Let's continue yesterday's thread.
How are you going to play it?
What will be your stats and story?
Male or female?
No /pol/ shitpost, please.
Let's continue yesterday's thread.
How are you going to play it?
What will be your stats and story?
Male or female?
No /pol/ shitpost, please.
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing as any gender but female
I seriously hope you fags aren't planning on playing males.
>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.
>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.
I'm going to do an Alex Jones run first time around - full human (or as human as I'm able to be)
Do you have a point?
If the character creator is good (from the looks of this screenshot, it isn't) then I'll do the first playthrough as myself and then a second playthrough as a female if it's replayable to me. Not sure what roles are in the game but I'll probably try being a Solo or a Nomad if it's possible
This is what I will go for, sad fuck that goes wick in time of need.
Female seems gey as fuck. Would rather play as a chad, desu. Less distracting and more kino. Playing as a girl is only ever cool when the game is chill about it, like Mirror's Edge or Metroid or something. Or if you're just some blank slate fag like in Dark Souls or TES.
>skin tone
Thank god that I'll be able to use default face and make her black goddess
>play chad
>get assfucked
Can't wait for Chapter 4. I hope Charon will get more action scenes.
>No /pol/ shitpost, please
>more kino
Since V's origin is free for the player to make I'm going to rp as Max Payne after the second game (not the secret ending), who was cyrogenocly frozen and shipped to Night City to be put in a museum exhibit on the early 00s. He thawed out moments before he could be put into the exhibit and now has to adjust to his new life in the future, to finally start a new beginning.
Look at previous thread
maximum cyborg
>look at thing which is no longer present unless you go to the archive
you are literally CAUSING shitposting by mentioning it when it's not present dumbass
you are literally fucking asking for it
You are the one who triggered by it right now famalan
i dont even know the options man
so you can choose to be full human vs a degenerate farm of implants?
>Male Solo
>Maximum Cool
>Balanced other stats
Can anything compare to Solo? Why would you not be a Solo?
No, just a /pol/ shitpost
Nomads would unironically be the most kino role if the layout of the map isn't shitty. You could basically recreate Akira
>I don't want shitposting
>haha le triggered
the point
your head
Listen here, cdpr shills: no classic beauty option, no buy.
I'm not OP btw
But yeah, u mad
>I'm not OP btw
I was expecting this copout
shut up fag and just talk about the game and stop trying to derail the thread
What an idiot
yep, guessed correctly, it is OP
what does cool even do
Yeap, it's retarded
it's funny to see you continue to prove my point
stay seething lol, i'm out
>How are you going to play it?
fully augmented or close to it
>What will be your stats and story?
not sure, too soon to tell, but i would like to be able to work with max tac or trauma team even though you cannot join their factions
>Male or female?
>/pol/ dindunuffin
kill yourself or go back to your containment board.
Sure thing triggered /pol/tard
made me chuckle, nice one
Section 9 style
>food analogy
You made my day.
why yes i do play a lawful evil female, what gave it away?
My main worry comes from the voiced protag seriously limiting both your dialogue and RP options. It's giving me Fallout 4 vibes.
you can't fuck women you can only get fucked by men
Twisting words faggot.
You can get in bed with any gender as any gender.
You arent forced,ESL retard
>playing as a THOT
Actually my character is going to be a lesbian who has never even seen a penis before, and there's nothing that you can do to stop me.
why haven't they shown male v fucking women
What's the point of having a protag that looks like a cockslut when it isn't a porn game? It will just be distracting.
who took the photo
why was he in that compromising position
why were they in a dark bathroom
fuck off roastie
does ths screenshot look fake to anyone else?
a what?
your faggotry
no, why? we've seen the character creation screen before
Will play as a corpo sellout merc who occasionally has twinges of dissonance that he stamps down by doling out low level street justice and bedding his female superiors.
because of sjw
>In this demo at least
>so we can show different kinds of relationships
Translation: for the purposes of this demo, we made this scene the way it is to show players can engage in various relationships, but players will be able to choose for themselves when they get to play the game.
Reading comprehension is quite useful, you should try it.
To my knowledge they've only released two pieces of media to the public, so their opportunities have been limited. Did you expect them to show two bedding scenes in the same gameplay demo?
>Implying this games role playing elements will be as in depth as some people in this thread think it will be
You are all so naive
>fully augmented or close to it
same, i want to go as close to fully chromed out, full cyber psychosis mode as possible, and spec into a melee/tank build that uses a shitload of meds and is basically a junkie.
as far as alliances go i'll work for anyone who pays the most and will double cross my employers for a bigger payout every time(expensive habits and i need my fix).
still not sure on male/female but leaning toward male
it means cd projekt red is encouraging you to have gay sex, with men
the smell of semen on your breath
is kusanagi lawful god, or lawful neutral?
>stats and story
Does anyone here actually believe it won't be an on rails experience that just has you progressing in a single line?
holy shit
But do we get hajime levels of robo waifu?
Go push your sõy pill somewhere else.
what class WOULD you have played as if they added the other class options
>can't play as a corporate shill
>can't max COOL and stand next to a water cooler
can't play as a female and seduce your female boss
Yeah but can I slap a meaty dick on my female character.
I'd basically be roleplaying as Louis Bloom from Nightcrawler. A sociopath who manipulates and uses others to advance in life.
Like up your ass perhaps? Very kinky, user.
no but I can slap my fat dick on your female character if you want
The only roleplay for Yea Forumseddit is being able kill to quest givers, looking at your waifus ass and being mute, peoples roleplay here is as shallow as you can get, yet expect cdpr to make second life sim
Imagination can take you far
>playing as a female in a first person shooter
Why? You can't even use the "guy's ass" meme explanation.
thats a meme explanation because your choice of character really shouldn't need to be explained beyond "i felt like it."
>he likes the voice of a male
>he likes male fashion
>he wants to hear manly grunts when getting hit instead of female ones that come close to moaning
>getting hit
Fucking casuals
>group of thugs blocking elevator to objective
>take a fat hit from coresna cough
>dive out of the corner
It's all I know.
truly fallout on easy mode
Based as all hell.
probably stealth archer
If I can’t role play as a cyberpunk motorcycle gang member I’m gonna FREAK
*grunts while climbing*
>pssh... nothin homosexual
So, does the character always wear that kind of outfit or is that just a default costume?
I did hear you can ride motorcycles in it at least.
>cyberpunk motorcycle gang
reminder that Akira is NOT cyberpunk
default clothes dude, you not watch the gameplay footage? the jacket is actually armour of a sort.
what is it?
they say theres customization. but im guessing its gonna be variations of the same outfit
The mental gymnastics of you trannies is astounding.
i want my toon to have ass like this
>being this insecure
you should come out of the closet, I don't think you'll be able to lie to yourself for long
its cosplay
I dunno, looks like a whole system of gear potentially, though the screen is a wip.
>i lost the argument
>better call him a tranny
based retard
You anime fags are such sex-starved degenerates that it's all you think about. Go outside.
it has elements of psychopunk and biopunk and scifi
Why are you associating my arguments with sex?
Are you retarded? Maybe you are the sex-crazed one with the projecting you do.
Either play a female V who has blonde hair and whose backstory centers around losing her little brother during their childhood or literally just RP as Reigen to pass all the speech checks
Dude you want to be a woman despite the fact that you're a dude and your only reasoning is a voice. You're suffering from gender dysphoria but are in complete denial. It's sad.
You are responding to the wrong guy but holyshit you just made up the most retarded armchair psychology response someone can do regarding an ironic post.
It will never cease to amaze me how serious you guys get when it comes to tranny and homo shit, almost like you want to defend it as well as name it so it's ever present. Fucking kek'd.
>Dude you want to be a woman despite the fact that you're a dude
This projecting, my sides.
>Dude you want to fuck men despite the fact that you're a dude and your only reasoning is a voice. You're suffering from homosexuality but are in complete denial. It's sad.
see? I can use your retarded arguments as well ;)
You're the only person who brought up fucking, dipshit. Everything doesn't revolve around sex. You wanting to be a woman in a game for completely sexual reasons is clearly a sign of degeneracy. Seek help.
>You wanting to be a woman in a game for completely sexual reasons is clearly a sign of degeneracy
this is correct.
glad you changed your argument because you realized how retarded you were being.
we're all buying it on GOG right?
Gender dysphoria is degeneracy. Seek help tranny before you chop your dick off.
>doubles down on retardation
based retard
depends on the VA if there is one. Played female for Mass Effect and Rage 2 cause the female va was better than the male va, but male in most everything else.
this is also correct.
but one has nothing to do with the other. hence youre a retard
>akira is cyberpunk
This meme will never die will it
Probably a creepy guy with lots of melee weapons for 1st play. Techgirl for 2nd.
I'm going to roleplay Rob Schneider as the unlikely janitor who accidentally stumbled into leading a revolution.
>creepy guy
you cant choose personality
>see stocks and screen
>send thugs ocasionally
Sounds boring.
>I woke up to the mother of all headaches and a cold worse than a Siberian winter. When I finally came to my senses I was mortified to find myself greeted by what looked like the welcoming committee for some seedy S&M club. There I was at the center of the room, shaking at the knees and thawing like a refrigerated TV dinner. I was sticking out like a whore at a monastery. There was no time to make sense of the present, I needed to leave this freak show fast before I became the main attraction. I hobbled my way outside, some fresh air would do me good I thought as I was hit by a wave of exhaust as the backroom door swung open. In a nightmare, every choice you make is a wrong one, and I had just escaped one hell only to find myself in another kind of hell, the kind that makes you want to blow your head off. I was the punchline of a cruel practical joke, a miscast extra on a science fiction set. The world was getting too surreal, too fast for comfort and I needed a bottle, badly - to make sense of it...
Yes, GoG-chan gives you the game free but im a good boy for games like this.
Gonna make a ciri charachter and pretend itbis what happend while she hid from the wild hunt before the events of witcher 3
learn your lore faggot. in fact read the image. they arent the same as real-life busniessmen
Great job, user
>How are you going to play it?
I every possible way minus the faggot options.
>What will be your stats and story?
I can't say until i start testing builds.
>Male or female?
Male first and if i hear that there are different scenes depending you the sex of the MC i'll do female too.
I'm preordering on GOG.
Is it not?
it has elements of psychopunk and biopunk and scifi
Yeah, so basically cyberpunk with more shit
there zero thing cyberpunk about it. its about mind powers and biological powers
I'm going blind on the first run, female obviously
I'll roleplay once I get a good grasp on the lore and story
And set in a cyberpunk city, in the first two tomes
this but max pain got put into a female ninja cyborg body
you mean a future city i.e. scifi.
havent read the manga btw so i'll rephrase and say the akira movie is NOT cyberpunk. the manga might have cyberpunk elements - i dont know
Better in denial than chopping off your dick and dressing in drag.
I'm fucking with you, also read the manga
What about the cyberpunk bikes?
What about the cyberpunk gun Kaneda uses?
What about the cyberpunk aesthetic of literally the whole movie?
Gonna make her a qt Lebanese girl that looks like this
>First playthrough
Goody two shoes male protag, turns down rewards if offered by someone less fortunate, generally just goes out of his way to help other people as much as possible.
>second playthrough
Evil female protag, as selfish as possible, NEVER turns down a reward no matter what.
looks like a mutt
>wasting two playthroughs on generic good and generic "evil"
Man, you must absolutely love Mass Effect.
>first playthrough soiboi
>second playthough badass womyn
maybe reddit is better suited to your tastes
>How are you going to play it?
>What will be your stats and story?
good ending, no lethat weapons
>Male or female?
Im a virgin, soo female
kuvittele haju
I'm going to play a Rockerboy.
Off yourself centrist fag.
A mostly straight white dude who fucks all the chicks he can(and maybe some girly boys if this game has some convincing traps/shemales)in between shooting people, breaking things and stealing other things.
Nicely done. Post more, now and when the game releases and you play through it
Int: 2 (I'm not big into books.)
Cool: 6 (You're gonna burn alright)
Tech: 6 (My vision is augmented)
Strength: 3 (Except send YOU back to the people. In a body bag!)
Constitution: 3 (You mechs may have copper wiring to re-route your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel.)
Reflexes: 5 (Take your best shot, Flatlander Woman.)
just be sure to use the GEP gun for a non lethal takedown
Going full CYBERBitch and I'm going to fuck as many other female characters as I can.
>what will be your story
Does it matter? Voiced protag = castrated roleplaying.