Redpilll me Yea Forums, how do you honestly feel about NieR: Automata?
Redpilll me Yea Forums, how do you honestly feel about NieR: Automata?
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>Redpill me
>Redpill me
Fuck off with /pol/tard slang.
its typical weebshit. a bunch of casuals however bought and praise it despite it being weebshit full of anime cliches. i dont undstertand why normies suddenly gave attention to weebshit like this
Nice game, hope Yoko has fun with XIV and has a new game in the pielines
If the game works for you and you get something from it, great. If you don't it's still fun, basically a cheesy Kingdom Hearts game without an absolute trash story
I want to fuck the robot
It makes my peepee feel funny
Do you even know where you are faggot? This is a anime website, created for discussing Japanese culture. Fucking go back to /Reddit or Resetera
I want to bathe the robot.
Mindless button masher exalted by normalfags who don't even play video games
It's a game that is good but not amazing and is the best NieR and Drakengard game released thus far, it's also a game where a bunch of horny retard normal fags bought it.
Then the retarded normal fags were mad that the Drakengard and NieR fans were praising the game for being so good within the series and normal fag retards started shitting on it endlessly saying it's a mediocre game at best when really they were just falling for the "2B's huge ass" meme and playing the game for that, then they come away slightly disappointed and start shitting on the game even more on Yea Forums instead of taking it as a 7/10 game and leaving it at that.
TL:DR Normal faggots were allowed into a niche fandom.
One of the best games ever made, up there with MGS2, FF6, Super Metroid, RE4, Panzer Dragoon, OOT & Chrono Trigger
I really like this image
Great game, better soundtrack.
Nice buzzwords, redditor.
>no Dude Sex
>no Fallout
The final Boss theme was actually terrible though, really disappointing considering everything else was good
Need a diaper?
Good game.
Out of all of Taro's games it's the best mechanically thanks to Platinum. The spectacles and music are great but the story wasn't as good as the first NieR and was quite confusing.
Greatest game of the entire decade.
One of the best games ever created.
I cried.
WRPGs are fucking terrible, only good games that came from the west are platformers & indies
It's a shittier open world version of Metal Gear Rising with A+++ waifus.
This more or less. Still a great game, but narratively weaker than Nier Gestalt/Replicant.
>the story wasn't as good as the first NieR and was quite confusing.
Nah, it was way better. No idea what you could find "confusing" about it.
A master piece.
I dont even like weeb shit but i loved both niers. Automatas story is overhyped but i enjoyed everything about it especially the desert music
Don't forget the Platinumfags
> MGS Anything after 3 being good
Kill yourself drone
Combat bored the dogshit outta me and I don't think that 2B is well designed and I fucking hate how Automata is seeping into my other games via crossovers, but I can respect Taro for at least coming out and saying that he made 2B extra sexy cuz that's how he likes it. The music was nice though.
Not him, but apply to yourself.
4 was fucking kino, and PW is unironically a superb sequel to 3.
do you know any other words or arguments?
Eat shit and die, fag.
The early announcement trailer had a pretty different feel to it.
If I only play games for the story, music & characters will i like this game?
Seething Kojima-cucks
Too many existential themes for me I suppose. I just prefer dad Nier going ham on shades and dooming everyone.
No it has too much combat.
Depends on what you like to see in those things, but that's where it's strong suits are, so maybe
> Non-Canon Dad version
I still remember this like it was yesterday. Probably the one single time I've been legitimately excited watching E3.
The game Undertalefags pretend Undertale is
Soundtrack was pure kino. The moment you enter the amusement park for the first time was magical. The game had me at that point.
>he doesn't know the rules that its not "weeb" if its not anime-like looking
This, I thought 4 was fantastic. The mechanics were the best they had ever been in a MGS game at the time and it made sneaking around shoothing, or not shooting, a blast. The gun customization and sheer amount of guns were great too!
Good main characters, underdeveloped third main character and supporting characters
Trash, repetitive environments
Great music
Okay and repetitive gameplay
Great until route C, the rest of the game is embarrasing in its execution and they clearly ran out of budget
Overall a 6/10
>Playing as an anime twink instead
I liked the original NieR if that means anything
>Too many existential themes for me I suppose.
sounds like you missed like half of the game. Then again you apparently relate w/ papa Nier, so not that surprising.
>MGS 1-3 good
>rest bad
>despite all of them sharing the same cons like the retarded story
Kill yourself
It is anime you fucking retard
T. Seething neckbeard that needs to cope with being ugly as fuck by self inserting as a old man
>If I only play games for the story, music & characters will i like this game?
I'm very much into all those things, and I absolutely adored N:A.
I'm not really an action-game fan, and bossfights especially make me feel uncomfortable, but even those I enjoyed in Automata.
I love my wife A2!
The music is like the composer decided to make the most corny melodramatic music possible and then decided to hire Pentacostal singers to do vocals.
I liked the combat initially. But eventually once I go the timing for the dash/evade thing correct it lost a considerable chunk of it's challenge.Still very enjoyable though. The story was ok I guess but honestly I wasn't really paying attention after the first act(ending) anymore. I never got around to finishing it cause I lost my save data after some hardware changes and didn't have the will to play through the campaign again. Might return to it another day.
It's a worthy sequel, but the music and chars aren't -quite- as good. Combat is leagues better though.
Automata is basically a themepark game
You might die to shmup sections at first but once you make it through those you should be golden unless you actually fall for using berserk mode in A2's first boss fight
I bet that sounded smart in the parts your brain tumor didn't take over yet
>unless you actually fall for using berserk mode in A2's first boss fight
She's mine! You, you... double machine!
It is not. Anime looks like this. I bet you're one of those people who calls making beautiful women in skyrim with mods "anime-like".
You're a fucking retard.
it's a video game.
it is not an "animation".
and like said kazillion times, liking anime does not make you a weeb.
Garbage game.
>liking anime does not make you a weeb
You can have A4. And then we could go on double dates together. And have really awkward conversations while they spend a lot of time together in the maintenance closet for maintenance.
If you're going to die from the shooting sections you're gonna die to Hegel too
That is indeed correct.
Now, how about you return to your Ieddit website, kid?
It's pretty good, the story doesn't touch Nier or original drakengard but it uses the elements of watching the world descend into hell well while actually having gameplay that isn't complete dogshit. All in all, a fun game that dicks around with a lot of concepts and ends up being enjoyable.
fuck off tourist
Advent Children is anime
Metal Gear is anime
Any jap game with pre-rendered cutscenes is anime
Fucking kill yourself you dumb ironic weeaboo
Old definition of weeaboo is literally boomer tier though.
Dark Souls, Bloodborne, DMC, MGS and Nier are not weeaboo games.
Atelier, Neptunia, GalGun, Senran Kagura are typical examples of weeb games.
One of the best games ever made.
>Metal Gear is anime
>literally made by a man who constantly inspires himself with western cinema
>I exclusively indulge in japanese media and make up convoluted excuses to explain how it's different from people who do the same and are blatant faggots about it because I'm just in the closet
Whatever weeb
kys newfags
Stop being a nazi, you're ruining your own life first, lives of other people later.
>today I will remind them...!
>giant robots, magical super soldiers and free action talk no jutsu
>western movies
MGS is no less anime than anything else Kojima has written you dumb fuck
Seethe more
You have managed to cuck yourself in your own fantasy and involve someone else in it. Outstanding.
I wish I could get into this game and see what everyone else sees. I actually really liked the first Nier, but I got bored and dropped Automata. The combat is obviously better but I guess the story didn't grab me like the first game. Doing chores round the bland open world didn't help.
I might add it to the list of games I wanna beat this year, definitely gonna give it another shot.
This, ruined a thread I made a couple of days ago.
>I'm not a weeaboo but Yea Forums is a weeaboo website, stop c-calling me out for being a fucking retard!
Once again you are arguing about inane shit. You guys are fags
fuck off plebitor
I wish I could play it but I only have PC and I refuse to let Denuvo into my PC after previous bad experiences with Securom, Starforce and eastern Gameguard.
If I had already played the first Nier before I played Automata I can imagine that I would have found it more boring desu.
Totally shit, slavbro
It's either this or summoning a PHILO101 dropout who will explain how everything in the game is completely surface level
how do you think she dealt with losing her chest?
I didn't understand Ending E, can you explain it to me, user?
Mmmmmm yes the delicious no u
Seethe more you double digit IQ japanophile hypocrite
>Doing chores round the bland open world didn't help.
Is this case similar to TLOU-fags, as in you people forgot what you actually do 99% of the game in the OG game, but you just remember the "cool parts"?
Because jesus fuck, NieR1 is janky AF game, full of padding, waiting and doing chores! Not to mention LITERALLY having to do the same last half of the game four (4) times in a row to get the true ending.
Automata was such a huge improvement when it comes to pacing and QOL stuff, it's not even funny.
I'm a huge P+ fan and I'm into this sort of theme for games, but its above average at best OP. It does get pretty simple once you're familiar. The big impact comes from the style it overflows with and the amazing soundtrack.
Shut up, mutt.
It's the polar opposite for me.
Had I not played Automata, I would have never in my life bothered to give NieR and DoDs a chance.
Having done so now, I certainly appreciate what they were going after, but the execution was far from optimal.
It's that kind of game you really go
>I paid 60 for that?
The Yorha androids get busted up and destroyed over and over again.
She probably got used to it.
When she went rogue she knew she wouldn't be able to get new bodies or repair herself properly but that was after massive the deaths and betrayal of everything that mattered to her thingie and now she just kills so her robo tiddies might not have been something she super cared about at that point.
By killing 2b
Imagine not liking Automata.
Are these people even human?
in what kind of hombrelandia is it still THAT expensive?? I bought it day 1 for 25€ for PC, and less than a year later for PS4 once more for 28, brand new.
Still, considering the hours clocked into the game + the amazing experience it provided, I'd gladly pay the full price for it.
g00K is a fucking unironic newfag
I bought it release at full price, no regrets
I bought it on release, that was my reasoning behind the post. It felt bland and empty at some places and I had MGS5 flashbacks of an empty afghanistan with nothing in it but assets to look at and performing the same tasks as I did before without much gratification for doing so.
I was already troubled with the gameplay in NieR:Gestalt and I should've probably listened to myself and stayed away from Automata but I really didn't expect it to be this similar and equally dull at some points. It's honestly one of those things that became popular with people enjoying it and I can't relate at all.
I loved it and how it seamlessly interwove its themes into its narrative and its gameplay design and how all-encompassing and internally logical it all was down to the player being able to use the chip mechanic to kill them-self, I also particularly liked the true ending and the mashup of weight of the world that was used for it in conjunction with the sacrifice mechanic, it was very powerful and gave me a lot of feels.
With that said, I'll probably never play it again although its soundtrack will forever be a part of my playlist.
Some people
a. don't like games
b. don't like anything
c. only like things that make them think they're better than you
So how many times have you bought this game, anons? For me, it's four (4). Also bought the OST.
>sacrifice mechanic
What's the sacrifice going to be in the sequel?
>We have already uploaded your browsing history to our servers. If you proceed, we'll render it public. Are you absolutely certain that you want to proceed?
Twice plus DLC
I pirated it desu. I felt a bit bad about it but it had 4M sales now and 1M was considered a success so now I don't.
No, they're machines.
>comparing MGSV's literal barren open world to Automata's tight AF hub levels
user I...
I honestly don't get you. The game's full of captivating elements and the gameplay is fast-paced and fun.
twice. Once on PC, once on PS4.
This is NOT something to be proud of senpai.
On the contrary. I am indeed proud to support one of the best yet still relatively "underground" games of this generation.
Hopefully we not only get the next Drakenier game soon, but also get proper HD remasters / remakes of the past games too.
Great character design wasted on a PIECE OF SHIT
rent free
Bought it for PC and realized it was making my video card knock the power out in my side of the apartment complex after the second time I got to the first cutscene
Bought it again for PS4 to actually play it and just regret not getting the good cover art
Well, alright. I often forget that if it wasn't for you buyfags there wouldn't be games at all. Not as many anyway. You're an important part of the gaming ecosystem.
I honestly love my wife 2B.
Good game
Bad port
hidden gem game not known to anyone
>Stop being a nazi
>referencing the matrix makes you a nazi
I still had fun with it even though I hate 9S's route since his hacking gimmick gets old so fast and the game's pseudo intellectual bullshit.
No it's actua-- nevermind
not worth it
Have sex.
Utrashain aforenje kurasol
Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai
Utrashain aforenje kurasol
Towari hatasei mic'hatasei tsufrallai ilja
Ullilya kojijichatjukaijai-wa nyame tetsumekri setsumekri linganmai
Ulreri manja huteharraku-mu hanich lahadachfei lahadachfei shindulhwo
Didn't think it could outfeel NieR Gestalt for me, but it somehow did. Still encourage people to at the very least play the first NieR though.
Decent game overall. Gameplay itself is pretty simply and the combat isn't particularly complex. Interesting enough presentation, narrative and world. Characters are generally ok, where 2B is fairly weak but is made up for by 9S and to a lesser extent A2. Speaking of 9S, has multiple routes but Route B drags a bit due to him having the worst combat mechanics. Soundtrack is godly of course.
I love 2b
Same, I want to put a baby in her after marriage.
Only retard normalfags hated Battleborn
I just started playing recently, and it's been pretty fun so far. Still on my first run. Music has been pretty good, the ruined city song is honestly just so nice and soothing and I could fish all day to that. I believe I'm near the end, I'm at the flooded city segment, so I'm pretty sure I'm close to ending A or whatever. Mostly just been focusing on quests. Combat is pretty simple, and I'm not a big fan of certain backtracking done before you get the ability to transport to other spots, but it's been a fun ride.
I'm interested to see 9S's mechanics, even though I've heard hacking is kind of a mess.
This but a little more ironically
It's a game made by Yoko Taro where the suffering is not rooted within the game's mechanics.
I like it a lot.
I pirated it for PC and barely managed to get it to run.
I'll buy it when I get a PS4
God's gift to mankind.
And my dick. Alhamdulillah for Nier: Automata
it was just okay
Should I play this game? Never played a Nier/Drakengard game before and I don't know anything about the series, other than that they're action RPGs. Do people love this game because it's really good, or because it has a cute robot girl?
would be better in a book /anime/manga format has it has shit for gameplay.
>Should I play this game?
You should at least give it a try, if you have a ps4 you can try the demo.
>Never played a Nier/Drakengard game before
NieR and Drakengard games have a weird link between them, my recomendation is that you play the one that looks more attractive to your taste, if you dan't decide then give Automata a try.
> Do people love this game because it's really good, or because it has a cute robot girl?
A lot of peoble bought the game at first because of the cute android girl, but as the time went they noticed that this was actually a pretty niche game with weird concepts and a weird story. Some of them fell in love with the game others just became haters.
The latter. Most of the buzz comes from LoL/Dota/Overwatch playing normalfags who never even heard of Nier/Drakengard
penis, LOL!
A2 is a stinky girl
Me filming
Me masturbating to the thought of impregnating both.
This is basically the sexy equivalent of Bender discovering food has taste from that one episode of Futurama.
If robots could experience the joy of sex they'd never stop.
My wife 2B is literal perfection from head to toe, and a miracle of the universe.
>how do you honestly feel about NieR: Automata?
Shit game.
i want to **** A2.
I can't help but love her.
Yeah, I want to save her too.
I wish I could shake Taro's hand and thank him for giving me my wife.
That's nice.
Existential crisis. Thanks Yoko Taro.
You're nice for posting my wife.
One more picture.
Can never have too much of my wife.
Really good game I wanna reply, but my backlog is full af
I love it, but I didn't feel anything for any of the bosses like I did the first game. I hated that fucking wolf with a burning passion, but ended up feeling bad for it. Beepy's scenario made me pause the game. It was too hard.
Automata's bosses are pretty forgettable, but the fights themselves are better.
Are those DLC outfits?
the story was pretty good until 9s turned into an unsympathetic autistic, sociopathic, cry baby edgelord. I can understand that losing 2B and finding out about Yorha would be quite hard for anyone but holy shit does his personality just take a nose dive along with the rest of the game. Theres no reason that as someone whos not even human, he should have ever been programmed to act like that. Ever. Period. no one ever asks that question but why the fuck does his programming turn him into THAT upon loss/trauma. Hes not a combat model and its the complete opposite of his regular demeanor.
Hes not a human and the fact that route C tries to make you forget that fact is bullshit. HES NOT HUMAN. that should not have been his reaction to what happened.
yeah i dropped it like 4 hours in, it was genuinely boring and the story made me cringe