>Project GR
>Development for the past 3 years
>Collaboration between Hidetaka Miyazaki and GRRM
>Bandai Namco, so all platforms probably even Switch
>Microsoft E3

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Other urls found in this thread:

>open world FromSoft game

>no character creation
fuck this shit fucking from it's all sekiro shit now

Fromsoft will redefine the open world formula, this game will change open world games forever

You mean cut out unnecesarry parts, improve on combat and BTFO pvp chumps who can"t stop playing a game past its experation date? Fine by me

On the bright side it'll never actually get finished and released.

The Darksouls of... Open world games...

>You mean cut out unnecesarry parts
Nice meme! hahaha it's funny because character creation was fundamental to Soul's appeal!

Where does it say that there won’t be character creation? It was never mentioned in the original leak. Considering the scale of this game then character creation seems like an obvious feature

can you punch things

>a person familiar with ongoings at From Software
shut the fuck up nigger


The only right way to play DS is with a sword and empty hand user. Everything else is cheesing it.

Great, now we'll have like 20 GoT threads on Yea Forums now. Use the catalog faggots.

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>character creation was fundamental to Soul's appeal!
you sound like a gaming journalist asking for an easy mode or a certain gender or ethnicity to be represented and if anyone from soft saw this they would slap you upside the head so hard, it's totally not the draw to souls at all you are just probably an ameritard who loves creating "toons"

Technically they can all be called open world

>open world
>Horse riding

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kings field was practically open world and very dark and hard shit. the problem is they are making a casual normie shit with
a mediocre story on a super easy mode.

Good. Character creation is is a lazy technique so the writers don't have to invent compelling main characters with broad appeal.

Now i get GOT related shit in my games. And just after that show ended...

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Seasons 1-4 of GoT were good.

>yfw it's actually dragon's dogma 2

umm ok weve had open world just like Demons souls, Dark souls 1 2 and 3, bloodborne and Sekiro?


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I too love getting less content for the same price Skirobro. You surely BTFO those faggots who expect more content, they really need to just git gud at retarded post-purchase rationalizations and pretending that objectively less of the same thing is actually a good thing. That is the true skill of a hardcore gamer.

>open world
>go to an area
>hit an enemy
>he loses 0.5% of hp bar
>he counterattacks and oneshots you

From software can make open world games work because they can bypass the whole level-scaling/fixed level zones with their difficulty bullshit.
They still would have to solve the other issue of OWG that is the world always feel empty and you just end up travelling for 10 minutes before fighting an encounter in a much worse designed zone that in a normal game.

Having postgame content is a scam.
Games should be over when the main campaign is done, not make you invest extra time in random bullshit. Unless you're an extreme poorfag no-piracy moralfag who can afford 2 games a year max.

That’s because they were based on the books

>Abilities obtained from killing zombies.
Sounds more like a Metroid-style sandbox game to me.

yep, time to look for other based devs, these guys couldn't care less now they'll just shit something up like Sekiro and collect money because of their name.

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It will probably be the good type of open world instead of the shit style.

go back, please

I can't imagine this being good, especially in world design. If its anything like other games, once you get used to the combat you will roll over most enemies and even in the case of Sekiro just parry fuck the enemies.

I can't see FROM being able to cover every area of the map with care like they have been doing.

>fromsoft has never made an open world game!
you mean aside from every souls game save for DeS?

Oh please. The main game is for building up your character, when it's over you should have all build and combat options available. Postgame is for putting all that to the test. You're fully kitted out and max levelled, and postgame content lets you actually use that pimped out character you spent the last few days raising against opponents that can handle it.

Still 2 books left.

why are you wanting every game from makes to be the same old souls shit with the same tired gameplay formula? i'm glad from told autists like you to get fucked and started making original games like this and sekiro again.

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Character creation is a trannie meme feature, go play a dress up simulator faggot

>why are you wanting every game from makes to be the same old souls shit with the same tired gameplay formula?
>he says this while defending the most generic project idea imaginable aka open world
Get From's cock out of your mouth for a sec would you?

GRRM didn't have anything to do with how that shitshow ended

Stars Wars games in the next decade, however

>feminism souls

Souls hasn't ever had strong postgame content, though. There's no Ultima Weapon, no Bunta Fujiwara, no Land of Carnage, no moon and planets which unlock platinum ranks once completed, no Tin Pin Slammer alternate universe where Hanekoma is waiting atop a skyscraper to push your shit in while shouting motivational slogans at you etc etc. The closest you've got are DLCs, which don't really count, or New Game +, which...doesn't really count, either.

Why ms e3? Why not state of play stream?

>PC title
>expiration date
Fuck you you literal kike enabler.

waifu faggots BTFO
kill yourself

I've heard he is working on the next book.

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>tanimura is shit at creating stories
>so miyazaki hired grrm to create the story for his next project instead

>A meme dev that only do meme *hardcorz xd* games trying something that require some skill to no be shit
I can't wait to see the train wreck

Says who?

Amazing how much negativity there is for souls games or From nowadays. I mean even Sekiro got shat on, but it turned out good in the end.

Stop sucking Miyazaki's lazy nipdick.

>character creation was fundamental to Soul's appeal
For whom?

sekiro is trash so is your post

Filtered by ogre.

Sounds cool. Is Yea Forums going to cry about another From game for a year now like they did with Sekiro?
>muh dress up!
Fuck off tranny

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You are the reason why games as service cancer exists. Games need to end. The campaign needs to be so that you use everything you have against the final boss, not give you a shiny turd to grind for after the meat of it is done.

Sekiro is their best game since DaS1


>Two of the most overrated shit things in existence

oh boy

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>mooooom look at me im a cuntrarion

>Not overhyped
>From game reskin #5000
>Not extremely overhyped

Dark Souls is open world you 'tard

God I hope they don't work with this fat fuck. First From game I won't be interested in, especially if it's Game of Thrones shit.

kys falselfagging tranny retard

GoT: Brotherhood when?

>This place becane such a shitshow that legit jews Think they can post now.
Top kek faggots

>grrr i want more stuff in game
>but game is finished why not have game 2?

At least its not like the countless games where you only get an awesome move or upgrade for the final fight and literally nothing else.
Fucking nightcaster

>'Great Rune' is From Software new title [Open World, Norse mythology, GRR Martin, premiere at MS E3 Press Conference]

>George RR Martin has apparently joined forced with FromSoftware, creators of the git gud Soulsborne collection of videogames like Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. But don’t assume it’s going to be set in the world of Game of Thrones, as rumours have it that this game - titled Great Rune, supposedly - is set in the Norse world, exploring Norse mythology and all its dark legends.

>Whisperings began circling on the internet in early 2019 and went into a lot more detail about what players can expect: you’ll be invading kingdoms and stealing the powers of their rulers after a FromSoftware-style battle, which will then serve you well when you have to fight other kings. All I can say is that I hope Martin hasn’t forgotten that he’s also got the Game of Thrones book series to finish, as after that Game of Thrones ending there’s a hell of a lot of things people are going to want to Martin write (and justify) in his own words…

Oh you know How Yea Forums works...we need to hate the things we like in the past because we like to be miserable for some reason.

He only consulted.
Probably because From has no idea what a kingdom thats still existing actually does, they only know how to do ruins

Dude, they've been making "open world" games since King's Field. You're just legally retarded and haven't noticed.

Not a argument

>From going back to Bamco
Fucking fake.

FromSoft about Norse mythology? Fuck me.

The great rune rumor started on Yea Forums i'd hold your disappointment for now


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Makes sense.
I would love some mesoamerican/eqypt/african stuff next though.

Actually fuck all that I want australia and nz culture both in the same game

what do you mean we need wheat fields? What are talking about horse breeding? Why can't it just be magic? Why do boats need forests cut down?
Yeah they might need some help

As opposed to what, their last six fucking games?

From Software doesn't know how to make games. Should've gone to the Caves of Qud guys desu. Fuck this gay world.

>Fromsoft bout to out-norse god of war

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It's because 1. we play games so fucking much that we have no choice but to deconstruct every minute detail wrong with even the best games. and 2. we know that the game industry is so fucked even with the best of intention you are up against a wall of "oh you want more creative freedom? look what's happened to devs like that in that past, so no. you want better pay and bennies? more time off? but user this is your DREAM! think of how many people want your job in the video game industry?! don't you want to live your DREAM? or do you want to be replaced? so there is no fucking point in trying to make games, the only thing left to do is bitch incessantly and that kind of works anyways as you can see from wow classic actually coming out (a thing which blizzard would have avoided if at all possible).

They're doing a gta style open world with boats and horses. Like cyberpunk 2077 is doing for the future

And your source for those claims is?

Honestly the pantheon in souls was already interesting enough to have a bigger game made so them using actual mythology straight up is either going to be amazing or kind of meh.
Sekiro managed to get buddha in there decent but well see

>Fromsoftware soulslike mounted combat

That shit would have me on board so fast it isn't even funny as long as it isn't severely limited to a specific weapon like sekiro.

Only spears and its just Gyoubus moveset

>Only spears
Jokes on you I like mounted spear combat.

Well good.
I honestly wouldnt mind having a moveset like some of their bosses.
The relentless heavy attacks followed up by the anime style ultra heavy attack is so good , I want to use it on everything because I'm a sucker for big ol slappers


>out of Japan
>doesn't know basic English

where the fuck does it say that?

Look at that fat ugly American. He is everything wrong with modern fiction.

You’re a fucking idiot.

What are you talking about please shut the fuck up this is the dumbest thing I’ve read in ages


Would you rather have game 1 with post game grind or game 2 with more content and new mechanics?
Taking game 1 with post game content means 2 may get delayed to the point that you could have had 3 games in the meantime or shelved entirely when a better monetization method is found

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Get a better system
ps4p and xbx arent high end despite the pricetags

Shit tier setting, hard pass

>norse mythology

Fucking cringe

Upgrade your shit

Going to be a disaster. Their production value team blows. They just learned how voices work when a mouth moves. It's going to look like homeless peoples shit in the San Francisco street next to an open world game like RDR2

>Bandai Namco

My PC is already on the higher end of the spectrum, except for maybe Win7. Is anyone able to play Sekiro or DS3 on Win7 w/o troubles?
On second thought Win7 can't be at fault, my old toaster ran DS3 flawlessly on Win7.

Dark Souls is an open world

Have you ever played either of those things?

I ran das3 just fine with my old and new gpu and sekiro just fine with my new gpu.

>Bandai Namco
Hidetaka Miyazaki and other From Software employees threw so many potshots at them during pre-release of Dark Souls III, I very much doubt there is any validity to this.

>exploring unknown wilderness with your bros
comfy as fuck

Are you using Win7 with your new GPU or Win10?

Win7, CPU from 2014, GPU from 2016. Sekiro runs like a dream.

Pretty sure I had 10 by the time das3 came out
Doesnt seem like it would matter with a souls game though

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It's going to be the same ending you deluded GURM shill


I hope it turns out well. But I'm not sure what they'll actually be doing different. Good on them for branching out, but Sekiro, Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 are ostensibly open world, anyway.

Open world is a meme.



retard. he literally gave them the outline of how it ends. but obviously his will be much better written.

you are fucking retard.

Not a very good one with it's linear corridors

>not turning to pure shit halfway through

he aint even contrarian nobody is satisfied you fucking retard

>open world
>norse mythology
Well, I guess this will be FromSoft's first big blunder. I just hope that these rumors are from those retarded Yea Forums threads and it won't be related to Norse mythology, maybe then I can live with it being open world.

>It's a game about Arya being west of Westeros

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would love that actually.

Does this mean they're not making any DLC for Sekiro? Or is this the B team?

>i have literally only have seen half an episode of GoT and it was the second half of the second to last episode
I am satisfied, there was some neat CGI and I had no idea what was going on so seeing stuff happen was bretty cool

Not having any attachment made all the scenes that clearly had weight to them pretty funny since I literally could not care about these characters any less even if I tried

Just going further, this is a really bizarre choice for them. Look at Sekiro. Between minibosses, between regular bosses, there's platforming, enemy hordes, stealth, and branching paths. A From Software open world game would bosses, bosses, and the hordes, branching paths etc. between them. What do they really hope to achieve? Doesn't seem like it'll play to their strengths at fucking all. RDR2 has so many little mini events, and it has the idiosyncrasy of being in ostensibly one of only two wild west simulators currently available. They've got the production values, and the writing so that RDR2 is a game you can really get lost in between missions. From Software doesn't have the budget of Rockstar. I hope they know what they're doing.

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>muh teams
>surely hackazaki isnt to blame
From has made 2 game at once for a long ass time retard.

The Old Hunters and DS3 had 5-6 months between their releases. They are big enough for both.

From soft can't do that anyway though so they may as well.

And the worst thing is, there was an interview where Miyazaki said he would love to make a game like RDR2 and how he respects it. I can't see it being good but I hope I will be proven wrong.

>all open worlds have to mimic rockstar or they are trash
You are trash

>season 3+4
>based on the books
Pick one.

>Fromsoft says no more bamco after Darskouls 3
>immediately return
LMAO holy fuck


Well their 1st product under activision sucked

If they can have a well designed open world between the dungeons and actually hand crafted DeS/DaS/BB etc areas then sure why not. Horse-riding just makes me think its hueg and padded to fucking hell though. Would 100% guarantee it has generated loot with random stats which would kill the game for me

>tfw you get a sidequest to retrieve Danys corpse from the ocean

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You completely glossed over the meat of my post:
>Between minibosses, between regular bosses, there's platforming, enemy hordes, stealth, and branching paths. A From Software open world game would bosses, bosses, and the hordes, branching paths etc. between them. What do they really hope to achieve?
ALL open world games have "random" encounters (which are really scripted unique events), truly random encounters which can lead to hilarity, a challenge, etc, or just moving from point A to B, getting sidetracked by points C, D, and E and exploring. Sekiro, and I say Sekiro because it's their latest title, ALREADY does this shit. What could they possibly do different in an open world setting? It's baffling that they're doing this.

>ALL open world games have "random" encounters
No they dont retard.
You are why open world games are trash anymore.

>why bother having actual content when you can generate random occurrences from a preset list of encounters
Fuck off
Nothing in sekiro is random either dipshit

They don't have to mimic them but there's definitely a standard when it comes to immersion and producion values that R* has set now that you need to meet or you will look like a bunch of fools with cheap shovelware.

Both work just fine on Win7.


>no Erikson/ FromSoft collaboration
>Game of Soï shit

Except thats not true at all because plenty of games have not even half the detail GTAV has in the story and do fucking great in todays market despite being mediocre in nearly every way

>No they dont retard.
...Please name one that doesn't have
>"random" encounters (which are really scripted unique events), truly random encounters which can lead to hilarity, a challenge, etc

>why bother having actual content when you can generate random occurrences from a preset list of encounters
Why did you bring this up?
>Nothing in sekiro is random either dipshit
>(which are really scripted unique events),
Are you from some third-world country?

Attached: Tucker takes on.gif (392x241, 1.48M)

Rope yourself

>Please name one that doesn't have
Most before the 360 gen when things became mass produced and homogenized as fuck

Isnt' Dark Souls games already open world?

Nice. I hope it's exclusively singleplayer like Sekiro. Fuck multiplayer.

Open World Armored Core sounds fun

Attached: Zoids.jpg (1920x1079, 476K)

All the big fromsoft games are openworld

>Yea Forums

Fallout 1 and 2? GTA games? Can you actually NAME something that doesn't have
>"random" encounters (which are really scripted unique events), truly random encounters which can lead to hilarity, a challenge, etc
Why did you come at me at all if you can't pony the fuck up?
This guy fucking gets it.

Than what's the problem? Why do I get severe frame freezes and stuttering?
>MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC
>Asus RTX 2080
>Ryzen 7 2700X
>32 GB RAM

>>inb4 it's your AMD CPU's fault

>And the worst thing is, there was an interview where Miyazaki said he would love to make a game like RDR2 and how he respects it

If your dev worth a shit, there's a lot to respect about that game though

>inb4 it's your AMD CPU's fault
it probably is that though. zen were designed for workbenches not gaming

>Go big on everything
>Buy an AMD CPU

because those anons play on the lowest settings

It's Bloodborne 2
>It's called Great Rune. What game has runes in it? That's right, Bloodborne. Great Rune is probably temporary name, like Project Beast was
>You can ride a horse. Bloodborne also has horses, for example Ludwig
>There are many kingdoms in the game. Bloodborne mentions several kingdoms, such as Pthumeria or Loran
>Deracine had Bloodborne easter egg, which 100% confirms Bloodborne 2
>The game is supposed to be dark fantasy. Bloodborne is also dark fantasy

How about the TONS of ps2 rpgs there were like drakan? morrowind?
Fucking zelda is open world ffs and static as fuck.

what about hard drive user
also my cpu had some issues between areas randomly but usually it was perfect

>Wander the field at night
>Wolves spawn

>"random" encounters (which are really scripted unique events), truly random encounters which can lead to hilarity, a challenge, etc
Are you from some third-world country?

>ignores all the other examples
>ignores that 99% of the content in zelda is static
>is so retarded he thinks he cant have fun unless its randum
Go back to skyrim

>buying Intel

The biggest redpill in gaming is that FROM makes hard games because they have to squeeze the most out of a tiny budget. If this game does exist, it will most certainly be a multitude of times more expensive than their previous games, and as a result will likely be more casualized.

Attached: hits_pipe.jpg (780x438, 49K)

>what about hard drive user
Samsung 970 EVO NVMe M.2 SSD 2TB

A fakeout into Bloodborne 2 in a Norse setting would unironically be kino, but that would mean it's a PS5 exclusive.

>horse riding

Holy shit they're going to let you charge dragons on horseback with lances and slay them proper.

Absolute kino.

Holy shit dude how are you this fucking moronic. Morrowind even has those fucking birds, which fit into what I'm talking about as a random encounter.

From Software already makes open world games. If they're talking about adding a horse, they'll be making the same game they have been since Demon's Souls, but with longer distances between engagements. Do you not see the issue with this?

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>Wander the field at night
>Wolves spawn
You know thats not random right user?
Those wolfs will always be there every time.
Even BotW isnt random with enemy placement, only tiers and loot are shuffled to scale with you as you get stronger.

I guess gothic is bad now

Fuck I meant to say non-linear games.

>You know thats not random right user?
>"random" encounters (which are really scripted unique events)
Am I going insane? Are all of you from fucking Uzbekistan?

Yeah but the improvements to combat were astounding. Not that they need to be mutually exclusive

>random enemy spawns count as R* style open worlds
Nice goalposts. Does FF count too?

Here was my original post.
>all open worlds have to mimic rockstar or they are trash
>You are trash
This means that its OK to make a game without just copying R* you fucking twit.

>From Software already makes open world games
No shit idiot.
Yeah thats why them just copying R* is the most retarded fucking thing I have heard so far

My settings don't matter, the result is the same.

A recurring enemy in the same place every time is random?

>Yeah thats why them just copying R* is the most retarded fucking thing I have heard so far
...Yes. I agree.
>Nice goalposts.
>"random" encounters (which are really scripted unique events), truly random encounters which can lead to hilarity, a challenge, etc

>This means that its OK to make a game without just copying R* you fucking twit.
Good god, man. You're hopeless. What is to be gained from riding a horse across a landscape from Firelink Shrine, to the Undead Burg? Nothing. That's been my point all along.
I take it quotes mean nothing in your post-Soviet bloc state.


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A recurring enemy that never changes position or anything else is not a random encounter.
I'm sorry you are retarded.

>>You can ride a horse. Bloodborne also has horses, for example Ludwig
jesus christ it's genius born

>I take it quotes mean nothing in your post-Soviet bloc state.

This. Fuck all retards who think it's better to play as a generic committee designed character rather than creating your own themed character to go with your themed build and fashion.
Reminder that the only people who are against character customization are autistic speedrunners who are overwhelmingly trannies as well.

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>What is to be gained from riding a horse across a landscape from Firelink Shrine, to the Undead Burg?
The ability for more "random" encounters for you adhd ass for one.
The ability for areas to actually be different without das3 excuse of smashed kingdoms for two.
The ability for more NPCs to exist with several veillages for three.

>i want this to be random
>but its okay if its never random
Why are you compared a static wolf spawn on a map to R* level of world interactions and variability?

they've all been open world, brainlet

>The ability for more "random" encounters for you adhd ass for one.
But From already does this aaaaaa that's my point.
>The ability for areas to actually be different without das3 excuse of smashed kingdoms for two.
Different how?
>The ability for more NPCs to exist with several veillages for three.
For what? What does Dark Souls gain from a landscape to trek from Firelink Shrine to the Undead Burg, with a town in the center with more NPCs? Crestfallen already serves the role of someone who's had enough with the world. Rhea, Petrus, all the other NPCs have their roles. A few villages of NPCs won't add anything substantial to From's formula.

I've never watched an episode of Game Of Thrones but I sing the tune of the theme song through the word "nigger". Anyone else do the same?

Good. Remember to kys on the way out, triple faggot.

>mosou souls


Your definition of random encounters is being pushed beyond belief as well. To 99% of the world a preset event that occurs with great consistency is not random. Something more akin to R* or Beth games that simply simulate a ton of things moving around a world and how the interact is what most people mean because things are actually random and tons of different outcomes can arise from a multitude of variables like vehicles in gta for instance.

Hardly matters anyways since you'll whine no matter what.
I get it.
You are upset they are making a game that doesnt fit your ideal setting.
>wahh from is stretching their legs and trying things out of their comfort zone this is the worst thing ever with absolutely no benefits to anyone ever
Literally all you sound like.
Good thing I'm done here

>To 99% of the world a preset event that occurs with great consistency is not random
>I take it quotes mean nothing in your post-Soviet bloc state.

>something consistent counts as random
You are literally retarded.
The gnorcs in spyro are not random.

>Good thing I'm done here

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welcome to 4chin
enjoy your stay

user asking the real questions

Are so many people here really from third-world countries, tour guide user?

Its mostly 1st world assclowns who have way too much free time.

Attached: 1397833280799.jpg (567x600, 96K)

First world assclowns seemingly translates to first generation immigrants.

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Thats a funny way to spell incel.

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It really wasnt. Melee was the only fun way to play those games.

>Bloodborne 2 in a Norse setting
There is no way that kind of a change in setting would work.

>all the Sekiro fanboys replying to this post unironically defending a lack of customization
I get that predefined characters can work if properly implemented but that is not the norm.

What's the gif, switch vs pc?

So do you play dark souls specifically to create your character and gather the armor/weapons to make you /fa/ and then start a new game so you can do it again?
Kys, people who actually like video games are talking. Learn how to use blender and make you own models instead of playing with barbies except its dark souls.

pc vs pc

>Even Switch


>but that is not the norm.
So you havent played past From games I take it?

RR Martin is garbage anyway who cares

I really couldnt care at all about sekiros preset face, it wouldnt take anything from the game if you could customize your own character in fact it would be much better.
Customizing the attires would be also 10 tims mor fun adn exploring could be rewarding with at least some items I can actually see make a difference
I love sekiro combat a lot but nobody can tell me these things arent an unnecessary downgrade

Yeah some outfits would have been fucking great.
>defeating the special red samurai dude in burning ashina gives you a ministry outfit
I hope they learned better

If fromsoft ever did proper skyrim/botw tier open world they would absolutely nail it on their first try, it's what they do

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ds1 was open world wasn't it? don't know shit about this martin guy or game of thrones but i'm interested to see the result of a collab with a pretty well-known person like him

Do you think From is the norm for game developers? The replies to that post are talking about how character customization is bad in general and don't even mention From.

multiplayer vs singleplayer game

Fake and gay, they still have to make Sekiro DLC, it’s not happening for at least another year.

It depends on how you define open world. DS1 gave the player some freedom with regards to routes but the transitions and even areas themselves were usually not very open. An open world game might have let you explore Anor Londo as a whole instead of giving you only 1 way to go from the wall to the throne room.

technically all souls games have been dubbed "open world", though really only DaS1 + 2 felt like it.

If there’s character creation I’m def rping Gyobu for this game

active game with more content vs dead game that no one wanted to play after finishing once or twice.

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Yggdrasil is an Eldritch God seeping his roots into the world to cause insanity and chaos, each individual is a tree version of their original self.

It can definitely and easily work.

They kinda forgot about that

Breath of the Wild was already that so if it's like BotW with good bosses I'm sold.

They always make several games at the same time, this new game was being made since at least 2016
also the insider who leaked info about Sekiro confirmed that From is showing new game this E3

>more and more normies play From games
>From want more and more money and makes games easier

this is the end

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Yggdrasil is an Eldritch God seeping his roots into the world to cause insanity and chaos, each individual is a tree version of their original self.

It can definitely and easily work, and this is just a base example.

I love both games, especially BB, but I feel BB really lacks weapon variety at the end of the day, same with armor by comparison to the other titles barring Sekiro.

From has been making their games harder despite getting more popular.

whats with from just copying other games now? copy the japanese samurai/ninja shit from nioh. now copying norse shit from GOW. be original miyazaki

>you get to explore the temple of the many faced god in Braavos.
>you get to explore some of the ancient Targaryen ruins.
>you get to see some of the hideous monstrosities that Qyburn made in King's Landing.
>You get to explore the Stark catacombs.

>calling others normies
stupid zoomer

BotW is an ubisoft game user.

Why are Sekibros so lacking?

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That has nothing to do with the actual Yggdrasil, you just made up an extremely loose connection to somehow justify the switch from a Gothic Victorian setting to Nordic paganism. Your example is like saying that the jungles of Africa would be a logical setting for Dark Souls IV because Africa's folk religions are all about souls and spirits. Bloodborne is closer to Dark Souls and Sekiro in terms of the setting than any of the games are to a viking setting and From thought those 3 were distinct enough to make them into separate games. If a viking game were to happen it would not be a Bloodborne sequel.

this, even years after its release people still go back to darksouls.
Nobody is gonna be playing sekiro years from now, no longevity aspect to a single player game with 1 weapon and no stat level up system and no collectable armor pieces.

Sekiros a 20$ game for less than half the experience of a typical souls game.

The lore of GoT is actually interesting. Don't like any of the writing, though. Needs to be a game where I could explore some of the areas they've visited.

>The lore of GoT is actually interesting
it's garbage.
The lore of ASOIAF on the other hand, is 10/10. And it's definitely what we'll be getting since they went to GRRM, who owns ASOIAF not GoT (owned by HBO). thisi s what Yea Forums zoomer normies don't understand and keep calling it a GOT game.

They are you dumb zoom zoom.

no one besides seething soulsfags on Yea Forums plays old souls games anymore. maybe BB

Honestly this could be great if it's more of a Megaman/SotC inspired game and less of a Skyrim-like normiefest



you are right though. sekiro's replay value is kinda shit. dont have any motivation to go past ng+2 or start a new playthrough. even pure action games like dmc allow shit like outfit changes and different weapons to do runs with.

>project GR
>can ride horse
>open world


all the recent From games are open world dummy. there's a difference between open world and sandbox. open world is just a game like literally any Souls-era Fromsoft title where you can go wherever you want and there are a bunch of different paths, what you are complaining about is the idea that it might be something like skyrim (sandbox) where it's a huge open world autism simulator with bajillions of locations and all kinds of whacky systems, but the game suffers because it's hard to make compelling content for all of such a vast open space

I hope they don't make a sandbox either, I'm waiting another decade before I play another sandbox game. they're just too same-y and limited by today's design, skyrim, witcher, fallout, it's all just a medicore time sink and one you played one you've played them all so fuck sandboxes and fuck jannies, gamers rise up

>drops a fanboy post full of buzzwords
>gets humbled by a post that reminds him of his retardation
>takes off the Yea Forumseddit mask and backtracks to writing readable sentence
invest in brain cell recovery therapy.

dark souls isn't open world, it's linear with some branching paths and few triggered points of no return.


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oh no no no

>playing a game past its experation date
Fucking what does that even mean. Are you seriously this much of a mindless consumer?

>dev started 1 year after bloodborne came out
Did grrm play that and want to work with fromsoft?

Mind if we settle here?

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t. idiot

When games are unironically defined as 'formula' by gamers, you know gaming is dead.

up your standards, fromnigger.



remember that GoT game made by Telltale ?

the first zelda game is considered open world. if that is open world then so is dark souls.

yeah because having two different opinions are completely unheard of. just because sekiro doesnt have replay value doesnt change my original comment that no one besides you seething soulfags play those games anymore and boy are you seething

t. retard

>everyone else is seething
just why could you be obsessed with making it sound like everyone but you is seething
could it be that you're projecting?

You realize that the reason they called this open-world is because they think From's previous games don't qualify as that? You might disagree with that but regardless of where you draw the line between open-world and the opposite, the conclusion is that this game is going to be more open than the things that they have done before.

From made Tenchu back in the 90's, fuck off zoomer.


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the gooks are gonna butcher this and turn it into another fucking kawaai bunny ear schoolgirl pedophile simulator like all those shit MMOs

mark my fucking words. We should have dropped another nuke on the insectoids

try three.
two weren't enough.

Yep, because that's exactly how Souls and Sekiro turned out.

I honestly wonder what trend at FROM made you think this is going to happen.

you ever play armored core?

Game of Souls? A Soul of Ice and Fire?

>making video games instead of finishing the books

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I, like any respectable person, get all my information from /pol/ and Yea Forums twitter screencap threads. Oh, and Mister Metokur too.

go back and look back at the chain of replies and you can see who's seething or has playing dark souls for the 158th time turned you retarded and left you with no ability to read

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelt fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.
Truly the Tolkien of our time. Can't wait for his magic to wreak havoc in Froms games from now on.

you niggers need to stop being so angry.
From since DS makes good and enjoyable games, sure some are not as good as the others but they are good enough.

Keep seething and arguing over nothing while I enjoy playing the new title.


We're here to fix your fucking board

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Based Soulbro

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wasn't there a rumor about the next From game being Norse-themed and focusing on vikings? I'm not much of a GoT guy so I dunno if that's up GRRM's alley or not, but it would explain the abundance of vikings in the DLC for 3 given that From loves hinting at future games via expansions to old ones

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He’ll die of a heart attack before your shitty books are done and there’s nothing you can do about it

Every rumor seems to involve From nowadays. It would be worse if all the rumors are true since that would be a shitton of games and only like, what, a few hundred people in From. Tire yourself out and you'll be shitting out really shit games.

GRRM is actually a perfect fit for Miyazaki's type of lore. East of Westeros there's a lot of creepy Lovecraftian places and myths. The lore is pretty cool, I'd recommend reading it.

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sounds cool, but not all open worlds are the same. Some are large and empty, others like Witcher 3 are nice and comfy. I'd rather have smaller worlds that make me feel like I'm free to do whatever than have Borderlands 2 DLC empty areas full of nothing.

>GoT turning to pure shit halfway through
Ever thought about why?


It turned to shit halfway through because they started diverging from GRRM’s books, retard

i kinda liked witcher 2's semi open world structure.

t. smoothbrain

You've got a good head on your shoulders.

>he likes games
Get out of here.

I'm going to try and actually finish W2 as soon as I get done with Kiwami 2. good god, I've tried 3 times, I just can't get past the first area. idk why.

So this lines up with the Project Rune leak from a few days ago, right?
>3 character classes
>each class plays out a different story
>summon sign multiplayer

first area is a slog to get through, but the game opens up quite a lot when you get to flotsam and can free roam and find quests and shit to uncover the political conspiracies

daily reminder that miyazaki wants to make battle royale too

the golden age died

>melee focused BR game

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>Tanimura directing

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>open-world fantasy game (RPG?) by FROM
Will it be choose-your-own-adventure? Will there be character creation?

Will someone finally take on Bethesda and TES?

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So basically Mordhau?

>when the thread gets derailed by an absolutely abhorrent first or second post
Why do you fags fall for this?

Literally every souls game is open world, including sekiro, and Yea Forums loves it

Bethesda is busy shooting themselves in the foot. There won't even be a new TES until 2025 or so.

The best parts of the Souls games is the closed nit level and level designs. Every pathway leads to some hidden shit or other levels. Shits going to be fucked if they do open world.

ds2 was the best in the series so i’m happy with this

>The open world is bad meme

I remember when the meme was linear games were bad. You cocksuckers will flip flop to hating whatever is popular

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>he doesnt like epilogues

This level of faggotry is simply unprecedented. Never before has anyone seen faggotry so advanced,

Good thing this isn't a Souls game

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They really should expand on hand to hand combat. Imagine being able to do a senpou monk build

nu-souls fans are retarded and do not like anything different

As a Demon's Souls vet I for one welcome our new gameplay systems

oh he writes books, multiple a year in fact. he just doesnt work on asoiaf

>No games about Celtic mythology

Fuck Vikings!

>probably even Switch
Then it's going to be an awfully dumbed down game.

yeah but skyrim has over 25k players.

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go play mabinogi, a comfy af mmo if you can handle the korean animoo graphics from 2003

>I would love some mesoamerican/eqypt/african stuff next though
fucken sjwfaggots trying to force their shitty culture into video games

TES has always been on a 4 year dev cycle. always. maybe they give it an extra year this time due to the backlash they've gotten (they're probably well aware of how hard a new IP is to launch), but usually it's 4 years. During 2018 E3 they said it was still in early pre-production. if we assume this started in Jan 2018, we should expect to see the game in post-post-production around early to mid 2022 and a launch date of late 2022. This is assuming that they stick to the same cycle they've always had. Which may be a poor assumption given how badly they've shit the bed recently.

if Starfield is another flop, which i suspect it will be, then i would bet on a late 2023 release for the game, i don't think it woudl be later than that given how corporate would be desperate to get a big win.

What will be the Tax policies of those kingdoms?

open world games are boring

I would prefer open world to linear games in theory, but it really depends on the game. Open World has become a means to fluff content and make the game appear to be more substantial than it actually is. if it takes 15-20 minutes to walk across the map, that's 15-20 minutes of extra content according to Gearbox.

From the thumbnail I thought this was the bird from Regular Show

would this even work? From when I was playing pubg it seemed like the game was like 95% focused on stealth and sniping, with melee or quake-like combat it seems like the game would turn into a standoff and retreat simulator and break down.

Get a fucking job and have sex, loser.

GDunk RandEgg


>Implying tranny wouldn't want character customization so they can see themselves as the gender they were "born" as.
Let me guess, you're a snoy

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>open world
>viking shit
>written by the fatfuck cuck
Have zero interest in it now.

>hasn't released a single ASOIAF book in over a decade
no excuse
>wrote Sharknado
ABSOLUTELY no excuse.

Most of the map in BOTW is just empty land. You're funny.

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And Sekiro and the Souls/BB are perfect recreations of what they're based on? The point is you can take a well known medium and due a twist on it to make it original and creative.

I'm not saying a Norse game by From would be a BB sequel, I'm saying it is possible however, just as it's possible a Norse game by From could be a Zelda game for all we really know.

It's not ASOIAF it's pretty obvious. It's a new idea and proposal by GRRM with Miyazaki filling in the gaps.

I don't understand why GRRM. He has awful worldbuilding skills.

Does that mean BotW is the Dark Souls of Ubisoft games?

have sex

Outside of demons souls haven't they all been open world?

how does he have awful worldbuilding skills.
Mention 3 objective flaws.

In a way, but not in the way most people consider open world. They're basically seamless levels that give a convincing illusion of an open world, but each area is pretty much it's own large level.

Maybe they learned enough from how to NOT fuck an open world title up from Dark Souls 2.

From have always genre-hopped all over the place and they still make good games most of the time so I'm willing to give it a shot.

But that's what From have been doing the last 10 years

>not actually ASoIaF

And here I was hoping we'd finally get a good Ice and Fire game.


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>we're stuck making these samey games
>lets try something new
good fuck all souls shitters for wanting the same mediocre game over and over again
they should make a new armored core

The books are never getting fucking finished.

Character creation is a meme in Souls games.

That doesn't stop them from groveling afterwards to have their game published. They have some talent, but they're so fucking lazy and code like fucking programming bachelors, it's a nightmare to work with them.

From makes trash games for the masses who don't want to think. Perfect for the generic fantasy schlock of grum.

can you make the final boss have a bout of retardation and not kill me when I'm in his grasp at 1hp?

>so all platforms
like it's a bad thing?

>just get the greatest fantasy writer of the generation to write your video game bro
How does he fucking do it lads?

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>tfw miyazaki has been ripping off GRRM
the entire time

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GRRM doesn't have characters that can magically light shit on fire at a whim. Thoros in the books lights his blade on fire with widlfire coating and disposes of each blade afterwards because they become too damaged. I don't even recall Beric using that technique at all in the books.

>playing a game past its experation date?
how old are you?

have sex

Another fucking rehash

>believing any leak ever
How can people do this
Yeah GoT was 109% accurate, but even then - that's amid a field of 0% accuracy bullshit

No it wasn’t. I’d like to pick my equipment and skills but I don’t need to be able to make a le wacky blue skinned goblin or try to recreate mai waifu

>t. started with dark souls

lame. I'm just a Yea Forums fag and Beric was one of my fav characters. Too bad they leave the lord of light shit open ended.

Is this why sekiro felt so lacking compared to the other from games? It could have been just a side project while they were working on this which sounds like a much bigger game?

>is set in the Norse world, exploring Norse mythology and all its dark legends.
santa monica studios getting btfo by martin&miyazaki

GRRM has already said that he consulted on a video game from Japan, way after this rumor started. It's basically confirmed.

They were, at least broadly. They were continuing with original content but some of it was still okay although not as good as season 2's OC (with Tywin). I think season 5 was when they finally passed the books for good so they couldn't borrow decent dialogue.

>who can"t stop playing a game past its experation date?

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*action game
Déraciné was their best since Dark Souls


Sekiro objectively has far more content than any Souls game. It just isn't multiplayer so there are no mouthbreathers to infinitely replay it for shitty PvP with shitty netcode.
No amount of seething from you PvP cucklets will ever change the fact that Sekiro is so far their best game and completely shat on Souls games. Which means From will never go back to making Souls games because they are all about evolving and making better games than before.

Deracine is a totally unremarkable adventure game.

The hilarious thing is you are the same person, posting that same image in every single thread, multiple times a day. How are you so eternally asspained by Sekiro, a single player game being their greatest success? Why not be happy that they improved and made a better game once again?
Everyone knows metascore gets review bombed by seething fanboys like you. Only Steam reviews matter.

>Sekiro is so far their best game and completely shat on Souls games

Sekirofags are truly another breed. All the ego of Soulsfags but with insane levels of delusion.

>Sekiro is so far their best game and completely shat on Souls games
How do you explain this then ? Also I think the replayability of Souls comes from the different builds you can use rather than the pvp.

why does everyone care about walmart lord of the rings

normies must die

It's an action game for people who don't like real action games. It's a RPG for people who don't like real RPG. It's "about the setting" for people with shit taste.

Based on what we know, it'll be an open world game where you travel between the different worlds (realms) of Norse mythology. These could be the "nine", i.e. Ásgarðr, Vanaheimr, Álfheimr, Miðgarðr, Jötunheimr, Múspellsheimr, Svartálfaheimr, Niflheimr, Niðavellir.
So worlds/realms with frost giants, dark elves, dwarves, etc.
Honestly sounds kino as fuck. Remember, the name of the game is "Great Rune", and runes are very important in Norse mythology. Take this quote from the poetic Edda:
>Vafthruthnir spake:
>"Of the runes of the gods and the giants' race
>The truth indeed can I tell,
>(For to every world have I won;)
>To nine worlds came I, to Niflhel beneath,
>The home where dead men dwell.

This sounds like a massive undertaking with their biggest budget yet, so honestly I'm excited. Sure, open world is shit more often than not, but when it's done right it can be great. I'm cautiously optimistic.

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I am so over the open-world meme

Zoomzoom sit down

I don't keep up with Fromsoft shit, can someone who does explain how the fuck Miyazaki directs so many games at once? He was from BB (2015) to DS3 (2016) to Sekiro (2019) to now this project (2020?).

Open world Armored Core or no buy

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>Norse setting
>Open World
>Pre-set playable characters

Literally all those things are anti-hype.

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>you travel between the different worlds (realms)
I think it will be more like traveling around different kingdoms hunting for the missing knights like in that leak. Also remember this is not an adaptation of Norse mythology, it's just being used as a setting. They might throw in a realm to two for fun but I doubt you'll be visiting all of them.

Its you who is delusional. Souls games are great but compared to Sekiro, holy shit do they fucking SUCK compared to it.
You literally replied to a fucking post explaining it, are you mentally retarded? One is a multiplayer game, the other a single player game. I should not need to explain this any further, if I do then just do us a favor and end your life now.
>Also I think the replayability of Souls comes from the different builds you can use
Not a single build nor all of them combined in Souls is anywhere near as cool or good gameplay than Sekiros combat.

Also, reminder that Sekiro is their best selling game. It sold more than DS3 which was the previous bestseller, even though DS3 sold 3 million in 3 years, Sekiro passed that in under 2 months.

>Demon’s Souls
>Dark Souls
>Gr____ Souls?
The game will have kings and it’s an open world game so there will probably be fields.
Maybe it’s King’s Field V?

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>You literally replied to a fucking post explaining it
And the post you replied to explained why that explanation was wrong. The 10k people playing Souls are not doing it for the janky multiplayer, they do it because they can try out different builds. If multiplayer in a From game was such a big deal Sekiro would be dead because it doesn't have any and yet people are still doing their 2nd or 3rd playthroughs.
>reminder that Sekiro is their best selling game
People buy games before they play them. A more relevant metric is how many people completed the game and how many still go back to it after that. When Sekiro loses more players in 2 months than Dark Souls 3 does in 3 years there's something going on there beyond the pvp meme.

why would you use BB for this? no one plays that shit anymore cos there's no real customization either

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>microsoft e3
why does xbox want to be playstation so much?

>holy shit do they fucking SUCK compared to it.

Nice hyperbole. What are the objective upgrades to the gameplay systems? unblockables? A jump button? Big deal.
Even ignoring the gameplay adjustments (most of which are simply side-grades and would not fit into a Souls universe by design) all non-combat related aspects are a massive step down. It's easier to just admit you like Sekiro a lot, than to push the idea that it's this revolutionary thing that BTFOs everything.

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It's Armored Core but in a fantasy setting. The mechs are ancient magic machines.

This but don't ever expect people on the internet to think past the initial outrage of poor terminology

Bro only 2 of those things are facts


Wait wow wow wow, why does none of them have a sword?

explain why fatso

yes quantity over quality is always the way to go my dude

Hard to do so when you've only watched an episode and a half, retard. It's almost as though you're supposed to watch them grow ?

Season 1-4 are gold and it only gets shit after that.

>reminder that Sekiro is their best selling game

>sekiro is selling alot faster
ok now where here does it say it sold more total than other games and it's their best selling game?

>Expiration date
Fuck you corporate shill

Nice strawman

>even though DS3 sold 3 million in 3 years
this retarded nigger didn't read his own source
>Dark Souls 3 - 3 million copies sold 2-3 months
Lo and behold and take a good gaze, everyone. This is your average delusional activision shill and fagiro nigger.
I'm so glad I'm not a blindsided newcomer to fromsoftware games that I actually think DS3 sales amount to only 3 million units since release. Go be delusional elsewhere. Your game is literally forgotten 1 month into release.

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Kys please


Why do people people hate sekiro so much when it was literally Fromsoftwares best work and they even addressed and fixed all the shit that plagued their previous games?

It's just few people on Yea Forums hating it.

>they even addressed and fixed all the shit that plagued their previous games?
yup like having character development or not being set in yet another copy paste muh samurai katena setting
they sure fixed the hell out of it...

Mainly just came from people wanting another soulsborne game. No character creator, no classes or builds, just one sword, barely any spells, no pvp or coop, etc...

Bitches just wanted another Dark Souls.

please let this be a fake image

Dark Souls was open world, retard.

>People thinking Fromsoft Open World means Bethesda Open World
All it means is there will be no loading screens between areas. The game will still be linear as fuck.
See Dark Souls, with its corridor world design

Character customization is important for world/lore immersion.
I never self inserted myself but everytime I start a new DS playthrough I make sure my character has a backstory and his own reason to be fighting.
In Sekiro you were forced to play as some dumbass almost silent protagonist that adds literally nothing to the game. So yeah, either make a decent protagonist for once or include a character customization so I can build the character myself.


>Dark Souls, with its corridor world design
I think you're referring to DS3.

>Norse setting is anti-hype

Have you hugged your bodypillow today faggot?

>game lets you go down the dark path
>gives you awesome dragon powers if you do


Attached: dragon queen.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

it would be good if it was norse setting
but it will be norse MYTHOLOGY setting, i.e. we have to endure the same ragnarok, ygdrasil, odin, loki bullshit that has already been rehashed in so many games and other media

There is still magic in the books with the lord of light, it's always just more subtle than catching shit randomly on fire (except the shadow baby which is probably the most blatant and un-subtle use of magic in the books aside from the birth of Dany's dragons).

Name three games in the past 10 years that were in any way popular that isn't god of war 4.

That said, i doubt there will be norse gods, rather norse inspired characters/creatures. It's a fromsoft game, they invented shit up when they made their nippon game which was set in actual nippon.