Zoomers who think features are bugs

>zoomers who think features are bugs
>unnatural WPvP made to leech views from other streamers
>rampant ninjalooting for LE EPIC STREAMER TROLL
why did blizzard dig up my home's grave just to defile it...?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hourly reminder that every server will be a streamer server.

you homefags brought it on yourselves
you turning vanilla into a meme guess what happened? meme spouting kids looking for the next flavour of the month got attracted to it and now they're changing the direction classic is going in
i mean look at any of the footage you can tell how much they toned down all the mobs, mobs in dungeons get completely instantly fucking melted just likes theyre playing retail
home is cancelled

>invite a bunch of zoomer-streamers that has never played classic in the first place to the beta
>has to make literal blue-post about how people are reporting shit thinking they are bugs

Blizz has always been retards when it comes to early beta invites.
Think of it more as advertisement than actual testing this early on. Hopefully it will open up a bit in the coming weeks.

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They won't open it all specifically because of the reason you just stated. It's purely an advertisement.

Retail cucks are leaving retail like rats from a sinking ship and have climbed aboard the classic hype train. Expect things to get worse. Expect changes that will ruin classic. Sharding is one of them. Look how they defend that, simply because blizzard did a thing and they must like everything blizzard does.

>Hopefully it will open up a bit in the coming weeks.
yeah i can't wait to play catchup with e-celebs and their orbiters because blizzard thinks they're a more valuable audience
fuck off blizzdrone

I'm assuming they'll do the same as they do with literal every other beta they open.
They'll do wave-invites every week until launch because original wave of players will either stop playing and they want to stress test the servers.

Could be different this time around though I have no idea.

This. What will happen to Classic is exactly what happened to OSRS. Refugees from RS3 came to OSRS and demanded RS3-like additions to the game and voted to get them in. Classic will only get progressively worse.

Layering is an evil I'll take to not have 8 hour queues for the first couple of months

>yeah i can't wait to play catchup with e-celebs and their orbiters because blizzard thinks they're a more valuable audience
>fuck off blizzdrone

Its a beta and all progress made is gonna get deleted in a few months. Who gives a shit about needing to 'catch-up' to other lvl 30s?


Ninja looting is garbage
Raid auctioning is kino

WoW sucks

It's shit and you're gay

>reddit spacing

>human beings have perfect memory of experiences they had 10 years ago
If you had to recreate Vanilla from memory you literally couldn't

But that's not classic at all.

Sure it is nice to have less crowded leveling areas, but it still takes away the "we are the server" feeling.

Here is the biggest problem. Every change has its advantages and disadvantages. If they layer the server, then why aren't they "improving" the loot system in raids so you get your own loot without guild drama? Why aren't they improve the balance so every class/race combination is equally good in raids? Why don't they rework the questing system, so there are enough quests without grind to get to 60? Why aren't they improving the drop rate?

The problem will always be that every change puts the game further away from classic. Classic had its faults, but if Blizzard goes the "improvement" route, we will have a new BfA which is the worst game ever where you are asking yourself why should I even play the game? The leveling system is much worse than in GW2 and this game feels like they should have remove everything, because everything feels pointless.

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I'm a retail player, I'm not jumping to Classic. Why would I want to jump from a sinking ship to a ship that's already at the bottom of the sea?

>muh reddit spacing
honestly the dumbest people on this site

Because it's not intended to be forever you fucking retard.
Does age make you stupid?
Layering is supposed to be temporary.
Every MMO loses players after launch.
Layering allows people to see the hype, get their fill and for many it'll be the most they play.

How can you claim to play MMOs since Vanilla WoW but not understand how MMO launches work.
They fucking suck massive cock.

not EU

>playing a games depending on how popular it is instead of how fun it is

zoomers, everyone

>he would rather sit in queue of 10k+ players

> he pays a monthly subscription for a 15 years old game

The only WoWtubers i like are Crendor and Soupasoka. They are chill as fuck.

lliterally what you just did is reddit spacing, asshole

What am I going to do in Classic that I'm not already doing?

nice rebuttal. Also you're retarded.

Use its systems of PvP and specializations

Use a system that wasen't good and one that dosen't work, that's what I'm going to do?

People are also just WAY better at MMO's than they used to be though.

You saying the person I replied to was paragraphing those two minuscule sentences?

Oh, so you just don't like it.
Fair enough.

Look the only reason you bring up Vanilla specializations is because you want to sell me on the possibility on dual specs, to mix equal points in ice and fire if you played something like a mage. But that didn't work, you were much better off going all the way in one spec.

>want to play shadow priest
>realize its shit in raids so id be fored to healbot raids forever
classic fucking sucks

>playing wow at all

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>mmo garbage

I don't want to sell you anything, schizo.
You asked a question and I gave you an answer.

>why did blizzard dig up my home's grave just to defile it...?

Blizzard didn't dig it up. Faggots like you dug it up. They were content to let the past stay in the past, but butt-fucking Nancy boy fairies like you couldn't move forward with your lives and just let the game go.
Now pleasant nostalgic memories are being revisited without rose tinted glasses and you realize that you will never, EVER recapture it.

Nobody wants to take months to level a single character anymore.
Nobody wants to save up their little coppers for an entire play session just to afford six more bag slots
Nobody wants to sit there in a raid holding back their own fun because bosses have a debuff cap
Nobody wants to sit there and get 40 people attuned to Molten Core, then trying to herd those 40 people into the fucking raid at specific times, a task that could be more arduous than the raid itself, and then sit there in that raid for anywhere from 8 hours minimum and upwards of 12, because anything less doesn't justify people 40 individual souls together.
Nobody wants to be the designated buff slut paladin who just sits there for entire boss encounters playing musical blessings.
Nobody genuinely wants to sit there and re-achieve all of the accomplishments they made in the past, because it will never feel as fulfilling or satisfying as the first time.

And if you claim that you are such a person, then I'm afraid you're not human. You're some kind of reptilian.

Vanilla WoW should have stayed a memory, where at least it would have remained untainted and nobody would have had to relive just how shit it actually was. Shit, you'd think your favorite iteration of WoW was actually Wrath of the Lich King with the way you people dragged this shit out of the dirt and paraded it's corpse around.
For once, Blizzard didn't fuck up. They gave you exactly what you people wanted, only in "The current year". Something they, nor you, can ever control.

This, go play something else. Maybe a comfy single player.

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you gave me a non answer

>dwindling playerbase decides to switch to Classic
>realizes that they've been memed and it's just as shit as retail
>WoW finally dies
Thanks based Blizz for doing your part in increasing the population of Eorzea.

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If a voting system is added, Classic is doomed forever.

These fucking leeches that praise Legion and MoP are all jumping on Classic.

They even try to blend in and call other people "retailfags" now, while few months ago they would have told you that Vanilla was complete shit.

Is there even enough demand in EU?

The PvP is different than Retail. If you want to experience that PvP you will have to play Classic.
You cannot experience Classic PvP in retail.
How is this hard to follow?

>Game dosen't even use current the new character models
For what purpose

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>the entirety of Eorzea is a waiting room for raids/dungeons via the dungeon finder
>literal nonexistent PvP besides dogshit BGs
No thanks

this. this. and this.

YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING KID ANYMORE! You know that a +5 Agi helemet that looks like a retards helm is better then your dope ass zero stat mask so you use it. When you where a kid in vanillia you where lvl 14 in shit gear trying to run defias with a bunch of other morons. you can never have what vanilla gave you.

>Elysium still the best classic experience


>game gets shipped with bugs intentionally
Are they retarded?

Because we have to recapture vanilla WoW, of course!
Reject everything new, even that which is good.

Endgame raiding is AQ40 and Naxx, that represents maybe 2% of the whole Vanilla experience.

Don't pick class based on optimal composition for content that you won't even do and that represents only a small fraction of the game.

And by the way shadow priest are always welcome in raids especially late game.

>playing MMOs for the pvp

go back to facerolling icecrown citadel 12 times a day for a mount that 95% of the population has, retailtranny

It's just a different art style, sperg.

Are you kidding?
Literally every Scandinavian is going to be playing.

Best version of deadmines ?
Cleaning it in a group of 4 warriors lvl 25.

whats up my layer bros

>playing a blizzard product in the current year

There is a joke here
And you are the butt of it, OP.

>he doesn't want to play with Asmon and Esfand

oh no no no...

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You think you do, but you don't.

What will we do about this niggerlover Asmoncuck and his missusage of our beloved pepe?

Esfant got fucked in the ass by some ign shill in their classic preview.

Play with a real oldfag obviously

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I think frogposters can fuck off

>thinking this damage is normal

>city of heroes launches
>WoW eclipses it since it launched a month or two later
>city of heroes emulator launches
>WoW eclipses it since they launching a classic emulator a month or two later
this level of meta is better written than most comic book meta crossovers

>red chest

Imagine NOT being in the beta lul

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With his armour? Yes


every time

>damaged armor


how many e-celeb cocks did you have to suck?

This. I'm no expert but I fucking took half a second to remember how I tanked and it sure as fuck isn't like this. Shield block is trained at level 16 and it's probably the first thing I would have used after realizing the boss does 1/3rd of my health without even critting.

And than this fucking retard looks at chat while getting crit. No, this kind of damage isn't normal. But only if you're a fucking mongoloid and go around thinking it's post-(insert expansion here) and that you can tank anything, with anything. No, no, don't you worry, I get it. It's only level 21!

But wait, there's more. Armor actually fucking means something in pre-TBC. No fucking shit, really? Actual statistics beyond stamina exist, like block, dodge and parry. Do any of these matter at level 19? No, but if you're thinking about doing anything meaningful and at the same time being a fucking mongoloid, be my guest.

Shitskins and niggerlovers everywhere. Spicfty, Pajeetra, Asmoncuck...wtf happened?

have fun finding people who are able to cc.

it is normal damage. he just got crit because he doesnt know what shield block is.

>implying warlock or hunter isn't single player

>like block, dodge and parry
tanks specs still has that

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>red armor

Would a bear survive that?

come at me autists

i've been loving watching the beta on twitch, it's like warcraft tv or something, i love how all the streamers are on the same server, horde and alliance, and you can switch back and forth and see what each guy is doing and where he is, watch different perspectives of the same event, you see the same names popping up here and there, it's just so fucking comfy and reminds me of how classic wow was when you knew everyone on your server. can't wait bros it's gonna be amazing

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Man, you are such a fucking brainlet.
Do you even know why blocking is important in vanilla?
Stop fucking posting.

>ywn go back to being a regular old sad frog being printed onto a free mousepad by asians working their tiny fingers to the bone.

Attached: sadfrog.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

Yes and no, I didn't play a warrior in Vanilla but I imagine that blocking is important for the same reason it is now. Reduce damage taken

this fucking picture

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You're paying Blizzard 15 a month for ancient-ass tech

>people blaming the tank ITT when the healer is clearly at fault for not topping the tank between his slow as fuck attacks
stay the fuck in retail

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You can't get crit on a block. He should've shield blocked and soda shouldn't be moonfiring. They're both retarded.

nope i'm paying 15 a month for permanence, 50 ping, customer support, and assurance of service

What does xiv have to offer?
Queue based “content”?
Super duper hard group browser content?
More badge farming meme content?
Dress up?
What about the actual game p-
>2.43gcd +locked gcd on ogcds because Muh evil macros, shit tick rate, animation locks

tank's gear was red and he died in 2 hits

>But that's not classic at all.
I am not defending layering, it's a complete bullshit and sharding sanctuary locations for a month would've been a better options.
However, using "it was not in Classic" is not an argument. You retards are so rabid in your #nochanges crusade that one faggot was about to crucify me for suggesting that blizzard should backport character tab for TBC so casters wouldn't have to install Theorycraft. Same people who complain about Legion client really while not understanding that it literally makes no difference.

>Multiple WoW Accounts
Good Goy. No wonder you got into beta, you paid a fortune.

Not him but most people pay $60 to $70 every few months to play modern AAA garbage that only lasts a few hours then never get played again.

Let me have fun pretending I'm still in high school for a while. Let me have fun thinking my life was still good and I didn't have to care about anything but getting to 60 and getting loot.

lmao i knew classic would be a clusterfuck
vanillafags BTFO forever
also watch classic get abandoned after a couple months
I wonder: will this be what finally kills blizzard?

FFXIV doesn't have good PvE content, so you'd think it should have something good going for it.

healer was half mana when tank pulled

i fucking hate career streamer culture so much

>he plays MMOs to beat loot pinatas
PvE is a means to an end. And that end is world PvP.

how the FUCK would this kill blizzard, they are literally reselling an older patch of a game in 2019 and people are actually paying for it + the sub fee for it, its free money

i assume there will be a list of servers to avoid because of cancerous streamers
with some hope they will cluster on same servers because they want to hang out togheter

That boss does do a heavy amount of damage, it's a healer intense fight. But he's also wearing broken armor.

Making shitters upset*

How is the pve not better than WoW's in every way?
It actually requires a brain and good coordination, WoW pve is what described, little more than braindead grind.

>imagine caring about the """"""beta""""""

And yet he still casted moonfire on the boss isntead of healing the tank



same as XIV then, okay

it takes up valuable development time and resources
they've been working on it for 2 years

Retail has great PvE, Classic is obviously lacking in that regard. If you want to play PvE play BFA, why the fuck people play Classic for PvE is beyond me.

the game is actually at fault because I've done that dungeon a billion times as a zoomer in 2006 and no way in hell did that boss do even close to that damage

All the big streamers will join PvE servers anyway because if they don't the opposing faction will just run a 24/7 train on their asses

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>as a zoomer in 2006
I fucking hate everything about this sentence.

Yet all the big streamers currently play on the PvP beta servers.

i wonder who could be behind this post

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good for you, kevin. Hope mommy buys you a subscription

Why would there be a 10k queue if they release enough servers?

Are there even PvE beta servers?

>Shadowchads 5.1 will be free of wowfugees for a week or two until they realise their game was always shit
I'm looking forward to it

Hating zoomers is such a 30yo boomer thing.

There are always PvE servers, just for you.

There's ClassicPvPBeta and ClassicPvEBeta

>>unnatural WPvP made to leech views from other streamers
literally happening right now on one of the streams i'm watching. servers are gonna be ruined by stream babies and their zoomer legion.

Tala för dig själv.

ALL raiding guilds and communities were EU on private servers, of course theres a fucking demand. I had to raid at 7 am because all the US guilds were dogshit.


EU wins again baby, blizzard have always had our backs

he was getting pretty annoyed by tips shit. probably was just dicking around.
when he saw the retard pull.

>I-it requires a brain!
Literally queue based. Designed around LFR.
I have no idea how you can step out of a 15+ and a 5/9 mythic raid and go to xiv queue up for savage group or raid and say “This is sure harder than wow!”. All reason to play xiv is dress up. The content is a fucking joke and I’ve never seen anyone but the most rabid xiv trannies say xiv content is good.
You also probably think long and tedious fight=good fight.
t. Played both

every one east of switzerland will be playing on chad private servers instead of this official blizzard shit, so no

Because its a beta and only level 30

>twilight drake
>those futile attempts to fit into the doorway
>keyboard turning
>sits there helplessly as the guards pummel his ass, because paladins definitely don't have any defensive abilities
god i fucking hate male human paladin players

There's PvE beta, but it's pretty dead. Took me a good half an hour to find a group for Deadmines, and most zones only have about 20 people in it at a time, except for elwynn forest which is double that.

Sounds like somebody has a case of the "supposed to"s.
1. They will not remove layering because the population won't drop as much as they think. Their servers can't handle 10k players in 1 shard.
2. MMO launches are the best time to play an MMO. It's literally the point of an MMO, to be massive. You retarded retailcucks literally cannot get past the idea of not questing for a few hours. It's why you ruined the wotlk zombie event, you literally hate fun.

The story of XIV is pretty average to begin with, meaning story missions aren't too exciting, and the reused dungeon and raids don't help either.

Good thing i play on EU servers and dont have deal with any of streamer bullshit.

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Dumb argument.

No serious private servers will ever be popular again after august 27.

> 380 ilvl

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>old good new bad
this is literally the perfect example of this, you nostalgia chasing mongs keep forgetting that the only good thing about vanilla was its novelty, it was an amazing game for its time when most other MMORPGs were instanced and had small worlds in comparison to how huge vanilla was, but in today's standards it barely beats a typical gook mmo if at all because its state of balance is a complete mess that forces players to do retarded gimmicks like sit macroing as a paladin aswell as the fact that a big chunk of the specs are useless in anything, not to mention the lack of plenty of QOL features that you mindlessly defend by screaming ZOOMERS!!!

hope you people enjoy giving blizzard money for something you'll enjoy for a few days before realizing that it's actually a shit game in comparison to other mmos that you could play instead.

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I'm a male dwarf paladin and I would've just holy shocked the shaman dead and bubble hearthed, rate my style.
Considering spending a bunch of gold to race change to dark iron.

>get into beta
>retails zoomers never talk
>would literally rather spend an extra hour at a quest farming spot than group with a few people and get it finished in minutes
>never buff you if you buff them while running past
>Tank who has never played vanilla before trying mass pulls in DM
>'uhhhh used to be able to do this, think they made it harder or its bugged'
>zoomers banning druids and ret paladins from low level dungeon groups because reddit told them they were bad in raids

It's honestly awful right now bros.

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>ruins your server

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Its not an argument, truth is the streamers will roll pve at least most of them

That's the "Raided in Uldir and quit before 8.1" ilevel.

which skin color is best?

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>>zoomers banning druids
the dumbasses
>and ret paladins
justified. retniggers need to heal or go back to retail.

You mean voting for new content?

I don't think it's a bad idea, has been mostly good for OSRS, but i worry people will vote for garbage like Arena & Blood Elves

i would rather play on method server than any streamer server


no one is gonna level as holy though

So long as they keep servers that are untainted by votes, I dgaf

blue or green

>zoomers and wrathtoddlers think they want to play classic for some reason to fit in with the epic gaymer crowd
dead on arrival, these "people" will quit within weeks and leave behind a bunch of dead servers

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>garbage like arena
t.casual shitter

I'm pretty sure ret could heal deadmines bud

Can someone link to said blue post

Nah, it still looks pretty good, have fun crying when everyone else is having a good time.

Will the Fortnite crowd play Classic ? I personally think no

>Tank who has never played vanilla before trying mass pulls in DM
>'uhhhh used to be able to do this, think they made it harder or its bugged'

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You think you do, but you don't.

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yep i might see it killing Fortnite. Cant wait for all those CLASSIC MMO CLONES that pop out after it.

As long as you have appropriate gear ret is fine for healing most dungeons while leveling

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Tank specs now are defense cap by default and as such parry/dodge is irrelevant.
Only warrior cares about block because they can upkeep a 100% chance with sb.
You never cared about evasion to survive because random proc chance =shit. You cares because crushing blows=instagib, after you can’t be instagib or your healer can top you off asap after nearly getting gibbed you build for full aggro (pre cata) or full dps(post cata) which both are the same, taking dps items.
t. Tankmain since vanilla

classic babies getting 4 servers max.

>Cant wait for all those CLASSIC MMO CLONES that pop out after it.
and fail because it's not warcraft

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Nice image bro, I can almost make out details

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>you turning anything into a meme guess what happened? meme spouting kids got attracted to it
Yeah that's how it always goes because we're the only ones that can make memes worth a damn. You zoomers are seriously brain dead.

why did u post the thumbnail?

>he doesn't know
There's at least 30 servers per region scheduled.

now post a microscope so i can read that shit, retard

a photo for ants

>saving mobile version
Good job retard.

green died of the plague
blue was slain in battle
purple killed himself

I'm convinced that 30-something boomer posting is actually done by children: youtube.com/watch?v=rdD1HcwgqvQ

I say this because WoW sucked ass at release and I played it for about two months before dropping it and MMOs in general. Shadowbane was the last decent MMO before it all turned into themepark bullshit. Gif related, it's a raid in MMOs in a post-WoW world.

Attached: giphy.gif (500x300, 770K)

>red chest
>healer a half mana
>healer way to far away

that would quite literally be the stupidest fucking thing to happen in the year 2019.

Sause us up senpai.

Let me get my telescope

Just face it: streamers have already ruined classic WoW.

Makes me wonder will Blizzard again start showing sub numbers and will Classic ever top over 10 million subs.

I want to be able to level, right now i'm on a pserver and everybody is grouping and partying up to complete named npc questlines with a camped spawn location.

This isn't like vanilla blizzard at all, its much better to quest and enjoy the game than to witness 60 levels of absolute asshattery.

>will Classic ever top over 10 million subs

Attached: 1558317089917.png (905x619, 566K)

classic and retail share a sub. if they do post numbers, it'll be purely to suck shareholder cock

I am grateful to have spent as many years on private servers as I have. Been there done that. Time to ride off into the sunset...

*tips fedora*
*turns back to bing bing wahoo*

We will see.
I can sede myself Classic Launch bringing about 5 million subs back to the game but we will see.

>average photoposter intelligence

>changing the direction classic is going in
nope nothing has changed, nothing has been tones down, private servers were always overtuned

>I can sede myself Classic Launch bringing about 5 million subs back to the game

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yea but you don't need bfa for classic you just need an active sub so shareholder will see old better and ask why they can't change bfa or the next expansion to be more classic.

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If WoW is shit, and it is, then FF14 is a xerox of shit made on a broken copier.

Dire Maul isn't released yet you fucking double niggers.

cock sucking faggot

Honestly that does not sound unlikely you gotta think most people won't come from bfa but people who play Dota 2, League, PUBG and so on like there will be alot of people coming back that quit MMORPGs before.

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Is there a version of this that is legible?

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you underestimate how little shareholders know or care about the shit they support, stupid frogshit. they just care about growth and certain buzzwords in press releases

Except now, tanks have this shit called "active avoidance", meaning you have to press buttons to not die, not just stack stats and be a meatshield whose only job is to turn the away from the raid and stand in front of a wall for when the boss does their inevitable tank knockback which was universally a signature ability of most bosses for some reason.

They've fixed stuff already, god damn it's like people just got to type something to sound intelligent. Nigga, we can google and get on wowhead if we actually play the game. Stop being mrs. controversy to people who know how to call out bullshit. you're not dealing with retail wow anymore.

Never said anything contrary to what you are saying.
Tbh the only game where tanking is fun is nu wow, because it has actual mechanics, involvement, etc... M+>Raiding too.


gearing and group effort > everyone minigaming their own rotations


>not EU
Preach, Belleur, Forsen, xQc.
Enjoy your streamer servers, especially with xQc.

so do you need sub or not for beta?

Daily reminder that WoW is now and always has been a game for casuals. Classic is no exception. It was incredibly easy and quick to level, hell it could even be done solo from 1 to 60. Dungeons were instanced, gear was handed to you constantly from fetch quests and raids were relatively simple with most of the challenge coming from finding 40 people who weren't retarded. PvP was mostly small scale and just involved grinding it was way more epic in games like Dark age of camelot. WoW destroyed the mmo market by flooding it with normies.

Exactly why m+>raid.
R.io>Muh GS.
That said Titanforge MUST go. And if not just make mythics drop seals to forcefully upgrade ilvl like in mop and wod.

>tfw france german or spain server
>not eu - britcuck server

feels good

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>play feral
>cuck warriors out of tanking low level dungeons when I join as dps
holy shit learn to fucking pull or even just manage threat on a single fucking mob, after playing recently I'm pretty adamant on just tanking my own dungeons since it's pretty clear every warrnigger is absolute dogshit

>tfw no sunder armor stacks on the enemy
seriously it's one fucking button you imbeciles


Are you a faggot?

xQc is canadian you retard

>people ITT that actually believe classic is going to bring back millions of players
be serious guys, you're killing me

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He's popular with the EU crowd, you retard. 85%~ of his viewer base is EU.


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It had 200k views on twitch at beta launch. What other game had 200k views at beta launch?

Might as well. Probably most warriors don't quite grasp tanking multiple mobs and always end up developing no threat on 4+ mob pulls and shit runs wild all the time. Bear is genuinely the better dungeon tank as well.

It doesn't matter, G. People check out league and cs go in the 3-500k bracket when a special events going on. This is a special event for wow basically.

The hype will die down, but no it's definitely bringing players back that don't play retail. It's simply more entertaining to spend time on.

>people still measure game's success in twitch viewers
Radical Heights says hi.

>muh views
i fucking hate twitch culture


imagine being this guy.

Attached: 1546727756180.png (743x800, 1.3M)

why does it bother you so bad?
you could just not watch twitch you seething baboon and save your energy.

So do i need sub for beta key?

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I love how nobody wants to admit how right this is

pree much. but there's reports of people getting it w/o. just spend 15 bucks once see if you get it IMO.

>It had 200k views on twitch
Thats just more people to get disappointed.

Have normal people started to get beta keys?

>almost no one cares about patch 8.2
God damn classic chads.....You did this....

Attached: a09.png (680x708, 387K)

>types like a vanilla sperg brain
>can't stand vanilla

What a hard life you live, bruv. Tell me how good titanforging and flex raiding is now, please.

Hey, at least streamers will be good for big world PvP events, though obviously that won't last forever.

imagine believing a worse version of vanilla will pull in more subs than vanilla had.

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that's what i'm doing you raging orangutan, yet i still have to stomach mongoloids like the other user thinking the amount of orbiters an e-celeb has who will watch them regardless of the game, or people who watch games instead of playing them, is a good metric for anything

as opposed to rampant ninja looting because people were assholes?

Nope, I got in and haven't been subbed since early mop. Account created in TBC

sub right now for a chance at TITANFORGING your subscription!

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>tfw hype for classic, but still going to miss dungeon and raid design with actual mechanics from later xpacs

No thanks that's not an MMO, you just sit through 40 hours of cutscenes and attack a boss every other hour. Some how clunkier than a 2005 game. Fucking shame cause FF14 is all FF hasgoing for it, and it's not looking good.

Because it's not right at all for majority of players who want to play classic?

Im also in TBC not only that i was in Warth, Cata and MoP betas.....

There's nothing really dumb about it. A beta has considerably less people to deal with.

eh, i'll just avoid the popular server then

I fucking love when Yea Forums suddenly hates griefing and people being dicks to each other when they're the victims


I love spotting the wastes of skin who literally don't even have the b.net app installed yet they try to talk shit.

Bottom one's an acc used for RAF, probably a throw away almost guaranteed.

Paying 30 dollars a month for 1 game might sound insane to niggers who spend 60 dollars on a cd and then a 50gb download regardless every month, but i think in all honesty i'd rather be paying for wow ;-).

classic community is meant to self-regulate using blacklists
but e-celebs can get away with it because "oh shit mom i'm on tv!!!"

>spend 30 minutes watching a warrior quest while stealthed.
>getting close to finishing
>engage him and kill him
>finish in my pants
>third time today so shorts a little stinky
>don't care because I like the sniffs
Man I love rogue. Appeals to my stalking fetish big time

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if 8.2 fails bfa is doomed.
nobody said 10 mil but 3-4 mil are possible bfa is down to 1.3 mil anyways stay butthurt.

Stopped right there. Opinion discarded. Reminder that only incel failures participate in world PvP and if you okay on there server you are nothing more than a victim they will use to get there rocks off. Also, ganking and corpse camping is theft of playtime the other player paid for. You are nothing more than a feral nigger if you play on a PvP server. All white people play on pve servers.

>For what purpose
You wouldn't like HD characters with vanilla resolution gear anyway. There's no transmog either.
The purpose is. . . to re-create the game as it was then. This shouldn't be hard to comprehe- who am i kidding i'm talking to idiots here.

>muh epic lowbie ganks


>Being this underage and autistic
Piss off zoomer. We are going home and it's going to be glorious. I want wait to get on my comfy pve RP server.

E celebs buzz shit aside for a second.
They're entertainers, playing a game people wanted for a long time and actively play on private servers and all sorts of variations (ascension , pvphouse, etc).

And it's doing well, more so than retail wow. I'm sure shroud brought in some unfamiliar faces, but generally i think it's doing good things for world of warcraft, a game that barely sees 20-30k viewers without events happening. Will it last? who knows, but that's absolutely retarded to say that couldn't benefit the future of WoW. Shit suck right now, and if people find more interest in the classic version of the game maybe design philosophy will shift into retail again. It's a stretch but just have to wait and see. It's not that deep, but It has potential to make a dead game not shit again for sure.

Classic is NOT vanilla, its a recreation of retail with QoL changes, better graphics, new animations, auto loot, sharding/phasing, retail UI, etc.

Not my /home/.

Attached: 1.jpg (2488x700, 669K)

yes we know you cock sucking faggot

>Asmon had more viewers watching him run deadmines than any BFA raid

How bros....bfa was supposed to...win.....

>And it's doing well, more so than retail wow.
setting the bar sky high aren't we buddy?

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>he thinks there will be more then one type of each server
>he thinks he will get a choice

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>auto loot
Imagine bitching about not having to hold shift while looting.

>new animations
I keep seeing this, but i don't see any. Is this just another one of those made up things you fucks complain about?

yes we know you suck cock faggot
you will be playing classic with us so shut your mouth and suck that cock

great post

What QoL changes you massive retard?
Oh no, the game looks slightly better. What a letdown. What, you gonna put together a shitty PC to play Classic? You gonna get the the shittiest internet imaginable to recreate the old lag? Get over yourself you Discord tranny.

Yeah. A lot of things people bitch are petty, it's either salt or delusion.

even if it was the case, even on retail you can turn on old models/animations.

Be frank with me Yea Forums, how bad is warrior leveling pre lvl40?

I leveled a undead warrior back in the day and all I remember is I could die if I missed or got parried twice in a row and I kept cannibalize on CD pretty much always.
I'm planning on taking my time and level cooking and engineer as I level unless the mining nodes are farmed to fuck, then I'll just stockpile mining ores and level engineer at 60

it won't be bad at all on release because there will be so many people around your level that every hotspot for quests will have a few people to naturally group up with. you can just go there and assume that you'll find another 2 warriors doing the same thing etc. later on it'll be tougher as levelling solo can be hard but as soon as you have another player supporting you, warrior becomes amazing and efficient

Blizzard should van ALL questhelp addons and healbot addons. This is not up for debate. Addons like these will ruin the Classic feel of the game. If you Zoomers want easy mode questing where Blizzard holds your hand trough the zone go play BfA!!

Attached: quest-hepler.jpg (588x321, 79K)

>tank dies in two hits
>this is the healers fault
Stay in fucking retail, subhuman.

Pretty not good, but at least you can take pretty much all weapons from dungeons and no one can do shit about it

those addons existed in vanilla you poser faggot

cock sucking faggot

But healbots was the main way to heal in vanilla.





Durids is storng for bare or cat or seel or whatver and u dosent haf 2 heel if u dont liek heel

*********DURIDS IS 4 haf FUN TIME WIT FRENS every1 is like a fun time durid!!

Attached: 1558399257277.jpg (259x194, 10K)

>comparing an ingame screenshot to a fucking stream
If this was Yea Forums, someone would of already hired a hitman.

>comfy pve RP server.
what a fucking faggot

i'm not gonna use quest addons but i will be googling stuff regularly, and checking maps for mobs that drop items that start quests, since that stuff is pretty obscure

>auto loot,

bros... no... say it isn't true....

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>he didn't have tomtom
Good to know you never played vanilla.

you had 3 whole seconds to top the tank
instead you decided to cast a single moonfire because your BfA-addled mind is used to tanks being immortal

I agree, all the years that I spent playing pservers with quest helpers has helped me memorize the quests and spawns, I'm really hoping for that free leg-up

>Nobody wants to be the designated buff slut paladin who just sits there for entire boss encounters playing musical blessings.
Speak for yourself.

Like i fucking said in my post, they're not creating an authentic version of vanilla, its a recreation of retail. Yes, i don't want modern graphics, modern ui, modern character animations, auto loot, sharding/phasing, cataclysm water, and all the other shit they've publicly said that they won't change in classic.

I'm sure you can find some enjoyment in classic if you're a mop baby, but as someone who wanted an authentic version of 2005/06 wow, i'm let down. New players will actually think that this is what vanilla used to be like.

Not him, but I can imagine how lost most of you fucks would be without either of these things.
Druids are for eating ass.

there's a button to make the graphics just like old ones you tard. he just has flora turned up

Current wow doesnt even have auto loot.

Leveling warrior before you get mortal strike (or bloodthirst if you’re a mongoloid) sucks balls but if you’re smart then it won’t be that bad. Just focus on making smart pulls and always have potions/CDs ready for pulls that you know you’re gonna have trouble with. Keep your weapon up to date at all costs and absolutely get whirlwind axe whenever it’s most convenient. I’d recommend picking up skinning so you can vendor skins for extra money.

>t. Leveled 5 warriors on private servers

Im sorry, but i do not care! These addons might have existed in Vanilla but they werent as robust as today. The addons of today basically play the game for you.
But hey, not that i expected more of Zoomers who didn't play Vanilla(pssst, private servers don't count!) You Just want your hand to be held. Go play BfA, and Lets not ruin Classic with these cheaty addons!

Hold-shift auto-loot has been a thing for years, user. Do you not know how keybinding works? Do you still have A and D bound to turn? Do you have brain problems?

But i thought you wanted the classic feels? that include healbot addons.

>thinking the original WoW release wasnt also a flavour of the month shitfest with everyone starting to play it
>not wanting a huge playerbase filled with idiots so you can farm them with your mate
Spread my gif

Attached: 55C62240-7D77-474C-AF1A-23C897425791.gif (246x140, 658K)

There is literally a button for faggots like you to change graphics to vanilla. The only thing you can bitch about is loot trading, since sharding is (hopefully) going away after a month.

>calling anyone out on what's not actually Reddit spacing
>while using Reddit spacing himself

Use the old graphics then you sperg.

I must have imagined my healbot macros doing the healing for me on farm raids back in vanilla. But hey, maybe the reason they have put in more modern not hot garbage raid frames is so that nobody will whine that healbot addon is not allowed.

I don't invite druid players just because all of them are contrarian special snowflake faggots. In fact, I tell them specifically that I do not take druids and half the time I get paragraphs upon paragraphs of why they are actually "the best class in the game if played properly" followed by links to youtube videos/reddit posts detailing druid effectiveness. I ESPECIALLY don't take a druid for healing which is apparently all they're actually good at because they don't have a fucking rez. What a joke. Fuck druids.

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Just because you needed it to be competent doesn't mean it's required.

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blizzard knew it, that's why they fed you the "think you want it" lines and claimed to lose the code in hopes you'd fuck off
they knew the old game was better, but the culture around games has changed too much for it. streamer cults, microtransaction addicts, excess datamining and video guides/strategies for everything and demand for instant gratification all make an mmo thoroughly unfun.
but you kept demanding a "home" that was impossible to go back to, now you get a corpse nobody really wants that'll be desecrated for streamerbux for a few months then forgotten, along with the fond memories and good name of the original game

Please don't skip the best zone in the game

Attached: STV.jpg (700x496, 41K)

Ah, so you are just a retarded hypocrite. Want the classic wow, but only the parts you like.

Keep whining about auto loot.

The only place druids don't have a place in are areas they cannot CC/raid heal/use a single ability, which is next to nowhere. Saddle up faggot, I'm here to ruin your day after you pay me 50 gold to show you how much better than you I am at your job.

How exactly can streamers affect you in Classic.

>excess datamining
because this would be such a big problem in a 15 year old recycled game

modern addons are less restricted than the shit people used in vanilla lmao.

Ok, I'll try to make a shaman/druid friend for leveling.
I think fighting enemies a couple level lower than me made a world of a difference tough, we'll see

>I don't invite druid players just because all of them are contrarian special snowflake faggots. In fact, I tell them specifically that I do not take druids and half the time I get paragraphs upon paragraphs of why they are actually "the best class in the game if played properly" followed by links to youtube videos/reddit posts detailing druid effectiveness. I ESPECIALLY don't take a druid for healing which is apparently all they're actually good at because they don't have a fucking rez. What a joke. Fuck druids.
Based and anti druid pilled

You make a good argument.

more restricted*

there was tons of shit that you could do with them that you cant now. like literally let them play the game for you.

>whines about hypocrisy
>conveniently ignores the only thing that's going to get him past level 10

Attached: sunbathing.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

>less restricted
You mean more restricted.

>The addons of today basically play the game for you.
What a fucking retard. Addons and macros from vanilla could be and were used to make one button rotations, there was auto trinket addon for fuck sake. Modern UI makes spell casting functions protected so you can't do that anymore. You can't be more factually wrong.

nobody cares homo. questhelpers and healbots are vanilla.

Hopefully you don't roll on a server where a popular one rolls because their horde of fanboys will follow them. I might wait to see where some of them roll to avoid those servers.

>literally ONE person streaming as alliance
>alliance losing before even release
Peak shit faction that NO ONE will play

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t. tank that got hit for 70% of his health because he doesn't know how durability works

>queue up for savage content
lmao retard only the japs queue for savage content and that's only because they keep public blacklists of everyone who queues without knowing how to play the raid perfectly

I remember how looking for a healer for a low level 5man with a shaman, priest or druid in the group made me fume back then.

>Sorry, I'm really bad at healing

if you fuckers had your way you'd make Classic only playable on an early 2000's toaster with a dial up connection

>it only matters when my feelings do
Face it, a hunter would be more welcome to a raid than you without them.

That Will be the best zone close after launch. Where it's Just a massive warzone. I'll skip it later down the Line when i am leveling An alt and there's 80 Rogues waiting in stealth.

Were you not getting enough replies in the other thread autismo? Have a (you), you're desperate for it.

>low level dungeon groups
He's referring to Deadmines you fucking moron.


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ally officially lost

no one cares about the kid faction

>addons that existed in vanilla should be banned for classic
Fucking changefags I swear

I want to play druid but i'm afraid to fall into mediocrity after hitting level 60

Playing vanilla on a modern widescreen monitor is literally cheating. The game was clearly meant to played at 800x600 on a small screen, so that hotbars and interface took up 90% of the screen.
Being able to play the game, and see what is going on is going to make it way too easy.

>skip it on an alt
But why?
>80 rogues
There is some ganking around Nesingwary's but that doesn't happen all of the time. I believe that regional servers will prevent some of that where as private servers were global so people from different time zones were always online.

This looks interesting, phoneposter. Go find the real version.

Because it happens more often than you think.

>official art is barefoot female hugging up on chad belf
how did blizzard get away with this

>streamer groupies all roll horde to follow the streamers
Less quest mob competition, nice.

>i want things to be different!!!!!
back to bfa

Horde will be 90% of the population
Get fucked paladins and cucks

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I like healing and I'm pretty good at it. it always is awkward when people start complimenting for whatever reason. and its all the fault of these retard hybrids who set the bar so low that when you find a competent healer its like a blessing.

eh, i gotta spend money for WoW classic, i don't gotta spend a cent for CoH


only kids play alliance

>this mentally ill user ranting about streamers

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Doesn't that just mean they'd play on the NA servers to play with their favourite streamer? Isn't that what most viewers do to get their 5 seconds of fame.

But then why is all the twitch streamers and their followers all playing horde?

I'll humor (you) and offer a rebuttal. Remember when quest text as worth reading? Remember when quest text either told you a narrative, or perhaps even completed the narrative for a character?

That shit hasn't happened since Vanilla. Guess what you're doing with questhelper?

Attached: Smu.png (226x256, 5K)

Addons are borderline cheating and you fucking know it. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO DONT WANT CLASSIC. You want BfA with QoL features and easy mode questing. Lmao all of you are beneath me, and it shows!!


you people are so fucking FAKE. If you REALLY wanted CLASSIC then Yu wouldn't download all these stupid fucking addons that hold your hand LIKE BFA DOES.



name on streamer that isnt an adult?

alliance cope

>s-streamers gud
>h-horde gud
>a-ally bad
>me love kids
Imagine being a factionfag in 2000+19

Attached: 1516313678318.png (327x316, 211K)

>let me tell you how i'm hungry in 6 paragraphs. fetch me 5 bear asses for pocket change.

All these problems are solved by not rolling a character in a streamers server.

Quest text was literally never worth reading.

Questhelper doesn't prevent you from reading the quests, your points are invalid.
This post is just embarrassing, please tell me what server/faction you will be playing to make sure I can avoid ever having to play with you.

>muh streamers

Attached: 1522640666006.gif (800x430, 564K)


>Remember when quest text as worth reading?
"go north"

pixar models look like aids

streamer attract skilled players
skilled players complete hard content
we win


Attached: horde architecture.jpg (5184x3456, 1.06M)

>not using addons to fix blizzard god awful UI
I bet you fucking click too faggot

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>replying to the mentally ill

nobody cares about your autistic outbursts. you want vanilla, you get vanilla.

DKs won't be in at launch, right? I'm gonna go to Goldshire and snipe people.

Some old Quest descriptions were objecively bad. "Hail, Hunter. I need you to collect 10 buzzard beaks. To find Them, followed the road north, then South of the road is a towers to the west, easy of that tower lies a road to the west, followed that easy then go South, after that go north and-". Bruh just tell me where it is.

You need 5 alliance to kill one horde and you call us niggers??



>he only replies to those who do not destroy his arguments to the ground
I never understood that. Other can read the thread and can see your sorry ass being blown to bits. Do you thing if you just ignore it it doesn't exist?

We'll see if they make it to 60.

Hah! No actual rebuttal. Truth hurts doesn't it? Hmm?

Blizzard UI is perfect as it is. No need to ruin it with your cheaty hand holding addons!

>random capitalization
hard yikes

>kill 10 buzzards
>Somehow none of them had a beak
>kill 11th buzzard, it has 2 beaks
vanilla logic best logic

Do you see this wonderful village? If you skip the best zone in the game you can miss it. Don't skip the best zone in the game.

Attached: bootybay.png (1632x918, 2.73M)

find me a suitable replacement for TBC era wow arena
bloodline champions was it, but now its gone.

>Blizzard UI is perfect as it is

Attached: 1479043955590.gif (200x150, 2.59M)

I'm not with the 'hurr durr addons are cheating' user but seeing someone actually defend questhelper in the same exact place where people shit on Blizzard's writing for not being good enough is nonsensical. There's no pleasing everybody but when the main 'point' in vanilla is difficuly, turning a 'muh hard vanilla experience, no normies allowed' into the same exact thing Cataclysm and beyond became..

Man. Imagine being this kind of brainlet.

wow, a crit?!

>zoom zoom im a hunter! Wait I need to buy ammo and there’s a dead zone? This isn’t fun I’ll just watch my favorite streamer. Better donate so he mentions my name and I get my dopamine rush

Attached: 9565EAEB-01C9-43B2-B489-6A5C9FC57E8E.png (1148x625, 253K)

last buzzard stole one of other's beak, makes perfect sense to me.

remember no ally allowed

I mean, maybe be a bit more careful when smashing your mace into that Buzzard's poor face.

Literally me.
Anyone should be able to.
Don't forget about defense rating. Hit rating .etc.

Why else skip the zone that bots use to make money?

>Blizzard UI is perfect as it is

Attached: IMG_0427.jpg (826x1205, 123K)

I don't give a fuck if someone use quest helper, let the retards use the crutch addon if they need it to play this simple game that a 12 year old could play.

>mentally ill user replying to my posts to be a factionfag

Joke's on you, I'm anti-Blizzard fag and you can't stop me.

Are you going to join a guild day one, bros?

factions and horde dominance built this game retard

>You wouldn't like HD characters with vanilla resolution gear anyway.
I'm playing on LH with WoD model pack right now and it fits fine (but yeah it changes vanilla flavor a bit). The problem is half the models are god awful, I'm gonna get nighmares from that tauren faces.


well, it certainly built bfa.

>Blizzard UI is perfect as it is

Attached: 51231536.jpg (483x343, 131K)

Imagine thinking like this post- WC2.

Home...Also, shout out to the anons that start in Mulgore/Tirisfal, those are also great starting areas.

Attached: Elwynn_Forest.jpg (600x450, 107K)

You retards complain about streamers all the fucking time while you do NOTHING but shitpost and watch their streams.
Stop giving them attention and views so they'll stop being a thing.

There is literally nothing wrong with it.
Buttons clearly in view, map on the top right, health and mana top left. You are Just too used to your stupid cheaty ui addons that make it look like you are playing some space game.

It honestly saddens and disgusts me that so many of you claim you want classic, but then want to RUIN THE EXPIRIENCE with your shitty addons.


>Blizzard UI is perfect

Attached: grug.jpg (800x450, 42K)

>replying to the mentally ill
It's one user that is sucking off streamers inbetween spamming their stream chat

Don't you have a LFR to be keyboard turning and ability clicking in?

>play horde and go to the barrens

>play alliance and go to westfall
>Hey, anyone want to group up and kill the Defias Pillagers?
>Yea bro, the Defias Messenger is by me, lets make a group so people can get it.
>If anyone needs to start the treasure map quest, invite me to know the location!
>LFM DM, anyone can join.

Yea, I think I know what faction I'm playing.

Classic is having 2500 server caps, not private server like 15000 server caps. Layering is what lets them have 2500 server caps without merging servers at a 4:1 ratio after two months.

Something about this feels anecdotal and cherrypicked...


really makes me think

>Calling Deadlines DM

Agree 100% with this user, addons are cheating. Infact keybinds are cheating aswell, a true vanilla vet clicks all his spells. And while were at it, turning with the mouse is cheating, the mouse is for clicking spells only, you should be using the arrow keys to turn AND too move(wasd is cheating btw).

>not doing the NE death run
>not nothin' personell'ing some poor defias retards
>not making the poor gnome you saved kneel down
>not making that same player eat your cat ass
Yeah, missing out on good times my dude

Ah bros..... server 4..... layer 7..... shard 11..... Asmongold group 2...... Home.....bros

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you sound angry and therefore you lose this argument

Are there actual examples of this? I see this statement a lot but outside that one streamer reporting the WC boss I haven't seen any other examples of this.

Its DM, it will never be VC. You don't call SFK by the last bosses name do you? Then why would you call Deadmines VC?

Why do people pretend to have played classic back in the day, when that's not even the case for the large majority of them?

Attached: 1510145014029.jpg (712x712, 42K)

Read the fucking thread. There is a link to bluepost that has a list of those "bugs" .

>webm related
Deadmines was always VC for 'Van Cleef' because DM was always Dire Maul, even though nobody did the latter. You're welcome, no-shoe nigger.

Attached: LAYERS.webm (720x405, 2.12M)

umm sweetie WoW was always about QoL which is why they added this great addon API in the first place.

Because Direct Mail exists you wrath baby



The most scary thing i can think of is BFA players moving to Classic & Blizzard introducing polled content, then those BFA idiots vote for everything that ruined the game

Seriously fuck these retail players that defend BFA, they understand nothing about game design, they say shit like "if you don't like LFR, don't use it" WoW isn't a single player game, other players getting free titanforged epics for AFKing in LFR, that surpasses your hard earned Heroic gear does hurt your experience, it completely destroys your morale & shit like that is why the game is dying.

Attached: h4574.jpg (350x350, 30K)

the main point of vanilla isnt difficulty because vanilla isnt difficult.

>Choosing empty servers for 2 months just to be able to lvl to 60 fast

Attached: 61de40c8-083f-4b81-ac7a-2049bee260d6-profile_image-300x300.jpg (300x300, 5K)

> Ummm sweety
Opinion discarded. Invalid post

alliance pussies better stay in SW keep

Not when the game released it didn't. Deadmines was DM long before privateserver faggots changed it.

Deadmines existed before Dire Maul.

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>this amount of delusion
I know somebody who's not getting invited to raid night! Mage, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior, and one Hunter are literally the only DPS classes.

Attached: Capture.png (843x363, 236K)

>t. retard who never ran twinkfags for money

based everyone mad at this is from reddit

who cares about gear lmao, gear lasts a single patch TOYSMOUNTSCHEEVOSMOGSPETS ARE FOREVER

Attached: 1552131392519.jpg (700x700, 209K)

VC is such a shitty fucking meme nickname. Pretty much everyone just uses DM because you can figure it out from context clues.

You're a faggot druids are chads

>lists all these positives about how great bear tanks are
>never mentions the fact that they just get crit to hell and back

All of that shit is moot when most people don't know how to play druid.

Imagine coping this hard over a two-letter acronym about a dungeon you never did

>gear lasts one patch

that is also a problem.

>people think they will have as much fun as big streamers

No, you won't. You'll be stuck in a city or under an instance for 30+ minutes trying to find a tank and healer which will go afk 10 minutes in - as always.

>>unnatural WPVP

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defend playing ally

reminder that vanilla wow players "ruined" wow and not some BFA player strawman.

>As a feral I do more damage as a tank than any fury OT can do with a sword and board
um that's WRONG sweetie

im pretty sure blizzard ruined wow

You are aware it was the people who played vanilla that wanted the changes that eventually lead WoW to where it is today right?

alliance ruined wow

I'll openly admit all my Vanilla experience is on pserbs. That won't make VC not be a shitty nickname.

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>broken chest
>2 level difference plus probably not at level appropriate defense skill
>charge sunder instead of charge demo shout
>no shield block despite it being a lvl16 skill
>moonfire and zero heals
this went exactly as one would have expected.

Vanilla has had auto loot since patch 1.9.

Don't bitch at me, go to the classic forums.

elves ruined wow

Preach plays retail and streams mostly non-WoW content. Bellular is turbo casual. Forsen will play for a month until the next FOTM game comes out and xQc is NA.

All you have to do on EU is find out where the faggots from Method are raiding (probably Magtheridon for le epick nihilum nostalgia) and avoid that server.

>I'll openly admit all my Vanilla experience is on pserbs.

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I know I know, just had to vent after reading something so retarded

Reminder that unless you're a social Chad you'll never get into a good guild.

Unless you're good at kissing ass and brown nosing like a subhuman dog.


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>play catchup
It's fucking beta, you idiot.

No, Blizzard made the poor designs, it's WoW devs best interest to defend them to keep their jobs & ion is a lawyer so he knows how to explain why the game is bleeding subs

The problem is BFA players defend those decisions, no Vanilla WoW player likes fucking LFR, they can't even stand a toned down version of sharding for 3 weeks

Yeah I'm not larping as a boomer like the rest of you fucking manlets.

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so alliance??

>I'll openly admit all my Vanilla experience is on pserbs.
And there it is.

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I had to laugh so hard when one of Assmodans gay leveling buddies tried to convince the group to jump from the loch modan dam saying that it would be truly fun and epic.
Then Asmodan made the weirdest face pretending to act amazed as if he never jumped off a cliff in WoW before.

So many streams are like that.

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vanilla players literally asked for LFG and LFR.

im a hunter so and play solo so i dont give a FUCK, i exist to murder ally

Vanilla wasn't fun though. Being 15 years younger exploring a new world with my friends was fun. If Blizzard can sell me being 18 with no obligations and my friends the same, I'll jump in with both feet.

alliance did maybe but not good players

>Game had 7 million subs at the end
>Clearly everyone in this thread is a wrathbaby like me, nobody could have played original WoW, that's why I know more than they do about the things I never experienced

no, elves

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>Nobody wants to take months to level a single character anymore.
They would rather pay 60$ for a character now.So you are saying pay to win is better.
>Nobody wants to save up their little coppers for an entire play session just to afford six more bag slots
Yeah they should get extra bags for signing friends up.
>Nobody wants to sit there in a raid holding back their own fun because bosses have a debuff cap
Something that has literally zero impact.
>Nobody wants to sit there and get 40 people attuned to Molten Core, then trying to herd those 40 people into the fucking raid at specific times, a task that could be more arduous than the raid itself, and then sit there in that raid for anywhere from 8 hours minimum and upwards of 12, because anything less doesn't justify people 40 individual souls together.
They should just click a button and get queued for the current raid, that's much better and you get way more people that know what they are doing and totally care about progressing and putting work in.
>Nobody wants to be the designated buff slut paladin who just sits there for entire boss encounters playing musical blessings.
Why is he playing paladin then?
>Nobody genuinely wants to sit there and re-achieve all of the accomplishments they made in the past, because it will never feel as fulfilling or satisfying as the first time.
Implying half these fucks ever did it a first time

I can't wait for this game to filter out all the casualfags.

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Source? because pretty much all of them get mad at it, even a lot of wrath kiddies get mad about it

I had three 60's on Nost though and I had a blast.

>waaaa a blublublu i don't see the value in a slow grind in a game subscription i was going to pay for over the same time period anyway, I need my dopamine nowwwwwww

classic is going to be alliance kill simulator

Yeah bro, it's just nostalgia, like Arathi Warfront is so much fun, that 100v100 World PVP match between Asmongold & Venruki in Arathi was trash compared to Warfronts

Wrong again. Pserbs are my only WoW experience at all.

I'm not denying that people used VC instead of DM. Just saying that it's a shit nickname for brainlets unable to think for half a second.

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> in a world where even fury warrior tanks are taking flurry and tryna get crit

Healbots also won't work in Classic because the modern API doesn't allow automation (and that's a good thing).

have sex


my WoW timeline was WoD -> nost

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I mean, i wouldn't mind one feral in my group as a Fury Warrior. Give me that 3% crit. That and windfury totem? Ohhh baby.

>literally half the posts in this thread namedrop, reference, or bitch about ecelebs in some way
lmao yeah nah this shit's fucked

>Load up Twitch
>Check the WoW section
>Report Private Server fags for violating copy strike laws

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this, there's a whole preset for it, or you can forego this for current WoW settings. dumb ass.

Paladin buffs are sick.

>Nost got banned from Twitch because streamers were saying WOD is shit & going to play Nost instead, this hurt Blizzard's feeling that people didn't want to play garrison simulator 2015


People who are paying the $60 I doubt are gonna play classic, and those who aren't will be the ones who enjoy classic. This argument applies for majority of your points.

man that sucks. come with us, start classic, play tbc when they do that etc. wow was so good before

Based, druids btfo

only faggots play healers


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You forgot most important part
>Nobody wants to play retail, an inferior version of 15yo game

>playing on care bear servers

>mfw I have a 7159 absorb damage shield

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reminder to attack alliance on sight on classic

vanilla was rife with addons kid. every raider used them, many guilds required them.

or maybe because private servers are illegal and it's in twitch's best interest to stay on blizzard's good side, tinfoil-hat retard
inb4 you accuse me of defending the steaming hot shit that was WoD because you still see the world in black & white

And then some WoWfags will go into a /xivg/ thread and shout "trannies".
Top fucking kek.

I never said I would be the pally. But playing Alli gives you acces to them. Also Fear Ward.

Will there be an ERP scene in Classic?

VC existed as a common acronym, but DM was way more popular in general chat ingame. one guy saying it on a forum is not proof that it was 'the' acronym.

Fuck i hate trannies. Why do we allow them to exist? When will the cleansing begin?

thank you for posting this, i was curious how i will be noticed in few days


I'll be honest, I don't give a shit about replaying classic WoW exactly as it was. It was fun then, but it won't be fun now.

I mean at the very least they need to make stupid shit like 5 minute individual pally buffs be either long duration or group cast, they need to make all specs viable in the end game. Shit like a raiding ret pally or feral druid just weren't a fucking thing in any kind of serious raiding in classic.

Stuff like the slower but deadlier combat and need for CC and such, no cross servers or dungeon finder is the important stuff, there's no need to bring all the other little bullshit about classic back, it wasn't yet nearly perfect.

I wish it been based a bit more off BC desu.

Horde being free of the elf fetishists is gonna be so comfy. Just the furies to tolerate.

*unshealths ashkandi*
*recks you*
Heh, nothing personnel... kid

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And i won't be joining shit guilds that demand me to download 3rd party cheaty addons! I'll play by my own skill thank you very much!

He is US horde player. This is why he thinks the rest of the world called it the same retarded thing as they did.

No VC was pretty much the standard once dire maul came out. Server variance of course, but it was pretty consistent everwhere I looked. Horde would usually say Deadmines because it was so uncommon to run.

not a furry but I think male tauren are cute as fuck, especially their crafting animation.

Enjoy being stuck on the trash in MC.

>ret pally or feral druid just weren't a fucking thing

Good, i fucking hate how overpowered hybrids have became, they excel at every role
Druids are more of a hero class than Death Knights & Demon Hunters

Male Troll crafting animation is BiS though.


i'm sure that was eventually the case, but for our server if we were talking about dire maul, it was DM followed by either tribute run or whatever wing we were doing. whereas just DM clearly indicated deadmines. never saw VC for deadmines until i came back to WoW years later.


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This was my experience in several EU servers as well. Never saw VC before playing on private servers

Let's talk about lesser known ways to make sub-par classes better

Moonglow talent in balance combined with strict healpower and mana cost reduction, combined with a very strict gear list consisting of mostly +heal and int, you can achieve insane mana efficiency using rank 2-4 in raids. Everyone talks about druid mana usage being bad, well, I went AQ on Light ringer with this build, having been took in by Nidvardir, the third best overall guild on the server, according to realmplayers back then. Absolute must to try. Will build and link talent tree if anyone is interested.

Knockdown warrior
During the first phase of AV, The Unstoppable Force will have a high procrate knockdown effect.
Once it is nerfed, the effect is iirc only acquirable from a mace from Magmadar in MC (The core hound boss). Knockdown is different to a same length stun in the way that it will never have any diminishing returns, so you can truly lock people in place with this effect.
Retaliation against rogues/warriors/paladins/shamans, watch them fall on their ass over and over until they collapse and die.
It's even more effective when used with a sweeping strikes / cleave build, capable of reducing an entire group of hordes to nothing in less than half a minute.

Night elf priests are viable:
As a nelf priest, you will probably find raid slots few and far in between, and starshards will probably suck as much dick as a Thai whore. So here is my tip: go to Felwood, and find the horde flight master, and shadowmelded near it. Whenever someone lands, immediately mind control them, and run/jump them off the nearby cliff. This presents them with 3 options:
Take ress sickness and Dura damage
Run to corpse and find out you can't get back up, then deciding to take ress sickness after dying, or taking several deaths in order to get to darkshore.
Finally: run to corpse, ress, get warlock summon.

In any case, you will be eating buffs all day. Horde tends to come there in order to get songflower buff.

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>no blood elves
>no draenai
Ya sure mate?

Every time

>fat ass nelves


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I just like the Tauren animation because it looks like a he's counting coins

you do know they are going to only use the most recentl versions of the items and not change them like some pserver did?

I think you missed the sarcasm.

I'd rather play a bizzaro alternate reality classic WoW. Where the general pace of the game is similar, and it still feels like an older RPG, but all of the classes are redesigned with different abilities and shit.

Playing classic WoW again where enough shit is different to make it all feel new again would be great. But that'd take actual work to design and balance a bunch of new stuff for classes, and people would go fucking rabid if blizzard ever did anything so drastic.

hero class is a retarded concept that never made sense.
literally all classes are hero classes.

Well that's pretty ass... But I did say that once the unstoppable force was nerfed, a hammer from Magmadar would provide the same effect throughout all of classic. Procrate is higher on it too.
Eh, I'll probably still get tuf. Depends on release phases I guess.

But come on now, you're nitpicking. Let's discuss some of the weaker traits of less strong classes, and how to work around it!
