It´s over bros.
It´s over bros
Other urls found in this thread:
California why you do this? Had one job.
So it gonna be always online cloud gaming, is this why Sony and Microsoft teamed up, if both of them do it then consumers will have to accept it?
Commiefornia should be erased from existence.
>always online PS5
arrogant sony's back on the menu boyz
>internet shuts off
>can't play games
If it comes down to that, then fuck this shit.
Hurry up with the shipments of migrants Mr. Trump.
>get deployed to help bomb middle eastern children
>can't play basketball american RPGs
This can only end well
but capitalism GOOD
Cali is like 40% White.
I don't have to accept shit. Time to skip next console gen
lol great move
japanese really hate always online bullshit so nobody is gonna buy this shit at least there
Litterally "Always online" rebranded
>without disconnections
People asked me why i would stay on PS4. This is the reason. I just want to disconnect at times.
everyone should hate always online bullshit and nobody should buy into that shit
Looks like it all went to shit when >team up with Satya Nadella
happened. Its like they want people to accept streaming and spill off into Google and Apple's offerings.
and you made fun of the google STD online
So if there's a nuclear fallout I can't play games?
What is the problem with always online? Are you a third worlder?
>Are you a third worlder?
No, I'm not a sonyroach.
PS5 will ass rape this board into submission.
>With or without a console
They're talking about Remote Play, retard.
it's the time for the GabenSphere to happen.
Party pooper. Hehe.
I told you faggits lmao. Microsoft, Sony, and all the major devs are DESPERATE to push the Always Online meme. That's the only reason they'll create a partnership. They came to the conclusion that if only one of them does it, it'll flop. But if they both do it, consolefags, in theory, will have nowhere to go, thus giving Sony and MS complete control over their 'ecosystems'.
They are teaming up to double penetrate you. FACT. The number one raison d'etre for any corp is more profit. They don't give a fuck about "making games more accessible and convenient" lmao. That's a meme they hide behind. Get your anus ready.
Yeah, and the world is controlled by less than 2%. Majorities don't mean dick.
Microsoft's consoles will just like the Xbox One S and the Xbox One X, Microsoft doesn't and isn't going to follow shit, this is all Sony, don't try to put Microsoft in this because Sony's retarded asses got arrogant again.
They really are trying to make the worst possible console, huh
It will be PS4 only, reports of it not being able to play PS3 games is already coming up, you will oy be able to play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games through PSN, sorry. Also, now they're copying Microsoft, pathetic, I bet it's ten times worse in every way possible.
Sony doesn't care about Japan anymore, that market is irrelevant when comparing to western AAA-market and sports games. Monster Hunter World was only Japanese game that was really successful on PS4 last year.
tick tock Yea Forums
You mean Sony, the next Xbox will be just like the One S and One X, all physical with your choice of digital like this gen and streaming with XCloud.
Just make a fucking normal game console, Sony. Christ.
It's going to be the generations primary console, yet again, let's just unpack this.
>most powerful console of the generation
>most well designed console of the generation with all kinds of neat tech packed in like multi gen backwards compatibility including enhanced asset streaming
>most support for a single console with multiple developers making exclusives just for the platform
>highest quality first party exclusives
>in spite of it running games better than microsofts competitor it will still retail for less
PS5 is basically confirmed as this generations primary console, once more.
The reason that Xbox division release Xbox SAD with such shitty price and cheap "redesign" is because they need to tell Nadella digital only(online only) is not working for game console.
Sounds like something they failed at years ago considering they and Nintendo both use the same shitty internet.
Retard, they're gonna push AI physics on the Cucklett because they're using modified Vega CPU to cut costs.
It just seems like PS now feature.I seriously doubt they would go always online.It's completely pointless at this point when they can offer both options with zero downsides.
Don't mind me, just fumigating the hi/v/emind.
>Enhanced asset streaming
We're just making up shit now, huh
>first party exclusives
The fact that the PS4's exclusives is 1/10th of the PS3's and not even close to the mountain of the PS2 really does make me wonder why people don't just get a fucking PC already. That's all a PS5 is gonna be. A storebought PS5.
pirates btfo (as they should be)
A pre-built PC*
You twits didn't even read the tweet. Why does Yea Forums continue to be the most retarded board?
>silk smooth cinematic 24 fps with dips back on the menu for another gen
>now with 300 to 1000ms ping
and you just know the clowns will buy it, because from a cinematic walking sim player point of view "it's literally the same".
Sony always wins, haven't we learned that by now?
They just took Nintendo's slogan for the switch and changes the last two words... Stop copying shit Sony.
Sony is finished!
Why is the FF7 remake taking so damn long to come out?
Original video please
Is it the same retard pushing the same FUD?
Thing is most of the games I've been most excited about in recent years are either PS exclusives or on PS anyway.
PC is pretty much always the last thought, and I definitely appreciate the graphical improvements when it is an option, but I don't want to wait two years to play the stuff I want to play just out of past loyalty.
Love my PC, but these days I honestly prefer my ps4. Plus, most of my friends have made the same transition.
Gamer choice is somehow a bad thing. Leave it up to Yea Forums to be THIS retarded.
So next gen we should expect, Bakcwards compat with everything but PS3, Second most powerful console, 1TB with 2TB as the max for hard drive, most expensive console, probably something extremely similar to DS4 in terms of controller.
They had to start over because Cyberconnect2 were fired.
>First, they copy Nintendo, now they copy Microsoft
Is this the only thing they know how to do?
SONY is literally Stalin of video games. They take your games away if you are naughty.
You should expect BC to PS4 and only PS4.
I'm always saying this. Almost 100 million PS4 sales, and what little 1st party they had sold more than multiplats. Where did all that money go and why didn't it go toward more games? No Ape Escape 4, no Syphon Filter, no Sly Cooper, only one Ratchet & Clank. They won't even remaster Puppeteers.
were finally going home to the cloud
>spend hundreds of dollars on game plus microtransactions
>type word
>have your SNOY account banned
>"dood just stop being a nazi ha ha i wouldn't play with u either"
Enjoying our brave new world of corporate bootlickers defending authoritarian Big Tech regimes and their "Gaming as a Service" model to soft enforce social credit and cultural manipulation
>implying Sony will let you have backwards compatibility when they can charge you instead
Did PlayStation put this board on edge again? I thought you guys said Microsoft would rule all the headlines in 2019.
Backwards compatibility but always online VS PS4 with ability to go offline forever.
The choice is obvious.
Let's be honest. PS5 was always going to be fucked. Most people buy a Sony machine for media purposes. With the ps4 it's a great netflick and blueray machine. That is how many people use their ps4.
The ps5 has nothing new it could add to the table unless it goes heavy as shit into making VR mainstream. Based on how large Sony is they always need to sell shit loads of units to garner any profit as they will mostly sell the units at a loss unless people buy it in masses.
PS5 was always fucked. Their business model is toxic and unsustainable compared to Microsoft and Nintendo.
he has already started
The best part is that they want to force people to never acquire collection of games, so everything is digital-only or streamed. This way they can encourage people to constantly being at sate where they could lose all their games from a single account ban.
PS3 did fine though? Especially when devs figured out how to use the weird rubix cube cpu.
PlayStation Productions now this. What the fuck is Sony doing?
PS2>PS1>PS4>PS3>PS5 (predicted)
>implying there is a choice
you god damn retard.
Yesterday's Huawei stunt has taught you nothing?
If you go digital jew you have NO RIGHTS whatsoever anymore. They fucking own you. they can take everything away from you in an instant and you can't do fuckall about it.
it's a jewswine kikepig's wet dream come true and filthy subhumans like you support them.
Just read the article and Sony banned him cause he violated their terms of service involving hate speech
>“My account was temp banned for one week for calling people faggots and niggers. ... You might not agree with my actions since I know you’re not a racist, but I am and I don’t care. [It’s] fun to talk shit online and most people are racist anyway, plus those terms are thrown around like hotcakes, so who gives a shit."
This isn't a free speech problem. He broke the rules he agreed to and he paid the price for it.
That's why you go all physical.
Don't forget that they're still trying to kill second hand vidya which was at the front of their pitch at the beginning of the current gen. Digital only means you're buying games from only one source: theirs.
wtf does the 'without disconnections' part mean?
Of course the Sony would be the nigger
>wake up
>Xcucks are fuming
Release the fucking ps5 already before I piss myself
Well there's alternative. Buy all digital games you want and then shut down internet access. Have all games forever as long as you don't delete them and console doesn't experience hardware failure. And only use psn to redownload games rarely, not to actually talk or subscribe to ps+ scam.
Probably something like that you can stream your games to phones and whatever the fuck and never feel "disconnected" from your precious games
>It´s over bros.
It kinda already was for me a while back, since I didn't buy any of the current generation consoles, and it looks like I'm not buying any of the next ones either.
I've seen gamers encourage this shit. Corps are playing the short-term game, but think they're playing the long one. When everything in an industry becomes short, watered down, and throwaway, that mentality becomes reflected by its consumers. People will be less willing to spend money on something they see as valueless.
The music industry thought streaming was all fun and games until they got fucked.
literally nothing wrong with black people
Sony already have a streaming thing you can use on PC don't they?
>The stench of xgroids through the thread
I smell you rscottyg
>company's join together to fuck over customers
>third party company emerges doing the opposite
>no one buys in
its not our fault pls help guberment
This one is my personal favorite sony ban story.
it means that you can seamlessly continue watching the "game" on youtube on a a train ride
PS5 is going to be fucking amazing, this thread is full of PC cucks that are literally afraid of the PS5's amazing graphics, fast loading times and ability to play 'anytime, anywhere'
Stay hulked over your desk seething, neckbeards.
>Nintendo wins by default
feels good man
>Moves headquarters to California
>Starts censoring Japanese games.
This is now two gens skipped. Might have to find a new hobby at this rate.
I like how Xcucks have a very selective memory. You didn't forget about Xbox SAD? An all digital Xbone with no disc drive, yet still has an eject button.
Almost everyone who isn't american and central europe hates always online. You won't be able to sell that shit in eastern europe or south america either.
Yes, but only after Sony managed to get the cost down to something reasonable. The launch PS3 had PS2 hardware back compat, memory stick/SD card inputs and a larger HD. Maybe a year or so later they had removed all of that to get the price down. And then 2 years later when they had mostly hit price parity with the 360, and developers had started to get the hang of the weirdo architecture, THEN the PS3 did well.
The PS5 could be a repeat of that. Announcement: "Cloud! Streaming! Always-online! All Digital!"
---market failure---
"Local offline games, discs, price reductions..."
---recovering sales---
Nintendo is getting into streaming too.
guess I'm exclusively on PC going forward
You poor poor children.
>he still pays for multiplayer
>calls that a victory
We're all fucked. If both Xbox and PS5 will become always online, nintendo will go always online too next gen.
>>ps3 did fine
No. It did not "do fine". It took years and years for them to come anywhere close to where microsoft and nintendo were.
Actually, Google wins.
enjoy paying psn+ to access a youtube clone with less content.
Hard drives have a median failure point of around 6 years. You can backup your installs and restore them on a fresh machine, but your digital games require at least 1 sign in to update the keys. Even if you are restoring the master console to a new master.
If you are using physical games, the backup restore is enough.
PCs are not made for gaming, not in the age where you're forced to use linux to stay somewhat private. Win10 is a spyware madness, and all new games will end up requiring it eventually, and win7 support ends soon.
I dropped Neokiketrashitpisstendo after the Gamecube and switched to PS2 and upwards.
But if the FaggotAIDSTrannyCensorStation is everything the rumors are foreshadowing to be, I'll have to go back.
I didn't ask for this.
Has Reddit held a purge of its resident Xcucks,Nincels and PC master waste recently? Sure seems to have been an influx of those barely-coherent sub-moronic fuckers recently.
>still too poor to afford twenty dollars a year
>forced online
>forced day one patch/download code on blue ray
>Hard drives have a median failure point of around 6 years
Was never true for me using same hard drives for more than 20 years.
People who act like this and genuinely don't understand what is wrong with it deserve the lesson. No sympathy.
>The Japanese company has now sold about 77 million PS3 consoles worldwide, versus 76 million Xbox 360 consoles sold by Microsoft.
Wrong. Everyone dropped their xboxs after they broke and started playing ps3 at the end of the cycle. This was also the main reason people grabbed the ps4.
its been there since ps4 homie
Regardless of YOUR connection, Sony servers are down for maintenance = you can't play shit.
Sony servers are down due to fault / attack = you can't play shit.
Sony fuck something up which causes login issues (as happened with Steam a few weeks ago) = YOU CAN'T PLAY SHIT.
Why should me being able to have a quick blast on whatever single player game be dependant on factors beyond my control?
So in other words, it actually is a free speech problem but since the people doing the censoring are a corporation and not a government you're okay with it.
>>muh agreements an shit
Spoken like a true cuck for woke corporate bullshit.
>le poor to afford argument
I bet next time you will use same argument for streaming subscription. I am so tired of you faggots apologizing companies scamming you, you're like those people who defend financial pyramids just because you invested into them.
if anything nintendo will be the one benefitting from streaming the most, considering they release potatoes and not machines that can at least try to run modern games in 24 frames per second
Not really, I switched to PS3 at the end of the cycle because Xbox stopped getting JRPGs, which was the reason I got it in the first place. My 360 never broke, it's still functional.
Uh-Oh. Looks like Yea Forumss favorite Sonyshill is back from his dilation station
The Return of the King next gen - Nintendo
ok ̶r̶e̶t̶a̶r̶d̶ buddy
Yea Forums can't handle another generation of Sonydomination. They're trying so desperately to stop it.
seething poorfag
That shit already confirmed having darksouls-esque co-op system.
there's literally nothing wrong with saying faggot and nigger online
Get developers to understand this. They are slaty babies that think used game sales are ruining their sales
Really loving how you guys keep ignoring this post .
Go dilate and suck some more jew dick.
I won't support this crap. Nintendo only until they do it aswell then I quit and only play old games
You just quoted something that proved me right you dumb faggot.
>>PS3 only slightly edges out Xbox 360 in hardware sales over the ENTIRE LIFESPAN OF THE SYSTEM
>>This is somehow an example of them doing fine when they absolutely dominated the entire console gaming market basically during the sixth generation of gaming consoles.
>worst multiplats
I see pussy in your post.
>you will oy be able to play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games through PSN
So if I understand correctly, the PS5 has BC support for PS4 both disc and digital, AND PS1/2/3 for digital? If so, that's actually way better than I thought.
Goddamn am I happy my primary platform these days is the PC.
You mean basically confirmed from how Kojima tells it, but yes it's going to be much more in-depth but also requires constant internet connection to make it work.
>Intrusive censorship at the development level
>Always online
>SIE movie division
>Fewer, bigger "games"
>No E3
The absolute STATE of play
Do you even own a play station?
Doesn't matter if you think it's shit, it's going to be the generations biggest console.
achuthrually wii had the worst multiplatform ports
in 10+ years of life, the PS3 only got like 4 games worth remembering, half of them arriving in its last 3 years of life, and being ported day one on the PS4.
name 10 games worth playing on the PS4
Microsoft and Sony always made a loss on the consoles. It was about game sales, but sony had the 300iq play which allowed them to shitout blu-ray to beat out on HD DVD.
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives all the same.
Is it when they barely put any PS1, PS2, and PS3 games on PSN for PS4 plus you have to rebuy everything.
funny considering snoy coined "what are you? poor"
>be australian
>shitty telstra landline means internet cuts out for half a second every 30 minutes or so
You’re missing the point. It’s one thing to ban him from using online functionality in some game (to keep him out of chat channels) when he breaks the rules of conduct for that game. It’s another thing to take away his ability to play offline single player games where he never interacts with anyone.
Say nigger in Overwatch, they take away Spiderman? Really? That’s the point we’re at and you’ll still defend it? Frogs-in-a-pot theory never felt realer holy shit.
Is there some sort of context on OPs pic?
By PSN there he means PS Now, the streaming service. Not PSN, the online network service and digital store. He worded it poorly.
You will most likely only be able to stream PS1, 2 and 3 games.
>without disconnects
Ok already better then my recent Nintendo experience
blow it out your ass, digitalretard.
I've already had 8 HDDs eat shit and die on me without warning.
I still have CDs from the early 80s that work flawlessly because I don't fingerprint and scratch my discs like a troglodyte shitheap. Disc rot is a kike spread and overblown meme to make retards switch to digital jew. It affects less than 3% of all discs prematurely (now go and google hdd failure rates in comparison) and if you tend to your physical media with care they will hold 35-50+ years.
You can also always resell your physical stuff later on if you decide. on top of that most of the stuff will actually (dramatically) increase in value, so you can make at least the amount back you previously invested in.
You can't do that with digital trash.
TL;DR you are a filthy digital jew.
>It didn't beat their own record of highest selling console of all time therefore they are shit
wat negro?
You know this board is afraid when Sony isn't even attending E3, yet still controls 99% of the news. PS5 will be even bigger than PS4.
-You don't own anything
-Online DRM
-Library is constantly changing
-Factually inferior to local owned physical/digital because bandwidth can only move up to a certain speed (latency, sound and graphic quality are inferior period)
It is the corporate dream to push anticonsumer streaming and it will be rejected.
>you have to rebuy everything
Oh, so I can't just play my PS3 version of Dragon's Crown, for example? Ok, that sucks.
This is just shit, then. Oh well.
Say what you want, that guy deserved everything bad that happened to him.
Xbox 360: Released in 2005.
PS3: Released in 2006.
Xbox 360 went from clear 1st place in the console race to 3rd place by the end of its gen. Have a nice day.
Just play something else then. Are you planning to ditch everything for your PS5?
why are people saying this infers always online bullshit? WHY would sony do that after there whole big "just trade games to a friend" shit during ps4 launch against xbone...
you people are fucking retarded
Digital can be backed up endlessly, though, which isn’t true of disc-based media (I mean, you can, but not as easily, and basically only by converting the disc itself into the digital-only format anyway).
>muh free speech
Except you don't need to call people niggers and faggots online. You're free to call them that, but freedom of speech doesn't protect you from others not wanting to be around you when they're trying to play games.
>Was never true for me using same hard drives for more than 20 years.
Cool story zoomer shitter. You must be still rocking a 6.4GB IDE 5400rpm that sounds like a fork scratching an empty oil drum. Don't lie on the internet you failed aboriton, there are actually people out there who know things. Also good luck trying to run any OS above winxp with that hardware.
Yeah but you still need to install some stuff from discs on your HDD, RDR2 being prime example. So your hdd failing can still leave you with need of hdd replacement.
Xcuck lies.
I'd rather be a real pussy than those Resetera tranny slits your used to.
You're the one who is retarded if you can't make the clear connection, and the just rade games to a friend has fuckall to do with always online. Sorry but you are dumb as a brick.
t. digital kike
Hey look, you remembered the lower case r.
I'll never understand why people think freedom of speech means freedom to call others niggers online.
why would you need always online if you have discs, tard?
How far is the punishment allowed to go before you’ll finally acknowledge it as overreaching?
>I called someone a nigger on Fortnite and Sony reposessed my car and put a lien on my house
“Lol read the TOS no sympathy for morons like you it isn’t censorship”
In explaining PlayStation's seamless feature, the company used the phrase "underwhelming, a waste of resources, ahead of its time, but at least our cocks are fucking huge"
Ask Sony.
You are missing the point completely. You still own the game, no one is ever going to take that away from you. Sony & Co. can terminate your account at any time arbitrarily, leaving you with nothing.
god of war
uncharted games
last of us (think this was also on ps3 though)
Yakuza games
persona and most other weeb shit
meme movie games like detriot an cheerleader cabin horror movie
then the cross plats that you would normally pick up on console like rdr2 and gta
What does this mean? I don't really follow gaming but this seems really interesting and I'd appreciate it if someone could explain it to me.
Also why is it controversial?
He'll never get it. If he can't even understand the most basic concept you're explaining to him, then lmao. He's gone. Tough shit for him.
How far is the punishment you need to be given to finally get it into your thick skull that calling others niggers online will never under any circumstances be acceptable and not something that can just be handwaved away, like you are trying to do now with the false pretense of posing as an enlightened centrist?
Physical-onlyfags can't listen to reason, I will be still playing my 500 SNES games collection backed up endlessly in optical/SSD/cloud while they keep on changing the batteries of the cartridges.
That being said, digital-only fags that want google to fix all their problems are even worse.
Wooooooow. haha.
I think people just think you should be blocked from online, not access to your games why should Sony remove your single player games? Other than to punish you because they disagree with you. It's why I hate third worlders and eurofags, they come into american third party servers and get mod powers and start banning people for calling people niggers. Bring back custom servers so faggots can stay on their censored overwatch mm where you get banned for posting avengers spoilers and I can be on a server that, doesn't give a shit that someone was called a nigger because there's a mute button for that nigger to use.
Mordhau is pretty great for it, you get angry redditors and Europoors typing walls of text in chat and spamming vote kicks because someone called them a horse nigger or a rapier fag.
In Japan's domestic market, Sony is losing support from Japanese game devs as they move to Nintendo.
First of all, you’re on Yea Forums, where calling you a nigger is the most acceptable thing in the world, you stupid fucking nigger, so don’t pretend that “online” is a monolith.
More to the point, you absolute nigger, it doesn’t have to be “acceptable” for the punishment to be egregious. Violation of chat TOS = Sony takes away every game you ever paid for? You’re gonna defend that, apparently, so I’m curious what would be the line.
If Sony kicked you out of your apartment for violating chat conduct rules, would that be acceptable? Would it be acceptable to get you fired from work? To freeze your bank accounts? To take your children away?
How far, in YOUR mind, is “too far for breaking online chat rules”? Because in my mind, and in the mind of every sane and reasonable person on the planet, anything beyond “banned from using that specific chat channel” is egregious and excessive, and even then the ban should come with a stack of warnings and suspensions first
Thinking calling others niggers online being unacceptable is more than just "disagreeing with you".
Never forget April 16, 2019. The day when all Xgroid lamenting immediately stopped.
Would would MS try it in 2013? Why would Sony do the 599 US Dollars? Why do these POS companies do anything retarded? Because they're retarded. We didn't make them try that shit. It's all them. We know what they're like, we know they want the Always Online bullshit, and we know they'll do anything to make it happen.
They have too much to gain if they make it happen.
Shut up niggernigger
but he cant cause it always online you baka
Here's your always online, bro
Say something nice about her
I did a paper on digital preservation and I hate to break it to you but disk rot totally exists. CDs do last fairly long though, floppys reached the end of their lifecycle ages ago same with most magnetic tapes.
>Use some baby's first Linux version as main OS
>Dual boot or VM some lobotomized version of win 7or win 10
>Have a single large capacity HDD or SSD to hold a gaint library of other games and emulators.
Wow, so hard.
I sure do enjoy using the same computer I built in 2012 with the only upgrades having been a single SSD and a graphics card.
what am I looking at? A modem/router?
Here's your problem. You think that it's okay to talk to people online like you talk on Yea Forums, because hey, Yea Forums is online too so that means it's okay, right?
And I'm not even going to address your idiotic overexaggarated scenarios because Sony obviously will never have the power to do anything to me. They can block you from playing their games because it's part of the service's TOS you broke.
It is just disagreeing though? They don't like that you called someone a nigger so they are going to deprive you of what you bought for wrong think. What this always will lead to is banning people for mundane shit because every group that hates themselves will reeee that someone called them X. We see it everytime eurofags becomes a mod on private servers holier than thou virtue signaling by people who think blacks are too stupid to take care of themselves and need to be saved by them. "oh you just want to call someone a nigger and get away with it" is what faggots say even when games are banning people for dumb comic book movie spoilers and smack talk
Is it possible to fuck up this bad?
Your audience is buying your system because they hate streaming and some even digital licenses
And you try to pull off a digital streaming service?!!
fuck yeah dude i love not only not actually getting to own the games i buy, but i gotta be always online and always have a stable connection to do it under my limited data plan.
its gonna be so great guys, the future of gaming, the ps5 will last forever! I can play my games anytime, anywhere! It's never gonna expire!
>First of all, you’re on Yea Forums, where calling you a nigger is the most acceptable thing in the world, you stupid fucking nigger, so don’t pretend that “online” is a monolith.
Film your face, unmasked, unpixelated in a public place, saying bad shit about and calling blacks niggers online please. Post it on youtube. If all is how you say, you'll face no repercussions.
That doesn't mean information can't simply be moved to multiple other disks, hard drives or SSDs. That is literally the whole point.
You at least have options other that "get fucked by corporate cock."
They will remove old games in order to clear the market for the next new thing and the retards that are into "pop culture" and throw money at every shiny object will buy it with out a single complaint.
Not so fast, Asher.
magnetic tape is still the #1 solution for long term storage, as long as you maintain it, which you surely can automage
You seem awfully fixated on eurofags becoming mods on private servers, I hope you will someday get over your trauma because it's obviously based on real events.
And let's not compare calling someone nigger to mundane shit, if the difference seriously need to be explained to you, then you are hopelessly part of the problem, and only punishment works on people like you.
Is it streaming or always online?
>We see it everytime eurofags becomes a mod on private servers holier than thou virtue signaling by people who think blacks are too stupid to take care of themselves and need to be saved by them
The inherent superiority of someone born in Europe means that they have a responsibility towards the rest of the world.
You enable this scenario by going to the "extreme".
>ohhh, but slippery slope! They'll start banning for calling someone an idiot, soon!
You faggots do the most extreme thing, then hide behind "they'll come for you next!" as a shield. lol only retards fall for that trick.
>Shitting in public is illegal? THEY'LL COME FOR PUBLIC TOILETS NEXT!
>Is it possible to fuck up this bad?
They managed it before, it's not surprising they're doing it again
>"It's probably too cheap."
>without disconnections
So this will only work in japan, singapure and korea?
Saying bad words is a reason to get all your games taken away, huh bootlicker?
Can't wait for an entire generation of games not being able to get preserved since they are stuck and eventually lost in the servers of Sony.
This is the kind of person that represent Playstation fans on this board
How many times do we have to teach you old man, eurofags need to be segregated to their own internet. You can't keep trying to ruin RO2 and RS servers! Also calling a nigger a nigger is mundane shit, just like how you don't give a shit if someone calls a Romanian a gypsy or a Irish a paddy. Also I call them future astronauts or melanin enriched gentlemen because any word associated with blacks becomes as bad as the n word see colored, negro etc. Don't even have to call someone a nigger to call them a nigger basically, you'll never be able to censor chat into a safe space.
You can keep calling it a slippery slope but people got banned for comic book movie spoilers lmao and people get banned for spamming emotes. Let's not even talk about siege banning non English speakers for normal words in their language because faggot Canadians know so little about their pet third worlders that they didn't bother to do separate language filters.
A choice between physical, digital or streaming? You're correct. Xbox IS over!
Since you still don't even want to acknowledge that it's a bad thing, I hope it happens to you next, you deserve it.
If it happened to non-scumbags, it would be a different issue, but so far nobody reported this happening to non-scumbags. So until that happens, I don't give a fuck.
>Yea Forums is so contrarian these days they'll actively defend getting fucked in the ass and having to pay for it
I aint bnuying shit and will stick to PC gaming, fuck that.
>being a console vermin
It's always been americlaps that have a weird hangup about race.
>implying I would ever buy a gaystation 4
>Xbros mad because the MS "partnership" they will shilling for days amounts to jack shit
>How many times do we have to teach you old man, eurofags need to be segregated to their own internet. You can't keep trying to ruin RO2 and RS servers! Also calling a nigger a nigger is mundane shit, just like how you don't give a shit if someone calls a Romanian a gypsy or a Irish a paddy. Also I call them future astronauts or melanin enriched gentlemen because any word associated with blacks becomes as bad as the n word see colored, negro etc. Don't even have to call someone a nigger to call them a nigger basically, you'll never be able to censor chat into a safe space.
I love how I don't even have to say anything, this post speaks for itself.
Big yikes.
But Bloodborne
Cool, so losing your entire digital collection over a bottom tier support employee's mistake is cool so long as you can rouse the reddit army. I love sony now, etc.
What's the issue? Oh wait, this is just another shitposting thread.
fuck sony i've had enough. first censorship, 2nd taking money from my account without my permission and now this. i also heard the ps5 will be 500 bucks when the next xbox will be 300 bucks. fuck sony i'm going xbox next gen. literally the ps3 fiasco all over again.
Median failure. Median.
For the last 20 years I've worked with hundreds of hard drives and after 5-6 years of use you can bet half of the drives will have failed. There are drives that have been running in production servers for 10. That happens. But I know that I can take a failed drive, restore the contents from a backup and get the machine back into production in no time at all. Because I don't have to have an external authority bless anything.
who fucking cares, show good games at playable framerates instead of this endless, pointless wank
Nintendo was going to take first place from the very moment Oprah Winfrey showed off the Wii on her show. Sony just barely beating out Microsoft in hardware sales at the tale end of the 7th Generation is not something you can spin as being a victory, no matter how hard you try. 360 dominated most of the last generation among the actual core audience for videogames, PS3 did not until the very end of said generation.
>No Gravity Rush 2, SoTC, HZD or TLG
Wow, like I said before: Console generations go in shifts because they cannot help but shoot themselves in the foot.
XBox better step up for next gen because they are being given the easiest toss in the world.
Gonna have to do better than that here, bud.
This was supposed to be the year of the Xbox.
Yes actually, they suffered a tremendous set back last generation, it's why the original PS4 is underpowered in comparison to what the PS3 was at it launch.
>couldn't even list ten games
the absolute state of a six year old console
who are you quoting?
No he didn't. Words are not worth depriving someone of the product they paid money for.
I don't understand how people don't feel sickened by images like this.
You should come out of that basement, user.
I like how they're baiting Microsoft to make a move.
You don't need to do anything other then eat bread, drink water, take some vitamin supplements, shit and piss into a hole in the ground and sleep somewhere that predators can't find you. Needs based arguments suck.
>>You're free to call them that, but freedom of speech doesn't protect you from others not wanting to be around you when they're trying to play games.
If you can't say controversial or inflammatory things without being censored in some fashion, then you do not actually have free speech.
>GaMeR ChoIcE iS A BAd ThInG
Neck yourself snoyfag, it's over.
Also paying full price for games you don't own, 'backwards compatibility' consisting of entirely streaming which doesn't work with 90% of the US or rest of the world, and always-online DRM or some mobile integration which sucks shit.
>All this Xniggie cope
>sony doesnt care about japan
>128 million people
Microsoft thought this last gen but PS4 BTFO them on that. This will only make people jump ship to PC
they stripped the ability to run dvds in their blu ry drive so i doubt they'd change that to support ps2 games when they have ps2 games in the store and on psnow. that would lose money for them.
>AHahahah m-my console is an always-online mess who's backwards compatibility depends on my internet connection. I paid full price for them and I won't be able to do it.
>base your company in the United States
>PS4 WON'T be an always online console
>*gets standing ovation*
>*steals the show at E3*
>*sells several million more than any other console on the market*
Why the fuck would they go in the opposite direction after that?
>y-yeah, I hate California! I never use any of their internet companies, or watch any of their movies, TV, or listen to their music, h-honest!
>h-ha-ha fuck commiefornia I love the states whose only contribution to my country is corn syrup
Honestly Sony could sell me a brick and I’d buy it full price because I’m loyal. This was never about games just golden Wojak faces
This conference single handily killed all good will in Xbox forever. Phil can talk about studio acquisitions, discless consoles, and XCloud. Fact of the matter is that this one conference did so much damage to the Xbox brand, that they haven't been able to recover since.
Seethe harder Asher :^)
I thought you dipshits were the rational, educated ones?
The only cloud gaming I'm looking forward to is the new Final Fantasy 7
Yeah no.
I've been sick of Sony's shit since PS3 but Nintendo's console are just pure ass
>console niggers move to streaming
>Pc still get releases
>Pirate BVLLS still win
if this console is above 400 dollars it's dead. screencap this.
>Xcloud technology = Wife
>Microsoft = cuck
>Sony = bull
>The cuck (MS) is lending his wife (technology) to the bull (Sony) who will give her a much better dicking (use the technology in a better way by putting better games on it)
You do realize that hollywood isn't actually making movies for the rest of the US now, don't you? They're trying to sell to the chinese market.
>>all that other stuff
California can produce something of merit, this does not make Califaggia a good place to live, nor does it make those places that in your mind only produce corn syrup bad places to live. I generally prefer rural bumblefucks to elitist pricks like you. I say that a someone who disagrees rather strongly with said bumblefucks on certain things.
They are not moving to streaming, there's no way.
Like 60% of the US cannot stream their games. Even streaming installs would have massive downgrades to performance.
Whoever moves to majority streaming first is going to kill their console. It seems both parties are timid about mentioning it because they want to keep the window open just in case the other doesn't do it.
I don't. What of it, faggot?
I don't like Capeshit, so that's 80% of new movies out the window for me. I also don't like rap, hiphop, and Thots screaming into a microphone. So they basically contribute nothing to me. If you weren't a corporate cock-obsessed whore, they would contribute nothing to you as well.
So fuck Sony and fuck California.
>Snoyboys on Yea Forums will support always online streaming shit because they’re corporate cocksleeves who do it for free
Asher let loose the Pajeets again.
Going laugh some more because it make Xgroids angry.
pure unadulterated greed.
California and Sony both need to die.
To be fair it's easy to stream movies now
2014 was still very early in the lifespan of mobile devices. Nowadays everyone who has the money to spend on a luxury like video games has a smartphone, and can tether their wifi to it. Realistically this probably just means the main system plays discs and can stream to your phone or some shit, not that the device is streaming. I don't think they'd go that far.
Just like with Steam, Origin, etc...
Xcuck delusion. Simple as that. Plus paid Micropajeets, which /g/ outed long ago.
>t. seething Xmong
Damn, this response is a lot better then mine hereBased Weeb is based and Weeb.
Seethe harder Xboi. We're taking the cloud from you.
This but unironically
Fuck California, anyone that likes this shit state is a fucking transplant who hasn't seen the shithole it has become because of east coast and Midwest faggots fleeing here from their racist family. Unironically the only people proud of being a Californian are spics and transplants who think it's a badge of honor.
lol this would literally kill consoles. y'all freaking out over nothing
>lol this would literally kill consoles
Let's hope so. It's the future sönyggers deserve.
>Realizing that his home-grown cloud service isn’t going to cut it, Sony Chief Executive Officer Kenichiro Yoshida is being forced to collaborate, rather than confront his old gaming nemesis.
>“Sony feels threatened by this trend and the mighty Google, and has decided to leave its network infrastructure build-up to Microsoft,” said Asymmetric Advisors strategist Amir Anvarzadeh. “Why would they sleep with the enemy unless they feel threatened?”
$ony had to go running to MS LMAO
I hope the anons back in 2013 saying how Sony fans, if Sony did what me did, would eat that shit up, were proven 100% true.
Gonna need to try that sentence again, Calcutta marketer.
Xcucks always lose. You can tell by the posts that they're absolutely fuming right now.
>That doesn't mean information can't simply be moved to multiple other disks, hard drives or SSDs. That is literally the whole point.
No shit, but OP was saying disk rot doesn't exist.
Magnetic tape is the #1 solution because you can put large amounts of data at a highly cheap rate. The shelf life is fairly shit. It's cheaper to just copy your archive onto a new roll, especially if you don't need to access it. If you do need to access it then your would just have a working copy and depending on the quality required you would just use whatever.
It's more akin to "why are we spending this money on gaikai when we can come to an agreement with MS." They'll probably cut or neutralize the royalties on blu-ray that MS currently pays, open up crossplat to MS systems, in exchange for use of azure services. It's a good thing for all parties involved, and there's no detriment to anyone but google.
Is there anything more ironic than an xbox guy calling the competition niggers while he employs an army of pajeets?
I swear Yea Forums has the most deranged individuals you wouldn't want to meet irl, like acfag, barneyfag, barry, gladium and now this asher fag.
Clown world hit this place hard.
There's like twelve games there what are you on about.
>I never use any of their internet companies, or watch any of their movies, TV, or listen to their music,
I quite literally never do any of those things though, so yes my statement still very much stands. Fuck Commiefornia.
microsoft pays fuck all royalties to sony for blu ray. they pay more to panasonic but even then its still fuck all. sony gets like 10-20 cents per xbox. basically pocket change. that won't be enough. sony will be paying top dollar for this. we're talking billions.
There's that distinct stench of rscottyg's ruptured anus again. You are not welcome here, xqueer :^)
Want Microsoft the ones who tried to push for a download only console with a mandatory kinet? They are just if not more shit than Sony.
>fuck all royalties
So you say in your post they're paying more to panasonic for DVD licensing, but think for some reason it would be less to get blu-ray licensing? come on man.
why would they price their hardware $599 after their famous $299 moment at E3? Because it's Sony and they never learn
>Azure is so shit it's 96% cheaper than competing cloud shit
Shill harder. Right now the MoU extends to fuck all anyway.
>Why the fuck would they go in the opposite direction after that?
Because it's Sony. When have they ever given a flying fuck?
Wrong. PS3 was over-engineered at launch, they decided to just shit out updates to hardware over time. Just like they did with the pro, slim and ps one.
nigger, panasonic owns like 90% of the blu ray patents. sony were barely involved. there's sony, panasonic and another like 8 companies who developed blu ray. there's 18 or something on the board alone. followed by another 50 or so in collaboration including MS.
MS pays round ~7$ in royalties per blu ray drive and the vast majority o that goes to panasonic
>All this backfired shitposting
>rscottyg crawls out of his cuckshed to damage control
Both of those have offline modes
>all this Sony Cuck damage control
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I came at the right time. Sony are finished.
>companies moving towards streaming services when a fuckton of the US still has third world quality internet
Why do our corporate overlords hate us so?
>fuckton of the US
they have horrible landline internet.
Most people, ironically, have ditched regular cable internet and replaced it with mobile tethering. It's why there's been such a push for 4G and 5G. Comcast even got involved in mobile data because of the horrendous losses they've been taking since 2015 or so on their xfinity brand. It's also the primary driver behind their re-adding a bandwidth cap to their landline internet.
I live in a rural flyover shithole and my landline internet, cable, from comcast is about 20down 5up. My PHONE internet is about 45down 17 up. It's ridiculous. It's also significantly more stable than trying to use my own wifi. The only reason I still have the landline is that it's paid for in it's entirety by my work.
They learnt far more about pricing than MS ever did
>Xbone SAD $250 LOL
The projection by Xbros is hilarious
And tethering your phone data to a streaming console will make the latency so large that you won't be able to play anything that isn't turn-based.
After the infamous Vita memory cards, I seriously doubt they ever learn from anything. Even Nintendo's less stubborn.
>They're trying to sell to the chinese market.
Except the Chinese don't like diversity or colored people so good luck with that
Literally every Sony insider is saying the PS5 will be $499. No console has EVER been successful above $399. None. Arrogant Sony are about to shoot themselves in the foot again just like 7th gen.
>Reddit fanfic
God I can't wait for the Xbro seethe when it's $399. The shitposting on you fuckers will be well deserved.
Have you tried actually playing on tethered data on 4G? It's no more than 30-40ms. That's well, WELL within the range of fault that normies will tolerate.
As far as I'm aware there will be an xbox console for either $299 or $399 anyway so there wouldn't be anything to brag about. That would just mean Sony aren't going full retard with $499 but ever insider is saying it is and I'm more inclined to believe them rather than you.
Either way I'll buy the cheapest one I couldn't give a shit about 4k meme tech. I've always bought the cheapest console.
Are you talking about the ping? I'm talking about if the entire game is streamed to your device, like with Stadia and like with this new PS5 development.
No one ever wants the shit version of a console released at the same time. No one did last gen and they won't next.
>this delusion
Literally nobody buys a more expensive console if theres a cheaper one on the market. Just look at the last 2 gens alone. 360 was literally have the price of the ps3 and even if it didn't have a power advantage it would have still sold better at launch because 99% of console players are casuals who don't give a shit about meme tech like HDR and whatever. The same goes for this gen. Only when the ps3 and x1 were price cut did they start selling better and that price cut was always down to $399 or lower. Any console that's above $399 will fail because you're getting into a price range where you're probably packing it with specs the vast majority of people don't give a shit about. They'd prefer a cheaper value console around $399 than one with some expensive SSD and whatever for $499.
History is always the best indicator when it comes to things like this. If xbox is $299 and ps4 is $499 you really think most people will care about the extra specs over the price? Fifa will play identical on both anyway.
>>God I can't wait for the Xbro seethe when it's $399
Does anyone on Yea Forums really give a shit about the Xbox anymore?
>muh insiders
There are none. It's Reddit fanfic, same as every E3 Xbox """"leak""""" around this time of year.
>There are none
I remember that Pastebin of the PS5's specs that Sony pretty much confirmed later on
What are you trying to say?
>360 Core was a turd no one wanted
>Lockhart will be a turd no one wants as well
The $399 PS5 is gonna clean up. History's gonna repeat so hard Xbros will have to fuck off back to their Twitter safe space again
Last year's Xbox E3 leak was pretty accurate. Pretty sure down to the order, including the Fromsoft trailer.
I couldn't care less what casuals want, fuck em
Imagine being this much of a shill I honestly can't believe you do this for free. You can't even have a logical discussion you get super offended at anything that doesn't make out Sony as the 2nd coming of jesus.
Seek help.
PSNow 2.0 Bullshit.
Too bad the US has shit internet.
Casuals are who will make or break a product, not enthusiasts. Sony is in the market to cater to these casuals more than you.
There wasn't one. Sorry.
>Sony trying to push always online after they allowed Fallout 76 and Anthem on their platform
Yeah, surely nothing will go wrong.
Evidently they're not, or they wouldn't be upping the price of their console.
>Projecting your delusion and the failure of your dead brand this hard
Gonna have to ask your boss for better talking points, Calcutta marketer. The entire basis for this shit thread is built on a lie anyway.
>Just read the article and Sony banned him cause he violated their terms of service involving hate speech
>there is a literal rule in the TOS that says they can remove access to ALL your games
>this is somehow ok to sonyfaggots
You're right its so irrelevant nobody screencapped it.
>tendies and xnigs already shitting their pants
PS5 is coming
I never said that they would be successful in the long run, user.
Tell me what happened the last time Sony had a console selling at $499 when the competition was selling for $299 and $399.
>All digital on PC for over 10 years
>suddenly its the end of the world of consoles do it
fill me in, why is this bad exactly?
Just as well the PS5 isn't gonna be $499 then.
>Xbros are still mad over 2013
It ended up being hugely successful with a decent library?
So you're telling me the $499+ ps3 was hugely successful at that price?
It was 599. It sold more than the 360 in their first years compared side by side.
499 was xbone x's launch price.
Pretty much, except now Microsoft will make money out of both consoles, since Playstation will be using Azure for cloud gaming
I haven't been keeping up, someone redpill me on who has won next gen and why.
Because you can always pirate on PC
All your digital console games on the other hand...
That's just not true. It's a fact the ps3 got off to a terrible start and it took them 2-3 years and big price cuts very shortly after release to get sales going.
My favourite console won.
Prove me wrong.
Apparently ps5 has already won but I can't tell you why because I don't know it's just what I'm seeing in this thread
Is that global? Why is it so small?
I dunno I'm phone posting it's one of the first images I found on Google the size looks ok on my phone
Just curious because its eedar. NA is NPD, Japan is Mediacreate.
>Offline mode
I don't see how they expect game streaming to work. The input lag is just not tolerable.
Not sure sorry but I know the high pricing hit Sony hard as well as ps3 sales hence why they price cut it by nearly double not even a year after launch to the casual friendly $399.
Embrace, extend, extinguish
It was rigged from the start
The reason for the price cut was actually because the original PS3 was costing sony somewhere around 899 USD to produce while they were selling for 599.
They immediately had to release a version without the multiple unused ports at the back, and the PS2 parts, and don't forget having no HDMI cable.
Lucky for them because the 2008 financial disaster was just about to arrive.
PS3 was sabotaged by some execs at sony and IBM at the same time and somehow they still made the shitshow work near the end. Mostly carried by their studios.
With arrogant sony seemingly back, it seems they're in for another bumpy ride.
It's a giant fucking meme, it's amazing how easy it is to convince people to hate things.
>PS3 was slashed to $399 in a year because they knew $599 was a disaster
>PS4 was $399 at launch
>hurrrr arrogant snoy bumpy ride
Don't be upset that Uncle Phil is about to produce another $499 meme machine.
Name 5 on Xbox that are not Halo Of Duty Gears Of Generic Shooter 9.
They are terrified of fucking it up because it would prove that they are not able to recreate the magic of older final fantasies, which is what they've been baiting their audience with.
If the rumours of a multiple SKU approach are true then they could release a $1000 console as long as they have the budget friendly console as well.
I'll predict $299 and $499. If it's one console then $399.
Reading comprehension user. Sony was selling PS3s fine it was the production costs that hurt them. We had 10 years of a console war to learn about this last gen.
If the soft reveal is any indication it'll be single SKU $399
>Sony was selling PS3s fine
It was a notorious flop for the first year of its life.
>All these mad Xcucks crawling out of the gutter recently
Can't wait until E3 when you all scuttle back there again for the next year. rscottyg will probably hang around like a bad smell though.
because consoles have shitty online stores, for instance dragon quest builders has been 80 dollars since release on PSN canada, despite being 30 MSRP for like 2 years
>still thinking anyone on Yea Forums gives a shit about the xbox
Everything is pointing towards the PS5 being $499, man. Stop getting so defensive about it.
I wonder what must be going though the hardcore sonyfag mind right now when they see their company doing dumb shit left right and centre. Pulling out of PSX was one, pulling out if E3 is a massive L, paying their rival MS for a service they could have got from a neutral like Amazon, Days Gone 7 years in development to be slaughtered by the press etc.
>No evidence
>Ten years of pattern suggesting otherwise
>"Everything is pointing"
C'mon bud.
>Ten years of pattern suggesting otherwise
Yeah Sony would never overprice shit till the point where it fails, like the PS3 at launch or the Vita's memory cards. Have you even read up on the specs Sony has officially put out? That shit's not cheap.
ps3 burned all ps2 and ps1 profits
>what is the ps3
you do realize that the ps3 would have stayed 599 had MS not kicked them up the ass with the 360, right? they became arrogant and competition put them in their place. for all we know they might try and pull that shit again and if they do we have to hope MS does well enough to make them stop doing shit things. the same happened to MS too with 499 and kinect. arrogance is a plague that these companies seem to suffer from all too often.
>Usual Xcuck projection
No wonder you fuckers have to make a shit thread like this to feel better.
I do online stuff on PC aside from videogames.
I only play games on my console.
Being without internet should not block me from enjoying videogames.
The price was destroying them regardless of the 360. The Wii ended up wrecking both as well and that wasn't even direct competition because it was targeting a different market. Time to accept that your $499 wet dream isn't happening.
It's already fucking like that, I can't even fucking play Bloodborne right now because I have the dlc and my net is down
>Microsoft and Sony team up to fuck everyone.
>Massive outcry and boycott of both systems
>Microsoft rolls back on the always online, leaving Sony to once again be arrogant and not do a thing.
Well you just answered my question. I can see you people are extremely mad. Have fun during E3..
..Oh wait.
Here's a question for you and let's see if you can answer it properly without sperging out like a blind fanboy:
Are you happy that Sony are skipping E3 and do you think that benefits them at all?
It's so weird how a dead in the water brand like Xbox has so many shills on Yea Forums.
>Deflecting to E3 because that's the only time he gets a crumb
Never mind, at least there's Inside Xbox to fill the gap oh wait lol.
Or X019, we all know last year's was just a buffet of announcements oh wait lol.
So sound extremely mad bud. Can't even get yourself to participate in an adult conversation. How old are you anyway? 13?
>So sound extremely mad bud.
Upset phoneposter or Calcutta marketer? I should place a bet.
Buy a computer
> 13%
> >50%
> double standards and proud
unironically libtard
What reason would I have to be upset about anything? All the companies I want to see are attending E3 (granted EA play isn't literally at the E3 conference but I'll still be able to see the new Star Wars game at their EA play conference on the 7th). No one here is upset bud, except maybe you seeing as you seem to be very triggered at my posts for no obvious reason.
Relax, drink some water, have a walk.
Yeah sorry not sorry for not giving a shit that scumbags are getting assfucked for their scumbagness.
>Actually wanting to see what EA shits out
Yeah, Calcutta marketer confirmed.
Your dead gay bear isn't showing up in Smash either.
Both MS and Sony were going to do it but MS revelead first and Sony snatched the opportunity. Prior to full reveals rumors stated both sony and ms were in on it.
So why do you hate gaming so much? How does constantly being mad at everyone you encounter on a vietnamese basket weaving forum benefit you in life?
Just enjoy the games. I'm sorry Sony didn't care enough to show up but that's no ones fault here so take your anger out on Sony if other people looking forward to E3 triggers you so much because of what they did.
>They learnt far more about pricing than MS ever did
Consumers, consumers never truly learn.
>Both MS and Sony were going to do it
Still pushing this conspiracy theory? Sony announced no anti-used games DRM in February 2013.
Yep. Just like Trump and white people for California.
>Ace Combat 7 did well enough to keep the series going just in time for Sony to go full retard
Guess it's PC and Switch for me
> le reddit passive-aggressive grrr I'm sassy
Yes, i'd love it if the government fucked them up.
And take into count i'd drop videogames altogether if they tried that.
I just want the government to fuck them.
There is nothing passive here, I believe I have made it very clear that racists scumbags deserve everything bad happening to them.
Xbots have been hiding in the dark for years since Kinect was revealed, once in a blue moon they would pop up around E3 time.
US gov might be aiming to tackle GAAS. They're one of the last holdouts in the planet. China, EU, and Australia already did stuff. Mold guy on youtube has a long vid on it.
> sorry not sorry
> not passive-aggressive
can't even stand by your own words. You sound like the type of cuck who wants hate speech laws and believes free speech is dangerous.
There's nothing passive aggressive about the way I used it here, it's nothing more than figure of speech. But you know what? Who gives a fuck, the main point still stands and I'm still not in the wrong.
Well, why not the death penalty? Scumbags should serve no purpose in society if the goal is to constantly keep them out of it. After that, there's not even any use in keeping these sorts of people alive to begin with.
On a side note, you could easily be considered a scumbag yourself. Pray that cultural or political forces don't swing too far in the opposite direction.
deja vu
If I haven't fallen for the retarded slippery slope fallacy that other posters before have tried throwing at me, what makes you think I will fall for it this time?
Oh, I feel such a scumbag for thinking being an unapologetic racist is scum and deserves everything bad happening to them, I really do have to pray every day that suddenly racism won't become standard.
>read article
>"analyst thinks"
>it just an assumption from a couple of people with no real proof
>these same niggas think nintendo was goona release a switch pro this year
Come on guys, don't just use opinion as fact
Why are you even on Yea Forums then if you're so sensitive about racism you absolute nigger
It's one thing calling each others faggots and niggers on Yea Forums, and it's another thing being an unironic racist.
You are a retard if you think Windows 7 and xbox and playstation don't collect the same info win10 does.
Who fucking cares? The guy isn't harming anyone with his dumb and foul comments. Just ban him from online and move on.
You don't have a main point, your only stance is "censorship for thee, but not for me".
> Windows 7 doesn't collect the same info win10 does.
Correct, it doesn't. It literally can't, that's the only reason why.
so glad i finally saved for a PC.
stop getting jewed by the $500 meme machines. it's so fucking freeing.
>reports of it not being able to play PS3 games is already coming up
Except not allowing to call others niggers online isn't censorship. Yet again people here mistakenly equate free speech to the freedom to call others niggers online.
i've yet to see sony drop an inferior console for more money than the base version.
a-and i said console... psp go... doesn't count.. right?
> not allowing speech
> somehow this is not censorship
>copying nintendo switch slogan "anytime anywhere with anyone" and bastardizing it for their meme cloud
still no fucking shame sony, what a pathetic company
Except it is free speech, saying nigger doesnt suddenly create panic in a crowded theather
Yes they are if you choose to agree with the ToS
It isn't, if you had education you would know this too.
you can pirate on console. If you don't softmod your systems as soon as you're able too then you're an idiot
Without disconnection
Ok, i have no net...
Its not fucking digital only, faggots
I'm looking forward to the months of speculation regarding the PS5. Literally when has Yea Forums ever been right about a Playstation console? This will be so amazing.
>sells more than the Xbox 360
>despite being released a full year later
>also ends up being cheaper than the Xbox 360 due to its free online
>gets released to critical acclaim
>BTFOs microsoft during the holiday
>ends up outselling the Xbone by a 3:1 margin
>to be determined
I can't wait lads. The sheer amount of salt the PS5 will generate will make the wait worth it. Nothing triggers Yea Forums more than Sony doing well.
And if i was playing streaming, like this seems like it is.?
Imagine if steam had streaming only, offline doesn't exist.
>hey timmy!
>hey fuck you aunt veronica, suck my fucking nigger balls you turboslut
>user go to your room!
>wow wtf mom stop censoring me
Literally kys.
If you "had education" (nice sentence, Pajeet), you'd know saying nigger completely falls under free speech.
Why do people think they need to be connected to their videogame at all times? What is the purpose?
These bastards never come out of their silicon valley ivory towers.
Doesn't work. I lost net for a week because some fag crashed into a cabel node or whatever. I was unable to play a majority of my games I could play before such as Devil May Cry 5 due to current drm
Many sources saying ps5 = always online
Spread this information everywhere
Avoid buying this cancerous product
Xbox list go!!!
Name 12 games or some shit!
Lol pls say nigger loudly in the cinema, see if you don't get kicked out.
Im always online anyways. Everyone is.
Not a slippery slope at all. It's the logical conclusion to your point.
>I feel such a scumbag for thinking being an unapologetic racist is scum and deserves everything bad happening to them
So that's a "yes", then. You're at least upfront about it. But again, don't complain if things swing too far in the opposite direction, or if you're caught in the middle of a violent revolt because a bunch of resentful people were cast to some dark corner of the world where they couldn't be properly socialized or interact with others (hell, that's pretty much what Yea Forums is).
If you think simply driving all the deplorables underground will somehow teach them a lesson or make them not show their faces ever again, then you're fucking delusional. This is why your best options is to let them speak freely (this isn't about online chat anymore btw, it's a deeper issue), or put them in jail for the rest of their lives before they commit bigger atrocities.
>It's one thing calling each others faggots and niggers on Yea Forums, and it's another thing being an unironic racist
He's got a point. There probably aren't many other places on the internet more racist than Yea Forums. Every single racist and homophobic comment can't possibly be ironic. On places like reddit, I bet you could get banned much faster for that. So why stay here?
Until your ISP does something retarded, or a foolish road worker severs a cable.
Dude the switch beat PS4 in way shorter time LMAO
It's always been online. You put in disc, it downloads the game anyway. They want to remove that part of it.
People are dumb if they haven't realized it yet.
>96 million PS4s vs 34 million Switches
Yeah sure it did.
Do what is smart - download every fucking ROM for NES - PS2 and prepare to bunker in. I won't be buying online only shit and stick with not only the massive library I have across numerous consoles, I'm content just playing GCN ROMs and the like.
Sounds dramatic, but fuck it. Too old for video games anyway. Also pirate PC games so I still will receive new games.
It is absolutely retarded slippery slope, you are trying to assure me it is not okay for Sony to ban that guy for being a piece of shit because Sony will sell my house next time. Not gonna happen no matter how you put it.
>He's got a point. There probably aren't many other places on the internet more racist than Yea Forums. Every single racist and homophobic comment can't possibly be ironic. On places like reddit, I bet you could get banned much faster for that. So why stay here?
And my point quite simply went over your head it seems.
I'm bunkering in with the shitload of japanese only games from SNES up to DS/PSP gens that I haven't played, and I'll keep supporting PC releases, eroge and obscure doujin games exclusively.
Fuck modern mainstream gaming. It's all online only service predatory gacha skinner boxes anyways, even Monster Hunter fell that low.
>It is absolutely retarded slippery slope, you are trying to assure me it is not okay for Sony to ban that guy for being a piece of shit because Sony will sell my house next time
That's not even remotely close to what I said. I didn't even mention Sony in any of my posts.
>And my point quite simply went over your head it seems
I understood your point and addressed it in its entirety. You're just dodging the question now.
Again, why stay here where there are more unironic racists than most places on the internet?
>marketing bullshit 101
yawn. same shit as every year since the 90s
How have you not figured out capitalism at this point?
All that's left then is botnet made by the internet companies there then
I use GoG you drm shill
Fucking pleb.
>I never use any of their internet companies, or watch any of their movies, TV, or listen to their music, h-honest!
This but unironically. The last Hollywood movie I watched was four years ago and I don't listen much to music outside of classical. The series I watch are all japanese and same thing with the games.
Good goy
But this is a good thing? Consoles will cease to exist and we don't have to compromise with games anymore since it'll all be designed for PC hardware. Based Sony
This is why the switch is important, it's not possible to have always-online with a portable device like that, especially when you consider how fucked most of the world's mobile networks are and how expensive/capped most mobile plans are.
>This shit thread is still up
Fuck's sake, mods.
>OK, bud. You're allowed to play this video game and any other associated with your account as long as you don't call me a "filthy kike". If you do that we'll ban you and lock access to that account and any digital games associated with it. Do you understand and agree to the terms described: Yes/No?
>Ok, you're banned now. Have fun, retard.
>dude wtf i'm a gud boi who dindu nuffin!
No sympathy for retards.