Malkchads get in here
It's our week
Other urls found in this thread:
Based retard OP
Also this is Tzimice week sweaty :^)
Are there lewds?
chads don't call themselves chads
You mean Banu Haqim week.
there's plenty, anone
inb4 malks are just gdc autism trannies
it's Venchad week, plebs.
But it's Ventrue week?
And you know, keeping the best for last and all that.
LaCroix will be back and fuckable
Pick your clan Yea Forums
>that last one
Why would a vampire smoke? It's not like they have normal blood circulation.
It's Nosferatu.
Why does anyone start smoking?
To look cool.
Tremere a best
Delete the last one.
Based Malkchad
Because they can't eat (barring some clans) and they can't get cancer
Smoking helps with the blood cravings, it's an ironically healthy habit for vampires.
>Smoking helps with the blood cravings
How though? I want to see the actual lore as to how that makes any fucking sense what so ever.
Fill mouth with smoke to distract from desire to fill mouth with neck.
Same principle as smokers using gum and candy to cope without.
>implying lore will help that make sense
That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. Do you even know any smokers or anyone with addictions?
I mean I would hope so, they could at least try.
It is something a Toreador or Ventrue with high humanity would do
It doesnt using actual lore.
A vampire needs to activate Blush of Life to act normal, breathe and use cigarettes. That costs blood.
It would make a vampire hungrier.
>Yea Forums will be disappointed with the choice of club music, for sure
you do realize they don't play shit like ISOLATED in clubs anymore, right?
there are still goth clubs that would. it's just not as popular. genitorturers are even still touring.
it doesn't have to be an exact reflection of real life.
Some vampires do smoke, before anyone claims otherwise. But mostly because it's a habit they had when they were alive. Little things like that help keep humanity honestly.
get ready for some rap and Ariana Grande shit
Reminder that she was gen 6th, making her retarded strong
Not really. It just meant she had low gen. How much skilled is she/or not as said 6th gen, is up to debate.
Explain how? Being low gen =/= instantly strong just because of it.
It would be like winning million dollars. Just because you won the lottery, it doesn't mean that your life will become easy butter because of it, or that you'll stay "rich" if you don't smartly invest.
VTM isn't some power level anime
>le slutty schoolgirl complete with pigtails
Literally, unironically and objectively the worst meme fetish.
He's not, power autismo.
Low gen means jack shit these days. Unless someone is 4th gen and lower, they can fuck off and watch left and right not to get jumped by someone who will diablerize them.
i don't think anyone cares about the "schoolgirl" part
user, being low gen is being shit these days because all of them tend to end up as someone's food. Unless you're Caine himself, you're fucked if you're low gen.
I'm more focused on her tramp stamp, actually
>Unless someone is 4th gen and lower, they can fuck off and watch left and right not to get jumped by someone who will diablerize them.
That goes for all low gens that aren't Caine desu. Pic very related.
Being low gen just isn't worth it. 8th gen is solid in my opinion. It's quite low, but not low enough to have too many power-autists hunting you down.
Isn't diablerie really frowned upon socially? Also isn't there a pretty high probability of you taking over a high-gen diablerist if you're low-gen?
>too many power-autists hunting you down.
just have some childer being your bodyguards, holy shit
Giovanni knows how to deal with that shit really well
Tabak had Sabbat. That didn't saved him from freshly embraced Dracula's fangs.
>only good guy among vampires
>Shitmere kill him
He's still kicking though, and won over Tremere.
Vlad is too based.
>tfw you'll never torture your own sire until he agrees to embrace you
Dude there is literally a nosferatu head peeking up over the box
4d chess
>implying you weren't dominated and all happened according to his keikaku
user 5th gen Tzimisce got fucked hard by a GHOUL until he was forced to turn him into a vampire as well in order to live.
Low gens don't mean mean as such.
Based Drac.
so what's he up to these days?
can he show up in the game at all?
Well, Seattle is Camrilla's domain and Drac kinda isn't welcome among Camarilla due to shitting on Masquerade more than any vampire ever did. So I doubt we'll see him in Seattle. Unless he comes just to piss off Camarilla further... which is quite possible.
>Got spooked on my first playthrough
>Play again with a different build
>Get spooked again because I forgot
that fucking raptor shit
>can he show up in the game at all?
If Inconnu somehow get included, then perhaps.
>Dracula as the Caine of the new game, manipulating the events behind the scenes
this would be too based for this world
Last Round theme > Isolated
Looks too furry for Nossie. If that thing is even anything at all. This place has become Yea Forums tier autistic with whole "look at hidden shit/symbolism/stuff" bullshit.
>This place has become Yea Forums tier autistic with whole "look at hidden shit/symbolism/stuff" bullshit.
That's how shit is marketed today. I agree it's garbage, but you literally have devs saying "there's something hidden in this new ad so keep looking at it and talking about it!"
I mean its just a head with a faux hawk haircut
I was reading this wiki entry, and it states
>Following this, the vampire must regain Humanity and feel remorse. Mechanically, this is expressed by keeping Humanity above 7 and by spending Willpower to avoid frenzy under all circumstances.
Dracula's sheet states his humanity is 3, how is he achieving golconda at all?
He replaced his humanity for his based level, which is off the charts.
I'm with you there, but theorizing and going crazy over theories is all these threads have now.
should they implement alternatives to Humanity?
I just think that anons are over-blowing shit way too much in way too Yea Forumsutistic style.
It's one thing to theorize something, and it's completely another to start throwing "facts" that were never confirmed anywhere other than anons' head.
>Look at this dark last room. Nosferatu fukken confirmed. Nobody can deny this.
>Oh no, but you're wrong. I'm gonna write an essay of why this is Lasombra and this is CANON now. Nobody can deny it.
>HAHAHA! Get fucked Lasombrafags. There is a cracked mirror. So this is clearly meant to be Malkavians. Fuck anyone who dares to say otherwise. This is asylum and we're in.
>Poster guy is Beckett because I'm clearly retarded tumblerina that doesn't know jack shit about Beckett.
>Poster guy is clearly a Malkavian. Malkavians were always poster children of vtmb. He's a Malk. Fuck anyone who says he's not.
>Poster guy is clearly Vandal. Can't you see that they look alike?
>Get dabbed on Malkfags! Poster guy is Anson, crazy Toreador Prince of Seattle.
>(Nosferatufags waking up from their coffins) YEAY! This must mean we're in again since Malkfags got dabbed on by Toreadorfags. WE'RE IN! See this random inhuman head? It must be Nosferatu.
t. absolute state of these threads lately
This is not just theorizing anymore. It's just pure autism that makes my head hurt.
It's honestly sad how much that greentext is accurate.
Who’s there?!?
Who’s there?!?
Don't forget the time when Malkavianfags were convinced that Toreador's haven was actually Malkavian's haven.
>implying good lad lambach isn't playing the long game
>Yea Forums hidden symbols
The Tokyo Ghoul threads were fucking hilarious
I agree. Fags don't treat their theories as said theories anymore, but as confirmed facts. Which is why there is so much arguing of late every time someone suggest something else.
imagine being in a clan that the perk is being retarded
l o l
Other clans aren't much better from malks in that regard:
>main perk of being nu-brujah is being a landwhale that everyone makes fun off
>main perk of being gangrel is being a furry
>main perk of being a toreadr is being a degenerate faggot
>main perk of being ventrue is having a limp dick
>main perk of being tremere is being kikes that killed only cool vampire guy
>main perk of being nosferatu is being fucking ugly
They're all shit in equal way and Caine is to thank for that.
>main perk of being nu-brujah is being a landwhale that everyone makes fun off
>main perk of being gangrel is being a furry
I understand what you mean in this one, at least, even if it's silly and wrong
>main perk of being a toreadr is being a degenerate faggot
>main perk of being ventrue is having a limp dick
>main perk of being tremere is being kikes that killed only cool vampire guy
if you want to mock tremere, mock the tight leash they have to wear, being powerful and having killed someone is not something that you can make fun of
>main perk of being nosferatu is being fucking ugly
I believe you could have phrased this in a funny way, but you didn't even try, I am dissappoint
>We will never have such racist characters like fat larry, the weird shaped chinatown men, the chinese spy and the anime girl
>main perk of being ventrue is having a limp dick
None of these are the main perks of the clans though. The main perk of being a Tremere is being a blood mage, the main perk of being Toreador or Ventrue is the supernatural charisma, Brujah and Gangrel are strong as fuck and Nosferatu are great spies and assassins, what do you get for being Malkavian? "Insight" or visions that you don't understand because you're too insane or paranoid?
>main perk of being a toreadr is being a degenerate faggot
i dont see the problem
He's right desu
His limp dick thing is just a meme. See His post is mostly just ironic.
who are you quoting and why are you putting it there
He's right though. From vampire perspective sex is absolutely pointless. Only reason why humans are obsessed with is because:
>is fun
None of these things apply for vampires. Therefore, yea. He's right about his limp dick point.
I read this in Sebastian's voice.
You can literally have sex with 2 people, enter a romantic relationship and get proposed to have AIDS sex in the game.
Have sex.
>not giving your ghoul a good dicking once in a while to show who is boss
That would probably be too hard to do because it takes considerable effort and mental discipline to adopt a different Path. Not to mention programming several morality systems at once is a gargantuan task. We'd be lucky if we even got one such path, and if we do it's probably one of the boring ones like Path of Honorable Accord since it's way easier to make moral decisions around.
This one bothers me so much I legitimately kill the guard in the second Haven as soon as I get it. Motherfucker's dying from tuberculosis anyway.
>AIDS sex
Nani the fuck? I know about the PC's sire and Romero, but the fuck is the rest?
>Pic very related.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
PC's sire
VV (no sex but a weird romantic relationship)
The sabath chick that proposes you to have sex with her while biting each other off
I actually forgot about Jeanette. Fuck I'm a retard. As for Jezebel Locke, I always get so annoyed that she nearly clips through the wall to start the encounter that I skip through the dialogue.
You can fuck Jezebel?
What happens?
Based and kekpilled.
No but she tries to tempt you to have bity sex with her
Perfect sum of the last few week's VTMB threads. I regret nothing.
Don't forget our mommies and daddies.
>Laughs in Ventrue
Ventrue will be next, then the Nosferaru. Seethe harder fishmalks and furfags. Malks work better as NPCs anyway.
You ready for tomorrow, Ventruebros?
Tzimiscebros i fear we might not make it
Genocide route confirmed.
ur manlet
Post your hopes and dreams for other supernatural shit
>Mandatory furfag encounter
>A fucking demon
Malkavians and Nosfe are DLC's tho?
you'll never know
I was under the impression that splats other than werewolves don't really play well with vampires, but a brief glimpse or tease about a mage might be cool.
I wanna see some fucking mages appear. That's the only of the main three WoD splats that didn't show up in the first game, assuming Mr. Ox wasn't a mage of some sort.
If both of them are DLC clans then the game won't launch with a dedicated stealthy clan, you dip. One of them WILL be playable at launch, you can count on that.
Malks are the final clan. Nossies won't be in the game period. Nossie's can't wear the costumes you get for preordering and that blood bag hunt on the website
chink vampires again because it enjoy killing them
I'm good. Fuckign mage-fags are the worst part of these threads. There's always several posts about their retarded mary sue anime wizards and how they are sooo cool they can do literally eberything
Sounds like you're SEETHING because vampires will never reach the power levels of archmages.
>people complain about magefags powerwanking
>magefags continue to powerwank to prove them wrong
P o t t e r y
Cope harder vampirefags
In all seriousness though, mages are fun if you don't powerwank. It's just that the fanboys keep acting like they're supposed to be so powerful that nothing else compares to them when pretty much every splat can kick a mage's ass assuming they don't get the opportunity to cast any spells.
Eh lorefags. How do demons compare to Antediluvians?
Neither exist. Gehenna is not real, neonate.
maybe on the same level? I think demons can't really unleash their crazy shit in full because of their imprisonment or whatever
Then why does everyone talk about how god like they are?
They talk about it like how they talk about True Faith
Unlimited power in theory fuckall to be found in practice
Silly neonate
>turns into a wolf
dont you know
>flees from werewolf
that fairytales
>watches vampire make man explode
like Caine
>lives for hundreds of years
and God
>hangs out with ghost
are mere
>sits on couch made of still living dude
>meets Caine
I mean seriously
>Another copypasted Angel
Fuck you paradox, just get the original song.
post 1:45 is pretty good to be honest
>be vampire from XIX century
>survived enough to live in current times
>now has to live among and dress like a S&M freak, furry shit, trans children addivocates, or whatever degenerates are into nowaday
being a vampire is suffering
>WoD fandom is full of deviant weirdos
what is new
Never knew about the pedophilia
>t. S&M freak, furry shit, trans children addivocate, or whatever degenerate
Don't project your swedish family on a fictional gothic-punk setting.
>Do you even know any smokers or anyone with addictions?
they smoke cock
Don't they have the same guy that did the music for the first game back? I really like this.
Yeah it's the same dude
Same lead writer as well.
I can't see how anyone can like this design.
She really has that chubby aunt face going and those tits while im super glad there's cleavage in a modern game, don't really count when they are not attached to something desirable.
Not to mention that for a vampire that should have an unnatural beauty, she has really coarse looking skin.
She has a few moles. That's not coarse. Why are you guys so picky
I wonder, how different are vampires from demons in the lore?
Aren't they essentially the same thing but in different planes or something? one being a more powerful version of the other obviously.
demons are fallen angels, vampires are unfortunate humans.
No no, if you can find a hi-rez image of her you'll see what I mean. It's obviously pretty good for human standards but you'll see what I'm talking about.
She's not crazy hot but she's not ugly, only thing that weirds me out is she looks like a white version of that bitch from Dexter.
What makes you think vampire should have better skin than humans?
Ahh, I see, I thought maybe there was some relation between the two.
Because they had it as a habit when they were embraced. And why would they stop
I just wanted to talk about this when I wanted to post in this thread. Sure we have all these playable clans, but instead of limiting to Camarilla we honestly should get more options.
Just for once I'd love to play as Tzimice or a Gargoyle. Especially the former for the sake of mass body horror and near alien way of dealing with others.
I guess it's just my assumption but I thought maybe Toreadors had some beautifying effects when they embrace someone, maybe some of the other clans too.
They can breathe manualy, otherwise they couldn't fucking talk.
It's automatic breathing and unconscious movements that are limited to Blush of Life and rather fresh kindred
more like not-feratu
Because you wouldn't get much if anything from smoking with how vampire bodies work in said universe.
Like Presence?
What's racist about Fat Larry? He isn't stereotypical
Not exactly, some threads back a pen-n-paper user was talking about something like, when you get embraced, depending on the clan, you change a bit physically, like getting a bit thinner, fairer/coarser skin, etc.
I think Presence is more of a perception thing right? Sort of passive hypnosis.
>my assumption but I thought
Read a book nigger.
If you see a beautiful tory, it's because his or her sire thought that they are beautiful.
>so what's he up to these days?
Trying to rid the Tzimisce of Kupala's influence/hold over them.
Also, pounding Beckett in his ass.
No, paths a horrible concept because 95% of players that want to take them can't actually roleplay someone on a path, also they got far too widespread in the later stages of revised. I just prefer my elders to have relatively low humanity scores.
A Technocracy game where you get to play as an Iteration X agent, backed by Progenitor, NWO and a Void Engineer cast of sidekicks, in exterminating all Reality Deviants.
>depending on the clan, you change a bit physically, like getting a bit thinner, fairer/coarser skin, etc.
No, unless physical deformity is the clan curse
Stop right there, neonate.
Presence is a discipline, an active power.
There are very few clans and bloodlines that change their appearance after embrace.
Nosferatu become ugly and lasombra lose their reflection, for example, but furries get animalistic traits only when they faill frenzy check.
General pale skin ain't worth mentioning.
If you like these clans PLEASE go back to plebbit
do you ever read after yourself?
its embarassing
Tzimisce is more tumblr, with the gender neutral thing
Pentex game, fuck the Garou
>having to play as one of those boring ass glorified toasters instead of being a based Voidbro
absolutely disgusting
Tzimisce is more like Discord, because Discord is full of trannies.
>sexual violence
>neo-nazi ideology
haven't these things always been in the lore? i'm not sure about the neo-nazi stuff or how it was implemented, but the other two things have definitely always been in the lore. who's the guy who created hollywood and was embraced when he was a child? did paradox know what they were buying?
One of the pre-gen characters in the first playtest about the fall of Berlin was a female Toreador who had a herd of underage refugee boys.
With the obvious implications. Though I don't really understand why they were upset considering it was literally only brought up in a possible "court" scene where that characters was put to death
>sexual violence
That's kind of a given with vampires
>neo nazi
Oh god I remember that shitshow, a fucking example diceroll had the result 1,4,8,8 which was literally the basis of the entire argument leading to them reading the Brujah section as endorsing neo nazis.
A work of art.
I find ironic that Malkavians aren't in VtMB 2 because they make fun of crazies while genuine mental illness like transgenderism is in the game.
They don't want to portray mental illness and yet integrate mental illnesses. They don't want you to play mentally ill vampires because it is "disrespectful", while actually integrating mental illnesses in the character creation screen.
No cosplayer got it right like the original model did, thought. She looked absolutely sleazy.
>a fucking example diceroll had the result 1,4,8,8 which was literally the basis of the entire argument leading to them reading the Brujah section as endorsing neo nazis.
There is no way this is true.
Dracula sounds like the type of guy who'll install cable in his castle just so he can watch all the Dracula movies and reeee at "historically accurate" shows because they're not very accurate.
>Why would a vampire smoke?
Simulates breathing in colder climates. You don't want to constantly waste blood on appearing human or maybe you're unable to do it in the first place.
I wish I didn't knew that this was the case.
If I remember correctly the original "call-out" was made by some furry that later took it down for reasons I don't remember.
That shitstorm lead to Jason Carl doing a livestream with sneak peak for damage control.
The porn video is pretty good
That's because Void Engineers have fuckall to do with handling RDs on Earth. Their biggest concern is Threat Null.
In that order.
>Malkavians aren't in VtMB 2
source you fucking nigger faggot
what about the Neutralization Specialist Corps?
GIVE ME NOZZIES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>because they make fun of crazies while genuine mental illness is in the game
yes Brujah is in the game
Only 2 spots left in the base game and Ventrue HAS to be in. Nosferatu is more likely because seattle has an old city under it. Malkavian probably will be DLC.
LaCroix will come back
Ventrue doesn't have to be in. Also you haven't been able to dispute that none of the outfits work for Nossie
...As an urn full of ashes on the Seattle prince's bookshelf.
>Nosferatu is more likely because seattle has an old city under it.
Why did no one mention this all these past weeks
Using state of the art image editing software I was able to create this zoomed in version of the figure in the last clan reveal picture. I think after my hours of work it is now safe to assume it is in fact a vase with withered plants
Exactly. Malkavians are one of the most iconic clans and not having them at all would be a huge turn off for all the fans out there. Even if the last playable clan at release is Nosferatu or Lasombra, there is going to be at least a couple of major Malk NPCs in the game.
Besides, the devs didn’t even say that there’s going to be no Malks, the only thing they said is that they are going to be portrayed more “tastefully”, so basically no wacky lolsorandom fishmalks
This image says otherwise
That's Candlejack, dipsh
Where did the notion that this is Sebastians arm come from? Isn't this just a nod to that sidequest in Santa Monica?
So what happens in the RPG when you invest points in appearance? the description seems to imply that you're increasing your physical appeal somehow.
>green hair
>pale skin
>dark eyes
>gash where the mouth should be
It is clearly the Joker.
>none of the outfits work for Nossie
How so? I don’t get it. There is a Nos in casual clothes and a hoodie in the trailer
Probably people too retarded to know that vampires turn to ash instead of leaving bodies behind after they meet final death. Particularily the case if you're old enough as a vampire to have long died if you had still been a human.
B-but Grout! Assuming that he died. again
Just that, Nossie's wear hoodies and try to cover themselves. A nossie can't cosplay Blade
Pretty redundant
It is.
Sebastian had mad fortitude, survived the explosion, and is looking to weasel his way back into being a Prince
Cute heh
What are you talking ab
That’s a fair point, but tell that to the S&M fiend nossie from the first game
Yeah, they either wear weird shit or cover up as much as they can. They wouldn't cosplay blade or as a noir detective. Those outfits don't work on hunched nossie's and they also won't fit the streamlined play style to have someone who can't wander in normal streets
I don't know who thought going full BDSM while looking like a monster was a good idea.
Gary can get away with because he's somehow more handsome than most of the non nossies whilst being a nossie, which
*which either means he was one of the most handsome men alive or was so ugly that he somehow came around to being handsome again
Is this the closest best thing to a VTMB show?
>They don't want you to play mentally ill vampires because it is "disrespectful"
That's not what they said faggot, go ree about trannies somewhere else
Kindred: the embrace exists
We'd meed him hiding out as a strangely well-spoken hobo.
To be fair, the first game's Nosferatu PC could be mistaken for a cosplayer or one of those real-life superheroes. Doesn't Seattle have one of them?
WW sued anyone who got too close back in the day.
Jack smoked at the beginning of Bloodlines cause it makes him look cool.
is it any good though?
I've never played but I have a suspicion that this is closer to the tabletop game.
>a show about a literal hunter of vampires
holy based
>only playable clans are the most boring ones
Day 1 pirate for me.
>Ancient Nosferatu's player repeatedly misses sessions
>so the character remains in torpor in the basement and generally can't be bothered
Nossies can wear whatever they want dude.
Would his Ventrue ass allow himself to stoop that low?
Hey, if a fat white man can cosplay Blade, which is his complete opposite, then I wouldn't be averse to an ugly motherfucker cosplaying as Blade.
Either his Frenchie genes will force him to stoop low or his soldier training will tell him to snap out of his faggotry
aside from Brushits
>secretive, tight-knit clan of blood mages
>hot gunslinging vampires with a tender humanistic side
>old-money vampire leaders with great defensive powers and dominating abilities
and Malkavians/Nosferatu need no convincing
>pretends to be a beggar outside of fancy hotels so he can snag a nibble off the more posh and well-dressed guests as they leave, approaching them with a limp gait and leaving them drained while walking away upright and adjusting his hobo scarf
As long as it's not pop or dubstep, I'll call it even.
Maybe some wild rave would work.
Not like vampire clubs have to appeal to teeny boppers.
Malkavians and Nosferatu are the only interesting ones. Toreador and Ventrue are especially fucking boring perhaps the most boring of all 13 clans. Tremere might be fun to play as but that's about it. I can only hope either Nosferatu are in or they make Malkavians interesting to play as like they did in the first game.
What do they play in clubs these days? Haven't set foot in one in nearly 10 years.
techno and similar shit
He said we would rule side by side, but I just wanted to be by his side
Tremere is the most reddit tho
Fuck La Croix. A pussy-ass bitch with only one trick. A frenchy too.
I will rule side by side with her instead.
Bet you like Toreador or Ventrue or something equally as pozzed
I already wanted him back but now you're making me need him back
>the butterface
Nah I'll chill with my vamp-bro
Suit yourself, faggot.
Asspained Cammi*e, reminder that you lost almost all your members to Sabbat and Anarchs because the Ravnos antediluvian woke up and dabbed at people in India.
I mean at least wife someone whose actually hot like the chick from the Toreador trailer or something this is just the lowest-tiers of waifu even the daddy ventruefaggot has better taste
kys fag
>I mean at least wife someone whose actually hot like the chick from the Toreador trailer or something
I don't "wife" boys you colossal faggot. Just stop. Every post of yours is one more proof of your faggotry.
Neither did I. I said chill. Id rather chill with a bro then drool over some 5.5/10 like some desperate cuck, I'll take Tore-chan anyday
>19hr till the next stream
I can't wait anons, this is too tense. The suspense is killing me
>Id rather chill with a bro then drool over some 5.5/10
Yeah, that's why I said you're a faggot with a horrible taste.
Also, LaCroix was never your "bro" retardo. He used you, secretely wanted your death and betrayed you in the end.
>tense over a Ventrue reveal
go outside user. have s__.
If Malks are in the game, there is no chance in the world that they won't be the last clan announced.
I love it
It's not Ventrue I'm getting tense over, boss.
Nope just not excited over an average looking chick
He's pretty chill if you side with him. He's the only one whose actually grateful if you go all the way also
>implying she wont be just as bad
>being a camacuck
>being a sabbat edgelord
>not being a based antitribu chad
Why haven't the Brujah, Gangrel, Malks and Nossies realized they're literally being ass-fucked by the Jewish Triad on the regular?
I'd kill for witch house
W-we're going to make it, r-right gangbros?
You are both a retard for calling LaCroix a "bro" when everyone in-game outright points out how much of a prick he is, as well as a faggot for calling that hot curvy woman a "5.5/10" while prefering some titless and curveless bland bitch with a dyke haircut.
Worst combination possible.
90% sure for expansion pack
i'm so worried about this game that i've avoided every single thread since it's been anounced
Lol Gangrels were pretty much a lock-in ever since DLC announcements. Pray for us Nosbros.
Sorry user, Malks can't into current year gaming, too fun to let it pass
There is also no chance Malks won't be watered down heavily. I suspect there will be no difference between a Malk PC and the others. Say goodbye to the weird dialog even if it was retarded fishmalk. at least in that game your character felt insane.
No furries allowed
I've been told True Blood rips off a bunch of WoD shit. Never watched it tho.
We're going to fuck and cum on your leg and there's nothing you can do about it, faggot.
It's for the better desu. v5 Gangrel aren't the same.
>tfw embraced into the Furry Clan
>dog face
>hot because it has large breasts
This is the lowest IQ opinion. Large tits help but if the chick isnt attractive its jsut damage control
Also apparently you cant read because I said the chick from the TRAILER who is very much not curvless
What have they changed beside making them independent from the Camarilla?
Its awful. The vampire shits pretty fun but its constantly dragged down by the shitty romance soap-opera at every fucking turn
They're pretty much the exact same except their frenzies are handled a bit differently.
They've been independent for a lot longer than v5 man. What changed is they're hardly vagabond warriors with no clan structure anymore, now they're just even dumber brujah.
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a cammie
Venture is up tomorrow right? Or tonight if we get leaks I guess
>(un)living the dream
Absolutely no cons...
This game better have some werewolves in it
How the hell can you "wife" a sketch of a woman who you can't even see her face retardo? You can't even clearly see how she looks like. She won't even appear in the game, she is just there for the trailer you dumb faggot.
>dog face
This is the first time I've seen anyone on these threads calling her negatively. Especially like that. You have the right to have your shitty opinions, just know that you are an extreme minority with a horrible taste.
die furry
they did, which is why the brujah and gangrel left
>frenzies are handled a bit differently.
How so? If I recall correctly, in oWoT gangrels were more proned to fall into frenzy and got temporal animal traits after it.
Go read the Gangrel clanbook or descriptions from old core books (or even v20) then go read the v5 core Gangrel description and tell me if they sound the same aesthetically or thematically. Hell, even their curse was toned down.
>dumber brujah.
Nigger tier
The sketch is drawn much more appealingly than your collection of pixels. I cant believe your really trying to argue mediums of depiction now like that matters. You can clealry see how she looks. And quit saying retardo you sound autisto.
Why the fuck does it matter if she's in the game. You have more of an idea of what shes like then you got from your 7 second peak of Countess Butterface.
Quit getting so mad its okay to have low-quality taste I just expect more from you
It's the worst. Eco-terrorist Gangrel were straight antitribu before. Now the whole clan is like the Brujahs retarded younger brother.
what clan am I if i'm a powerbottom
Animal traits only last during frenzy.
Brujah but make no mistake all Camarilla clans (except Nossies) are of the gay variety
>warrior loner thing is gone
that was the best part about them
So what I'm getting is that they're now rowdy eco-activists instead of badass loner types?
Not just eco, but yeah that's the gist. Again, they're just even shitter brujah now.
Place your bets, laddies and ladies
It's going to be Ventrue despite how boring that clan is.
So now Gangrel can turn into chiwawas?
t. Toreander
Ventrue, the cooler clans will come with the dlcs
they're both fucking boring
gimme me Malks and Nos not this Anne Rice/True Blood shit
Show me her face retardo. Do it. Screencap a clear depiction of her face. I want to see her eyes. Show me your, less than a minute long and one of a time, waifu.
And lol at putting some short sketch of a teaser trailer over a highly detailed 3D model with various animations. You clearly are a brainlet.
>clan is perfectly fine
>ww goof it up anyway
>Nosferatu: 0
Feel your pain bro but we're just not getting in
Your instance to keep harping over the medium of depiction proves that your aware that Tore-chan is more attractive. Doesn't matter if its 3D if looks like a wine-aunt
Toreador are Dracula tier, faggot
Only reason people pick Ventrue in VTMB is to skip as much combat as possible. If the combat in VTMB2 is good, then what the fuck is the point of Ventrue? to turn it into a walking simulator?
it can't be anything else really
name of the model?
Fuck you nigger, I'm a shark.
Toreador are Twilight tier, tranny
The actual Dracula clan are never getting in because they would be deemed too problematic.
>Implying I don't skip 3/4 of the social with dominate either
>Toreador are Twilight tier
somebody post the hunter's story
yeah yeah you can probably make any clan sound badass on paper but it doesn't change that the only thing Toreadors are sucking are HIV infested cocks
Yeah I figured you'd not be able to do that. BTFO'd.
And at least I can see the face of the character I like. Who will appear in the game btw, with a name and a possible prominent role.
You keep calling a generic and faceless sketch of a Toreador woman without a name, appearing for less than a minute in a teaser, as better.
The worst Clan to put Dracula in actually, Bram Stoker Dracula was part Gangrel part Toreador, transform into animals and seduce bitches.
>Can't have sex for all the eternity
>Meanwhile Toreador Chad keep scoring
The absolute state of eunuc vampires
Have you actually seen Dracula's character sheet abilities? It's like it doesn't matter what clan he really is. Dude is a jack of all trades.
Tzimisce were based off of Dracula not the other way around.
the character you like is fat old and ugly. arranging fat in a corset is disgusting. youre a fat autist.
Disciplines aren't specific to any clan. Tzimisce can learn Protean, Dominate and Presence.
yawn, got anything to say punk? or are you just going to whine some?
All the clans have Dracula thraits but the more promineng are Grangel and Toreador
You can clearly see what she looks like numbskull based on facial structure unless your imagining eyes like a bug she looks better. Your chick has the facial structure of Majin Buu while mine has Jeanette
And congrats, you get to look at an ugly girl. Im happy your suck so hard at life you can even get an attractive girl in fiction
Show me her face faggot. Screencap the face of this generic bitch. Show me her superior beauty in order to compare their faces. It won't be too hard for you, since you seem to be very adamant on that weeb.
You could just look.
No bitch, that's not how it works. I posted mine, who is popular among the newcoming faces and appeared also in the main game's trailer, now it's your turn to show me yours.
I'm waiting.
I did though. I posted the whole trailer. You can go watch it if you want. Just scroll up why is this so hard for you
Because it's not in me to prove it retardo. It's on you to prove me wrong.
If you can't even post her full face then fuck off already.
isn't beckett dead?
like jack?
no, that stuff got retconned, theyre both alive
I did your just being an annoying bitch because you know your wrong. I posted my proof and if you being all of your brain-cells together I bet you could scrll up and look at it. Can you do it little boy? Cany you?
VTMB threads are filled with underaged retards
Dawyne LaCroix, Insurrection Baby Formula
>implying zoomers care about vampires
the whole website is, Yea Forums is basically unsalvageable at this point
Yea Forums got so boring man
just call them fags and tell them to lurk more, and then ignore them. as bad as Yea Forums might seem, it's still pretty much better than any other place on the internet. there's still a lot of good stuff here if you know what to look for and can ignore the garbage.
Look it's clear as day that you are baiting from many previous posts.
I'm just rolling with it to show you that you can't even do that properly.
>I did your just being an annoying bitch
kek you never posted that screencap faggot.
I'm still waiting btw.
Who's 27+ here?
Im not going to post a screencap when I posted a full minute and half of the chick. You dont wanna watch whatever I'm not going to go anymore out of my way then I already have. Bro, you just have bad taste, get over it
so gangrel got turned into furry faggots, instead of badass loner warriors?
let me gues, the devs view the brujah and gangrel as the vampire version of their mental illness gay shit
I would like to lick her stomach
i really really hope it is. let malks be dlc, we need something unique to play as and since ventrue is coming out tonight that means we still have no stealth classes which they promised.
do you think animalism will be nossies secondary skill? how will they reVAMP it since chiropteran is very similar?
i'm 32
the netherlands master race
>so gangrel got turned into furry faggots
>got turned
They always were
You posted a video you lazy faggot. If you can't get your sorry ass and do something as simple as a screencap to prove your point, then what the fuck are you even talking about and what's the point of reading your bullshit if you can't back it up.
i'd fuck the shit out of her
>finally been posted after 362 posts
Yikes user you got late.
>read vampire
>the biblical gods is real along with Caine and the flood and all that
>read werewolf
>the world was created by 3 entities. The Wyld which creates, the Weaver which gives order and the Wyrm which destroys.
>read mage
>d00d reality is just lke willpower n shit
So which is true?
literal smooth-brain take, user.
>videos cant show more than a screenshot
wow thats a real hot take there imma need to back the hell up
You're fucking hilarious dude
all of them
>ywn be a ghoul to a crazy vampire qt
So be it, user.
Still no screenshot no prove what you claim. Aka still full bullshit.
Just give up.
shut the fuck up niggers
did post proof you still wont look aka still have shit taste
still funny though
No screenshot to show = no proof
Give up dude you're rediculous.
Do i have to?
if you have some dignity left, yes
cant be fucked to literally scroll up = sore loser
Its cute how retardo you are
if it's cc i hope we get some cool outfits. not that it hardly matters since it's mostly shitty first person but still.
explain to me how do guns work on vampires? they literally kill them in the game, not just give them wounds.
Why should I be bothered to prove what you want to prove? You go and do it. Not my job.
We're arguing about vampire waifus on Yea Forums dude what do you think?
I did though
There will be cc
You need Jesus
You didn't though. Because I can't see her face through this video. You have to show it to me through a screenshot.
i want to dress my malk up like a stripper cop again. or maybe a nurse that would be cool. or give her a leather jacket and shades to walk around on the pier at night, like a fucking douchebag.
Btw, I noticed that you changed your style of writing to match mine when replying to others to make them think it's me. Veeeery clever dude.
If some old characters show up do you think they'll be part of the main story or just show up for some small sidequest?
bro just look lmao
Not my job lmao. Nothing to prove lmao. It's your job lmao
Which clan lets me play as Crag Hack?
I could see Beckett in a similar role like last time. Which means showing up frequently but still doing fuck all.
bro you're not interesting enough for me to notice your "style"
Sidequests would be fine. I'd honestly like to have Pisha again as it makes sense for her to appear in Seattle, chasing after occult items as usual.
>Expert Offense
I'd say Brujah as they have Potence.
a toreador probably sired her because he/she thought her extra digit was beautiful.
but it's also probably just an animation mistake.
i did though just your eyes XD
Whats the source on that?
I thought he was pretty tight with the koldun?
Or is this a retcon where they put in koldunism where the old 'vicissitude is a parasitic disease ackshully' used to be?
I dunno. I went to a catholic school and I dont think the God from the bible is the type to share with some over-grown worm and spider.
I'd like to see Pisha back, but the developers probably won't want to bring back any characters who could have been killed. Just to avoid invalidating decisions people made in the first game.
Becket seems like a shoe-in, since he can act as an impartial advisor/narrator to the story like before. Jack, I think, might be harder to work into the narrative without retreading Bloodlines 1.
>i did though just your eyes XD
You have stopped making sense and it's clear that all of this is taking a mental toll on you.
Shall we call it quits since you can't do it any longer?
I don't like this
smiling jack. dude makes me laugh. i'd quite like him to just pop up a few times and tell me to fuck off.
Best girl. Tremere-chan is a close second
That's pretty good, I like it.
oh wow good eye. i guess they wanted her finger running along the table at last minute but that's a dumb mistake.
In my opinion, it's equally as good as the original.
>In a row?
Anyone have a webm of protean gangrel fucking shit up
Protean Gangrel are just shitty werewolves
luckily for us goth culture is pretty stagnant so got music today is no different than 20 years ago
Too linear my dude.
so protean got fucked in v5 right
this is so corny, what's even funnier is that there well done malk's in the game but we don't get to play as them.
define fucked
not rip n tear anymore
more low grade vicissitude or something now
Sascha Vykos did it better by torturing his sire
Drained him dry, vomited up the blood, drank it all down again, rinse and repeat to torture the soul
It's more classical vampire shapeshifting (including mist) than the unique "become the beast" deal it was before
thats not the same model.
I'm not a fan either desu.
nah bro you just cant scroll and its funny
No, bats. Wolves as well.
mummy would be really cool, maybe something native american like but not skinwalker/wendigo because that shit is overdone. BIGFOOT?
Nah bro you can't screenpost and it's even funnier.
malks wont be stealth. they will have dementation as primary and auspex for secondary. obfus will be nos primary.
>play with mods
>mod moves the raptor
>get spooked again
oh look a low-quality repeat post to match your low-quality waifu
looks like miley Cyrus
>not just living off of blood banks as a vampire.
more like Lanky-chan lmao
Nosferatu have to be in. They have to at least include one of the more interesting clans and they are pretty comfy.
A" low quality" like the shit you are posting for the majority of this thread.
Dude, you won't get away with your shitposting. Till the last post, I will trump your ass in this thread. You fucked up.
now i cant unsee it
If nurse malk is a thing, then it's over for me.
>*include in the base game
Vampires die once they've sustained enough damage from any source, it just takes a lot more to kill them than a human.
Its cute how seriously you're taking this. chill out bro you're allowed to be wrong
Nah dude. Frankly, I usually don't care about shitposters. But I will today.
Because Demons are pretty godlike comparitively?
A new scourge just out of Hell, as a first level ability, can cure any and all diseases on anyone. That INCLUDES the embrace. Forget what the 'discipline' name is tho, been a while
Theres a reason Demon was the last core book released back in the day. All those 'disciplines' are totally overpowered.
Night eating you?
This is like some 2012 Yea Forums tier underage argument, you fags cannot be serious even though i know you are
Because your shit waifu got insulted?
why is the checnya thing so controversial? like literally no one even knows where that is.
Nah. Because you can't claim your shit with pictures in an imageboard.
How does the game even work then?
>local man is mad that he literally is incapable of watching a video
>local man can't press a single key on his keyboard
Beckett's Jyhad Diary. One of Dracula's brides talks with Beckett about his plans. And it's not koldunic sorcery or Vicissitude he takes issue with, but Kupala's influence.
IIRC, in one of the Dark Ages 20th anniversary books, maybe the core one, there's talk about how it is Kupala's influence twisting Tzimisce to be inhuman monstrosities. It's basically a first person introspection from one Tzimisce on Vicissitude and why the Tzimisce use it to craft horrors rather than beauty, how everything good and human gets twisted about them.
Bagged blood tastes like bread. It's room temperature, doesn't have a satisfying texture and isn't as filling as a real meal
the other way around
i´m sorry i did this, user
Never said she was
>local man cant scroll... up
>local man can't press
>local man cant scroll
>local man can't
Ignoring who will drop this week, what do you guys think the chances of of ANY new clan getting into Bloodlines 2? Lasombra, Tzimisce, Giovanni, Ravnos, etc. Assuming the 5 base clans will be OGs from Bloodlines, and the other two are guarenteed as DLC.
Sure it's Paradox, but given that they've said all clans will be free DLC, do you really think there's a good chance of playing one that wasn't in the last game?
I hope True Brujah get in because making people repeat the same thing over and over again like a tape skipping or pausing time for everyone in a room is just really fun
Im sorry to everyone else in the thread I hate seeing this stuff but I cant let him win
H0t as hell to this day what are you on about?
I basically just PB&Js anyway.
The intro to the main theme always reminded me of angel by massive attack.
I could see Lasombra, but that's it. I don't expect modern developers to have the balls to include controversial clans, and considering the game is set in a North American city which also happens to be Camarilla-controlled, there's also no logical reason to include Sabbat or Middle Eastern clans. Hopefully though, they make me eat my words.
How are they gonna balance Tzimisce even?
Remove the PB and J from that sandwich, that's bagged blood. Also, you need to make sure your not over consuming lest it becomes obvious and draw inquisitors
Win what you faggot? You had one simple job in this argument. Provide a full face picture of the Toreador in that teaser to compare their faces since you claim she is more beautiful and the other is a "5.5/10". You failed to do that.
Everything else is shitposting ride that I'm gonna have the last laugh.
Cause you can just look at the video retardo
No shit, it's because they totally told Schaffer to make it sound like that.
>Cause you can just look at the video retardo
You realise that the burden of proof lies on the accuser. Since you claimed her to be a 5.5 and yours to be prettier, it's on you to prove it. Logic 101.
I hope it's his son who looks and sounds exactly like him.
nigger you can improve your appearance in real life.
I did though
chunk is dead he started shooting at me after I told him to run away
Actually Tzimisce were based off of the vamps in Brian Lumley's Necroscope series. Most especially the vicissitude
can you both fuck already
Some stuff like changing your apperance would be difficult to implement into a vidya. Maybe let you increase your appearance stat for intimidate/seduction even if the stat is actually low. Touch-based damaging attacks like making their bones reshape, the war form could be similar to the gangrel's.
I don't have to look on the video brainlet. It's not on me to prove it. But you can easily do that by just pressing a single key.
Im sorry i cant
I can see Lasombra and maybe the sorcerer or vizier cast of the assamites getting in
You should have caught on and stopped his shitposting posts ago. Since you didn't, it's on me to go full autist style and end it.
What does LaCroix's company do anyway?
nah bro its not hard just go look
Bullets do blunt damage in PnP. Vamps take half damage from Blunt. So if you rolled 4 damage ona vamp, theyd only take 2. Blunt also heals super fast even without Fortitude
blow up
So just go and look since it's not hard. I don't have to prove shit.
Who's the best girl and why's it Ventrue-chan?
I'm sorry, I was too entertained watching the longest "no u" competition I've ever seen
The reason for that is simply that they used Angel as the main theme for a very long time. Later on during development they were denied license to use Angel by Massive Attack. It had grown on the team immensely and thus they asked Rik Schaffer, the composer for the rest of the game, to make something that sounded alike but didn't infringe any copyright.
this makes no sense. just because they have uggo faces doesnt mean they cant wear clothes.
i dont even shitpost normally you're just took a silly waifu post to heart and acted like an insufferable faggot so i have to make sure you didn't get the last word since this is clearly the most important arguemnt you'v ever had
I thought you can kill a vampire by shooting his head off with a shotgun or ripping his body to shreds with a machine gun for instance
You are incapable of providing evidence for a claim. And then continue to shitpost.
I'm fairly certain there's been one going on in the ghost archives of Yea Forums for years now.
i did you're just a child who refuses to scroll up beacuse of some retarded rule you feel the need to follow
Let's not do that here, gentlemen
oh for fuck sake lets all watch the fucking video
That's cool as fuck
Is there any evidence these two aren't the same person arguing with themselves because they think it's funny?
I'm 25
Not quite Boomer, not quite zoomer
shit waifu
fucking Malkavians
You're part of the doomer generation.