Call of Duty

I like the Call of Duty games.

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WAW & BO1 are the only decent ones, Other than that the rest are pure cancer

>Not including the first two CoD games

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Veteran post WaW is pussy shit for casuals

BO2>>>>>>>>> Every other CoD game

What makes it so much better than the rest?

I finished waw on verten
I wouldn't say running between two pieces of cover non stop to avoid grenade spam long enough to get a shot off to kill a dude just to repeat is that hardcore either

dont mind him hes just retarded and didn't realize
cod2, cod4-bo1 are the only good ones

MW2 is absolutely fucking kino and based.

If they ever remove 1 shot sniper rifles from these games they would be fair to play, it's retarded especially in WW2 how the TTK is so long yet sniper rifles can still one shot you from anywhere, it's absolute horseshit.

What's wrong with the first two?

That's just because WaW has shit level design.

I found the guns in blops2 really boring, the maps are good but even with the bad COD's like ghosts and WW2 at least the guns felt fun to play with, all the guns in blops2 feel really samey and even their designs are just really bland and boring.

Balanced multiplayer, good maps, solid campaign

COD is pure artifical difficulty on higher difficulties, plain and simple. It's also boring as fuck because as soon as you instantly get shot once you're near death and if you try to take cover the enemies just grenade spam, and i'm pretty sure in the older COD's the enemies infinitely respawn to. Iv'e always hated COD campaigns and only ever bought them strictly for the multiplayer.

50,000 people used to live here...

>mw2>world at war>blops 1>cod4>rest literally don't matter.

Which is the better trilogy?
WaW - Blops2 or MW1 - 3?
I actually never played a Modern Warfare game in my life

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Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified is the best

I miss actual map design in these games instead of the boring 3 way lane bowling alley shit they have now.

WaW-BO2 had higher highs but also lower lows.

Man why was bo so medicore after the 1st game? I don't even find BO4 that bad but it's about as mediocre as 2-3. I sometimes have to remember thant BO3 even exists.

Post god-tier maps.

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How has this not be remade for a newer game yet Yea Forums?

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Why was this so good yet USS texas in WW2 was so shit and it's also a big boat map?

One of my personal favorites, I also like the airport map I forgot what it's called and firing range from BLOPS1.

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all of the fun of call of duty is getting kills that earn you killstreaks to get more kills, if you played the campaign through to veteran in any of the games you hate yourself and should probably seek medical attention

and I started cod in cod 2 so I'm not a zoomer

because hijack is basically nuketown but with a better layout and that's all people wanted

This and the other snow map in BO1 is based.

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cod died with mw3 Killstreak/score system, and shit maps . It was semi back with bo2 then redied

Are the DLC's still alive and people playing them for black ops 1 and mw3 on xbox? I wanted to get the DLC on PC but they both seem pretty dead.

wmd is unironically the most based cod map in history and extremely underrated

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You'd literally find more players on PC if you play the cracked versions

I know about IW4X for MW2 but is there anything like that for black ops 1?

MW2 is about as kino as the movie Reprisal

This exactly

pretty much this

i can agree to this

mw3 has it to?


I have a unfiltered hatred for blops2 and i cant tell myself why. Also thats probably the one i played the most multiplayer of


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How to spot a zoomer