It wasn't worth the wait
It wasn't worth the wait
Wrong pic
Disagree wholeheartedly. It's my favorite entry in the series. Only thing it's missing is alt costumes and maybe some more playable characters. Otherwise, it was exactly what I wanted.
ALSO based
Is it opposite day
DmC BTFOd pathetic attempts of mainline games (DMC5 retroactively included) to seem '"like totally cool'" by means of presenting "the genuine real deal" character. DMC5 on the other hand just aped some of DmC's artistry while remaining 100% clueless about the subtext behind that artistry (and the fact that doing just like that was the exact thing DmC was actively mocking by means of its very concept).
Stop trying to push the narrative, FF15-kun. It will never fucking work.
This. You're never going to succeed in making DMC5 a "divisive" game because 90% of DMC players fucking love it with the exception being some DMC4 die hards who like the tech that exists in that game.
No game can be worth that wait. It's still good
It wasn't worth the wait, but it would have been worth the wait if it had only been 3-4 years after DMC4 instead of fucking 10.
Nothing is worth essentially missing an entire game in the DMC series I'm talking to you, 2-skippers
The hype was well worth the wait, especially when the trailer flashed the DMC logo and also with Itsuno's "DMC IS BACK".
Game was on par with the joy I had playing DMC3:SE.
cope seething newfag haha
sure thing barry
Stick to your own thread, faggot >
The thing was it wasn't even a wait honestly. It was less than a year between when it was confirmed to be an actual thing and the game coming out.
The game was pretty darn good, but the most I would go to say is that it was overrated
It’s good, but it’s not perfect:
>V being playable was pointless
>fewer and less memorable bosses
>Trish and Lady were redundant
>70% of the game is backtracking to Urizen’s throne
>fighting Urizen 4 times
>the story is pretty stupid
>too much time is spent in the Quilpoth
>The thing was it wasn't even a wait honestly.
>dmc4 2008
>dmc5 2019
>11 years
>not a wait
>switching back and forth between characters, making it nearly impossible to feel comfortable with either Nero or Dante on the first playthrough
>loading screens
>anticlimactic ch20
DmC is to DMC proper what Virgil's fedora is to the reboot.
an embarrassment to be removed
For that King Cerberus devil arm, you better believe it was worth the wait. Fucking god tier weapon.
>2.1 million sold
Flop confirmed too
I'm actually not too big on DMC5's OST. Feels like they went too far in the direction of techno. Just compare DMC5 Vergil to Vergil 3 of DMC3.
fun boss fight too
But nobody knew the game was actually coming out, it was never announced until E3 2018
Virgil is an immoral (while trying to appear decent) poseur, so fedora was more or less at its proper place.
>V being playable was pointless
How is it pointless? It's a third playable character, how can you complain about that? Sure, he's not exactly complex in any way, but I still liked playing as him. Yes, even on the higher difficulties. Fucking shit up with Nightmare was fun as fuck.
>fewer and less menorable bosses
I disagree. Personally, I'd take DMC5's boss roster over 3's and 4's any day of the week. I'd rather have a solid selection of bosses with some highs and lows than the absolute rollercoaster of quality that is DMC3's bosses. I will never fight Vergil 3 on DMD, because I absolutely refuse to fight that piece of shit Arkham ever again.
>70% of the game backtracking to Urizen's throne
What a weird point to make. It's not even really backtracking in the gameplay sense. And if you're already going there, then you might as well address that almost half of DMC3 is backtracking back to the top of the tower to fight Arkham.
>fighting Urizen 4 times
Didn't mind, could see why others would, though.
>switching back and forth between characters, making it nearly impossible to feel comfortable with either Nero or Dante on the first playthrough
That's what the Void is for. But I'm gonna be honest here, I hardly used that mode because of the load times that you mention. It's weird that they still haven't fixed that by now.
I agree. I actually hated "Roar Roar Roar!" at first, but it grew on me like Death Grips.
yes it was
no amount of convincing would make me say otherwise
I love DMC games
it fucking sucks tho. They actually removed moves from Cerberus.
it feels like 1 bad port & 2 severely unfinished weapons they just mashed into one messy abomination.
>They actually removed moves from Cerberus.
And added like 12 more.
the fuck do you mean? the only missing move was the Crystal Carats (button mashed move of Crystal).
>How is it pointless? It's a third playable character, how can you complain about that.
because you HAVE to play as him. time and time again. it ruins the game & he's one of the worst characters in any action game.
you don't remember playing DMC3 do you.
B air combos, Windmill, standard Combo branches. they removed heaps of shit.
You have completely misunderstood DmC.
That main arc is that of Donte being an UNRELIABLE NARRATOR. That arc culminates in the mission with the SpecOps, and resolves in the exchange scene, with Donte shielding Kat from the bullets with his back WHILE THERE BEING HUMAN WITNESSES TO THAT. That event is a direct consequence of Virgil shooting the whore and her baby, which leads to two things: Donte expressing unvoiced "THE FUCK?!" towards Virgil - and Mundus' ops starting to shoot at Kat. The point is, however, that unvoiced "THE FUCK?!". This is the culmination of the game, and the point where brothers' path diverge. The meaning of this scene - and subsequent shielding - in the context of the whole game - is that Donte stands by his interpretation of the events transpired (primarily in regard to their moral aspect), he fucking owns his point of view, however skewed his perspective might seem to whomever or their mother. And, as person who owns his morals however unorthodox they might be at their current state at current point of time, AND FOLLOWS THROUGH WITH THEM, he can be reasoned with and persuaded through proper arguments - while decent looking, but immoral Virgil, cannot, since there is nothing to argue against.
>B air combos
it was useless, King Cerberus' style button move is far more superior
this I agree, I kinda liked using it against Enigmas
>standard combo branches
the Crazy Cerberus Combo B was the only move that's not in KC.
so far only 2 relevant moves. "heaps of shit" lol
Crazy combo B
Million Carats
is 4 moves and i don't care if you're too stupid to use a move so you say it's useless they still removed it. they advertised this shit as 3 weapons. it's not even better than Cerberus.
>they advertised this shit as 3 weapons
and they didn't lie. it's exactly 3 weapons.
>it's not even better than cerberus
next thing you'll say 3 E&I is better than 5 E&I. don't be blinded by nostalgia.
KC is far superior than Cerberus.
shut the fuck up zoomer!
Desu I don't think it matters how good DmC's story was. The way Capcom and Ninja Theory handled the whole thing, it wouldn't have mattered if it came out untouchable.
>and they didn't lie. it's exactly 3 weapons.
They lied. It has like 7 more moves than DMC3 Cerberus.
the base is just a far worse version of Cerberus. Then they added like 12 moves. It could have been 3 weapons. but no. its only one messy weapon. So yes they lied.
Aktchually it has two more moves than DMC3 Cerberus.
>7 moves
holy fuck the absolute state of nostalgiafags
why are you over exaggerating?
please STOP HAVING FUN REEEEEEEE omg this game has a flaw dmcfags BTFO forever AHAHAHAH, please CARE ABOUT SALES AND REVIEWER SCORES, please indulge in modern gaming culture!
Friendly reminder that this is all fake, nobody actually believes a damn thing writen here
nice reading comprehension dipshit.
seething and cope :)
V is a shitty character, all the repetition was terrible, the constant switching between characters was anti-fun, and the load times were terrible.
Nero and Dante were both fun to play as but I have absolutely no desire to ever play it again because of how awful V and the repetitive stages/bosses are.
I'm in complete agreement with your whole post, but Bloody Palace almost entirely does away with your not wanting to play again.
DMC6 should have high replay value.
Are you serious? What's this obsession with being contrarian? This was miles better than DmC, and likely the 2nd best game in the series after DMC3.
I'm still amazed at how good it was: I thought it'd be a letdown after the sheer amount of hype.
It was. But it will never be complete while Vergil isn't playable.
How do you respond so calmly?
>fewer and less memorable bosses
Is this an actual joke? It has more bosses than every other game. What game does it have less memorable bosses than? The only arguable answer is 3.
duh everyone knows that.
I can kinda see where OP is coming from but I ultimately think it’s a fantastic game that I’ll probably play for years. The story was a bit underwhelming considering it was supposed to be the end of the sons of Sparta saga with some characters feeling underutilized. V is a bit jank. Some of the weapons feel a bit underwhelming/uninspired (I would’ve like to see more classic weapons return or even more original weapons). It’s missing some alt costumes, some playable characters, inertia, reversals, and a turbo mode. But most of those things have already been fixed with mods and it’s still a playable game without them. Plus turbo mode and Vergil have always been special edition things in my eyes. Honestly I feel that the community over hyped the game a bit expecting all of these things to be in the game without confirmation from the devs. I feel I probably would’ve enjoyed the game a lot more if I hadn’t hopped on the hype train and spoiled myself with trailers and dumb click baitey videos.
>90% of dmc players fucking love it.
How do you know this? Most fans I know beat it once or twice and don’t play it much now. It’s not as replayable as the other games special editions, which is what people are comparing it too.
I agree V was kind of frustrating to play as. I honestly couldn't wrap my head around him, and I found his combat style to be slow and unfulfilling. On the bright side, we'll only need to play as him once and never again.
>Honestly I feel that the community over hyped the game a bit expecting all of these things to be in the game without confirmation from the devs.
Turbo was de-confirmed extremely early. Reversals were in the demo but got removed in the release version. Not that I care, I play the PC version so if it bothered me that much I'd just mod all that shit in. All I want is Vergil.
I played dmc2, it was not worth it. I knew what happened in the game already so I was caught up on the story (which was never brought up outside the novel btw). It just feels like Dante’s mid life crisis where he gets weirdly into fashion and gambling. If I had played the games in order originally I would’ve probably been turned off of the series from burn out.
I'm British, we always do that.
Playable Vergil sounds nice. I wonder if they’ll give him multiple weapons or just the Yamato. A playable trish and lady would also be cool but they’re just kinda clones of Dante with slight variations.
Maybe in dmc6.
DMCV is a movie not a game
dmc6 should be a game then.
Only thing wrong with the game is no playable vergil and playable V. V's levels are all trash and he kills any motivation i have to replay through the game.
>Trish and Lady were redundant
Not true. They may have not had any action scenes, but both Lady and Trish had very important scenes that reflected both their character growth in their respective games in a way that allowed them to relate to Nero and V(ergil).
The few lines they had in a fast paced action game meant a lot to the themes of the story.
At the most generalized and simplified: Lady recalling killing Arkham - trying to stop Nero on his way to kill Vergil.
Trish's relation to Mundus, not fitting in as a demon but still finding a place with Dante - the brief "not your mommy" chat about not being a little bitch she has with V near the end.
Lady and Trish symbolize very important aspects of dysfunctional families and demons of the past. The ways they were used, discarded, and the things they had to do remain to haunt them. That's why Lady is a fucking drunk who is only ever in high spirits whenever Dante is around. It is why Nico (an only child and without a father figure) the relationship between Trish and Dante isn't lovers or anything, but "partners" who bicker more like a brother and sister.
Dante is megachad surrogate big bro to them.
The two of them convey to Nero and Vergil that they gotta fucking chill before they do something they will forever regret, and to rely on what little family they have left.
DMCV is the most game a game has ever been, the fuck are you talking about?
It has a lot to offer too, but I felt the game was short
I see Barry is still seething
Wow... Barry sounds super cringy
i like it but i was expecting FAR more from it, this time they had the time to make it right but the story and level design are mediocre at best not to mention the lack of extras and "DLC" bullshit. Good but it did not get even close to surpass my expectations.
>Wow... Barry sounds super cringy
Yes he is. He's also a FFXV fanboy that loves to cause fanbase wars (he tried to pit the KH and DMC fanbases against each other, it blew up in his face)
It's the longest in the series, action games aren't mean to be 40+ hrs long like some mindless open world. These games are ripe for replay-ability.
I feel DMC4 and DMC5 when taken each as a whole are on par with each other
Mediocre games with some decent fundamental gameplay
I do. Go back to your fujo threads
Yes, it was promised (by the fanbase) as the genre messiah but it just came and went like a fart in the wind
If you removed them from DMC5 nothing would have changed
Lol don't listen to shitters on this board. They're mostly fujos and story-fags. Gameplay in 5 is kino.
I feel like the game could've been better if:
>game has 25 Missions
>the last 5 missions are Dante and Vergil's quest in Hell to destroy the Qliphoth roots
>have him playable in Missions 21, 23, and 25
>BUT he only has Yamato as his weapon, summoned swords and Darkslayer
>throughout the mission Vergil somehow stabs Dante with Yamato, Dante absobring it's power (not the weapon), and getting his own version of Darkslayer style
>Mission 25 is Dante vs Vergil fight, this time you choose either between the two (obviously the one you don't pick becomes the boss)
future content will be a proper Vergil's story pre-DMC 5, a Ladies Night DLC (Lady and Trish), and a Dante and Lucia campaign (Before the Nightmare)
It's the best DMC game
fpbp. Underwhelming as fuck considering the fucking wait and hype. It's forgettable
you're still trying
It was to me.
The only thing wrong with DMCV is no playable vergil, lady, or trish.
the concept is pretty hard to fuck up.
it's just DMC4 (the best game) but with more content. So why wouldn't it be the best?
well even still they fucked it up:
it's one of the worst because it has V. that's 30% of your the game that's insufferable shit already.
then there's the disgusting graphics, environments & models.
the fact that there's no level design. the whole game is just bloody palace with more walking.
mods required to to fix the combo system, the devil breakers system, use turbo mode, really basic shit that should have been done properly by the devs.
Bosses with no personality & many of the them lower quality clones of DMC4 bosses.
denuvo, micro transactions.
the fact there's no playable lady, trish or even Vergil.
DMC5 is like the sweetest cake ever but covered in shit beyond salvation.