I'm sure I'll get it in some bundle so I can ignore it exists too.
Who asked for this? The first one was awful.
good for them honestly.
it wasn't that bad, did you actually play it?
>le mans back facing viewer cover
Yeah? It felt awful to play and the only fun boss was the flying crab one.
The parts grind was somewhat cool but I bailed on the second section because the difficulty ramped up stupidly
I appreciate some grind, but that was beyond my threshold
Fantastic aesthetics, though
I've tried to like Lords of the Fallen and The Surge but theyre just not fun. The combat is too floaty and the enemy attacks are too punishing
They try to be like Dark Souls with an interconnected world but it ends up just being a pain to get around and get lost in generic corridors
Epic store bribe was not enough
10/10 wishlisted
I pirated the surge 1 and I felt ripped off. That's a solid meh from me.
>Focus Home
They are going to fuck pricing in my region, aren't they?
this was a lot better than any Souls game because it required me to actually dodge attacks instead of just abusing i-frame to make the game completely trivial
From the screenshots it looks like they'll recycle the soulless forest/city in every level, AGAIN.
The only thing this game needs to be good is a proper artistic direction for the environments
Oh my god I'm so hyped! The first game was a cheap piece of shit, and their other games have all sucked! I can't wait for more!
Did you play the theme park dlc?
Did anyone even ask for this?
literally me
Funny how I don't see you posting this in Giant Bomb threads
Why do they keep making sequels to bad games?
played the first one today
>animations are janky as fuck
>ambushes EVERYWHERE
>everything 2-3 shots you
this game fell for the 'dark souls is hard' meme, it just does shit for the sake of being like dark souls
This. Too much making it like what darksouls is said to be like instead of actually making the combat properly balanced.
I do wonder what the plot will be. Like will they explain anything abput the first one? is sally still alive? Did the guy actually make it out? What the hell even caused the surge?
Slavs can't design fun, non-jank mechanics, leave the Souls games to gooks please
>tfw I put nothing but weird al songs in.
Looks way better than Shitkiro, unironically.
Then you're just a retarded weebfaggot because the game was fine.
And you
Cannot miss what you have never seen before
Had a cool setting but that dark souls combat fucked it up.
>how dare people disagree with me?
>le weeb faggot
Not that guy but you're the faggot.
The surge was my first attempt at a dark souls mechanics game
It felt very tedious, although I understand some people find the whole rhythm game combat appealing
The grind and replaying stages again and again to level up and get the gear mandatory to progress? Not so much
I love replaying Hitman levels, but this is ridiculous
The ambush stuff and the difficulty was very enjoyable though
should've picked a good one instead, wtf
>hurrr the game is shit shit shit its not made by muh japs!!!
Kill yourself you retard.
>The grind and replaying stages again and again to level up and get the gear mandatory to progress? Not so much
is this why I'm getting my ass beat?
I noticed the first time I upgraded my weapon the damage went up by like 50% which was fucking nuts to me. I upgrade whenever I get the chance but I don't grind for it.
Not that I wanted to pay for a dark souls game intentionally
This came in a monthly
ah, well carry on then
These devs have been trying to shill here ever since Lords of the Fallen, by the by.
I like the surge. It's a great game. It's flawed, yes, but if you can play beyond and with those flaws, you will have a great time
You basically replay the section again and again to mine body parts and buff slots
Once you get the good stuff, the level is a breeze and you go to the next section
Inb4 git gud
The game is plagued with 2 hit kills if you are not well equipped
why are games that no one cared about or played getting sequels?
Will it only have 4 actual bosses again this time?
>gets cured of wheelchair in the intro
More, why is the marketing for these sequels so bad?
>The grind and replaying stages again and again to level up and get the gear mandatory to progress?
Not if you're good at these games. This was the case for me too. I started with DS1, had to replay a lot of areas several times to for exp or because I died. Forward on to DS3 and Sekiro I went trough most of the areas once, twice at most.
I have to agree on that. I'm totally new to those mechanics so the game is viciously hard
I guess that's what some people may feel playing the new hitmano if you have never played a hitman game. It's quite convoluted
You'll get there user, keep chipping forward. By the end you'll be able to breeze through a second time. Most people's first DaS1 playthrough will take 60ish hours, but their second will be a comfortable 10h at most, decreasing every time.
Did anyone here played any of these? They look cool
The park was kino. Turns out the shirt he wears was given to him by his girlfriend and its his good luck charm.
I will def go back to it
I loved the tech aesthetic
Thank you, user
>right stick flick dodge
>in any game more recent than God of War 3
No, honey. That's just shit game design. Can't even remap that shit to anything more sensible.
The first one actually managed to make me rage unistall. Not even DS2 was capable of such a fit
The Surge wasn't that bad, it was actually a decent game and superior to Lords of the Fallen.
The problem is that this studio seems to not have an original personality, they keep going after the Dark Souls trail when FromSoft themselves already moved on from it and the popularity of that genre is fading off, the only other game of the style that has some short of popularity and didn't release yet is Code: Vein and even so I feel like it will be very mediocre.
You forgot Darksiders 3, which got shat on to hell and back for being a souls-like. Which is ironic considering all the Darksiders games are rip-offs of something popular.
Surge 2 is going to get bodied so hard by Nioh 2.
I liked the first one. I see this one has multiplayer listed. I’m assuming it’ll be Soulslike summoning.
Kudos for the solid description
> Hardcore, brutal melee combat
> Face deadly foes and colossal bosses
> Cut off parts of the enemy you want to loot
> Rich character progression and customization
They missed a "biotech post-apocaliptic aesthetics"
>Rich character progression and customization
Yeah, I hope the second game changed a lot because for the first game that would have been a fat stinking lie.
Ok which of you fuckers asked for this?
I sure didn't.
There's a very small percentage of games that can't claim they contain "deadly foes". Enemies fundamentally exist in games to create the risk of hitting a fail state. They're deadly by nature.
your the only one mentioning anything about japs.
stay obsessed niglett
The enemies in Crash Bandicoot and Mario are unironically more deadly than in any Souls like game. They all kill you as soon as you touch them.
True enough, but those games are actually based around you being able to do them hitless. They're short levels and the enemies move predictably so usually it's not the enemies that are the problem but the enemies annoying you while you platform. Plus, most enemies in platformers also die in one hit.
lol no it wasn't. Actually did a lot of things much better than Souls and especially Sousl 2, which actually was awful.
Shitposter retard.
>it felt
>>right stick flick dodge
What? Dodging works just line in Souls trash. MAybe your versiionw as bugged.
>people like things I don't and dislike things I like
>must be shitposters!
You have legitimate autism, friend.
shit taste the surge was more enjoyable than DS3 and had way meatier combat
>Yea Forums is full of so many contrarians and shills they now try to say The Surge was good
there's literally been people on Yea Forums saying it's worth playing since it came out mister autistic
>NO NO NO no one can possibly think lungeing attacks and dismemberment might be more satisfying than rolling + re1 yet again
dark souls fanboys are the worst
Yea Forums likes Darksouls 2
it was always full of contrarians
>go full tank
>"haha, now I die in three hits instead of two!"
Yeah, that's awesome. Keep it up.
>shit taste the surge was more enjoyable than DS3
fuck no it wasn't
are you really THIS much of a fucking casual?
Imagine having your studio identity solely be "those devs that want to ripoff Dark Souls but always fail"
Even the development on Lord of the Fallen 2 is shitting itself right now.
It's better this way. You don't want the entire board to like or hate one thing.
Multi? Coop? PvP? I want naow
Is dismemberment the only thing you liked in Surge? It seems to be the only answer to why people defend this game from other soulslike games. Yeah it was original but it's not worth playing only for that mechanic.
THIS. Especially after Deck13 showed that they can create good maps with the DLC. After creoworld i just couldnt get back to the basegame.
But i am happy that a german game gets some love.
Fuck yah, first one was awesome.
NG+ with light armor and super slow two-hander was fun af.
git. gud.
>scifi setting? booo! booooo!
Why does this get another game? Did ANYONE like it?
Imagine thinking this is why people didn't like the game
I can see how that applies to lords of the fallen, but the surge has sufficiently punchy combat overall. The main issue is the lack of environment variety, aside from the DLC and the last area, everything looks the same. Also they tried to interconnect their maps ala dark souls, which is fine, but they did it via service corridors which all look the same and only serve to make their level design convoluted.
There's a mechanic literally based around jumping and crouching to avoid attacks, you just happened to play it wrong. there's also parrying.
'Dude' what? What the fuck am I supposed to be looking at here? Is there anything new about the steam page?
Why does everyone here behave like a 6 year old with autism?
It was up like 2 hours ago, sperg
me. first game just like sekiro filtered a lot of plebs.
did you even read my post or are you willfully missing the other point there, there's more to it than just dismemberment, the surge is closer to bloodborne than dark souls 3
First game was better than every soulslike after DaS, no PvP so they didn't ruin the game for competitive faggots with their patches and interesting stories and settings, i might go day one on this.
Sekiro is just garbage tho.
No I didn't miss it. It's just that I don't see how its combat is better than in DaS3, it feels clunky and samey no matter what enemy you are hitting.