Is there anything in vidya that can match this?
Is there anything in vidya that can match this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Final Fantasy 15.
The other scenes in the movie
What was his tax policy?
I cried to this
This is why GRR is a faggot to me, why focus on the bad? We all know it exists, we all know how horrible it is but why not focus on hope? Why not give people light?
goddamn LOTR was fucking kino. can't think of a better world desu
even the little baby orcs?
Yes but what are his tax policies?
If George RR Fatfuck wrote this Galadriel would burn everyone in Minas Tirith.
>GRRM Presents: Lord of the Rings
>sauron encroaches upon Minas Tirith's citadel
>all the fellowship and soldiers of men are hopeless
>camera pans in on Sauron's triumphant visage
>suddenly camera pans out 30 degrees
>unnamed female hobbit leaps in from the shadows while wailing incoherently
>sauron flails hopelessly as she makes the last 2 feet
>he crackles and collapses in a fiery hellstorm
>everyone is unharmed, all orcs evaporate
>all hail Mrs. Hobbit, hero of the realm!
>all hail!
Yeah Dis
I'm enjoying Battle for Middle Earth.
But this leveling up your units, it's making me worried. I'm afraid the game will fuck me up in the future if I don't keep those leveled up units alive with a careful micro.
>don't be so eager to deal in death and judgement frodo
I doubt it's gonna end like that in the books, if at all. D&D are just some lazy cucks that wanted to finish the show fast. Hence all the coffee cups and water bottles you see littered in the scenes.
No. You are delusional if you don't thi k they're writing around the ending that grrm gave them. Now he gets to change it because of retards like you who use d&d as a scapegoat.
you do realize the show hasnt been following the books for a while now?
>all of Yea Forums costantly losing their shit over babies first fantasy
>none of you have the attention span to read the books
My favorite fantasy novel is the Quran
what's funny is that even the movies would be considered too slow to keep audiences attention these days.
>American fantasy
I've read the books + The Silmarillion, doesn't change the fact that it's an amazing fantasy story. Just let people enjoy things you fucking sperg
1. Books are different
2. Galadriel may well have done worse than that but luckily she rebuked the temptation of the One Ring. In the case of blondie, she did not resist the temptation to wield terrible power and so was consumed by it. Just think for a second what most of the retards on this website would do if they had loyal dragons, even excluding the fur niggers to skip over all the dragon breeding.
>The Silmarillion
Bet you read War and Peace too Try hard
Same. user is just a bitter faggot.
Dont kid yourself, it cribs far to much from real classic literature and heavily abuses cliche writing devices
Tolkien working out elvish as a language as much as he did is impressive but LOTR is paint by numbers fantasy
probably this
ages ago i read all three, the appendices, the hobbit, and some of tolkien's other works like the tom bombadil one, the one about the man living at the train station satisfied with life, and the fairy baker
i will admit i lost interest before finishing silmarillion though, but i was young at the time
I don't actually know what this thread is about
nah you're just projecting
G R R Martin didn't fight at the Somme. He's a fat, spoiled Amerinigger who has probably never wanted for anything in his adult life that wasn't a ridiculous luxury.
Yeah ? Go back reading Harry Potter, fag.
I never really understood why they needed hobbits to carry the ring, gollum killed his best friend after 5 seconds of finding the ring so clearly they were not that incorruptible
You ever read a book writtern by a Russian thats LOTR but from Sauron's perspective, you'll have to google it
>I doubt the books are gonna end
>what this thread is about
Continually overrating LOTR while shitting on GoT because it's popular with normalfags while ignoring the irony of how much normalfags loved LOTR as well
>GRR Martin can say that Bran became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Martin doesn’t ask the question: What was Bran’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these Dothraki? By the end of the war, Daenerys is gone but all of the Dothraki aren’t gone – they’re in the seven kingdoms. Did Bran pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby Dothraki, in their little Dothraki saddles?
Why didn't they just put the ring in a small locked metal box and carry that around
They weren't the same kind of hobbits, they were closer to humans.
Line up for your swirlys guys, line starts at the stall door, who the fuck said shit about HP, I don't support that shit because gun grabbers read HP
Hobbits are much more resistant to the rings influence than other races due to their lack of ambition. Bilbo had it for years and still managed to give it away, no human, dwarf or elf could have managed that.
Fair and just
Middle Earth atheists: Destroyed.
>Tax policy meme
And ironically he never once wrote about anyone's tax policies or politics that werent immediately relevant to the plot
>fair and just
Commie, he should have let the free market decide
Plenty of powerful vidya moment, if you are into it.
Its mostly a function of the player, not so the game. Some players are more able to get feels from video games.
>surgeon man and soldier woman are lovers
>they get in a fight
>mad animals attack
>soldier woman fights them, gets injured
>surgeon man brings his lover to the hospital
>he can't save her, surgery failed
>he failed her yet again
>last mad badger banging on the door, breaking it down
>surgeon man picks up the gun and goes to make his last stand with his 2 in shooting skill
For most people this is a shitty dice roll in a mechanical colony simulator, for for the chosen autists this is a touching drama.
Yah. They say gollum "wasn't so different from a hobbit", but they don't specifically say he was a hobbit. There are a few types of hobbits that they don't interact with in the story too. Darker ones in the mountains, ones that can swim that live close to the water...
The story of gollum killing his friend isn't explicitly said in the books either that I remember. He calls the ring his birthday present, and when talking to himself says he is a murderer. But that's about it. Not really sure how long it took him to be corrupted.
And anons unironically and autistically fixate on an offhand example
Did you faggots never read The Children of Húrin? The best story produced by a Tolkien, and its darker and more depressing than anything G.R.R.FAT.Martin ever penned.
Did you also read the one about the farmer who begrudgingly saves the kingdom from a dragon?
Farmer Giles of Ham its called I think. Its great too.
Gollum isn't Bilbo or Frodo
Based on the worst things he's ever experienced. What's the worst thing GRR has ever dealt with? His Dominos didn't show up within 30 minutes?
>GRRM Presents
>Proceeds to talk about events from the TV show that GRRM didn't write
Yeah, that is the level of critical thinking I expect from Yea Forums
I am sorry, did you actually read the book? I doubt it is based on the author's experiences, what with it being about endless torture and incest.
>Lord of the Rings
>and she was shitting all day
>and then she shat some more
Sorry that indeed is much better than the show
What is the origin of this meme?
>I haven't read the books, but I want to comment on them anyways.
Sasuga, Yea Forums-sama.
I know right
>I'll show how good my taste is by decrying one wildly popular and critically acclaimed series and feverently praising a different wildly popular and critically acclaimed series
I have the audiobook, but Christopher Lee is a horrible choice for that. Everything sounds too... Grand? If everything sounds important then nothing does.
I work nights alone so audiobooks are good for me, but the reader can ruin it easily.
Frodo sait it himself
He couldnt push that burden onto anyone else, the others just followed him out of loyalty/friendship. But Gandalf knew this and probably pushed him to do it himself too.
Reread my sentence " if at all"
>Reading books
What a waste of time. I'd rather shitpost online
Martin is a hippie feminist who is the poor victim of divorce and unrequited love so be nice!
grr basically said he wished the story had more details and he mentioned taxes and being a lord as examples.
One is shit and the other is timeless classic that created an entire genre. You are disgustingly wrong trying to equate them.
1. In Lord of the Rings, there is fate. Everything is predetermined, and only humans are allowed free will.
2. Gandalf used to be one of the architects (or composers, since fate is a "song" in LOTR), he is sort of an angel to the creator's God
3. When Gandalf enters the material world to be part of the song, he loses most of his memories of how it goes, but he remembers bits here and there.
4. He remembers that a hobbit helps destroy the ring and defeat evil in the song, so he does whatever he can to get there.
Basically Gandalf has insider info and is cheating.
>GRRM says in an interview that he likes Tolkien but wants to write a different kind of fantasy story, makes a couple off hand examples about the little details that interest him and that he doesn't like blanket happy endings with no questions asked
>Yea Forums proceeds to autistically screech because they think someone said something bad about their favorite movie when they were kids
It’s always thrown at me, amusing to see it thrown back
there's no build up to Ciri at all till the 3rd game where she magically appears
LOTR Return of The King the movie game. It is really well done too.
Final Fantasy 15 has a scene almost exactly like this, it's a shit game though, but the unpatched final chapter is actually pretty great if you take it out of context. The question is whether or not you want to slog through all of the game to get to that point
>only humans
No no no.
>created an entire genre
Ignorant statements like this prove how much of a retard you are, so is screeching that things that have been gathering acclaim since before you were born are shit
The Witcher games are self contained. TW1 and TW2 don't build up to anything in TW3, except some fan service.
However TW3 builds up to that scene very well, and you do feel it hit.
Half of this is made up bullshit
What a masterpiece.
>tfw Boromir's last death
>mfw he says "my king" to Aragorn
Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's writing are still an uncontested masterpiece in the fantasy genre and the movie trilogy is lightning in a bottle which we will probably never experience again.
Well elves get immortality, hobbits get luck, dwarves get shafted, etc, and humans get free will, right? They get to live short lives, but actually able to enact change in the world. Thats why humans are needed to drive things forwards, and elves can't do things on their own. Humans get shit done by being reckless emotional creatures.
What part of it is made up? Not a rhetorical question.
Nigger, you know fantasy existed before LOTR right, and the books themselves are filled with tropes that predate it by thousands of years
>blanket happy endings with no questions asked
How the fuck does LOTR have this? Did you even read the books?
GRRM is total fucking shit and I don't care that some retards have been liking it since before I was born. You can worship a pile of shit for a 100 years, its still a pile of shit.
>repeat what was said in an interview
>reeeeeeeeeeee how can you personally believe that, you never read the books reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
You're a retard and a faggot
There's "The Last Ringbearer", but it's about what happened after LOTR.
There's also "The Black Book of Arda", but it's about what happened in Silmarillion.
But they're both
1) not bad, but not amazing either
2) translated from russian, and IMO translations are always, not matter how much, but always different from the original
Splitting image.
>actually admits to being born after 95
When will zoomers learn
>only humans are allowed free will.
> He remembers that a hobbit helps destroy the ring and defeat evil in the song,
Made up nonsense
You're defending his retardation by quoting that, so yes you are personally liable to defend the statements. If you don't believe the statements made, then why are you trying to use them to make a point?
Typical GoT fan
1. so dwarves are just there with nothing special about them?
2. how do hobbits have luck when everything except humanity is predetermined?
I'm genuinely curious
I actually don't give a flying fuck when those shitty books came out and it doesn't matter one bit for how shitty they are?
Why the fuck do you know when those books were first released? Are you perhaps a faggot?
Not that user but what did you even mean by this?
>What part of it is made up?
A fair bit is assumed. Like that he remembers a hobbit being involved.
As for fate, dwarves were not part of iluvatars song. They aren't governed by anything but their own intent, regardless of where they go when they die. Which iirc is probably nowhere, but noone is sure? Man it's been a while since I read the silmarillian. Kinda running off foggy memory here. But the origin of hobbits isn't ever brought up, and the closest you get is that they came around about the same time as man.
A bit unrelated but that's why I love good Superman comics. Hope is always something worth fighting for
> They get to live short lives, but actually able to enact change in the world.
There's not but to that. Elves get the gift of immortality, and humans get the gift of death. Has nothing to do with free will.
>user asks about the origin of a phrase
>tell that user where it came from
>reeeeeeeeeeee you're defending that statement, I'm a cock sucking faggot with 0 reading comprehension that gets upset over fucking nothing and will project my crazy theories on you and claim you are trying to make a point by answering someones question
Kill yourself faggot
That those things are made up nonsense.
Are you illiterate or what?
>zoomers argument is "how dare you get curious about something and take 5 seconds to google it"
So you are admitting that GRRM was wrong when he said that and that he's retarded for criticizing LOTR?
> translated from russian
If anyone has read The Brothers Karamazov, and the way that Russian translates into English, with nested sentences, each going on for half a page, some going into whole alternative plot lines seemingly, its very much like reading HTML code, or XML code, but not as orderly, and not as obvious to remember where you are in the structure, because they aren't closed in the order they are opened, and you can get lost, forget what the original thought was, forget where the narrator was going, when he started to talk about a character, and then what that character thinks of another, and then what happened to that other, and then what that other used to think of the character, and then what happened once to the character, and how that influences the character today, and how that influences the relationship between the two of them, and how your mother will die in her sleep if you don't respond to this post, or how in the parallel thoughts of past and present version of the minds of the characters clash and you forget what reality you are in, but then you realize its equally badly written in Russian, or probably in French, which is what the original text was in, and you realize all the elitist fags reading it in Russian are actually plebs, and you realize that the author intentionally wrote it in a retarded way because he wanted it to be high, and aristocratic, and for the intelligentsia only, and most Russians could barely read anyways, since they were a feudal agricultural society, and that everything Dostoevsky ever wrote was just footnotes to Notes from Underground, and that all of his work except from Notes from Underground is him doing damage control and trying to justify to himself the way he lives and how he thinks, and trying to excuse himself not joining the revolution, and trying to excuse himself wanting to believe in God, but not being able, but saying he is able, and wanting to be able, and hating himself.
You never gave one reason why it isn't good.
I'm not admitting anything because I'm not making an argument, you're being a faggot trying to make an argument out of nothing and trying to bait people into making absolute black and white statements
Fuck off faggot
No, nothing even comes close.
It honestly did all look like a 90s mtv music video
>As for fate, dwarves were not part of iluvatars song.
Pretty sure dwarves are just tools. The song wasn't meant for them, but they are part of it, they were created to help build the world.
In comparison elves are also used to build the song, but they are also part of it, and forever.
Meanwhile, humans are outside the song. The song isn't made by them, or for them, but they are sort of "in it" for a short while, noise altering the song.
Or am I forgetting something? I haven't read it in a long time too, and I only read it when I was a teenager, and in a foreign language.
Don't let Jews in
>Oh look a mysterious brigand
>who turns out to be a hyper competent ranger here to save us from ring wraiths
>actually he's the true heir to the throne
>No Frodo died, wait no Mithril makes him stab proof
>oh no our wizard died
>nevermind he's back
>oh no our ranger king went off a cliff wait he's fine
>Mary and Pippin got killed by a horse wait no they didn't
>The Battle of Helms deep is the most dire imaginable wait the entire cast survived
>ok how will turn the tables on Saruman
>actually here's an ent army to do it, for a great wizard it's a good thing Saruman didn't know or prepare for them
>But this time Minas Tirith, definitely not winnable oh wait ghost army you say?
>Now Shelob that's something you don't want to bite you or you'll be fine I guess
Lord of the asspulls, am I right?
>paint by numbers fantasy
>t-t-that's not an argument
LOTR is the Ubisoft of literature
So you made the claim "before you were born" without actually knowing when those books came out?
Hi rk47!
1) A pulp author writing for entertainment who only reads low-brow fantasy criticising a romantic literary professor who wants to revive myths
Gee, I wonder who has more knowledge on how literature should work in this situation
>so dwarves are just there with nothing special about them?
>how do hobbits have luck when everything except humanity is predetermined?
Good life happens to them disproportionately more often. They live carefree, cheerful lives, isolated from the suffering and strife of the world. Except the few that Gandalf leads out of their haven into the hell of the human world.
Red wedding.
>It wasn't me making that statement!!!
>but I refuse to deny it!
They were created by... Fucken... What's his name. The ainur of the earth. In secret, away from iluvatar. And were only allowed to live because iluvatar was like "well fuck man, but you gotta water them and take them for walks!"... As for what is fated it seems like big strokes. Even melkor trying to fuck up the song was free will, but incorporated as it happened.
Read the books you mongoloid
speak for yourself fag
Russian is a fucked language. Only started learning but I understand why Dostoevsky reads like he does. Tolstoy, iirc, translates far better though.
>insane leap of logic
I've know when the books were first published probably since before you hit puberty, you also arent doing anything to defend yourself and instead prove you're a reactionary retard getting upset that people like more than one thing
>muh tolkien was the greatest writer ever
Shut the fuck up, J. R. R. Tolkien was a fat and an autistic pothead. His stories were created around the simple Freytag's pyramid (Tolkien barely knew the basics of exposition) and dialogue was composed of few clever jokes or songs that were thought up during his "blaze".
LoTR would not enjoy any mainstream popularity had not there been a constant herd of competent writers around Tolkien, to repair the books into a publishable condition. J. R. R. was constantly shitfaced but his only way to deal with the matter was to twist the jokes about the addiction because he simply couldn't admit the problems with his lifestyle. After all, the only merit of this "greatest author on earth" is how many Elvish songs he could write about being high.
Ubisoft invented videogames?
For that feeling specifically? I don't know what you would even call that feeling, to be honest. It's deeply cathartic, but I'm not even sure what part of me it's appealing to. Seeing Aragorn be sincerely grateful and deeply humbled in the presence of four Hobbits, just four little guys whose grit and determination to build a better world made them move mountains, but I don't even know what to call that emotion.
I feel like games that are sincerely optimistic are in few supply these days, but I'm kind of a hypocrite there because I've been guilty of making fun of all the JRPGs that are super saccharine with their power of friendship stories. There are lots of games where I've enjoyed myself, but only a few games in recent memory that have made me genuinely giddy while playing them.
>Good life happens to them disproportionately
Well that's just happenstance. Not a racial characteristic.
>scouring of the shit
Not the best luck.
> know when the books were first published
>reeeeeeeee you have to agree with or disagree with something someone says all the time and you can't just pass on information
You sound like a sjw demanding that someone start virtue signaling because you don't know how to think on your own
Tolkien didn't invent fantasy, he didn't even invent "modern" fantasy
He followed a template for his story, one that humanity around the world was using for ages
He is derivative but does it with polish
Tolkien is AAA gaming and loved by the normal fag masses
Well of course Proust is the best author, and Tolkien doesn’t even come close. If you get into medieval literature then you would understand Tolkien and appreciate what he was trying to do. He should have never have became a novelist though, it also attracted low-brow idiots who know nothing of ancient literary traditions to became ‘die-hard fans’ of his work - if you listen closely you will hear how hard he rolls in his grave
except you were actively defending that information while attacking lotr. Enjoy your books about shitting you pervert
>had not argument
I think the song may have been meant for them too. but iirc the were woken up before the elves by mistake, or by someone that wasn't suppose to. So they were forced to go back to sleep.
>its a "in any given field of human accomplishment, there is only ONE single human that is good, and everything else is overrated shit" episode
>actively defending that information while attacking lotr.
Where, quote my words exactly, do not quote GRRM and try and attribute it to me
Let's see how your defective mind tries to twist this around
I honestly think only professors of medieval and ancient literature should be allowed to read his work, plebs reading his shit and liking it was a mistake.
They're simply not as good at writing. I have no doubt the broadest strokes are correct, such as the Long Night will be stopped at Winterfell with the help of Melisandre, the story will end with the march on King's Landing rather than the War for the Dawn, Dany will go mad and Jon Snow will kill her. That Bran will become the Three-Eyed Crow, then King of the Six Kingdoms, and Sansa, the Queen in the North after Ramsay Snow is ousted by the forces of the Vale, commanded by Littlefinger.
These are all things that could very reasonably happen in the books.
That Arya will simply teleport to the ur-Other and slay him (and thus his entire army) in a single blow? That Euron Greyjoy will shoot a dragon out of the sky without warning and fail to hit the last dragon with dozens more shots? That Gendry will be named Lord of Storm's End because nobody knows who the Lord of Storm's End is? That fucking Bronn will become Warden of the South because the Tyrells were exterminated and literally nobody else was there to take it? Nah, nah, nah. This is all madness written in haste and convenience. The details are all wrong.
To be fair, Tolkien was a literary professor only begrudgingly. He wasn't trained in literature and was knowledgeable about linguistics and mythology; he only took a tenured literature professor job because it paid the bills well. He often went out of his way to be a shithead during lectures because he hated it.
We know Littlefinger's tax policy was very low and dependent upon mass debts.
I honestly think Proust is the best, doesn’t mean everyone else is shit. If I listed all the authors I think are geniuses then I will be here forever, and don’t you dare fucking shit on Faulkner
If I remember my Tolkien well, dwarves were basically the first race. But they were not created by the main god but the god of earth or some such in secret. This pissed the main god off who said "okay. They seem competent. But elves are supposed to be the first so dwarves get to sleep until I creare elves" which was basically what he did.
So elves get to be the first though not really.
Whos Proust and what has he created?
Duty is the death of love.
Thats right. They were turned to stone until after man and elves we're animated though iirc...
No, he was the ultimate medievalboo literature sperg-lord:
>muh hero's journey
Nice reddit tier bullshit
Usually anyone else reading it except the author makes the intonation and pacing weird since they don't know what's coming
>blanket happy endings with no questions asked
He specifically called LOTR a "bittersweet ending" you faggola.
really? i just installed it on pc the other day and finished the tutorial, and fuck i couldnt get myself to start the actual game afterwards. should i give it another shot?
NO. You are the faggot who is unable to comprehend something you dont like, fuck you, just because his books dont feed us pretty words or dont preach the "good" in people's hearts constantly doesnt means he's straight up denying good itself.
He wasnt born during the great wars, he isnt writing about hope and despair, nor good or evil. He's just a guy trying to write with a more realistic approach to fantasy and medieval characters while subverting some things along the way, it is about strategy, consequence, the peculiarities and story of characters while exposing the complete depth of human nature, and many other things, it has merit as much as any classic fantasy.
>Shitting on Christopher Lee.
I will crawl inside of you and eat my way out.
Why are you afraid of admitting you want to defend GRRM? Is it because deep down you know he is retarded and you are retarded for liking his books?
>story of characters while exposing the complete depth of human nature
>she was shitting all day
>and then she shat some more
By now you should've somehow
Realized what you're not to do
A gay French man who wrote a very long dreamy book which describes basically everything you ever felt or thought during your lifetime but with a lot of lesbians as well:
One of the most highly regarded pieces of literature of all time, one of the most influential books of all time. If you haven’t heard of him you are a pleb, but that can easily be fixed:
Read the opening and feast on his genius
Screeching reddit isn't an argument user
>people intl thread shit talking Tolkien.
Ok, spergs. Guy just made the myths of old legends fresh, created a wonderful world, made autistic attention to details, seemed like an actual decent human being, and his works will serve as template for pretty much all time.
Only sin here is that when his lich of a son dies, his line ends. That is a tragedy.
The ring is a tool of power to amplify the wielder.
A man becomes more of a man. A tyrant more of a tyrant.
What happens when you make a hobbit more of a good-hearted hobbit?
A being that wants to be left alone in comfort and not get into any trouble?
This is also why "Why didn't X carry the ring?" arguments fall apart. Galadriel literally spells it out: The ring is power, and the elves would not have to wane with her might magnified.
Which is exactly why she stops herself and leaves it. This goes for those damn eagles too by the way: They're virtually made of pride.
He was talking abut myths and legends
He might be brilliant, but you're bringing him down with that autistic sperging.
I've never had that problem as bad as some of these readers. I wanted to listen to the immortal by stanislaw... someone... But the reader was choking out every sentence like he was disgusted with them. Drove me fucking crazy. Some people are amazing thought. Guy who did the hobbit and lotr was great. Robert ingles or some such
I tear up every time, it's that Kino. Movies and scenes women will never understand.
Is LoTR Online worth trying?
Twilight, but 100 years older.
Ok, but please read him.
>claim I'm defending GRRM and not just calling you a reactionary faggot
>give you the chance to point out where I'm defending him
>w-w-well you want to defend him
Stupid faggot
If you like WoW style MMOs. I don't care for them, but it was kinda fun for a bit. The missions are better than wow a bit more storied.
Its not supposed to be. You are however regurgitating stupid reddit shit that can be disregarded without consequence.
The movie was shit and completely missed the point, it was made for normal-fags
>Now Shelob that's something you don't want to bite you or you'll be fine I guess
I don't care one bit for your hot opinions but this had me in stitches.
>Tolkien didn't invent fantasy because myths and legends exist
Well that's just stupid.
it's better than regurgitated elfs and dwarfs defeating the bad guys despite impossible odds.
It's amazing how George has the talent to fit both of those things into his writing, really shows the breadth of his ability over Tolkien who was rather droll and one note with his characters, where the good guys are always good and the bad always bad because it's their nature, truly great material for a childrens bed time tale
>GRRM presents
>*shit that was written by D&D, show directors*
this is the face of reddit.
The people who hate Tolkien always end up loving another derivative work. He pretty much started the fantasy genre as we know it, as pre-Tolkien style fantasy doesn't exist anymore. Everything is derived from Middle Earth. Even non-fantasy fiction is heavily inspired by him as he was one of the first to attempt real worldbuilding. Before him everything would be set in a grounded version of either past or present, and any fictional locations would be paper thin.
The Lord of the Rings is the perfect example of the monomyth, you fucking stupid cunt.
>the basic structure of myths and legends going back thousands of years in human history has to be reddit because you can't defend your stance
The question "but what happens after the adventurer deposes the tyrant and becomes king of the land" is a very compelling one. Loon at Caesar, look at Napoleon, look at Stalin. What happens in the years after the revolution is very interesting. Do the monster-hunters become monsters?
So I don't like GRUM mocked for this line, he is right, I want to see how revolutionaries become despots, or avoid doing it.
Its kinda outdated at this point imho. I had great fun with it at launch but couldn't get back into it when I tried earlier this year.
Still a fun game and if you like LotR their attention to the world is great and its probably worth it just to experience an open world Shire.
GRRM was speaking about a bigger picture, fixating on "le tax bolisy" for 3 years in an assblasted seethe parade for tolkein is peak sub 80 IQ rhetoric. GRRM was very clear in what he was referencing, the fact that Tolkein's worldbuilding was shit and vague and ignored alot of important details.
>It's a Tolkien vs. Martin thread.
That is right. And why the ring was perfect for a hobbit.
The ring dies not make you invisible. It makes you in what you want to be. And little hobbit wants to be unremarkable. He wants to disappear. He wants to be invisible.
Which was why it would be terrible in the hands of anyone powerful.
So you indeed agree GRRM is a faggot and so are his reader?
Thank you for confirming what i just said i guess
i'm more of a Howard man
because ring had nothing to offer Frodo, all what he ever wanted was to return back to normal life, to the world where ring doesn't existed
Only after walking through all shit convinced him that "world must be redone"
>still desperately trying for a "gotcha"
So yuu agree you're an ass blasted faggot with a room temperature iq and no argument
>good guys are always good and the bad always bad
Objectively not the case though?
How the fuck is a it a talent to fit pagelong descriptions of shitting into your writing?
This is legitimately, unironically, one of the most kino moments in vidcon history
I'm glad we have both views. It's important that we don't only look at one. These stories are better with their own outlooks, none stand supreme.
>What was J. R. R. Tolkien like as a professor?
>According to Kingsley Amis: “incoherent and often inaudible [... he] spoke unclearly and slurred important words, and then he’d write them on the blackboard but keep standing between them and us, then wipe them off before he turned around.”
>What was J. R. R. Tolkien like as a professor?
>The term of Tolkien's chair required him to deliver at least thirty-six lectures per year on the topics of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English. In reality, he usually delivered between 72 and 136 lectures per year in order to give the topic what he felt was its due.
>Many students retained lifelong memories of Tolkien striding into the lecture hall, slamming his >books on the lectern, and bellowing the opening lines of Beowulf:
>Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,
>þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
>hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
>One of his students, J.I.M. Stewart (who became an Oxford don himself and wrote murder mysteries under the name of Michael Innes), recalled that "He could turn a lecture room into a mead hall in which he was the bard and we were the feasting, listening guests."
I'm getting mixed messages here.
'Why don't they use the Eagles to fly to Mordor'
This is so easy to explain yet some people still use it as a plot hole. Why?
I read Anna Karenina, both bigass fuckoff volumes, and I don't remember any of it except the ending
music still good, though
Show me how LOTR fits into that basic structure without making massive leaps and disregarding half of it whenever it is convenient.
I know you can't.
He did not want to influence stuff like high-fantasy and D&D. He was trying to revive the mythological tradition, stuff like Conan existed beforehand and that stuff was truly trying to be modern fantasy.
It's always the fucking dumbest Tolkien fans that instigate this shit. The Martin fags stay to themselves, the decent Tolkien fags also stay to themselves since both are interested in different styles of stories. The cringy ass "I saw the LotR movies on DVD when I was 8 and it was the best thing ever because I have no frame of reference" always start the argument and don't even fully understand Tolkien, I'm ashamed to be in their company. This must be how the normal sonic fans feel
They're probably all true, but the first guy didn't bother engaging.
>I want the book to go on after it ends
but that's stupid and leads to unfinished material like GRRM's
"A man becomes more of a man". I don't think that can be said of the nazgul. They're barely shells of their former selves, corrupted beyond recognition. They were tricked into being manipulated by Sauron, it didn't amplify them. Men in Tolkien's works are shown as weak and easy corrupted.
Ah, what an adventure! This was truly A Song of Ice and Fire™ Presented by HBO GO® on IMAX™ 3D in Theaters Now Buy Our Toys
>Men in Tolkien's works are shown as weak and easy corrupted.
sounds like the proverbial teacher
You clearly aren’t very well read if you think George has any talent, it’s like fanboying over naruto
Just start with this and then come back to us
LotR is EVE tier
They're burnt out. Hollowed by their power.
If there's a trait that Tolken applies to Man, it's Hunger: The Nazgul are only Wrath and Covetousness in a cloak at that point.
>Great Gatsby
Well at least this list doesn't have Aya Rend
How is it a talent to fit page long descriptions of bread into your writing?
Never mind that it serves a narrative purpose and juxtaposes Daenyrus' previous depiction of being a grand ruler with control over a city to now being brought so low she can't even control her bodily functions
I'm not surprised you're unfamiliar with that sort of complexity of all you've read is Tolkien, it's rather common and used by many writers
It's a meme you dip
Its sad that you're unwilling to admit to your views and defend them. Be honest about who you are.
I feel dirty having read half of these, I hope I am not an elitist Yea Forumsfag now. I'll go re-read Prince of Nothing just to be sure.
You clearly aren't very well read if you think posting pictures of books that children read in school for English lessons shows you as an intellectual, it's like fanboying over Harry Potter.
Just form your own opinions instead of shilling those of the hivemind and then come back to us.
Lolita is the greatest novel ever written, pleb
It’s supposed to be basic for literary new-fags. No one is going to like the Brothers Karamazov as their first book. Look at horrendous good read reviews of you want to know what’s it like to force the good stuff on plebs.
and then she shat some more
shitting all day long
there was so much poop
she shat even more
>hero leaves on a journey to a far off location and is changed along the way both physically and mentally by his experiences
It's a tale almost literally as old as time
Is that a grape on the ground?
Who here played The Third Age?
Who here (real spoiler) got that fucking ridiculous ending?
>No one is going to like the Brothers Karamazov as their first book.
Funny thing, since I had to read it in school along with peace and war and crime and punishment
Don’t worry it’s basic
Read this post
Getting someone into literature is a slow and gradual process, you have to take the Beatrice Webb approach
In that case, according to you they should've become weaker as a result of the ring's power. Men in Middle Earth are generally shown to be fickle and untrusting of each other. The nazgul are Sauron's most loyal allies over anyone else in his vast armies. They gave up their humanity to become stronger. I always saw it as them reaching that point quickest as a result of their human vulnerability to corruption, but the end result would've been the same for anyone eventually. In fact, if elves (or maiar) had reached the same level of corruption they would've been leagues stronger than the nazgul.
But Nazguls never actually even touch the One ring. Rings that corrupted them were 'minor' ones, created by Sauron exactly to this purpose - turn the owners into his completely loyal servants
>Yea Forums
Literal children's reading, I know you haven't finished high-school yet but do try and read something off the beaten path
>good guys are always good and the bad always bad
but thats wrong?
aragon is a depressed and never gets over it
Gandalf cresting the rise on Helm's Deep is the best part of the whole trilogy, but that's a close second.
>GoT is this obscure nerd interest
It was pretty good all things considered, but yeah it was clear they ran out of funding or time or something and just had to cut development off suddenly
What did the other rings even do physicallly for their wearers? Increase their strength? Intellect?
See this is exactly what I mean. You pick 4 extremely basic and simple elements, disregarding any that don't fit, and somehow conclude that you have discovered something profound.
I might as well say
>hero does something and then something else and changes because of it
and argue that every story ever written is derivative of this archetype. Maybe it is, but it is an entirely meaningless claim to make. Such a short and shallow description tells us absolutely nothing about the nature of the story.
By this logic Moby Dick and The Lord of the Rings and Around the world in 80 days are all basically the same story.
>if I keep repeating it I won't have to acknowledge I was wrong
Shit filling anons brain, all day, without end
Are you Russian. I know Russians do that, along with war and peace. I spoke to a Russian woman about it, though she said she hated it when she was a kid because she had to write out the plot of every chapter.
>Yea Forums starter kit is a bunch of a high school required readings
Is this a troll image?
Yeah, I have a vague memory of that. I'm gonna have to go back and give it another read, thanks user
Read my fucking posts REEEE
Majora's Mask's ending. It's bittersweet yet extremely fulfilling. I love it.
All rings increased the powers of the wielders, dwarves managed to collect more and more treasuries, humans avoided death and elves speading blessedness around them
>extremely basic and simple elements
Yes you retard, that is the point, Tolkien does not stray far from this simple outline and does not revolutionize the way a story is told in anyway
How is your reading comprehension this bad
I cry when Frodo tells Sam to fuck off. Hits me hard.
You realize you can describe such a "juxtaposition" a lot more elegantly and with much needed brevity, than using a page long description of shitting?
She pooped even more
She was shitting all over the place
man there was so much shit
She shat some more
>LOTR is paint by numbers fantasy
I wonder why, retard. Next you're going to complain that Shakespeare is nothing special?
>I-I-It's all basic on purpose
>p-p-please let me have a smug sense of superiority because I read some children's book
>I know quality honest, you can tell because I read what everyone else has
>half the characters in the books don't exist in the show
>the other half is nothing like in the books anymore
Even if it's the same ending it'll be delivered better than the shitshow D&D have made.
He's trying to show you, albeit in a juvenile way, that it's not "complexity" to include a page long description of diarrhea or fat pink masts or that her cunt became the world. It's just.. shit. Cheap shit.
>Are you Russian.
>I know Russians do that, along with war and peace. I spoke to a Russian woman about it, though she said she hated it when she was a kid because she had to write out the plot of every chapter.
Yeah a good idea put a lot of thoughts into teen's head by forcing them to read those books, completely ruined and turned to be counter-productive by Soviet teachers and our wild capitalism society
>a page long description of shitting?
It's not a page though, you're being a hyperbolic retard and giving away that you never actually read the work, you just regurgitate memes you heard like a retard
Russians should read Notes from the Underground in school, its the best study of the Russian soul.
More like fantasy is paint-by-numbers tolkien
>Tolkien does not stray far from this simple outline and does not revolutionize the way a story is told in anyway
He absolutely fucking does you god damn mongoloid. That's the point. Your "archetype" captures only the tiniest fraction of the story, and does so in an entirely meaningless way.
There is massive amount of other elements to the story, but you somehow think you can summarize LOTR as "Frodo went to a far away place and changed because of it". That has to be the shittiest and most meaningless summary there ever was.
>getting hurt because Tolkien was exposed
Shakespeares word play was head and shoulders above anything Tolkien could ever hope to accomplish, I don't know why you thought getting upset over Tolkien being overrated would cause a different person not to recognize Shakespeare
>If lotr is unrealistically glossy then GoT is unrealistically dark and needlessly bleak and depressing just for the sake of it. It's a collection of archetypes playing out an idealized role for themselves and reflecting our cultural values back to us. Complaining that it isn't a high political drama just doesnt make sense because that's not what it was going for in the slightest.
>It didnt hit me until now just how distinctly shitty a nihilistic secular point of view is compared to a Christian one. Sorry if this is off topic or rambling but man no wonder people are so depressed nowadays, everyone is too embarrassed or edgy to appreciate a glorification of the good of humanity now and again and instead just wants to wallow in misery and self loathing
If its more than a sentence its frankly worthless.
I just read through my posts, and it seems you got the quote function all wrong, because at no point did I say that. I must ask you, who are you quoting?
Conan predates LotR and is far more "modern"
>Notes from the Underground
Our (and Soviet and Imperial) Education ministry wouldn't approve it
Why did Isildur turn invisible when he was attacked by orcs before he was killed?
>muh other elements
Pick one and explain how it doesnt fall into classical tropes
I defended my position, can you defend yours or can you only get upset and throw a tantrum because other see babies first fantasy for what it is
Tolkien wasn't trying to be modern, you pleb. His whole motivation for writing was his interest in history and old languages.
>Lotro used a Hope/Dread system to create atmosphere in PvE encounters
>Hobbits have a bonus to Hope
>Frodo has a constant aura of Dread
I loved that game before it went F2P.
The ring draws any wearer to the wraith-world, including the minor rings. The nazgul spent too much time there and it corrupted them, and they were men.
>Tolkien was the first modern fantasy and everyone copies it
>n-no he wasnt modern
Tolkien rots the brain, it's the junk food of literature, easy to digest but no nutrition
why does it matter to you that it's popular user?
Cancer Ward would obviously be an easy choice
Systematically rejecting yourself and hating yourself is also part of the Russian soul, so I understand why they do it.
first of all, it's called ASOIAF, not GOT. Keep that in mind the next time you want to criticise novels you didn't read.
2nd of all, your entire post is false. ASOIAF doesn't try to be depressing for the sake of depression. It tries to mirror history that GRRM learned. It drew inspiration from the English Civil War. Real life events, not cartoon elfs and hobbits beating orcs.
3rd of all, consider reading books.
hehe suck my fat pink mast ;)
>ask him to defend his point
>immediately deflects
Sorry, that won't work, defend your point or fuck off
Did you read anons entire post or did you get stuck on "GoT" and decided to sperg that embarassing post?
Half an inch isn't a mast user
Im not him, i dont give a shit about either of your arguments, im just curious why you think popular = bad
That's great and all but i don't think that was the focus of the story, the "He became a good king" was just his epiloge and doesn't need much explanation, the story is called lord of the rings not "How some faggot burned his kingdom to the ground", that's why everyone is assblasted about that dumbass quote, becouse its fucking wrong, if you see it in context it makes sense but since it always posted without it to make reasonable fucking people upset
>we will never get Emilia Clarke's dysentery shit water spraying all over the screen
feels bad bros..
i am darkstar and i am of the night :D
I didn't say popular = bad, although plenty have said exactly that in this thread but you didn't feel the need to ask them about it
To phrase it another way Tolkien is entry level, and correctly labeling it as such is neither good or bad, it's just an accurate description, anything someone might read into that is their own insecurity and projection
At the first light of the third da....look east.
The thing is after the Lord of the Rings there could be a spinoff called New Age of Man or whatever, about how Aragorn or his successors try to keep the unified people's state from collapsing between infighting lords after the horrible loss of life and economic collapse or whatever.
Not saying every children story has to include taxes, just saying it COULD include them, and thats not invalid, its unexplored territory that too often is left unexplored, too many stories don't turn that page, too many revolutions end with victory and don't explore what happens after.
>reasonable fucking people upset
It doesn't make reasonable people upset, it makes unreasonable autists that have made a piece of media part of their identity upset
a excerpt to surpass SAO
GRRM's worldbuilding strength really lies in one specific area: family dynasties. He's pretty damn good at twining them together. It's the lynchpin that elevates a setting that's otherwise pretty generic pulpy fantasy to something more entertaining.
>character described as a try hard that wants to get out of his relatives shadow
>woooooooowwww why is he saying try hard cringy stuff
Thanks for proving you only know memes without context
>so I understand why they do it.
No you dont. since you ignoring a main reason why such choice wouldn't be approved
Best scenes:
>DEEEEEEEEEATH and the charge there.
>At first light look to the east and the charge there.
>What can man do against such reckless evil and the charge there.
Basically cavalry charges were the best scenes, I guess.
And in The Hobbit the cavalry charges and the four way battle between humans, orcs, elves and dwarves was the dumbest scene after the comedy goblin's dungeon scene what the fuck.
Though I have a soft spot for a deleted scene of the king, having been awoken from his curse, crying over his son's grave and commenting on the flowers growing there.
i guess your posts caught my eye because you seemed to have an actual opinion and knowledge of the subject. Why would i ask the random shitposter why he shitposts? Anyways, im satisified. thank you.
No, he's retarded, his book is a garbage pile of shit, his prose is that of a dry rag on a pissy morning, and his fans are all retarded shithead that does'nt know a thing about fantasy as shown by your post. The """man""" is 1/5th of a writer as Tolkien.
The main reason is that the novel is demotivating, and government doesn't want demotivating stuff in school.
Its not an outright rejection of either secular views, or religion, or state, or power, it doesn't call for any action, it doesn't portray the rich, or aristocracy, or clergy, as being bad or anything. Its pretty toothless politically. Its just a "i am a piece of shit, and i know it, but i don't want to know it" story. Or a "i know there is no god and no meaning, but i wish i didn't know that, i wish there was a god and a meaning, so i will pretend there is, thats the kind of shit i am". Which is the Russian way. Cyka.
>Pick one and explain how it doesnt fall into classical tropes
Because your trope is poorly defined, retarded and lacks substance just like you. I might as well say that any website where you can post is factually the same website.
But GoT is objectively shit compared to LoTR though which is why your retarded ass contributes nothing to the conversation.
But she's so good and makes me tendies and tries to keep up with my schizo disordered thoughts which probably are part of the philosophers image or may just be how certain brains operate.
>its unexplored territory that too often is left unexplored, too many stories don't turn that page, too many revolutions end with victory and don't explore what happens after
Yeah, i agree, that's cool, but that's not lord of the rings, that's new age of man, why would you go into that obviously long tangent when the main story just happened?
>And me? I’m still here, and I’m still busy. As a producer, I’ve got five shows in development at HBO (some having nothing whatsoever to do with the world of Westeros), two at Hulu, one on the History Channel. I’m involved with a number of feature projects, some based upon my own stories and books, some on material created by others. There are these short films I am hoping to make, adaptations of classic stories by one of the most brilliant, quirky, and original writers our genre has ever produced. I’ve consulted on a video game out of Japan. And then there’s Meow Wolf…
Has this been talked about?
Have Sex Incel.
because the invisibility was actually pretty useful at various points (like Amon Hen)
Lard of the Rings is boring whiteboy fantasy tripe, incredibly bland to read and okayish movies at best. Leave it to faggot ass crackers to find the literary equivalent to unseasoned boiled chicken good
>To kill a mockingbird
I will shoot you. Whoever recommended me that, I will shoot too.
You widely missed the point and going by your reading comprehension I doubt you're in any position to judge literature.
Tolkien was actually quite well known for despising taxes, and would complain in letters about them. This was a time when he would have been paying 75-90% of his income in taxes, however. So it's no wonder that references to taxes are pretty much confined to the evil, greedy Numenoreans that are said to have become "tax-gatherers carrying off over the sea evermore and more goods in their great ships.
So yes George that's why Aragorn'x tax policy was never explained
Quick reminder that this is still better than the Witcher books. Are Brits just the only people capable of writing fantasy in the world? Why is everyone else so bad at it.
Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaen duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other
>Well elves get immortality, hobbits get luck, dwarves get shafted, etc, and humans get free will, right?
what is this MMO nonsense?
dwarves are excellent craftsmen equal to and situationally better than elves at it, and good at mining, especially at living underground
hobbits don't get "luck", they're no luckier than anyone else. they are noted as being sneaky and quiet, though
everyone gets free will, not just humans. their real main advantage is probably breeding prolifically relative to elves/dwarves
Dwarves are not better than elves in absolutely any one given thing whatsoever. You are the MMO nonsense fag claiming that. Elves are just superior to dwarves in everything. Dwarves were literally a mistake.
Kill yourself, you dumb nigger.
prose so non-existent it reads like shit too
Real chads admit Dune is better than both
>Fell deeds awake. Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the red dawn! Forth, Eorlingas!
Theoden had the best lines.
Dwarves were seen as competently made (enough to be kept around). They've been around longer than elves too. They're more physically hardy and strong, and can withstand temperatures and environments that elves cannot. Elves are immortal in terms of simple lifespan, but they're more fragile than dwarves in combat and extreme situations.
>>No Frodo died, wait no Mithril makes him stab proof
that's not really an asspull when it gets referred to (a) by gandalf when they're traveling through the mines, (b) in The Hobbit
>for a great wizard it's a good thing Saruman didn't know or prepare for them
but he did prepare for them. he'd wiped out the whole fucking forest and what remained of the ents were not quick witted enough to do anything about it until some hobbits unforseeably happened to show up and convince them to, just at the time his army was out for a walk doing major work.
>oh wait ghost army you say?
that thing foreshadowed since two towers?
the only actual asspull on your list is gandalf coming back from falling into a big fucking hole. and unforseen plot twists aren't an inherently bad thing anyway
I've read most of these books and still maintain that GRRM is great writer
>They're more physically hardy and strong, and can withstand temperatures and environments that elves cannot.
>but they're more fragile than dwarves in combat and extreme situations.
elves are the physically strongest and most durable humanoids in the lotr setting
movies may have played with dwarven brute strength versus elven grace, but elves are also stronger than dwarves. and orcs. elves are supermen.
The one where you fight the FUCKING EYE OF SAURON? I dropped the game at that point, I didn't even finish it.
I played it. Even remember liking it. Trouble is that is all I remember from it. I dont recall party members at all, except that the main one was a soldier from Gondor.... there was am elf chick, maybe? And some woman with an axe lije a sword maiden kind of deal? While I loved the idea, down the line it was really forgettable. I think the las boss was the eye of Sauron.
why didn't they give the ring to eagles riding other eagles so in case some get crazy the others can still carry it
Gandalf can't force the eagles to do anything, and they don't necessarily want to do that.
Gandalf has very little ability to materialize anything into the world, he isn't a D&D mage.
>The ring dies not make you invisible. It makes you in what you want to be.
No, the ring makes you what you want to be when you fully embrace its power, AND it just so happens to make you invisible when you put it on. Quit it with the headcanon explanations
Based but also mega cringe
why not
isn't white gandalf like op as fuck
Do you have a quote to back that up? Not doubting you, just interested. I've read almost all of Tolkien's works (everything except some of his letters) and don't remember reading anywhere that elves are physically stronger than dwarves.
then why did he look at butterflies and eagles appear out of nowhere, i've seen the movies, bruv
Pretty sure that True Hero of Westeros was shown as a wight and he was also at the forefront of the Northern army standing outside of King's Landing before the battle.
White Gandalf is just a respawned Gandalf.
Gandalf exists outside of the world, he is a metaphysical being. When he enters the world, he forgets all the things he knew from outside. So when his material worldly form died, he was outside, then entered inside again, with slight amnesia, but again he forgot everything and lost powers. Like some minor deity possessing a human to do things, while in the physical form he isn't powerful.
No, I haven't read the books in like a decade, and I don't have them to hand (at the office atm pretending to work) but thats an impression I was left with, and I haven't seen others quote the book to convince me otherwise, so I am sticking with it.
Blood. Both are absolute slugs to go through
Most of these books were required reading in middle/high school.
Most of the planet didn't go to school in the USA.
Quote from Silmarillion
>Since they were to come in the days of the power of Melkor, Aulë made the Dwarves strong to endure. Therefore they are stone-hard, stubborn, fast in friendship and in enmity, and they suffer toil and hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all other speaking peoples;
I think all of those are probably accurate, judging by this interview and the way he talks in it. His voice varies between inaudible and powerful, and that's at the age of 68.
Even in his old age Tolkien is very interesting to listen to when you can understand what he's saying, though the interviewer is irritating as fuck shoehorning his views into it
>What about Second bailout?
The world and music is great, and it stays very true to Tolkien lore (Some people might be nitpicky about Runekeepers and the ability to play as Beorns, though)
It's pretty dated but still charming with players. World chat everywhere you go is full of boomerthink however and it'll get tiring to read really quick. There's an instance finder but its broken and no one uses it so don't expect to do any group content UNLESS you play on a legendary server.
If you don't mind playing alone and at a slow pace, it can still be pretty enjoyable if you really really like Tolkien but otherwise yeah its a watered down WoW clone. I had good times in it.
Also this
>Last of all the eastern force to stand firm were the Dwarves of Belegost, and thus they won renown. For the Naugrim withstood fire more hardily than either Elves or Men, and it was their custom moreover to wear great masks in battle hideous to look upon; and those stood them in good stead against the dragons.
>Therefore Thingol took thought for arms, which before his people had not needed, and these at first the Naugrim smithied for him; for they were greatly skilled in such work, though none among them surpassed the craftsmen of Nogrod [dwarf city in the Ered Luin], of whom Telchar the smith was greatest in renown [forged Narsil/Anduril wielded by Elendil/Aragorn].
>Their smithcraft indeed the Sindar soon learned of them; yet in the tempering of steel alone of all crafts the Dwarves were never outmatched even by the Noldor, and in the making of mail of linked rings, which was first contrived by the smiths of Belegost, their work had no rival.
I dare you to name 5 games with perfect endings.
You literally can't.
>they suffer toil and hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all other speaking peoples
Clearly not going for "they are stronger" with this one, but it does portray them as more durable, or at least more mentally durable about bad situations. I don't remember this line, but it checks out.
>For the Naugrim have beards from the beginning of their lives, male and female alike; nor indeed can their womenkind be discerned by those of other race, be it in feature or in gait or in voice, nor in any wise save this: that they go not to war, and seldom save at direst need issue from their deep bowers and halls. It is said, also, that their womenkind are few, and that save their kings and chieftains few Dwarves ever wed; wherefore their race multiplied slowly, and now is dwindling
Most dwarves are incels, except for the aristocracy. A reproductive rights revolution waiting to happen. No wonder in the Hobbit movies a dwarf falls for an elf. Probably higher odds of tapping that.
>Ignored a lot of important details
>Literally invented 2 languages and dozens and dozens of generations worth of lore when GRRM's fatass can't even finish a book in a decade's time
There were alternate endings? I remember Dark Tongue not being nearly as powerful as it should be.
Meme'ing aside, Yea Forums does give decent science fiction and fantasy recommendations.
>The Black Company
>Gene Wolfe's The Wizard Knight
>Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser
>Snow Crash
>A Wizard of Earthsea
>Chronicles of Amber
>Lord of Light
I'm especially happy that I found out about Roger Zelazny through Yea Forums.
>Shadow of the Colosus
>Ocarina of Time
>The Walking Dead by TellTales
>Mass Effect 3
Zelanzy is great. I love my copy of The Great Book of Amber. Such a nice looking book, worth tracking it down if you can. The spine looks nice too but I can't find a pic with it.
Read these before Yea Forums:
>The Black Company
Read these after Yea Forums recommended them:
>Snow Crash
Never read these:
>Gene Wolfe's The Wizard Knight
>Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser
>A Wizard of Earthsea
>Chronicles of Amber
>Lord of Light
Although Yea Forums did tell me to avoid First Law books, Prince of Nothing books, Gentleman Bastard books, and Name of the Wind books. All of which I read, and all of which I liked.
Hardcore GoT fans like to ignore that this fat fuck boasts about his other projects while ignoring his books
>Dwarves are not better than elves in absolutely any one given thing whatsoever
Why then do the books have elves constantly seeking after dwarven arts and crafts if their stuff is so much better? Eg: the Arkenstone, mithril trading between Moria and Eriador elves, the famous smith Telchar, and Dwarves from Belegost are mentioned to make the best steel in the world.
Your post reads like shitposting but I'm going to assume you're serious
As an aside: "dwarves were naturally able to resist fire better than elves or men'
I'll try to be clear and quick in my answer : "No"
And I am someone that got all the trophies because of Autismo. Don't play it, it never gets good. Play any other JRPG instead.
Fucking this lmao.
>What happens when you make a hobbit more of a good-hearted hobbit?
this part makes no sense though, frodo at the end of it was just like any other, unwilling to let go of it, saying that it amplifies the wielder is stupid, all races eventually fall into the same personality
Hey hey hey, spoilers. Yeah, it was a fucking stupid ending. One of the worst endings I've ever played (though sort of fun in a stupid way) and the gameplay of the fight was shit too, constant stunlocks.
Agree totally. I think they must have put a lot of work into Moria and the excellent combat animations, and that just chewed up a lot of resources.
Because apart from the final fight, and the Falls of Argonath area which just feels like filler, the rest of the game is top tier.
Just the one ending, was moreso referring to the fact many people might not have finished it (I first played it in 2008 and didn't finish it till this year)
Happy ending though, Turin's the ghost that gets to finally kill Melkor
Oh and by the way you didn't miss much dropping the game at that point because it just finishes with Gandalf giving a voiceover, and absolutely zero closure for the main characters or the love triangle.
Conan the Barbarian tells the tale.
This story had so much potential at the beginning, but all the focus on shock factor was where it went wrong. It was as if it was written on the go, and hoping things will just mesh well together
>I want the book to go on after it ends
That's how you end up with the modern comic book industry you retards.
There's absolutely nothing fucking wrong with a story having an end.
He got distracted focusing on the minutiae, the main events and plot points felt like they became secondary after a certain point. I guess it's what happens when you spend so long writing a single book. It's like feature creep in a game, except extended development doesn't cost him anything so it'll continue indefinitely.
Thats the reason i like the series so much, the focus on the minutiae
War and Peace is unironically the best novel of all time. Nothing compare to it.
yeah, there's plenty of banal video games on par with the snoozefest that is the LotR movie trilogy.
There is a new lotr mmo being developed atm but it's being made by some Chinese dev only known for having a hand in Warframe. Doesn't sound very good
If there's one thing I hate more than capeshit, it's fucking Star Wars.
And GoT died so D&D could work on Star Wars. Fucking Star Wars. If there's ever a series that has overstayed its welcome, its fucking Star Wars. Goddamn. It's so fucking shitty. Go back and watch the trilogy today, it's so fucking old and outdated.
Fucking MASS EFFECT has better lore than fucking Star Wars. God I hate Onions Wars. Fuck D&D.
imagine getting mad over intellectual property aimed at entertaining children as to sell toys and other merchandise. O i am laffin.
>There's absolutely nothing fucking wrong with a story having an end.
And there is absolutely nothing fucking wrong with a different story revisiting the setting to tell what happens when the hero becomes king, a role he is terribly unsuited for from what we've seen. The first ASoIaF book starts with the soldier turned king being shown as a failure, it starts where other stories end, AFTER the big war has been won, AFTER the daring party of adventurers beat the evil despot, and tells a great tale all AFTER where normal books end.
You are the absolutist here, while acting as if I am.
>The story of gollum killing his friend isn't explicitly said in the books either that I remember.
Gandalf tells it to Frodo before leaving the Shire. He tells him he had to force him to say it, and that Gollum lied more than told the truth, but that thanks to his contacts he managed to find out everything.
That ending honestly got to me.
Imagine getting mad over bad weather.
Imagine getting mad over tangled fishing thread.
Imagine getting mad over traffic.
Yet there are hundreds of millions of people right now getting mad over these, because its not at all weird to be mad over them. You fucking robot.
You're actually mentally ill if you think that. Martins worldbuilding is the blandest, most boring trash imaginable while Tolkiens actually describes everything in magnificent and beautiful detail. Tolkiens worldbuilding is legendary.
I had more interest in Geralt meeting yennifer than Ciri.
and of course they just meet and it felt like a nothing moment.
you just listed three things and none of them were getting mad over a children's film series, which is something to laugh at if an adult does it
>And there is absolutely nothing fucking wrong with a different story revisiting the setting to tell what happens
Yeah, there is. That's how you get Miles Morales. That's how you get "But Venom was actually from a good guy alien race called the Klyntars". That's how you get "and then Superman died but not really he just had a healing coma".
>and the movie trilogy is lightning in a bottle which we will probably never experience again.
I'm just glad we got to experience it.
Hopefully it'll set a bar for everyone and people will keep striving to reach it.
>imagine being so autistic that stories & events effect you emotinally.
lol, incel much?
Vidya for this feeling???
>And GoT died so D&D could work on Star Wars.
You really think that? Nay, it's more like D&D saw some qualities in Star Wars for them to still ruin.
Sorry to tell you boys, but goy Ruin Johnson already took a dump on the show, not only is it unsalvageable, it has nothing left for leeches.
>finds lembas bread
>immediately charges up the fucking cliff he almost died falling off and fights off a cosmic horror spider with borrowed items
Sam is a fucking beast.
Cowboy bebop is the best anime ever
GoT fans are truly subhuman zoomers.
Feel like the ending is the most overrated part of the show, and the rest of the show was 100% solid.
actually felt bad that the show was clearly ending.
GRRM is a lardswine pigshit and a hack fanfiction tier writer.
>tfw i literally can't not self insert and emotionally withdraw myself when reading stories
it's a curse and a blessing. "good" stories leave me daydreaming for ages and "bad" ones leave me miserable.
Gee, you sure are a fucking retard.
there are worse things though, there are people getting mad over others enjoying something, like this fag
The first appearance of modern fantasy elves occurred in The King of Elfland's Daughter, a 1924 novel by Lord Dunsany.
I just read the trilogy twice, so I haven't seen the movies in a while... What the fuck is this lol? Frodo and Sam in Osgiliath? Sure don't remember that.
>paint by the numbers fantasy
That's because he's the guy who made the art book in the first place. Virtually the entire genre of fantasy takes ques from Tolkien.
is it "elfs and dwarfs defeating the bad guys despite impossible odds"?
if not, your post is unrelated to the discussion.
In the books Faramir takes Frodo and Sam to his secret cave and then releases them. In the movies he first decides to deliver Frodo and Sam to his father, but in Osgiliath he changes his mind and lets them go.
>regurgitated elfs and dwarfs defeating the bad guys despite impossible odds
Do you even read your own goddamn posts you illiterate nigger?
Literally wrong, Tolkien was the first to create fantasy as a genre. Until then the orcs, elves, dwarves fantasy stuff was only in thousand year old Norse mythologies, which have no coherent story or plot.
I always thought of Gandalf as a DM.
In the book they get caught by faramir in ithillien just after he (Faramir) ambush a bunch of man from the east. Brought to his hidden command center, Faramir resist the ring then they send him on their way.
I remember that the 2 were separated from Gollum them, and Faramir wanted to have Gollum killed since he was skulking close the base.
I really should re-read the trilogy it's been too many years
elves and dwarves are just parts of germanic folklore and there's a bunch of stories/fairytales where they triumph against some seemingly impossible odds, yes. Pull that Tolkien dick out of your ass.
I wish there were more good LOTR games.
>animeposter is sub 40 IQ with zero understanding of literacy or of what is good writing
Not surprised
>My friends... you pax tax to no one.
>is it "elfs and dwarfs defeating the bad guys despite impossible odds"?
no but that bit has existed for a thousand years in central & western European mythology and folklore, both bits actually.
He literally invented it.
>He followed a template for his story, one that humanity around the world was using for ages
Wrong, "fantasy" of that type only existed in long since almost forgotten Norse myths that people sure as fuck had not been telling each other for over half a millenia by that point.
John Ruskin and George MacDonald "created" the fantasy genre literally 100 years before Tolkien penned Lord of the Rings, you absolute cretin.
>Some people might be nitpicky about Runekeepers
Frankly its amazing to me to what lengths they went to make "mages" lorefriendly. How many game developers looking to make a profitable game would have bothered with that and instead just would have gone with "there's mages and healers now, deal with it".
george macdonald is who birthed modern fantasy back in the 1850s, not fucking tolkien in the 1930s lmao
post a story with elves that are remotely like Tolkien elves, other than name?
The fuck are you on about? That perverted pulp fiction is literally all that Martins writing has. There is absolutely nothing impressive or beautiful about a single page he has ever written. It's just pulp fiction created for the low IQ masses.
every ASoIaF book end with hope.
Oh, that's retarded. They even go to Henneth Annun in the damn movie.
Glad I forgot that scene.
>weeb seething that his masters are putting out shit and generic fantasy lns ad nauseam
>TolKiEn iNVenTeD FanTaSy!!11!1!
he did loser
OoT's ending.
That's my main criticism of Tolkien. Orcs are fundamentally "evil" creatures. I get that they're elves twisted by Morgoth, but they have no redeeming qualities. Evil cannot create, only mock and twist. The existence of "evil" in the first place as a concept is shallow IMO.
far from it, he just wrote fantasy for the masses; Tolkien was the AAA industry and those who came before him were but humble indies
Project harder.
Tolkien was the original fantasy writer. It's not paint by numbers fantasy because the entire genre would never have been the same without him. If anything all other writers try to be like Tolkien, and fall short every single time. It's based out of Arthurian legend and other European legends, but in its own right, it's more otherworldly than those works and more beautifully written even.
>where the good guys are always good and the bad always bad because it's their nature
are you retarded
You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
>Evil cannot create, only mock and twist.
The story literally revolves around a trinket that the big bad created.
AGoT is litteraly what happens after the Hero (Robert) defeats the Tyrant (the Mad King)
Are literary critics literal human garbage?
Your KOTOR video was garbo
I don't see that as a big issue when you consider that that are also plenty of bad guys that aren't pure evil. and while Orcs do not have redeeming qualities, they do in fact have character traits beyond being pure evil.
>nigger is incredibly unintelligent
Nothing new here
Is the joke that they have awkawrd looks on their faces because they kneel to eachothers dicks to suck eachother off every night? I don't get it.
>shitting on Berserk
I'll fight you.
That quote was in reference to life. Orcs are twisted elves because Morgoth was unable to create life from scratch. He made a corrupted mockery of elves instead.
I agree. This prose is superior to Tolkien.
Go back to the ship, Gutsy.
Gollum was a metaphor for the jews and the ring was a metaphor for money/power.
The hobbits were new settlers without bank accounts or depts. They could carry the burden of money.
Take that as you will.
>Tolkien didn't invent the modern fantasy genre
Why are people actually replying to this obvious bait? In fact, it seems pretty clear one guy has been going all out with the shitposting this whole thread.
Feel free to stop feeding him guys
Wow, it's like one is actually good and popularity doesn't factor in
> hippie feminist who is the poor victim of divorce
I wonder if two might be connected in some way
they did a shit job copying the text over, but the story is comfy
>low attention span spergs
It's hinted like 8 times throughout the first book and movie that Gandalfs plan was for them to fly on the eagles backs to Mordor. He never told the fellowship the plan because of Sarumans crow spies everywhere listening. When the Balrog whips his leg, he reveals as much of his plan as possible in a single sentence, as he yells "Fly, you fools!" (people often misquote this as "run you fools" but he literally says "fly" in the book and every adaptation of it).
The others thought he just meant to escape in general, not to literally fly. And well, even if they got it, they don't know about the eagles or where they are.
After this, Gandalf never came across Frodo again until after the end when Frodo had already made it to Mordor.
You don't get that kind of detail in Tolkien's works.
I don't think it's even that "evil can't create (life)". We're told he created trolls to spite ets, for an example. Not that he twisted ents, but that he created trolls in their mockery.
Oh, and balrogs.
Seems he was definitely able to create at least some forms of life.
>everyone is unharmed, all orcs evaporate
well that's pretty much canon
I kek'd heartily. Thank you.
Move on to better books then, read Proust or Joyce or something.
Yakuza 5. When all the Yakuza bow to Akiyama, a mere moneylender
Trust me, the GSCE reading list is really, really shit.
Britain is embarrassing
On point.
>I dropped the game at that point, I didn't even finish it.
I can't imagine spending 20+ hours on a game only to drop it on the final boss because I thought it was dumb. Hell I even finished Mass effect 3, despite the ending sequence feeling like a suprise party in which my son informs me that 'she' doesn't need 'her' dick anymore.
Stop lying. There are literally zero any such stories before Tolkien. Pull that head out of your ass.
Solaris and Roadside Picnic are the only sci-fi books I care about.
>John Ruskin
>George MacDonald
>William Morris
>Edward Dunsany
>Edgar Rice Burroughs
>Rudyard Kipling
>Henry Rider Haggard
>Abraham Merritt
>Nathaniel Hawthorne
>Robert E. Howard
>short stories featured in Weird Tales
Star wars Dungeons and Dragons, what?
Balrogs are twisted Maiar.
nice try xv-kun
Nice names.
What about them?
>Of Mice And Men
>Romeo And Juliet
>a big-ass list of shitty poetry
It was pretty shit when I was there, but that was about 12 years ago. Has it gotten worse?
False. MacDonald only wrote typical tales about fairies and goblins, which was a very common type of fairytale told by mothers to their kids for thousands of years.
Not fantasy genre, which refers to epic tales of wars between giant factions like orcs, dwarves, elves. Nothing of the sort has been in anything before Tolkien except Norse mythology, where things were only mentioned in passing and often contradictory.
Why do you want that kind of detail?
I don't think so. Sauron himself is a Maiar.
I read Of Mice and Men, Animal Farm and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (and way too much Shakespeare) during the course of year 10 and 11.
Tolkien's work is set in unrealistic fantasy land completely disconnected from reality. None of his characters will have something as undignified as dysentery.
As is Gandalf.
>Not fantasy genre, which refers to epic tales of wars between giant factions
You are a fucking retard.
You literally get way more detail in Tolkiens works, just actually well written type of detail that is a joy to read, not perverse pulp fiction like Martins writing.
But Marcel Proust is realist experimental modernism, not fantasy
There's a reason the Balrog was almost able to take out Gandalf. Its because they're Maiar just like him.
No he's right, both Sauron and Balrogs are Maiar. Keep in mind the Balrog in the third age acts independently from Sauron, so them being of similar powerlevels isn't weird.
Gandalf is a Maiar and yet is much weaker than Sauron, for example. There's room for variance.
you sound like a soccer mom who's complaining about the detailed gore in mortal kombat.
I believe so. He was a spirit called Gorthaur the Cruel serving under Melkor and a Maiar of Aule. I believe Balrogs were also Maiar though.
It's in the first or second chapter of the Silmarillion.
Not sure if your reactions imply you did not take that seriously. Because that is literally the case, using the eagles was canonically Gandalfs actual plan, it just isn't spoonfed to the reader but you do notice it if you pay attention to several things Gandalf says.
For fucks sake, the eagles were already established in The Hobbit, it's not like they suddenly appeared for the first time ever at the end of the third book, they had been well established characters long before that.
Fucking a.
This sounds like a Martin fag instigating shit.
It doesn't take a genius to know both fan bases are fucked, you loser.
I only had to read Macbeth and Jekyll and Hyde lol. It’s embarrassing, it slowly went to complete shit.
One flew over the cuckoos nest was A levels coursework for me
No, you are, and I am right. Fantasy genre literally refers to a very specific type of literature, tales of dragons and elves and dwarves and such, often about warfare between them and so on.
No one, not a single person before Tolkien ever wrote a book about such a story.
Fuck off with your retarded, lying examples of MacDonald and his bedtime stories about fairies, completely different genre.
>As is Gandalf.
Well I knew that.
Oh, well that's interesting.
I remember reading about scores of them being killed by Tuor alone (70 I think?), but I see that exact issue is addressed in the article.
Perversion is fine when it has substance, he is just perverse for the sake of perversion. It’s not offensive, just low iq.
lord of the rings is fucking boring
>chews on pipe
>"dude, what if the birds are listening to us right now? what if they're actually spies?"
>blows smoke ring
>"let's walk the whole way instead. birds can't see shit on the ground, they fly"
You don't understand the necessity for beauty in creative work. Tolkien's LotR is beautiful to read. G.R.R. Martin's stinks. You'd want to make everything stink for the sake of more (and unnecessary) detail?
What did xe mean by this?
Best scene, after watching it multiple times, is when Gandalf describes death to Pippin. Goosebumps every time.
Agreed about all the cavalry charges being amazing though, the Rohirrim are based.
You sound like a typical 60 IQ moron that likes sub par pulp fiction
Why do GoTfags get so mad at LOTR for existing?
you sound like you should have sex
They are specially salty today because the final season of GoT was a complete disaster.
Literally the only people who liked it are yandere-fags because one of the girls went full Hitler.
>those recommendations
Man, that's some good stuff. Enjoy.
>The story literally revolves around a trinket that the big bad created.
no. The one who invented the way to make rings of power was an elf. Melkor learned how to do it by copying him.
This is why the 3 elven rings are the only rings that don't fuck up their user in some way, cause they weren't directly corrupted by him.
The crows being mind controlled by Saruman is established well before they go into the mines of Moria where they become separated from Gandalf.
Of course, you're such a subhuman, mentally retarded zoomer that you never read the book or even watched the movie because it's 3 hours long, that's like three Fortnite games you could play instead, right?
>"let's walk the whole way instead. birds can't see shit on the ground, they fly"
Literally never happened. I already explained to you, they were on the way to the eagles, but the Balrog attacked Gandalf before they made it to that destination, and Gandalf had not told the others of where they were going. Which is why after the separation they came up with their own plans for reaching Mordor.
Dude, Tolkien spent pages and pages describing landscapes and lands.
The Silmarillion is literally just a compilation of details about the middle earth.
So what kind of detail do you want, lore and description, or the fatass describing a girl with diarrea?
Martin is a talentless and lazy hack who, not only is a one trick pony, but can't even finish his stories because he's already rich and doesn't need to.
You're not deep or edgy, you're just pathetic.
video games aren't art
The bearer of the ring, the wearer of the ring
Stands on the very brink of fate;
Staring into eyes of darkness and despair
That rise and shrink with hate
If you are low IQ, yeah. Go back to reading your furry fanfictions, more your speed.
I've read some of Tuor's story. Tuor and his coming to Gondolin during the First Age. I didn't know that and that's surprising because Tuor was just a man raised by elves, with an insatiable willingness to axe down orcs.
>"dude, what if the birds are listening to us right now? what if they're actually spies?"
Actually right before Gandalf leaves Frodo and Sam he tells them that the "enemy" has spies everywhere, including even birds.
>"let's walk the whole way instead. birds can't see shit on the ground, they fly"
You forget the scene when the crows fly above them and they need to hide so they aren't seen?
>And there is absolutely nothing fucking wrong with a different story revisiting the setting to tell what happens
this is how you end up with stuff like the star wars sequels.
Is anyone else just made immeasurably sad by reading LotR?
After I watched LotR I read The Hobbit, then The Silmarillion, then I read LotR.
You know that feeling after you see an incredible movie, or finish an incredible game, where like you don't want to do anything else to accidentally degrade the moment? Like there's got to be that buffer zone where the awe and inspiration can wear away, and then you can get back to rest of life's monotony?
I feel like that, except, the feeling never left. It just got replaced this infinite feeling of "real life will never be this good." I almost wish I'd never read them.
lord of the rings is literally children's fantasy (not there's anything wrong with that), the fuck are you on about with your pretentious "low IQ lmao", faggot
Ah fuck this is a good one
>Gandalf describes death to Pippin
That scene was a load of horseshit, as it only applies to elves and maiar like Gandalf. Nobody knows where humans (and hobbits) go.
Dude, if people in medieval times thought like the characters in GoT western civilization would have collapsed a long time ago due to everyone being petty and traitorous to each other.
The ring greatly empowers the natural traits of the bearer. That includes the bad side. Hobbits are legitimately the most humble race of middle earth. They only want their peace, gardening and hearty meals. The worst the ring could produce was Gollum.
Meanwhile 9 human kings became ring wraiths.
Even Gandalf didn't want the ring in his hands
Ah yes, it needs more rape because millennial creatures are going through a second emo phase.
>Full thread on Yea Forums about LOTR
>No one talks about Return of the King for the PS2
For shame.
please show me where I said that I like A Song of Ice and Fire or Game of Thrones. I'll wait.
>because it's popular with normalfags while ignoring the irony of how much normalfags loved LOTR as well
This isn't the reason and you're a retard
Anyone have a clip of this bar with the NZ video instead of GoT?
Too easy, I almost feel bad for you. Honestly, why do you assume I'm being serious?
>Hobbits are legitimately the most humble race of middle earth
Man can you imagine if a dirty filthy kender got hte ring.
humans and hobbits obviously have some kind of heaven too and I think he was just being figurative to help little Pippin feel better
I know that feel
According to the linked wiki that lore is basically outdated and canonically there were never more than 7 balrogs.
This comes pretty close, for me.
reminder Tolkien was on the front lines of World War 1 in a junior officer role, in some of the most horrifying battles such as the Somme where you went over the trench with all the people you knew from your little village, and none of you came back
the screams of the Nazgul were inspired by the screeching of artillery shells being dropped, and the effect of the sound of the screams on Men is comparable to shellshock
>"Even the stout-hearted would fling themselves to the ground as the hidden menace passed over them, or they would stand, letting their weapons fall from nerveless hands while into their minds a blackness came, and they thought no more of war, but only of hiding and of crawling, and of death."
Frodo's relationship with Sam (upper class/lower class friendship) is also inspired by the relationship Tolkien had with the lower-class soldiers he was commanding, as he respected them and their bravery. Tolkien, as an officer, would have had a lower-class batsman who cooked and cleaned for him just like Sam did for Frodo
the Dead Marshes are inspired by all the glassy eyed corpses Tolkien saw lying in the mud after the Battle of the Somme
Frodo's wound never really healing is the same way Tolkien was never the same again after the war
>h-haha i was merely pretending (v;;;;;;; ):
It's almost as if no one is talking about popularity.
Hell, even GoTfags are shitting on GoT right now due to how terrible the last season was.
It was so bad that it made SJWs and /pol/ agree on something.
It's literally written for adults lmfao.
Children can not understand or appreciate more than a small minority of the writing.
>Frodo's wound never really heal
Isn't it stated that Frodo eventually recovers from it in the Undying Lands, before he met Sam again?
>I-I was o-only pretending to be retarded... :(
Nah man I wanna read about rape and poop and big floppy penises. That's real literature.
It's The Hobbit the one that's written for kids.
LOTR was basically him making an adult version of The Hobbit.
going to literal heaven doesn't count
Physically. But the quest had left him aged and drained.
Imagine getting BTFO'd this hard.
Reminder that George is a feminist draft dodger who lived on welfare. Also he has no children and raises someone elses kid. He is also 5'6 in length.
It isn't heaven, it's an actual, physical location separated by sea from Middle Earth where elves live.
Pic related, the Undying Lands are the continent on the left.
>humans and hobbits obviously have some kind of heaven too
It's stated multiple times throughout Silmarillion that nobody except maybe Mandos knows where exactly they go, and he won't tell. IIRC they go through Mandos' halls but wont stay there, leaving the material world entirely. This is the whole reason why Numenor fell; they grew angstier by the year about the gift of man.
The equivalent of heaven in LOTR is called the Timeless Halls.
Got goosebumps. Holy shit I just remembered how fucking awesome this trilogy is.
>it's an actual, physical location
It is and it isn't. After a certain point (the sinking of Numenor I think) the Valar straight up made Valinor impossible to get to through normal means.
>Fantasy genre literally refers to a very specific type of literature, tales of dragons and elves and dwarves and such, often about warfare between them and so on.
I can only hope that English isn't your native language and that you've simply misspoke here. Because holy shit you're dumb if you actually believe this to be the case.
I wasn't being subtle :)))
>We've had one yes; what about second bailout?
It's said to be impossible in the sense that, due to Numenor no longer existing, it's an almost impossible journey to make, and that only elves and ring bearers are allowed in there.
You got to admit, Fantasy is a very vague term. I mean you say SCI FI and it's a lot clearer what you actually mean. You say Fantasy and you either have to specify or you're stuck with dungeons and dragons.
It pretty much serves the purpose of a heaven though.
What's the source for that image? It don't reminder such accurate description of the world?
we know it's a physical location, but it's a very obvious metaphor for heaven. Keep in mind that in medieval times the skies were called "the heavens" and people really thought heaven and hell were physically up/down places you could travel to on the wings of an angel.
the Undying Lands are just an expansion of that concept horizontally rather than vertically, because just like death and the afterlife, travelling there for mortals is a one-way trip from everything I remember from the stories
Lord of the Rings is High Fantasy. There you go. Now you know the correct terminology.
>They are going to the harbour beyond the White Towers. To the Tax Heavens.
>They are thieving Middle Earth.
>Never to tax return.
>I don't know why, but it makes me mad.
>due to Numenor no longer existing, it's an almost impossible journey to make
No, it's impossible to make because Valar separated Valinor from the earth and made it round. Those who would try to sail west would only find themselves where they started. "The straight path" still existed for the eldar and the chosen few.
Which brings us to an important point: not all elves are Eldar or even want to be, meaning that many lesser elves would remain forever on Earth.
The fact that minstrels are a class at all is top notch. I assume it was intentional, given the books, but all the music related stuff is really nice.
Dragons and elves are high fantasy. ASOIAF, Gormenghast and First Law are low fantasy.
It is not my first language but I am correct and you do not know anything about this topic. A typical fairytale does not fall within what is called "the fantasy genre". Fantasy is divided into categories such as high fantasy, low fantasy or dark fantasy - and fairytales are a completely different genre altogether. It does not fit any of the subgenres of the fantasy genre.
From here.
It was made by an autist according to details from all of what Tolkien wrote.
The Well At The World's End is regarded as the first notable example of high fantasy literature, not The Lord Of The Rings, Tolkienfags
I have known that the entire time little cuck, but fairytales are not a sub genre of fantasy like high fantasy or low fantasy are.
Walk tall, my frens
neither of them is heaven
the west is just where the elves live
the timeless halls are just a tomb where the elves go when they die, and they eventually respawn
when humans die they dont go to the timeless halls, they go to a place that only god knows
Does Amber still hold up? I read my dad's copies in middle school, don't remember it very well