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>log in
>A player you have reported has been banned
Does anything feel better?

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Where Does this happen?

a blowjob

CS:GO and PUBG has this

>Does anything feel better?
Calling opponents "nigger" when I beat them.

Have sex

league of legends


>no games I would actually want to play

I'd feel like a cunt, I never report.

only of I get my lose removes from playing a hacker. Otherwise I coupsnt give a shit.

This. Fuck is the point in reporting? Just don’t play with them.

>not teaching some 12 year old about consequences

Rocket League

libs. libs always report

but i like it when people say the n- word

I believe in the Golden Rule. Treat others how you wish to be treated.

So I never report anything or anyone.

It’s the best feeling when you troll players by purposely playing like shit in a subtle way or saying EZ GG and have a black man avatar and baiting them to say racial shit.

And in the end it’s worth it because people with thousands of hours get banned LOL, and then I spam them with steam groups and block them. It takes time for the ban but the gratification is so much better than stomping someone and cursing them out, compared to baiting them to be toxic and having them get permanently banned


>enforcing etiquette and basic social standards
>not a conservative position
The degradation of social interaction and language is solely the fault of the libs.

>play vermintide
>load into map
>tip: how the fuck is toxicity even real lmao like just close your ears nigga like press mute hahaha

Why is it always just lib/con with you fucking people? Goddamn, shit can't just be fucking split into one of two factions.

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I can split it into one. Sad, slacktivist fucking americans straight out of reddit. Covers both.

I fucking hate these people.

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>some dude is crying and bitching at global chat
>ask him if his name is [example here]
>he says yes
>"lol i reported you because you were doing [action that I dont agree with]
>entirety of server laughs at him

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Knowing that i'm not a whiny faggot who complains to corporate authorities on the internet

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playing games for fun

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do you get a reward for it?

>game is f2p so it means shit

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>12 year old
>its some adult that browses Yea Forums

I'm a firm believer there's an unchanging core to every person you get the occasional glimpse at, and those people are completely irredeemable.


>log in
>you have been banned for 30 days for the following reason: Inappropriate language

Probably shouldn't have acted like a 12 year old then

TF2 also.

i report everyone i play with and i get these constantly
feels good

>tfw third worlder
>tfw don't have to report anyone because we're too poor to cheat

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Post some crossfit webms

>shittalk, foreign gibberish, micspam, racism and whatever other -ism that gets people uppity, idling, griefing, scamming
I sleep

Reported from 20 different IPs, rallied the whole server to report him too, recorded and sent proof to devs, forwarded the message to local authorities

Why is hitting that tire? What did the tire did to him?

Nobody really cares about words, cheaters piss people off.

>2008 roblox
>witness and quietly report countless scriptkiddies and creeps
>not every one I see, just the ones who also choose to be assholes
>I do it for free
>years later
>get garbage can hat of "taking out the trash" for being in the top X successful reporters
It shouldn't have felt good but damn it felt good

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If you don't report hackers, you're just choosing to live with a lower quality community.
>but they'll just change accounts!
Depends on the game and the server. Something like a cracked Minecraft server? Nothing you can do.
GMod or CSS server? Each account/ip ban is another several minute hurdle. Nobody cares enough about your favorite server to return more than once.


Wouldn't the sledgehammer bounce back and hit him in the face?

Feels amazing desu. It's the best way to grief these days. Make someone mad then report them.