>"sir lead developer, we need our gameplay to reach kino status, what do?
>"add an active reload mechanic"
"sir lead developer, we need our gameplay to reach kino status, what do?
gears of war is a shitty game
Doesn't mean Active Reload wasn't a fucking genius mechanic.
>Boosted damage if it's done perfectly
>Fastest reload if it's done perfectly
>Faster reload if it's timed within the larger box
>Fucking up jams the weapon
The last one made you get real sweaty in a cramped fight.
>make everything into a retarded timing minigame
Ah yes, the YIIK approach to gameplay
Just like real combat.
Would sound based be better? Like rev-ving in DMC.
Active reload is a legit great mechanic in an otherwise-mediocre franchise and it sucks more games don't use it. I can't think of a single FPS that wouldn't benefit from it.
I loved brave HBG for its active reload.
Damn, I thought only Battlefront did this. I guess they stole it from GoW.
Active reload with a full clip was a good idea. People always wasted ammo just for a full active. So the coalition got rid of the middle man
More like Gay of Shit
Except everyone online with a brain just used a script to do it for them.
>Except everyone online with a brain just used a script to do it for them.
Expect everyone with a brain just watches someone play it online and do it for them.
>needing a script
Imagine how pathetic you must be. It's so fucking easy to active. I don't even look at the bar anymore.
I read that cliff came up with it after brief brainstorming on "reload = downtime = boring, how do we make downtime not boring". say what you want about the guy but he knew some good old game design
Or you could, you know, not require reloading at all, then you would have no downtime.
>Like rev-ving in DMC
Was revving the sword in DMC sound based? I always just kinda fumbled around with it whenever I returned to the game after a while and tried to get a feel for the timing, never knew there was an actual sound cue to it.
Then he made Lawbreakers
When will you stupid fucking doom/quake niggers understand that not every game has to be exactly the same? Every single fucking time you open your mouths it's always the same shit
>it doesn't play exactly like a classic FPS so it's bad
And then you go on to whine about how Halo made all FPSes the same when that's exactly what you want, except you want every game to be a doom clone instead.
When will you zoomers understand that video games can have any rules they want and not always emulate reality? Even the concept of "characters" "moving around" and "shooting" is a simulation of reality.
Why the fuck isn't every shooter doing it?
>When will you zoomers understand that video games can have any rules they want and not always emulate reality? Even the concept of "characters" "moving around" and "shooting" is a simulation of reality.
So you're saying you shouldn't move around and shoot in video games? What the fuck? Also when the hell did I say games must always emulate reality? I don't have a problem with games where you don't have to reload, hell Serious Sam is one of my all time favorite shooters. You're the one that came in here whining that reloading is bad. I'm not going to try to say Gears's multiplayer was even close to as good as many other shooters out there but you don't seem to understand that not every game has to be the same. You can have games where you don't have to reload existing alongside games where you do and they can both be good games. I don't even know where the fuck you're getting this realism shit from because nothing Gears does is even remotely realistic.
Fact is, active reloading is a solution to a problem that was created for this very solution.
And it's not like running around with a chainsawgun slaying aliens is realistic enough to warrant reloading by its very premise.
Can someone explain how this works exactly? Is it just a timing thing? What's so great about that?
Downtime itself isn't bad, it's just mechanically uneventful in exchange for giving more consequence to previous actions and time for reflection on the next move. Active reloading is to add more to the mechanical side without removing that particular strategic side.
It's not about realism, you fucking retard. Even Doom has reload for the SSG because it would be even more OP if it didn't. Now extend that logic to powerful weapons in other games and you might wrap your head around reloading as a balancing mechanic. To make it even simpler for you - weak weapon = big magazine and fast reload, strong weapon = small magazine and slow reload.
The little icon slides along the bar during the reload animation. You can hit the button again and if you hit it on the right spot you reload faster or fuck up.
>Sir we need a shitty mechanic that makes everyone shoot into thin air at the start of every match.
When you hit reload, the line moves along the bar during the animation. Hitting the button again while it's in the right spot speeds up your reload, getting it in that perfect spot adds a damage boost to the bullets you reloaded, and missing the timing causes the reload to take longer. It's great because it adds a simple skill based mechanic to something that normally leaves you somewhat idle, giving you a little more to think about and get better at and adding interesting risk/reward factors.
I have mixed feelings about this. I like how they made an otherwise trivial mechanic a bit more engaging, but it means lifting your finger off the D key twice for one reload, making you sacrifice mobility for what's basically a little QTE.
Dragon's Dogma Online did this with the bow
This. It forced you to think a little more about reloading than you would in another shooter, and in that way it works very well with the sort of careful tactical feel the game was going for with the cover system and stuff. At the time, using cover and taking into consideration what targets you want to go for was a bit of a fresh idea for console shooters. The oppressive grimdark atmosphere the first Gears had combined with those mechanics really sold the idea that, though you're a beefed-up badass, you're still in an extremely hostile and unforgiving environment.
It was a console shooter so that wasn't something they thought about
That's sort of why as great as the mechanic is it's not so easy to just fit into every game, but Gears was more cover based and movement was really heavy. All that said reloading while moving is a lot easier on most standard controller button layouts since it's normally on the right side.