Remember demo discs?
Remember demo discs?
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PCGamer was the shit for it's demo discs. I tried so many games and bought a ton of them
remember demos?
Yes. I still want to play the full C-12 Final Resistance game.
I heard the reason they stopped demo disc's was because sales would go down on the game.... That true?
They stopped because once PS3/360 hit the scene everyone would just rather download their demos.
Remember this
I sure do.
They stopped demos because they didnt want to show you how shit their game was. Why else would we have fucking embargos on reviews that dont lift until after the initial sales rush?
They stopped doing demo discs because you could download demos for free off of PS Store. Now you have to jump through multiple hoops to play """"early access open/closed alpha/betas""""
does anyone remember a action platformer game on one of these that was like conker (as you were a furry) but a swordfighter, and on a pirate ship or cove?
Not quite.
Jewish devs just figured out that if their game is shit, and the demo proves this, people really won't buy their trash.
On the flip side, if the demo was "too good", some players might settle down with that free, bite-size sample.
There's also the tiny, way more rare risk of the demo giving unrealistically negative view on the final game.
All in all, it's just yet another phenomenon of the increasingly greedy triple-A industry trying to minimize criticism and money losses, by practically forcing people to buy their games in order to "test" them. It's evolved to the point hat some studioes (ie. Bethesda) no longer issue pre-release review copies even.
Summoner 2?
I *had* this.
Wish I'd held on to it...
>Got a demo disk that had Star Wars Battlefront on it
>Pop it into PS2 and play with friends
>Pause right before you win and restart the match so you don't have to sit and wait for the no skipping commercials that the demo has
i played easily 50+ hours of what i assume to be the first chapter of Jade Cocoon but never played the full game.
Why would an August 2001 PS1 demo disk have that old stuff on it? Why would there even be one like a year after the PS2 released?
Is it this? I have the demo too.
It was to coincide with the release of that shitty Final Fantasy movie.
>Summoner 2?
not quite, I'm pretty sure it was on the PS1 but never knew if they actually published the full game
Yes, and later I remember getting my mom mad for downloading demos for the 360 which caused us to go over our bandwidth cap.
>On the flip side, if the demo was "too good", some players might settle down with that free, bite-size sample.
that's exactly what he just said. you just worded it differently.
>does anyone remember a action platformer game on one of these that was like conker (as you were a furry) but a swordfighter, and on a pirate ship or cove?
Kingsley's Adventure?
Loved that game!
PS1 was popular AF long after PS2 arrived. Which was actually only back in late 2001 in some countries. Plus PS2 really had nogaems during launch, so that backwards compatibility was a god-sent feature.
>tfw you're old enough to remember n gage memes on Yea Forums back in 2004
Kingsley’s adventure?
>that's exactly what he just said.
Yes and no. There's multiple reasons why demos could "lower sales", and I listed practically all of them.
Shitty devs and publishers fear that players can smell their bullshit before the game's even outthanks to the demo. When it comes to "2gud" demos, the closest thing I can really think of would be Wolf3D's and DooM's shareware releases... but that phenomenon died out quickly.
Best demo comin through
Nah mate but appreciate the effort
This is definately the one, thank you so much bros. man I just remember the draw distance freaking me out as a kid
>You mean you actually BOUGHT an N-Gage??
Hell no. Mobile phone gaming has always been trash
The guys who ran OPM were huge Square fans and always gave it promotion whenever a new game came out.
>he bought
Remember playing a few PS2 demos, like Taz Wanted, Ecco, and Beyond Good and Evil, but there was one isometric-looking game that I never figured out the name of. Looked like a puzzle game. The rooms it was set in looked kind of dark and there was something to do with a ladder or something similar. Been wondering what kinda game that might've been and whether it was good.
jack chan adventures
If I'm remembering right....
All Star Trek and X-Men games are FOR THE NGAGE
Remember when they thought State of Emergency was going to be good?
As someone who used to play a lot of demos of games I rarely ever bought games that I played a demo of. Even if I really liked the game's demo I would usually just try and squeeze as much fun out of the demo as I possibly could before moving on to something else. I only had the money to buy like one game a month max, so if I was going to buy a game I wanted to buy something I hadn't played before.
21 years ago...
Such a bizarre mentality.
To me, demos were always the appetizers for the real thing before they were out or I could purchase them. I sure squeezed everything I could out of demos too, especially the great ones like SH1 & 2, MGS2, FEAR ... etc, but the curiosity to see what's beyond the confined demo area was always strong.
This. They don't do them anymore because they know how garbage games are these days.
Christ my generation opened pandoras box
I'm so sorry frens
I thought it was pretty damn good actually. It reminds me of something that sega would do because of how arcade'y it was.
Resident Evil 7 had one
Demo discs specifically? No, that would be because downloads are far simpler logistically.
That's because you were poor. Demo discs were accessible to, but not really intended for you. Paranoid devs are worried their bad game will be exposed by demo. But contrarily, an unknown game can gain more sales from a good demo.
Someone help me find this game that was on a PS1 demo disc. I’ve searched for years and can’t find it. Best way I can describe it
>third person
>you were in an office space, could break the computers
>I remember punching a soda machine caused one to roll out
>I think I remember a helipad at some point
>you may have had some type of red whip weapon, but I am not sure
Please someone help me. I know it was on a demo disc
Remember action replay dvds?
>simpsons hit & run demo
>twisted metal black demo
>couch multiplayer demos in general
Good times.
Demos are 100% useless now that you can just play the game for 2 hours and refund it if you think is shit.
For once the industry moved in the right direction
>inb4 no soul
>play demo
>dont need to buy the shit in the first place and dont inflate sales for a shit game
The only reason you wouldn't think this was better is if you have a financial stake in sales numbers. Or you're a cuck for corporate
You only kept 5?
>rent expensive digital distribution of a game
>download 30 gigawatts of data
>the game is shit; get rent money back
>Caring about inflating sales numbers
On the other hand, consider that making a demo requires actual effort and Dev times, including maintaining 2 different builds and stuff. Now that time and effort can be spent on adding more paid cosmetic items and you can play literally the full game to "try" it out
The Final Resistance or Syphon Filter. All I can remember.
>having a data cap
The absolute state of third-worlders
Gotta agree. That's why there're so few demos these days. Devs/pubs are scared as fuck. lmao.
They stopped because people would just rip open the plastic bags the magazines were in and take the disks
data cap or a slow connection
you decide
Remember when games were actually games not demos sold for full price with microtransactions/DLC to add shit later
>seeking to beat sephiroth?
>purchase more materia slots, $1.99 per slot
>need more gil for potions? for $4.99 you get a bucketful (2,500) gil! best value!
Ff7's PC port already does that for free
Talking about demos, guys, did most ps1 demos came in like 98-01? because I have
Like 30 demo Discs and all of them are from that time, especially the year 2000
Pretty much, that's when they really started being a thing.
I remember that FF7 demo disc. I tried to install it on the computers at school and didn't work, then the teacher said that I broke the computer.
European demo menus were way cooler especially uk
I remember the only demo disc worth a damn.
The one with L.A.P.D Future Cop on it.
where my yuros at
Fighting Force 2?
Euro demos were Fucking sick desu
I feel so sorry for people Who did not experience ps1 and need to cope its insane the variety there was to choose like this game, very creative times... Love Kula World
i remember having the silent hill 1 school segment on a demo disc but i didnt know that you could avoid enemies by turning off you light and got attacked constantly.
Part of it is because many games go for "early access" instead of demos, so you pay up front for that pre-release experience. Done right, early access can mean getting a preview of the experience while having an easy or potentially cheaper way into the full game once it's out, but most devs are lazy and end up not changing much between EA and version 1.0.
Also, there's not as much need to do demos now when you can just seed out beta previews to the press and popular streamers.
God this is such a shitty flash
I asked for one... Got a gba sp instead
Sojnds like dues ex but thats not on ps1
Nah, retailers would simply put magazines with demo discs in plain view of the cashier for this reason. I never found a mag with missing demo disc at the shops where I bought them.
>you now remember Coconut Monkey
Those menus were a work of art.
Miss going into Tesco, picking up OPSM and ultimately going home to play the same demo of MGS2 over and over again in like 2001.
i do. unrelated but i also remember a PSX porn disc that circled around in the classroom. it was like 1999 or 2000, can't quite recall. no idea if it was a bootleg or licensed, it was too long ago. i had no luck googling for ``PSX porn disc``, which is a shame since i really wanted to find and watch the movie again. it was a legit full length porno with some cute girls.
Remember games with demos on them?
I remember r&c 3 having that sly 2 demo that you could only knew about if you read the manual.
Pretty neat stuff there
>Dat music
God. I feel so old.
Anyone else play the demo of this? I was up late tonight trying to remember what it was. Weird that this thread exists
Played it with a friend very recently, voice acting is absolutely so bad that its amazing tier, I urge you to rewatch the intro
I own a copy of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater for this bad boy.
I always think of this scene when someone brings up the N-Gage. Really was too advanced for its time.
One of the first ps2 games I got. I loved this game, and so does my bro.
>double helix
I still think about this shitty flash time to time.
I think extra credits/z did an episode on demos and found that 8 out of 9 times it's a net negative to release one.
>>third person
>>you were in an office space, could break the computers
>>I remember punching a soda machine caused one to roll out
>>I think I remember a helipad at some point
>>you may have had some type of red whip weapon, but I am not sure
Sounds like Fighting Force 2
Does anyone remember the name of that game where you drive a tank around a film set? It had a demo on one of those PS2 disks
I still like the idea of demos even if they're obsolete. Imagine a subscription service that'd get you 7 demos every month. Would be good if you're a more casual gamer who doesn't keep up with anything except the flavor of the month and want a variety of games to play.
The demo disc that came with Vagrant Story had a great prelude remix
If I recall correctly, that claim stems from EA. they stated this at some point during the end of the PS2 gen or the early PS3/360 gen. Something along the lines of "demos don't sell games".
Remember when a demo disk killed your memory card? He was a good friend.
>love is perhaps the most powerful emotion but it's never used
god I am so sick of forced romance is things
not too bad in video games but in films especially, the industry can barely go more than ONE product without slipping an arbitrary romance into things and it's starting to annoy me
I shouldn't be able to look at a game/movie/tvshow and instantly go "yep that's the love interest", cue them hooking up with the MC for basically no reason
fuck outta here, people do things for more than love
even when people HAVE motivations they try to squeeze love into the mix
do normies really eat this shit up so hard?
No, mom wouldn't let me have a playstation until 2
PS2 had demo discs too.
>tfw all but one of those games ended up being pretty good
That would never happen today if you select 10 games
Net Yaroze games were fucking weird, man. Were't those basically the "indie" titles of that time?
thanks to it I became an Ape Escape fan
Replayed a demo of this to death, honestly until I pirated my psx almost all I played were demos, GTA felt like the full game.
Still have my DemoOne with the t-rex and manta ray models.
I miss when Playstation went hand-in-hand with rave.
Ooh, I 'member!
>or those "girlfriend simulators" from japan
I guess some things never change
It wasn't? I remember having a lot of fun with it.
>had Tombi on demo
>played the shit out of it
>could never find it for sale in stores anywhere
>decide to buy it on the PSN as an adult
>turns out the game takes a huge fucking dive in quality after the demo ends
I don't know how anyone likes that game at all. It was genuinely one of the worst I've ever played.
PS+ IGC is kinda like that.
Well if I had the option I would still prefer the Demo Discs from PS2 Era with around 10-20 games on them.
But that is simply for 2 reasons:
>Shit internet in mountainous regions of Austria.
>takes less time to just insert a disc than downloading the whole game and going through the refund procedure
it's either syphon filter 1 or 2
I played a demo of this and fucking loved it.
>tfw those good old times will never come back and you will never be that carefree in your life again
Homebrew is the more accurate term
Also nostalgia bomb for us Euros
>that one ps1 demo disc with macross, jade cacoon and omega boost
good shit
they add in romance for the women, thats why they shoehorn-in romance and drama to all sci-fis, the men just want to see spaceships and shit, but women cant relate to that
You wanna jam? I wanna jam.
ahhh the memories
Perfect thread, anyone help me remember a old weird ass game? it was a third person high up camera view fighter where you ran around on the ground underneath and spammed magic at each other. not sure if ps1 or ps2.
>Hey, Dave! This guy actually bought an N-Gage!
I have that exact demo disk lying around at my parents' house, fuck I enjoyed dicking around in all my ps1 and dreamcast demo cds. I spent more time playing some game demos than actually playing their respective games after I bought them.
Why aren't demos a thing anymore?
If demos were available, I'd know how well my pc runs a game before I waste money on it
Why does this disc say "47" on it?
They're hosted on a website called pirate bay
The actual main reason (I believe) the other anons didnt mention is that final fantasy chronicles released around that time.
No. What are they? Some Early Access shit?
damn bitch that MIGHT be it. very close to how it looked.
Its the number of the demo disc
I need your help. I played a game on a demo disk but I don’t remember it. It was on a killzone demo disk. It was like a platformer or something where you use cameras to attack each other.
best game me and my brother ever got off a demo disc was Unholy War, or maybe tomb raider 2. Unholy War was the fucking shit for multiplayer. The piranha dude or the helicopter were the boss.
Anyone else played a demo so many times that it almost feels like you played the full game?
I remember doing this with at least Crash Team Racing, Destrega and Evil Zone.
damn, i forgot the image
There are 46 others?
steam has demos on a fuckton of games on the store page.
This, and plenty of games have demos on consoles too.
I have no idea what the absolute fuck that guy is smoking. Nostalgiafags literally close their eyes and ignore the present just so they can say "Why can't things be like the old days?"
I remember euro demo discs being more than 100.
Demos back then were essential,in these days you can just pirate or look at 50 different types of media to decide if a game is worth buying.
There was that dumb as fuck Halo:CE video thing on a demo disc that frustrated me to no end. It was some weirdly scripted story with terrible random voice actors, showing things that weren't in the game at all. I spent years wondering if all thats how the PC version was and if I was just getting fucked over for having the console version.
Think that same disc might have had a demo for Blizzards 'Ghost' game as well. Still disappointed that got canned.
this is the best demo disc ever fite me
I remember thinking of what a perfect union electronics were becoming. Everyone’s MP3 player, cell phone and gameboy were merging into one. I was excited that, since in a few years, EVERYONE would have a console in their pocket! Think of the amazing games we’d all have to play if the audience for games grew exponentially!
I was right, but so very wrong.
I remember a cd that was half demo and half strategy guide (I got Twisted metal 2 cheat codes through it) that even had some demos of japanese games.
Anyone remember its name?
True, but even if there wasn't piracy, there's still a fuckton of demos.
Does anyone remember a game from a PS1 demo disc where you fought half snake women? That's literally all I remember about it and I've never been able to find it again
DoVG has aged like wine
This demo was like beta version of the full game
>PS1/PS2 demo disk
>sick ass menus with nice music and extras like save files and trailers
>PS3 demo disk
>literally just an XMB listing with some generic background to install the games from
At least the PSVR Demo Disks had a nice menu with little dioramas for each game.
And then 4 and 5 came along and made you pay for the demos (2 demos in the case of 5)
Scratch that, 3 also had a demo version.
Ahh this pizza's takin' me back...
What game is that at 1:28 on the first video? Looks like Freelancer kinda.
i still have mine!
I love the powerline demos
remember demon dicks?
You idiots think 2-3 hours is enough time to truly test a game if its worth a damn? specially how bloated and tedious and unstable games are nowadays?
maybe Steam should update to 5 hours of gameplay as the limit, no matter what garbage retards like ReviewTechUSA might said.
Or, you know, you could just click the install demo button on the Steam page.
The industry got broken