Let's have a discussion about the video game character Jack the Ripper and why she is considered a mass murderer

Let's have a discussion about the video game character Jack the Ripper and why she is considered a mass murderer.

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The joke is that she isn't and is actually the mass murdered.

The joke is that I want her to sit on my face.

The joke is her skin hasnt rotted off from ye olde London smog

Jack the Ripper is paradoxical, because while she is an underage loli and thus incapable of childbearing, she bears every quality of an ideal childbearing woman. This is in fact emphasized in her backstory, being the gestalt souls of all the aborted babies of London prostitutes which gives her a yearning desire to seek out a "mother" and "return to the womb."

Ironic, isn't it? She's built to be a mother, but she wants a mother.

wait a minute, that's not raiden

She's gonna try and cut my stomach open ain't she?

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She puts the "ass" in "mass murderer"


cope seething newfag haha

Thicc lolis > flat lolis

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thicc doesn't equal obesity

You are ill. I recommend suicide.

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thicc is not the opposite of flat nor are they mutually exclusive
midna is an extreme example of a thick and flat character

cellulite is hot irl
get laid

shut up tyrone

That's correct. And short-stack does not mean "Short and stacked" it means a "short-stack" of chips/pancakes. So it is simply referring to someone being short. So someone being a short-stack may have a flat chest or big boobs, but they must be short.

Now you're just a fat roastie shilling

no, midna isn't a shortstack user, shortstack doesn't just mean short otherwise lolis are shortstacks. that would be dumb

user, I just told you what short-stack means. It's a reference to something short, not to someone being short and "stacked". It's a short stack, not short and stacked.

short-stack refers to short and big breasts (stacked), not just short

user, I just explained that's a semi-common misconception. There's no basis in this outside of a few people misinterpreted a common poker/pancake slang-term that has historically always been used to describe people who are short, not people who are short and have big tits. In recent times a few people have made the misconnection of stack and stacked but there's no basis for this.

language evolves over time, if people start to use the phase to exclusively describe short and large breasts then the definition changes to match that.

That's not true at all.

As explained in literally every Jack thread, she IS meant to be Jack, or one of the potential things he could have been.

Her concept is that the aborted children of the prostitutes became a wraith that went on to murder prostitutes in an attempt to "return to inside mother". In which case, she is the murderer and performed the prostitute murders of Jack the Ripper, so she is Jack.

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Really wish Strange/Fake would end so we can get the cool Jack instead
That or a competent dev doing something besides Extra trash with the franchise

did abortions even exist then? wtf

Abortions have been a thing for millenia, user.

nigger punching a girl in the stomach isn't an abortion

>Abortion is the ending of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus before it can survive outside the uterus.
It literally is, but even if you want to not count that shit, medicinal abortions have been a thing for millenia too.

>Daenerys Targaryen
So when is she going to be added to the Fate Grand Order roster?

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imagine not fucking your aunt and being the sole reason of the death of millions

Seriously though, why was Jon such a gigantic faggot?

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The is a reason why Rhaegar is considered the last dragon, she is a joke.

To think she still kills millions every day, even right now.

>Destroyed armies and cities by herself

W-woah... it's like... she's the real dragon... woah...

she's a mass murderer for all the cummies she made me flush down the drain

Why not add superman to the roster and call it a day?

he's pure

Supes is not popular among SJWs and soiboys

I doubt SJWs and soibois will approve of Fate franchise.

For this.

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Incest would have resulted in a possibly worse ruler being born. Incest ruined the Lannisters and Targayrians

>Nihongo Man of Shad

too much blood is rushing too quickly into my penis help

>Incapable of childbearing
What the fuck are you on?

she killed billions...

She killed my best friend doing this

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She's a hot-stepper, a lyrical gangster.

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Please leave

she's probably only killed a few women desu

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it rushes so fast that it rips your penis. That's why she is called, Jack the Ripper-chan

She killed billions of sperm cells

Please talk about the cutest murderer in Fate

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She's cute and murderous, not much to talk about.

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I wouldn't mind dying like this

i'll talk to her with my dick when i load up her card in koikatsu again tonight


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So she calls you mother because she wants to kill you? What the fuck, deepest lore.

Berzerker Jack >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assassin Jack

>genderbent fag shota shit
kill yourself immediately

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Fucking delete this, Aru-san would never say such a thing.

>As a child that was never loved, she was strongly seeking out for love. Regardless of whatever the Master is male or female, she will probably demand his/her love as a "mother". While there is no problem in responding to that love, she might intend to sneak into your abdomen.

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i thought only men subconsciously desired to return to their mother's womb

In Jacks case, it's not really "subconcious".

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For a while she was my best Assassin.

Then another 5* assassin came to me.

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I will massively murder this cunny.

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If their genders were reversed people would say "NO ONE OWES YOU SEX REEEE"

you just alerted the jannies


Haha oh wow fates lore is far more retarded that I thought.
I'm glad I don't indulge in this garbage.

She just wants to be with mommy.

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She's technically zero years old on account of being a mess of abortions and can't have children on account of being a servant. Everything he said is true.

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irl Jack killed what, twelve? Add those into the smaller number servant Jack has killed in the two wars he's been summoned in. It's fewer than 20 kills total right?

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In Apocrypha, Jack kills at least a fair amount during the night because she needs to gain mana to survive since her Master isn't a mage.

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