>16 days until E3

Oh god the wait is LITERALLY KIL

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it's 19 days. 18 if you really wanna count EA's stream.

>post yfw Cyberpunk release date is this year

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No chance.
Late 2020 at best

How are those Squilliams coming along, bros?

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I'm really not ready for yet another E3. there's so many fucking beer cans vodka bottles i have to clean up before i can watch the live stream.

This year seems all fucked up, when are the streams?

17 days

Everytime you say that, CD Projekt delays the game another six months

i missed getting into last years collage sadly
i better not forget this year

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we need a gosling squilliam

>no Sony so no Nioh 2
>Sega not at PCgames
>only thing to look forward is Ubisoft as they triggered both left and right wingers in some way so i can laugh at both retards

The squilliam posting really died down this year.

Is it because Sony's not showing up, or because dmc5 finally came out?

>no Snoy, so no souls rip off number 4000
>Trashga not an PCück games show from Ebin games
>only thing to look forward to is Poopysoft bcs muh poolitics ebin centrists!!

Just finished both of mine today, can't wait to post them

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way too easy to trigger faggots like you, i didnt even try

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Super Mario Sunshine 2 onegai

>Wanting a sequel to the worst Mario game

look hes wearing the ubisoft logo

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inb4 no gaems

Why can't it already be here so I can not have something to look forward to and be inevitably disappointed?

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>having expectations

I need animal crossing news

They'd push it back to January 1st 2020 just to fit with the tabletop game.

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>only thing to look forward to is Ubisoft he says
>but Microsoft won E3 last year

Anyone have the schedule image for different timezones?

This is gonna be the comfiest E3 ever.

>No EA
>No Sony
So glad they trimmed the fat this year

This might be the last E3, bros.

What the fuck happened to this month? I swear it was April last week.

Not a chance

EA is on the 7th

Fuck, I'd trade EA for another year of seeing the same 4 games and lesbian jewish girls.

>mfw another god-tier Microsoft conference

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>Going to be on a trip to my hometown in the days leading up to E3
>Planning to see Godzilla with my childhood friends while I'm there
>From the way it's looking, I'm going to be driving back home during Square Enix's info dump on Final Fantasy VII

I'm genuinely looking forward to it this year. I'm hoping the rumors about Halo Infinite are going to be true too.

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I bet Sony will win the E3 again

What rumors?

Supposedly, they're going to be showing off a lot of it at E3, with a bunch of gameplay being shown, and a story trailer. I don't remember the specifics, but I recall the details on the game were sounding pretty interesting, almost like CE mixed with Far Cry, with a world that evolves based on your choices and actions. Possibly a release date for MCC on PC too.

post bingos

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>CE mixed with Far Cry
I hate Ubisoft games

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Mileage will vary, I suppose, but I'm personally down with having an explorable Halo ring littered with shit to do.

>Mileage will vary
You need to go back.

You're getting old

I only have a Xbox 360 Slim and want a One X because my entire library of 360 games are compatible with it and 5 Original Xbox too.
Should I wait for the next Xbox announcement and release?
I just hope that the next Xbox will have the same backward compatible titles so I won't have to buy a One X

>no Indiana Jones world DLC

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Report cards anyone?

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Not the user who asked for it, but I also needed it, thanks kind stranger.

Was there one?

So is there gonna be no card this year?


Dying Light 2 is going straight into the Epic store isn't it? Rip jumping from lobby to lobby with ease

It can't be just 16 days, right? E3 is in June and the year just barely began

GoW got GOTY 2018, cope harder Nincel

Is micnax still around? Are we even doing a drinking game this year?

that's a tranny.

I'm sorry but you're gay son

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That thing is still going? I haven't been there since 2013

Hard to say. I want to say Techland is above that, but I never expected Supergiant to do it with Hades either.


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If she's in she's most likely to be the 4th or 5th character

>4 days until E3