You ARE playing Kiryu's game right, Yea Forums?

Yakuza thread. Can someone post Sayama pics?

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I beat KW2 like 2 days ago, I hope they fix it on PC I had none of the problems potatoes clearly did but even my 1080ti would keep a stable 60 at 4K Low or High. So Far Y0 = K2 > k1

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Kiwami 2 is trash.

Y? Only game that let's me get in fist fights in restaurants just like IRL

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That isn't even the only Yakuza game that allows this. Fool.

I completed it yesterday user, and I agree with Y0 = K2 > K1. I liked the last fight (except Kiryu and Sayama just sitting near the bomb and saying "lol sorry Haruka").

I have a 1060 3gb and I could run 1080p60 constant with Medium setting and on High I had frame drops. I ended up keeping it medium with resolution scale at 80%.

All I'm hearing is I'm only gonna get to continue my hijinks, why does 2 suck exactly now?

Really liked the heat action in Poppo store, you put the guy's head in their microwave and an employee heats his head up lmao

Keeping it High*

I like the heat action in that bar where you run the dude into all the bottles. I miss the one where you slam the guys head into the car door tho

Yeah, that was great when it was in 6 first.

I hate this every game in this series makes me hungry as fuck whenever I eat because of the appetizing food pictures. The worst is probably the pastries at Café Alps.

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Why are you so mad? Mad that your Sony was BETRAYED by Sega. Act like I won't enjoy it in 6 in like 1 year lol

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No, I think the games have gotten worse since 0. I've played the entire series for years. The dragon engine is just trash. Thankfully, Judge Eyes is slightly better. Oh, Kiwami 2 is way worse than 6, btw. Total trash and the original 2 is much better.

no i uninstalled it yesterday
>Nearly the same game
Sippin on that HateRaid I see

I swear to god user I just keep going on drinking and eating frenzy sometimes in this game lol

What? They are not the same at all. Artistically, it's far worse. The music and graphics shit all over the amazing aesthetic the original had. They only seem the same because the kiwami games are such cheap pieces of trash that they recycle the animations from PS2 games. Not only that, but K2 uses rips its entire combat system from 6, which has some of the worst combat in the entire series.


After coming recently from 0 (good but maxing out your skills and the business substories was a stupid and unfun grind) and Kiwami 1 (most fights sucked because everyone has super armour and could knock you down easy) 2 is so far the best Yakuza game I've played. It apparently has shitty pc performance but I've not noticed this and I only have a 1060. The only real complaint is the lack of styles and no way to quickly remove those roadblock guys holding chairs anymore.

Friendly reminder

One of the worst changes in the game. Holy shit, that song is bad too. Same song is used for the final cutscene of the game, which is such a downgrade in every way.

They actually added a stab sound effect. How dumb do they think Kiwami players must be?

you have to use a sword for the chair guys. \
I'm not gonna say the original is ugly or anything because it's not. But it certainly looks like a PS2 game. I modded in the OG music in. And the game looks good h8r

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When is Yakuza 3 coming to PC

whats the difference

That's nice, but I'm not going to give the game credit for what you personally modded into it to make it less shit. I played it years ago. This was the creation they chose to shit out, disrespecting the original game.

Looks like you modded the colors too, lmao.

>The HD food images in the Dragon Engine now.
They already looked tasty in the older games and now they all look even more delicious. The steak store near Shichifuku makes their food look amazing, and Kanrai's food looks lovely. Sotenbori also has some amazing looking food stores.

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I'm sorry Japanese copyright laws inconvenient your ability to have fun.
The day it launched someone said the game was TOO green and I wasn't gonna find out and wait for SEGA to fix it so I modded the green out. Did I make it worse?

Remember that time Kiryu shot down a helicopter with a rocket launcher and didn't kill anybody?

What? They replaced the music in the japanese version of K2 as well. This isn't a localization issue, you fool.

>Playing Yakuza games as a smoker and drinker
It's pure hell

Remember when Kiryu threw people out a 5 story window?

There a guide for model swapping yet?

>Having anything new disrespects the old
>No FUN allowed
People like you are insufferable. I get tired of seeing the same shit over and over again. In Yea Forums I get to see "Dragon Ball Z Kai sucks and disrespects the original DBZ" and now I get to see retarded old fags indie my generation like you defend an inferior old game to this new one. For the love of fuck let us have our fun and enjoy our lives instead of being the oldfag that can't accept change.

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You're a retard if you choose to reduce to argument to that. God, you Kiwami pigs are filth.

As a rabid DBGT fan boy Kai is technically more canon than Z or at least accurate to the Manga and Filler free, and Early Z was the Dragonball style and GT is the late Z style done the best. I love Z but Kai makes more sense to show on TV because it's easier to catch 100 episodes than 291

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Implying DBZ Kai doesn't suck ass?

What if they take time to model food like in FFXV for Shin Yakuza ?

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more rabid Sony Tears
>when it's only on PlayStation the game is great
>When it goes mulitplat it now becomes mediocre

What a weird defense. I don't give a shit about Sony. Is this really the new argument to defend Kiwami 2 now that it's on PC? Cmon, don't be this pathetic, PC players.

>Food is brought to the table by a waiter or waitress.
>Steam coming out of the food.
>Super detailed.

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>Old shit is legendary because I grew up with it as a edgy teenager
>New shit is bad because my life sucks and I have responsibilities.
I apologise that you like living in the past and can't get out of the year 2004. It must suck to not accept reality as it is.
>As a rabid DBGT fan boy Kai is technically more canon than Z or at least accurate to the Manga and Filler free,
Absolutely agree. I rewatched Kai and the only valid point I can see if anyone watched it in America was the Bruce Faulconer music being removed. Other than that I adjusted and think it is superior and just so quick. Snake Way is only 2 episodes alone. No way I can go back to Z after Kai.
>I love Z but Kai makes more sense to show on TV because it's easier to catch 100 episodes than 291
I agree I was shocked at how quick the arcs moved and how Freiza vs Goku was reanimated with the older animators again. Even the themes were a blast and the music inserted in felt like a nice tribute to the fans that kept with the series.

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Wrong, fool. I played them all in 2013 and they were all great. Yakuza 6 was a huge downgrade to the series, and Kiwami 2 is an extension of that. People continue to project your shitty life and leap through hoops to justify Kiwami 2 being bad. Don't worry, Hokuto and Jusge Eyes are much better than 6 or K2, so the series isn't going to stay terrible, hopefully. Shin Yakuza might be garbage though.

I defended by saying it's good but you moved the goal post so far that now we playing baseball so I'm swinging for the fences. It's the exact same game as 2 just prettier like a good remaster.
>dragon engine is shit
How, as a weeb game hating asshole I have no issues with this game and it only suffers from player chosen exploits like eating a shit ton of food and drinking a bunch of appetite drinks, this is how I got Kiryu SWOLE fast. Every good game with RPG elements rewards creativity as opposing to FORCING a grind
How is KW2 terrible, give bullet points, not "because I said so man"

>think the 2014 release was good
>think the 2015 release was good
>don't think the 2016 release was as good since they switched engines and downgraded the combat system
>don't think the 2017 was very good because it's just the 2016 release again with reused assets from an older game
>"woooow, you think it's bad because it's on PC now, huh?!"

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>I binged a series of very long and very similar games, surely my fatigue didn't influence my experience of later titles

I like it way better than Y0. The combat just immediately feels better, the graphics are amazing too. Pretty bad PC port but I can run it full speed with forced AA (which doesn't show up on my screenshots, weird) without stutter anyway, so still better than Y0 on PC for me
I remember having way more fun with the original Yakuzas on PS2 than 0 anyway and I'm surprised that I like this better especially when it actually feels like a remake of Y2 unlike K1 which felt like a bad Y0 addon

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What a bad argument. I am playing 0 right now and loving it, you foolish man. I enjoyed Hokuto and Judge Eyes too, which were both after Kiwami 2. How can you be so stupid? hahahaha

I will give you 6 but I can not give you Kiwami 2. Kiwami 2 felt more like the older games in the sense of movement and controls if anything. 6 was more enclosed and did feel a slight step back from the rest. And 5 to me was the worst storyline but had solid combat.
You can stop using your sock account man.

>Kiwami 2 felt more like the older games in the sense of movement and controls if anything.
This is absolutely false in every way. Kiwami 2 is a reskin of Yakuza 6 in every way. Combat, the city, and movement are are lifted from 6 wholesale. Just like Kiwami 1 did with 0.

I am going to need a citation for that.

>sock account
that's not how this anonymous image board works, redditor

you can't use that gif because Anton would enjoy K2
>Likes 0 but says K2 is the worse ever.
Maybe you should try a game more suited to your intelligence like Far Cry 3 because with the glaring issues of K1 all these games are within 15% of the same quality

I'm gonna need a citation first on how the movement is anything like the previous games, lmao. I've played them all, you know? Please prove that bullshit you're spewing first.

How does this insult make any sense? I enjoyed one game but not the other so I should play Far Cry 3? But you're saying they're all the same quality? So, you're saying Yakuza fans are more suited to play Far Cry 3? No thanks, retard. I guess that's what a Kiwami 2 fan would like.

Am I crazy or is Kiwami 1's bosses crazy strong and beefy for normal difficulty?
I just started the game

>Just a normal peaceful day in kamurocho
>Take a few steps forward without doing anything at all

Yeah I had a lot of trouble beating Majima at the batting cages. The boss at the funeral was easy for me though since he just uses Mr. Shakedowns fighting style.

They have way more health than the usual bosses do, the super armor doesn't help (Particularly with Shakedown Shimano), and the Kiwami regenerating health makes fights feel way longer. They don't really feel that much stronger than something like 0, but they do feel beefier in terms of health. Kiwami also has enemies stun and knock you down mid-combo instead of just with their finisher attacks so keep that in mind. Ishin and FotNS are really the only games where the mooks hit like trucks. Ishin for example has its 2H enemies which can one-shot you outright near the start of the game and FotNS has normal mooks taking off decent chunks of your health when you can't afford jerky to heal.

Nope I'm taking a break

Can we all agree that it's a good thing that the enemies in Yakuza games don't really pose a threat and wait to be hit because it makes the games feel more like sidescrolling beat em ups?

If thats true then I must be really bad at these games!

If I never played any yakuza game but wanted to try it which one should I play

Can you beat majima the first time meeting him since you were in prison?

Go for 0

The first game for PS2. Release order is always the best option.

0 is literally designed for newcomers, though you may want 1 on PS2 instead if you tend to be a purist.

0 is so much better if you played the entire series in release order. Kiwami 1 is not a worthy replacement either.

0 is the best prequel to any story.

0 and K2 are nearly the same quality game I do not legitimately understand why you don't like it yet like 2 (the exact game minus some makeup and environmental changes) the continuous camera and no loading times between fights and dialogue make K2 seem like the better game than 2 to me. That's like saying you Loved GTA VC so much but you can't stand SA because it's engine is too different

Yes. You gain 100 EXP and a different piece of dialogue, picture related.

1 on PS2 if you want to see it from the start, 0 if you want to start form a newer entry but you're going to be all over the place with game polish and hopping engines constantly.

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Beast mode weapon damage scaling is broken in 0

Yeah, best prequel, which means play the original first to understand why 0 is so good as a prequel.

They are more aggressive on higher difficulties but more importantly they're just respecting the 1v1

I feel so fucking bad for you if you actually believe that.

Did Kiryu stick it inside half-gook pussy? Why is this game normalizing race mixing with koreans?

It might be tuesday, but I have no job or school to go to today, or any social engagements. Here I am, making sure nobody criticizes ANY aspect of any yakuza game. Will probably do the same tomorrow. Feels fucking good.

>I don't need a retards sympathy
I just watched 45 minutes of OG 2 gameplay and put in 24 hours into KW2, I appeared to miss nothing but Resident evil 1 camera angles and PS2 graphics.
What does the original offer that the Remake doesn't?

Cue insults and no actual arguments.

Hey, I never called you a retard over that. I'm just disappointed in you. Don't be so hard on yourself.

>backed into a corner the baby chipmunk must choose to fight or flee
I'm not insulting you, WE are insulting you. Both games are good because they are the same game lol and you have yet to list a single reason why K2 sucked besides saying 6 sucked

I'm pretty sure enemies in old beatemup games attack you, user

Uh buddy, that wasn't me. Looks like you've been playing too much Kiwami 2 and can't lock on to the right enemy anymore. I think he was agreeing with you, haha.

I can't tell if you're saying Y2 and K2 are the same game or 0 and K2 are the same. Either way, they aren't the same at all. Their combat systems are worlds apart. K2 just has the extra baggage of being a worse retelling of one of the best games in the franchise.

Doesn't make it bad.

Yes it does, because 6 was kinda shit, and Kiwami 2 is that shit combat system and tech slapped onto a version of Y2 with a worse art style, removed areas, the main villain turned into an old man, and horrible music. You can say you modded some of this stuff out, but all that's doing it giving points to the original game.

Whatever. It doesn't feel like 6 at all and K2 is the best in the series.

Shinseicho and the few substories in it (One of the few that actually involves pocket tissues).
The Marietta
YF6 (The original game the old man was good at)
The original Jo and Jiro Amon fights. Kazuya and Sango are more or less the same. Jo doesn't even have the YF6 weaponry anymore and all his phases are sword related when all four of his phases were way different. He went from melee to grenade to YF6 tonfas to lightsabers in the original. Jiro is arguably changed for the better though since he was basically just a more annoying Arase.
The final gauntlet is handled differently (Much longer from what I recall, I seem to recall having to fight four special minibosses before reaching the top), and the Ryuji 3 fight is definitely harder on the original than in K2.
The original songs that fit the scenes were replaced with SiM for some dumb reason but that's up to personal preference at the end of the day.

K2 does offer counterparts for these removals though, Adam has been swapped for Clan Creator and The Marietta has been swapped for Four Shine. It also has the Majima Saga (Though that's more to end a loose plot thread from 0 and I guess it also explains why Majima owns Majima Construction but they just breeze over that in the OG 2 anyway), there's brand new substories all over the place, and they prevent you from locking yourself out of Amon or missing the red cat substory by talking to the mahjong guard in Sotenbori over and over.

Both are worth a try for their content, it's still nice to see The Marietta in all the later games because you know it's because of Kiryu it's still around and flourishing.

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>and tech
>muh PS3 engine!
>at least my Piss4 could run it!!

It's not the same combat system as 6 and it feels close to PS2 Yak2 than Kiwami 1 ever did to PS2 Yak 1

How aren't Y2 and K2 the same game, one was just made for this decade, is Sonic Adventure 2 on DC not the same As Sonic Adventure 2 for GC?

What is so bad about the combat give some logic to this, besides "it doesn't feel right" I played 0 and K2 and the combat systems are merely different I have no preference to either games combat

I don't care who is who you replied which means whatever I said pinched a nerve

>Just Play them all
I like it, sounds logical to me. If the Kiwani games are digtal dogshit like the haters claim then I'm expecting the PS2 ones to blow my fuckin mind apparently lol

>finish kiwami 2
>watch some random y6 gameplay
>literally the exact same with only a a couple of new minigames and different looking heat gauge
seriously though, is there any noticeable difference?

>Just finished Fallout 3
>Checking out some Fallout New Vegas gameplay
>literally the exact same but some new minigames and weapons
You rn
6 Proabably has a different story tho lol

>no baka mitai in k2

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>You ARE playing Kiryu's game right, Yea Forums?
I've already played the two PS2 games. I don't really see much point in playing either of the remakes. The Yakuza series in general is rather tired at this point.

Spent the whole night yesterday in YK2 getting the 3400 points at the Batting Center minigame... I probably won't be touching it anymore for the rest of the playthrough, right?

I didn't even know you needed to go batting in K2 so probably not

Did you do the American Dream substory? I think that's near the start of the game so you might have already done it.

There is a substory and a Haruka request involded, but they are not hard

how is that a good thing?

Yeah, the basketball american that plays baseball popped up before I even got the serene bat, I just saved-scummed it.

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