My grandma just had a heart attack

Please recommend my some games to calm down; I couldn’t go with her because I need to watch my little brother, and I’m panicking so fucking hard right now.

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Other urls found in this thread:®9.pdf

Trauma Center

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I don't think you'll be able to focus on any game.

This zoomer still has his grandparents, wtf how old are you

Puzzle games, especially picross, generally calm me down.
Repetitive, turn based games do as well.

Undertale. Cheap fun and light hearted.


Unironically Minecraft

Let It Die

People don't live forever user

just browse Yea Forums

ARK survival evolved on a solo, or low pop server.

he probably lives in a first world

Animal Crossing.
If not, Tetris. It's quick, it's fun, it builds up quick so it will keep you distracted.

Tetris helps calm you down and keeps PTSD from forming.

This is scientifically proven. Play it until you get tetris effect and memories won't form properly.

I'm 26 and have both my grandparents

Crystal Chronicles

Id have a heart attack too if I found out my grandson was a numale double digit IQ weeb

how about the game where you fucking kill yourself
i don't care about your grandmother and i don't care about you

Did she die?

There are 4.


I'm sorry for your loss user

One of my coworkers almost died, lost his leg below the knee and got helicoptered to hospital. I'm shitposting on Yea Forums to relax.
I should stop being so lazy and use this as my final motivator to figure out what line of work is less likely to kill me.

Show us your grandma's coffin.

so uhh, what is your line of work out of curiosity?

>need to watch little brother
>proceeds to play vidya
just play smash or mario kart

I'm sorry for YOUR loss, user.

I'm old enough for my parents to get heart attacks. Get on my level.

>grandmother is still alive
Underage b&

I'm a CNC milling machine operator. The guy that got hurt did turning. Too early to know the exact cause, but he somehow fell into his machine while it was running, took a ride on the spindle.
Part and parcel of living in the greatest nation on Earth tbdesu.

If we are sharing stuff then hey guys I just busted 6 nuts today. 4 of which in the past few hours. Whew, my dick is raw as a motherfucker.

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About to bust one. It's been five days.


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I was eating and drinking a Pepsi when, all of a sudden, I had a bunch of hives break out from the sides of my head all the way to my temples and I felt lightheadness. Am I dying?

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So do you jerk off while it’s still throbbing? Isn’t that painful, especially when you ejaculate? Is it really worth it?

>i was eating a pepsi
there's your problem

The Graveyard
Try this game, OP.

I can get going again after 20 minutes or so without problem. It differs from person to person. Not that guy btw.

Have you not considered, I dunno, jerking off?

>he doesn't deep-fry his Coke

Lucky if leg is all it will cost him honestly. Working on those things too in place with like zero safety measurements and still have all body parts so far so whatever. At least the pay is decent.

Mum said is my turn to play you sensitive faggot.
t. little brother

The last two times hurt a tiny bit but I've never in my life let pain hold me back from something. The refractory period in men only elongates in the real older gentlemen. Besides I've been jacking it without lotion or spit for years.

He was still conscious and alert, so he'll probably live, but I bet he won't be able to walk, even with a prosthetic, for at least a year.

just relax man, be focused and stay strong.

One time I came up in itchy welts after eating salty foods for like two days.

> jacking it without lotion or spit for years.
How chapped is your dick lmao

I never got to meet either of my grandads. Did I miss out on anything important?

Just got done. Felt great.

I think this has the opposite effect.

I've never seen a chapped dick before. I wouldn't know what to compare it with. And I'm not searching for any more dicks tonight.

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Imagine needing lotion to jack off.

dam im even younger than that i already lost all 4 of them

That's great. Thanks for sharing. Great job. Keep it up!

stop being such a pussy

Honestly, I think it's me using too much Compound W lately trying to get rid of crap on my hand. I think maybe it was an allergic reaction to it.

I'll make sure to notify you next time too!

Dead or Alive

I remember the day my mom picked me up from school with a surprise receipt for our pre-order for the Wii, came home and an hour later we got news my grandma died. I think it made me always nervous whenever something exciting happened. like something bad has to happen to balance it out.

You ever watch Needful Things?

Never mind, got it in 1. Pack it up boys, Fs in the chat, we out.


Recommendation: Brothers

If you think you are in bad shape, imagine your brother. Playing videogames (escapism) isn't going to help your situation

Loss is its own plural.

go see her when you can
I lost my last grandparent in march and I'm still kicking myself for not seeing her more often despite he practically raising me and my sister
it was just terrifying seeing her with dementia.

play something immersive, anything. something grindy

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My grandparents always try to make me go to their place and do backbreaking work.

>tfw your dying grandmother gets shingles
>tfw you had to visit her with those red splotches in hospice, and try to find some way to tell her she needs to fight the disease... For what?
It was at that moment that I realized cancer is one of the most insidious ailments of the modern age. My grandfather died suddenly from pneumonia and that wasn't half as agonizing as watching someone slowly whither away.

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go split some wood for your grandparents you double nigger®9.pdf

>FDA approves expanded use of Gardasil 9 to include individuals 27 through 45 years old

>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today approved a supplemental application for Gardasil 9 (Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 9-valent Vaccine, Recombinant) expanding the approved use of the vaccine to include women and men aged 27 through 45 years. Gardasil 9 prevents certain cancers and diseases caused by the nine HPV types covered by the vaccine.

>“Today’s approval represents an important opportunity to help prevent HPV-related diseases and cancers in a broader age range,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. ”The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has stated that HPV vaccination prior to becoming infected with the HPV types covered by the vaccine has the potential to prevent more than 90 percent of these cancers, or 31,200 cases every year, from ever developing.”

Most of /fit/ is unaware but the FDA approved a new expanded Age Indication for GARDASIL® 9 in Women and Men Ages 27 through 45 for the Prevention of Certain HPV-Related Cancers and Diseases.

GARDASIL 9 is now indicated for people ages 9 through 45 and in the far future, might be approved for all age ranges.

The press didn't do a good enough job to notify everybody that the old age ranges of the HPV vaccine have been updated so old excuses that you are too old for the HPV vaccine don't work anymore.

For those of you who say you don't need the HPV vaccine since you are already infected by HPV, are you sure you got infected with all 9 of the most popular HPV strains? I can bet that you did not.

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Not only that but there is current research being done on the surprising effect the HPV vaccine has on foot warts, hand warts, body warts in general.

>To the Editor: A 59-year-old healthy woman presented in October 2009 with a 5-year history of recalcitrant plantar warts. Four large warts were present on her feet; the largest measured 4.6 cm in diameter. She had previously been treated with numerous therapies, including liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, topical imiquimod 5%, 40% salicylic acid, pulsed dye laser, and oral cimetidine without improvement.

The HPV vaccine had managed to stimulate a person's immune system to finally get rid of their stubborn foot warts even though the HPV vaccine does not specifically target the HPV strains responsible for foot warts.

So yeah, anybody on /fit/ with stubborn warts like foot warts should consider getting the HPV Vaccine.

It would be nice if an actual HPV warts vaccine was eventually created though, that targets the actual HPV strains that causes body warts, foot warts, hand warts, etc

That would be better than crawling around the field and carrying lots of shit in a hot weather

For everybody in this thread in their 50s or have parents in their 50s or later, they should immediately tell their parents to get the new Shingles Vaccine called Shingrix

What is great about the new shingles vaccine is that it is available for people, 50 years old and up, and doesn't use a live virus at all unlike the previous recommended shingles vaccine.

Trust me guys, tell your parents to consider getting the new Shingles Vaccine, Shingrix or get the new Shingrix Vaccine if you are already in your 50s, yourself.

Also, interesting fact. Researchers discovered the new Shingles Vaccine had an amazing effect on a lifelong herpes infected patient whose antiviral herpes meds had long ceased to offer much relief which is not surprising since Chicken Pox belongs to the Herpes Family.

As for everybody else who is younger than 50 in this thread and did not receive the chicken pox vaccine but got the actual chicken pox virus, instead, you could possibly request the Shingrix vaccine right now but insurance won't cover it and your pharmacist or doctor might refuse unless you strongly convince them but its not like only old people get shingles. Young people can get shingles too sadly and the risk for shingles is greatly increased for people who got infected by the normal chickenpox virus rather than a weakened version.

High chance of a doctor or pharmacist refusing to give Shingrix to a patient who is like in his or her 30s or younger than 30 though.

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So, I should get updated shots for HPV is what I am getting from this? I'm 27 so this might be the best news I have gotten in awhile; thank you very much. I have warts on my right hand I cannot fucking get rid of, no matter how hard I try.