Steam Must be Forced to Live by It's own Rules

>For many months now Japanese, Chinese, and South Korean developers have had to tiptoe around an amorphous set of rules opaquely employed by Valve regarding what sort of games are allowed on the Steam storefront. Valve has been using the term “child exploitation” to axe anime style games from mostly smallish Asian studios whenever they feature sexy or attractive female characters in romantic settings that some of Valve’s staff consider to be inappropriate. This is despite the fact that some of these games are the all-ages version and don’t contain any sex or flagrant nudity. Well, Valve completely forewent that curation standard for Dontnod Entertainment’s Life Is Strange 2: Episode 3, which featured an underage sex scene, which featured nudity.
>The sequence doesn’t contain explicit nudity such as genitalia, but we do get to see some of Sean’s butt as he’s getting into the water, Cassidy’s butt and her breasts, as well as both Sean and Cassidy topless during the sex scene.
>However, the real story here is that the depiction of underage sex also went unchecked by both Sony and Valve, two platform holders who have been aggressively enforcing censorship and bans on games that they either deem as containing too much “sexual content” or for containing “child exploitation”.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>S-Steam needs to clearly define it's own rules!!!
>What? No of course twitter/facebook/youtube shouldn't have to give clear rules about hate speech or even need a reason to remove someone. freedom of association bro.

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>caring so much about virtual sex
>but virtual violence is ok


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They should define their rules too. A poorly designed isn't worth being a rule.

If leftists didn't break rules for their own kind, they'd have no rules to follow.

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fuck off retard

amerimutt geek industry always does this. a few big companies try to monopolise the market and gang up with media and police everything.

comics are dying due to it, and cartoons are too, all of them tend to avoid japanese media, but still they wont change their marketing and policies.

>muh industries are dying argument
shut the fuck up faggot you guys have been bitching about this since 2007 and nothing fucking happened, leave it.

It's not child exploitation. Stop abusing the report button.

If pedos can write "fantasy" novels about fucking kids then they should be able to make games about them then we bully that faggot off of the World Wide Web.
>Sorry YOU don't have a first amendment but I plan on dying to protect my rights
>Only cops want more laws

How old are both characters in this situation? I know they're underage and I agree that it's fucked up, but how young are we talking?

16 the boy, the girl looks 18 or something

Memes aside, I've finished the episode yesterday and I was kinda surprised that nobody talked about this. Even leaving anime aside, simply imagine if this was gender-swapped, the shitstorm would be huge

Not even illegal inaccordance to the game's setting lol

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With how many warning signs she's throwing up in that one pic alone it'd be doing him a huge favour.

It's the US. The vast majority of US media comes out of California, where the AoC is 18. So most people think the AoC across the country is 18.

Why is this an issue? Both of them are underage and game's focus is obviously not on underage sex, the scene is there to support the story. Americans are fucking weird man.

You weebs need to have sex

The rule is different for dudes. Now if it was some anime titties then everyone would be up in arms.

>Not Knowing your rights
Classic Ugly Americans

tumblr shit literally

at least we have right to be ignorant to

Age of consent is one thing, depicting underage sex is another

>He doesn't understand that sexual intercourse is the greatest evil.
Clearly not woke.

Attached: Intercourse Bad.jpg (277x269, 13K)

teenager sex scene =/= fucking anime children on vr

>trying to apply child exploitation laws to a bunch of pixels

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If fictional depictions of children having sex is child exploitation as in Japanese made games then it is.

False equivalence. Social media is government property

What the fuck is the problem then? 2 years of difference and it's the BOY who is the younger one as well? Have we reached that level already?

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>two men kissing
>higher than severed head
holy fucking shit from me dawg

The point is the if the genders were swapped it would be the end of the world.

Or that if this wasn't a western sjw game, it would've been banned from steam because of this

>Multiple use of the SWEAR word is not the highest.

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>Last of us: Little girl getting ripped apart by zombies is fine.
>Also last of us: Little girl making out is fine.
What if it was two underaged girls?

Cass' age is unknown so saying that she is 18 is kinda speculating.

I do not recall ever playing a game where two dudes can kiss besides maybe ballad of gay tony and Bully Scholarship Edition. I would certainly refund it tho if it didn't add to the plot or gave me something funny because it's gay to own fag games

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If it was government property then people wouldnt have been censored from free speech retard

Sex and kisses are different

>18 or something

But anyways, it's still illegal since one of them is underage, age of consent has nothing to do with it

Just keep adding the nudity and sexual content tags so the game had them as main tags.

Considering this game is being published by Square Enix, I don't think Valve would even dare to do anything about this.

>it's still illegal

The Feds hate the Bill Of Rights fool
Romeo and Juliet laws probably apply to this

They’re not real, why should I care? You gonna cry that I kill thousands upon thousands of fictional people in strategy games too?

Pretty much in every civilized country, but also USA

What a dumb fucking comparison

>Romeo and Juliet laws probably apply to this
Again, engaging in teenage sex and depicting it are 2 different things

No laws apply to it because it's a rendering of fictional characters. The whole thing is Steam and other platforms choosing what they want to allow. It's inconsistent but there's no legal dilemma here, only an ethical one.
Anyone thinking acting like an overbearing SJW will suddenly make others realize the hypocrisy and the error of their ways is a fool. All this results in is giving Life is Strange 2 more attention & sales, while making it look like this type of criticism has more supporters, which results in more Japanese games getting censored.
Never pretend to be falsely outraged against something because it will only be treated as real outrage.

>NPCs pushing for NPC rights
it was gonna happen eventually.

>It's underage age of consent has nothing to do with it.
But user, it has everything to do with it, your own personal oppinion of when some one is old enough to have intercourse is of no consequences, neither is mine. Because we all might have a different opinion of when it's acceptable. Some might say 11/12/13 (Nigeria/Philippines/Japan ages of consent). some 16, others 18, and others still 21 (Bahrain). At the end of the day the most that should happen is the game/specific content is banned in the countries where the age of consent differs

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>The Child Pornography Prevention Act added two categories of speech to the definition of child pornography. The first prohibited "any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture" that "is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct."

Again, DEPICTING SEX and HAVING SEX have 2 different laws that apply to them.

>The Supreme Court struck down CPPA in 2002 in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition as a violation of the First Amendment for being too broad.
Next time, finish reading the Wikipedia article.

>it was republicans and conservatives who told me in the 80s and 90s not to fuck until marriage
>now it's the democrats and progressives who are telling me not to fuck at all while the "conservatives" have become anarcho-capitalists telling me to just have fun

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Why is underage sex between fictitional characters bad but genocide and ultra violence is not?

Do you even read what you post?
>The Supreme Court struck down CPPA in 2002 in Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition as a violation of the First Amendment for being too broad.

The replacement law is the same thing

And is this applicaple in every country, or is this a law specific to one country? Again,sounds like an odd double standard.

lmao, imagine believing the government wouldnt use proxies to herd the sheep.

>Anime or manga that portray children engaged in sexual activities has been included in the PROTECT Act's prohibitions in several jurisdictions.[19] According to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund,[16] the PROTECT Act can be used to prosecute people who obtain Manga. According to Adler, Delohery, and Charles Brownstein,[20] "the current law raises concerns for creators, publishers, and collectors of various forms of entertainment (including, but not limited to, comics/manga, video games, and fine art)." Bell argues that the PROTECT act should be reexamined by Congress because of first amendment issues.[21]

didnt matter when weeb shit was banned, shouldnt matter now.

Every civilized country, yes.

Also yes, it's a double standard.

>Imagine saying you can do this at this age but you can't depict some one doing this at this age, even as a drawing or a bunch of pixels.

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Nice backpedaling

Someone call mat groening and tell him he's going to jail for drawing barts yellow dick in the sumpsons movie

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It cannot be the same. Congress cannot create legislation that goes against a Supreme Court ruling.
Then it says someone was convicted at the state level of having cartoons. So the whole thing seems entirely inconsistent and so complaining about a video game featuring something relatively tame (and backed by a big company with lots of lawyers) will result in nothing except publicity. Making it seem like these fictional depictions are actually an issue results in the smaller creators (with less money and less lawyers) suffering any legal consequences.
Rather than trying to explain the hypocrisy and convince these policies to be redacted entirely, it's just putting more pressure on those already feeling it. It's working contrary to what is trying to be achieved.

Why does creepy femcel shit like this get a pass?

not same guy 40.

Silly user, laws are for poor people.

>btw please censor people I don't like because I'm spiteful

Does no one have fucking principles anymore?

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Slightly correction.
>Convince people that these policies should be retracted.
Not redacted. That typo bugged me.

I'm not trying to achieve anything, I don't care about squeenix' sales or who goes in jail for what.

I was just surprised that 1 week after release, this thread is the first place where I see it discussed


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>rules for thee but not for me

Wtf I don't like converse now

"Civilized", riiiight. Curious about the logic behind this law.

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its nike.

Based and rise and shine pilled.

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nigga get yo snitching ass outta here

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you ask for an impossible to give answer. best bet, people who think its a silly law are too afraid of the pr death if they try to remove them and the rest dont care about the plebians.

reminder that the people who most openly and vocally oppose fictional shit prefer the real thing

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>However, the real story here is that the depiction of underage sex also went unchecked by both Sony and Valve, two platform holders who have been aggressively enforcing censorship and bans on games that they either deem as containing too much “sexual content” or for containing “child exploitation”.
because it's a western game and doesn't have wapanese art

reminder resetera love this scene and are huge fucking hypocrites

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without fail

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I can't wait to teach my kids right from wrong and tell them to avoid these slugs like the plague

>Arch Warhammer
Remember when he did videos on lore or... actually anything Warhammer related?

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>j-just because i set the rules doesnt mean they apply to me goyim
most downies have a sense to not be licking the boots of those who want to take from you.

I was speaking in general of the whole idea that some are trying to be "outraged" to get some kind of revenge for titles they like being censored. Including a few who want to specifically hurt this game because they say it's SJW.

On the topic of things since the 2003 law, it seems like these kind of laws regarding fictional things are only applied if: it's downloaded in public, there's other crimes as well and these are just additional charges, someone charged with it takes a plea deal which involves admitting guilt to a crime. So there wasn't chance to properly challenge the law itself. Though what the Supreme Court has looked at on a few occasions seems to come to the same conclusion that fictional depictions are protected.

>men kissing
>higher than severed head
God Bless these voters

another reminder this game has more nudity in one scene than senran kagura has ever had in their games and only one game is censored on the PS4

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its just a joke
>no, context doesnt matter
but you did the same
>fucking consern trolls, context matters, stop gaslighting.

yes ? beside, his voice is grating, Luetin is better.

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Home schooling is the only way and unis are infested with these creatures.

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>What is the Vracks series that he has been doing for months
Remember when you knew what you were talking about.

Imma give my kids the private Christian School education my father drank too much to ever afford for me

As shit schools are, homeschooling just makes your kid autistic

One more addition because I was trying to find out how things were different: reading more about the 2003 law and the way it is different from the one which was struck down was if the depiction is clearly that of a minor then it could be possibly deemed illegal. It means if they depiction is clearly prepubescent then there may be legal issues (and clearly that's not always the case because there's so much loli and similar out there. It really does seem to come to someone reporting someone else, or someone chatting with a cop about the stuff.)
Having played Life is Strange 2 myself, that criteria established in the 2003 law is definitely NOT applicable to the scene.

get the grind on then and send them to a private school.

have sex
have sex!!!! have seeeeeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!!!!!

>Having played Life is Strange 2 myself, that criteria established in the 2003 law is definitely NOT applicable to the scene.
>m-my games are different, its art, learn the context bigot.
moral outrage has trumped the letter of the law, shouldnt have made the bed if you dont want to lie on it.

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>homeschooling just makes your kid autistic

That's not really saying much. I mean, look at this place.

Legit, why some niggers here seem to dislike when someone reply to them with "have sex"?
I mean what's so bad about that insult.

Deal with it, weeb.

Fucking mutts and their prudeness.

don't have sex and see how it feels

I'm undressing as we speak, darling

I never said any game should be banned for what it depicts of a fictional character. I don't they they should and trying to treat the fictional as real is both dumb and opens up a Pandora's Box of legal consequences if any illegal act in a game would be treated as a real offense.
I only said how the law is worded in the US, which would be in your best interest as well if you wanted games unbanned. By pointing out why there is no legal liability taken on by Valve, Sony, etc. if they have those games for sale. Instead it seems most involved in this are only trying to tear others down.

That’s a pure white, flaming eurofag, not a mutt

it makes me seethe because i'm an incel. i've tried that bend over trick but it always comes out insecure like 'b-bend over'. 'have sex' is the ultimate butthurt generating meme, you can't lose with it.

i'm concerned that if a lot of people report this square enix will just take it at face value and censor the game

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When I went to blockbuster back in 1994, there was a specially alley for 'adult films' and sex educational VHSs, i guess people didn't mind back then, and that theres a hidden force here at play making a BIG deal out of nothing, just close your eyes, don't look for adult games on steam?


Where’s the loli spammer? Please come save this thread

if resetera didn't have double standards they wouldn't have standards at all

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>A game about a bullied schoolgirl being emotionally manipulated into becoming a sex maid for a guy
>Pretending that fits in the criteria you are whining about

Get fucked, misinfo weeb.

>take it at face value and censor the game


Attached: report this product.png (1043x386, 216K)

>supports censorship
>avatar is tank man, a global icon against censorship and authoritarianism
These people have no sense of irony do they?

if you want to censor something, censor yourself with a rope


His avatar isn't Grocery Man
His avatar is the Tank.

steam banned this VN which has no sex scenes no loli and no nudity for child exploitation yet this game gets the OK

No, YOU!

This game has a general

You can't hide him forever user!

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>Steam Must be Forced to Live by It's own Rule
they are doing so.
the games banned utilize underage sex for titillation, LiS2 does not.

>rebellious fight for equality

That's a funny way of saying "top-down demoralization campaign started by powerful jews".

>the games banned utilize underage sex for titillation,

then explain the senran kagura games being on steam

Slant eyed gooks should all kill themselves, They'll never achieve anything and make any game that's worth playing to bear with their blatant pedophillia and child abuse.

>Have a kid that's shy about intercourse and talking to people, some what worried about making people upset, but at the same time is logical, kind, fair, reasonable and can pay his taxes (teach your kid where to pay his taxes and how when he turns 18, seriously)
>Or have a kid that colors his hair pink by age 13, thinks he can be a girl if he feels like it, changes his mind a few weeks later, people blame you for influencing him to change his mind, asks mommy if shes trans and if daddy is a homophobe because he married a woman, starts an all soi diet, get a gender studies degree, and gets really in to watching other people have sex with his "soul mate".
Pick one.

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this game is literally life is amerimutt

Wojak is newfag cancer

this is entirely legitimate, and the sex in LiS exists as a plot device, while it's just fan service in senran kagura/omega labyrinth/whatever other shit game you want to pretend is decent.
Seriously it's not even a censorship of senran kagura's actual game mode, just the literal "fondle" mode.

Neofags are traditionally pedos

Its a matter of time before the second Amir0x gets arrested

how does zooming in on her tits advance the plot?

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>zooming in
Never happens

look at all this PLOT

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why do alt-righters think cp is okay when it's weebshit?

Go dilate, tranny.

Zooming on breasts is a classic way to "expand" certain "subjects", what's so hard to understand, huh?

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Yeah, swimming naked in lakes is common. Your point?

Kill yourself, tranny.

Is there no age of consent in the blue areas?

All I see is good DIALOGUE, you'll have to go lower if you want to show us the PLOT!

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>everyone that tries to help minority groups is a tranny
go minecraft yourself retard

seething tranny, join the 40%

can someone post the actual scene tho?

the way they keep showing her tits in this scene has no point its just fanservice and you know it and if this was a jrpg you would be calling it pedoshit

Just because I believe in social justice and helping people in need does not make me a tranny.

>Takes only 38 seconds to cry about "leftists"
>That douchebag sing-songy manner of speaking.
I'm not watching that shit.

The blue areas are lakes, and north Michigan, which doesn't count anyway.

Kys tranny

I guess the only way to tell she's naked, is to show her tits. It's literally impossible to convey otherwise.

It's literally nothing. Anyone comparing this to their loli fapbait is a fucking retard.

go choke on Hitler's baby dick

I used to read "kys tranny" in an aggressive way, but now I hear it in a gay sing-songy voice.

Don't sell 3D video games that put underaged looking characters in sexual situations! It's wrong! It's amoral! Implied fantasy child abuse is wrong!

>Also Ameritards
Every single child in this country watches Spiderman vs. Elsa, prankster channels and fuckbois like Jake Paul with their materialistic, uncultured shitshow videos that are blasted full of midroll ads - their attention literally being stolen away from real activities that could serve to develop children's personalities and sensibilities and that is JUUUUST fine and fucking dandy, what is the problem with that, nothing, that's ok!

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haha yeah, vote trump 2020, leftists are corrupt, drain the swamp haha, can we put a red-state celebrity dentist in department of agriculture or something? haha

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yep gotta show the tits twice just to make sure

>literally nothing
It's something. Remember, none of the weeb games shows underage nudity.
Yeah, no shit. But according to just about every corporate policy, anyone under 18 is considered underage. So that's the standard we're abiding by.

Cassidy's age is not specified is the game and Sean is 16.

Interesting fact. So if we assume that she's 18 or older, then she's an adult having sex with a minor. Hm...

Valve has been taken over by genuine SJWs anyway. Its as abysmal as Marvel comics. Worse than DC.

I don’t care it is ”literally nothing”, I want for cultural marxists to be forced to swallow their own medicine. The game will be reported for child exploitation again and again until it is removed from the store, I will not bend on this.

You mean sort of how games with no sex scenes at all, with all characters over 18, are still banned for underage sex.


>The game will be reported for child exploitation again and again until it is removed from the store, I will not bend on this.
LMAO. No, this is just another video gayms drama that will die in a week or two.

is your brain broke or something?

if you made a scene like that put in a VN and then put on steam it would have 50/50 chance of getting banned

If you make a VN you have a 50/50 chance of getting banned. No sex scenes required.

because most VNs are fanservice garbage and has no value

Meanwhile the 20 asset flips released every hour is fine.

can you tell me the value of these tit shots please I'm sure I'm missing something here

"cultural marxists" haven't done anything wrong while to be rapists like you actively defend cp because you think it's okay when nips do it

Play the game

when do her tits become a plot point?

The tit shots are part of the story because it shows that she's literally raping the kid.
Meanwhile in senran kagura the mode exists just to molest the little girls

So It's not about principles, it's about being vindictive towards others instead of trying to solve the problem. Not speaking in support of what you like but trying to hurt what you don't like.
That will fail.

>still autistically spamming the same OP over and over
please kill yourself, pedo weeb. nobody cares that you can't jack off to loli on steam.

Trannies and SJW cultural marxists must pay for their hypocricy, that’s justice.

I don't want to spoil it for you. It's dirt cheap on Steam right now and I'm sure you're gonna enjoy it instead of whining about it online because your favorite eceleb told you so

I suppose i can just jack off to western pedo shit instead now.

it is about solving the problem
if they admit that underage sexual content is fine, then they must allow the japanese games as well
otherwise they must ban western games that break the rules as well

>see art
>literally think it's porn
this is why alt-righters shouldn't have human rights

lel sound exactly like those SJW gatekeepers in the comic industry.
The Amerimutt video game industry will be the same as other ones. Its gonna collapse. Still only Japanese games have been banned but the SJW will try to adapt this authoritarian ideology to every western thing

>I don't want to spoil it for you.
too late
Yep cant have a rape scene without some fucking tities

Scared to be called out on your stupid shit, huh?

>b-b-better ask if his brain is ok, I gotta pretend I'm in the right and he's obviously wrong!

Now you'll do it again to keep up the charade and because you know most this board is retarded enough to take your side, too.

So western = art, eastern = porn
You might have some serious mental problems.

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This thread is evidence that SJWS and anti-SJWS are both cancer.

the funny part is they're taking a generic Hollywood sex scene usually made for fanservice and calling it art

you're loosing it buddy

>Same ReshitEra faggots trying to sweep this under the rug.

If you are okay with one legal product being sold without being altered, then you should be okay with another legal product being sold unaltered.

How you feel about the product or whether you like it is irrelevant.

Anything deviation from that idea is dishonest and cucked.

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You must be wrong. Hollywood would never do something like massively increase the length of action scenes just for fan service.

I'm not really surprised over the fact that some right-winger can't discern underlying messages in works of fiction, must be easy living with no worries and an underdeveloped brain.

i swear, this must be some falseflag operation, because i don't understand how can anyone be so retarded and trying so hard to make me hate them just as much as i hate the trannyera

Nearly all the template oag, quartering, and these threads are spammed by shitposters or tourists who want people to hate whoever is in the OP

Why are the panty shots such an important part of your weeb games, then, if you're the only judge of "worthwhile nudity"

Did the little snowflake tranny get offended that everyone isn’t going to bow down in front of SJW devs?

>SJW devs
You're seriously paranoid. Seek help.

read next time

I don't see any downsides to bowing down to them, thus far they have been far more polite and fair than any other force in the industry.

Who do you think you're fooling?

kill yourself. Moron.

hey I'm up for any kind of fanservice as long as you can admit its fanservice

You retards already tried this with The Last of Us 2. Everyone is just going to ignore you while you continue to look like 50 IQ morons

It's weird how the whiter the dev team is, the more degenerate shit is allowed. I thought these fucks was supposed to be against racism, not the main supporters.

>You retards already tried this with The Last of Us 2
the last of us 2 isnt on steam? are you braindead?

>you should learn to treat others with respect
>OGM WSJs are ruining the industry

They tried to get the trailer removed from youtube because of the kissing scene at the beginning

>you should learn to treat others with respect
not everyone deserves respect, do you respect hitler? do you respect mao? do you respect Lenin?

>They tried to get the trailer removed from youtube because of the kissing scene at the beginning
did it get age restricted cuz it should, but that doesnt really have much to do with this. Steam isnt enforcing its rules

just because everyone mocked it and laught at the jewish goblin doesnt mean you need to revise history 40 fag.

Steam is enforcing it's rules. It has always based sexual content on AoC laws in the US. This game follows AoC laws

Man that dude's voice is autistic, obviously paints plastic figures that he spends all his neetbux on.

We already throw out nazis and other toxic people, you don't to explain obvious shit to me.

>It has always based sexual content on AoC laws in the US. This game follows AoC laws
but those loli games say the loli is 18+ or a 1000 year old dragon, but those get banned?


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>We already throw out nazis and other toxic people
i think the majority of the black population in america are toxic

>armchair lawyer who has no idea what they're talking about
lmao. How's that class action lawsuit against Bethesda going?

I wish every racist was as open as you, so we could swiftly remove them from any civil discussion.

The amount of bullshit in this screencap is astounding

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>so we could swiftly remove them
im brown, i cant be racist, since racism is prejudice plus power, lmao. Also we should switfty remove blacks, homicide would go down by 50%

Dodge beat Heather tranny.

then I guess they can unban all those VN's as they all state clearly that everyone is 18

>defending violent right-wingers
people like you are the reason why the U.S. is so dysfunctional

the ideal solution to nazis isnt to have the government to step in, its for people to grow balls and attack and ideally murder them.

This is about to ruin it for everybody.

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Stating that someone is 18 when they obviously aren't doesn't work.

discord trannys still mad they got hit back by a dodge challenger.

>some oreo tier bullshit
whatever, who bought you off?

maybe you should stop and listen to the clown for once

>two men kissing higher than graphically severed head
>consensual straight sex higher than homosexual conduct
Holy shit these puritans can't get anything right lmao

>SJWs don't exist because I agree with them

i wish death squads would start up already.

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what the fuck do you mean by oreo? your post makes no sense

it doesn't work when they look 18 either

lmao the tranny and commie death squads that are afraid of firearms and fear that they might kill themselves if they had a gun are gonna win are they ?

why are you sympathetic to nazis?

Either none of it's okay, or all i's okay. You don't get to add asterisks.

you're white on the inside

ends justify the means if it means pushing the 40% higher.

>teenager sex scene

you just described what most VN's on steam are banned for enjoy

anglos are literally like this. on top of that they cant make anything interesting. euro countries are not really. at least france is far from sjws according to the story of their city hunter movie that came out this year or last year. which would make amerimutts mad and scream like frogs are homophobic

why? because you're losing the argument and need violence to justify your stance?

If you censor the nazi then they simply hide their view until they lash out and kill people.

Sweeping your problems under the rug doesn't fix them you fucking moron. None of you leftist chucklefucks seems to understand that broad censorship just makes real nazis harder to find

so you just want people to get hurt, did you vote for Trump by any chance?

Yea Forums is being invaded by Tumblr again

>u-uncle tom
all the shitskins, niggers and bleach skins who hate each other are gonna put their differences aside if they get to kill and steal from the cali fags. you dont actually think ghetto is gonna look at you fucks and help you instead of shooting you are you ? they hate homosexuals even more than white traitors who let you cunts gain power.

will not be a problem when our data gathering tech gets good enough, we will simply make people like you disappear before you get the chance to hurt others

Yeah but teenagers are replaced with toddlers in VNs

hurt no, i want you to die. i wish us were as progressive as eastern europe where i got to beat degenerates like you.

join the 41% already.

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do these look like toddlers to you?

It's funny. People who insist there's some link between fiction and reality are also the ones that can't seem to separate the two.

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we'll just pit them against the gun wielding maniacs in middle America, then we will have a justification to take your guns away

What the fuck is even wrong with you people?
Age of consent here is about 14~15, way lower than anything else in America but you get fessed up over 16yo olds getting on?

HAVE SEX for fuck's sake, you don't go around boycotting shit like this when it's lolis and 2D garbage, only when it's western 3D trash apparently, at least have some fucking balanced you autists, you're so obviously biased towards one thing.

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90% of them are NEETS living off of daddys money, this is the peak of their lives and who you see here are the frontline warriors who arent suicidal when they hear a bad word.

Euros certainly still push the multi-culti shit because it allows them to relocate the entirety of north Africa into their countries, they're just less wide-eyed Calvinist preacher about it.

Why are right wingers so obsessed with killing everyone they don't like?


lose weight mutt sjw landwhale

>literally on your side
>disagree with the means
>"people like you"
Fucking leftists

Your authoritarian ideal will literally turn you into a nazi and you're too ignorant to see it.

Looks like pure fanservice and no substance. I can see why Steam doesn't want that shit on their store.

its mercy.

kinda unrelated to the discussion but i just checked the plebbit board of LIS and holy shit,90% of the posts are about the other game and waifu shit LMAO

The picture made fun of the dumbasses who think everything is nazism. When there's nothing wrong with many things that some people would call racism, opposing those people doesn't mean defending things that are actually bad.
If only stuff like war mongering and genocide was targeted it would be very different.

I agree. Porn games like that and Life is Strange should quit with the shitty story parts already.

nazis killed innocent people, we're just preventing it from ever happening again

They're scared of things they don't understand, so their first instinct is violence

Go back.

? just because i dont like some other minorities? thats a very retarded stance. Japs hate chinese people, does that make them white on the inside?

it's incredible that people are so far up their own ass that they think killing others is the same as helping them

nazis were only doing it to defend the children as you plebbit commisars have made clear.

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It's happening right now. Yet you fucks do nothing to stop it. China has litteral concentration camps for religions they don't like, and you do nothing about it.

>oh shit let me change the topic

Are you people seriously arguing the age of a FICTIONAL character? They're not even fucking real, I mean, what's the fuss? I seriously don't understand why people (especially Americans) make it too much of a big deal.

do I need to remind you that they also were allies with Hitler

trannys are on the verge of suicide anyway, who cares if we help them do it a few years early.

Mostly just people laughing at the double standards of SJWs.

>what's the fuss?
Ask steam, they've been very keen on banning any game that has fictional under 18s getting it on

>Millennials can't separate between reality and fiction

we can't even properly crack down on racism in our own country, China will have to wait

yeah i thought like that before but seems like i was wrong. in reality they are not that sjw-y. the city hunter movie where the protag is terrified to be gay would be treated as utter homophobic shit in america but it was very successful in france. normies just enjoyed it. the story isnt based on manga so their original one.

this game also comes from france but its really massive ameriboo trash set in america where protags are all amerimutts. cant count as their own stuff.

k bad example, but my point is that there are other minorities that hate each other, racism isnt a white only thing

Haha yes what if i enjoy jerking off to cunny heje it's fiction

they would be perfectly well adjusted if bigots of you weren't so ridiculously hostile to them

>you weren't so ridiculously hostile to them
i've literally done nothing to them outside of make fun of them on this website

they also killed people without any proper justification

I suppose admitting that the US had their own concentration camps would be a start. But this is never going to happen.

>I mean, what's the fuss?

I don't know ask resetera

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and by supporting politicians that do their best to deny them of any humanity

Exactly this.
People are making fun of it right now, and take nothing serious.
Same shit happened with mass surveillance.
Now it's there and all people are brainwashed enough to take it up their ass and accept it.
Humanity is such a lost species that we only can hope that we will die off soon.

what racism

I think most of our population is not keen on starting up Cold War II, even though China and Russia have both been doing a bunch of shit to piss us off. Russia already successfully increased instability in our political system with their efforts, and we're still reeling from that.

I agree it's mostly an ethical issue than a legal one.

I hope you enjoy your Orwellian paradise then

I'm sure it will be fun living in a constant state of paranoia, surveillance, and various other nanny state bullshit. It'll be hard to protest anything when the narrative changes and nazis are no longer the target and instead it shifts to "dissenters". Overreach of authority leads to corruption, give a corrupt authority the ability to silence anyone under the guise of "nazism" and eventually you'll be living in a world where even discussing if the current leaders are fit to lead will brand you as a problematic individual. Just look at the social credit system in china if you want to see what your future looks like. Or hell go read 1984 if you want to see what this kind of thinking gets you.

jews were spouting hate speech, nazis had no choice but to use self defence over violent words.

I don't know, like filling up prisons with blacks that have only commited minor crimes.

japs are literally white people but wrong color by accident
every single racially concious white society considered them equals while the other asians were shafted

not watching, fuck off

>extremely funny WOKE celeb doing a *shrug*
get twittered trans am

There's nothing corrupt about keeping people safe

crimes which where only made crimes in the first place, to hurt black people(well and hippies, but boy have that changed lately)

People are just upset about Valve's double standards and unwillingness to reel in the people who take it upon themselves to start banning Jap games even though they don't violate any stated rules.

So NOW the age doesn't matter?

>by accident
user the only reason they aren't equal to SEAmonkies is two very big somethings and subsequent subjugation

They just hate anime

You have a very twisted idea of safe.

so blacks shouldn't be punished for their crimes, because of the color of their skin
that sounds pretty racist

Only a very small portion of everything that gets attacked for being "nazi" is related to hurting people. When many other opinions get lumped in with nazis, some might think that the nazis might have a point.
There's also the "boy who cried wolf" effect. If most of the times when people hear about someone being an evil nazi turns out to be bullshit, fewer people will listen when you warn them about someone who's actually bad.

Sanity isn't the strongest forte of SJW's.

>and by supporting politicians that do their best to deny them of any humanity
no i havent done that, lmao

there's nothing twisted about punching nazis

Nice strawman

There is no nazis. There is normal people, and then there is you.

So, what do we do Yea Forumsros? Tag the game as sexual content? Report for child abuse?

Cunnyposters rise up!

who did you vote for?

Of course age does matter but only in real life cases. Drawing something and labelling it as if it has a biological age certainly doesn't make sense.

Fuck off shilling your shitty e-celeb. That said I'm all for removing it since LiS is and always will be sjw movie "game" trash that only yuricucks liked.

normalizing nazism

just flag it and troll posts talking about it, its funny seeing resetfags discording up and coming here to cry about nazis purging the rainbow flaggots.

Are you retarded or something?


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Racism is a symptom, not the disease itself. You won't be very successful in stopping crime by just giving them longer sentences but not fixing the class issues. In the same way you don't stop racism by going directly for the racist but by fixing the thing that turns people racist, which is the melting pot meme.

Somehow I get the feeling issues revolving around keeping kids away from sexual violence stem way deeper then those dirty gamers.

As for OP, yeah, Valve needs to have some consistency. It's okay when it's a big "mainstream" title but not some Mahjong shovelware or whatever. Current climate is like "it's bad when it's anime, empowering when it's live action". And ironically enough, Valve are far enough in the deep end they'd look bad saying no. It's an HBO psyops.

how about not subjecting someone you supposedly care about to any of it

You seem to be the one who's retarded.

what country do you live in?

"Nazi" is a ridiculously broad term for the punch-a-nazi people. If you can make up any definition you like for nazis, literally everyone could be called a nazi.
Do you like highways? If so then I'll punch you for being a nazi because Hitler also liked them.

you fix racism by stripping power from bigots

Sweden, roughly speaking

why do people hate and look down on anime so much? some people even say anime is right wing nazi stuff? I dont get it

WTF pedobros they're locking the Steam discussions and censoring OUR voices

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If birth control and protection were both made mandatory until the age of 18, would there really be any moral reason why sexual activity between teenagers (NOT WITH ADULTS) shouldn't be allowed to explore and experience the body of the opposite sex as they develop into adults? So long as teenage pregnancy and STDs are made easily avoidable, there's absolutely nothing damaging about it. It could even be beneficial.Fewer incels, you know.

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Or maybe, you might want to learn this little thing called "context". It would help you realize how retarded your answer was. But here is a tip. That thing about ages not making sense in the CONTEXT of a game like this? Is exactly what the guy you are answering is saying.

>if I muddle the discussion enough, I can continue being a bigot

are you retarded?
teenagers are allowed to fuck each other
there's nothing illegal about that

dont you think its dumb to ask me who i voted for? you dont know where i live? im not an american

stopped reading there

Accepting different cultures only count when it is cultures they like.

Guess I am retarded.
ok pedo

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Based Scuffed Arnie
>Accepting different cultures only count when it is cultures they like.
no id say its cultures that are worse than there own, not equal to or better

No wtf!!! Spam harder cunnychads, we need to make ourselves heard!

>rampant sexism, racism, bigotry, celebration of designated roles in society

gee I wonder

>if i change the words i can still be a biggot without being called one
SJW leftists default strategy rght there.

You fix racism by stopping the meme of pretending that ethnostates are nazi. Racism is inevitable in melting pots.

there are animes that are about lesbians, there are animes about homosexual men, anime can be extremely progressive

Ah that makes sense. That allows them to pretend they are better than everyone else.

so why do leftists like muslims so much

you do know being gay is punishable by death in muslim society
women have no rights in muslim society
a woman who cheats on her husband is stoned to death

>private Christian School education
your kids will either be fuck ups or losers. I went to one of these shitty christkek schools and it fucking sucked.

I don't. Never said that. Saying Valve needs consistency. A yes or no is much better than what they're doing. No balls.

homosexuals are usually joke characters in anime

Ok, you're definitely retarded.

just like they are in real life

they want to die but too pussy to do it themselves.

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imagine being this brainwashed by media

>homosexuals are usually joke characters in anime
like i said, it depends on the anime your watching, for fucks sake, anime is a huge fucking medium

Damn. I knew you where a retard, but even when told why you where wrong you still refuse to accept being wrong. Do you need to kill yourself if you admit you are not perfect? Is this why you are acting like this?

>blaming every social ill on the oppressed minority
fuck you people are dumb

now that's ironic

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just because a medium is diverse, it does not excuse the spread of hate speech

what oppressed minority?
you're not making any sense

>just let them in goyim.

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Why do right-wingers pretend they have a leg to stand on when it comes to sexism and misogyny?

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All American movies and tv series should be shut down for racism and hatespeech then. I once saw one that had it after all.

*breaths in*

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shard and also farde

why cant leftists ever offer actual arguments
it's just screeching about alt-right, nazis, incels, etc

Jews don't vote for left-wing parties because they like immigration. They vote left-wing because there are historical reasons for their disliking nationalists, xenophobes, White supremacists and right-wing populists. What historical reasons do you think those are?

Where are people even getting these numbers to begin with.

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I'm only advocating for the removal of hate speech, not everything

the soviet union?
communist china?

Why is a thread talking about an underaged sex scene in LiS turning into a left vs right shit flinging contest

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How can you claim to hate bigots but accept that nearly all majority muslim countries have laws to punish and or kill for the act of homosexuality?

As a gay man I find that disgusting and allying with these bigoted zealots is demeaning to all homosexual people.

Because 90% of this board is full of ADHD zoomers

Because leftist faggots is defending why it's allowed in the games they like and worse than hitler in games they don't like.

Reddit and Tumblr invasion

This from the "people" that scream "GOOD GOY", "COMMUNIST" and "YOU WANT TO LET FIFTY GORILLION SOMALIANS INTO OUR COUNTRIES TO RAPE US ALL" at everyone that doesn't like Trump?