chinese solved this hurdle by divorcing en-masse, so that former husband and wife could both own more apartments.
Now you're wondering that where is the space for these sky-scrapers coming from then? Well, China had lots of farm land, but farming isn't exactly lucrative anymore, so farmer are selling their land for construction companies. But not before they have filled the former pastures with shanty-buildings, because value of land is based on how many floors the buildings which are there have. So even land completely un-usable crap building can be sold more than totally flat farmland.
And this shit just keeps going.

China is fucking fucked, man.

>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?
Because the old Santa Steam kike bastard gives out shekels.

>Teams up Microsoft with sony to take on google console
lmao we are both in the same shitty boat.

They would have specified redux in that case, or just outright put up the sale numbers like they did with wwz.

We still have physical copies. PC dick suckers do not.

Wow, a housing bubble that led to a huge crash, where have I heard of that before? Oh right, America.

anyone that knew history could see it coming

when workers control the means of production the result is poverty at best, and poverty under a police state more often

Attached: workers shall control the means of production.jpg (717x313, 108K)

go cry somewhere else EG shill

>why is buying vidya a thing now despite them becoming gradually shit
Some of us want to support good game developers, like Capcom, and FromSoft

When your competition went
>let's change the whole PC gaming market into a online DRM infested digital only shithole
>6 years for a somewhat stable client
>Still no Half-Life 3, no Portal 3, no Left4Dead 3.
Then you won.

>streaming service
>physical copies

>Yea Forums opposes the Epic Games Store
0.03$ were just deposited on your account.

You seem mad. Consoles still have physical copies from NES until now.

>remote streaming
useless for non-faggots.

Microsoft and Sony will never team up. Sony is a bag of dicks.

Microsoft and Nintendo are the true bros and have already teamed up.

I mean, it hasn't led to any kind of crash yet. Maybe China has this shit figured out, and they can keep building infinite amount of empty sky scraper blocks.

Superlative bait, ridiculous enough to incite contempt but barely believable enough to bring in the morons. You've earned my (you), well done.

Based. It is literally the point I wanted to make.

Playing advertisers against EGS is quite clever, as Yea Forums hates with good reasons vidya "journalists", but this won't work. Yea Forums hates EGS just as much. You can't play one against the other and use the hate Yea Forums has for journalists as your shield.

but I hate all Capcom and FromSoft games, and that's the worst thing about capitalism: people are able to like things I don't like, and give money to people that make things I don't like, and that needs to be stopped immediately

Attached: SocialJustice.png (430x318, 206K)

>shilling for your favorite DRM client
I really hope you guys don't do this

Attached: 048.jpg (900x607, 138K)

>Microsoft and Nintendo are the true bros and have already teamed up
Nintendo went homo when they released the Swotch.
Nintendo died when Iwata died.

If you hate all capcom games, you honestly have bad taste in video games. They've created some of the best action and platforming games of all time

Interesting that Nintendo "died" after releasing their most successful console of all time.

You guys got cocky during the Wii U era and it came back to bite you in the ass. Karma's a bitch.

>why are PC ports so much shit?
>why is vidya focusing on phones and consoles?
>oh fuck it, back to stealing more gaems.
Good job.

Well how much did Redux make? No way is it more than 250k. Maybe WWZ's devs paid them for that shout out?

Name one time a PC port has ever been bad. Just one.

The Wii U was actually the last actual console ever made.
Offered perfect backward compatibility.
Offered even the ability to play literally all previously purchased digital Wii games.
Offered a real small fee for optionally upgrading to Wii U versions.

Customers: "oh fuck that, we want to buy everything once again"
Customers: "and we love buying ports of older games for full price over and over again" (because almost nothing new is actually made)
Customers: "and we love rebuying controllers every single fucking generation"

nu-customers are idiots.
That's why the Wii u failed.
Plus retarded name.

Dark Souls

Dark Souls 1
>muh just use this NeoPedo-patch, that breaks part of the game
Fuck off.


Anything that has not even proper mouse+keyboard controlled menus, which is becoming standard because muh focused on so called consoles.
>not bad at all, just get used to playing with your inaccurate shitty Microsoft controller

Saints Row 2

Mortal Kombat X

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
Resident Evil 4 (muh buy the 'HD' re-release for full price again to somewhat fix it)
Metal Gear Solid 2
Mega Man

This has been a very Tim Sweeny thread. Brought to you by the letter K.

Dark Souls 2
>let's tie weapon and armor degradation to fps

>newfag doesn't know the bump limit on Yea Forums is 500 and thought he could get the 300th post

Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition


Journos have been free PR for Epic since it launched, where the hell have you been?

Defend this steamdrones.


>let's tie weapon and armor degradation to fps
Did they actually do this? What the fuck?

>all the people that disagree with me are shills
holy shit, have sex


how is valve so cucked that they're willingly allowing a positive review bomb of a god damn ubisoft game, the very same publisher that said fuck you to them for epic.
this is your "based" steam right now Yea Forums

What the fuck is going on that they're only just now commenting on this? The Unity giveaway was over a month ago.

I think Steam is losing users and they're desperate for an excuse to stir up discussion.

I'm pretty valve is just lazy as usual and someone remembered that this was supposed to be a thing.

>Devil May Cry 3
>Metal Gear Solid 1
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Dark Souls
Too easy.

>why the hate?

Good grief, do something productive with your life /pol/tard.

Don't even bother responding to me, I won't read it.

>117 posters before the last 9 posts
>119 posters after the last 9 posts
Kek the samefagging from these shills is unreal.
We can see the post and poster count you idiot shill.

Not talking to you, blue-pilled newfag.
Lurk moar.

>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?

Attached: 1555747867414.png (4425x2609, 3.75M)

haha, digital lefty companies
Always hilarious.

>these reviews here are illegal opinions, we will mark them as "off-topic", and make them invisible in a sense

at the same time:
>our opinion on these developers is that they did something that we don't like
>our opinion on these games is that they contain something that we don't like
>Let's remove this violent video game from our store
>Let's keep GTA V though
>Let's remove these games, that contain "nudity"
>Let's keep degenerate LGBTQPR trash though

Lefty logic.

console wars are and will always be the biggest stinker on this board with no contest

>Anyone saying anything that actually makes sense is a "/pol/tard", especially when that post attacks my beloved Valve
You sound like a tranny.
No offense.

Meanwhile on the right, Catholic priests molest children.

Are you retarded? Journalists love ebin game store.

I literally don't understand all this hate for EGS. It makes absolutely no sense.
Why are people constantly complaining about it? It's getting very annoying at this point and I wish they'd just shut up.
No-one has even explained why the EGS is bad and I'm very fed up with all this baseless hate.

Attached: 1516188952787.png (205x206, 45K)

>priests are right-wing
Last time I checked so called "catholic church" was pro-migration, which is 100% leftie.
Also wait - isn't child fucking leftie as well?
So called "liberal"
"Love knows no age" and other insane trash like that.

Opposite of right wing.
Exact opposite.
Right wing would be the actual church, where people are not acting like degenerate trash.

>righty activates damage control
>it's not very effective...

Everybody be nice to Chang, he needs this social score to get out of his mother's basement and be a good citizen.

It's really pathetic to samefag this much, shill.

Just because I'm against illegal migration + fucking children (basically the same thing) does not make me right wing.
It makes me a human being.

are you fucking retarded? egs is a fucking shitshow. rubbish security, funded by chinese overlords, no basic features, not consumer friendly, just to name a few.

But you STILL haven't explained why EGS is bad. Those are meaningless opinions.

Valve has deep pockets and journalists on tap

Fuck Chang. I hope China collapses into civil war due to the social credit system by creating a rebel contingent from bad score fags.

>rubbish security
In what way?
Was it hacked recently?
>funded by chinese overlords
raycist much?
At least not founded by Microsoft people
>no basic features
I can buy games.
I can install games.
I can play games.
What else do you need?
>not consumer friendly
In what way?

I will mark your post as racist.
Hopefully someone will do their fucking moderation job.

Tiananmen Square 1989

He said "not consumer friendly", which is what we already have - it's called Steam.
With their shitty online DRM.
So not being consumer friendly is obviously not a problem, otherwise Steam would be dead by now (which it should be).
Fuck Steam.

>Epic shills
You're both retarded and your "stores" where you don't own anything are both a blight on this hobby. The only worthwhile all-digital distribution platform these days is TPB.

>Microsoft people
What exactly do you mean by Microsoft people? Are you being a racist bigot? You do realise those street shitters are way smarter than you will ever be you little incel bigot faggot. I'll be reporting you to the authorities for this. Hope you get raped by niggers in jail.

>The only worthwhile all-digital distribution platform
is called GOG.
No DRM at all.
Get a copy, do whatever you want with it.

>muh pirate
Yeah, fuck you and your piracy that ruined PC gaming.
With GOG you can buy games.
People still stealing shows that these people are simply assholes, that ruin it for everyone.

I think the funniest part about this is that Pat said he had every form of account protection in place; two step verification and all that which correct me if I'm wrong pretty much makes your account pretty much unhackable and he still got flagged for fraudulent activity. This would be all solved with a SHOPPING CART, you'd think during a really big sale that would be a fucking important feature. Come on now, Epic.

Attached: 1501610419245.jpg (540x606, 64K)

If you hate them so much why do you keep calling them PCbros?

Yep, armor and weapons took damage multiplied by the number of frames they intersected one another during each attack. Supposedly so that quick light attacks caused less damage to weapons/armor than massive cleaves, but the actual result was to make all weapons and armor as fragile as crystal, and giving the blacksmith lots more business than just repairing rings of sacrifice.

Why are you replying to your own posts?

>Are you being a racist bigot?
Microsoft is not a race.
>Hope you get raped
That's not very nice, Gabe.
>by n-word
Now that's raycist.

I guarantee you'd think the same thing about Steam if it was reported in the same light

>Was it hacked recently?
Accounts are constantly being hacked in to and stolen. This is amplified by EGS's customer service being incredidbly slow and unhelpful.
>raycist much?
Chinks aren't human. China is an enemy of the west. Stop giving them your information.
>What else do you need?
A functioning shopping cart would be a fucking start.
>In what way? (not consumer friendly)
Limiting outlets for buying products by bribing publishers, creating a monopoly that they claim Steam has.
Forcing customers to pay for transaction fees while every other storefront covers them.
Banning customers who buy too many games.
Being chinese.

He's obviouyl retarded
As if Epic Games Store wouldn't be running on PC.

>EGS shills get paid to shill
>Steam fanboys do it for free
And yet EGS shills are supposed to be more pathetic?

Attached: 1428209425259 (2).jpg (297x545, 38K)

>everything else in that post seemed reasonable EXCEPT hating Capcom
tripfag, I am disappoint

Microsoft is literally a race. And they will replace your racist ass. Your time is over. Make way for the microsoft street shitting race. Superpower by 2020.

>EGS shills get paid to shill
>People who dislike EGS complain about EGS and its shills
>EGS shills call them Steam fanboys instead

Sasuga, EGS Shill-chan.
¥5 has been deposited in to your account.

Does anyone know if Risk of Rain is a good game?

What's the balance of your Valve account, Mr Steam-shill-chama?

>Accounts are constantly being hacked
>Chinks aren't human
>A functioning shopping cart
This is not a supermarket, who the fuck needs shopping carts?
Who the fuck buys tons of games at the same time?
>Limiting outlets for buying products by bribing publishers
That's called exclusives, and exclusives are everywhere.
Has nothing to do with this specific store.
>creating a monopoly that they claim Steam has.
That makes no sense.
Look up what the word "monopoly" actually means.
Steam has it.
And Steam is awful.
>Forcing customers to pay for transaction fees while every other storefront covers them.
Pro-Tip: Just because it's part of the price does not mean that the customer is not paying for it.
Pro-Tip: the customer is always paying for everything.
>Banning customers who buy too many games.
That's called security protection.
Who the fuck buys thousands of games on a single day?
No one, except bots.
>Being chinese

Chinese don't use Yen.


Attached: (you).png (10000x10000, 558K)

It's not on the EGS so it's probably shit.

Ching-chongs literally copying everything.

>Look up what the word "monopoly" actually means.
>Steam has it.
you should look it up yourself, "monopoly" does not mean "my flawed shitty digital storefront is not making as much money as all the others"

>my flawed shitty digital storefront
In case of Steam that's actually what monopoly is.
As pathetic as it is.
I blame the idiotic consumers.

It's shills though. Because even overwatch was shilled to the point that the board was nothing but threads about that God awful game.
Post release it just nose dived in thread counts. It certainly was popular enough at launch that people were still talking about it, but pre and post launch was like night and day.
I really had to admit that the shilling is real and that game companies definitely come here.

You have selective memory. I saw tons of Overwatch threads after release. It was only after a month or so, when people realized the game wasn't getting any new content, that the threads died out.

Go away shill.

>All threads about $something are made by shills
All threads are shill threads then.
Lurk moar.

Majority marketshare is not the same as monopoly you brainlet.
Every non valve title released on steam affords a developer the ability to generate keys by which they can sell their game directly, or via third party sites.
The only stipulation valve has for this is that any sale on their own site, or on a third party site should be available on steam as well (if the sales are covering steam keys).
If the developer on the other hand chooses to distribute non steam versions of their title, then they can charge whatever they want.
The idea being that steam keys provide value in valve covering the server costs for downloads and updates, where the developer is handling the server distribution costs on versions without a steam key themselves.

>t. Corporate cuck

>Microsoft is not a monopoly
Yes, it is.

Well the fact you responded to that post and not the other one firmly establishes you as a lying shitposter.

Gotta get those clicks bro

I didn't say they disappeared. Just that the endless spam and fake positivity about the game went away over night.
Post launch, yeah it was still being discussed, but to a much less extent, and the comments were far more Yea Forums in nature, rather than the weirdly robotic positive shit you saw during the lead up.

OP must be Chinese

Not really how that works when you yourself drop unreal tournament

>internet journalism makes money with adverts
>most times per accumulated clicks on the article

>user can't grasp that articles may be written inflamatory on purpose to achieve a maximum number of clicks

No, it’s not,

>moving the goalposts.
Look man, I get you're a fucking pleb with economics. But at least address the fucking argument.

I responded to both, you stupid faggot.

So keep pirating then.

>I'm an authority
Not an argument.
Also no.
>moving goalposts
I simply made it obvious what a bunch of shit you posted.
Microsoft Windows is a monopoly, although there is Linux (lol) and MacOS (kek).
When you accept this truth fact, you should see what Microsoft Windows and Steam have in common.

That’s not what a monopoly is. Hell, they don’t even have an EFFECTIVE monopoly.

>Microsoft Windows is not a monopoly.
>Microsoft Ruled a Monopoly / Court finds firm abused its power
Fuck off, idiot.
>muh that was back then
Yeah, and they weren't split up.
It has gotten even worse nowadays.

Even the commie journos don't like epic, Probably be banned in the states soon too

>it’s gotten even worse
In a world where the cult of Apple is as strong as it’s ever been?

>muh cult of Apple
Walk into almost any company anywhere and you will see PCs running Windows, and using Office.
You want to play current games on PC?
Then you will have to install Windows, which almost everyone has except a few faggots still thinking that this year will be the Linux desktop.
>but muh smartphone
Fuck off, idiot.

Nigga Apple ain't even it's own hardware anymore, just IBM-PC compats running a non Windows OS. The fuck outta here.

>San Francisco ruled it a monopoly
San Francisco does a lot of stupid shit. Doesn't mean their rule-by-fiat applies to the rest of the USA.

Attached: San Francisco, Democrat Dream City.jpg (750x727, 76K)

Amerilard doesn’t know about paragraphs and thinks text should be one big block of letters.

Do you get triggered reading a book or a magazine or something that is at least more than two sentences?

>Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson did a lot of stupid shit.
No, you retarded faggot with your muh authority bullshit.

>in which the U.S. government accused Microsoft of illegally maintaining its monopoly position in the PC market

>Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson issued his findings of fact on November 5, 1999, which stated that Microsoft's dominance of the x86-based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly, and that Microsoft had taken actions to crush threats to that monopoly, including Apple, Java, Netscape, Lotus Software, RealNetworks, Linux, and others.

>Microsoft's dominance of the x86-based personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly

Now FUCK OFF, you retarded piece of shit.

More of a gaffe than anything, if it's not already resolved then it's definitely a major issue.
I'd bet it was addressed within a business day for the affected accounts.

Isn’t steam the one actively trying to push linux support? The same linux support that Epic dismissed out of hand?

>actively trying to push linux support?
And we already see how far that goes.
No one wants that piece of shit except nerds.
And not even all nerds, just the special ones, who think computers should be a puzzle.
>that Epic dismissed
Based on how well it went for Steam, that was actually the right decision.
It's a waste of money.
Anyone with a brain would have seen this, Linux never succeeded on the desktop and never will. Because it's a piece of shit.
Of course Valve has tons of money because of their Steam monopoly. Tons to waste.

>epic supporting a monopoly is fine
Not this time bugman.

>supporting a monopoly
So is Steam, and literally every game developer out there.
That's what a monopoly like Windows does.
That's what makes it a monopoly.
You can't get around it.
Wasting money on trash like Linux doesn't change that.

>muh will make Linux games only
>I only sold 5 copies, why?

So, let me get this straight, Tim, you shit on Steam for being a monopoly, but also dismiss Valve's move to make Linux a viable alternative for gaming for 'being a waste of money', despite also having whined that Microsoft is a monopoly?

Then again, this might be some expertly crafted bait.

from your article:
>The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Judge Jackson's rulings against Microsoft.
So not a monopoly after all, and your retarded "it's a monopoly because I get to choose what words mean" argument is invalid.

Attached: communicating.png (303x435, 26K)

>linux only
Literally just making more games linux compatible for free, something Epic refused to do.

>make Linux a viable alternative for gaming
Things that will never happen for $800, Alex.

>being a waste of money
Which it is.
Way too many retards working on the Linux crap.

>implying when you want to get rid of the Windows monopoly, you have to go with retarded shit like Linux
Linux will never be used by normies, simply because it's even more retarded than Windows.
And you will never fix that, because way too many Linux retards.

It's actually showing that Valve can throw away that much money on shit. Most companies wouldn't be able to afford that.

>Corrupt Washington D.C. did something corrupt
Oh noes, how could this happen...
Money pays.
Corruption pays.

>for free
Never the case.
doesn't want to throw money out of the window.

>calls others out on not knowing how paragraphs work
Oh the ironing.

It literally is the case, you dumb faggot. They are doing it RIGHT NOW.

>still wants to use "monopoly" to mean "i don't like thing"
>gets BTFO
>y-y-you're corrupt! money talks! shill shill shill

>They are doing it right now
Not for free, which was my point.
Nothing is free.
Someone is always paying for it.
And again: it's absolutely pointless.
Normies will never use Linux.
Because it's retarded shit.
They can't even simply work on one single GUI, no. We are Linux, we have to have 5.
It's retarded.
>muh diversity is our strongth.

>Loves Washington D.C.
Fuck off, retard.
I bet you also like pizza (and are a pedo fucker)

>nothing is free
Well prices certainly haven’t gone up during this development initiative, looks free to me.

Tempted to get wwz.

Attached: 1550785275187.jpg (750x742, 36K)

>telling the truth is hate speech
oh, again?

>"i don't like thing"
Things that never happened for $99, Alex.

Just shows that gamers lack any willpower.

You can't be this retarded.

>can't you guys just pirate like everyone else?
I can't imagine how more games could be made if everyone pirated.

>why is buying vidya a thing now despite them becoming gradually shit
If they're shit, then why are you pirating them?

Attached: 1549146765449.jpg (500x500, 52K)

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store

>now I pretend I'm not samefagging the whole thread, and somebody else made all the retarded arguments I made
i can keep this up as long as you

Don't worry, he'll come up with a masterful argument for why all of those are irrelevant, including built-in controller support or shopping carts.

Reminder that it's just one dude self fagging in this thread and all of you replying to him are idiots. Don't bump this shit idiots.

Oh shit! That double nigger is still here? I just saw an epic games store and wanted to shitpost.
But I'll gladly kek along the arguments

>steam steam steam steam steam
you ok?

>No reviews
"reviews" on Steam are manipulated
I prefer not being manipulated.
>No voice chat
Don't want to listen to faggots.
>No community forums
Why would I use those, when there is Yea Forums?
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
You are pretending to have friends, faggot?
>No wishlist
Sounds homo.
>No game tags
Sounds homo.
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
Sounds homo
>No h-games
Homo games?
>No music category
What the fuck?
>No software category
What the fuck?
>No video category
What the fuck?
>No linux support
Sounds homo and useless.
>No mac support
Sounds homo and useless.
>No regional pricing
Sounds also homo.
Why should certain people pay more?
So Steam is socialism?
>No payment option variety
Who gives a
>No marketplace
No useless DLC shit to sell, good.
>No trading cards
No useless DLC shit, good.
>No trading
No useless DLC shit, good.
>No user profile customization
Sounds homo.
>No achievements
Sounds full homo.
>No controller support
If I wanted to play with an inaccurate piece of shit, I would get a PS4.
>No family sharing
We are on 4.
>No overlay with browser
Sounds homo.
>No client skinning support
Even more homo.
>No controller-friendly mode
Get a PS4, faggot.
>No local network gameplay streaming
Sounds homo.
>No cloud saves
Sounds homo and gay.
>No backup feature
Actual men backup themselves, and do not trust Microsoft faggots.
>No adding third party games to your list
Why would you want to do that?
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store
Cheaper prices, there it is.
Makes all of your homo points be gone.
I don't want to pay for shit, that homosexuals use.
I also don't pay for dildos.

Maybe I'm actually you?
Maybe you are actually me.
Maybe you are actually a shill wanting to keep this thread up?

I'm bumping because it's funny (admittedly I am legit retarded). Especially since "game journalists" have been sucking Epic Games off so much that one dude trying to offer the tiniest bit of constructive criticism seems like Literally Hitler to EGS shills.

Good joke, OP.

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>Why is it that gane journalism is perpetuating this hate towards the EGS?
You make it sound like it's undeserved. Pro tip: it isnt

>"reviews" on Steam are manipulated
>I prefer not being manipulated.
no need to read the rest

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Cry more bitch nigga

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I’m not personally incurring the costs, neither are the people benefiting from this. It is a free initiative to the consumer.


>can't be bothered to read the thread.
It's okay, newfag.

Let me repost it.

>but but but

Ok retard. , this is the kind of autist you are trying to argue with. At least have the decency to sag.

keep going

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>I give xx% of all my purchases to Steam
>Steam does stupid shit with my money
>Everything that Steam does with my money is free.
>I prefer expensive prices on Steam instead of cheaper ones.

>can't be bothered to read.

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>t. homosexual
It's okay.
I don't hate all homosexuals.
I just don't like what you are doing.
This in out in out regarding ass is simply disugsting.
My opinion.


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Works for me, git gud.

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Wow, replying to myself all the time,
So much fun.

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Doing better than Steam on launch. The client used to crash when clicking trough simple menus.

The alternative is me paying those same prices and the company not spending the money on anything. 60 dollar games has been standard for almost as long as I’ve been alive, and I don’t see that price going down. Epic certainly hasn’t given me any price cuts.

>In the case of AC:Unity, the positive review spike looks significant in the Recent Reviews view, but in the overall Review Score it only shifted from 59.7% up to 61%, both of which are squarely in the Mixed reviews bucket.

Oh wow. It's fucking nothing. Only a literal retard would buy a game based only on the recent reviews. Not that EGS would know about that since their store has no review system in place

>crash when clicking trough simple menus.
Epic can't do anything right.

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Wow, amazing. And my shitty Renault is faster than the first car ever made. Incredible, I know!

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lol faggot journos LOVE the Epic Games Store because it's anti-consumer and we all know how much journos hate consumers (AKA their audience). They want EGS to surpass Steam because it won't let you post reviews (that's for professional cuck journalists with a masters in gender studies to do, not some dumb gamer retards!) and keeps anything resembling a sex game far, far away.

Good job, you outdid an ancient experimental platform, but it’s 2019 now and you are trying to release into the market with a shitty platform. Near every other platform in recent years launched in a better state.

sorry if I'm taking longer cause I'm playing KCD on my first monitor

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>I don’t see that price going down.
>Epic certainly hasn’t given me any price cuts.
Epic takes less money.
Blame the devs for keeping it.

Got a new thing to add to my filter thanks op

>actual rational discussion of the hazards of data analysis, such as distinguishing "review bombs" posted by fanatical brigades pushing politics from legit mass approval from people that will actually buy games
>this is proof of Valve's corruption
and that's why we keep reaching conclusions you think we shouldn't reach, and why you think you're the only person that read it and sees the problem that isn't actually there

Journalism of all kinds can sometimes fall into a trap of reporting the obvious, but what is obvious for some folks may not be for others, and this is disseminating information for folks who may not be well aware of things.

If you're seeing a lot of truthful articles, but those articles are showing off a negative thing, it may not be because the Journalists have a bone to pick - it could just be that the company in question is just making a lot of dumbshit decisions.

Which is what the EGS has done - As a neutral party, it looks pretty backwards to not even have a damn shopping cart function built in.

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Playing Payday 2
git gud

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That’s not how this works, epic could easily negotiate better prices while keeping the dev’s cut identical. They put no work in for me while simultaneously giving me none of the benefits I have come to expect. I have no reason to use their platform, and have many reasons to avoid using it.

>positive "review bombs" do not exist
>We SAID positive "review bombs" do NOT exist
>That's why we will only block so called negative "review bombs"
>rational discussion
>not censorship

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>EGS shill think he will get people to his side by shitting on journos
LOL, smooth brain move right there. Tip for you shill, both journos and egs are shit, try a new strategy.

>dev's cut
It's actually the devs game.
Epic takes less.
In fact way less.
Devs being 100%-greedy and take all, instead of splitting w/ their customers.
>Epic should
That's not how that works.

>AC:U flood of positive reviews must be positive review bomb
>nothing to do with upsurge of intetest and actual appreciation for Virtual Notre Dame after the real one burned down
>Valve makes all its money predicting exactly this kind of purchasing trend
>since more people are actually buying the game, it's not actually a review bomb
>all this is explained in the thread

That’s completely how that works, you fag. Epic does no work for the consumer.

>tons of negative reviews are a "review bomb"
>there is no way that people simply think that the game is shit
>the developers also can fuck little kids, who gives a shit
>You must not blame the devs for any of that and "review bomb" anything
>let's ban these right-wing people though
>let's ban this game that is just a bit violent, while keeping way more violent games
>let's ban this dev, because he said something that we didn't like
>this game gets tons of positive reviews all of a sudden
>if it was negative reviews, it would be definitely a "review bomb"
>but it's positive, which means higher rating, which means more shekels for us
>So we will definitely never take care of those because these bombs make us money
>Just like the IMC will never care about dead children murdered by their bombs
>Oh btw. none of this is censorship.

>take less fees
>dev ask for effectively higher prices (probably even related to contracts with Valve)
>Epic does not work for the consumer

Let me mirror that
>takes way higher fees
>censors reviews
>bullshits customers
>Valve is definitely working for the customer
Hilarious clown world.

Let’s mirror that again
>takes less fees, still maintains identical prices
>disallows reviews in the first place
>has not stopped bullshitting customers from day one
>Epic works less for the customer than Valve does