Post kniggers
Mordhau thread
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they both look like faggots that SUCK DICK
>clover emblem
not as good as your mum
fuck off OP.
you suck cocks too.
Name a greater feeling than being but a lowborn peasant and blocking attacks from a highborn's sword repeatedly with your frying pan until you bash his face in.
sledgehammer is so good, I can see why it's locked to peasants
Did servers go down? I cant connect to anything or find any servers in the browser
stop posting these shit threads every hour go to your general faggot
is it really? how does it compare to maul?
imagine the damage of maul but with slower swings that make for 10/10 drags and the stamina damage so high it will disarm in 3 or 4 blocks
guess i should give it a try thanks
>tattered threads
Knigger, have some self respect.
This game is literally the fucking morrowind meme. Youre staring right at a guy and its just MISSMISSMISSMISSMISSBLOCKMISSMISSMISS
What weapon in this game is actually capable of hitting people? Am I swinging a fucking sword or am I playing counterstrike? In counterstrike its actually easier to hit people
just get a zwei and aim for heads not looking at you.
morph, feint, drag or excel. unmodified attacks are easy to block
Post cosplays
What weapon is best for spamming people to death? I dont want to do gay parries just let me cave peoples faces in
in my experience zwei or spear, you should try though to learn the parrying even it does feel like mushy garbage. your not going to be able click spam the autists that have been in this game since beta
So you want to be good without actually getting good. Rapier is perfect for you
No I just want to play a faceroll class, which literally every multiplayer game in history has had
update it 100% does not have the damage of a maul the drags are good tho. i just don't think its worth without the 1 hit kill
Get styled on then, faggot
>join russian server
>everyone just swings with m1 even high level players
>farm myself to 67-0 with a greatsword
How can an entire nation of subhumans even function?
An entire nation doesn't matter when the only thing that's paid attention to is the tiniest percentile of a population in this context. Euro-neets have dominated PvE for a while now.
Remove Taiga and Firebombs from the game. That is all.
>Get interested into this game thanks to this board
>Decided to buy it for 25€
>Is just Chivarly with a little more complex combat and a terrible optimization and shit performance even with a high rig
>Realize is just another flavor of the month that people on this board meme
>Refund it
Never gonna trust again this shit board
speaking of, how is the performance with higher tier CPU's?
My i5 7600k constantly drops me to 40-60 fps on high-pop servers while my GPU is chillin' with only 60% usage.
I have an I7 and after a couple of minutes the performance starts to go apeshit and constantly drops 30-50 frames
i7 8700 here, never had CPU related framedrops in the game.
And what frames are you getting?
And what GPU do you have?
What is the work-load for both?
so whats the advantages of peasant skill?
also, is there any point of going out armor less? i like doing monk builds (loads of skills, no armor and a quarterstaff)
obviously i die in one hit though.
peasant just makes you a peasant
its a fun thing
games are supposed to be fun
GTX 1080 as GPU. I haven’t really checked on the individual workloads of CPU or GPU because I’ve had no need to: I’m playing max setting on 1440p, and the framerate stays at super stable 60 fps.
No advantage, although some peasant weapons are better than you would expect. For example, sledgehammer takes a shit ton of stamina away from enemy, more than any regular non-peasant weapon.
Obviously playing peasant still sucks because no armor, but it’s possible to fuck around with it.
I have an 4790k clocked to 4.6 and a 2070, never dipped below 144 fps on ultra settings, you're probably some third world cockroach with a nigger rigged 15 year old PC
I7 8700
16GB Ram
1050 Ti 4GB
The only low specs is my gpu, yet I pass the minimum settings to play it at 60fps with medium but the shit optimization of the game made me play it on 24-38 fps cause lols i guess
where's the female kniggers, devs said there would be female kniggers!
they were cancelled
>$1500 machine, 30 FPS
This is PC gayming everyone lmao
incorrect, they're still coming
at least we have games that can drop to 30 fps
no they announced the cancellation like 5 hours ago
Why would you cheap out on the single PC part that has the most impact on performance?
dont lie on the internet
will i enjoy the if im playing alone most of the time ?
also, can i create cute female knights ?
That GPU wasn't made for UE4 games, stick to less demanding titles
you fucking looked
hahah dweeb you fucking looked lmao
>boring generic designs
>against a weapon that discourages boring deathball facefucking
What is it like to be the most boring person in the room at all times?
There is nothing to discuss about this game. Go back to your general faggot. The game was fun for a few hours until you realise that there is nothing left to do in it. There is almost no content. No content=nothing to talk about.
Ah yes, nothing screams fun like waiting 5-30 seconds doing nothing but waiting for a firebomb to go out in a choke point.
Money, MONEY
Get fireproof or use a different entrance, brainlet.
This. Game is alright but only 4 maps and 3 modes, it's repetitive as fuck after like four hours.
Yes, I'll run through the firebomb with fireproof, lose 25+ health and run into the 5 enemies on the other side by myself because the rest of my team doesn't have fireproof and will just stand there waiting. Genius counter-play the works in real games.
>not addressing the second point
Do you know what "or" means? Learn English while you're at it, brainlet.
Maybe if youre an ADD zoomer. The map doesnt really matter when the most important thing is the core combat gameplay.
>Spend another 30 seconds running to the other entrance
>It's also firebombed to shit
Yeah, fantastic.
Are you seriously trying to imply it's normal to have every entrance permanently firebombed?
Its not a fighting game stage, the map adds different gameplay
Hes right. Firebombs are cancer and the game would be better off without them.
No, but there are enough common choke-point areas that it's a problem and makes the game worse than if firebombs just didn't exist.
Maybe if youre a FL babby. I mainly do skirm/duel servers, so the map is literally just a background. All that matters is the combat.
>that sound of getting hit by am archer
Everytime I hear that familliar THHHMP I just get the urge to stop playing.
If enemies are retarded and you are too(your case)-use a 2H spear, axe, rapier or exe sword
Enemies are somewhat skilled/you are disabled-use halberd
Enemies are retarded/you had enough braincells to understand the tutorial-use maul or zwei
Enemies and you are skilled-use swords
If you join a duel server and manage to win against a guy who knows what he's doing consider yourself skilled enough to use any weapon
>Stab is busted, it has too many active frames allowing you to drag a missed stab and still score a hit and the recovery is insane on some weapons t. players
>Ok, we will make its startup slower across the board t. Triternion
What the FUCK did they mean by this?
Hey Yea Forums what's up, I get top 10 and sometimes top 5 in Brazilian Frontline servers using the same few weapons, so I'm basically an expert on Mordhau now.
Check out my tier list... it's pretty pro. Gonna send it to the developers.
archers never kill me in frontline funnily enough. the only place they're actually an issue for me is when i play horde
Firebombs counter wall/spikespam faggotry, shieldwall faggotry, and are not really that difficult to avoid dying to.
>doing nothing but waiting for a firebomb to go out in a choke point
But every map has tons of alternate routes. You can literally just go around.
The game's worst choke is probably Red's last point on Peak and that still has four entrances for blue (left gate, climbing over the fence, right gate, and far right corridor)
don't forget, smoke puts out fire too
Jesus fucking Christ the steam discussion section of this game are fucking aneurysm inducing.
>Touching discussion forums of popular games
that was your first mistake
people will find any reason to complain about anything, and this game being a skillbased game, that goes tenfold because people use blaming a weapon as a cushion for their ego when they get killed
dont make fun of me :C
GIRU literally has over a thousand hours already, his list is accurate, he's been playing for years
I wasn't talking about people with 1000 hours. I was talking about people with a 10x smaller amount.
stock 4690 here and i never get less than 70fps. that nigga is dumb.
soon, very soon
>works on my machine
what a great comment.
Anyone having these Packet Loss messages?
It was fine before, but now it pops every game, and game started freezing/fast forward occasionally.
What is the point of the turn speed cap if it is different for every weapon?
To counter ballerina spin to win behavior. Also I've seen in duel servers that the game also has a hidden damage reductions mechanic if you manage to spin faster that you should.
yeah I'm getting them too
Anybody know how important it is to do damage in Horde? Does it count to your end gold much or is it purely kills and waves survived?
Yes, I get them on Camp most of times. Usually it doesn't cause any problem but sometimes is a stutterfest for a minute or so.
Like the rest of gamemodes the reward formula is based on playtime and points, and since damage dealt is directly linked to your score, I would say is very important.
Might be a bit cheesy but camping in a tower with three crossbows and three firebombs is an effective way to get a lot of gold, be warned that there is a reward to avoid exploits.
[Brian Boru's march intensifies]
A lot of people suckin cocks around here
>be warned that there is a reward to avoid exploits
what did'st thou mean'st by thus
Surely the Gallowglass should be the big lad and the Kern should be the twink
Reward cap* sorry. There is a gold and XP limit that you can earn in a match, I don't know what's the exact limit tho.
Ah, thanks
I know it is supposed to counter ballerina swinging, but what is the point of having the values be different for different weapons? Isn't that blatant favoritism for certain weapons, since dragging is one of the more powerful ways to outplay opponents?
if stabbing weapons didnt have faster turn spped then they wouldnt be able to track enemies nearly as well
>but what is the point of having the values be different for different weapons?
providing another balancing factor and making combat look less weird
Do they need to be able to track so well? Stab, as an attack type, is already pretty much superior to swings (both in damage and speed with certain weapons) so is it reasonable for them to be better at tracking as well?
>Stab, as an attack type, is already pretty much superior to swings
poor sweet summer child
>tfw double kill with stabdrag
The only real reason you would non jokingly choose Peasant is if you were level 1, had no money and eanted to try out a ghetto emulation of either the maul (sledge) or a 2H sword (scythe) immediately
Any sword deals a decent amount of damage with a stab that is doubly as fast as a swing and still faster than an accelerated swing in most cases. Stab's windup animation is also almost identical to the parry animation, meaning that there is very little animation tell when you riposte with a stab. Add to that the amount of active frames that allow you to miss a stab on purpose and then drag it in for a hit and yes, the stab is a better choice than swing in most cases.
Literally use fireproof you shitter, it was made for baddies like you
>this entire post
look men
I've lost a lot of interest in the game
I had a phase where I felt like I got better and now I suck again and can't get positive ratios in frontline anymore
Same here dude, made all my fancy mercs look like shit to match my shittiness
how the fuck is there no lion sigil
hate to say it bros but recurve takes skill compared to being a zwei meta shitter
anyone who votes taiga or camp deserves to be castrated
Did I give you the image that I am dying to stabs? Nay, milord, I am the one who stabs.
>2hand plate nigger hates firebombs
Next you'll cry about spears
Why do people constantly vote for Contraband and Tourney in DM/TDM? Those two are by far the worst maps for the mode(s).
>because he can kill bottom tier tards in frontline he thinks he's good
i notice this too. i can see a stab coming but on top of latency spiking randomly in some matches, i just dont parry in time or even chamber successfully.
which is why i fucking hate the rapier. so predictable yet my shit wont come out unless i force my finger to fuck my mouse wheel or right click
on top of peoples voice pitches going HYUUUUH stab HYUUUUH stab HYUUUUH stab and landing multiple stabs
I don't even play Frontline. DM/TDM is my jam.
Here is the list of objectively OP/Strongest weapons in the game after 196 hours in combined beta/release:
>Bastard sword 1 handed
>zweihander (only because the stab animation is doo-doo)
>bardiche/battleaxe (broken fast accels)
Why no halberd. The drags are insane with it. Most comp matches ive played are all Greatsword/Halberd combos with some longsword/messer/spear sprinkled in.
Can we just have frontline as the "main" mode because as soon as this shit gets balanced for dueling and DM it's dead
How would balancing it around duels ruin FL? Literally all FL is is a bunch of retards running around 5v1ing each other.
Frontline is already the main mode
Also the game has had 2 years of alpha with only duel, DM and TDM available, the game is already balanced around that
you look ridiculous
Soulsfags please fuck off to For Honor.
I aim to create the most obnixious looking knights possible.
>Steam drone: hehehehe I'll just buy Mordhau as a fuck you to Epic
Epic: Thank you Mordhau devs for your money
Fuck off faggot. Taiga is fun. All the maps are fun even if the balance is shit. Losing a match doesn't hurt anything other than your ego so it shouldn't matter too much.
How do you guys get so much money/levels?
matches only suck if its a complete steamroll since you dont get jack shit for coin and exp
play the game
Yeah losing doesn't bother me at all in this game, but if your team sucks ass then you're going to spend the entire game getting 5v1'd.
Also the game needs more maps ASAP or it'll die
Horde playing Camp sitting in a tower with 3/3/3 armor, 3 crossbows and a medic bag is the most consistent way, but is boring.
Frontline is the second fastest way, more fun, and it becomes faster if you git gud, which can be helped by going to a duel server and practicing.
Maul from my experience. All armor types will die with one hit to the head, and when all you need is one hit, it gets really disgusting.
this game has potential to be good. they could make millions if they just did CoD/Battlefield but with swords and seige warfare. But instead they want to do this super tryhard autistic, extremely specific sword combat that only appeals to 0.1% of the population
But they still take battle royale and cod zombies and battlefield objective style gamemodes
Fucking make up your mind, this game is so schizophrenic. Am I playing a highly technical medieval sword combat sim? Or am I playing call of battlefield: battle royale zombie edition with swords?
6/10, looks cool around the leg to mid chest section but slightly uncanny everywhere above that
2 new maps are in "mid development" according to the recap from last week, Castello and Feitoria
>Tfw internet so shitty I can't play mordhau and make an /af/ merc
Can't wait until I move to my new place, tired of this ugandan tier internet.
I can't find mustache like in KCD. Also for some reason if I wear chainmail neck or any neck accessory, his mustache gone.
>they could make millions if they just did CoD/Battlefield but with swords and seige warfare But instead they want to do this super tryhard autistic, extremely specific sword combat that only appeals to 0.1% of the population
You don't think things through before you post, do you.
Without a combat system with depth, a melee game would be even more fucking shallow than CoD and Battlefield already are. Guns at least require aim, swords don't.
>Am I playing a highly technical medieval sword combat sim? Or am I playing call of battlefield: battle royale zombie edition with swords?
1 if you're playing DM servers, 2 if you're playing Horde or Battle Royale. This isn't hard.
exactly. if were getting fucked both ends and i'm constantly getting gangraped i will gladly switch to something a bit safer like medic bag slut, firemage meme build, or be an archer. especially with ticket rapidly going down i will do whatever to not contribute to loss of them.
just give more maps and bigger battles. It'll be the new fortnite desu
Frontline is literally straight up stolen from battlefield. Then you push a cart, straight out of TF2. Then you get to pick perks for your character, straight out of CoD. Then you have a wave of enemy AI game mode, straight out of CoD zombies/tf2. Then you have defense Building straight out of TF2/Fortnite.
Everything , LITERALLY EVERYTHING, in this game outside of the highly technical combat, is straight up lifted from other games. WHICH IS FINE but you cant force a highly techinical combat system into these games that were designed around simple combat. ITs just stupid and retarded
Get mad and butthurt at me all you want, its just the truth
just play Frontline as a combat medic.
billhook, 2 medkits and whatever armour. Keep your team safe from horseniggers, rake up mad exp from heals, maybe occasionally make a kill.
>WHICH IS FINE but you cant force a highly techinical combat system into these games that were designed around simple combat.
I think you're probably shitposting or a phoneposter judging by the way you're posting, but let's pretend for a second you're serious and not retarded (unlikely).
There's nothing highly technical about 90% of Frontline combat. The combat system has a low skill floor. And if it didn't have complexity to it, it would be even more braindead than CoD and Battlefield. That's a fact.
>Everything , LITERALLY EVERYTHING, in this game outside of the highly technical combat, is straight up lifted from other games
Except the DM mode isn't, which is the core of the game. Frontline was actually an afterthought. So really, your complaints mean nothing.
mod support when? frontline is getting dull
stab drags are intentional
"further down the line" according to the first week recap. so that might be a long time or a medium amount of time, i don't know. these devs seem to work fairly slowly, being a small team.
2 new maps are definitely coming soonish though.
try battle royale, various cheese builds, duels servers and horde if you haven't already.
this. i mean you can do it in real life for fuck's sake
>Playing camp
>die within 1 sec of spawning over and over by ballista, catapult and zweihander spamming twats
>happens 9 times in a row
>Forced to spawn in as heavy armour as only way not to get 1 shot at spawning.
Why is this game good again?
give me some sick cheese builds, my only one at the minute is lmao 3firebomb
I think I've gotten worse with the maul I hitting less one shots
why is it if you throw a firebomb on someone in this game, they dont get engulfed in flames? its just a gay AOE effect. youd think it would set everyone on fire but no.
You unironically make more money just playing hard and fast horde mode with a melee weapon and cleaving everything to death in melee until you die.
Camping a tower is a worse gold = time strategy because of how long it takes comparatively. You're only getting gold for the amount of kills you get and how long the game goes. Taking 20 minutes to do 1 wave is not better than just dying in melee and restarting.
You can do it faster by coordinating with your team to buy toolboxes and spam spikes around a chokehold. The AI will kill itself on the spikes while ballistas thin their numbers out even more.
this is my new lute merc say something nice about him
>anything with the peasant perk
>boxer man with brawler, fury, bloodlust, flesh wound, dodge, and a smoke bomb to cover your entry
>2/3/0 halberd build
>multi-shields build (one on front, one on back)
>beartrap spammer
>billhook and throwing axes HORSE DESTROYER
>training sword humiliation build
>3 pavise shields deployable cover build
>3 short spear javelineer build
>ninja with dagger, smoke, throwing knives
Firebomb should not work ion puddles and river. Also players should be able to distinguish fire by going into nearby water
It's already an anti-fun weapon. Making it even stronger would be stupid.
yeah but i said reliable. if everyone goes melee and there are no archers camping the tower, there's a very good chance your team will die in like wave 15, especially for a new player asking for the way to make so much gold
thanks, i like the sound of HORSE DESTROYER
> if everyone goes melee and there are no archers camping the tower, there's a very good chance your team will die in like wave 15
Which is fine, you got there fast because you're all melee. It's a faster way of making gold than camping in a tower killing one enemy every 5 seconds.
>Firebomb should not work ion puddles and river
it's an oil bomb. And are you ESL or something?
How many pavise shields can you put down before they start despawning?
the whole point of it is being an AoE and it not exploding on impact is a tradeoff to balance the fact it can burn in an area for some time, which is useful for blocking off reinforcements, or forcing enemies to stand close to your allies because they can't back up, or throwing 3 bombs to trap an enemy in fire.
If you want direct damage on someone, just take a throwing weapon. Don't complain the designated AoE weapon is AoE and not identical to everything else.
>oil bomb
discard my first sentence, thx.
>It's a faster way of making gold than camping in a tower killing one enemy every 5 seconds.
Look user, I'm not going to say ranged is quicker than or even equal to melee done right, but you're definitely exaggerating the time disparity.
One guy in a tower shooting bots with xbow reloads every 3 seconds, aims for maybe a second since they're all standing at the bottom of the tower, and that's most enemies killed in 1 hit.
One guy with melee runs and kites for 2 seconds, turn around, swings and might do some AoE damage but also might get parried or hit a blocking shield too and then he's done no damage before having to run and kite again. And he has to deal with gay ninjas.
The times for both are comparable. And the risk for ranged build is significantly lower, which is why it's good for newbies if you want consistent gold.
You only get money for amount of time played and amount of enemies killed. The fastest way to kill enemies is melee and firebombs. Beating every wave doesn't give you more money. Play fast, it doesn't matter if you die.
testing now
so we're at 18
>watch a guy with a rapier
>he charges in and only stabs non stop no matter what happens to him
>finishes the game with 41/8/25
so one player can set up however many pavise shields they like, more or less? neat. I was expecting a limit like with the engi stuff
and this... is to go... even further beyond.
I swear to god chambering doesnt work 90% of the time against spears
The rapier is a pub stomper
You need a fast weapon to beat someone furiously spinning the wheel tho
Im still a defender of increased point cost for rapiers so faggots cant go 3/3/3 or shield with it
so yesterday i posted about getting jumped from behind during fights, despite constantly checking my back. like i would get smacked the second i turned back to my target, almost like enemies were invisible sometimes for whatever reason
>snuck around blue's flank and using their ballista
>hear footsteps on my right
>back off and wait for them to come around the corner
>motherfucker just pops into existence 10 feet away from me
don't trust your eyes.
>Go to forums
>just chamber it lol
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've lost count
you're meant to morph into an accelerated swing dumbfuck
literally just scroll up+scroll down+move mouse
are rapiershieldfags the casual filter of Mordhau?
You cannot put your full strength behind a MISSED stab when turning it into a horizontal strike, though. If it is intentional, it should deal less damage.
Gallowglass is for fuckin TWINKS. Low beard axe is only axe.
>You need to use 2 mechanics to beat a faggot just being hot wheels
Also, if your weapon is slow, good luck morphing before he dicks you
no different from needing to time a block to counter a retard who's mindlessly mashing M1. in both situations the person on the defending end requires more effort.
>Also, if your weapon is slow, good luck morphing before he dicks you
t. doesn't know how accels work
nearly every weapon up to and including zweis have a faster accelerated swing than rapiers can stab.
Go to a duelyard with beartraps and trap people dueling.
good way to spend all your time serverhopping from votekicks, now that you can't dodge votekicks anymore
Unironically blacksmith's hammer. As fast as a rapier with regular swings, nobody expects it.
Shit game, played for 50 minutes and refunded.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I can't fucking take this shit anymore, get matched some level 41 retard who does nothing but use a kite shield + messer build and top scoring the score board because you can't fucking do anything against him, try to hit or riposte, good fucking luck he just blocks everything even if you manage to get him during his swing animation, the attack is so fucking fast with that shit that it feels like it doesn't even give him a windup period before he can attempt to block with the shield.
Then the performance or ping suddenly just shits itself after like one or two hours of play, even though my specs are perfectly fine for playing this game and my connection is spotless and always works perfectly, it'll suddenly just jump me from 44~64 ping to 1020 or 128. Not even fun anymore, it's just getting stressful as shit, I used to laugh at most things that happened on scream during my first few days of play time, now I just scream and curse at everything, my performance just goes to shit the more and the longer i play instead of getting better.
>raging about being bad at the game
sounds like a liberal application of gitgud is required, doctor
sometimes i find myself getting heated by multiple attempts to maul niggas but always get fucked someway or another multiple times in a row that i just switch to a more laid back loadout like medic bags or archery.
I take solace in knowing that people like you get cancer and die later on in life.
>get banned
>get refund from steam support
Wew. Nice try stealing my money though
>knowing that people like you get cancer and die later on in life.
Nigger what? If anything it's the people who constantly rage over video games that have health problems.
remember what happened to TotalBiscuit?
that's a lot more cheaters than i thought. what the fuck can you even cheat with this game?
blocks, parries, attacks, pretty much everything, you can probably instantly some shit that let's you instantly parry attacks from all sides
there's cheat software already?
it will happen to you as well, yeah
there's some autoblock script out there
so... you don't remember? cool, cool
I'd say horse is worse than rapier and shield. The latter you can beat with skill, but the former is mostly used to lance you a second after you spawn.
gold and exp gain is tied to how long you were playing on the server
this is some bullshit
Is it? I usually get around the same number of points every match and haven't noticed any change in gold as I play.
It's tied to the points you do in a match, not the time. I think 600 is the maximum.
I'm kinda fucking tired of the Frontline meta right now. Like all I see are mauls/executioners/zweis (and all of them using the fucking barbarian voice set), with the occasional spear.
I've gotten up to 820 gold in a match before. You definitely see diminishing returns as you climb up the point ladder though.
Nice, and it sounds like you completely annihilated the team then.
just uninstall. you probably squeezed all there was to get out of the game at it's current stage
To the retard that reported my post with the screenshot of the ban wave announce for being ''low quality'' and netted me a warning for it, I legit hope you hang yourself you complete dumb fucking cunt.
I got lucky.
>eveningstar has one of the best alternative skins
>never see it because nobody uses the eveningstar, and its overpriced as fuck
>mace is fucken Sauron's mace
>again, never see it because of price
what ban wave?
check the steam forums. really salty eurofags got a ban and SWEAR they weren't cheating and only used lutebot
nice. fuck'em. I hate people who cheat in competitive games
It's not even the same genre you fucking autist. Ready or Not looks good though.
its hilarious
>check their profile
either its a combination or one of these
>private account
>from europe
>broken english
>has a vac ban from the past
>level 0 fresh account
its hilarious and glorious
>Someone forgot to put their head armor on
What the fuck is with the hitboxes in this game, goddamn
>Swing at a guy
>"Um no that didn'T actually connect"
>Guy thrusts spear into your general direction
>Take massive damage as he pulls it back from right beside you
Is it more accurate to play in first or third person?
spear dragging is a bit fucked.
What's a good setup to bully archers? I want to make them never want to touch a bow again.
Stab dragging in general is awful right now. The hitbox lasts far too long.
>die to longbow
>guy using it is level 2
>meaning longbow is literally the first thing he unlocked
Is this to R6 Siege as Mordhau is to Chivalry?
Or is it more like SWAT?
>What the fuck is with the hitboxes in this game, goddamn
I think they're unusually good with exceptions
>everyone says maul is apparently great in frontlines
Okay so what the fuck am I missing. Been trying it out and am not feeling great with it. Granted I am pretty new to the game and have only used the longsword for the most part, but it feels super slow and you have to literally be face hugging your opponent to get a hit off. Is it just for running up behind people and mashing their heads in? I mean ill admit it is super satisfying caving some guys skull in, but still
every now and then (maybe once an entire map) it feels like my attacks go straight into the ether despite both of us having good ping. no idea what causes that
It legit will. Can't fucking wait, anything else is legit more fun and exciting than just swinging left and right and up and down over and over again.
it's too slow and predictable for anyone competent, but it can dab on some noobs
Just anything desu. Just run up and bash their fucking skull in. Thing is most archers have already probably had this happen to them countless times. In other words there is no cure for an archers faggotry.
Yeah I agree with this mostly, the hit boxes are typically very good, but I think I've noticed that the short spear can thrust just beside you and still register as a hit, which makes short spears and shield a pain in the ass as they can make the shield constantly face you while still getting hits with a not actually connecting stab.
Run to where archers are usually located (Like blue fort in camp) and just plough the whole lot of them down. Easy as fuck to get kills.
ur fucking awful no sense of spacing or timing
Well I just figured out you can just kick them and make them drop their bow, so I might just start doing that, picking up their bow, and running away to fuck with them
>kills 4 people in a row
>''lol u bad''
>see a cum drooling executioner sword using clown
>hehe here i come with my 1hk swing!! ^_^ he states as he saunters up with a fucking faggoty wanderers hood like a dark assassin coolboy
>feint once
>guy flips out, doesn't know what to do
>maul turns his head into mince
>get accused of hacking
What amazes me in frontlines are the waraxe guys who spam horizontal combos and rack up two kills with each swing and are seemingly untouchable
it 1-hit kills to any level of head armor, and doesn't have hit-stop on ripostes.
The trick is to set people up for the headshot with feints/morphs/drags/accels, and getting ripostes. Basic feints will let you fuck on new players most of the time.
How do I know when I'm riposting?
I'm pretty good when fighting every weapon other than the maul. For some reason the insanely long windups and drag potential always fuck up my timing. Since the damage is so high I usually get killed even in 3/3/3. That's just my experience though no idea if it's good against the average player.
>4 people in frontline before dying isn't bad
>Q4 2020
I'm pretty sure just about anything will blow this game out of the water after that long.
just 1-2 click rmb then lmb
retard there's no dying anywhere in the webm aside from the opponents
>Robert, Rhaegar and Barristan
Nice cosplay dude
I haven't seen any crownfags yet, but if I did they would become my no.1 target
wait no, that's Arthur Dayne instead of Barristan, right?
>that retard trying to ballerina spin at the end
Too old for Dayne
>hit by horseniggers about 3 times
I fucking hate horseniggers. Even when they're on your team they only get me killed. I've never been helped by a "friendly" horsenigger but often see them cause the death of allies.
>go into duel server
>fight kniggas normally and then when their hp is low whip out the crossbow and put a bolt through their skull
>Instant butthurt
It's tied to your score + your placement on the server, along with time of the round.
I've seen so many top-fragging plume helmet fags wildly jerk their mouse to try to get a parry out of you. wtf bros, it was supposed to be better than chivaly...
it's: the crime is your foul existence, the sentence is death
Man I love banwaves, look at all those third world brown rats begging for reviews LMAO.
Plume helmet is a massive faggot sign, but that said he has a nice taste in weapons.
honestly just let them spazz out. it's to their disadvantage because they can't pay attention to the opponent in front of them
I should make a Saltspyre loadout
fuck, it's been a bit, thanks
also FUCK ARCHERS. This is the most inefficient yet fun build I've used in a while since it lets me fuck over just about every sort of person I hate in this game
Chiv spazzing was way worse. This looks stupid, but it isn't anywhere near as stupid as the demonically possessed Chiv player with a SoW or Maul.
>wtf bros, it was supposed to be better than chivaly...
The difference is in this game that puts that at a disadvantage with anyone with any skill.
Rate my archer & engy murderer
unless they're in 3rd person :^)
I mean more that if you don't fuck up horribly this leaves openings that you can take advantage of.
Many thanks, physician.
thats what i always do instinctively for some reason.
burn little tin man
This. It's try hards trying to force a meta which would take a week for the majority to combat to irrelevance if this disco dance move bullshit actually ever made its way into common usage.
>Blood Lust
>Executioner Sword
>Spamming rapier stab behind a heater shield and heavy armor
>Spamming rapier stab behind a heater shield and heavy armor
They should just increase the rapier point usage.
>When killing 1 game wasn't enough so you have to bring your cancer and try force it into a game where it just doesn't quite work
Disgusting bastards, should just stay the fuck in chivalry if this is what they want to do... Oh wait they killed the player base.
>executioner sword
replace that with halberd and i can behind that and rapier fags are just annoying not OP
>miss parry
>try to do anything at all
>stabbed again
>chamber morph slash
>stab dead
>leg armor but no chest armor
Equip a heater shield and a rapier and duel me any time, I guarantee that you're going to lose with that garbage
Why the fuck is Greatsword so cheap? Shit is nuts
I don't know, I'm not that great at the game and I still don't have any problems killing rapier fags.
Saw someone doing this shit this morning.
I just stopped taking that shit seriously and started stabbing roughly every 2.5 seconds.
Worked like a charm, fuck all these people trying to find new meta psychological strats involving twisting around like complete spergs.
me either especially when i get to slug them in the fucking head when they aren't looking.
its the ones who creep up on you i fucking hate.
Anyone else notice that Duel Server leaderboards are a lot more even since the banwave?
Still pretty sure that the bans didn't include turn hotkey shit though.
the issue is on frontline you just expect morons half the time but you come across people who know what you're doing. so sometimes you dont expect a rapier shield fag to just straight up just use thrusts.
its like trying to use some advance techniques on someone who is a complete button masher or a scrub in fighting games. some of the shit they do is so dumb that it works because you don't expect it.
most of the people i see run rapier are running a shield and or bloodlust
Check the steam forums for some russian ass devastation, they just had a banwave
Greatsword cost is 7 which should maybe get bumped up to 8
Messer is only 5 though and that thing is disgustingly good
>closest server to me gives 100 ping
>can't refund anymore
I hate myself
lmao commies btfo
Can you chain attacks with the maul? I've seen gameplay of it and the attacks look faster than when I use it
thats how the game works buddy, so far devs have not been into sweet spotting like that but if you'd like you can propose it to them. theyre likely to say no because punishing swing manipulation wouldnt be good for the competitive depth
How do I rate?
theyd prolly farm the shit out of you since they've played since alpha
pro tip: when theyre spazzing, throw just a single stab feint and theyll flip right out
What hacks were even being used in this game?
So far I've been able to confirm there's an auto-parry and auto-kick
autokick, autoparry, turn script, aim bots
Every game is a complete and utter blow out for me. There is no close games. Anyone else encounter this?
>89 firekills
I can only fucking assume from you kicking people into fire, because why else would you leave that there unedited for your betters to see.
Whats wrong with playing a fire mage build once in a while to destress?
I'm still trying to level up and unlock more stuff.
Aren't you afraid of turning queer?
I said fire mage not archer.
i do the same. flailing myself into a mass of bodies grugging away gets a bit bullshit after awhile since you're rolling the dice.
its nice to sit back and do dumb builds like that.
>not wearing a helmet.
My maul thanks you.
Pan man is also really fun when you're in a steamroll match and you just want to fuck about.
I agree it lasts too long, but with spears its hard to even line up with the weapon cause of the animation. at least to my experience.
I think the developers dont want to make any drastic changes in case it seriously fucks up the balance.
>tfw playing combat medic, sprinkling healing everywhere and billhooking horseniggers
They should add females to please literally no one and then make it so that they can only wear chain-/scale-mail bikini.
They need to do something because this indecision and pandering to the ballerinas and shit is what killed Chiv.
as much hate archery gets i like to do a medic build with recurve. get to supply healing and take some assist shots, then push ahead and pick whatevers up on the ground.
plus i like being that annoying faggot that gets peoples attention because everyone hates archers just as much as lute fags who spam fucking smoke bombs
Why are the objectives so fucking shit in this game? I love the gameplay but the maps and objectives are unbalanced as fuck.
Let's say you're losing on Grad as the blue team, what's even the point of defending the king if you're just gonna lose due to ticket bleed anyway? What's the point in defending at all when your tickets are just gonna deplete in the end? I'd like to see the statistics for each map because I'm sure as fuck it's not 50/50 at all, not even close. More like 70/30.
hopefully never
What's the point in "fast" weapons if every weapon effectively has the same swing speed?
women dont fight
go away you waifu faggot
>implying mauls don't one shot even lvl 3 helmets?
No but it seems even easier to land a head shot on a 0 armour.
there are some objectives for maps that absolutely bleed your tickets even faster that are easily ignored.
the npc below the king specifically. didn't know he existed at all and he bleeds tickets.
burning tents on mountain and camp as well.
some are just so fucking simple to do and give such a boost that the ticket counter is just bullshit.
that makes no sense my nigga
Just my experience lad. I seem to land more bullshit headshots on people with no helmet than people with one.
Far more extreme than that, and it's compounded by how losing back in objectives, doesn't give a stronger base to push out from, instead it just becomes a field day where you get absolutely fucked at spawn, no hope of even competing. Great game but FL map designs are awful. First thing I'd do as well is make each map have 4 or 6 objectives not 5.
maybe because you're more inclined to aim for the head when they wear no helmet
are there any weapons that can one shot you to the body?
If you're near enough to me that you can swing your maul then I'm out of knives to throw at you and have accepted my fate.
calm down the game hasnt been out that long.
Dunno I always aim for it. Maybe my seething hatred for no helmetfags makes me better at landing them.
I just wish the objectives were more like Chivalry where one team is defending and the other attacking. Mordhau + Chiv maps would be perfection.
>make each map have 4 or 6 objectives not 5.
That's literally what I thought as well. As soon as the enemy team gets the 3rd base in a map with 5 objectives the game is almost always lost.
so i could technically run 2/1/0 and not get one shot by all weapons?
No some weapons can one shot unprotected legs
Rate my Paul Blart Maul Cop
Maul will always one shot you if it hits you in the head except for the jab I believe.
nani the fuck? which weapons would that be?
one thing i dont like is theres no halftime either. i can understand since maps could go on forever but when it comes to certain side advantages it just seems even more imbalanced since just stack the advantageous side, win, and vote another map repeat.
well fuck i'm trying to figure out a bloodlust build with a decent weapon+armor.
i used up all my money on the expensive maul skins.
Can't wait.
I checked it and i believe it's only the exe sword. Just dab on them and yo won't have to worry
Anyone get hit in the recent ban wave intended to catch cheaters and exploiters. Lots of idiots on reddit claiming to have been banned for nothing and other redditors telling them its likely because they were being racist lmao.
reddit is going to ruin this game.
>Game bans masses of people
>All crying fake ban
>All friends, myself and brothers received no ban
>2k people out of 500000
Bets that these are legit bans or these are false positives wrongfully banned?
game needs a menu option to check the fucking stats on weapons you currently do not own.
How do you manage to play without team colors enabled? I'm shit enough at this game when I can clearly see who to hit, and the Ally or Enemy text easily blends into some of the maps.
lul they are straight up fucking euro cheaters. anyone with a fucking brain would appeal it instead of whining on a public forum trying to look innocent.
can't go wrong with bloodlust+longsword
press H, you'll then see a cross symbol above your team mates
press H?
sometimes colors wont show like except the undergarments. fools em most of the time.
The most blatant one I've seen was a 360 degree auto parry.
Turn on team indicators by either pressing h in-game or at the bottom of the options menu.
Personally though the team icon is pretty bad. Colour is too neutral and blends in with the chaos too much. Also hovers too high above team members imo.
I'm new to this game and I only understand the basics of the combats system. But I've always wondered, how do people swing their weapons so fast/recover from hits so fast?
When I'm fighting someone, they parry everything and attack me immediately, but when i'm the one parrying I can't do shit and get stuck parrying or dying
Even when I'm using the fastest swinging weapons I get out-sped by people using two-handers and mauls, etc
What am I doing wrong?
Also fuck horses jesus christ
I mean, I know a friend who got banned by an overzealous anti cheat that saw CheatEngine(used for slowing down frames in for older jap games) running in the background.
Though the sheer amount of russians complaining makes me think that most if not all of these are justified bans.
That's actually the exact way I play too. I like billhook, but I dislike that horseniggers are prevalent enough in my games that I feel like I need to use it.
Try flailing your mouse more when you're swinging. Also left click as soon as you parry to do a follow up
The Chad Firestarter
The fooking cunt in steel plate fooking coward virgin
>Maybe my seething hatred for no helmetfags makes me better at landing them
I feel the same way but I don't know why. Maybe it's just because no helmetfags are usually either a Geralt, a GOT character, or a donut steele looking motherfucker.
Did you do the tutorial? Combos, ripostes and chambering.
>playing last night
>two guys screeching because someone typed nigger
>they both mention using reddit
Like pottery.
Yes, chambering was the only thing I wasn't able to do. I still feel like i'm doing something wrong if I get out-sped by the slowest weapons in the game though
Based. Im liking this light armor, open primary, hatchet thrower myself.
Do the tutorial 5 more times.
>Rapier stabbers
Why does god allow such evil
>0 battlecries
>friendly as an archer
at least your fashion is alright...
Will this game still be alive in June? Can't buy any games right now but I wanna play this when I can.
Start a local deathmatch game vs a bot and practice is probably the best. Chambering vs thrusts are the easiest, basically just strike after theyve started their attack.
>Love brigand's aesthetic
>love his build even more
>ready to swing this fucking massive sword
>its literally so slow that if you chamber and enemy's attack he can either just lmao walk away or just block your strike
My most succesful weapon is the based longsword but man I don't see how Zweihander is remotely usable. Its so god damn slow.
In two fucking weeks? Yes user.
Probably since there aren't many medieval type games coming out soon except for Bannerlord but only autists will play that.
Okay just worried this might end up being FOTM.
Zweis are fucking good. There's a reason why they are so prominent on both duel and frontlines.
Well why? Is it only good against people not paying attention? If you try to use the range people will just walk away from yours swing animation, and any sort of counterattack is literally too slow to counter
I could still find servers for Chivalry a couple of weeks ago and that game is old as fuck.
You can walk out of their reach too user.
You have the gift of reach, damage, intimidating feints and morphs and the absolute dumbest fucking sword poke with instant h-frames right after the stab windup.
>>its literally so slow that if you chamber and enemy's attack he can either just lmao walk away or just block your strike
>what is dragging
>feints and switch ups
I guess that's where I'm failing. I don't like playing that way so its entirely my fault
>what is dragging
What is dragging? Seriously I don't know. It just pisses me off when I chamber a dudes swing, and he chambers the exact same attack and kills me.
Join a duel server and/or do the tutorials more.
Here's mine, Still working on fashion but you get the idea of this character. And yes I'm a proud French Man
Dragging is when you attack but instead of swinging towards your target you swing away from him. That way his parry will be over before you hit him.
It'll take some practice though, but it's not too hard once you get the feel of it.
Dragging is moving the mouse in the opposite direction of your swing to delay the hitbox reaching the opponent, Accels are moving the mouse towards your swing to get the hitbox there sooner.
Oh this is the kind of shit I hated in Chivalry, cus it makes peoples attacks wonky. I wondered what was going on when I see people turn their bodies but their weapon stays in place. Sometimes the freedom of movement in this game really throws me off because I can't tell what an attack animation is.
The salt is glorious
why won’t they add 12v12 servers?
It's not as retarded as in Chivalry.
do they plan on lower player count servers?
64 is cool but I like the more open spaced feel of 12v12 servers on chivalry where there wasn’t a constant death pit of lmb
This should be instaban
In Mordhau it's a lot more restrained, with a cap on drag/accel speed. In Chivalry you can be a beyblade.
If you watch a pro scrim none of this shit is going on, don’t worry. Mega drags, accels and multi-feints, sure, but the seizure morph into swing is counterable once you realize what’s going on. This will only get you so far and is just another hurdle to overcome in the quest for gudness.
Wouldn't be surprised if some of them got hit because they forgot to close cheat engines from other games.
do you like aim at enemy, hold right and lmb then move the mouse to the right or hold right first away from enemy then click and let the swing take longer to hit?
a bit confused. not even that person
Press H or do what I do and let god sort them out
Inspired by a Byzantine cataphract
You can do it both ways
you're alright
Halberd alt grip one shots level one chests on swing
Sadness is going to fill the battlefield. By the way, winter is coming.
no women no niggers
>*kills you in a single headstab*
Jon Snow’s retarded cousin Jon Icecube
>Maul Cop
My head wears plot armour. I'm save.
>Yea Forums knight
>don’t like playing that way
How do
How do you even play though
Do you just keep parry attack trading until someone forgets to press parry?
Honestly, yeah
These are the routes both teams can take to attack Taiga. Most of the red routes are useless. The fighting focuses mainly on 2 choke points if red is attacking the camp. If a large group attempts a flank it leaves the chokepoints open for blue to push in and take the cap. It is far easier for Blue to defend the camp if they pay a attention and dont let 1 person sneak onto the cap zone while no one is there.
If blue is attacking camp, they have far more useful avenues of approach. And they can get to all the marked openings of the camp. There are 8 total that are easily accessed by blue. There are 2 easily accessed by Red without taking a very long route. The furthest back blue spawn point will spawn you closer to the log and small jump gap route.
So long as Blue focuses on aggression after losing the camp, and most of the team doesnt stay as defense, they can continuously win on Taiga.
The other option would have been more mount and blade style where you have to match the block with the angle of the swing but that would be way too hectic with the scale and flow of battles in this game
Without either of those mechanics anyone with a quarter brain stem could just parry and riposte for an hour against an opponent with no one getting anywhere. There needs to be some inherent guesswork and reads made or the game would be nothing
Can confirm this happens a lot in frontline. Even after binding it to my mouse I never feint, though I'm trying to change that
I mean I appreciate your honesty I suppose. But damn user.
The virgin knigger vs the chad nanban gusoku
Just promise you never whine about balance anywhere anyone can hear you and it’s fine because I would be horrified to learn this is the kind of person that thought shields were somehow this unbreakable unbeatable thing that needed nerfing
what kind of helmet is the right one? I cant find it anywhere
Get a dagger you nigger. You can outstab even rapiers with it
You were running mordhau on a fucking 1050ti and you come complaining about performance? You have a budget video card, expect a fucking budget gaming experience.
Evga 1060 6gig is cheap and will run any non vr game very well, its what i use. Solid 60fps on high settings. Its a good solid card. But still, dont complain about performance with your 1050.
Im indifferent towards shields but my main gripe is towards axe weilders flailing about and still lopping heads
The battleaxe's combo windup is absurdly fast, so it's not a stretch to say that it catches a lot of people off-guard
Not intentionally but now that you mention it I guess so.
The devs just emailed me and said if you stab with the rapier you're a fucking faggot
>feint like thread told me to
>literally no one falls for it, just eat damage
>start dragging in every direction imaginable
>no one is caught off guard and just ripostes anyway
>start using my "range" to advantage
>people just walk away no matter what
>try walking forward after a riposte
>they just block my riposte and slap me
rapier is only good for backstabbing in frontlines, it is objectively complete shit in any other situation
So me and 5 other guys decided to coordinate and spawn as engineers. The poor enemy team never stood a chance against all the barricades, spikes, and mounted crossbow barricade bunkers. I remember on one point, we literally ringed the whole thing with spikes. KDA was 17-2-28. It was ridiculous, and I could tell the enemy team was not having fun, especially after we took their catapult. I wonder why we don't see more engineers in games.
Great, you’re getting there.
Now start combining them and flowing it all together.
>feint like thread told me to
>literally no one falls for it, just eat damage
I already know this is fiction, retards fall for feints constantly.
You have to maneuver while doing this too. If you don't maneuver and try to get around to their blind spots, it doesn't matter how many tricks you do, they'll block.
nope, they just attack me
Are you playing Flailine?
Why don't you just do those things back to them?
Here's my kniggers
There are actual good players in Frontline, unlike duel servers.
If I take any time at all to try and read they just cut my head off
>2h faggots hates firebombs
I would have never guess, i guess like Archers hate having to actually aim
>having to aim
>bow always kicks in a random direction and arrows sail like paper airplanes
Guy who practices archery irl here, this shit is dumb.
So don't try to read? Take their head off?
They'll just block it or walk backward
>goofing around with builds still since I'm still pretty new to the game, starting to go positive in frontline though
>go arming sword/short spear x2/ scavenger
what a fucking riot, spear throw some asshole off a horse and take his 2hander to start some mischief
Here's what would be best for future Mordhau
>Themed updates
>>La Conquista
>>Hail Valhalla
>>Glory of Rome
>>The Odyssey
>>Tsar's finest
>>The Holy Roman Empire
>New Objectives
Things we secretly want, but know will ruin the game almost over night
>stats on cosmetics
Sure, but most players start out there because it's the first option for game modes and Red v. Blue. And most noobs flail around until they learn the mechanics.
I teamkill Bot Bards and I don't regret it even a little.
I have a 45lb compound, i can say if i go 20 back to back shots, my arm goes pussy and SORTA acts like that
Can assume its so you don't stalk a target for long periods of time
>ketchup and mustard nigga
I have been inspired
I got this game yesterday and every time I join a game, my side loses 100 tickets in less than minute. Every single game has been like this and I refuse to believe I'm single handedly dropping the whole team like this.
Wanna pick this up but hoping for a sale. Think it'll be on sale on Steam come summer?
Is there a "throwing weapon" build? I was using cleaver and throwing axes which is fun but I am not sure if its even good. is huntsman a good skill? WHat about scavenger?
Always bet on blue. Idk why but blue always wins
but do you use actual longbows and shit or the modern ones with wheels and whatnot that make it easier to draw? well, I assume thats what modern shit does. correct me if I'm wrong.
throwing axes x3
firebomb x1
throwing knives x3 (i think)
Maul, which is hilariously strong if you can land a head bob
This isn't a loadout, just items i think you're looking for
Bringeth me messer skulls to crack open.
It's already half the price of most games.
I have shot longbow and recurve. You aim the arrow before drawing it, breathe, draw, fire. The arrow only shakes if you hold your draw too long which you shouldn't be doing. The bow does not kick, or if it does its part of your shot and you know how to compensate. It doesn't jump 2 inches in a random direction as the arrow is loosed.
>With full plate armor
Get the actual fuck out of here pleb.
I'm a cheap piece of shit.
And a total hypocrite. I spent $25 on artisan coffee this morning.
Legs aren't plate :^) whos the pleb now? Pleb.
>billhooking horseniggers
made me kek
chiv nigger here, have you seen battle axe animations?
how is this build? I've been wanting to try something like it.
Isn't that a falchion though?
What's the problem? I did it too.
Your timing is shit or its the connection to the server
Jon snow uses a longsword you gay cunt
Actually very good and fun. I usually use it at really close range so you also avoid getting called a bow nigger, but ofc you can snipe with it too. The arming sword is hillarious because it counters Zwei and Executioner shits so well.
Nah, definitely a Messer. The nagel on the handle is a dead giveaway. Also not really curved enough for most falchions.
Oh yeah, always bet on blue unless you're playing taiga. Camp is kind of a cointoss, which is how it should be.
Redpill me on this game, Yea Forums
What does it get wrong? What does it get right? What does the dev team have lined up for the future?
More like SWAT
got a chuckle out of me
You're limiting yourself from the game system by using either a spear or exec sword. Exec is only good for slashing so you don't stab while the spear is even more restrictive since the point of it is to just space out your opponent. Obviously you can play how you want with either weapon but I assume people stick to these weapons for their strengths otherwise they'd pick something more well rounded
>People hate rapier and shield
Huh weird it's almost like the weapons that evolved later in history are more effective because the systems were built on previous knowledge.
Get Destreza'd, fuccboi.
Mostly balanced
Easy to learn hard to master
Loadouts are fun and not a chore
Unlocks are generous, zero p2w, zero microtransactions
Level 3 armor (the highest) doesn't make you feel like master chief
Level 1 armor doesn't make you feel like paper
Weapon play and mechanics are ungodly good
Map balance
Perk System feels useless
Latency is felt way more in this game than in others, even with 100 ping.
No in game voice comms (might be a positive to some)
Catapults and other vehicles feel too weak to matter in the sense that one jackass with a crossbow can stop them.
Map objectives in Frontline like blowing up towers etc feels 100% completely useless. Frontline always ends up being death match with tickets.
No clue honestly, devs dont talk much about the future. Im sure they have maps planned.
Fuckin sweet. Thanks, man.
dude trust me you will get the hang of it. attack feint to parry will be extremely useful in engagements instead of parrying and they feint you.
you might be thinking too much on it but eventually it will be second nature that you wont have to worry about thinking for a split second before getting smacked
r8 my hobo knight
scarf/10 I like it
>has weapon
>No scavenger perk
Try again. Looks neat though
probably would be a bitch to make happen but imagine individual armor actually having weak points to them. see eyeholes? aim a thrust in there for a lot of damage
armpit vulnerable? strike those pits
etc etc
getting objectives lowers tickets
some are simply just easy to rush and do right off the bat
this is the type of game you want to get in on it while its poppin.
to be fair user, whenever I run scavenger, it seems like basically no one has any secondary weapon, and they always drop whatever they're using without the perk anyway
Some variation of Short Spear, Axe, and Throwing Axe
Spear is costly at four points, but is the most powerful throwable weapon. Javelins coming soon.
Axe and Throwing Axes are 2nd and 3rd best. Axe is a solid fast melee weapon for 2 points.
Most other 2+ weapons aren't really worth throwing outside of using them to get a guy when you're sure it'll kill him, or an attempt to sneak in a ranged attack then take out another weapon as backup.
My favored loadout is Short Spear x2 + Axe (or Spear + Axe x2). Throw one early in a fight to try and one shot, have the second ready to pick off an injured enemy, and wield the third while looking to pick my thrown weapons back up during the melee.
Huntsman is good if you're an archer and playing counter-sniper to enemy archers. Not all that important for throwing weapons unless you want to make it all about picking off archers with slow projectiles.
Scavenger is mostly not very useful since most players are only carrying one weapon. Those that are bringing multiple arms are just going to drop stuff like a dagger or firebomb alongside the greatsword they were holding.