In this thread: gamer fuel

In this thread: gamer fuel

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>tfw finding out how much calories are in boba tea

goddamn, I used to drink boba like pic related while also eating a sandwich

unironically water faggot


stop making me hungry cunt
im losing weight

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>It's a Yea Forums gamerfuel thread
>Everyone pretends to drink water and eat healthy
I know there's probably at least one or two of you who actually do, but, come on.

No suger, no enargy

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For me it's Gin and Tonic

where do y'all get you gamer girl pee

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I've been drinking oreo milkshake nonstop
shit's great

this guy doesn't burn body fat as energy like the rest of us

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Wtf is that?

I'm off soda for a year now. It's amazing how much you save by not drinking garbage that still leaves you thirsty. I have some cola in my fridge for guests and milk for dinner, but that's it.

roughly 3,300 k/cal

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What the fuck is that.

Also Pomegranate Tea

Chink fuel

The only thing I drink other than water are milkshakes

thai milk tea with bubbles that are filled with fruity liquids

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>Any fluid other than gamer girl pee
Yea ill pass thanks

Not enough

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Monster Energy Drink, zero ultra.

Guys I drink water so i'm objectively better than all of you haha fucking faggots

soda damages your body more than you realize

>team and milk makes you fat ! do you know how much protein there is in thos pearls!?

its the tons of sugar they pour in retard

Cranberry juice is nice. Tescos do the best one.

You can ask to reduce sugar and no pearls...

For some reason I was under the impression boba was mostly a west coast thing. Or at least a predominantly Asian area thing. Am I wrong?

>caring about being fat
lmao what a basic npc you are
it don't matter
none of it matter

That's why I only drink water. I'll never have to worry about cancer or other illnesses as long as I only drink water.

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Fuck regular ass water, that shits for faggots
Where my hot dog water niggas at?

But user cool kids drink water. Don't you want to be a true contrarian?

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what the fuck

Water, tea, coffee, homemade meals that don't take too much effort.


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precisely what i was thinking. this looks like something professionally made too, like in a kitchen or at a stand, but what the hell is it? it's too big to be a sandwich, no one could feasibly eat that..what is being layered on top. and why the mass of sauce?

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i think its mexican street food, its supposed to be pretty good but completely repulsive to look at

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you fucking idiot fo course it matters, you know how shitty is taking a dump when fat. nah man, I want to crap like perfectly, feeling light, not getting sodomized when the shit come out and your ass no becoming a fauset.

What does being fat feel like?

I can't ever look at Link the same way I used to, now that I've masturbated to all the porn of him that flooded the internet in the past few years. It hasn't been flattering of his masculinity.
Damn bro, we used to be homies, going on adventures together, and now I can't look at you as a man.

Milk tea is pretty fuckin good.
Also, so many waterlets in this thread. Just stick some cut up fruit or cucumber in your water and Bam, healthy drink and snack.

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