>Finally got pcsx2 running well
What should I play?
Finally got pcsx2 running well
the greatest game of all time, Ape Escape 3
Dark Cloud 2 / Dark Chronicle if you're yuro
Is this one of those threads where the pic is related to some irl drama?
Ape Escape 3
I think it is impossible for Steve to be involved in drama.
it's just a nice photo user
no, its just a fan taking a picture with him.
but you can be that typical online faggot who creates fake drama around a single picture
ape escape 3 and god hand.
katamari damacy if you don't want to buy reroll
Ace Combat 4 5 0
Shadow Of Rome, feel free to look up walkthroughs for the stealth sections. The game really is worth playing, incredibly fun.
A timesplitters game.
persona 3 dont like graphics go with 4.
The gateway is kinda a nice gta copy
Defjam fight for NY original title great gameplay
god hand give it a try
mgs 3 substistance
dmc 3
re4 i think it got ported to PC but fuck it
Steve? Drama? lol
short women are genetically inferior and his children will be manlets/womanlets. Shame because he's based. Also Persona 3
any woman is a womanlet compared to steve
how can one man be so based
When are they just gonna remaster this game by outright removing the stealth sections and pretend they never existed
Oh, ok. So maybe she's average height. She comes off as a tiny person
years of drinking ww2 coffee
I shouldn't complain because I don't have any health problems but fuck my shitty genes for making me have a receding hairline in my mid 20s. I'm jelly of his golden mane.
>Finally got pcsx2 running well
>What should I play?
Obviously you didn't get it running well because it's entirely dependent on what you're playing as each game will always require a different setup.
As for what you should play.
The Warriors
Vice City Stories
Liberty City Stories
Front Mission 4/5
Tenchu Wrath of Heaven/Fatal Shadows
Look at OP's pic, he's balding like crazy.
my gf and I love his videos
don't worry he'll probably die young from eating 60 year old ham
What a nice thread
>he blinked during the picture
absolutely adorable
Don't feel too bad, I'm 22 with a bald spot appearing on the top of my head. I shave my head now because it makes it less noticeable but I'm delaying the inevitable. The uncle in my family that looks literally identical to me balded completely by like 25
>Front Mission 4/5
This. Also add:
>Dragon Quest V and VIII
>Phantasy Star I and II remakes
>Diggital Devil Saga 1 and 2
>pcsx2 running well
What parallel world is this?
Never, the development of the sequel just turned into Dead Rising. I love it so much, wish we could game some cheese, ultraviolent gladiator games these days.
nice hiss~!
he still hasn't died yet after eating a century-old beef ration. I doubt anything aside from that one Chinese ration can kill him now
What are methods of playing vice city stories? I never played it and heard it was good.
>What should I play?
Valkyrie Profile Silmeria or Primal :)
What's the best way to make webms off of PCSX2? Really getting an itch to make some of this game.
Jak and Daxt-
oh wait.
nice thread
this girl is not very attractive but it still makes me wonder how does it feel like to be in physical contact with a woman
He looks like reviewbrah if he bothered working out and gained height.
ps3 versions are better
PCSX2 runs shit fucking amazingly, it's just a matter of fucking around with different configs.
>you will never get your picture taken with steve
not nice ;_;
reviewshit wishes he looked like steve. he's not even close
Is PS3 emulation okay?
fuck knows just get 1 for 20 bucks
Jak and Daxter emulates perfectly retard.
i think they're related
good luck getting any of those to run at full speed.
PS3 emulation is pretty great, but the devs really have no idea how to manage the project so you have to use different builds for different games as the latest builds always seem to break old games whilst trying to fix new games.
>sai on the back
I know how this ends!
I gotta get me some of that coffee instant type 2.
Maybe if you run it in software mode at native 240p.
How dare you question the rpcs3 devs.
Don't you know that RPCS3 is the only program in the world utilizing the amazing Intel TSX technology?
coffee instant type 2 and some 75 year old smokes would hit the spot right about now
no hiss
persona 3 and 4
SMT nocturne
DDS duology
King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match
King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
King of Fighters XI
This thread made me start watching all his videos on shuffle. I really shouldn't watch these while I'm hungry as fuck, but Steve is so beautiful and wholesome. I can't help it.
all of .hack//
Only the ones not released on pc/ps4.
how can one man be so perfect?
>that shirt
Its just a nice pic